Composition of Happy Family (19 preferred)
Clouds and rain drifting
2023-08-18 02:07:42
primary school

Composition of Happy Family (1)

On this day, I had nothing to do, and played the game of drawing lots to form sentences with my parents.

Let's divide some pieces of paper into three parts and write down their names, where they are and what they are doing. After I wrote it, the game began.

I took three pieces of paper, put them on my chest, and prayed: "God, I have no grudges or enmities with you. Don't harm me." I opened it and almost burst into laughter. Pointing at the paper, I said, "Mom, in the iron pot, do the test!" Ha ha! After listening to this, my mother smiled bitterly and said, "Can I do it in an iron pot?" I replied, "I don't care, it's your destiny."

Then it was mother's turn to smoke. She took three, opened them, and said to me, "Evil is rewarded. Listen, 'Zhou Can, in the mud, reading'!" My nose was so angry that I turned sideways and shouted, "Don't count! Don't count! Do it again!" My mother was not happy, so I argued with you and me.

At this time, my father said, "Don't argue, ladies. My fate is definitely better than yours. Don't believe it! Look!" He opened it and looked silly. I grabbed it and read aloud: "Dad, on the street, swim!" Mom almost fell off her chair and said with a smile: "Your hometown is really capable of swimming in the street!" The three of us laughed and hugged.

This lottery game is really interesting. Even Sister Moon asked Feng Er to spread our laughter far, far

Composition of Happy Family (2)

Home is a haven from the wind; Home is a place full of happiness. Although my home is not very rich, it is happy.

A happy breakfast is the beginning of a wonderful day. Mom was busy in the kitchen when she suddenly screamed, as if time had stopped. My father hurried to the kitchen and said, "Be careful. If you are injured, my daughter and I will have instant noodles every day!" When I heard this, I quickly switched from the leisurely wake up mode to the kitchen and added, "Don't you still exist, Dad?" Mom and Dad smiled into two beautiful roses, They clicked my forehead: "You little devil, finally get up, go to dinner, it's almost time!" Although time is pressing, I still enjoyed the breakfast my mother made for me, and went to school energetically.

Even if the family lives a busy life, we can find fun in it. The riddle contest is the most enjoyable activity for us. Once, I racked my brains and came up with a question: "What is the safest ship?" I stared at my parents like an emperor looking down on his subjects. Although I was majestic, I was also nervous - afraid they would guess. I saw my parents frown and ponder for a while, while rubbing their hands and stamping their feet. After a while, my father carefully asked me: "Is it difficult to drive a ship?" I shook my head quickly: "No, No, No. "My mother patted me on the shoulder and said," Is that the spaceship? "After hearing this, I almost gushed blood:" Mommy, I can think of it, even more out of the question! "Looking at my parents' puzzled eyes, I couldn't help telling them the answer - the boat parked on the coast! After listening to this, Dad said in a humorous tone, "Well, how could you come up with such a difficult question!" But Mom suddenly realized and went back to the house to search for the more difficult riddle.

Composition of Happy Family (3)

We are dozens of children from different places and families. We get together in a class, a large family, and build a warm home with friendship and love.

In this big family, I have gained friendship. I still remember that when I was just in the first grade, I was not very talkative. When class was over, I always went to the school tree to find ants in silence and talk to ants about my heart. There were many small secrets hidden in the small holes of the tree. One morning, I was just about to put a small note into a small hole when several students came up to me and said, "Let's play together!", "Let's catch ants!", "Let's feed biscuits to ants!" In this way, we began to play games under the big tree. We were very happy! Since then, I will sing songs, clap my hands, play with my classmates, jump rope and play with them. I became cheerful and confident under the friendship of my classmates. In class, I find the happiness of friendship.

In this big family, we have learned to share difficulties. I still remember that in the singing contest, in order to win the first prize, we did so much preparation before the contest: in the self-study class, everyone sang hard; In her spare time, the female students carefully prepared costumes and props. Male students also practice skating hard to be brilliant. However, we failed. Everyone wept when we returned to the classroom. Several female students burst into tears, and the classroom was filled with sadness. The monitor stood on the platform and said loudly to the students, "What is a failure? Don't be sad, let's start again from the beginning!" So, the literary and art commissioner led us to repeat "Let's start again", and our melodious song sounded in the classroom, and happiness spread to every student's heart.

In this class, we also know how to share. Remember a snack party organized by our class. It was really a happy event. Some students brought candy cakes, some students brought fruit, and some students brought five colored glutinous rice made by their mother. All kinds of food were laid out on the desks. It was really tempting! Students scrambled to invite everyone to taste their own food. Good friends in twos and threes gathered in a circle to eat snacks, drink drinks and tell jokes. How happy! The joy of sharing reverberates in the classroom.

This is our class, a big family full of love, warmth and happiness. In this family, we are a loving family.

Composition of Happy Family (4)

Speaking of my home, it is decathlon, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! There are amiable grandfather, very thrifty grandmother, know it all father, excellent cooking mother, a little annoying but obedient sister, and I, the most mischievous person. Although we have so many people, we are very harmonious.

As the saying goes, "An old man is like a treasure." There are two treasures in our family, our grandfather and grandmother. Because I am the eldest grandson in the family, my grandfather and grandmother both love me very much. As long as people get old, they will become very thrifty. For example, my grandfather and grandmother. As long as things can be used, they will still stay and use them even if they are broken and old again. I really don't understand them.

Father and mother can be said to be the "tutors" of my sister and me! Because every time we ask them any question, we are sure to "answer every request", and Dad is a know it all. You can ask him any strange thing. Mom's cooking skill is even better. As long as you can say the name of the dish, she will make it. It's amazing.

My sister and I are the source of jokes at home. Everyone says that we are a pair of living treasures, but we two quarrel like water and fire every day, and sometimes even fight. However, we still help each other sometimes. For example, if one side makes a mistake, the other side will keep secrets.

Finally, I want to say that family members should help each other and unite as one, otherwise they will not be called family members.

Composition of Happy Family (5)

I am a humorous boy. I can always inadvertently mobilize the humor cells of my family to make them happy.

After returning home, I often tell my family some interesting stories about school. Like that time when Li Yiming ate in class, he was punished by the teacher and each of us bought the same food. As a result, he was willing to be punished, and at the same time, we enjoyed a big meal. My parents also laughed after listening.

"Hurry up," Happy Posthouse "is starting to be released!" I yelled, urging my parents to bring the dishes quickly. Who makes me a loyal audience of Happy Posthouse? Many of my humorous cells are created by it! For example, the latest brain teaser contest was launched by me: "Let me first announce the following rules: the first ten questions are scrambled for answers, and the correct answer will be increased by ten points. The second stage is a must answer question, with five questions for each person, 20 points for correct answers, and ten points for wrong answers. In the third stage, there is a question, and the one with low scores will answer. OK, now the contest begins!" I began to set a question: "Listen, let me set the first question: which is the longest, the water snake, the boa constrictor or the green bamboo snake?" My mother said confidently: "There is no doubt, it must be the boa constrictor!" "Wrong! Think again!" My father was also a little strange, so he applied for assistance - looking up information on the computer. Pointing to the evidence he found, he said, "Look, it says that the boa constrictor is the longest! How could it be wrong?" I looked at their silly faces and felt happy, but I pretended to be serious: "Sir and Madam, this is the scene of a brain teaser, not a science knowledge contest. Are you going to the wrong place?" Dad was stunned after listening to this, Then she immediately understood: "It's the green bamboo snake." "You are right, add ten points to Dad!" Then her mother argued: "It's obviously the longest python, how can it be the green bamboo snake?" "Mom, the length here is not the body length, but the length of the name!"

"Please listen to the second question." Mother, afraid of failing to hear the question clearly, stared at me closely, as if a hungry wolf had found a prey for several days. "How much is half of the eight?" Dad answered without thinking, "Four!" I shook my head. Or mother's brain turned quickly: "It's three or zero!" "Correct!" Dad regretted that, after all, this topic was asked in the crosstalk of Happy Posthouse! "Please listen to the third question: there is a rope ladder hanging beside the ship, which is two meters away from the sea. The sea water rises by half a meter every hour. The sea water can submerge the rope ladder in a few hours?" Dad calculated carefully: "Two divided by 0.5 points is four, so the answer is four hours." "Please think again! If this is the case, if the ship is ten meters high, it will sink in twenty hours!" Dad pondered for a while, and was about to answer, but his mother snatched him away: "Never drown the ladder!" "Right! Because the tide is rising!"

Soon, after ten questions, parents got 50 points each, and they were tied. At the second stage, I first gave my father a question: "Excuse me, IX - the Roman numeral represents 9. How can I add a stroke to make it even?" "This one? Add one?" "No! No! It's the Roman number plus one!" Dad was so worried that he scratched his ears and didn't know what to do. "Hurry up, there are still ten seconds left. Ten, nine... one. Time is up!" Dad had to admit defeat. "Let me tell you, IX plus' S' will become SIX. It means six in English. Isn't six even? " "No way, you can test my weakness!" Finally, Dad led by 30 points. I announced the rule of the third stage: "I asked my mother a question, and if I answered it correctly, 40 points will be added, and there will be two opportunities to answer it. Please listen to the question: there was an earthquake in some place, with heavy casualties, and the radio kept coming out. An old man has been listening to the report. Someone asked him: 'Is there any news about your grandson on the radio? ’He said, 'No, but I know my grandson must be safe.' How did he know? " My mother immediately frowned and thought hard. It was really funny. After tens of seconds of waiting, my mother finally said, "Is it because his grandson is somewhere else?" "No! What if his grandson just died?" My mother thought for a while: "His grandson is beside him?" "Congratulations! Wrong answer! The correct answer should be that the announcer is his grandson! I announced that Dad wins!" Dad jumped up happily. Then I presented prizes to the champion and runner up. The event was also successfully concluded.

There are many, countless examples like this, because I have created too much happiness for my family!

Composition of Happy Family (6)

Every day, my mother in the kitchen calls me from my dream with pots and pans, making me come home from my dream.

Home is a place for everyone to rely on. When I was young, my mother often sang the song "My father is a boat, my mother is a sail, carrying Chen Chen, and forming a happy family" gently, coaxing me into a sweet dream. Whenever I recall that my mother sang this song when I was young, I can't help but feel a kind of nostalgia for home.

At weekends

On weekends, I always want to sleep a little more, but my mother always wakes me up early. Who am I too fat? I take me to do morning exercises.

"First, run around the community." Mom said without running.

"I don't want to run."

"Run quickly," my mother told me with staring eyes.

"One two one, one two one..."

Finally, I got through the morning and did my homework when I got home. Mom and Dad began to busy lunch.

In the kitchen

The pots and pans crackled, my father put the prepared materials into the pot, and my mother was making delicious tomato and egg soup on the side, so greedy that I had to drool on the side, and had to silently tell myself that it was almost ready and wait for a while.

Ha ha, the hot food was finally served, which made my mouth water. I grabbed a sweet and sour spareribs into my mouth when I didn't wash my hands late. Wow! It was so hot that I had to keep blowing. When my father saw it, he laughed and said that my little greedy cat was asking for hardship. Who told me that I was greedy.

It's afternoon

My parents and I watch TV, surf the Internet and read books together. Sometimes my father will play chess with me, and my mother will speak some English with me to improve my English.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was time for dinner again, and Mom and Dad went to cook.

Under the moonlight

Walking in the moonlight is a very pleasant thing. My father's left hand and my mother's right hand hook my hands to form a harmonious family. We are all laughing.

Sweet dreams

With sweet memories, I fell asleep.

In my imagination, I want to say that only my happy family can shelter me from the wind and rain, and accompany me to grow happily. I will always love my home. I will work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, strive to build my home more beautiful and lovely with wisdom, and use my hardworking hands to make my happy home more beautiful.

Composition of Happy Family (7)

Some people's family style is warm and humorous... and my family is happy.

After lunch, my parents went to bed, and I hurried to ask them not to sleep, because I was afraid that their snoring would affect my TV watching. Just as I came to the bed and was about to speak, my father said to me, "Look, who has the longest legs between me and your mother?" Hi! What do you think I should do?

My mother urged me to hurry up, but I didn't know whose legs are long. I thought for a moment: if my father's legs are long, my mother would be very proud, and my father would be unhappy, saying that I always flatter my mother. If I say that my mother has long legs, my mother will say that I always flatter my father.

Father and mother seem to think: Yanyan must choose each other.

When I hesitated, a way suddenly flashed through my mind, that is to say goodbye, and then run out quickly.

So I used my method to do it, and it really worked.

When I left, my father and mother were laughing. I was wondering if it was so funny?

Composition of Happy Family (8)

Primary School Composition: My Happy Family

I live in a happy family, because of the kind parents, the lively sister, and of course, a naughty me.

It's true that Mom and Dad are kind! I remember that time, I failed the exam and only got 86.5 points. I thought I would be beaten, but my parents just said to work hard next time to get a good score. My parents' gentle smile made me no longer afraid. There is also love in the tenderness. That day, while I was doing the homework assigned by my teacher, I suddenly felt my leg hurt! When my parents learned the news, they ran to school regardless of the time, and my mother carried me to the nearby hospital. Although I was sweating hard, my mother did not slow down. Later, the doctor learned that I had a high fever and needed to rest. My mother carried me home step by step and fed me one mouthful at a time.

Sister is a lively and cheerful girl. We are twins. Although we love fighting occasionally, we still have a good relationship! If I have difficulties, you can help me. If you have problems, I can solve them. In short, we can help each other. That day, I took a pair of scissors to cut the window flower, but I didn't expect to cut my hands into "window flower". "Just in time" Mom and Dad were not at home, so I had to apply my own Band Aid! Suddenly, there was a pool of blood flowing from the wound. I cried in pain. My sister heard this and rushed to me and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? What's wrong with your hand?" I cried and said, "I accidentally cut my hand!" My sister helped me bandage the wound. I looked at her anxiously and smiled from the bottom of my heart -- I have a good sister!

What about me? It seems that they are mischievous and attractive. One day, my father pointed to my "sweetheart" -- the pet parrot, and said with a smile, "This' Maomao 'is very smart and naive!" When I heard this, I was not happy, and then said, "Hum! I am not the same? Am I not smart and naive?" My father then said, "Of course, it is also stupid! The lunch box will turn over as soon as you step on it, and you will fall over as soon as you turn around. " Before my father finished speaking, I took the lead: "In addition, I only learn from others." "Cut! I only learn from others, and I don't know how to cultivate my own strengths." My father and I began to "fight".

What about? Envy? Can anyone not envy such a family?

My happy family

Composition of Happy Family (9)

My hometown is in Heping County, Guangdong Province, where my father was born. There are birds singing and flowers fragrant, and trees are shaded. It's a good place.

One year, I returned to the countryside to worship the mountains. Early in the morning, my father woke me up and asked me to see what my hometown was like. I went down from the hotel and saw many chickens. There were big roosters, hens and chickens. I also found that there was a tall and big cock in front of me, whose height was up to my legs. His walking posture is very powerful, which reminds me of the powerful general in ancient times. I was wondering why there were so many chickens in the countryside, so I asked my father. My father told me that this is the case in the countryside. People in the countryside have to raise chickens as usual.

My father said to me, and asked me, "Have you found anything?" I looked and found nothing. After a while, I went out and looked. There were many people on the ground selling vegetables! I immediately ran back to my father and said, "Report! I found that there are many people setting up stalls on the ground!" After listening to my words of "setting up stalls", my father burst into laughter. He told me that it is not called setting up stalls, it is called morning market. He also said that morning market is the custom of rural people. In the morning, you will see many people selling vegetables and goods on the ground, But at noon, the morning market will stop.

The next day, my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, my cousin and cousin, as well as many relatives, went to my aunt's house together. We took a motorcycle along the way, and also took a motorcycle back. When we came here, I was so intoxicated by the beauty that I seemed to drink wine. There were herds of cattle and sheep, and many people were farming there. It's really a charming scenery.

Composition of Happy Family (10)

At night, because I was timid, I never slept in separate beds. I slept with my parents. At night, I also had the treatment that my children of the same age did not have. At night, I could see the 12 o'clock TV.

I like to watch the same TV as my mother every night, and that TV was recently broadcast ((see a dream again)).

I often feel sad for Lvping in the play, because her career and life happiness have been destroyed, and her leg was broken because of Chu Lian. I think it was not Chu Lian who hurt her, but her good sister Ziling. Because Ziling didn't let Chu Lian take Lvping to their river, Lvping broke one leg; When my mother and I saw Lv Ping taking revenge on Chu Lian, our mother and I said with one voice: "Great!"

I said to my mother, "Ziling is so hateful. How could she get happiness?"

Mother said: "In this TV play, Ziling shows a good role. She gives up her happiness to help her sister."

I said, "But her sister's leg was broken because of her. She was actually guilty."

Mom said, "Yes, but this is TV after all, and what it shows is not necessarily true."

The father said, "This TV play was written by Qiong Yao."

I asked my father, "Who is Qiong Yao?"

Her mother said, "Qiong Yao is a beautiful writer, and Ziling is also a writer in this book ((see a dream again)). She often thinks of something impossible in the dark, such as ghosts, or she will think of something too beautiful, which is what a writer should imagine."

At this time, I thought: I would become a writer when I grow up, and if I were a beautiful writer, because my imagination is also very rich, I also like to add many illusions to my composition, so that many readers will come to read my books, and a picture emerged in my mind: when I was 20 years old, I became a beautiful writer as famous as Qiong Yao, Many TV stations are eager to use my book to make a TV play. Many people come to ask me to sign their names. Even stars want to take pictures with me.

I now feel how beautiful the world is. Even if I can't be a beautiful writer, even if I am an ordinary writer, I really like writing.

Although I am a child, I have the judgment of an adult. No, I am more rational than some adults because I know what my dream is? My dream is to be a writer and an excellent beauty writer.

Composition of Happy Family (11)

Chapter 1: Happy Family

Speaking of this happy family, it is no worse than the "Happy Family" program on TV. This happy family is my home.

My mother likes learning best. It seems that she can't learn enough. She listens to English, reads Chinese and reads novels all day long. But the math was almost there. My father was the "math teacher" to teach my mother. My father is a super computer fan. He can also repair computers. My father's colleagues and friends find him to repair their computers if they have problems. So there are three fans in our family. My father is a computer fan, my mother is a big fan, and I am a small fan. I can't tell you all the interesting things about my family.

Although the three members of our family are not very good, we are very kind-hearted. Although my father has many habits, it is just his "habit". But he is very kind and humorous, which often makes us laugh. They often help people around them. The next thing I want to say is my mother. She loves shopping and smelling beautiful. She looks serious when she doesn't smile. In fact, she is more like a child, very democratic and cheerful.

My family often drives out to play. Every time we can have a good time. I feel happy and happy with my parents around. That feeling has always been with me.

I hope that happiness will stay in our home forever and never leave.

Chapter 2: Happy Family

In my family, there is pain and sorrow. But the most important thing is happiness.

I remember when I was a child, the most happy festival of the year, except the Spring Festival, was the Dragon Boat Festival. On that morning, our family got up at four o'clock and walked to Jiangbei Park. Along the way, the family talked and laughed, and met friends from time to time. Although the road is long, in our eyes, it is like a short path. When we arrived at Jiangbei Park, we went to the shop to buy some bread, and then we went to play various interesting games together. At that time, there was a new and exciting game. I looked at the screaming people sitting on it with envy. Dad looked at it and said, "Let's go and play with it!" I ran to ask how much it cost. After listening, I almost fainted and asked for 50 yuan! After telling Dad the amazing price, Dad hesitated for a while and finally agreed. But I still don't want to go, because my father's monthly salary is only 1000 yuan, plus his neck is defective, he even has the heart to spend so much money to make me happy! I was so moved that I didn't know what to do. With my father's persuasion, I played that exciting game with my father. But when we finished playing, we found that mother was not where we waited for her at the beginning. My father and I shouted our mother's name, very worried. Finally, I found my mother in a place selling bracelets for the Dragon Boat Festival. It turns out that my mother is buying bracelets for my father and me. My father and I were a little angry, but there was a trace of happiness in the atmosphere.

My family has brought me countless happiness, and my family has brought me a pair of beautiful wings, which makes me fly to the kingdom of happiness.

Chapter 3: Happy Family

I live in a happy and happy family with my father, mother and me. There are many happy things in this happy family.

There is one thing I can't forget. On the night of my birthday, my father bought a birthday cake for me. When I saw the cake on the table, my mouth couldn't help drooling. When I saw the beautiful cake, I couldn't bear to eat it. It was so beautiful, and I couldn't bear it. When I made a choice between not eating and eating, my father turned off the bright light, and the room became dark immediately, Dad lit the candles on the birthday cake. Suddenly, all the candles opened and turned into a flower, and the music of happy birthday sounded. Our whole family gathered around the table and sang the song "Happy Birthday to You". The song echoed in the room for a long time. I began to blow out the candles. I silently made a good wish, and I blew out all the candles in one breath. I smiled happily. My father cut the cake, and I gave it to my father and my mother each. Looking at my father, my mother tasted it with relish. When she looked at my wolfing appearance, there was a lot of cream on my mouth, like a white beard. I was very happy. My parents were also too happy to close their mouths. Happy laughter came from time to time in the warm room. This is my home. My parents love me. They have paid a lot for their home. They have paid all their love and everything.

It was late at night, but the happy, hearty laughter flew out of my home and floated around.

I grow up healthily and happily in this happy and happy family.

Composition of Happy Family (12)

It was a sunny afternoon, and the scenery outside was beautiful beyond words. But my family is engaged in a war without gunsmoke. Let me introduce the "war situation" to you!

Originally, under the arrangement of her family, her mother and aunt would have a cooking contest and decide who would choose the best name. But because of my brother's words, the whole family lost their appetite. My father set a question and let my mother stir fry a dish of blood curd. After mom fried it, let's taste it. The elder brother came to Yaxing and gave Xuewang a "nice" name - "broken bodies", a family anecdote. The original red blood curd, green and white scallion, attractive fragrance, disappeared in an instant. An hour later, no one dared to eat. I slapped my forehead and said to my aunt, "Make a bowl of fish soup for us to drink.

Alas! Brother, what crime should you commit! However, although we didn't taste delicious food this time, we were very happy. Because I have a naughty brother who brings happiness to our family!

Composition of Happy Family (13)

Chen Sichen

My father and mother have divorced. I followed my mother, and my brother followed my father. Because my father stayed at home all day and did nothing, my brother came to live with us. The three of us are very happy and happy.

We live in the "Happy Lane" community. Mother often takes us to travel, such as Huizhou, Chaozhou, Dongshan Island. If there are delicious moms, they will let us go. If there are funny moms, they will take us to play.

Once my mother took us to the air factory to play. My brother and I jumped up happily. When we entered the factory, we had to bring bracelets. One bracelet cost 4 yuan, and we also had to buy a pair of socks. Each pair of socks cost 10 yuan. There are jump beds inside. After jumping up, some will fall into the square. The square is soft, and some will stick to the wall. There are also devil slides, which are very scary, and spider webs, which will fall into black holes if you jump down.

Mom also took us to barbecue. It was the happiest and happiest activity in my life. I love my home, it gives me happiness.

[Happiness from my family]

Lin Shengzhe

Home is a haven; Home is the habitat of the soul; Home is the most solid spiritual pillar. I love my home, it gives me happiness, let me have the power to move forward.

I live in a happy and warm family. My family has a dexterous mother, an approachable father, a naughty brother, and a so-called smart ghost of me.

During the summer vacation, our family went to the seaside to play together. My brother and I were very happy.

My brother and I wish we had super power to fly to the seaside in an instant. Full of expectations, we fell asleep. I don't know how long it took us to get to the beach. As soon as we got out of the car, we heard waves nearby. We went to the dressing room to change our clothes and then went to the beach. As the sun was blazing, we could not go into the water, so we piled sand on the beach to play, and our family worked together to build a castle. In a short time, a luxurious castle appeared in front of us! People around cast envious glances. "Bang --" A wave came up and knocked out our masterpiece.

When the sun began to soften, I jumped into the sea. After swimming for a while, I was so tired that I gasped and drank several mouthfuls of water. I found the power of the sea was too fierce. When I sat down quietly, I heard the whole sea full of laughter.

My parents not only take us out to play, but also often take me to participate in various recreational activities. Living in such a warm family, I feel really happy. I love my family.

Composition of Happy Family (14)

My father is the chairman of both companies. He likes eating fish and reading books. He is also strict and loves me very much. I remember one time, when my father took me to swim, because my eyes were bad and I needed massage, my father only let me swim 6 times.

My mother works in FAW Volkswagen. She is very busy and always works in the morning and gets off work late. She likes singing, snacks and chili dishes. She is very gentle and cares about me. I remember once, when I was eating an apple, I accidentally knocked my chin and bled a lot. Mom and Dad were very anxious to take me to the Eighth Hospital for stitches.

Grandma is a hardworking old bee in our family. She likes eating pomelos and playing computer games. Grandpa likes fishing and eating chili dishes. I am a very clever pupil. I like eating snacks, singing and painting.

This is my happy and happy family.

Composition of Happy Family (15)

My mother loved reading when she was young. Because she read too much, she wore glasses. My father likes playing chess. He can play any kind of chess and often teaches me how to play chess. I like painting. Whenever I have time, I will draw some strange things. Dad has a very good character and never loses his temper, while Mom is very strict and glares round when she is angry, which may be related to her work.

Dad is very busy with his work, but he still has time to send me to school every day. As for my mother, she is also very busy with her work. She teaches students at school during the day and cares about my study when she comes home at night. Once, when I was at home, I saw a lot of dirty clothes at home, so I took them out and washed them. I was drying clothes, when I heard the door open with a "click", it was my father who came back. I am very happy to see that I can wash clothes by myself and praise that I have grown up.

This morning, my parents got up early so that I could watch the sunrise in Boxing, woke me up and took me out of the house. We walked and watched the sunrise. How sweet!

At home, they chat and read with me when they have time. We will travel during the holidays. My parents took me to Qingdao for two or three days during the holiday on October 1 this year. After coming back, I felt that I had gained a lot of knowledge. I also wrote two essays, and I felt pretty good about myself.

Usually, my parents and I often joke. At this time, we are equal, and we can even call them by their first names. At this time, the family is always full of laughter.

Composition of Happy Family (16)

I live in a happy and happy family. My family happily lives together every day. I live with my parents. Every morning, my father gets up to cook for us. When the meal is ready, he calls us to get up for dinner. My mother also gets up very early, and then washes clothes and mops the floor. Because my house is equipped with wooden floors, it can be seen that there is a little dust, Mom basically cleans every day, what about me? Of course I'm sleeping.

It was summer vacation. My parents said they would take me to Hangzhou. I was very happy to hear that. I went to Hangzhou by bus with my parents. As the saying goes, "There is paradise on the top, and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom." I think the scenery of Hangzhou must be very good. My father told me that the West Lake in Hangzhou is the most famous, so we went to the West Lake. We walked beside the West Lake, where several willows stood up, weeping willows washed their hair in the water. There were many lotus flowers in the water, lotus leaves, and when the wind blew, the lotus seemed to dance in the water. Looking at it, we felt like I was a lotus in the West Lake, and also danced with the music of the wind, I seem to be in the scene. My father called me, and I woke up. After visiting for a while, I was hungry too. At noon, my father took me and my mother to a restaurant to have a meal. My father ordered all my favorite dishes. My father and mother gave me delicious dishes. I could not finish eating. The bowls were protruding. After the meal was finished. After my father paid the bill, I didn't go to the West Lake. I continued to visit. My father took several photos for my mother and me. I saw a tower across the bridge, and we went there together. The tower was on the mountain, and we climbed and climbed! When we finally arrived, our feet were numb. We walked into the tower and there were many Bodhisattva statues in it. We bowed down and donated 10 yuan to the "merit box". Then we went to play elsewhere and went home.

Our family enjoyed the trip to Hangzhou!

Happy family

Where does a wonderful family come from? What can a good family bring to us?

A happy family represents how happy it is to have an excellent father, a clever mother, and a lovely and obedient child!

On a beautiful Saturday night, we finished the dinner made by my mother. It must be delicious! We walked into Mom and Dad's clean room, which was earned by Mom and Dad's hard work. At this time, our family of 4 had to play the interesting game of "369". The rule was that the game with 3, 6 and 9 would be "bounced out of the card" by other people, and 369 would clap. Hee hee, we all look at each other with our own eyes, "1" Dad said, "2" Mom said. Ka eraser, I clapped my hand, "four" my brother said with a smile. "5" my father said quickly, "6" my mother said carelessly, "ha ha!" my brother said, "my mother is going to be" the card will be bounced out again "!" Without saying a word, Dad used the "Superman Pillow", ohmyGod. The "Pillow Battle" is about to start again. The continuous "popping" sounds are really a fierce "war". After a while, the "war" ended, and a competition came again. Mother said: "28." The younger brother said: "29"! I cried out hurriedly: "Wrong! Hee hee!" My brother turned his eyes and said: "Let me go, erudite father, ingenious mother and beautiful sister!" I immediately replied: "Good antonym!"? Because my brother wanted to escape, so, heeheehee!

The final victory is my father's, but through this game, I feel the freedom and happiness of the family!

Composition of Happy Family (17)

After returning home, I often tell my family some interesting stories about school. Like that time when Li Yiming ate in class, he was punished by the teacher and each of us bought the same food. As a result, he was willing to be punished, and at the same time, we enjoyed a big meal. My parents also laughed after listening.

"Hurry up," Happy Posthouse "is starting to be released!" I yelled, urging my parents to bring the dishes quickly. Who makes me a loyal audience of Happy Posthouse? Many of my humorous cells are created by it! For example, I launched the latest brain teaser race:

"Let me first announce the rules: the first ten questions are for grabbing the answers, and those who answer correctly will be given ten points. The second stage is a must answer question, with five questions for each person, 20 points for correct answers, and ten points for wrong answers. In the third stage, there is a question, and those who score low will answer. OK, now the game begins!" I began to set the question: "Listen, I will set the first question: which is the longest, water snake, boa constrictor, or bamboo snake?" Mother said with confidence: "No doubt, it must be a boa constrictor!" "Wrong! Think about it again!" Dad was also a little strange, so he applied for assistance - check the information on the computer. Pointing to the evidence he found, he said, "Look, it says that the boa constrictor is the longest! How could it be wrong?" I looked at their silly faces and felt happy, but I pretended to be serious: "Sir and Madam, this is the scene of a brain teaser, not a science knowledge contest. Are you going to the wrong place?" Dad was stunned after listening to this, Then she immediately understood: "It's the green bamboo snake." "You are right, add ten points to Dad!" Then her mother argued: "It's obviously the longest python, how can it be the green bamboo snake?" "Mom, the length here is not the body length, but the length of the name!"

"Please listen to the second question." Mother, afraid of failing to hear the question clearly, stared at me closely, as if a hungry wolf had found a prey for several days. "How much is half of the eight?" Dad answered without thinking, "Four!" I shook my head. Or mother's brain turned quickly: "It's three or zero!" "Correct!" Dad regretted that, after all, this topic was asked in the crosstalk of Happy Posthouse! "Please listen to the third question: there is a rope ladder hanging beside the ship, which is two meters away from the sea. The sea water rises by half a meter every hour. The sea water can submerge the rope ladder in a few hours?" Dad calculated carefully: "Two divided by 0.5 points is four, so the answer is four hours." "Please think again! If this is the case, if the ship is ten meters high, it will sink in twenty hours!" Dad pondered for a while, and was about to answer, but his mother snatched him away: "Never drown the ladder!" "Right! Because the tide is rising!"

Soon, after ten questions, parents got 50 points each, and they were tied. At the second stage, I first gave my father a question: "Excuse me, IX - the Roman numeral represents 9. How can I add a stroke to make it even?" "This one? Add one?" "No! No! It's the Roman number plus one!" Dad was so worried that he scratched his ears and didn't know what to do. "Hurry up, there are still ten seconds left. Ten, nine... one. Time is up!" Dad had to admit defeat. "Let me tell you, IX plus' S' will become SIX. It means six in English. Isn't six even? " "No way, you can test my weakness!" Finally, Dad led by 30 points. I announced the rule of the third stage: "I asked my mother a question, and if I answered it correctly, 40 points will be added, and there will be two opportunities to answer it. Please listen to the question: there was an earthquake in some place, with heavy casualties, and the latest news is constantly coming out on the radio. An old man has been listening to the report. Someone asked him: 'Is there any news about your grandson on the radio? ’He said, 'No, but I know my grandson must be safe.' How did he know? " My mother immediately frowned and thought hard. It was really funny. After tens of seconds of waiting, my mother finally said, "Is it because his grandson is somewhere else?" "No! What if his grandson just died?" My mother thought for a while: "His grandson is beside him?" "Congratulations! Wrong answer! The correct answer should be that the announcer is his grandson! I announced that Dad wins!" Dad jumped up happily. Then I presented prizes to the champion and runner up. The event was also successfully concluded.

There are many, countless examples like this, because I have created too much happiness for my family!

Composition of Happy Family (18)

Life is a state of mind, and life is an experience. Life is idle, life is hard, and it is a feeling of entrepreneurship; Life is a treasure hunt, life is close to nature; Life is grab and possession, life is mutual aid and dedication.

I think life is the happiness of the family. My family is different from others': my father is the chairman, my brother and I are the prime minister, and my mother is the masses. My home is like a calm sea, and occasionally a few waves will appear.

My father is a very sanitary person. As soon as I got home, I began to mop the floor and clean the table... I never stopped working. My mother in the kitchen may be too busy. She cooks there and washes dishes here. She doesn't know what to do. After a while, she yells, "Oh, why do I treat sugar as salt?" Then she asks her father to help. But my father shouted: "I do my thing, and you do your thing, isn't it good?" "You can't come, or I won't finish with you." Mother raised her voice and said. Dad refused to be outdone: "It's not that I don't come, but that I don't have to come." Seeing this scene, I had to do something. I thought: if I helped the masses, I would be afraid that the chairman would step down; They helped the chairman, but they were afraid that the masses would be angry. Am I the Prime Minister! I stood in the living room and shouted, "OK, OK, it's time to cook..." Before I finished speaking, my mother stood beside me and became complacent. "But now mopping the floor can save time. As the saying goes, every inch of time is worth an inch of money. Every inch of money can't buy an inch of time." Speaking of this, Dad smiled. "So stop arguing and cherish the good times. Dad, you do your work, and I will help Mom." After listening to my words, everyone turned back and walked away. Alas, seeing that the matter was calm, I rushed to the kitchen.

It's winter, so cold! Wearing a thick padded jacket, I was still shivering with cold all the way. Before I entered the room, I heard my loud mother yelling, "Hey, look what you look like! It's like rags, and you've lost someone..." Oh, my parents quarreled again. I walked into the room three steps at a time, and my mother was constantly scolding my father. Dad stood as if nothing had happened, with a new casual cotton padded jacket on the bed.

Mom started the "barrage" again: "Look at your virtue. Your clothes are worn, rotten and faded. I will buy you a new one. It's warm and generous, and I can't bear to wear it! If this goes on, I will fire you sooner or later!" Indeed, Dad's clothes are really a little shabby. No wonder Mom is angry quickly. At this time, the simple father who always believed in "silence is golden" finally said, "That coat is more than 100 yuan. If you can eat meat once a day, you will not finish it by the New Year, and my son will be fat..." "Go away, eat! Eat! You are as thin as a log! You see, I can't afford to wear a suit and tie. If I buy it for you, I will not go out with you in the future Mother's eloquence is really good. "Hum, if I don't dress well, I will be clean. I don't pretend to be a foreigner. I will wear last year's clothes for the Spring Festival this year, which is more than 100 yuan. It's better to save meat." Dad always insisted on what he had seen. "Bah! You should stay at home for the New Year, so as not to be looked down upon by others!" Mother is quick to talk. Dad asked my brother and I a little seriously, "Can you insist on not eating meat? If you can, I will wear it." "Yes!" Two mouths and one voice. "You two..." Dad smiled bitterly. Mother giggled.

Life is simple.

Composition of Happy Family (19)

In this big family, I have gained friendship. I still remember that when I was just in the first grade, I was not very talkative. When class was over, I always went to the school tree to find ants in silence and talk to ants about my heart. There were many small secrets hidden in the small holes of the tree. One morning, I was just about to put a small note into a small hole when several students came up to me and said, "Let's play together!", "Let's catch ants!", "Let's feed biscuits to ants!" In this way, we began to play games under the big tree. We were very happy! Since then, I will sing songs, clap my hands, play with my classmates, jump rope and play with them. I became cheerful and confident under the friendship of my classmates. In class, I find the happiness of friendship.

In this big family, we have learned to share difficulties. I still remember that in the singing contest, in order to win the first prize, we did so much preparation before the contest: in the self-study class, everyone sang hard; In her spare time, the female students carefully prepared costumes and props. Male students also practice skating hard to be brilliant. However, we failed. Everyone wept when we returned to the classroom. Several female students burst into tears, and the classroom was filled with sadness. The monitor stood on the platform and said loudly to the students, "What is a failure? Don't be sad, let's start again from the beginning!" So, the literary and art commissioner led us to repeat "Let's start again", and our melodious song sounded in the classroom, and happiness spread to every student's heart.

In this class, we also know how to share. Remember a snack party organized by our class. It was really a happy event. Some students brought candy cakes, some students brought fruit, and some students brought five colored glutinous rice made by their mother. All kinds of food were laid out on the desks. It was really tempting! Students scrambled to invite everyone to taste their own food. Good friends in twos and threes gathered in a circle to eat snacks, drink drinks and tell jokes. How happy! The joy of sharing reverberates in the classroom.

This is our class, a big family full of love, warmth and happiness. In this family, we are a loving family.