What words do I have (15 preferred)
Say goodbye to the past
2024-04-01 05:49:54

What words do I have (1)

Why 800 words in composition (1)

800 words of composition on tolerance

800 words of composition on tolerance

Because the earth contains grass and flowers, they bloom brightly; Because the sky contains birds, so the birds are happy; Because the sea contains fish, so fish are happy. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In any case, people should learn to be tolerant.

At noon in a scorching sun, the dazzling sun baked people hot, like swarms of ants, making people breathless. The palm sized leaves block a small part of the sun, and the mottled shadows of the trees fall on the ground.

This hot weather is always annoying. Walking alone in the path of the campus, my heart was complaining.

Suddenly, the sun stabbed my eyes in an instant. Suddenly, something pushed me hard, and I fell heavily on the ground.

Who? Feelings of discontent ignite in the heart.

When I opened my eyes, I found that it was a girl of my grade with a ponytail.

He kept bowing his head and apologizing to me, and picked up the fallen books. I became impatient and shouted to her: Watch your step in the future, don't run around! Yes, she whispered. Maybe because it was too hot, I turned around and walked back.

When I got home, I told my mother the whole story. I thought my mother would help me to redress the grievances. What was my opinion of that girl? Unexpectedly, I was taught a lesson: How can you talk about others like that? Are you right? You should understand tolerance!

Suddenly, I woke up.

I blushed and bowed my head. My heart was full of infinite guilt and sadness. When I think of that scene, I feel that it has left me a deep lesson. Since then, I have learned tolerance and forgiveness.

In any case, people should learn to be tolerant. As Beijingers, we should be more tolerant of people around you. The earth contains flowers, and flowers bloom brilliantly. I believe that the earth will also be brilliant; The sky contains birds, and the birds are happy. I believe that the sky is also very happy; The sea contains the fish, and the fish are happy. I believe that the sea will also be happy.

Why 800 words in composition (2)

Life is wonderful because of cherishing 800 words of composition

Life is wonderful because of cherishing 800 words of composition

If life is a solemn castle, if life is a luxuriant tree, if life is a soaring eagle. Then treasure is the beam and column of the dome, the deep roots, and the flapping wings. Without treasure, the power of life will disappear. Without treasure, the splendor of life will disappear to the west. Those who once thought that they had been engraved in life at the beginning of their destiny were washed away by time without leaving any trace. Although they occasionally replayed some old movies in their minds, they forgot more.

I may be regarded as a person who likes the new and hates the old. Only when we meet again, can we find the lost life and the lost beauty.

Seven years ago, when I returned to my old house, it was no longer a vibrant scene. Except for the old, I kept the original appearance, but stubbornly felt that everything had become strange. The colors that stood before were all painted with bright color paint on the repressed buildings. The tall French plane trees that witnessed our growth have disappeared, and we can only identify our own place by vague memory, leaving only the rusty and creaking iron swings in memory reverberating alone.

Maybe I am too used to the feeling of ownership, and I am a little numb to the old things, but I am used to accepting them in silence, and to everything my parents give me. But I only know how to love and cherish them when I find them haggard.

Now, memory is like air attacking every cell, which is clearly displayed in front of us. I still stand at the window that can clearly see the primary school corridor many years ago, but I can no longer see the similar frolic figure; Still looking at the unchanging vanishing point, but I can no longer see the lush trees; It still keeps the same looking down angle as before, but now it is standing, standing on the bench and supporting the window frame with difficulty and trembling. This is life. As long as you have a heart that knows how to cherish, you will reap the original splendor of life.

When I drew my eyes back to the room, I suddenly found that there was something shocking on the messy ground - two dolls of many years ago sitting quietly, whose appearance was almost forgotten by me. Seeing them, I seemed to see my past. The doll's clothes are worn out and have long lost their bright colors. A touch of warmth spread gently, and turned into warm liquid slowly across the corner of the eye, light and without reason.

I missed too many things to cherish, the dolls that once comforted me, the wooden windows that opened my eyes, and the people who taught me

Thank you, my life is wonderful because of you, thank you for letting me know how to cherish.

Why 800 words in composition (3)

If one day you want to cry and call me, I can't promise to make you laugh, but I can cry with you. The basic of being strong is to smile. After wearing the mask for a long time, it becomes the skin ≈<<"Three cabins of spirit">>

Bi Shumin said in Three Cabins of Spirit: Spirit has three rooms. The first room is full of our love and hate; The second room is for our cause; The third room is for us.

There are also three cottages in our hearts.

The first room is full of our suffering. The small island turtles in the South Pacific can survive in the competition only through constant pecking by eagles. The turtles without any sense of suffering will eventually become the food of the eagle. Pebbles that have not been eroded by running water will not shine brightly; Trees that have not been baptized by wind and rain will not grow green in the wind and rain; Humans who have not been baptized by suffering will not be more upright in front of nature.

Su Shi was exiled and demoted many times throughout his life, but his heart always carried the suffering. Su Dongpo, who was demoted to Huangzhou after the "Wutai Poem Case", was still optimistic about the suffering. In a letter to his friend Li Chang, he wrote, "Although he was demoted here, if there are people who respect their masters and people, this is the record". This is the philosophy of a generation of great writers, who put suffering in their hearts and face life with a smile.

The second room is full of our thoughts. The young turtles who accept the wrong information rush to the beach without their own thinking, and will be devastated if they wait for them. For a person, it is wise to think before making a decision. French writer Pascal said in his "Man is a thinking reed": "Man is the most vulnerable reed in nature, but man is a thinking reed".

As an old saying goes: Think twice before you act, think fully, and then you can clear the obstacles in the process of moving. Pang Juan did not think deeply, but believed in the plan designed by Sun Bin, so he had the regret of "Pang Juan died under this tree". But Ma Yi did not think carefully, but believed in Kong Ming's plan of empty city, so he had the eternal regret of having a heavy army and causing defeat. It was because of many times of thinking and daring to deny the predecessors that Archimedes was given a lever, he could pry up the whole earth, and Cavendish was given a great name, he could call the legend of the quality of the earth.

The third room is for us. Even young turtles can shrink back in time of crisis and re-examine the world. As human beings with mature minds, they should put themselves in a correct position. They can think and find a way out even if they have difficulties. I firmly believe that I am the master of myself. Although I am disappointed, I do not despair.

The Jin Dynasty was dark and the court was corrupt. All of them had their own "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" singing their own life values in a troubled world. Then there were Ji Kang's bamboo forest ironmaking, Guangling's swan song, Ruan Ji's cry of "When there is no hero, the upright will become famous", and Liu Ling's dance with the pole and the singing of the song.

The three cabins of the spirit need a soul that can bear hardships as a pillar, a brain that can think twice when encountering problems as a beam, and finally build three cabins with clear windows and full of sunshine by taking oneself as the wall!

<<How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the storm>>

The eagle flying in the vast sky must have experienced the pain of its mother eagle falling down the cliff countless times before it forged a pair of wings in the air.

A shining pearl must have experienced countless wriggles of the clam's body and countless waves to shine.

Similarly, a truly successful person must stand up again after countless falls, because "how can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed".

Shi Tiesheng fell and lost his legs, which was a heavy blow to anyone. But instead of losing confidence in life, he used his brain and hands to express his infinite love for life.

Beethoven was blind and deaf, but he still wrote a lot of music works such as Hero and Destiny. In the misfortune of life, he tenaciously grasped the "throat of destiny".

These were all people who had fallen, but they stood up firmly, fought against fate and misfortune, and finally achieved great success.

So for each of us, wrestling is not terrible. What is terrible is that you lose confidence and courage in life.

Bing Xin said, "People only admire the flower of success for its present brilliance! However, its original bud was soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice."

Therefore, each of us should not be depressed when facing misfortune, because we may hold any chain of life after changing our mentality.

Just like the boy in the picture, after wrestling, we should boldly say, "It's no big deal" to all the inquiries from teachers, parents and society

Because life is our own, and our destiny is in our own hands, our mentality and our choices determine the direction of life.

Frustration is a wealth of life and a good medicine to promote your success. How can flowers that do not experience wind and rain be gorgeous? How can a life without suffering emit dazzling brilliance?

As Hong Zhanhui, a person who touched China in 2005, said: "It is our responsibility to face difficulties and solve them.". As a new generation of young people, we should understand that wrestling is not terrible, just as we always have the courage to sing this song: How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed!

I want to say, how can a person grow up without going through many falls and getting up after many falls? Wrestling is also a kind of happiness. The wind and rain are just the omen of the rainbow after the rain!

<<Don't say "no" easily>>

Saying no is a refusal. Because you don't like it, or you don't need it, or you hurt your self-esteem, you choose to refuse, and you say, "No! I don't need it!"

To say no is to give up. You have suffered a lot in your unremitting pursuit, and even experienced hardships. When you are one step away from success, you can't persist. You look painful and shake your head helplessly: "No, I can't."

Saying no is a counterattack. Perhaps, you have suffered too many misunderstandings that cannot be explained clearly; Maybe you have suffered too much humiliation that only you know; Maybe you can't stand those irresponsible accusations anymore. Finally, you are so angry that you burst out with a roar: "No! Shut up!"


No one can deny that saying no is a natural human right and your birthright. You can say no under various circumstances. However, as your sincere friend, I still want to tell you seriously: "Don't say no easily."

The reason is simple: just as you can't stand the noise and dust outside the window and close the window, you refuse to open the window and all the bright moon and clear breeze, birds singing and flowers fragrant; Just like "you should try your best even if there is a glimmer of hope", since you have been digging in the ruins for more than ten hours with anxiety and sweat, you will never give up at the last moment for the life struggling in the dark; Just as our country still smiles and patiently explains that "Tibet is an inherent territory of China" when facing so many people who do not know the truth and make accusations, we can suppress the grievances and anger in our hearts, because we understand that simply saying no cannot convince others.

In fact, the Book of Changes, one of the Chinese traditional classics, has long told us to master the humanity of heaven and earth and teach us to cultivate our moral character by virtue of the law of "living and living" of yin and yang, and then we can "be reconciled to morality and justified in righteousness". The "gentleness, courtesy, frugality and comity" advocated by Confucianism emphasizes that a person, especially a cultured Chinese, must hide his strength and bide his time, be submissive and tolerant. Only in this way can he live in harmony with the people around him and be harmonious - which is also the necessity of building a harmonious society advocated by our country. Frequently saying no will only lead to more disagreements, making everyone unhappy and resentful.

Even so, my friend, I still want to tell you: Don't say no easily, not don't say no. When it's time to say no, you must say "no!" loudly and unequivocally

Just as Qu Yuan could no longer bear the infatuation of King Huai of Chu and was unwilling to join forces with the treacherous and sycophantic people, he threw a torrent of anger at him with a body of five feet, thus

What words do I have (2)

Home is sweet, sweet and joyful. But my home is busy, because this "home" is my school!

In the morning, as soon as I got to "home", the reader "brother" shouted: "Read quickly, and then grind the chirp, and write your name on the blackboard!" Silent, I had to take out the Chinese book from the book and read it aloud, but "brother" shouted again: "Stand up and read the book, or keep your eyes away from the book!" "Jingling, jingling," the bell rang after class, and the math team leader "sister" asked me to hand in my homework again. I took out my homework, and the math team leader "sister" left satisfied. At this time, the head teacher of the "head of the family" walked up to the platform and said, "Today's Chinese homework will not be accepted, but it will be taught in the afternoon." At this time, the head of the Chinese team, "Sister", who was preparing to accept the homework, had no choice but to go back to her seat and start writing reading notes.

"Hello!" My brother at the same table was calling me to write a composition. I turned my head and found that he wore a new pair of glasses today. He was very particular. I deliberately said, "Ugly, too ugly!" This sentence made him laugh and cry, and I couldn't help laughing. At this time, the math teacher "Dad" walked onto the platform with a large stack of exercise books in his arms and kindly said, "There is no class in this class and some people do supplementary exercises. Some people have poor foundation, but we should remember that" no pain, no gain "must work hard!" After listening, I found that my deskmate "brother" was about to finish half of the writing. I immediately picked up my pen and rushed to write. The teacher "father" smiled with satisfaction when he saw that our competition was so fierce. In English class, "Mom" finally showed up! Look! The fluent English of "mother" convinced foreigners. She began to speak English again, and we all listened attentively.

This is my big family, warm and harmonious, let us grow happily. I love this family!

What words do I have (3)

Everyone has their own aspirations when they are young, and of course I am no exception. When I was very young, about five or six years old, my cousin and cousin were already in primary school. I envy them very much.

They go to school smiling with their schoolbags on their backs. I think going to school is a very happy thing. They go home from school, put down their bags, take out their books and homework to do their homework. I find it interesting again. They are really gods. They can not only understand words I don't know, but also write down so many words and pictures quickly.

I really admire them. How I wish I could become a student, like them, carrying a schoolbag, joking, reading and doing homework at school. Sometimes, I can't help asking my cousin for homework. However, they all said: Cousin, you are too young. When you grow up, you will be able to go to school to study and do your homework.

Whenever I hear this sentence, I think to myself, I must grow up quickly, so that my cousin and cousin will not have to read and do homework. Once, they came home from school and did their homework again. As usual, I moved a small stool, and then I stood on the stool to watch them do their homework. Looking at it, I suddenly saw a circle like a duck egg on my cousin's exercise book. I patted my cousin on the shoulder and asked, "What are the duck eggs in your book?" I also showed her my little finger. My cousin put down his pen and said to me, "This is not a duck egg. This is the Arabic numeral zero commonly used in mathematics!"! I can understand mathematics, but I don't know what Arabic numerals are. However, in order not to let my cousin see that I don't know anything, I pretended to know it clearly and nodded. Now, I have grown up and became a brother in the fifth grade.

My childhood wish has already come true. But I will continue to work hard, roaming in the ocean of knowledge and learning more knowledge and skills.

What words do I have (4)

There is neither Chen Ya's talent that I envy nor Liu Qingli's beautiful appearance, but I have my brilliance, just like there will be a small beautiful flower in an ordinary environment.

When I was young, I didn't have any special skills, but it was in an art class that I made a connection with painting. From that day on, I tried hard to practice and draw according to the book. Finally, I can begin to draw beautiful patterns. It can be said that I didn't paint very well at that time. But painting has left a shadow in my heart, a very beautiful shadow.

Later, I transferred to another school, and I stopped painting in the fourth grade. However, just after a semester, I picked up the brush again

Now, I often have white paper and a mechanical pencil in my drawer. I don't know why. But I never dare to participate in any competition. Maybe it's because I'm not confident. I remember when I was young, the school had a painting competition. On that day, the art teacher gave me and some people a piece of paper and asked us to participate. Anything can be painted. This kind of thing is very simple for me. However, when I was painting at home, I held the pen tightly and stayed there for a long time, until the sweat filled my whole palm, I came back to myself. However, I just came back to my senses, and my thoughts immediately ran away, just like a running wild horse, I couldn't pull it back if I wanted to. In this way, after a few hours, I could not draw it down. Finally, I had to tell the teacher that I didn't want to participate.

You might say, what's so scary about the game? Just draw. But I can't draw it. Maybe it's because I draw for myself.

However, painting is my only highlight, and it also lights up my life. It has become a colorful rainbow in my life.

What words do I have (5)

My hometown is a small village in Wuwei City, Gansu Province. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery, and a wide variety of fruits. The people there are simple, kind and hospitable. But there is only no developed technology and culture. Everyone's food and clothing are not very good. Children don't have good teachers and schools to go to school. It is difficult for people to work and get jobs. However, Hangzhou, my second hometown, is becoming more and more international, industrialized and full of high-rise buildings. Hangzhou's rural areas have also become "happy villages" through garbage classification, sewage treatment, housing renovation, etc. I have a dream that in the future, I will make my small contribution to make my hometown a metropolis like Hangzhou.

During the short and long vacation, Mr. Zhao asked our class to read a book called "Building Dreams on the Road". There was an article in it, which said that China should achieve national progress together and let developed cities help poor areas. When I saw this article, I couldn't help being happy because I was one step closer to this dream.

In that book, I also learned that the state sent many teachers to Xinjiang, China, and became teachers who helped Xinjiang. They not only brought new teaching buildings to children in poor areas, but also brought libraries with rich collections of books. They not only provided new teaching methods for the classroom... As far as I know, our school's art teacher Zhan has also become a glorious teacher to help Xinjiang. On Zhenhua Road, West Lake District, there is a senior high school, which has a Xinjiang class, to let Xinjiang children receive a three-year education, so that these children can build new knowledge and develop their hometown.

Don't forget me, a little western girl. I will master the knowledge and culture I learned in Hangzhou so that I can build my hometown.

This is the dream of a western child.

What words do I have (6)

On the night of October 1st, Mother Earth gave me a four color flower. She told me that if you pick a petal, you can realize a wish.

So I carefully took off the first petal, closed my eyes, and said in my heart: I wish my Earth Mother more and more beautiful and healthy: let its "blood vessels" (rivers) be cleaner and free from any pollution; Let its "skin" (the earth) become more and more beautiful, without any damage: let its "hair" (grass and trees) become more flexible, without being cut down and trampled by people at will. Mother Earth is our good mother. We can't live without her.

I took off the second petal and looked at it, I said affectionately: "Fly! Fly! Fly to the deep blue sky, fly to the vast sea, we must call out: our motherland will become more and more prosperous, our motherland will become more and more powerful."

I walked on the wide and long asphalt road, looking at the colorful street lights, I said to the third petal: I wish our city more and more beautiful, more and more rich!

There is only one petal left. I want to treasure it carefully. Because of it, I believe that children all over the country will live a happy life like me.

What words do I have (7)

If I have a space machine, the first thing I want to go to is the age of dinosaurs. I want to see what kinds of dinosaurs are, how they live, and what causes their extinction, so as to reveal the mystery of dinosaur extinction for scientists.

If I have the time and space machine, I will go back to the era of the First Emperor of Qin to see how the unparalleled ten thousand mile long journey in human history was built step by step. I will declare to the world that the Great Wall is the greatest wonder in the world and the great symbol of the Chinese nation!

If I had time and space, I would also take the whole class back to ancient Egypt more than 4000 years ago to see the pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the world.

If I had a time machine, I would go back to Zhongshan 20 years ago to see the great changes in Zhongshan over the past 20 years. I will also go to see what career I was engaged in 20 years later, what was the difference between the house, car, etc. at that time and now, and how children learn and play 20 years later.

If I had a space plane.

What words do I have (8)

The "magic pen" reminds me of Ma Liang, the magic pen I learned in grade four.

Ma Liang's parents died early when he was young and lived on his own. He liked painting very much, but without a pen, he used charcoal to paint around the cave, which was lifelike. Once an old man with white beard gave him a magic pen and asked him to use it well. Ma Liang jumped with joy, not only helping the poor families, but also punishing those greedy people.

I was deeply attracted by this text at that time, and I began to imagine how good it would be if I had that magic pen!

If I had a magic pen, I would first draw a dragon to draw money in the sky, and the next "money rain" would enable the poor people in the countryside to live a comfortable life. Then I would draw several schools with several teachers in them, so that children who cannot go to school can go to school.

It is said that life is more important than money. If I use a magic pen, I will draw countless golden pills to make people in the world never get sick. Of course, doctors in hospitals may not have business, but it is good that people are not sick.

If I have a magic pen, I will draw more public security bureaus in each province and city, so that there will never be theft, and at the same time, I can teach those adults not to do stupid things.

If I had a magic pen, I would do these things.

What words do I have (9)

If I had a horse, I would ride it to Tibet far away. Send a warm greeting to Tibetan compatriots. Go to the deep and long Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon to see the magnificent scenery there. Say "beautiful"! If I had a horse, I would like to travel through time and space. Back in the ancient times with a long history, it appeared in the fierce war. Turn me into a brave soldier and a member of it. Riding this war horse, we will paint another golden glory for our motherland.

If I had a horse with white wings, I would ride it and fly freely at the end of the sky. Donate my love to the poor, send a warm coat that has never been worn to the beggar in the cold wind, create wealth in a sparsely populated, barren land, and turn this place into a prosperous and beautiful metropolis like magic.

I want to have an ordinary horse, because it can bring me happiness. If it dies of old age, I will make the horse's mane into strings, and make a horse's head zither according to the pattern of the horse's head. Sitting on the top of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, I will play a beautiful music.

I want to have a horse of my own, because it can not only bring me happiness, but also it can realize my dream.

What words do I have (10)

When I was young, I liked to draw, holding the pencil head to draw on the paper. I hope my paintings can become real. So I dreamed that I had a magic pen like Ma Liang.

If I had a magic pen, I would draw a delicious meal for the old man begging at the street corner and let him eat enough. Draw some more clothes so that he won't feel cold in winter. The old man is full. He puts on his new clothes and stands up to go. Strange, why does he limp? It turns out that he is a disabled person. I want to draw another bottle of magic potion. After drinking it, grandpa can walk like a normal person, not lame!

The tragic scene in the "5.12" earthquake impressed me deeply: houses collapsed, people were pressed under thick slabs of stone, children looked at the ruins and shed sad tears... The suffering of the victims deeply affected my heart. Compatriots in disaster areas, you have suffered! If I had a magic pen, I would draw solid and beautiful houses in Wenchuan, so that people in disaster areas

Instead of living in a simple tent, they can live in a warm home again. I will also draw a lot of beautiful food, so that people in the disaster area will not be hungry, so that they can live a life of food and clothing.

If I had a magic pen, I would draw

What words do I have (11)

If I am a colorful wind, the world will become colorful and beautiful. It must be a beautiful picture with the natural scenery. I am green in spring, and the flowers are in full bloom. I talk to Sister Hua while walking.

I am light blue in summer, because I am like cold water. People feel me and I am loved by people. I'm more popular in autumn. I'm floating around. My friends said, "I'm a piece of gold, shining." Princess Apple gave birth to a child, and the farmer uncle expected me to come early, because I'm a midwife. As long as I blow, everyone's children will be born, like Sister Maize and Sister Sorghum

I am goose yellow in winter. Blowing it will bring warmth and fun to people. If I were a colorful wind, I would share the fun and warmth with you. Spring, summer, autumn and winter have my shadow. If I am a colorful wind, Uncle Tree can blow cool wind. If I were a colorful wind, the old lady of Red Flag would smile. If I were a colorful wind, I would blow away people's heat. If I were the wind with color, I would cool the sun.

If I were a colorful wind, I would shine in the sunlight.

What words do I have (12)

Wings can fly to the sky; Wings can let me go far away; Wings can let us communicate with everything. How I want to have a pair of wings! In this way, I can fly to the sky and communicate with the birds about the current environmental problems.

Environmental pollution has become a problem that we all must face up to. For example, the river is littered with garbage, the trees in the forest are cut down indiscriminately, and mineral resources are exploited at will. These are all related to environmental pollution, which affects not only humans but also birds.

With the pollution of the environment, the air is gradually polluted, and the birds are also affected by the air pollution. I want to have a pair of wings, so that I can fly to the sky and discuss with the birds about air and environmental pollution.

Flying up to the sky, I saw a group of birds talking about something. When I flew over, the birds immediately became vigilant. I smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. I also discussed the problem of environmental pollution with you." Then I joined their group. A bird angrily said, "It's all the people who damage the environment. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be homeless."

I explained to the birds: "Yes, they are really hateful, but now the environmental pollution is not serious. You can build a nest in a tree hole, especially on a higher tree. When drinking water, try not to drink in the place where there is garbage by the river." The birds praised me in unison, so we scattered and became good friends.

It is because of the wings that I have become good friends with the birds. The wings make my world colorful, and the wings make me very happy. In short, I want to have a pair of wings.

What words do I have (13)

If you want to fly, you need a pair of powerful wings.

If you want to contend with difficulties, you need a pair of strong wings.

If you want to succeed, you need a pair of confident wings

Yes, I also want to have wings.

If I had a pair of wings, I would like to fly all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. In early spring, go to the ancient city of Luoyang to enjoy the peonies that "have this beautiful color, and the flowers are cold in the evening of Tianjiao"; In hot summer, go to the West Lake in Hangzhou to see the lotus "coming out of the mud without being stained"; In late autumn, go to the countryside and look at the wild chrysanthemums that "do not prefer chrysanthemums among flowers, but do not have flowers"; In the cold winter, I flew to the tip of wintersweet that "I know from afar that it is not snow, because there is a subtle fragrance". I also want to fly to the capital, Beijing, to feel the solemn and grand flag raising ceremony. Of course, I will also fly to the Great Wall, touch the bricks and tiles on the wall, and enjoy the wisdom and endurance of the ancients. I think that's why the chairman wrote the poem "He is not a hero until he reaches the Great Wall, and he bends his finger to travel 20000"!

When there is a fire, I will bring a heavy rain to extinguish the merciless fire, and turn this wasteland into the beautiful and vibrant home before.

I will also fly to poor mountain areas to bring unlimited food and "inexhaustible" school supplies to those poor mountain children. I will also connect mountains with cities on a straight and spacious road, so that those children can gradually move towards society, integrate into society and become a part of society.

Wishes are like the stars in the universe. They can be met but not asked. But if you are willing to work hard, you will be able to touch them. Those wishes that emerge in your mind also become the best results because of your efforts and sweat. Therefore, I want to have the wings composed of hard work and strength to help me fly high and realize my wishes!

What words do I have (14)

In a daze, I felt a group of sheep running by the bed. A sheep knocked down the golden magic wand at the head of the bed. The fat sheep quickly shrunk into a cute little sheep. I could not help but look closely and curiously. On the top of the magic wand was a pearl the size of a red bean, with gold and black purple lace on the edge. The staff is made of pure gold, carved with pearl and snowflake patterns, and surrounded by beautiful golden lace.

Looking at such a beautiful magic wand, I suddenly had a fancy to use the wand to make a net to cover the sun, so that it would never come out again, so that I would not have to go to school. I looked at my watch subconsciously. Alas, it's already 7:44! When I remembered the teacher's stern face and the sonorous words: "You must be at school before 7:40!" I felt nervous and my hands shook. Miraculously, the magic wand really turned out a net to cover the sun. The time changed back to 7:40, and I also sat in the classroom.

I have magic! I'm so excited! On this day, I have been using magic: when I saw my deskmate talking in class, I fixed him with my magic wand and let him listen carefully; When taking the bus, he also used his magic wand to hold the students who cut the queue, maintaining order

Suddenly, a machine gun like sound woke me up: "Cheng Zhuoyi, get up quickly, you will be late for school!" Alas, it was just a dream

What words do I have (15)

I love my motherland.

My motherland is an oriental country with 5000 years of civilization. It is like a rooster, standing proudly in the east of Eurasia.

My motherland has 9.6 million square kilometers of magnificent mountains and rivers, and there are unique landscapes everywhere. The "roof of the world" - the Qinghai Tibet Plateau soars into the sky, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River roll eastward day and night, the "best in the world" Guilin landscape, and the "best in the world" Huangshan Mountain in Anhui... I love the great country!

My motherland has a long history and numerous cultural heritage. The Great Wall is one of the greatest projects of mankind. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Mausoleum show the majesty and majesty of ancient emperors of our country. The Forbidden City Garden is a symbol of the prosperity of all dynasties in China. The four great inventions, seismograph, pi, etc. are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients... I love the motherland, a culture with a long history!

Back in 1840, my motherland was invaded by foreign countries, such as the Opium War, the Eight Power Allied Forces' War of Aggression against China, the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, and so on. But the Chinese people's struggle for freedom and happiness has never stopped. Lin Zexu sold cigarettes in Humen, Zuo Zongtang recovered Xinjiang... Until October 1, 1949, after the end of the War of Liberation, Chairman Mao solemnly declared to the world that the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China was established today! The Chinese people have finally stood up and become masters of the country. Ah! I love the tenacious struggle of the people of the motherland!

Although the motherland stood up, it was still bullied by foreign countries. Therefore, the motherland has carried out scientific development. The Third Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee put forward the great strategy of reform and opening up, and China began to enter a new period of socialist modernization; The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence opened the door to China's diplomacy; The successful development of "two bombs and one satellite" has impressed the world with China The motherland has become stronger step by step, the people have become richer step by step, the comprehensive national strength has been strengthened, the international status has been improved, and it has occupied a pivotal position in the international community. Ah! I love the great development of our country!

Today, the motherland has become the largest developing country in the world, with the gross national product ranking second in the world, and various high-tech industries have also developed rapidly.

Ah! Motherland, you gave birth to me, raised me, as a Chinese people, I salute you! I'm proud of your strength!

Ah! Motherland, why don't I love you?