Grade 6 of Mother's Day (17 high-quality articles)
Sunny mountain stream
2023-11-10 01:12:10
Grade 6

Mother's Day Grade 6 (1)

Today, May 14th is the festival of mothers all over the world. In the morning, some children in my mother's flower shop bought flowers from my mother with their pocket money. When I saw this scene, I thought they would buy flowers for my mother. Can't I do it? I should also respect the old and love the young! When I saw this, I thought that I could also quietly take out my savings to buy some gifts for my mother. So I went home, took some money out of the pocket money box, and then went to a shop to buy gifts. I picked and chose in the shop, and finally decided to buy a greeting card for my mother. After buying the card, I returned home, picked up a pen and wrote "Dear Mom: Hello! Your son first congratulated you on Happy Mother's Day! Again, I was not very good before, and now I will listen to you, and I will study hard and make progress every day! Your son Qian Zhidong, May 14, XX" After writing, I hid the card in my pocket. Then I rode my bike to the flower shop my mother opened on the street.

When I came to the flower shop, I saw my mother was away. I thought it was a rare opportunity. I should hurry up and act. I quickly took out the card from my pocket and opened the book that my mother often read. Then I put the book back where it was. After everything was done, I left with satisfaction.

I came home and watched TV. After a while, I heard the telephone ring. I went to answer the phone. It was my mother who called me. Mom praised me on the phone. I'm very happy to hear that. Because my mother said I was sensible! My mother also said that my ability to do so showed that I was determined and could take care of myself, so I didn't have to worry much. I think I will do it all in the future.

Ah, this Mother's Day, I am very happy to make my mother so happy!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (2)

Grade 6 composition: Happy Mother's Day 1

Mom, you work hard!

Mom, I know, you always say that our family is a strange family. You work to earn money, and my father is the stay at home father. He always says he can't do it. But every time he finishes talking, it seems like nothing. You have to work overtime every day until nine o'clock to go home. You have to look at the messy house decorated by me, and prepare breakfast for me at five o'clock every day. I have seen that you have more white hair that day, I often work all night for my business and can't sleep. Mom, why don't you think about yourself? I don't understand! Sometimes I can't understand why you are always happy to see me. You are even happier than me? This problem hovered over my years, and later I gradually learned that it was a kind of love, a special love that could not be described!

I remember one time when I was watching TV again, and I seemed bored, so I ran to me and said, "Let's go play!" I was excited when I heard about playing and said, "OK! OK!" We went to Happy Valley, "but Happy Valley is very expensive, and I didn't make contributions." My mother said. Ah! I won't go, but in half a second, my mother said to go to Happy Valley. I know she went to the bank again to withdraw money. Ah!

So I want to say to my mother, not all to the world's mother, mother! Happy Mother's Day!

Grade 6 composition: Happy Mother's Day 2

Yellowing and thin face, crow's feet wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, rough and calloused hands

Things are different from people. Mother is getting old day by day. I think of this more than once in my mind. Yes, people always grow old, but I can never accept this fact. I don't know why. When I was very young, I dreamed that I had grown up. When you were old and died, I woke up crying.

My mother came from the countryside. She couldn't go to school because of her son preference at that time. She only went to the second grade of primary school and dropped out of school. Mother is not beautiful, not as beautiful as other people's mothers, but in my heart, my mother is the most beautiful.

My mother works hard and hard by herself. She is not careless or lazy. She works very carefully. My mother doesn't teach her husband and children. She and my father are both working and earning money for my schooling. We have been in Ningbo for nearly six years. Mom changed her job three or four times, and finally her job stabilized. She will save her monthly salary for my future schooling. Unconsciously, as the years passed, they turned into pieces in the ripples of time. Now my mother is still working. Every time I see her aching back, my heart doesn't know how painful it is.

Motherly love is selfless. She has devoted her whole life to her children. No matter what their requirements are, her mother will dote on them, care about them, satisfy them, and never ask for return.

Mom, looking at that pink carnation, I hooked my lips and smiled. I want to dress it carefully and present it to you. I imagine, standing in front of you, I will give you a kiss, print it on your left cheek, and then take out the carnation wrapped in wrapping paper from the back to present it to you. Finally, I sincerely say to you: Mom, happy Mother's Day. I believe that in 13 years, I will let you have a happy old age, and I will always love you.

Grade 6 composition: Happy Mother's Day 3

There is a superman standing up beside me. Although not three heads and six arms, nor invulnerable, she makes me feel warm, let me feel the warmth of home.

Since the moment I was born, she has changed from "princess" to "nanny". A beautiful long hair, growing strands of silver, a smooth face, climbing wrinkles, a pair of delicate hands, gradually growing calluses... You work day and night for me. I know that you don't like the greasy apron, but you also like the elegant princess skirt; I don't like the flat shoes full of mud, but I like the magnificent high-heeled shoes as well. But for me, you have to do this. You shed your original caprice and put on a mature coat in advance.

In the past, I always made you angry, but you always hold back. When I failed in the exam, you always encouraged me. When I failed, you always helped me. Your kind smile gives me the impetus to move forward, and your broad mind allows me to fly freely.

I read an article about a mother whose son likes a girl. However, she did not know that the girl was a devil. She asked her son to dig out his mother's heart. The mother learned that instead of running away, she sat still at home, waiting for her son to come home.

After his son dug out his mother's heart, he fell down. At this time, the bleeding heart said, "My son, does it hurt?"

After reading, my love for my mother deepened.

She is the blue sky, and I am the carefree bird in the sky; She is the sea, and I am the free fish in the sea; She is the grassland, and I am the steed marching forward on the plain... She is the strongest backer in the world. She is my mother, the unique superman in the world!

Mom, happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (3)

People often ask me: Ren Tairu, why are you so happy when you have so many interest classes and are busy every day? His face is always covered with a bright smile. That's because I live in a happy and harmonious family of three, with loving parents and good family style. Under their loving care, I am healthy and happy, and thrive.

In my eyes, my father is serious and rigorous, and my mother is gentle and virtuous. My father gets out early and comes back at night every day to be busy with work. My mother often tutors me in my study and arranges my home very warmly. My parents are very filial, and my mother often says "filial piety comes first". I remember when I was in the third grade, my grandfather was seriously ill in hospital, and my mother and father took turns to care day and night. During that time, my mother had black eyes and white hair, and her weight dropped by more than ten kilograms, but she didn't complain. After grandpa "left", mother often went to accompany and comfort grandma. On New Year's Day and Grandma's birthday, Mom will not only send WeChat calls to greet her, but also carefully prepare gifts for Grandma to visit her elderly. When Grandma received the gift, she was so cute that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

This year's Mother's Day is even more unforgettable to me. One day before Mother's Day, my mother picked me up from school and offered to take me to the shopping mall for the first time. I was so happy that I thought my mother was going to add new clothes to me. Who knew that my mother had been picking up clothes for the elderly in the shopping mall. Finally, my mother chose a fashionable "little flower shirt" this year. My mother saw my caution and said to me, "My mother will also send you gifts on June 1. Today, I specially took you to help my mother choose gifts for my grandma. Later, you will be entrusted with the glorious task. Next year, you will buy clothes for my grandma on Mother's Day alone. Would you like to?"? After listening to my mother's words, I suddenly realized that Mother's Day is coming! My mother really has a heart. She remembers it so clearly every year, but I forget it completely. I'm a little ashamed, so I think I must give my mother a surprise this year.

On Mother's Day, when I returned home from school at noon, my mother was still busy in the kitchen. I took out a large package of beautifully packaged pistachios from my back and handed them to my mother, saying: Mom, this is my mother's favorite pistachios I bought with my pocket money. I wish my mother a happy holiday! I wish my mother will always smile like this fruit. At this time, I not only saw some new strands of white hair on her sideburns, but also saw tears in her eyes. My mother took me in her arms and murmured: My baby has grown up... At night, when my mother finished housework and sat on the sofa reading the newspaper, I silently brought a basin of water to my mother, I washed my mother's feet and said: This is the second gift I gave my mother on Mother's Day. It's the first time I washed my mother's feet when I grow so big! This Mother's Day is very meaningful for me. I really understand the meaning of filial piety and loving relatives. Parents' behavior always silently affects their children. Excellent quality is cultivated in our casual "imitation".

There are many stories about my family style, which can't be told for a day. Those simple and true stories are "the most beautiful stories in my family" in my heart. They moisten my heart silently like spring rain, warm my heart like warm sun, grow with me, and lead me to be good.

Mother's Day Grade 6 (4)

Today is a special day - Mother's Day.

In the morning, I just got up and asked my mother: Mom, today is Mother's Day, what gift do you want. Mom smiled and said, "Mom likes everything you give her.". I couldn't get a satisfactory answer from my mother, so I had to ask my father. Dad thought for a while and said: Mom has been running a lot recently, why don't you give her a pair of running shoes! I thought about it for a while. It's really a good idea!

I took out the piggy bank and counted my pocket money carefully... One, two, ten, twenty, thirty... Ah, I already have more than 300 pocket money! I cried excitedly! I will use this money to buy a pair of most comfortable sneakers for my mother!

After breakfast, I took my mother's hand and said: Mom, let's go shopping today. I will buy you a pair of sports shoes with my pocket money. Mother smiled and said: Good! When did my daughter become so sensible. I stuck out my tongue and smiled.

When we came to the mall, I chose from left to right, and finally found a pair of shoes suitable for my mother in both sizes and styles. When I asked the price, it was 100 yuan. I took out my wallet, counted out 100 yuan and handed it to the aunt who sold the goods. The aunt looked at so much change and seemed to understand something. He touched my head and said: What a sensible boy! I smiled embarrassed. I looked up at my mother. Mother smiled proudly.

On the way home, I saw that my mother's face was always filled with a happy smile, which could not be bought with money or a pair of shoes. This kind of smile is a satisfied smile, which makes me unforgettable. At night, I lay in bed and thought a lot... Mom gave me a lot, but I did little for her. My mother was so satisfied with a pair of shoes. I was suddenly very sad. I want to grow up quickly, I want to do more things for my mother... a fan in hot weather, a cotton padded jacket in cold weather

Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! No, I want to wish you so happy every day!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (5)

Today, the annual Mother's Day comes again. I made up my mind to do one thing for my mother --- I want to wash her feet once. There are pictures of my son washing feet for my mother in advertisements and on TV everywhere, but I have never done it myself. So today, on such a special festival, I would like to wash my mother's feet, remove her fatigue and dust from her feet. At first, I prepared some carnations, and then boiled a pot of water. When the water was boiling and smoking, I poured it into the pot. Then, I put the petals into the pot to let the water smell of carnations, so that my mother could enjoy both the fragrance and the temperature of hot water.

Well, now that everything is ready, we will send our mother. Then, I mysteriously called my mother to me, asked her to close her eyes, and then asked her to put her feet into the basin with the strong fragrance. My mother opened her eyes, and was surprised. My mother left tears. My mother must be happy to cry for me, because she thought I had grown up and understood. Mother is very pleased. " I couldn't help it. I also told my mother that I would study hard to improve my grades and at the same time learn to do more housework, help my mother deal with some housework and share some burdens.

Today's Mother's Day is a happy day for me and my mother. I don't know who set up Mother's Day. It is the best festival in the world. I want to thank the people who set up Mother's Day, because it gives mothers a day to receive blessings and rewards. Even if it is so short, even if it is just a small matter, it will make our mothers cry!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (6)

Close to my home, there is a supermarket. The salesperson is a young aunt. She is kind and always has a smile on her face.

It was Mother's Day on May 12. In the afternoon, it was a bit hot. I walked into the supermarket and wanted to buy some holiday gifts for my mother. While I was walking around the counter to choose a gift, a special customer came to the supermarket. He is said to be "special" because he looks like he is only eleven or twelve years old. He is very thin, but he wears a pair of big sunglasses. I thought to myself: Hum, play cool!

He went to the counter, felt his hands on the counter for a while, then tilted his head and shouted, "Do you have any jade bracelets?"

Upon hearing the news, the salesgirl aunt walked up to him and asked kindly, "Child, who do you buy bracelets for?"

"I bought it for my mother. Today is Mother's Day, and I want to make my mother happy!" The boy took some odd coins from his pocket and put them on the counter. It seems that it is only 35 yuan at most.

The salesgirl aunt took out a pair of green crystal clear bracelets from the nearby counter and handed them to the boy: "My child, this is a pair of green bracelets. Your mother will love them when you take them home." Then, the aunt symbolically picked up a few yuan from the counter and put the rest of the money into the boy's hands. The boy took the bracelet and the money, said thank you, turned around slowly, and seemed to be very careful to walk out of the supermarket door.

When I saw this scene, I felt very puzzled. The bracelet that the boy held cost at least tens of yuan. Why did the aunt leave him only a little money and didn't even count it? I told my question to my aunt, who told me the whole story.

It turned out that the boy had a serious illness when he was six years old. He was almost blind and became a blind child. His mother looked for work everywhere in order to earn money for him to see a doctor, but unfortunately, when working at a construction site, she broke her lumbar spine and was paralyzed in bed. The blind child took on the burden of caring for his mother. Today, on this special festival, my aunt was moved by the little boy's filial piety, so she half sold and half gave him the bracelet.

This afternoon, I learned a lot from my little boy and aunt. This Mother's Day is unforgettable!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (7)

Alas, what's the best gift? Send a bunch of flowers. It's too tacky; Give me a beautiful dress. It's too expensive; Send a card. It's too common. Yes, I'm worried about giving gifts.

By the way, I saw a flash and hurried to the gift shop. Through a variety of commodity shelves, squeezed through the crowd, came to a commodity shelf. I picked up something. After paying, he wrapped the gift and pasted a pink flower.

When I got home, I put the gift on the tea table. And carefully hid behind the door.

"Click --" With a familiar sound, mother came back. Just as I was about to close the door and enter the house, I was hugged by someone who jumped out from behind the door. I said happily, "Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day!" Then I led my mother into the living room. When she saw the gift on the tea table, she was very surprised.

I picked up the gift, "Mom, this is a gift for you on Mother's Day. Open it quickly!" Mom smiled and opened the wrapping paper. "Ah! Isn't this a lip balm?" "Do you like it, Mom?" Mom nodded repeatedly

After listening to my words, my mother cried with joy. At that moment, I had a myriad of thoughts: how many days and nights, how much love my mother has paid for me.

Looking at the dazzling white hairs on my mother's head, I made up my mind to make my mother feel my concern for her every day.

Although that lip balm is very inconspicuous, in my mother's eyes, it has become as sacred as a cross, as sweet as candy, and as beautiful as flowers. Because it contains my good wishes for my mother and deep love.

Mother's Day Grade 6 (8)

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body. Before leaving, the seams are tight, and the mind is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of every inch of grass will be rewarded with three Chunhui." These poems by Meng Jiao, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, vividly and deeply express the mother's deep love for her children and the children's gratitude for their mothers.

Today is Sunday and Mother's Day. What should I do for my mother? Yes, please help your mother sweep the floor.

I went to the balcony to pick up the broom and sweep it without stopping. After a short time of sweeping, it was very hot and sweaty. I immediately realized my mother's usual hard work. It seems that I should keep my home clean in the future, and let my mother have a rest and do what she wants to do.

Seeing that some places were not cleaned, I picked up the broom to sweep again. I was so tired that I was panting, my back was sore, and my mind was only thinking about "rest", so I lay down on the sofa to rest for a while.

I thought to myself: sweeping is not enough, or I will drag the floor again. I first brought a basin of water, then soaked the mop with water, wrung it dry, and then began to mop the floor. At first, I ran forward and dragged it. As soon as I dragged it, my feet left deep footprints. I still dragged it again. This is troublesome. How can we not leave footprints? I found out the shoe covers and put them on my feet. Then I came up with a small trick to pull them back, and soon the living room was completely cleaned. I ran to my mother's room again and dragged it. When I opened the door, I was surprised. My mother's room was so clean that I didn't have to drag it. I suddenly remembered my own room. My mother had just cleaned it up for me yesterday, and today it was messy. I felt very ashamed and ran to clean my room.

After a while, my mother came back. When she saw that I had cleaned the house so clean, she smiled happily

Mother's Day Grade 6 (9)

On the way home from school, I thought as I walked: Today is Mother's Day, I will give my mother a gift and surprise.

I have walked several small stores in a row, and I am going to choose a small gift of good quality and low price for my mother. Finally, I stopped in front of a flower shop. There was a poster at the door of the flower shop, which said: In order to celebrate Mother's Day, flowers in our shop are on sale at 6 yuan a bunch. The shop owner shouted, "Don't miss this opportunity. Come and buy a bouquet for your mother!" I was moved. If I could buy a bouquet of flowers for my mother, she would praise me. Thinking of my mother's happy appearance, I felt a little elated. I took out my wallet, but there was only 5 yuan in it. It was all because I was greedy! I am like a deflated ball, watching others choose flowers foolishly. Don't mention how envious I am!

I came home dejected and smelled a strong fragrance as soon as I entered the door. It must be my mother who made sweet and sour ribs! I didn't have time to change my shoes, so I hurried to the kitchen three steps at a time, grabbed a piece of ribs and sent them to my mouth. Unexpectedly, I stepped on the garbage left by my mother after she chose vegetables, leaving black shoe prints on the kitchen floor.

Looking at these black shoe prints, I had a brainwave and thought: I can help my mother clean up, which can be regarded as a holiday congratulations to my mother. I always open my mouth to food and reach for my clothes. I picked up the broom and cleaned the kitchen.

My mother saw it and said happily, "My dear child, why are you so diligent today?" I smiled and said my thoughts. My mother said happily, "My child, you have grown up!"

Mother's Day Grade 6 (10)

Today is the second Sunday in May, which is Mother's Day. Early in the morning, I lay in bed and tossed and turned: "What should I do for my mother today.

Mother walked gently to the bed, stuffed me with quilt, kissed me on the forehead, and said to herself, "Lazy cat, push the quilt again." I suddenly sat up from the bed and kissed my mother, She said mischievously, "Your majesty, you have worked hard. I wish you a happy holiday. I will serve you today and give you a full body massage." My mother was shocked by my sudden action. She was a little embarrassed. Finally, under my "coercion and inducement", my mother lay on her bed waiting for my five-star service. I was confident, Start from my mother's neck, knead and pinch, and ask my mother how she feels from time to time, gently or emphatically? My mother comforted and said, "My baby is really grown up and knows how to massage my mother." When I reached my mother's waist from the top to the bottom, I clenched my small fist tightly and kept beating. My mother said that the strength was just right, not light or heavy, so comfortable, and praised my specialty. Hehe, when I heard it, I was more energetic. The small fist was like a raindrop, beating more vigorously, I also massaged my mother's thighs and calves, and finally gave her a foot massage. But my mother was ticklish. I scratched her and she always wanted to smile and giggle. Although I was tired, my heart was sweet. I could finally do something for my mother and let her enjoy it.

With my unremitting efforts, I finally finished the whole body massage for my mother. Maybe my mother was too tired after working on the night shift. Soon, my mother fell asleep comfortably. I gently covered her with quilt, kissed her, and brought her to the door. I hope my mother can have a good dream!

Hee hee, this Mother's Day, although a little tired, I am happy to see my mother's comfortable and happy smile. I love my mother and hope she can be happy every day.

Mother's Day Grade 6 (11)

'Mother' is such a kind word. Mother is a cotton padded jacket, which brings us warmth when it is cold; Mother is a lamp, which brings us brightness when we get lost in the dark; Mother is an unknown signpost, pulling us when we are going to rebel and guiding us in the right direction. This is what everyone often calls "maternal love".

Speaking of maternal love, I think of that winter night. Indeed, I watched cartoons with relish in bed, and my mother came to the room as always to wash my face and kiss my forehead. Mother suddenly lost her head, like an ant on a hot pot. My mother put on a padded jacket and raincoat for me. I looked at my mother's cold sweating forehead and thought, "Why are you going out so late? Why are you so nervous?" I didn't know what happened when I was young, but I just listened to my mother. It was raining hard outside, and the north wind made the leaves rustle. My mother carried me on her back and ran out without even wearing a raincoat, regardless of her own safety. The road is rough and muddy, and my home is 2 miles away from the hospital. Mom runs very fast. The north wind cut my mother's red face and disordered her black and beautiful hair. The raindrops hit her heavily and wet her clothes. I stuck on my mother's back and heard her rapid heartbeat. I felt funny and asked my mother: "Mom, why should we run so fast? Where should we dare to go?" My mother gasped: "silly child, you have a high fever. My mother is taking you to the hospital." My mother was too busy talking to me, and her feet slipped. They turned into two "clay figurines" who kept looking at me and asking me: "Did you fall?" I kept shaking my head, and my mother took me on her back and ran to the hospital. Finally I arrived at the hospital, which was already closed. Mother kept ringing the doorbell, and the doctor on duty was awakened. I was put on the hospital bed because I had to hang three bottles, so my mother stayed with me all night. Later, I would wash my face and wipe my hands. The next morning, I opened my hazy eyes, and my mother slept beside the hospital bed. I saw a trace of white hair on my mother's hair, and my mother's clothes were still wet. 'My eyes turned red instantly. Mother woke up and touched my forehead. With a sigh of relief, her heart could finally be put down. My mother smiled and asked me, "Are you hungry? Mom will buy you food?" I shook my head, hung the bottle, and my mother carried me home

This is the great "maternal love". Every wrinkle on the parents' forehead is for our happy life, and the white hair on the hair is for us to worry about our lungs. I want to say loudly to my parents: "Thank you, I love you."

Mother's Day Grade 6 (12)

There is a very precious thing in the world called happiness. Everyone wants to have her. In fact, everyone has her. But some people always think that they are not as happy as others. That is because they have not found happiness and felt happiness. What is happiness? People have different contents and interpretations since ancient times. In Ci Hai, happiness is a kind of feeling after people get happiness.

I don't think so. It is not just a feeling, but a process. I have asked some people: "Are you happy?" Some people answered: "Not happy, because my material life is not rich, there is still a distance from happiness." Some people replied: "I am very happy, because I have no worries about food and clothing, and live a rich life." Unfortunately, they compare happiness to satisfaction of spiritual and material life.

In fact, happiness is very simple. If you are not in a hurry, if you use the eyes of love, if you grasp the precious moment, happiness is really close to us... Each of us has our own mother, and maternal love is the most precious happiness we all have

Maternal love is the purest, most selfless and most precious emotion of human beings. Every child enjoys the happiness and happiness that his mother gives. The long road of life has become so confident and smooth because of the mother's education, guidance and support.

My mother is just an ordinary worker, whose monthly income is less than 700 yuan, but in my eyes she is one of the most important people in my life.

When I was a toddler when I was young, my mother's face was full of smiles and told me to walk. When I fell down accidentally, I didn't cry. I always had a smile on my face, because in my childhood psychology, I only knew that it was a kind of happiness to be with my mother. Slowly, I grew up. I went to primary school. I was so strong and enterprising. Every night I studied hard until late at night. My mother always brought me tea and water. I was afraid that I would be tired. When I finished the exam, I would be the first to rush home with my report card. I was happy because of my good grades. She knew that her efforts had paid off. Whenever my mother praised me, I know in my heart that this is inseparable from my mother's company every night and the tea with love that my mother brings.

Great love is silent, maternal love is like water, this kind of love is gentle and deep! If someone asks me whether I am happy? I will not hesitate to say yes, because maternal love and happiness are equal!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (13)

In the second week of May, I will never forget this day. Although it does not have a fixed date, although it does not belong to me, it belongs to the person I love most, and also belongs to the person who loves me most - mother. Some people say that the greatest woman in the world is the mother, and the kindest voice in the world is the mother's call. My mother gave me life, warmth and happiness.

Let's celebrate a festival for our mother! Mother's birthday, she never ate cake. Let's surprise our favorite mothers on Mother's Day in 20_! We don't have financial resources. We can't add a gorgeous dress for our mother or hold a party for her. But we have love, which is the most sincere gift that no one can give. I believe that this expression in my heart will make my mother happy.

On May 14, I learned that it was Mother's Day. Very excited, but the mother's face did not show joy, so calm, so kind. I understand that you don't want us to worry about you. Mother! All you have to do is give. You are old. Mother! You just have to work hard, and your back is bent. But I am not reconciled! Mothers deserve love, too. At noon, my mother was still busy in the kitchen. I used my pocket money to buy a large bottle of orange water to toast my mother.

They said they should send a gift. I thought about it. I think it's better not to send greeting cards. There's nothing new. Everyone sends greeting cards. It's so peaceful. I didn't sleep at noon, and there was an exam in the afternoon. Just at this time, I hurriedly made a paper horse (my mother belongs to a horse). It happened that I had studied in art class. After all, I forgot that the paper horse was just like a newborn. It was unsteady and its head was still crooked. When I sent the paper horse out, my mother was amused by its funny appearance, and I laughed along.

After enjoying it, my mother put it in the most conspicuous place in the living room. I know the meaning of my mother's doing this is beyond words. Mother smiled, and her face was shining brilliantly. At dinner time, I said to my mother sitting beside me: I wish my mother a happy holiday! Mom turned to Grandma and said, "Happy Mother's Day!"! The whole family laughed. Today is May 16, and I was still lingering in the Mother's Day the day before yesterday. I was very excited. I have expressed my love for my mother.

Mother's Day Grade 6 (14)

On that day, after eight o'clock, I was still in bed, unwilling to get up. The sky is empty; In the vegetable field, purple, round and long eggplant looks like a baby.

For this reason, yesterday I had plotted with my father to purchase some food materials in advance. In the evening, my father cooperated with me to wash and prepare some food materials and cooking utensils for tomorrow. I want to give my mother a surprise and make her a love breakfast.

In the morning, the rest of the family had not yet got up, and I started my "surprise" plan today in a rush of ringing. Mom seemed to hear me getting up, and was about to get up and have a look. Dad was trying to persuade her that it was okay as planned, and let me handle my own affairs by myself. Don't worry too much.

After I washed, I came to the kitchen. Because my mother recently said that she has a bad appetite, let's cook some porridge for her. By the way, you can add some red dates! I thought temporarily. I made my first "love red jujube porridge" with the rice cooker. Mom likes to eat steamed buns cut with a knife. I took out the steamer, put the frozen steamed buns on the steam rack, and started the steaming of "sweet little steamed buns". I mixed a large glass of mixed fruit juice for my mother with a juicer. I named it "Youth juice". I hope my mother will always be young and beautiful. "Invincible Energy Boiled Egg in Water" and my private collection "Golden Floss Meat" are really easy for me to spell today. During this period, my father came to me secretly and asked me if I wanted to help, but I declined. I told him not to let my mother out now.

Time passed quickly, and my movements were also very fast. For more than half an hour, I had placed a rich breakfast table on the table. "Love red date porridge", "Sweetheart steamed bun", "Youth is not old juice", "Invincible energy boiled eggs", "golden meat floss", "Dutch royal cookies", "super dipped condensed milk", and "morning clear water" without pigment and additives. Whether it is "public" or "private", today I moved to the table with one head. Well, there is also a mysterious gift that even the father of the accomplice doesn't know - a pink "carnation", which is placed on the seat where mother usually sits. Ha ha, you're done! I went to my room to call my mother. My mother said kindly as usual, "What did you do just now? You were exercising? Is it your father's fault that you were hungry? I said that today's day off would not be so early, and I would make breakfast for you right away. I winked with my father and asked my mother to go to the restaurant first.

"Ah!" I heard a scream, and Dad and I ran out excitedly. My mother stood in the middle of the restaurant staring blankly, showing a surprise, and stammered a little, "Who made this? Fan Zhen, is it you?!" I went forward to give my mother a warm hug, "Mom, happy holidays!" At this time, tears were hidden in my mother's eyes, "Thank you! Thank you for my good son".

Mom, the warmest name in the world is that you took me to this world. You have made my present and future with your salmon like maternal love. I would like to be the snakehead [l ǐ] fish of Weishan Lake forever, and I will honor you all my life. Mom, I wish all mothers in the world a happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (15)

Today is a special day - Mother's Day.

In the morning, I just got up and asked my mother: Mom, today is Mother's Day, what gift do you want. Mom smiled and said, "Mom likes everything you give her.". I couldn't get a satisfactory answer from my mother, so I had to ask my father. Dad thought for a while and said: Mom has been running a lot recently, why don't you give her a pair of running shoes! I thought about it for a while. It's really a good idea!

I took out the piggy bank and counted my pocket money carefully... One, two, ten, twenty, thirty... Ah, I already have more than 300 'pocket money'! I cried excitedly! I will use this money to buy a pair of most comfortable sneakers for my mother!

After breakfast, I took my mother's hand and said: Mom, let's go shopping today. I will buy you a pair of sports shoes with my pocket money. Mother smiled and said: Good! When did my daughter become so sensible. I stuck out my tongue and smiled.

When we came to the mall, I chose from left to right, and finally found a pair of shoes suitable for my mother in both sizes and styles. When I asked the price, it was 100 yuan. I took out my wallet, counted out 100 yuan and handed it to the aunt who sold the goods. The aunt looked at so much change and seemed to understand something. He touched my head and said: What a sensible boy! I smiled embarrassed. I looked up at my mother. Mother smiled proudly.

On the way home, I saw that my mother's face was always filled with a happy smile, which could not be bought with money or a pair of shoes. This kind of smile is a satisfied smile, which makes me unforgettable. At night, I lay in bed and thought a lot... Mom gave me a lot, but I did little for her. My mother was so satisfied with a pair of shoes. I was suddenly very sad. I want to grow up quickly, I want to do more things for my mother... a fan in hot weather, a cotton padded jacket in cold weather

Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! No, I want to wish you so happy every day!

Mother's Day Grade 6 (16)

Today is "May" International Mother's Day, which is a mother's festival. In the morning, I first wish my mother a happy holiday when I get up!

In the morning, I said quietly to my father: "Usually my mother always works for me. Today, I will let my mother have a good rest and we will do all the housework. I will also use New Year's money to buy my mother a bunch of fresh greeting cards, and make a greeting card for my mother..." Before I finished, my father raised his hands to approve.

So I went to the greeting card store and carefully selected a bunch of carnations, which are red, pink, yellow and orange, representing my four wishes -- I hope my mother is healthy, young, happy, safe and happy forever. Then, I made a greeting card with the shape of "heart" and wrote my blessings and wishes. When my mother came home from the school celebration of March 8, I handed her flowers and greeting cards with both hands. My mother was very happy, hugged me, gave me a kiss, and said to me, "Thank you, my daughter, my mother is so happy!"

After dinner, I asked my parents to sit still. I cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen and polished the table. My mother smiled with satisfaction and praised me for growing up and being sensible. My heart is happy. My little progress is dedicated to my mother's love!

Part 2: Love for Mom

"What gift should I give?" This question puzzled me for a long time. I wander alone in the street, thinking hard. Mother's Day is coming. As a daughter, I am eager to give my mother my heart when facing my mother's meticulous alas. But I have only five yuan in my pocket. I don't know what to do. Just go to the gift shop and try your luck to see if you can buy high-quality and inexpensive boutiques.

When I just stepped into the door of the store, I saw all kinds of exquisite gadgets. Suddenly, I felt dazzled. Buy a greeting card. No, it's too rustic. Mother won't like it. Buy a music box. No, it's too expensive. It's meaningless. It's even worse to buy a carnation. Although it's fragrant and meaningful, it will be appreciated in a few days. As time went by, I had not yet chosen a gift. Hi! forget it! It seems that I can't buy any gifts today.

Just as I was about to leave, I saw a mother holding a baby in a delicate house. She was sitting on the bench and slowly coaxing the baby to sleep! I looked at it carefully, as if I felt that the baby was me and that the respectable mother was my mother. In life, I was patiently taught. My tears fell when I thought of it. I looked at the list price, 5 yuan! Just like me, I will take out the money immediately. After paying the money, I hurried home immediately.

When I got home, I immediately gave my mother a gift and said to her affectionately, "Mom, happy Women's Day on March 8." Her mother said excitedly, "Manting, you have grown up. My mother knows your heart, so there is no need to waste money." My mother was happy and excited.

Ah! Mom, this is my love for you.

Part 3: Love for Mom

Mr. Ba Jin once said, "Nothing can replace parents." Indeed, parents cannot replace them, and maternal love is even more incomparable.

I still remember that hot summer, I tightly held the test paper with only 86 points. I had mixed feelings and just wanted to tear it. However, I have no way out, because I have already reached the door, so I have to brave my way into the door. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled the fragrance of crispy chicken nuggets. Looking at the delicious food, I suddenly thought of an idea: after eating, I would hide the test paper in the lunch box on the pretext that I wanted to wash the dishes.

Just as I was grateful for my plan, dinner began.

At the dinner table, my mother asked me from time to time how much I had scored in the exam. I replied, "It hasn't been sent yet." My mother couldn't find anything to ask, so she stopped asking. My heart can finally calm down. However, after a while, my mother asked again: "But there is an assignment with test paper signature on the school's SMS?" This time, I was speechless. My mother asked me again and again, and I ran into my room to avoid her spittle.

"Eh, isn't this my Chinese book?" I said. I thought: "God let me review!" So I went to ask my mother about Chinese books. Who knows, my mother has already "searched" out my test paper. Seeing this, I felt that something was wrong, so I went back to my room immediately. "Come here!" Mom said, "You are not the only one who scored 86 points. People always make mistakes! As for the Chinese book, you forgot to bring it today, and I put it on your desk!"

At that moment, I burst into tears.

Mother's Day Grade 6 (17)

Today is Mother's Day. I want to do something for my mother. After thinking about it, I decided to wash my mother's feet.

I put a big wooden bucket in front of my mother, and then poured hot water into the bucket. When my mother put her feet into the water, I began to wash her feet. My little hands rubbed her feet carefully. After a while, my mother said, "My child, it's clean now. Don't wash it again." I went to pour water.

After pouring the water, I ran to my mother again to help her massage her feet and arms, and asked her: "Is it comfortable for her to press it?" My mother said: "Very comfortable." I was very happy to hear that.

Just then, my mother put her arms around me and said, "My child, I am so happy today." I said, "Mom, I am happy to work for you."

Part II

Today is Mother's Day. Our violin band is going to give her a special gift, that is, to prepare a small concert for her hard working mother.

After the beautiful music, it was my turn to play. As I was excited, the bow in my hand seemed to be a little out of order, but I slowly calmed down. Because I remembered my mother who cared and loved me, I took a deep breath and played a Vivaldi A minor concerto affectionately, There was a little mistake in the process of playing, but it was all skilfully jumped over to me. Finally, I got the warmest applause. Seeing my mother's happy expression, I bowed deeply to all the mothers below!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world!

Part III

Today is Mother's Day. After class in the afternoon, I went to the flower and bird market with my father to buy carnations for my mother and grandmother. I bought a bunch of very beautiful carnations for my mother with my pocket money, wrapped them in purple wrapping paper, and took them carefully. Grandma's bouquet of carnations was bought by Mom and Dad, because Grandma is Mom and Dad's mother.

My father and I invited my mother, grandmother and grandfather to have dinner in Laokele. My mother came directly after work. The dishes here are all delicious! I had a full meal, the whole family ate happily, and the mothers were even more smiling!

We had a pleasant evening.

Happy Mother's Day! Always beautiful! I love moms!

Article 4

Today is Mother's Day. Six families in our class celebrate the festival for our mother. It rained moderately in the morning and noon, but we still didn't give up the idea of traveling. At 11:00, we left for Jiujiang Town in Shuangliu on time. You can guess what to eat here. It's the famous "Jiujiang Feichang" feast. There are so many guests coming here to eat Feichang, many of whom are famous for their food.

After lunch, the rain subsided, and we went to Yongkang Forest Park for activities. At the beginning, we took a collective walk in the park with umbrellas. Here, the air was fresh, there were trees and water, there were pavilions, and there were also koi and ducklings competing for food rations in the water. When the rain stopped an hour later, we were divided into three groups. One was the Mummy Army, which went to the shopping mall, the other was the Daddy Corps, which went fishing by the pond, and the last was our Children's Corps. We walked around and rushed to wherever it was fun. In the evening, we went to have a big dinner to congratulate all the mothers. We all said to our own mothers: Mom has worked hard, I love you!

Article 5

Today is Mother's Day. At night, the moon climbs up the tree tops. I think I should do something for my mother, make a Mother's Day card for her, or do housework? I'd better wash my feet for my mother! My mother works so hard every day. I also washed her feet today.

I brought a basin of warm water to my mother. I said to her, "You wash my feet every day, and today I wash your feet." My mother was very surprised, but she still sat down and asked me to wash her feet. Mother's feet are not as soft and hard as mine, and the soles of her feet are covered with calluses. Mother's feet are not as fat as mine, but thin. I raised my hair and now my mother looked at me. My mother stroked my head and said, "You have finally grown up."

Washing my mother's feet makes me feel very happy. In the future, I will wash my mother's feet more.

Article VI

On May 11, today is Mother's Day. We got up early and ate the cake that my father and I bought yesterday, the cake of my mother. Because my mother is the protagonist, so my mother's cake.

After eating the cake, we went to the flower and bird market. If you want to know why, listen to me. This is because we are going to the flower and bird market to buy cute little chinchillas. At first, I took a look, and there were no little chinchillas I liked. Later, I saw three little chinchillas. Of the three, I only bought a cute little chinchilla. The little chinchilla I chose is very close to me, so I bought this little chinchilla. She is a mother. I like her very much. However, she was not very familiar with me, so she always hid in the cage. I waited for a long time before she stretched out her head to see if there was any movement.

How happy we are today! See you tomorrow!