My Life in Ten Years (Collection 6)
2024-03-19 05:02:01

My Life in Ten Years (1)

One morning twenty years later, I opened my eyes, and the morning sun shone golden light into my bedroom through the bright invisible curtain glass.
I picked up my mobile phone and shouted, "Princess!" The "Princess" robot immediately came to me and asked me with a sweet voice: "Good morning, master! What help do you need? The breakfast has been arranged, do you want to eat now?" The voice was as sweet as Lin Zhiling's voice. I stretched to get dressed, and went to the restaurant. There were sandwiches and milk on the table. I asked, "Who made this?" "The princess" said, "The mobile phone butler told me yesterday that I asked the 'chef' robot to do it." I said, "The mobile phone butler is really considerate. How did he know that I like sandwiches and milk?"
After breakfast, the mobile phone butler reminded me of my daily life schedule. First, I want to go to the gym for half an hour, but first I need to change my clothes. "Princess" helped me take out my clothes and said: "Master, I'm ready, please change it!" I nodded with satisfaction, because the "Princess" robot is beautiful and smart, and also knows my preferences. I patted it on the shoulder and praised it. When I go out, the "Princess" robot always cleans the house, cleans shoes, cleans windows, and does housework.
When I was going home after exercising, my mobile phone butler told me that he had told the "Princess" to prepare lunch. When I got home, I saw noodles, soup, chicken, rice, juice, fish, vegetables and some bread on the table. "Princess" is so capable! But this robot cost me a lot of money! Seeing how considerate and caring the "Princess" is to me, I think it's worth spending so much money.
Once, I caught a cold, which was very serious. My throat was dry and I felt dizzy. "Princess" was very worried when she saw that I was ill. She said to me, "Master, let's go to the hospital to see a doctor!" I said, "No, I know this disease will soon be fine."
"Princess" robot is still worried about my illness. It found a doctor on the Internet and gave me online treatment. When I saw the doctor, the doctor asked me a lot of questions. Finally, the doctor told me what medicine I needed to take. The "Princess" robot quickly ordered medicine for me on the Internet, and soon the medicine arrived at my door. I drank the medicine. With the careful care of the "Princess" robot, my illness gradually recovered.
Twenty years later, I am enjoying unparalleled happiness. This is all due to the mobile phone butler and the "princess" robot. Of course, I have to work hard in the future. I can't do nothing just because I have a robot.

My Life in Ten Years (2)

Twenty years later, the temperature of the earth suddenly increased by 5 degrees. Two levels of ice melt, and humans have no food, and can only live on other planets. I came to the moon to settle down in a spaceship with a heavy heart. Let's have a look at my life on the moon!


On the moon, there is no oxygen, and the temperature difference between day and night is as high as more than 100 degrees. I can only walk on the moon wearing a heavy white spacesuit and carrying a large oxygen cylinder. How hard it is!


On the moon, food is very scarce. There is only one steamed bread and a few mouthfuls of water for breakfast. There is only one sesame seed cake for lunch. Not to mention dinner, a few grains of millet in a small bowl of water is my dinner. Want to eat? It's difficult. We have to build a special greenhouse to grow vegetables and find soil. I can't help drooling when I think of the life of eating and drinking spicy food on the earth. How greedy!


On the moon, I live in an iron house with an area of only ten square meters, but this is very good. There is only a small bed, a stove, a sofa, and a small bookshelf on which there are several tattered books. How simple!

that 's ok

On the moon, I can only lie on the windowsill every morning and forget the gray in front of me. I want to exercise a little. Who knows, once I jump, I will stop in mid air for half a day. After breakfast, I really want to plant some flowers and plants outdoors, but I can't plant without soil; I really want to raise a small animal to relieve boredom, but on the moon, there is no oxygen, and I can no longer raise small animals. I really want to read books, but I have read these books countless times.

On the moon, there are no flowers, trees, green mountains and green waters, and the singing of birds can not be heard. Every day, I just look at the gray in front of me and sit on the sofa. How boring!

Who caused this kind of life? It was made by human beings. If human beings do not cut down trees, exhaust gas and kill wild animals indiscriminately... then how can we human beings get to this point?

My Life in Ten Years (3)

My life after 20 years Junior high school composition

Whether in school or in society, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition is a kind of speech flow, with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. How to write a good composition? The following is my junior high school composition about my life after 20 years, which I hope can help you.

One day in December 20xx, I was awakened from my warm bed by the sound of "dripping".

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and asked the curtains to open automatically. Yes, in the period of prosperity of science and technology, everything at home is humane, which makes us "office workers" very excited! The sunshine outside the window makes me feel more comfortable. Wait, December is the big winter, but at 6:00, the sky is not bright. Yes, but our scientists now have launched an "artificial sun" in the sky. The artificial sun has been working since 5:00 in winter, and 6:00 has already warmed the earth!

My robot has prepared breakfast at my washing time: I drink fresh milk, eat freshly baked bread, add fried meat and eggs. You will surely say: What's the big deal? I eat like this every day. But don't be surprised. My milk is shipped from "Earth One". Don't believe it. Chinese scientists have found many planets suitable for human habitation in the universe. As I said, "Earth One" is one of them. There are many primeval forests, rivers and lakes on Earth One. Scientists use rockets to transport calves into space. The calves eat pure fresh grass and drink clean water without pollution. Of course, the milk produced is often nutritious!

After breakfast, I got on the environmentally friendly car I invented and ran on the road. Now environmental cars have replaced ordinary cars. The 'green car' I invented has the following four advantages:

1. Solar cars. The solar energy can be stored in the backup battery, so that when it is cloudy or rainy at night, you can run freely on the road.

2. It can become various means of transportation. If you want to see the life under the sea, please press the blue button, and it will become a submarine immediately; If you want to see birds flying in the sky, please press the white button, and it will soon become a helicopter. How about it, magic!

3. It has gecko function. Now I don't think the car has a garage, but environmentally friendly cars don't have such concerns. When you don't use it, he will lie on the wall like a gecko, saving both labor and land.

4. It has the function of mouth control. When making a sharp turn, you don't have to turn the steering wheel around. Just move your mouth gently. If you say turn left, it will turn left; If you say turn right, it will turn right.

In a few days, it's time for me to take a vacation. I plan to travel to "Earth Two", where the scenery is beautiful and picturesque. People can stay here for a long time, or even migrate. I plan to let the birds carry over and multiply.

When I was drunk with my thoughts, I heard a roar: "Get up to eat, and daydream!" I was shocked and opened my eyes. My mother had asked me to have dinner. (It scared me to death. I thought the dinosaurs of "Earth Two" had come back to life!) Well, just now, oh, it was a dream!

Although it is a dream, I believe that with our efforts, this phenomenon will rise. Only by working hard can "Earth cloning" be realized!

My Life in Ten Years (4)

One morning twenty years later, I opened my eyes, and the morning sun shone golden light into my bedroom through the bright invisible curtain glass.

I picked up my mobile phone and shouted, "Princess!" The "Princess" robot immediately came to me and asked me with a sweet voice: "Good morning, master! What help do you need? The breakfast has been arranged, do you want to eat now?" The voice was as sweet as Lin Zhiling's voice. I stretched to get dressed, and went to the restaurant. There were sandwiches and milk on the table. I asked, "Who made this?" "The princess" said, "The mobile phone butler told me yesterday that I asked the 'chef' robot to do it." I said, "The mobile phone butler is really considerate. How did he know that I like sandwiches and milk?"

After breakfast, the mobile phone butler reminded me of my daily life schedule. First, I want to go to the gym for half an hour, but first I need to change my clothes. "Princess" helped me take out my clothes and said: "Master, I'm ready, please change it!" I nodded with satisfaction, because the "Princess" robot is beautiful and smart, and also knows my preferences. I patted it on the shoulder and praised it. When I go out, the "Princess" robot always cleans the house, cleans shoes, cleans windows, and does housework.

When I was going home after exercising, my mobile phone butler told me that he had told the "Princess" to prepare lunch. When I got home, I saw noodles, soup, chicken, rice, juice, fish, vegetables and some bread on the table. "Princess" is so capable! But this robot cost me a lot of money! Seeing how considerate and caring the "Princess" is to me, I think it's worth spending so much money.

Once, I caught a cold, which was very serious. My throat was dry and I felt dizzy. "Princess" was very worried when she saw that I was ill. She said to me, "Master, let's go to the hospital to see a doctor!" I said, "No, I know this disease will soon be fine."

"Princess" robot is still worried about my illness. It found a doctor on the Internet and gave me online treatment. The doctor asked me a lot of questions when I went to see a doctor. Finally, the doctor told me what medicine I needed to take. The "Princess" robot quickly ordered medicine for me on the Internet, and soon the medicine arrived at my home. I drank the medicine. With the careful care of the "Princess" robot, my illness gradually recovered.

Twenty years later, I am enjoying unparalleled happiness. This is all due to the mobile phone butler and the "princess" robot. Of course, I have to work hard in the future. I can't do nothing just because I have a robot.

My Life in Ten Years (5)

Twenty years have passed at once, and I have become a writer. At this time, Ningbo has changed a lot. Look - just as I was about to go out, the robot "Polly" came up, handed me a packet of disaster relief pills, and said, "Master, you go". I took the pill, said "thank you" and hurried away. Don't underestimate this package of disaster relief pills. It can eliminate all disasters on the road. Don't believe it, look! I am now walking on the road under the overpass. At this time, two cars are coming to me from the left and right. I am not in a hurry. I will go my way or my way. Suddenly, two cars collided with me. What was the result? As a result, I and the other two cars were safe and sound, without any damage. How about now? I know the power of Xiaozhen Pill. At the doctor's house, I gently pressed the doorbell

The doorbell said, "Sorry, the master is not at home, please come back tomorrow, thank you"; I listened to the doorbell and walked back. You must be wondering why the doorbell can talk? Let me tell you something. At that time, because of our advanced science and technology, every doorbell had a new intelligent sensor, in which family fingerprint was input. So the owner just pressed the doorbell, and the doorbell would judge whether it could open the door according to the fingerprint. If the guest is coming, the doorbell will answer politely. If the thief comes, the doorbell will call repeatedly. The guest and the thief are not family members. Why can the doorbell tell the difference? It turned out that there was a miniature camera hidden in the doorbell, which could take pictures of people's faces. The thief was carrying tools to commit the crime, but the guest was standing outside the door respectfully, so the sensor could distinguish them after judging. Unconsciously, I returned home. As soon as I rang the doorbell, the door opened automatically. The robot "Polly" was cleaning at home. I went into the bedroom, opened the TV, and saw a plane flying out. Then I fell on the ground, surrounded by a group of French. Now lawless Americans are fighting against France again, But why can TV turn things into reality? It turns out that China has invented a new kind of XVC light boat, which flies to the sun through the XVC light, and the TV sent back to the earth from there can turn fantasy into reality. What about? I'm living well now. In fact, there are many strange things. I won't say them one by one. Goodbye!

My Life in Ten Years (6)

One day in December, I was awakened from my warm bed by the sound of "dripping".

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and asked the curtains to open automatically. Yes, in the heyday of science and technology, everything at home is human, which makes us "office workers" very happy! The sunshine outside the window makes me feel more comfortable. Wait, December is a big winter, but at 6:00, the sky is not bright. That's right, but our scientists now have launched an "artificial sun" in the sky. The artificial sun has been working since 5:00 in winter, and 6:00 has warmed the earth!

My robot has prepared breakfast at my washing time: I drink fresh milk, eat freshly baked bread, add fried meat and eggs. You will surely say, "What's the big deal? I eat like this every day.". But don't be surprised. My milk is shipped from "Earth One". Don't believe it. Chinese scientists have found many planets suitable for human habitation in the universe. As I said, "Earth One" is one of them. There are many primeval forests, rivers and lakes on Earth One. Scientists use rockets to transport calves into space. The calves eat pure fresh grass and drink clean water without pollution. Of course, the milk produced is very nutritious!

After breakfast, I got on the environmentally friendly car I invented and sped on the road. Now environmental cars have replaced ordinary cars. The environment-friendly car I invented has the following four advantages:

1. Solar cars. The solar energy can be stored in the backup battery, so that when it is cloudy or rainy at night, it can fly freely on the road.

2. It can become various means of transportation. If you want to see underwater life, please press the blue button, and it will become a submarine immediately; If you want to see birds flying in the sky, please press the white button, and it will soon become a helicopter. How about it, magic!

3. It has gecko function. Now I don't think the car has a garage, but environmentally friendly cars don't have such concerns. When you don't use it, he will lie on the wall like a gecko, saving both labor and land.

4. It has the function of mouth control. When making a sharp turn, you don't have to turn the steering wheel around. Just move your mouth gently. If you say turn left, it will turn left; If you say turn right, it will turn right.

In a few days, it's time for me to take a vacation. I plan to travel to "Earth Two", where the scenery is beautiful and picturesque. People can stay here for a long time, or even migrate. I plan to let the birds carry over and multiply.

Just as I was thinking so much, I heard a roar: "Get up to eat, and daydream!" I was so frightened that I opened my eyes. My mother had asked me to have dinner. (It scared me to death. I thought the dinosaurs of "Earth Two" had come back to life!) Well, just now, oh, it was a dream!

Although it is a dream, I believe that with our efforts, this phenomenon will certainly occur. Only by working hard can "Earth cloning" be realized!