Beautiful Path (20 popular articles)
Old trees blossom
2024-03-17 06:44:39
Grade 3

Beautiful Path (1)

This morning, I went out to play with my aunt.

We rode to a remote mountain village. Along the way, it was all white fog, thick and thin. I felt bored in the car, so I stuck my head out of the window. "Wow! How beautiful!" The scenery outside the window is like a picture wrapped in silver gauze, vaguely seeing the wild flowers in the mountains. Driving a little further, I heard the sound of ding dong dong. It was clear and beautiful. Who played it? It was originally a small stream in the mountain. The clear stream hit the rock, splashing out countless pearls. The sun shone on the pearls through the white fog. At this time, the pearls gave off brilliant light.

"Open! Open! Open! Open! Open!" When I was intoxicated with the scenery "painting" in front of me, my sister called out impatiently. I said, "If you are free, you can look at the lakes and mountains outside the window. Maybe you won't be bored!"

Then the car fell silent again. "Look! There is a lake ahead!" I said in surprise. "Yes, let's get off and have a look!" cried my sister excitedly and anxiously.

After getting off the bus, we left the lake more and more. I saw several simple fishing boats sailing on the lake. Looking at the wild flowers on the mountain, it really looks like a mysterious fairyland in the clouds. As the saying goes, "Splash the clouds and see the fairyland!"

The scenery here can really be described as "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the painting"!

Beautiful Path (2)

On my way to school, there is a beautiful path. On both sides of the path, there are large, green trees, and some small flowers, white, yellow, purple... very beautiful.

There are also various stores on both sides of the road, including retail stores, grocery stores, and car repair shops... Especially the stationery store next to the school. When going to school or after school, there are a lot of students there. There are a lot of people and cars, and it is very busy.

On that beautiful path, many parents send students to school every morning. In the morning, the newly rising sun shot straight into people's arms, warming people's bodies and bringing people infinite hope. At the same time, it seemed to tell students: "Study hard! Don't let parents down"!

There is also a car repair shop nearby, which is also busy every day. People who come and go will come here to repair the car if it breaks down. Because the price here is very reasonable, and the mechanic is very kind. His shop is convenient for everyone, helps people in need, and also adds a different beauty to the road.

The path I have to take both at school and after school is my favorite path. This path brings joy to students' learning and also carries the expectations of parents. I hope that people who walk this path can realize their dreams. This is a path to pursue dreams. I like

Beautiful Path (3)

The path to the big forest is paved with colorful pebbles. There are beautiful flowers beside the road, including sunflowers, lilies, roses, and morning glory.

Mr. Duck lives in a small wooden house beside the road. His house is blue. The neighbors are Mr. Lu and Miss Rabbit. The house of Miss Rabbit is pink, and that of Mr. Lu is black. They often walk, play, and play hide and seek on the path.

Beautiful Path (4)

When I went to school, I would pass a special road - a beautiful path with too many deep feelings for me.

On the way to school, as long as I see the beautiful flowers on the path, I am full of hope for today. Hehe, I am in a good mood!

After school, Liu Ziyao and Tang Yuqing, together with me, carried our schoolbags and picked flowers on the grass beside the path.

Today, we also came to this grassland to look for flowers. We first tread a path gently on the grass, and then go looking for flowers. As I walked, I found a purple and lovely flower on the grass. I ran to it and put it close to my nose to smell: "Ah! It's so fragrant!" My voice attracted Tang Yuqing and Liu Ziyao. They said in unison, "What's wrong, Sister?" "Oh, this? It's so fragrant!" "Oh, really?" They also put their noses close to smell, "Wow! Fragrant, too fragrant! " They also sighed. So I picked this flower, put it in front of my nose, and tried to smell it. Then, we successively found such flowers on the grassland and named them "Jinglian". Although the name of the flower is a bit strange, it also has its unique meaning: this flower can purify the air, and its shape is like a lotus, so it is called "Jinglian". We also found all kinds of beautiful flowers on this grassland and named them one after another.

Today is so happy, the flowers are so lovely, and the path is so beautiful!

Beautiful Path (5)

On weekends, my parents and I went for a walk. We were walking on a small road. Tall poplar trees "stood" on both sides of the road, like majestic soldiers. When a gust of wind blew, poplar trees nodded to us and made a "rustling" sound, as if saying: "Hello!"

At the end of the path is a wall covered with red ivy. A gourd is hidden among the red leaves, just like a yellow "boat" floating in the red "ocean".

Beautiful Path (6)

Beside the park, there is a winding path, along which many flowers, grass and small trees are planted.

Spring is coming! There are many colorful flowers and plants on both sides of the road. The children all like to play on this path.

Summer is coming! After dinner, the children came to this path by accident. Some play hide and seek, some play badminton.

Autumn is coming! Colorful leaves are floating everywhere. The children came to the path again to pick up leaves.

Winter is coming! It snowed heavily, and the path was covered with a white quilt. The children came here again to have a snowball fight and make a snowman... This path brings us beauty and happiness all the year round!

Beautiful Path (7)

Whenever I walk along that familiar path, I always see a different scenery.

In spring, the path is covered with green. The green grass is inlaid with various flowers, many small insects shuttle in their "forest" world, butterflies dance in the flowers, birds fly freely in the blue sky... On the brown red soil not far away, many farmers are working hard with hoes. Soon, the messy brown red soil was turned into thin and sparse, and many earthworms were still trying to drill into the soil!

In summer, the mango trees on both sides of the path have grown plump and sweet mangoes. Sheng Xia is happy to walk on this unique fruit road: a cold mango drops off just to quench his thirst. When fresh mango juice flows into the mouth, the sweet taste is unforgettable for a long time. Look at those sprouts in the field who have just come out of the field in groups and are still trying to drill up. What a spectacular scene!

Autumn girl came to the fields with a cool, smiling farmer uncles, because autumn is the harvest season! People have their own things to be busy with: rice harvesters in the fields, fruit pickers in the orchards... everyone is very busy. Insects are not willing to be outdone. They are preparing for winter. Ants are transporting food in and out of the cave mouth; The spider poses on the web, and there are several "spoils" beside it.

Winter came roaring with cold wind. Although there is no snow here in winter, it is still very cold. The mangoes on both sides of the path have long disappeared, and only the bare mango trees are still guarding the lonely path. Occasionally, the withered leaves are telling people about its glory. The fields are empty except for the reddish brown ones. The animals are all gone. They are hiding in the warm nest, waiting for the spring flowers to bloom in the coming year.

This is the country road that I am familiar with. There is no traffic, no neon lights... There are quiet, natural roads and different landscapes throughout the year.

Beautiful Path (8)

There is a path behind my house. To the south of the path is the field. Viewed from afar, it is boundless and refreshing. To the north of the path is a small river, sparkling in the sunshine, which is particularly charming. When I was free, I would go for a walk on the path with my mother. The path was full of my happy footprints.

That night after dinner, my mother and I walked on the country road. In the south field, a cold and piercing winter wind blew the grass yellow and covered the fields with golden carpets. In the cold winter wind, the grass is shaking slightly, bending to the ground, swinging from side to side, like a group of girls in yellow dance skirts dancing heartily. The mulberry leaves in the mulberry field have been picked by the farmer uncle, and only the bare trunk and branches of the mulberry can be seen, but they are so strong, so tall and straight, they are still proud in the cold wind, quietly waiting for the next spring. The cinnamomum camphora trees on the roadside are very different. Other trees have withered branches and withered leaves everywhere. Only cinnamomum camphora trees have green leaves and branches, and stand tall and upright, just like sentries in green military uniforms, which makes people feel admiration. They are like loyal guardians of the path, which makes the path full of vitality in winter.

My mother and I walked along the path. The river on the roadside flows quietly, and the breeze blows across the river in the sunset. The golden light shines like a handful of broken gold scattered in the river. Those fishermen like to come here! They parked their cars on the path, and then some two held a pole while chatting and fishing; Some people catch more than others with one rod; Some people want to have a good harvest. There is a row of weeping willows on the other side of the river, combing their long hair in the cold wind. Two egrets perched on the tree. They also combed their white and flawless feathers with their long beaks. After a while, he jumped up, spread his wings and flew to the sky, gradually disappearing into the sunset. At this time, the path and the surrounding scenery are perfectly integrated. How intoxicating!

We walked along the winding path and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. My mother and I chatted aimlessly, talking about interesting things in the school and embarrassing things about each other. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the country road, which was like a long golden ribbon. Such a path links up such a landscape, such a landscape surrounds such a path, it is so peaceful and harmonious, as if I walked into a quiet picture of the countryside, why not let people linger?

Beautiful Path (9)

[Chapter 1]

There are many straight roads in the aviation school, but I don't like them; I like that winding path paved with stones. It gives people a picturesque beauty.

In the early morning of spring, the students were carrying schoolbags, singing, laughing and walking on the path. The gentle breeze caresses the faces of the students. From time to time, a few small leaves fell from the ginkgo tree. I picked up a leaf and put it on the page of the book to keep the beautiful spring forever.

In summer, I walked on the path, enjoying and bathing in the sun. I took off my sandals and walked barefoot on the cold path. The leaves are very thick. They hold large umbrellas to shade people. With ginkgo trees, the scorching sun can only cast spots of light. Some of these spots are like tigers; Some are like a cloud; Some are like butterflies... adding vitality and vigor to the path.

In autumn, ginkgo leaves fall slowly, like little golden butterflies, flying in the autumn wind. Some are still spinning; Some are like parachutes, some are like girls waving their small hands... They slowly fall on the ground, like laying a layer of golden carpet on the earth.

In winter, the biting cold wind hit my face, and I walked against the wind, still thinking: Why is this winter so cold? The leaves on the tree have already fallen off, and the trees are bare. I thought: aren't they cold? With this question, I went to school.

This is the path in the aviation school. It is beautiful all the year round.

[Chapter 2]

There is a winding forest path in the park. The path is littered with fruit peels, paper scraps, drink cans and other garbage, just like a garbage dump. In the flowers beside the path, the flowers lost their water, one by one, their heads were low and listless.

One morning, the weather was sunny and cloudless. Little white rabbits, sika deer and rhubarb duck came to the park to play. When they saw the path, they thought: How dirty the path is! How it affects the environment! So everyone began to work hard. The sika deer and the white rabbit ran home to get a kettle, and also fetched water from the river. The duck took a broom from his home and was going to sweep the garbage on the path to the garbage truck. At this time, the little white rabbit saw the flowers and plants on the roadside and thought: They should be thirsty, and I will water them. The little white rabbit picked up the kettle and walked around to feed the flowers. The duck picks up the broom, sweeps all the rubbish together, and then dumps it into the garbage truck. The sika deer took the kettle and sprinkled water on the ground so that the dust would not float up.

The three boys were tired and sweating, but they were very happy. Because this forest path becomes very clean and beautiful. The little flowers and grass on the roadside also became more colorful. They opened their mouths and said to the little white rabbits, sika deer and ducks, "Thank you!" The partners said, "You're welcome. It's everyone's duty to take care of the environment!"

The path of the park has become beautiful again, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, welcoming more tourists to visit.

[Chapter 3]

Next to the community, there is a straight path. The path is very narrow. Only one car can pass at a time. The road is uneven and potholed. It is a very ordinary cement road, but I like this path very much. Because there are many tall and strong metasequoia trees on both sides of the path, like pillars supporting the sky. They guard my home like soldiers.

In spring, the sun is like a fisherman, scattering his golden net on the path. In summer, thin green leaves dot the blue sky. In autumn, metasequoia trees weave yellow, orange and orange leaves into a large and soft quilt and send it to the path. The path was covered with quilt and felt very warm. In winter, both the metasequoia trees and the path got a snow white gauze skirt. The sun shone on the white gauze skirt, and the path and the metasequoia trees became very beautiful.

Every day, when I go to school, I always pass the path. In the morning, the metasequoia trees and the path are all wearing golden nightdresses, and they are still in sweet dreams. The birds are already chirping to urge them to get up quickly. In the evening, they all put on orange and red suits and wore their best attire.

This beautiful path accompanies me to school and to grow day by day.

Beautiful Path (10)

There is a beautiful path in front of Mr. Duck's door. The path is paved with smooth pebbles. Beside the path, there are colorful flowers. Butterflies are flying in the flowers. Every small animal will praise the path when they walk along it. Mr. Lu walked across the path and said, "What a beautiful path!" Miss Rabbit passed by and said, "What a beautiful path!" Mr. Natural Duck also liked the path very much.

But one day, the path suddenly became dirty. Mr. Lu walked across the path: "Where is the beautiful path? Why is it missing?" Miss Rabbit was surprised when she passed the path: "Where is the beautiful path?" Mr. Duck suddenly realized: "Oh! I know, the path is covered with garbage."

As we all know, throwing garbage is a bad habit. Miss Rabbit suggested, "Let's make the beautiful path beautiful again." Everyone agreed. They all brought cleaning tools. Mr. Duck brought a broom, Miss Rabbit brought a kettle, and Mr. Deer brought a garbage truck. After the work was divided, everyone started to work separately. After a while, the beautiful path came back.

Beautiful Path (11)

There is a long path in front of Mr. Duck's hut. The path is paved with colorful pebbles, and colorful flowers are blooming along the road. The rabbit girl walked gently along the path and said, "Ah, what a beautiful path!" Friends all like to walk on the beautiful path and talk. But after a while, there was a lot of garbage piled up on the path, and flies were buzzing around on the path, and the beautiful path disappeared.

Miss Rabbit walked down the path again, frowning, and said, "Why is the beautiful path gone?" Mr. Lu walked down the path again, covered his nose, and said, "Hey, where is the beautiful path?" Mr. Duck also called, "God! Where is my beautiful path?" He looked at it, suddenly patted his head, and said, "It's all my fault! I must find the beautiful path! " Mr. Ya pushed a car and brought a broom to carefully clean the garbage on the path. Miss Rabbit and Mr. Deer saw this and came to help. They carried the kettle, watered the flowers and washed the path.

Before long, a clean path appeared again. Miss Rabbit said, "The beautiful path is so fragrant!" Mr. Lu said, "The beautiful path is so bright!" Mr. Duck said to his friends, "Let the beautiful path be with us all the time“

Beautiful Path (12)

On our way to school, there is a particularly beautiful scenery. If we use an idiom to describe it, it is beautiful.

I believe that when you see this topic, your heart must be full of doubts. What scenery can there be beside the path? It's just trees. Yes, the scenery beside the path is really not so beautiful. However, I think it is not external beauty, but internal beauty. Its beauty is simple and unadorned.

In spring, the crops beside the path opened their dim sleepy eyes; The grass sticks its head out of the ground; Several new buds appeared on the bare branches. The new buds were small and plump, just like flowers in bud. In the rhythm of the wind, the crops jumped up in a neat morning exercise, making the roadside a piece of vitality.

In summer, the wheat beside the road becomes golden; The branches of those trees have grown thick branches and leaves, and many places along the road have become shady places. When the wind blew, the wheat shook its golden body, and the small tree also shook its green hair. The side of the path is like a colorful ocean.

In autumn, the roadside crops turned into corn. Tall corn trees stood on the roadside, just like guards protecting our school. The leaves also became golden, and one by one they fell down, as if they had covered the ground with a layer of golden carpet.

In winter, the branches are bare and there are no crops on the roadside. Everything seems to be hibernating. Only a few birds who were not afraid of the cold were still standing on the branches, and Grandpa Beifeng was still roaring desperately, as if he wanted to blow those birds away.

Ah! What a beautiful path!

Beautiful Path (13)

In the morning, the first beam of sunshine shines here.

The first autumn wind blows.

The first leaf fell.

This is the path of autumn.

The path was covered with fallen leaves.

There is a sound of "rustling" when walking up.

How crisp and comfortable!

Ah! The path of autumn!

Beautiful Path (14)

There is a beautiful path in front of Mr. Duck's door. The path is paved with smooth pebbles. Beside the path, there are colorful flowers. Butterflies are flying in the flowers. Every small animal will praise the path when they walk along it. Mr. Lu walked across the path and said, "What a beautiful path!" Miss Rabbit passed by and said, "What a beautiful path!" Mr. Natural Duck also liked the path very much.

But one day, the path suddenly became dirty. Mr. Lu walked across the path: "Where is the beautiful path? Why is it missing?" Miss Rabbit was surprised when she passed the path: "Where is the beautiful path?" Mr. Duck suddenly realized: "Oh! I know, the path is covered with garbage."

As we all know, throwing garbage is a bad habit. Miss Rabbit suggested, "Let's make the beautiful path beautiful again." Everyone agreed. They all brought cleaning tools. Mr. Duck brought a broom, Miss Rabbit brought a kettle, and Mr. Deer brought a garbage truck. After the work was divided, everyone started to work separately. After a while, the beautiful path came back.

Grade 5: Xue Yii

Beautiful Path (15)

My family lives by the Xianshi Lake. There is a Jade Belt River winding through the lake. Whenever I walk on the path by the river, I feel very happy.

The four seasons of the path are different: when the spring wind blows, the grass comes out of the soil, the branches secretly sprout, and the flowers beside the road poke their heads out, looking curiously at the beautiful world; When summer came, cicadas sang songs, woke up the little frogs in the Yudai River, and played a happy symphony together. The grass has changed from green to dark green, and the leaves of small trees have become green. When the autumn wind blew in the twinkling of an eye, the leaves on the path turned yellow and threw themselves into the arms of the earth. The grass changed into golden clothes; The heavy snow came as scheduled, the grass was wrapped in transparent "crystal", the tree was dressed in a white skirt, and became a "bald beauty". The normally lively fish disappeared.

My sister and I often play on the path. Once when we ran in a race, I usually ran fast. I thought: this time I won. I didn't expect to hear a strange sound, and my pace slowed down. Oh, it was a train crossing the bridge. When I came back to my senses, my sister was far ahead of me. No matter how I ran, it would be useless. I just watched my sister stand at the end of the line and show her proud smile. It seems that I should concentrate on everything!

I like this lovely path. I like the spring, summer, autumn and winter spent on this path.

Beautiful Path (16)

My family lives in Jinli West Road, which is beautiful all the year round.

Although it's winter now, I'd better start with spring!

In spring, the bare ginkgo trees on both sides of the road sprouted small buds, the grass on the ground sprouted small buds, and on the side next to the river, the small flowers in the flower beds also poked their heads out, eager to look at the outside world. These flowers, grass and trees make Jinli West Road wear a light green coat.

In summer, those ginkgo trees that have just sprouted grow very luxuriantly, like wearing green wigs. All the grass seems to be growing taller than others. This grass grows taller, and that one grows taller than this one. They make no difference... All the florets seem to be competing, but they are not tall or short, but beautiful. This flower is called Xiaolan, and it opens its smile. Another flower is called Xiaohong. It also opens its own smile. One thing is different from Xiaolan, that is, it always shows off its beauty. Like the grass, they compete equally

"Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring. When a crane flies on a clear sky, it brings poetry to the blue sky." This is the poem Autumn Poetry by Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. He thinks autumn is better than spring, so do I. In autumn, the leaves of the ginkgo trees on both sides of Jinli West Road slowly turned yellow, the grass withered and yellow, and the petals of the flowers slowly fell. However, my favorite scene is the scene of ginkgo leaves falling to the ground, just like yellow butterflies dancing. Falling to the ground is like changing Jinli West Road into a new yellow dress.

In winter, the ginkgo tree's golden hair and coat are gone, they must be very cold! They must be very sad!

Spring, summer, autumn and winter on Jinli West Road are very beautiful seasons. However, I like autumn best, because when I see ginkgo falling, I will "lead 'Wen' sentiment to the blue sky".

Beautiful Path (17)

Beautiful path composition

In the daily study, work or life, we always have to contact with composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing essays. The following is a beautiful and elaborate essay written by Xiaobian. It is for reference only and I hope it can help you.

Beautiful Path Composition 1

On my way to school, there is a beautiful path. On both sides of the path, there are neat and lush trees, and some trees have some small flowers, some white, some yellow, some purple... very beautiful.

There are also various stores on both sides of the road, including retail stores, grocery stores, and car repair shops... Especially the stationery store next to the school. When going to school or after school, there are a lot of students there. There is a sea of hermits.

On that beautiful path, many parents send students to school every morning. In the morning, the newly rising sun shot straight into people's arms, warming people's bodies and bringing people endless hope. At the same time, it seemed to tell the students: "Study hard! Don't disappoint parents' expectations"!

There is also a car repair shop nearby, which is also busy every day. People who come and go will come here to repair the car if it breaks down. Because the price here is very reasonable and the mechanic is very kind, his shop is convenient for everyone, helps people in need, and adds a different beauty to this road.

The path I have to take both at school and after school is my favorite path. This path brings joy to students' learning and also carries the expectations of parents. I hope that people who walk this path can realize their dreams. This is a path to pursue dreams. I like

Beautiful Path Composition 2

When I went to school, I would pass a special way - that is, a beautiful path with too many sincere feelings for me.

On the way to school, as long as I see the 'beautiful, competing flowers' on the path, I will be full of hope for today. Hehe, I'm in a good mood!

After school, Liu Ziyao and Tang Yuqing, together with me, carried our schoolbags and picked flowers on the grass beside the path.

Today, we also came to this grassland to look for flowers. We first tread a path gently on the grass, and then go looking for flowers. As I walked, I found a purple and lovely flower on the grass. I ran to it and put it close to my nose to smell: "Ah! It's so fragrant!" My voice attracted Tang Yuqing and Liu Ziyao. They said in unison, "What's wrong, Sister?" "Oh, this? It's so fragrant!" "Oh, really?" They also put their noses close to smell, "Wow! Fragrant, too fragrant! " They also sighed. So I picked this flower, put it in front of my nose, and tried to smell it. Then, we successively found such flowers on the grassland and named them "Jinglian". Although the name of the flower is strange, it also has its unique meaning: this flower can purify the air, and its shape is like a lotus, so it is called "Jinglian". We also found all kinds of beautiful flowers on this grassland and named them one after another.

Today, innocent and happy, the flowers are so lovely, and the path is so beautiful!

Beautiful Path Composition 3

There is a beautiful path in front of Mr. Ya's door. The path is paved with smooth pebbles. Beside the path, there are colorful flowers. Butterflies are flying in the flowers. Every small animal will praise the path when they walk along it. Mr. Lu walked across the path and said, "What a beautiful path!" Miss Rabbit passed by and said, "What a beautiful path!" Mr. Natural Duck also liked the path very much.

But one day, the path suddenly became dirty. Mr. Lu walked along this path: "Where is the beautiful path? Why is it missing?" Miss Rabbit was surprised when she passed this path: "Where is the beautiful path?" Mr. Duck suddenly realized: "Oh! I know, the path is covered by garbage."

As we all know, throwing garbage is a bad habit. Miss Rabbit suggested, "Let's make the beautiful lane more beautiful." Everyone agreed. They all brought cleaning tools. Mr. Duck brought a broom, Miss Rabbit brought a kettle, and Mr. Deer brought a garbage truck. After the work was divided, everyone started to work separately. The beautiful path came back after a while.

Beautiful Path (18)

There is a path in front of my house. Bamboo grows on both sides of the path, which is no more than an inch thick and is as thin as my little thumb. The sharp bamboo leaves rustle from time to time, the color is clear and green, as if to see the dew washing green life for them. Whenever I walk on this path, I feel particularly comfortable. We gave this path an interesting name - Bamboo Path.

The zigzag bamboo path extends to an invisible place. Along the way, birds sing and flowers smell, which is delightfully deep. The unknown birds on the bamboo pole chirp incessantly. The wild flowers on the path are blooming delicately and delicately. The cool breeze is blowing on your face, making everyone intoxicated with the beautiful scenery of the bamboo forest.

Near the end of the bamboo path, there is a reservoir. The brook gurgles into the reservoir, and the birds around sing sweet songs. We turned our eyes to the mirror like water. At this time, the reservoir reflected a gorgeous scenery. The reflection of the blue water and the bamboo forest was mixed together, deep and shallow, which was very beautiful. When the breeze passes, it sends the fragrance of bamboo leaves, which make green ripples on the water surface. At this time, the sun was greeted by colorful clouds and revealed its red face. At that time, the bamboo forest seemed to be gilded with golden light. The bamboo forest swaying in the wind was suffused with golden ripples, which added radiance to the lake. Everything in the bamboo forest has become so beautiful and dazzling... The beauty of the reservoir has added a lot of charming scenery to the bamboo path.

This is the green bamboo forest in front of my house. Nature uses its changeable magic pen to describe the colorful beautiful scenery for us. The beautiful bamboo forest gives me fresh air, happy mood and good feelings. I like the bamboo forest.

Beautiful Path (19)

Spring is coming! There are many colorful flowers and plants on both sides of the road. The children all like to play on this path.

Summer is coming! After dinner, the children came to this path by accident. Some play hide and seek, some play badminton.

Autumn is coming! Colorful leaves are floating everywhere. The children came to the path again to pick up leaves.

Winter is coming! It snowed heavily, and the path was covered with a white quilt. The children came here again to have a snowball fight and make a snowman. This path brings us beauty and happiness all the year round!

Beautiful Path (20)

There are also various stores on both sides of the road, including retail stores, grocery stores, and car repair shops... Especially the stationery store next to the school. When going to school or after school, there are a lot of students there. There are a lot of people and cars, and it is very busy.

On that beautiful path, many parents send students to school every morning. In the morning, the newly rising sun shot straight into people's arms, warming people's bodies and bringing people infinite hope. At the same time, it seemed to tell students: "Study hard! Don't let parents down"!

There is also a car repair shop nearby, which is also busy every day. People who come and go will come here to repair the car if it breaks down. Because the price here is very reasonable, and the mechanic is very kind. His shop is convenient for everyone, helps people in need, and also adds a different beauty to the road.

The path I have to take both at school and after school is my favorite path. This path brings joy to students' learning and also carries the expectations of parents. I hope that people who walk this path can realize their dreams. This is a path to pursue dreams. I like