Advisory composition (19 in general)
Sea breeze in summer
2023-09-27 08:52:50
fairy tale

Advice Composition (1)

One morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the little black bear was going to play at his grandmother's house. To Grandma's house, we have to pass a single wooden bridge. The little black bear walked on and on until he came to the river. He saw a sign saying "Danger" beside the log bridge by the river. The little black bear pretended not to see it and went on the bridge.

When the little monkey saw it, he said hurriedly, "Little black bear, little black bear, don't cross the bridge, the log bridge will break." The little black bear ignored the little monkey and walked on.

The bird flew in and said, "Little black bear, little black bear, don't cross the bridge, the log bridge will break." The little black bear still didn't listen and went on.

Just in the middle of the bridge, suddenly, the bridge broke and the little black bear fell into the river. It shouted, "Help! Help!" The bird and the monkey came to help and saved the little black bear together.

The little black bear said regretfully, "I shouldn't have disobeyed your advice."

Advice Composition (2)

Xiao Ming's father likes to shoot birds. Today, he was carrying a gun and ready to go out to shoot birds. Xiaoming saw it and hurried to stop it and said, "Dad, are you going out to shoot birds again today?"

"Yes, son. Do you want to go bird hunting with me?" Dad said with a smile.

"Dad, I won't go hunting birds with you, and I will stop you from doing so. Aren't you really a bird our human friend? It can help us catch pests and bring us joy." Xiaoming said earnestly.

"Anyway, there are so many birds that it's OK to shoot a few, and other birds can still be happy for your arrival and catch pests for you!" Dad said without showing any sign of weakness.

"But if all the people in the world are like you, each one will fight a few, and each one will fight a few, will the bird have survivors? Besides, the bird also has life, and it also has its own family, if it dies, its mother will also be sad?" Xiao Ming said righteously.

"Well... well... well! It's reasonable to hear what you said. Well, I will never shoot birds again!" Dad said reluctantly.

"My son has finally grown up. It's great to persuade my father!" My father then said happily.

Advice Composition (3)

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit who liked reading very much. He would carry a lot of books to the tree stump to read every day. After reading for a long time, his neck was sore, so he held his head in his hands and continued to read.

Gradually, the rabbit felt too tired to read with his head on the stump. So the rabbit lay on the grass and read. He was watching, and was seen by the goat grandpa walking on the grass. The goat grandpa hurriedly came to the rabbit and said, "Little rabbit, you can't read books lying down. It's not good for your eyes, and you will become myopic. You should wear glasses." The rabbit listened with disapproval, and said, "Grandpa goat, what does it matter to become myopic when you lie down and look comfortable?" Grandfather Goat said that he could not see the rabbit, so he shook his head and went on walking.

After a few days, the rabbit felt that it was too dark to read while lying down. So, he read every day when the sun was shining. One day, he was watching, and was seen by Sister Luk who was playing on the grass. Sister Luk ran to Little Rabbit and said, "Little Rabbit, you can't read in the sun. You should have bad eyes." Little Rabbit said, "Why can't Sister Luk read in the sun? I think such a good weather is suitable for reading. You don't have to worry about my eyes. They can't be broken." Sister Little Deer said nothing about Little Rabbit and walked away helplessly.

The days went by slowly, Little Rabbit. His eyes were really shortsighted slowly, and he finally put on his glasses. Now he regretted: "I should have listened to Grandpa Goat and Sister Deer! It's too late to regret now! It's really inconvenient to wear glasses!"

Advice Composition (4)

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse living in a jungle. It had many neighbors.

In the morning, the little monkey passed by the little mouse's house and saw that the little mouse was still sleeping on the bed. He called to it, "Little mouse, why don't you get up yet? Let's go to exercise together." The little mouse said, "I don't need to exercise, and I'm in good health." The little monkey had no choice but to go by himself.

At noon, the rabbit passed by the mouse's house and saw that the mouse's hands were dirty and eating. So he hurried to stop it and said, "Little mouse, why don't you wash your hands before eating? This will make you sick." Little mouse said, "I'm healthy, and I won't get sick if I don't wash my hands." Little rabbit has no choice but to leave.

In the evening, the bird passed by the house of the little mouse and saw that the little mouse was eating and drinking a lot of French fries, hamburgers, fried chicken legs and other things. The bird said, "Little mouse, don't eat so much at night. It's not healthy and will get sick." The little mouse said, "My body is very healthy and I won't get sick if I eat anything." The bird had no choice but to take it and left by itself.

After a few days, the small animals played together. When they found no mouse, they went to the mouse's home to find it. Before I reached the door, I heard the groan of "Ouch! Ouch!". Everyone hurriedly knocked at the door, and the little mouse covered his stomach and opened the door weakly: "I really regret not listening to you. My stomach hurts and I'm powerless. I must change these bad habits in the future."

Advice Composition (5)

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit who loved reading. On a sunny day, the rabbit picked up a lot of books and went to the outdoor stake to read them attentively. After a while, he felt very tired, so he put his hand on his cheek and looked at it. After looking at it for a while, he felt very tired holding his cheeks in his hands, so he simply lay down on the grass to read.

Unconsciously, the morning passed, and the rabbit was still lying there reading. At this time, Grandpa Goat came slowly and said to Little Rabbit, "Little Rabbit, reading while lying is harmful to your eyes, so you should sit up." After hearing this, Little Rabbit said, "Grandpa Goat, I know, and I will correct it." Little Rabbit sat up and looked at it squarely.

At noon, the sun was shining, and the rabbit was still reading. At this time, Sister Little Deer came over and said to Little Rabbit, "Little Rabbit, you can't read in the direct sunlight, which is bad for your eyes." Hearing this, Little Rabbit felt very strange and thought: Grandpa Goat said you can't read lying down, so I would sit up straight. Why does Sister Little Deer say that she can't read in the sun? Isn't it better to be bright? Little Rabbit didn't listen to Little Deer's sister and often read in the sun.

After a while, the rabbit put on his glasses. He regretted it and said to himself, "Well, if I didn't read in the sun after listening to Sister Deer, I wouldn't wear glasses."

Advice Composition (6)

One sunny noon, the owner asked a little black donkey to carry a bag of heavy rice home. The bag was broken. He thought that a small hole would not hinder the big event, so he carried the rice on his back and left.

Passing through a forest, a bird flew in and said anxiously, "Black donkey, black donkey, your bag is broken, and the rice has fallen on the ground. Make up quickly!" The black donkey thought to himself, there is enough rice in the bag. It doesn't matter how many grains are missing. He must want me to stop and peck my rice. I won't be fooled by him. He ignored the bird and stepped forward.

As he walked, the small hole in the bag became bigger and bigger, and more and more rice was spilled on the ground. After climbing a hillside, a yellow dog caught up and shouted, "Brother Donkey, this bag of rice is about to leak out, please fill the bag quickly!" The black donkey thought, there is so much rice in the bag, how can it leak out? He must want me to stop and eat my rice. I won't be fooled by it. It pretended not to hear and ran away.

In this way, the small hole in the bag became bigger and bigger, and the rice bag became lighter and lighter. The rice was scattered all over the ground, but the black donkey was still humming along. The rice left on the ground was in a hurry and one by one shouted: "Black donkey, black donkey, you are wasting too much. Pick up each of us quickly, put back the rice bag, and then fill it up. Don't let us fall down again!" Kemi's voice was too low. How could the black donkey hear it?

When he got home, the donkey wanted to pour the rice into the rice vat, but he found that there was only an empty bag, and there were few grains of rice left. When the owner found out, he whipped the donkey with a whip and scolded: "You waste food and are lazy!" The black donkey regretted not listening to the advice. Alas, it is really "a small hole cannot mend, a big hole can suffer"!

Advice Composition (7)

In this long journey of life, there are always some unforgettable sounds echoing in our ears, and there will be a wonderful story behind these sounds.

At noon, school lunches were always not to my liking, and that time was the same. But that time was different from the past. It was very unlucky and lucky.

Because someone reported me to the teacher, which made me get away with it. I stood in front of the teacher, my feet were trembling all the time, my face was red with fire, my head was bowed, and I looked timid and cowardly. The teacher kindly asked: "Why don't you eat at noon? If you don't eat, you will be hungry in the afternoon!" I slowly raised my head and replied: "I, I don't like eating very much." Who knew that the teacher was going to call me into the office, and my heart was trembling: I'm going to die now. First, I was informed, then I was told by the teacher, and then I was asked to go to the office. Good heavens! What bad things are waiting for me! However, my ears are always echoing what the teacher said.

When we entered the office, the teacher opened his drawer, took out a packet of biscuits, opened it, took out a piece, handed it to my mouth, and said with a smile: "Come on, take some food, or my stomach will not be comfortable in the afternoon." I stepped back, shook my head, and intended not to eat. Who knows that the teacher repeatedly advised me to eat, but I was stubborn not to eat. Finally, the teacher still had no way, put his hand on my shoulder, smiled and said: "You must eat next lunch, or you will not grow tall. If you are hungry, you can eat!" I nodded perfunctorily and walked out of the office. Unforgettable is that warm advice, that concern greetings.

The sound of this advice has branded my mind and my life as well.

Advice Composition (8)

One day, the rabbit told a story to the duckling and the frog. The duckling and the frog were very excited!

What are you talking about? So what she said was——

A lamb wanted to go out to play alone. Before going out, her mother kindly told her: "Baby! Don't run too far, just play near home, OK?" The lamb pursed her mouth and said: "No! It's boring to play near home every day!" Her mother said: "If you are naughty again, I will be angry..." Before the words were finished, the lamb who didn't listen to the advice had already run away.

The lamb ran for a long time and came to a green meadow. Nearby, there is a winding river. The clear river looks like a mirror, and the bank is full of wild flowers... The lamb thinks: How nice it is here! I can have a good time! So, for a while, it rolls on the grass, for a while, it plays with water and picks flowers by the river... It's so happy! However, it didn't notice that there was a big gray wolf beside the grass! The wolf glared at his green eyes and bared his teeth. Looking at the white, white and tender lamb, he was very happy. The wolf thought: This little fat sheep must taste very good! His mouth watered with greed. The lamb was totally immersed in his happy time. At this moment, after eating the fresh grass, he is lying on the grass and snoring. Seeing that the time was ripe, the wolf immediately carried the lamb home and planned to taste it slowly. The lamb woke up and found that he was not at home or on the grass. He said to himself, "Where am I?" The wolf suddenly stuck out his ugly face and said, "This is my house "Sobbing, Mom, Mom, where are you? Sobbing......" The lamb was so frightened that she cried bitterly. However, the wolf did not sympathize with the lamb and pounced on it. The lamb became its delicious meal.

The duckling and the frog could not help but say, "We must not be like the lamb who does not listen to advice. Safety is more important than fun!"

Advice Composition (9)

At night, I lay in a warm bed and fell asleep. Somehow I fell into a sweet dream. When I woke up, I found that I came to the depths of the universe, wow! It's really eye watering. There are many beautiful stars floating in the universe, and they are shining everywhere. Eh? Strange, how can I breathe in the universe? I walked closer and saw that there were five characters in front of me, "Star Award Platform".

Then, I saw the venerable grandfather Jupiter with his eyes wide open, and began to speak in a serious tone: "Welcome to our annual Star Awards Conference, Mr. and Miss Planet." I was very surprised: Am I in the fairy tale world? This should be a dream, right? If it's a dream, I hope I don't wake up. At this time, Grandpa Jupiter said, "Now, the first award today is awarded. Mr. Mercury has won the environment award. Everyone congratulates him. He has won the best environment award for six consecutive years, which is unprecedented!" All the planets gave warm applause to Mercury. Next, some strange awards came out. Galaxy received the best beauty award, Venus received the best diligence award, Vega received the best nurse award, Mars received the best contribution award, and the moon received the best cleaning award.

Then I got up again and found that I was lying in a very strange place. Eh? How can I be here? This is not my home. The room is very large. There is a crystal ball beside it. Even the bed is floating in the air. At this time, the grandpa came in and said to me, "Alas, my child, the earth has been destroyed." I asked, "Why is the earth destroyed. Otherwise, the earth will also become today's intact earth. Go back quickly! "

As the old man's voice gradually disappeared, I cried out several times: "Grandpa, thank you for your care. I went back to tell those people not to cut down trees indiscriminately. Let Mother Earth recover her appearance as soon as possible."

"Get up! Get up!" I heard my mother's faint cry. I opened my eyes slightly. It was a dream and I didn't tell her about it. I have deeply remembered the old man's advice in my heart.

Advice Composition (10)

When I was young, my parents loved me very much, but with a younger brother, I felt that my parents didn't love me anymore, and they were very biased.

Once my mother asked me to do my homework and I went upstairs. Later, I thought that my parents were very biased and cried in my room. Grandma told my parents that when my parents came upstairs and saw me crying, they beat me severely and made me roll all over the floor and hurt me everywhere. When they left, they also said, "You think studying is bad for you. Don't study next semester.".

The next day, I got up and went downstairs. My grandfather said to me, "Learning is a good thing or not a bad thing. Don't be like last night.". Because both parents want you to become a talent, they will beat you. Don't hate your parents. They will beat you only when they love you. So others say: "Beating is love, scolding is love.".

In the afternoon, my parents said to me: Huilin, you should study hard and grow up. As long as you study well and find a good job, we will be relieved. It is wrong for us to hit you yesterday because violence cannot solve the problem. Is it still painful to hit you yesterday? We apologize for yesterday. My heart seems to find the happiness of life without my brother before.

Mom and Dad, I love you!

Advice Composition (11)

Once upon a time, there was a naughty rabbit named Xiao Da. He liked reading books very much. However, he doesn't have a good habit of reading. He likes to carry on his back and do small movements

One day, as usual, he was reading at home with his back on his back and his cheeks on his hands. After reading for a while, he felt too tired to sit here and read, so he continued to read on the grass. Grandpa Goat came over and bent down and said to Xiao Da, "Xiao Da, don't lie on the grass and read, or you will be short-sighted." Hearing what Grandpa Goat said, Xiao Da felt very reasonable, and sat up straight. Grandpa Goat saw this and nodded happily and walked away.

After a while, Xiaoda felt too dark and turned to the sun to continue reading. Sister Xiaolu came, and when she saw Xiaoda reading, she reminded him, "Xiaoda, don't read in the direct sunlight, or you will be short-sighted." This time, Xiaoda took Sister Xiaolu's words as a deaf ear.

Time passed by day by day. One day, Xiao Da put a pair of glasses on his nose, and then he understood how reasonable Sister Luk's words were. Xiaoda said to himself regretfully, "Well, I wish I had followed Sister Xiaolu's advice."

Advice Composition (12)

One sunny morning, after breakfast, the rabbit felt bored sitting on the chair. The rabbit thought to himself: Don't I like reading books very much? Why don't I read? So the rabbit found the biggest stake, moved a chair, took many books at home, sat down and read with his chin.

After looking at it for a while, the rabbit stopped. It turned out that it was too tired to sit and watch, so it was better to lie and watch. At this thought, the rabbit really lay on the grass reading. At this time, the goat grandpa who was walking on the grass saw the little rabbit lying reading a book, and hurriedly said: "Little rabbit, it's bad for your eyes to read while lying down. You should sit up and read." The little rabbit thought it was very reasonable, so he sat up and continued reading. After looking for a while, the sister of the sika deer who came to eat grass on the grass came over and reminded the rabbit, "Little rabbit, sitting in the sun reading is bad for your eyes." This time, the rabbit didn't take her words seriously.

As the days went by, the little rabbit read like this. One day, the rabbit put on his glasses. He thought strangely: How could I put on my glasses?

Advice Composition (13)

It's sunny today. The rabbit is reading on the desk with his face in his hands. Looking at it, he felt very tired, so he lay down on the green grass to read.

At this time, Grandpa Goat came. It said, "Little rabbit, reading while lying down like this will affect your eyesight, and it's easy to be short-sighted." But the little rabbit was so fascinated that he ignored Grandpa Goat. Grandpa Goat had to wave his hand and walk away disappointed.

At noon, the sun hung high in the sky, and the rabbit came to the grass again, sitting straight in the sun and reading carefully. At this time, Sister Xiaolu came over and said to Little Rabbit: "Reading in the sun will affect your eyesight, and then you will see things more and more indistinctly. If it is serious, you should wear glasses!" Little Rabbit was skeptical, and felt that things would not be as serious as Sister Xiaolu said.

After a period of time, the rabbit clearly saw things more and more unclear, and finally had to wear glasses to read clearly. The rabbit was very regretful. He scratched his head and said, "I should listen to Grandpa Goat and Sister Deer."

Advice Composition (14)

Remember that it was a summer vacation.

That day, I went to play with some friends. When we came to the river, someone said, "It's so hot, let's go to the river to play!" Hearing this, everyone else said "OK" in unison. Just as they were about to go down the river, I held them back. I said to them, "Don't go down, it's dangerous." But they said, "What are you afraid of? We can swim. If you dare not go down, it means you are a coward, or you can't swim!" "What about those who drowned when they went down to play?" I retorted. "They can't swim," they said. "What about the adult who drowned while playing in the river? In summer vacation, many such things happened. Some adults were unwilling to spend money to swim in the swimming pool, but they drowned in the river..." My call left them speechless, and they had to give up the idea.

Since then, they have stopped playing in the river with or without adults.

Advice Composition (15)

One sunny morning, the mother donkey asked the little donkey to buy rice. After hearing this, the little donkey jumped up and said, "I can finally help my mother.".

Soon, the little donkey was carrying a bag of rice on his way home. It passed through the dense forest, singing and enjoying the scenery, and accidentally broke the rice bag, which was leaking out one by one.

Sister Bird saw it and flew over to the little donkey and said, "Brother donkey, your rice bag is broken and needs to be mended." The little donkey ignored it and thought: there is still so much rice in such a small hole that it will not be lost.

After thinking about it, it continued to move forward. The little donkey was walking, and the hole in the rice bag was bigger, and more rice was missing. The little donkey said carelessly, "No, no, that hole is too small to leak much rice."

Gradually, the rice in the cloth bag became less and less, and the little donkey walked faster and faster. As soon as she got home, her mother asked, "Have you bought the rice?" "Yes, I have." She took the rice from behind. Ah! It's an empty bag. The donkey lowered his head in shame. I should listen to the advice of Little Bird's sister and Little Dog's brother, so that Mi would not leak out.

Advice Composition (16)

In the dense big forest, there are many small animals. They are afraid of the big lion. Only the small white horse is bold enough to meet the big lion.

One day, a "boxing match" was held in the forest. Many small animals went there to watch the fun, and the little white horse was no exception.

First of all, the host walked onto the stage and announced loudly: "The competition begins! First, the champion Mr. Xiong and the challenger leopard of the last competition!"

"Ha ha, was it not enough for you to be beaten by me last year? Leopard!" said the bear proudly.

The leopard immediately retorted, "Why are you so sure you will win?"

"Let's have a try!" After saying that, we started to fight. But pride will defeat us, and Mr. Xiong is doomed to fail. The leopard was very happy. The little white horse was not happy when he saw it. He immediately stood up and said, "What's there to celebrate? I can beat a big lion!"

"Oh, really? You can defeat the lion!" The leopard asked in great confusion.

"Of course! Of course I can beat it!"

The next day, the little white horse set out with his luggage. He met the little white rabbit on the way. The little white rabbit advised the little white horse, "Little white horse, the big lion is very powerful. Don't go!"

"Hum, are you afraid? What are you afraid of? I must defeat him!" The little white horse ignored the advice of the little white rabbit and walked to the den of the big lion.

Then the little white horse met the little goat. The little goat said to the little white horse, "Little white horse, I heard that you are going to duel with the big lion, is it true? I heard that the big lion is so powerful! The big cousin of the little gray rabbit was murdered a few days ago!"

"Hum, I'm not afraid! You don't have to waste your breath!" Then he went away.

Another day later, the little white horse finally came to the big lion's den. The big lion saw him and asked, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid of you! I'm here to fight with you!" said Xiao Bai Ma Zhizao.

"Well, I have breakfast." With that, the big lion pounced on the little white horse. It was no use for the little white horse to struggle to death. Finally, it could only be eaten by the big lion. The little white horse finally said to himself, "Hey, I won't do that if I listen to my friends."

Advice Composition (17)

"Dad, stop smoking, smoking is harmful to your health!" Did you hear the sound of advice? Yes, this is my advice to Dad. Taking this opportunity, I want to tell my father all my heart:

Dad, stop smoking. There are twenty harmful substances in it, such as nicotine, tar, pyridine, etc., and there are thousands of harmful substances in the smoke, which also causes harm to other people's health. If it's in the morning, you can't smoke, so I want you to deeply see the disadvantages of smoking and achieve the effect of quitting smoking.

If you still can't stop smoking, I can introduce the smoking cessation methods I saw on the Internet to you:

The first method is determined to quit smoking. This method needs to make smokers fully aware of the harm of smoking, and let their families supervise when quitting. This method has a high success rate.

The second method is acupuncture and moxibustion. As long as there is a depression at the midpoint of the line between the Lieque point of the lung meridian of the hand Taiyin and the Yangxi point of the large intestine of the hand Yangming, this is the smoking cessation point. Use acupuncture every day for 15 minutes. The effective rate is 80% - 85%.

The third method is the assisted smoking cessation method. This method is for smokers to quit smoking by eating quit sugar, quit tea and quit smoking drugs.

Dear Dad, the above methods are enough to make you quit smoking, so please hurry up and quit smoking!

Advice Composition (18)

When he saw a big round stump not far away, he thought to himself, "The stump is like a table. It's really a good place to learn!" So he ran quickly to the stump, put the book on the stump and read it attentively. Look, look, Coco is tired, and he is comfortable lying on the green lawn reading. Just then, the goat father in law passed by and shouted in a hurry: "Little rabbit, little rabbit, you can't read books lying down, or you will get myopia!" The rabbit said, "My eyes are very good!" The goat father in law had to wave his hand and walk away.

The next day, Coco came to the sunny lawn to read. At this time, Sister Xiaolu came over and said kindly, "Don't read under the sunny sun, or you will be short-sighted!" Coco smiled and said, "I know, I know, don't bother me!" Sister Xiaolu also left helplessly.

One day, two days, three days, one month, two months... The rabbit felt his eyes blurred when he read a book. He went to the hospital to check his eyesight one by one, only to know that he had myopia. Since then, Coco has worn this pair of glasses. It said to itself, "I regret that I didn't listen to others' advice."

Advice Composition (19)

The rabbit sits on the green grass, which is boundless, just like a sea. It holds its chin with two hands and raises its mouth, like two invisible angels pulling upward. As long as the wind blows gently, the rabbit's ears will be crooked. He read with relish, but seriously!

The little rabbit felt uncomfortable sitting reading, so he lay on the grass and read. At this time, Grandpa Goat came. He bent over and stretched out his hand and said, "You can't read on the grass, because you will be short-sighted." The little rabbit still lay on the grass and said, "I don't believe it." Grandpa Goat said calmly, "If you don't sit up and read, you will suffer." The little rabbit only listened to Grandpa Goat.

The little rabbit sat up and continued to read the book. At that moment, the sister of the sika deer came over. She frowned and said, "Look at yourself, how close the book is!" The little rabbit did not listen to her. She repeated, "I don't believe it." The sister of the sika deer left without her. The next morning, the little rabbit felt that her eyes were blurred. Her mother hurried to take her to the hospital, He also told the doctor how the rabbit read the book in front of him. When the doctor checked, he said, "The rabbit is nearsighted, so he needs to equip you with a pair of glasses."

Little rabbit dare not lie down and read any more.