Tour the Song Dynasty City (16 refined articles)
Laugh at others
2024-03-30 07:12:41

Visit Song City (1)

On holidays, my uncle took me to the Songcheng Water World.

Before I came to the water world, I heard the happy laughter. Come closer and have a look, ah! There are so many people! Some tourists walk on the single wooden bridge, some play on the water, and some play on the water swing. These games are played on the water. If you are not careful, you will become drowned!

I wanted to play on the water and walk, but I was afraid of falling into the water. My uncle seemed to understand my mind, jumped into the water and said to me, "Jin Yijie, don't be afraid, I will protect you!" I took the first step carefully, but my heart was still afraid, but I was affected by the laughter around. I simply closed my eyes and rushed to the other bank. When I opened my eyes, I was safe, Cheering happily, "I will play!" Then, like a little monkey, I grabbed the rope and swung on the water, standing on the cable bridge and walking unsteadily.

Most of my extracurricular life is spent in mountains, rivers and waters. What about you?

Tour Song City (2)

The Song City is a national 5A tourist attraction, located on Zhijiang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. This National Day holiday, I also went to the Song City, where I passed through the Song Dynasty.

Upon entering the scenic spot, I saw a tall, thick pillar engraved with: "Give me one day and pay you back for a thousand years.".

We first entered the "Crossing Room" cross dressing, and then the first amusement project was "Step by Step". There were several half disabled heads outside it, and a skeleton stood in front of you, as if to say: Hello! It's scary just to look at it. After entering, he was even more afraid. A coffin was placed on the ground, and there were several people standing beside him who had lost half their heads. The coffin was still moving, as if a zombie would jump out soon! Walking on, I came to the Ancient Medical Hall. There was a dead man lying there with medicine. He turned his head from time to time, scared out of his wits. Then came to the ancient stage. Four people sat on the corner of the wall. The middle person hung and rotated. Several people looked at the middle person and made a babbling sound. It was terrible. Continue to walk forward to the Coffin Village. There is a board on which lies a corpse covered with a layer of white cloth. The most fatal thing is that the whole board and people will move in our terror, causing us to flee to the next intersection. On the way, I saw the words "morgue" in my eyes. There are dead bodies in my eyes. Maybe one of them will suddenly catch you and frighten my careful liver. It's the end at last, but you should be careful, because rows of big hands are dangling at the edge of the corridor. They may catch your legs at once and keep you from going. There is only one eye staring at you, which frightens me to death.

I finally came out. It's not good. It's almost time for the eternal love of Song City. I ran away quickly. The tour guide uncle said: "The Eternal Love of Song City has created a miracle in the world's performing arts history: more than 2000 performances a year, 9 performances a day in peak seasons, and more than 20000 performances have been performed in the past ten years, receiving more than 60 million audiences. It has become a must see performance in life."

After watching it, I returned to the hotel. Although I was afraid and tired today, I had a good time today. I will come again next time. But next time, I will not go "step by step". It scared me to death!

Tour Song City (3)

Today, I went to Songcheng with my father and his team. On the way, I was thinking about what Songcheng was like? When we got to Songcheng, we quickly bought tickets and ran into the gate. At first glance, there are many games that I have never seen before. It seems strange. The first thing I went to was to step on the leaves and cross the river. When I stepped on the leaves and heard someone calling me, I looked back and accidentally slipped and fell into the water. I was really angry. I went to the single wooden bridge again. This bridge can rotate. Someone turned the word "careful rotation" to the bottom, and I rushed to the water and rolled into a drowned rat.

I started to splash water. I took a small bucket full of water and poured it on others. Suddenly, the guide said that it would be a win to lift the other party into the big vat. People who heard this sentence tried their best to lift the other party into the water. Bad! My father was about to be carried into the vat, but my father was not bad either. He dragged others with his life, but he fell into the vat with the people who carried him.

This trip to Song City was really fun, and I deeply felt happy!

Tour Song City (4)

Today, my parents and I are going to Songcheng to play.

Finally, I arrived at Song City! When I got out of the car, Yanqing immediately ran out of money. There was simply everything there, not only all kinds of amusement facilities, but also many interesting places. For example, exploring Buddhist caves, three-dimensional houses, and strange Song houses. We first arrived at the tridimensional room.

When I arrived at the tridimensional room, I saw, oh my god! Why is there a man standing in the tiger's mouth with a smile? I have a closer look. Ah, the tiger is painted on the wall! It is said that the painting is really clever, because the painting is on a corner of the wall, so the mouth looks very deep and very long.

The tridimensional room just now is not good enough, so let's go to the Song House.

I just went in to have a look. Ah! The chandelier is below and the table and chair are hanging above, giving me a feeling of handstand. There are not only handstands but also horizontal and vertical ones, which makes people dizzy. I won't say much about the rest. Let's hurry to the haunted house.

As soon as I entered the haunted house, I smelled a thick musty smell, which made me feel creepy. At this time, a terrible laugh spread to my ears, which scared me to hold my father's arm tightly. It was not only that terrible. The haunted house could not see five fingers, only the light bulb at the foot gave out a pale green light. Moreover, the tomb next to you would move, and the coffin lid would suddenly open, The people inside would immediately sit up. I was so frightened that I had to close my eyes and follow the crowd out of the haunted house.

The haunted house just now is really scary, but there is something more wonderful. Ah, the performance is about to start. Let's go and have a look.

What was the performance I said just now? Of course, it is the most famous "Eternal Love of Song City". Because there are many historical plots in it, I have never seen them before, so I didn't understand them at once, but I still feel very exciting. I think the most wonderful ones are "Butterfly Lovers" and "Picking Camellia"!

Visit Song City (5)

Today, it was sunny and sunny. My mother and I, as well as my mother's colleagues, visited the Song City of Hangzhou. The most famous place in Song City is the "Strange Street". There are several strange houses in the Strange Street, including "Phantom Space", slanted house, inverted house, horizontal house, "big maze", and ghost house. My favorite three houses are ghost house, slanted house, and big maze.

The ghost house is divided into number one and number two. The name of number one is Liaozhai Jinghun; No. 2 is the most scary. The name of No. 2 is Bubu Jingxin. We went to No. 1. We waited for a long line before it was our turn. We went in, From time to time, a female ghost would come out and say, "I'm wrong -- I'm wrong --......" There was a bridge that would suddenly fall down three zombies, which scared me half to death. There was still a soft road. Who knows what we stepped on. After a dangerous journey, we finally got out of the haunted house.

Below is the slanted house. As the name suggests, everything in the slanted house is slanted. There are two ladders in the slanted house. One looks easy but difficult to climb, and the other looks difficult but easy to climb. How strange! The slanted house has a sense of reality. When I stand in it, I really feel that the world is slanted and dizzy.

Of course, there are other more interesting rooms! The maze house is also very interesting. There is only one right way in each hexagonal grid. At first, I was afraid that I would get lost. Later, I walked more smoothly and finally got out of the maze.

Ah! What a happy day!

Tour Song City (6)

This is what everyone is looking forward to. This is the happiest moment for everyone - Spring outing. Where will you go this spring outing? Song City! This is a good place we have been waiting for for a long time. We must have fun.

The first group of trains arrived at the first station: Lost Ghost House

After a short walk, I came to the first haunted house. At the thought that the house is related to ghosts, the introduction board said that if the ghosts were disturbed, they might be eaten by ghosts, which made me feel cold. Several of us grabbed the schoolbags of the students in front of us and screamed loudly. I felt that our group screamed the loudest. Skeletons appeared on the walls of this section of the road from time to time, scaring us continuously. Before we entered the haunted house, the atmosphere had already scared us silly. Due to excessive tension, our feet were completely out of order, sandwiched between the front and rear students, and we involuntarily approached the haunted house. We all want to know what's in the haunted house. Is there really a ghost? Finally, we arrived at the haunted house door, and it was strange that the staff wouldn't let us in! Alas, I can't help feeling a little lost. I must go online to find out!

Second stop: Qiaoguai Street

When you come to the strange street, the most interesting thing is the invisibility cabin! In the middle of the hut was a wooden "box" with mirrors on three sides and an empty one. We don't think it's strange, but as long as you go in and just stick your head out, only your head can be seen in the photos, and other parts of your body will be "invisible", really invisible! The most mysterious is the Phantom House! There are several paintings on the wall of the Phantom Cottage. People stand there and shoot at the painting with their camera. It's strange, as if you are in the painting, and the objects on the painting really seem to be beside you! The horizontal house is also very interesting. The whole house is horizontal in our eyes. Other members of the team lie on the "floor" (wall) of the horizontal house, stretch out a leg, and pretend to walk on the floor of the horizontal house. One member of the team also pointed to the door on the "ceiling" and said, "Let's go out from there." There are vertical houses and slanted houses. Strange streets are really strange.

The third stop: the glory of history and the eternal love of Song City

It is useless to visit Song City without seeing its eternal love. Today we can finally see the Song Dynasty. Everyone sits down in turn and the performance begins. The actors worked hard, and the best clip selected by our group was. The actors in the whole performance showed the scenes of Hangzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the West Lake folk stories such as White Snake and Butterfly Lovers... The beautiful music and the exquisite performance of the actors conquered us, and we often sigh. Uncle and aunt performing for us is to let us remember this period of history, not that brilliant era.

The glorious history of Song City will always be remembered!

Visit Song City (7)

Today, the sun is shining and the weather is sunny. We are excited to visit Song City. Song City is one of the ten new sights in Hangzhou. It is the largest theme park of Song culture in China, with the slogan of "Give me a day and give you back a thousand years.". Now let's have a look at Song City!

The city of Song deserves to be straight to the point. As soon as you enter every shop, everyone in the city of Song wears retro style clothes. Some sell food, some sell clothing, and some sell all kinds of gadgets.

Wow! I saw a lot of people gathered in the other party, and I ran to see curiously. Oh, it was an acrobatic troupe performing! Some are playing the flying man in the air, jumping from one rope to another. It's amazing! Jump from one tree to another like a monkey playing in the forest. After a performance, a little monkey came on the stage. The staff asked him to salute the audience, and he obediently saluted the audience, like a sensible child. The staff asked him to ride a bike, and he really started riding a bike. The skill is really superb!

Next, we went to the water floating arena, which was the most exciting and fun for children. Yang Jiakai and Li Runze couldn't wait to rush up. But Xiao Yang has already been in the battle field of the Second Classics. He has failed in his first game before and has learned a lesson. This time, the steady and smooth "floating" has reached the end, with a proud and happy smile. Li Runze is a green hand. A bear fell into the water as soon as he got there, and suddenly he became a chicken. Look at his embarrassed appearance! Laughing made our tummy ache.

We walked and walked. In a blink of an eye, we came to the "uncanny workmanship". The most representative one should be the slanted house. There is a second degree of gravity, which completely overthrows Newton's theory of gravity. Once you enter, a strong gravitational force will pull you down. It seems to be against you. This is the curious inclined house. You can only get rid of this magnetic field if you go out.

In a twinkling of an eye, the day is almost over, and it's time to go back to school. But I will remember Song Cheng in my heart, because it really realized "Give me one day and pay you back a thousand years."

Tour Song City (8)

"I'm going to Hangzhou Song City for a visit!" Today I can finally realize this dream. Early in the morning, my parents woke me up from my sleep. I got dressed quickly, climbed onto the car, and set out in high spirits.

After more than an hour's drive, we finally arrived at Song City. I was very excited. I was dazzled by the street performances alone. Among them, my favorite performance is mouse training. There were three white mice in total. The first white mouse climbed the stairs, and then passed the overpass. Finally, the white mouse finally ate the peaches in the sky. The second white mouse climbed the stairs to carry water. When it was carrying water, it accidentally fell into the bucket, which made everyone laugh. The last white mouse climbed the stairs, passed the overpass, and came to Leifeng Tower to save the white snake. How interesting!

Later, we came to the Strange Street, which was really strange! There are overturned houses, slanted houses, haunted houses... Mom and Dad went in, but I and another child didn't go in. Mother said it was terrible inside the haunted house. Fortunately, I didn't go in, or I would have been scared to death.

After the performance, we passed a square and saw a grandfather of the god of wealth holding a large gold ingot. Dad held me and took a picture with the God of Wealth. Suddenly, the god of wealth picked me up and took a picture. I was very proud. There were so many tourist children on the square, and the grandfather of the god of wealth only held me. I will be lucky this year!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the large-scale musical drama we had been waiting for finally started, and everyone lined up to enter the theater orderly. The theater is so crowded and lively. The performance began. The actors were all beautiful and brave, and the performance was even more wonderful. The applause from the audience rose one after another, and I could not help clapping my hands. When I came back to my senses, I found that both my little hands were red.

The beautiful song and dance performances are over, and today's trip to the city of Song has also drawn a perfect end.

Visit Song City (9)

On January 24, we are going to visit Songcheng. I am very happy. At nine o'clock in the morning, we set out and arrived at Song City at ten o'clock.

When we got to the ticket office, we heard the trumpet shout: "Hangzhou Song City Tourist Attraction is located in the southwest of the West Lake Scenic Area, which is the largest theme park of Song culture in China. It is also a national AAAA level scenic spot. It was built based on the Qingming River Map by Zhang Zeduan, an outstanding painter of the Song Dynasty." We bought tickets and entered the Song City. Through the tall buildings, I went to the strange street. There are many interesting things in the strange street. Don't believe it, look down.

We went to the inverted house, where the things were upside down. Then we went to the slanting house, where things were slanting. I feel forward when I walk in, and I feel dizzy when I sit in a chair. After that, we walked into a small house and I uncovered a lot of "gold". We also saw: one big and one small, magic house, maze.

Out of the strange street, we went to the dragon boat to play with water. After playing for a while, we heard the laughter in the distance and walked over. It was a water park, and I played there for a while. Tired of playing, I went to the city. We saw antique shops crisscross, and the staff of each shop were all dressed in the clothes of the Southern Song Dynasty, attracting customers while showing their skills. In an antique shop, my mother rented a princess dress for me, and I took some pictures in the princess dress. Later, I sat on the weighing scale of Chenzhou, and asked the black faced Baogong to weigh 53 kg. Ha ha, I was heavy again.

At two o'clock, we reluctantly left Song City.

One day's visit to Song City gave me an understanding of the local customs and customs of the Song Dynasty. "Give me a day and give back your thousand year experience."

Tour Song City (10)

I remember that on May Day, my parents and I went to Hangzhou to play together. I heard that Song City was the most interesting place there, so our family went to Song City with great enthusiasm.

"Here we are!" "Here we are!" I looked out of the car window, and the words "Song City" in big, golden words stood out. Entering the city of Song, I felt as if I had taken a time shuttle and arrived at the Song Dynasty over thousands of years. The shops on the street are full of everything, which dazzles people. There are also all kinds of performances on the street, such as magic, broadsword, stilt, shadow play... One after another, these are wonderful performances that cannot be seen in life.

The houses in Song City are more interesting, such as the "slanted house". Once you enter, the ground slants to a large extent, making you feel dizzy. It's fun to walk up the wall and slide down again! There is also "inverted room". The tables and chairs inside are inverted, even the tea cups are inverted. It seems that the ceiling is the real ground.

We strolled street after street. The city of Song really deserves its reputation. All kinds of things converge here, as if the city of Song is both a shopping mall and a place to play. As we walked, we happened to catch the performance of "Miss Wang throwing an embroidery ball to invite relatives". Most of the young men gathered here. Some looked upstairs to see if the "Miss Wang" was coming; Some tried to squeeze into the middle, trying to get a good place to catch hydrangea; Some are chatting with each other, and guess who can catch the hydrangea. When people were talking, "Councillor Wang" came out. He gave a brief introduction and called "Miss" to throw the hydrangea ball. At this time, all the men were very excited and wanted to see who could catch the hydrangea ball. "Miss" threw the hydrangea ball gently, and all the men came to grab it. Finally, a middle-aged man received it, and all of us laughed.

Time flies. I have to go home. When I think about today's trip, I am reluctant to part with it

It seems that I have really come to Song City. I hope I can have a chance to visit again in the future.

Visit Song City (11)

Song City is a street city built in Hangzhou, where there are many kinds of folk arts, and many kinds of folk snacks and folk gadgets. Anyone who goes there will be reluctant to leave.

Let's talk about folk art first. Shadow puppets, puppets, acrobatics, operas... I like shadow puppets best: Nezha's mind, Monkey King, and something I didn't know! The shadow play is full of sound and color. Sometimes it makes people laugh and sometimes it makes people cry! I also like the puppets. The puppets come alive one by one with distinctive personality. The story of the performance is even more interesting. I was dazzled by the acrobatics. The difficult action made all the people present scream. As for opera, although I didn't understand it, I was attracted by the characters in the opera. They acted very emotionally, as if they were the people in the opera. It was very interesting!

Folk snacks are not inferior. Maltose, Longxu Noodles, Dandan Noodles... You can smell the attractive fragrance from a long distance.

The city of Song Dynasty is not only rich in customs, but also beautiful in scenery. Ancient buildings, clear streams, swaying trees

In the evening, Song City is more beautiful! The lights are bright and lively. I was lucky to catch the ninth Songcheng Water Splashing Festival. I arrived at the water sprinkling site early to wait for the coming of the festival. The site was square, and there was a long dragon boat in the north and south, and there were sprinkler pipes and four large water tanks in the east and west.

The Water Splashing Festival has finally begun! There was only a sound of "The Emperor arrived --", and the "Holy Buddha" on the opposite mountain came. The rain like golden flame crossed the bright night sky dotted with stars and lit the flame on Foshan. The sky immediately flashed beautiful fireworks, and the crowd was boiling! The people cheered and splashed water on each other to pray for happiness and health. The water jumped in the crowd, and the spray pipe in the middle sprayed a huge arc of water mist. Everyone would be splashed with water by others, laughing and running!

After the end of the Water Splashing Festival, people are still happy, everyone is covered with water, and their faces are smiling!

Song City, a place that makes people feel extremely happy. It will always be tiled houses and green bricks, small bridges and flowing water, and there will always be hospitable people in the city of Song welcoming us!

Tour Song City (12)

On the evening of July 9, we visited the Ancient Song City Scenic Spot in Hangzhou.

After entering the scenic spot, we saw that the buildings in the Song City were modeled after the architectural style of the Song Dynasty. Vendors are hawking distinctive small handicrafts and delicious snacks, and artists are performing wonderful programs. The water splashing festival with the most national characteristics is about to start. At this time, the square is crowded with people, blocking the already small square. At the opening ceremony, the actors dressed up and performed wonderful performances.

The Water Splashing Festival began. Many people splashed water and reveled. Although they were wet all over, their faces were full of happy expressions. Later, we went to the theater to watch the grand performance of the Song Dynasty. The performances of the actors were wonderful, including Yue Fei's resistance to the invasion of the Golden Army, Xu Xian's meeting with the White Lady on the broken bridge, the story of Liang Zhu, and the story of Ali Mountain. What interested me most was Yue Fei's fight against Jin. They used the cannons on the stage to knock down the city wall in the movie screen, used the cannons to force the audience, and the patients also had many bows and arrows to spy on the audience, making us a false alarm. During the "Broken Bridge Meeting", the whole theater also began to rain, which surprised us!

This evening's tour of the ancient Song City made us feel as if we were back in the Song Dynasty, and reproduced the prosperity of the Southern Song Dynasty. I was deeply impressed by the peace and stability of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Tour Song City (13)

This summer vacation, my father will take us to visit Song City to see the "Eternal Love of Song City". "Most of Hangzhou has seen this play, which is very interesting!" Dad told me with a smile. How beautiful this "Eternal Love of Song City" is, just go and have a look!

On that day, we went to Song City from a long distance and stood at the door. There were already a lot of people there, and we had to queue up to go to a toilet. Entering Song City is like entering a prosperous city. The noisy sound of gongs and drums sounded, and it turned out that Dazhangshu stage was performing throwing knives. The performer threw the throwing knife onto the board and formed a circle. There were cheers from the audience, and then came the singing and dancing performances. We couldn't help applauding.

We walked into the shopping street again, and everywhere we could take photos to remember 3D images. There are emperors, queens, and dancing maids; They are in a variety of poses and costumes. There are also many interesting small commodities: watches, wallets and mini shoes, various handicrafts made from conch, and various juices.

"Eternal Love of Song City" is about to begin. We are crowded in the crowd, waiting for the start. Soon we entered the theater. The first chapter of human history made me feel very real. The second chapter of the King Kong and Iron Horse made me feel the glorious achievements in history. The most interesting chapter is the third chapter of the legend of the White Snake, when the water overflows the golden mountains. The roof of the theatre is really floating down. It makes people feel involved. I think it is indeed the eternal love of the Song City that people say!

How about Song City? Is it very interesting? Next time, you can go and have a look!

Tour Song City (14)

Song City is a famous tourist attraction in Hangzhou. We came to the Song City for a visit.

As soon as we entered the Song City, we each had a map, which was marked with No.1 Theater, Ghost House, Snack Street, Shijing Street... My favorite was the No.1 Theater and Ghost House.

When my brother saw the haunted house, he was noisy and wanted to go to the haunted house. Eh! What's going on today? Usually, he is as timid as a mouse. My brother even wants to go to the haunted house on his own initiative. The haunted house's spooky index is 5 stars. Ah! I think my brother will come out of the haunted house today with a lot of snot and tears. As time went by, while I was waiting to watch my brother play, I saw him "whoosh" out of the haunted house. After seeing his expression, he not only didn't cry, but also danced happily. I think maybe he has grown up and become brave.

The performance of "Eternal Love of Song City" in Theater 1, which I most expect, has begun. "Eternal Love of Song City" consists of five acts in total, which can be divided into "Light of Liangzhu", "Song Palace Feast Dance", "Golden Goggle and Iron Horse", "The Legend of Xizi" and "Charming Hangzhou" based on the timeline. Among them, my favorite scene is the scene of horses galloping and artillery firing in the war, which is especially lifelike, and people can not help but be impressed by Yue Fei's heroic spirit of dedication and enthusiasm. Yue Fei's heroic adverbial "eat the meat of Hu Lu with high aspirations and hunger, and drink the blood of Xiongnu with laughter. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky" hit my heart.

As night fell, everyone reluctantly left the city of Song, but I still seemed to be in the dreamlike historical scene, recalling the scene of "Give me a day and repay you a thousand years".

Tour Song City (15)

Composition [Chapter 1]

During the summer vacation, my mother and I went to Songcheng in Hangzhou with a group.

When we arrived at the city of Song and just entered the city gate, two soldiers in ancient military uniforms stood on a platform with a portrait in their hands and shouted, "Wanted in the Song Dynasty!" We seemed to be back in the Song Dynasty.

Let's continue to walk inside, the guide said, let's watch the large-scale art performance first! We arrived at the theater, and the performance just started. In the first act, when Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty celebrated his birthday, some countries friendly to China came to make pilgrimages. The second act is about the moving story of the Yuejiajun's heroic fight against the Jin Dynasty. When Yue's army appeared, the audience all praised that the Yue's army was extremely neat, and the lines of Yue's army were reflected on the overlapping screens on both sides; When Yue Fei was seriously injured to save a baby, the audience was moved by his spirit. The scene on the screen and the characters on the stage are integrated, which makes people shocked. The third act is the story of the White Lady. At this time, a "drizzle" began to fall over our heads. It turned out that water mist was artificially sprayed on the ceiling of the theater. "Light rain" and "heavy rain" on the stage bring us into a moving story.

Out of the theater, our guide said that there were Splash Street, Strange Street and so on. We hurried forward. Indeed, there was a large open space in front of us. There were several sinks on the open space, which were full of water. With the sound of rock music, people poured water on others crazily, screaming and laughing wildly. Although they were soaked, no one was willing to leave. Because we were in a hurry, we reluctantly left the Splash Street and rushed to the Strange Street.

There are horizontal houses, inverted houses, mazes and so on in the strange street. The furniture in the horizontal room is pasted horizontally on the wall, and the furniture in the inverted room is pasted upside down on the ceiling; There are five mirrors in the maze, and only one is the exit. Standing in the middle, surrounded by their own images, it is difficult to distinguish which is the exit. After some exploration, we finally came out of the mirror maze.

We tasted all kinds of snacks in the city of Song Dynasty, and the crowd gradually dispersed. It was time for us to return to the hotel. We left the city of Song, but I will never forget a visit to the city!

Composition [Chapter 2]

The Song City is located in the Zhijiang Tourist Resort in the southwest of the West Lake Scenic Area, bordering Wuyun Mountain in the north and Qiantang River in the south. It is the largest theme park of Song culture in China. You must have known why I mentioned "Song City", because I went to the famous Song City to play!

On that day, I entered the Song City, swam across the streets, and ate all kinds of food... The strange street was in front of me! All kinds of fantasies are like catkins in spring and snowflakes in winter: strange, where is the strange? Wonderful or strange... all kinds of "difficult and miscellaneous diseases" will be known!

After playing "Inclined House", "Down House", "Labyrinth"... we arrived at "Ghost House". Driven by curiosity, I mustered the courage to go in and explore! After entering, it gave me a threat. Broken hands, broken feet, big spiders, skeletons and so on emerge in endlessly! I silently thought in my heart: This is not terrible, I will not be scared.

As soon as I stepped into the real dark space, I changed my previous attitude and immediately wanted to have a bag of regret medicine, but as we all know, this is impossible. I had to brave my way down. There was a cold wind blowing into my bone marrow, and a sound of "I'm so wronged" passed through my ears. The terrible scenes appeared in front of me, and the body shook in front of us. I didn't dare to shout

Further ahead, there is a meat bun shop, which is extremely scary. There is also a cemetery, where the tombstones are moving

"Yeah!" I finally saw the light! Soon, I returned to the bright world. This is really a good place to "give me back the thousand years"!

Composition [Chapter 3]

On January 24, we are going to visit Songcheng. I am very happy. At nine o'clock in the morning, we set out and arrived at Song City at ten o'clock.

When we got to the ticket office, we heard the trumpet shout: "Hangzhou Song City Tourist Attraction is located in the southwest of the West Lake Scenic Area, which is the largest theme park of Song culture in China. It is also a national AAAA level scenic spot. It was built according to the Qingming River Map by Zhang Zeduan, an outstanding painter of the Song Dynasty." We bought tickets and entered the Song City. Through the tall buildings, I went to the strange street. There are many interesting things in the strange street. Don't believe it, look down.

We went to the inverted house, where the things were upside down. Then we went to the slanting house, where things were slanting. I feel forward when I walk in, and I feel dizzy when I sit in a chair. After that, we walked into a small house and I uncovered a lot of "gold". We also saw: one big and one small, magic house, maze.

Out of the strange street, we went to the dragon boat to play with water. After playing for a while, we heard the laughter in the distance and walked over. It was a water park, and I played there for a while. Tired of playing, I went to the city. We saw antique shops crisscross, and the staff of each shop were all dressed in the clothes of the Southern Song Dynasty, attracting customers while showing their skills. In an antique shop, my mother rented a princess dress for me, and I took some pictures in the princess dress. Later, I sat on the weighing scale of Chenzhou, and asked the black faced Baogong to weigh 53 kg. Ha ha, I was heavy again.

At two o'clock, we reluctantly left Song City.

One day's visit to Song City gave me an understanding of the local customs and customs of the Song Dynasty. "Give me a day and give back your thousand year experience."

Composition [Chapter 4]

I've heard that Song City is fun. As soon as we arrived here, we met the annual Water Splashing Festival.

We met and came to a large square, which was crowded with people from the inside three floors and the outside three floors. Many people held pots and water guns in their hands, and we were looking forward to that exciting moment.

At about 8 o'clock, colorful lights came on around. The host shouted happily in the radio: "The holy water is coming!" Just after the words, cheerful music sounded! The earth shaking sound of drums and horns also sounded! "Hua Hua -" The trees in all directions were covered with "mechanisms" - water columns were sprayed out from there, which were seven or eight meters high. They intertwined into a huge water network in the air, and people were immediately engulfed in water vapor and fog.

The square is boiling! Some people become "drowned chickens" before they react, so they quickly embrace their heads and "rush away"; Some people were "plotted", simply put the basin on their heads as "protective umbrella"; If you are smart, grab a basin to scoop water from the big sink and throw it at others crazily; There are also passionate ones who fight against each other; There are several people over there who "bully others" and "bombard" one person in turn; Some people who are hesitant are robbed of the basin before they can throw it on others. A backhand will throw water on themselves; Others simply poured on us, the "unarmed" onlookers, and we had to retreat and "raise our hands" to others

The sound of gongs and drums, the splash of water, people laughing, running, noisy, screaming, whistling, shouting, together into a sea of joy!

The carnival lasted for more than an hour before it ended. All the participants were wet, and the water "pattered" down along their hair and clothes. It was funny!

The water of the Water Splashing Festival is auspicious water, happy water. May auspiciousness and happiness accompany each of us forever!

Tour Song City (16)

Entering Song City, what awaits us is not tall buildings, but a bridge. There are antique shops beside the bridge. Wearing ancient clothes, you can feel the flavor of ancient life. After walking for a while, I was soon attracted by the brand of a store and the boss shouting loudly. Sinan in the store is telling me the goods of the store in words.

My head suddenly went into the time tunnel. Sinan's appearance clearly appeared before my eyes. "Sinan is one of the earliest guides to indicate the north-south direction invented by the Chinese people in the Han Dynasty and even in the Warring States Period. The earliest compass was made of natural magnets to attract iron. If you like, you can buy more..." I walked around, and no one was talking to me. I was pushed into a crowd by the wind. "Bang -" I fell into a spoon. Looking up slightly, I saw a black slide, which seemed to be a railway passage. I knew it was a spoon handle. I climbed up the slide and saw a lot of small characters around the word "Big Dipper", which were arranged neatly. The dark disk obviously exposed its age, and the spoon reflected the serious faces of tourists. I walk on the board, enjoying the road under my feet.

"Let's go!" said the classmate to me. I woke up, looked at Sinan, and went on to the Song Dynasty. How I wish the culture of Song Dynasty could be integrated into this land.