Color composition in mind (5 high-quality articles)
Ugly and Cute Girl
2023-10-14 05:30:08

Color Composition in the Heart (1)

A person standing on the road, gorgeous colors make people feel dazzling. People always say that we should "fraternize" and love everything. The colorful clothes painting has been appreciated. I don't understand why. Someone told me that this is the charm of color.

On the street, red and green billboards express people's attachment to color. Why is no one using pure white? They told me that because the white is too single, it can't reflect anything. What do they not understand? They also told me that the so-called color is to make people feel comfortable through the colorful color. Is that so? Why can't I feel their so-called color at all?

I sit on the white granite floor, only white makes me feel comfortable, only white. But this clear color makes me feel lonely. Only then did I understand that color can change a person's mood. It even shows a person's character. How I wish I were as pure and flawless as white, but once the white paper is stained with stains, it cannot fade. White is no longer white, it is covered by more and more clutter. The change of color negates everything. It was a betrayal, even white wanted to return to the past. More and more colors are lingering in my mind. I don't know why I stick to white, but I know I will stick to it until I die.

I always thought that black could resist everything, but I didn't want the combination of black and white to form gray, which contains a lot. In this noisy world, what remains unchanged? Another said: "You don't know what is hidden behind white.". It is not pure as you imagine. If you look at it for a long time, you will find it.

I smiled, nothing could prove anything. We want to be purer, but dirtier. But in my new China, there is a color called purity. I can't describe it in words, but it remains in my heart. A color makes me rely on it for a long time. In my memory, it seems that all colors are so pure. However, when entering the country, the red, red, green and gorgeous colors are popular and people are pursuing them.

Purity, where on earth are you waiting for people?

Color Composition in the Heart (2)

When my mother was young, she was a pretty beauty. It is said that when she worked in the factory, after changing her hair style, the barber near the factory would cut the same hair style as her mother every day.

I can't help feeling ashamed when I look at my mother's photos from middle school. The mother in the photo is a little pale, probably due to malnutrition, but her eyes are bright, full of tension and curiosity. I have made a comparison. My mother is the most beautiful in the class, and is the class flower worthy of the name.

One of the photos that I couldn't put down was taken by my mother in the photo gallery. She was wearing a sky blue dress with long drooping hair, which just set off her peaceful face. It is sweet and dignified after fading the green and astringent, like lotus in water, like a charming peony. The naturally curled eyelashes, which can not cover your eyes, are not national beauty, but they represent both the classical beauty of quiet and elegant, and the modern beauty of vigor and vitality. In my eyes, mother's color is the quiet and vibrant blue in the sky.

I am an aesthete, amazed by my mother's beauty when she was young, and sorry for her mother's present.

When the conditions at home were not good, my mother took all the housework on her own. I should not only care about my study, but also take care of my younger brothers and sisters who are crying for food. In the summer, I don't know whether my mother is carrying her younger brother, holding her younger sister and carrying vegetables back; The sudden rain, I do not know whether my mother kneels on the unfinished floor again, and wipes the water dripping into the room with a rag bit by bit; In the roaring typhoon, I don't know if my mother is trying to straighten the bean shelf in the vegetable field again, and then use stones to fix it. All I saw was sweet and hot food on the table, clean houses, beans still standing proudly in the strong wind climbing up the shelf... and my tired mother. The sun tanned her skin and left marks, the moisture eroded her body and made her headache all the year round, and the wind made her hair messy like weeds, gradually becoming no longer soft and smooth.

However, I found that my mother was as beautiful as ever. When the morning sun breaks the darkness, it casts fireworks like brilliance on the horizon, which illuminates the beautiful mother. The moment my mother opened the curtains, the whole world in the room seemed to light up for her. It is she who brings us the warmth and brightness of a new day, and brings us infinite hopes and expectations. At this time, mother's color is no longer the blue of the sky, but the red of the rising sun.

Oh, mother's color is the color of the sky in my heart. No matter how the world changes, the sky my mother held up for me will never change. It is like the sun, like the moon, like the stars, let me love and believe.

In my heart, there is such a touch of color, which is the color of my mother. Her name is Love.

Color Composition in the Heart (3)

You are the most beautiful color in my heart

In daily study, work and life, people can no longer understand composition. With composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So have you learned about composition? The following is the most beautiful primary school composition in my heart. For reference only, I hope to help you.

What is the most beautiful color?

It may be the glory of the morning light piercing the night, or the splendor of the evening sun rendering the day, or the first green tree in early spring, or the last pair of gray geese in the sky in late autumn.

But the most beautiful thing in my heart is the teacher's red pen on the textbook.

It makes me feel kind. In a composition class, the teacher gave us a seemingly ordinary title to write a composition. Everyone thought for a while, and then began to write, but I was late. Because I want to write something unique. At that time, I could say that I had racked my brains. After a piece of draft paper was changed into a piece of paper like chicken feet, I rolled it into a walnut and threw it into the garbage can. After such paper balls were thrown out one after another, suddenly, "there is no way out after the mountains are poor and the rivers are doubtful, and there is another village after the willows are dark and the flowers are bright". When I was sorting out, I caught the inspiration and wrote quickly. After the text was sent out, I looked at the red pen and made a big tick on the notebook. I felt that the kung fu was worthy of the meaning of the intentional person. It kindly told me that "no pains, no gains".

It makes me feel serious. In the math test last month, I saw that the questions were simple, so I didn't carefully examine and check the problems, but wrote casually and answered with determination and conviction. I finished the test paper quickly, lay on the table quietly, waited for the arrival of the bell, and prepared to accept the teacher's praise. The test paper was handed out the next day. I was surprised, sad, and regretful. Because it was full of bright red forks, large and small, and even scratched the test paper, I saw the red pen in the teacher's hand through the hole, and saw the teacher's stern face. It told me solemnly that "pride will defeat".

It makes me feel fair. It is selfless and unreasonable. Yes, it will leave a bright red hook. If it is wrong, it will leave a big fork. Treat me like this and treat others like this. I do better than others, it will kindly encourage me; I do worse than others, and it will criticize me seriously. I am working hard, others are working hard, my opponent is working harder, and it is the yardstick for measuring. It just told me: "There is no end to learning and hard work".

It is just these people who seem to have no feelings, showing the teacher's heart to nurture students. It's you who encourage me to work hard; You criticize me for being lazy; It's you who tell me a lot about life. You are the most beautiful and moving color that has been printed in my heart and cannot be erased.

Color Composition in the Heart (4)

I believe everyone has the color in their hearts, right? The color in my heart is colorful.

The color in the heart can attract the most important things in the world for a lifetime. It lets willows draw out new branches; Let the florets send out fragrant fragrance; Let the earth be full of vitality

The color in the heart can bring a pleasant scenery to the earth. It makes the big trees more and more prosperous in the hot weather; Let the delicate flowers and grass survive in such hot weather

The color in the heart can make the earth full of harvest scenery. It makes the fruit trees full of lanterns like fruits; Let the millet fill the stomach; Let the old man of corn taste the joy of harvest

The color in the heart can bring warmth to the cold earth. It allows animals to live on the snow covered land; Let the fish under the ice not freeze to death

The color in my heart, you also moisten the paddy field in my heart, and illuminate the darkness in my heart...... I like you, the color in my heart!

Chen Ziteng, Grade 3, Chengnan Primary School, Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou, Guangdong

Color Composition in the Heart (5)

Color in My Heart Composition 1

The color in your heart can nourish the seedlings in your heart, illuminate the darkness in your heart, and give you powerful power.

The river is as green as blue in spring

The vibrant spring is full of fragrance, grass shows its head, peach blossom opens its smiling face, everything on the earth wakes up and starts their new life, and the green in my heart also opens a window to move forward towards a better future.

Daoliang Fertilizer at the foot of Ehu Mountain

With the help of farmers, the seeds were sown in spring and brewed in summer before bearing fruit in autumn. Looking at the waves of "golden waves", the farmers' faces overflowed with bright smiles, and the golden color in my heart also shook waves of microwave.

Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold

In the cold winter, the flowers all withered and withered, only the purple plum blossom, which was covered with snow and frost, was so strong. The purple color of my heart gave me a belief, which helped me get out of the predicament, and stepped forward bravely.

Color is everywhere and everywhere. It enlightens me how to be a man and gives me the courage to move forward. My friends, what color do you like?

Color Composition 2 in My Heart

Small and weak, it is smiling at the blue sky and white clouds. At that moment, that touch of green became the most beautiful color in my heart—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

There is a touch of color, which symbolizes strength and internal beauty. It is green.

On the balcony of my house, there is a piece of clover. The hairy stems and leaves give out pink green. A small piece of clover sways in the wind, perhaps because of its small size. Perhaps it is because it has no blooming flowers and tall and straight posture, I seldom pay attention to it. On the contrary, I take good care of the roses in the other corner of the balcony to show their beauty.

Know the coming of a heavy rain

After the rain stopped, I hurried to the balcony, but was surprised to find that the beautiful rose could not withstand the wind and rain, it hung its head, pink petals scattered all over the ground. I can't help feeling sad, but also deeply regret the fragile vitality of roses.

Inadvertently, I looked at the other corner of the balcony, and what caught my eye was an amazing green. Ah, it is clover. At the moment, it is facing the wind, proudly raising its head and smiling at the sky. The wind and rain last night did not cause much damage to it. On the contrary, it seems to be more green, with dew shining in the sun after the rain

At that moment, I found that the green became the most beautiful color in my eyes! Indeed, it has no eyes of roses, but it has strong vitality. I think that is the real beauty.

Suddenly, I understand that under the gorgeous appearance of roses, there are only fragile lives that cannot withstand the test of wind and rain. But under the tiny and weak clover, the three ordinary leaves, it is tenacious vitality. It can be seen that true beauty is intrinsic, just like clover!

With such a touch of color, I will keep it in my heart forever and learn from it silently. I will be strong and have inner beauty.

Color Composition 3 in My Heart

A big colorful lollipop gathers all the bright colors in my youth—— Wedge

Chi. The bright red color is shocking. From the moment of everyone's birth, this red color will accompany everyone's birth. For me, the dazzling red carries too much love. What a great love it is to have a person who is willing to release the red in his body in exchange for me and share it with me freely!

Orange. Bite sweet candy in the heart. Growing up together, they hand in hand step on each other's footprints, cut the same hair, comb the same braids, wear the same clothes, are willing to lend each other their new shoes, and will travel all over the town to buy gifts for each other. How many good friends can I make in my life?

Yellow. Mango aroma. I learned from the book that Mango Street, everything is mango color, mango color hut, mango color girl, and that mango color smiling face. Yellow constitutes the world of my mango colored books, overflowing with the flavor of books and mango fragrance.

Green. The vast grassland is boundless. We run as fast as we can, without worrying about yesterday, today or the future, as long as we roll around happily and forget all our troubles. I will never forget those lovely and innocent childhood.

Qing. The apple is sour, like my first taste of failure. I tried hard for a long time, worked hard for a long time, and dreamed for a long time, but I still failed. How sad. But it is the cool and intelligent green that gives me faith. I believe that one day, I will taste the delicious smell of red apples!

Blue. It seems calm, but it is not pure. Just like the seeds of uneasiness planted in my young heart. It is also like the ordinary dream that I am eager to fly. I know that one day the restless blue sky will carry the wings of my dreams, and the bright blue sky will remember the way I fly!

Purple. The mysterious purple envelops the world of adults. At the moment when I was growing up, the mysterious girl in purple would come and tell me the beautiful story of the world. I will also poke aside the swirling purple air and whisper to the world: Hello!

Chi. Orange. Yellow. Green. Qing. Blue. Purple. This colorful happiness is transformed from the lollipop in my hand. life and growth in nature. These colors are deeply engraved in my heart, unforgettable!

always remember. The color engraved in the heart.

Color Composition in My Heart 4

The color in my heart is as brilliant as gold and as brilliant as the sun.

I walked leisurely on the path and looked up at the dazzling sun, which made me think of my grandfather

Grandfather is hard-working and skinny. He always thinks of others and never cares about himself. His thin figure has always remained in my mind.

Grandpa, can you hear my missing in the distant heaven?

Grandpa, can you hear my call in the beautiful heaven?

Maybe you heard me, because I have been supported by you all the time; Maybe you don't want to hear it, because my naughty childhood has broken your heart. You have been away from us for six years, but I haven't forgotten everything you did the day before you left. Because I know you love me forever.

When I was a child, I always slept close to you. Although I am a bone, I can feel warm; When I was young, I always depended on you to eat. Although the food was not delicious, I could eat true love; When I was young, I always followed you for a walk. Although my hands and feet were sore, I could feel happy.

You take me for a walk every day, and I also like walking with you, because I like the sun. Every day I walk with you is sunny.

Every time you are unhappy, you will always drink a few glasses of wine, and treat whoever you see as a "vent", but only me. Every time, I would smile at my grandfather and run to him. Grandpa touched my hair and kissed me on the cheek. At that time, I felt a taste of wine, and I will never forget how many vicissitudes I experienced with the familiar taste of wine.

The color in my heart is gold. I said, I like the sun, the sun is golden. I like grandpa, because grandpa also likes gold - coax me to sleep and tell golden stories; Make me happy and sing golden songs; Coax me to eat and play with golden toys.

The dazzling gold became the color in my heart.