Drinking Ink (Collection of 19)
Rare intentions
2024-01-10 02:03:01

Drink ink (1)

Childhood is like a boat in the sea of time, loaded with candy and snacks. Sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty, everything. Noah, now I will take a candy to share with you.

At the age of six, I was innocent, and I just went to kindergarten. I heard the teacher say: "If you want to learn, you must have a good class, listen carefully, and fill the ink.". "At the beginning, my grades were medium, but I wanted to be in the top ten. I remembered what the teacher said and rummaged around in my sister's room. My efforts did not disappoint the people who wanted to, so I finally found half a bottle of ink left by my sister.

As soon as I opened the bottle cap, a smell of "evil" penetrated my nose, making me tremble. I plucked up the courage to taste a full breast of milk and felt very bitter, but it was acceptable to taste another milliliter. When I was about to drink a cap of ink, I heard my mother's footsteps, closed the bottle cap, and hurriedly fled to the living room to watch TV quietly.

”The door opened with a click. When my mother saw my sister's room as if it had been a thief, she asked me: "Look, what's the situation of my sister's room. "I thought," Oh, no! Suddenly, I forgot to clean up the scene, and it will be revealed. I hesitated and said softly, "My voice is so soft that I can't hear myself." Finally, my mother forced me to say, "The teacher said that if you want to have knowledge, you need to have ink. "Mother laughed after hearing this:" Silly son, the teacher said that ink meant knowledge. "I nodded vaguely.

Childhood - I feel like laughing, but everyone will do such "stupid things" when they are babbling.

Drink ink (2)

Childhood is like a pot of good tea, worth your slow aftertaste; Childhood is like a wonderful joy, which composes our happiness and joy. In my childhood, the most memorable thing is this.

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, one day, while chatting, a classmate said to me: "Zhang Xian, my mother told me that we should be people with ink in their belly, so that we can have culture, right?" "Yes, your mother said it very well." I nodded heavily, thinking that I would also be a "cultural person".

When I came home from school, I left my schoolbag behind and looked around at home. Eh? Where did Mother put the ink? Really, why put it so well. I ran around farting and sweating. At last, I found the ink bottle on a high shelf. However, another question came: How can I get the ink at such a high place when I am so short? Not afraid, this is simple. I found a chair, stepped on it, and easily got the ink bottle.

I put the ink bottle in my hand and looked at it carefully: the round cap, the square body, there are still a few words on it, but I don't know. I carefully poured the ink into the glass and tasted it. It was a bit bitter, but it was acceptable. Oh, yes, my mother said that adding some sugar can make something sweet. Why can't I make the ink sweet? Good idea. I can't help but secretly rejoice in my genius.

I immediately ran to the kitchen and saw two almost identical bottles at the place where my mother usually put sugar. When I shook them, they both made a sound of "sand, noise". The only difference was that they had two different words pasted on the bottle cap, but I could not see what was written from top to bottom when I looked from left to right. Forget it. No matter what happens, take one bottle as you go. Maybe both bottles are sugar? I took a bottle and ran to the place where I put the ink, but I didn't know that there was a big word "salt" written on the top of the bottle of seasoning.

I ran to the place where the ink was placed, poured a fifth of the "sugar" in the bottle, shook it well, and then I could drink it! As soon as the ink entered my mouth, my eyebrows immediately twisted into two pimples. Eh? How did the ink become so salty? Doesn't sugar make it sweet? Is Mother a liar? I endured the salty taste, first swallowed the ink in my mouth, then shook my head and threw these problems out of my mind. No matter what, it's hard to be a "cultural person". I forced myself to drink all the ink. I thought to myself: Ha! I am also a "cultural person"!

Childhood is like a beach, and among the seashells on the beach, this funny story of childhood is one of the most colorful shells.

Drink ink (3)

Flies are the most annoying thing for human beings. People either scold them or beat them. The fly family was very angry about this. One day, Dongfang Primary School held a sports meeting. They wanted to join in the fun, but before they could settle down, they were beaten and scolded by the pupils: "stinking flies, benzene." "I hate it, kill you." They had to sneak into the classroom.

The classroom was very quiet. In order to avoid being beaten again, the fly had to hide in the corner of the classroom. Suddenly, the little fly heard a little student say: "This question is really difficult, how to do it?" "You can't even do such a simple question?" Another student said. "You have a lot of ink in your stomach. Who can compare with you?" The little fly thought: "Well, he is so smart because he drinks a lot of ink. Maybe I can deal with human beings after drinking ink." The little fly told his parents his idea, and they discussed that they would act immediately once they had the chance to drink ink.

One class has passed, another class has passed, and they finally look forward to the writing class in the afternoon. The children took out ink bottles from the drawer and opened them one by one. The little fly stared at a little girl. As soon as the little girl opened the ink bottle, the fly family flew in. They not only had a full drink, but also took a bath. I thought: "Now we have knowledge! We can fly out to deal with human beings."

"Pa"! "Pa"! "Pa"! I saw that the flies were all broken to pieces. It turned out that just as three flies climbed out of the ink bottle, the ink on their feet dirtied the students' textbooks. The poor fly died before he could figure out a way to deal with human beings.

Drink ink (4)

Childhood life is rich and colorful. When I mention childhood, my memory will jump out of my mind like a full and shining pearl.

I remember on a hot summer day, my mother went to buy vegetables and my father went to work. I was tired of watching TV when I stayed at home alone. I played computer games thoroughly and read books...... Yes! Before I read the book, I ran into the study. There were many kinds of books, which dazzled me. I saw the book "Chen Yi Drinks Ink". I stepped on the table and took the book down regardless of the time. When I saw it, I was curious. I took a bottle of ink, quietly unscrewed the cover, and licked it with my tongue. Wow! Bitter and astringent! I frowned and spat hard. Alas, how can I drink it when it is smelly and astringent! I poured the ink into the bowl and added a few tablespoons of sugar. As soon as I closed my eyes, I looked up and drank it all. I wiped my mouth and thought happily, "I must surpass Grandpa Chen Yi after drinking so much ink!"

When my mother came back, I said to my mother, "I have knowledge!" My mother asked me what happened, and I told my mother about it from beginning to end. My mother said to me, "silly boy, Chen Yi is not drinking ink, but knowledge. He learns knowledge like he drinks ink. It's not like you. You will have stomachache if you drink so much ink.

Now when I think about the funny stories of my childhood, I think they are so childish and funny. I want my classmates to tell you their funny stories and let everyone share your happiness.

Drink ink (5)

There are many interesting stories in childhood, just like one shell after another on the beach, embellishing the long river of childhood in a colorful way. In my memory, I treasure such a shining and unique shell.

That year, I was just five years old and playing in the garden when I overheard my grandmother praising my big brother next door: "Xuanxuan is great. With so much ink in his stomach, he must be a smart man." "Drinking ink can make a smart man? Then I will drink it too! What I want to drink is smarter than my brother!" I made a decision in my heart.

I immediately ran to my mother's room and found the ink bottle. When I opened the bottle cap, I found a black water and smelled it. There was a pungent smell. "What kind of taste can you drink?", His left hand held his nose, and his right hand held up an ink bottle and drank "Gulu Gulu". Then he quickly grabbed a bunch of rock candy and put it into his mouth. Just then, my mother pushed the door and came in. When she saw my appearance, she didn't need to ask. If she lied, she would be beaten. I could only tell my mother the whole story in detail. After hearing this, my mother could not laugh or cry. "Silly boy, drinking ink is not really drinking ink, but it means being knowledgeable. The brother next door became smart because he studied hard. Drinking ink is just an analogy."

Although this matter has passed for several years, as happened yesterday, I can't help laughing when I think of it!

Drink ink (6)

Everyone's childhood is varied, and my childhood can be summed up in four words - silly. Every time I worry about writing a composition, I always think of that silly thing in my childhood.

It was a Saturday morning. I sat at my desk thinking about the composition assigned by my teacher. After racking my brains, I wrote two or three lines. I was so worried that I was sweating. My eyes accidentally fell on the half bottle of ink, and I suddenly remembered what my aunt had said: it was because I had no "ink" in my stomach that I was fired by the boss. I thought about it. Suddenly, an idea came into my mind.

I took out a paper cup and poured the ink into it. I put out my tongue and licked it. "Ah! How bitter!" I thought to myself, "How can those people who have" ink "in their stomach drink it?" After a while, my head began to feel dizzy, and I felt secretly happy. I picked up my pen to prepare to write, but I could not write. Is there not enough ink? I was ready to drink the ink, but the bitter taste came back to me. I hesitated. I felt like two villains were fighting. Finally, temptation overcame fear, and I took a drink.

Suddenly, I felt sick. "It works! It works!" I thought. I picked up my pen to write, but I couldn't even hold it tightly. My head ached and I lay on the table.

When my mother found out, she took me to the hospital to see a doctor. Although nothing happened, my mother was angry and heartbroken. She told me that having "ink" in her stomach was just a metaphor. "ink" refers to culture. It suddenly dawned on me.

Until now, I still remember this matter clearly, and remember my childhood fool.

Drink Ink (7)

When we were young, we believed that our childhood was innocent, right? Childhood is happy, but it is accompanied by a little ignorance, because everything is fresh when you have not touched the world too much. I'm no exception. I made some jokes. Let me introduce an interesting story to you.

When I was just in the second grade, before and after the Spring Festival, my eyes still revealed innocence and incomprehension. At that time, I was in my hometown innocently. It was the Spring Festival that I heard my elder brother next door reciting ancient poems very fluently. Adults who walked by said, "This child has ink in his belly.". So I thought, isn't ink the black liquid in the pen? Can I recite ancient poems fluently after drinking? So I kept this matter in mind. But unfortunately, when I returned to Suzhou, I forgot. I just felt that I still had one thing to do and had a feeling of "deja vu" for ink. It was not until I was about to recite ancient poems that it became clear that I had not yet drunk ink when I wanted to drink it! I strode to my desk, unscrewed the lid, and suddenly there was an indescribable pungent smell. My heart beat a retreat: "Don't give up, this thing can't drink." But, for my ancient poetry, we must drink. I remember that every time I drink medicine, my mother likes to put a piece of sugar in it quietly, so it is not bitter. Turn around, take a big stride, take three and two steps to the living room table, take a box of sugar cubes, and add to the ink bottle until the sugar cubes can't be put in, and then stop. At this time, the smell of ink was no longer so pungent, so I took a deep breath, picked it up, looked up, and took a gentle breath. I'm so naive. Is this thing really drinkable? I rave in my heart. They won't cheat me, but after drinking, they can always recite ancient poems. Preparation: "Plums...... Golden apricots...... Fat, white wheat...... What's rare? The day is long...... I forgot about the fence, but... what's flying." After drinking, why can't I carry it out. My mother came in at this time. When she saw me scratching her cheek, she asked me in doubt: "What's wrong with you. At this time, it dawned on me. Ah~I'm so sad. When my mother saw my depression, she asked me to rinse my mouth and encourage me to recite ancient poems, otherwise, I would suffer in vain.

Although it is wrong to drink ink, it is not experience, is it.

Drinking ink (8)

Time passed quickly, and now it is the winter of 2018. But sometimes in my mind, I recall a silly thing I did in my childhood - "drinking ink".

About 2010, when I was playing with toys at home, a cry came into my ears. I immediately stood up, slowly opened the door, and saw my aunt holding a piece of paper and still crying sadly. When my aunt saw me standing beside her, she immediately stopped crying. I said, "Aunt, why are you crying?" My aunt said to me, "You don't know, because I don't have much ink in my stomach, and then I was fired by the leader."

When I knew the situation, I went into my room, closed the door, and said to myself as I walked: "I can't have no ink in my stomach, can I? It must be hard to see the scene like my aunt!" So I rushed into my mother's room and began the search.

I searched all the cabinets first, but I couldn't find them. I went under the bed again, but still couldn't find it. Finally, I found it on the platform behind the computer desk - ink. I was happy to find it!

I took the ink to my room again, wiped some dust off the bottle cap with a wet paper towel, and then unscrewed the bottle cap. When I saw the ink was dirty and black, I didn't want to drink it. However, it's not good to be like my aunt when I grow up. So the idea of drinking ink prevailed. When I was about to pour ink into my mouth, my mother came into my room and asked me if I saw the ink. I gave my mother the ink in my hand. She asked me, "What do you want to do with the ink?" I told my mother the whole story. After hearing this, my mother could not laugh or cry. She quickly explained to me: "Your aunt said that she had no ink because she had no culture. You really said that she had no ink in order to be nice." I was dumbfounded on the spot.

Now, when I think of this funny silly thing in my childhood, I will laugh.

Drink Ink (9)

My childhood fun is like a seashell on the beach. I can't finish picking it up. They all gradually disappeared in the long river of memory with the passage of time, but there is such a thing that I still can not forget.

That was when I was six years old. One day, while reading in the yard, my grandfather smiled at me while playing, and said, "You know how to play. You don't have any ink in your chest. You should drink more ink!" "Why?" I asked in a muddle. Grandpa continued: "Because I drink more ink, I can become a learned person." "Oh, I see. I'm as learned as Grandpa, right?" I tilted my head, and when Grandpa answered, Grandpa smiled and nodded.

It's not easy. I crept into my grandpa's house. Soon I found a bottle of ostrich ink on my grandpa's desk. I was very happy. Well, I would soon become a learned person.

I unscrewed the lid, and an unpleasant smell came to my nose. I frowned, curled my mouth, licked it with my tongue, and almost vomited it out. I immediately rinsed my mouth with cold water, fanned with my hand, turned and ran to the door, but I thought on a second thought: no drinking, no learning. Once you have knowledge, how awesome! I turned back, pinched my nose and drank all the ink. Wow, the smelly liquid choked me to vomit. I covered my chest and opened my mouth. Tears fell like pearls with broken lines······

"Oh, my god, what are you doing?" Grandpa stood at the door and shouted. "I, I'm going to become a learned person!" I blew out a black "fountain" while showing off to my grandfather with two rows of black and white teeth, although tears were still in my eyes. "Oh." Grandpa slapped his forehead desperately. "My silly granddaughter!"

Now, I have grown up, and I have some ink in my stomach. I can't help but miss the fun of my childhood, because he taught me that it is necessary to study hard to gain fun.

Drink Ink (10)

I like food. I can't move when I see something delicious. I'm a real snack. But do you believe that I once drank ink? There is also a funny story about my "ink addiction"!

One summer morning, I was alone at home doing my homework. Suddenly, I saw a bottle of ink. Staring at it, I was attracted, thinking: if I drank ink, would I write heroic and unrestrained poems like Li Bai; Will they write moving poems like Li Qingzhao and Li Yu? Sure, people often say, "There is ink in a poet's belly." Then, when I drink ink, I will become the "first generation of great female poets". The more I think about it, the more energetic I become. It seems that I will become a great writer in the next second.

As soon as I said it was dry, I took two cans of ink and poured it into my mouth. Although it tasted very bitter, it smelled very bad. But in order to be a modern poetess, I fought! After two cans, there is still no inspiration. I must not drink enough! After searching around, I found some more bottles of ink and kept pouring it into my mouth. I tried to endure the pain and finally drank all three bottles of ink with a sound of "goo dong"!

At this time, my parents came back, and when they saw my appearance, they burst out laughing. I saw myself in the mirror, with ink on my face and hands, and laughed with them.

When I grew up, I realized that the ink in the stomach of ancient poets was not drunk, but the knowledge they had was compared to ink!

Drinking Ink (11)

Let me tell you something. Don't laugh at me. Because that is my beautiful pursuit, although some absurd.

When I was in the first grade, my grades were very poor. How I want to have a smart head and do excellent homework! One day, I asked my father, "When will I be as smart as you, Dad?" My father was reading a book and said, "Drink more ink." Drink ink? I was surprised, and then believed it: No wonder I saw my father throw out five empty ink bottles a few days ago. My father drank ink badly. I decided to do as my father told me to drink ink, but I didn't dare to drink it in front of my father, for fear that he would love ink. "Yes, steal!" One Sunday, while my father was not at home, I opened a new bottle of ink secretly. I first smelt it with my nose, and a faint fragrance penetrated my nostrils. I thought to myself, "This thing smells good. No wonder Dad likes it!" I licked it again with the tip of my tongue. There was an unspeakable strange smell. I hesitated for a moment, and finally made up my mind: "What are you afraid of? To be knowledgeable, drink!" Like drinking traditional Chinese medicine, I lifted the ink bottle in my right hand and drank it all the way up, then grabbed a handful of sugar in my left hand and put it into my mouth.

I have ink in my stomach! I felt my belly and was very happy, as if I had become a learned person. When my father came back, he saw the empty ink bottle and the sugar lid opened in a panic, scolded me and smiled at me helplessly.

Drinking Ink (12)

A very interesting thing happened this morning. When I think about it now, I can't help laughing.

In the morning, my parents were not at home. I stayed at home alone to do my homework. As I wrote, I was puzzled by a problem and couldn't solve it. I was so angry that I simply stopped writing and put down my pen to watch TV. On TV, a man is showing off that his son is very knowledgeable, saying that he has a lot of ink in his stomach, and finally he was admitted to a key high school. When I heard this, my eyes brightened: It's not easy to think of more ink in my stomach? I have a way to drink ink! I quickly ran to my desk, took down the ink bottle and unscrewed the lid. Ah, it smells terrible! But is there a faster way to increase the amount of ink in your stomach? In order to let myself have more knowledge, no matter how bad it is, I will endure it. I pinched my nose, took a long breath and took two big gulps. Ah, I feel a bit nauseous... "poof", I sprayed all the ink out of my mouth. I will never drink such a disgusting thing again. I would rather study hard than take shortcuts.

At this time, my mother came back and was shocked to see my appearance. After asking what was going on, she laughed herself up and down, but I was so angry that I stamped my feet. I will never do such foolish things again.

Drinking Ink (13)

Drink ink

Childhood is beautiful, in which there is some happiness. For me, there are many interesting stories in my childhood.

I remember one time, when I finished my homework and handed it to my father, my father shook his head and pointed to the exercise book and said to me, "* *, why do you always write wrong characters? Look at the lack of 'paper' and the non-standard 'zhe'. It seems that you drink too little 'ink'..." I didn't want to listen to my father's' nagging, and heard the words "drink ink", Then he thought excitedly: Drink ink? By the way, I must drink ink. No wonder I always write wrongly. It's because I didn't drink ink

In the afternoon, my parents went out on business, leaving me alone at home. "Hey! This is really a good time for me to drink ink!" I muttered and went to look for ink. The effort paid off, and I finally found the ink. I went to the kitchen to get a bowl and poured the ink into the bowl. Just as I wanted to drink, my parents came back and looked at me, laughing and crying, and said to me: * *! When Dad said, "Drink ink", he told you to read more books, not to drink ink! " "Huh?" I almost fainted after listening to my parents

It has been several years, but just as it happened yesterday, whenever I think of it, I can't help laughing. It can be said that I did something stupid in my childhood!

Drinking Ink (14)

One day, I was doing my homework on the desk between classes.

Suddenly, I felt that someone gave me a gentle push behind my back. I turned my head and saw a "monster" with purple lips suddenly appeared in front of me. I was so frightened that I almost jumped out of the chair. After a while, I came back to my senses. This person was Chen Yue, my classmate sitting in the back row. She was surprised and asked, "What's the matter with you?" But she could not speak with her mouth full.

When I looked carefully, I saw that the pen on her hand was dripping ink, and I understood something. Quickly said to her, "Go to the bathroom to spit ink." She ran to the bathroom and returned after about 5 minutes. I asked her, "Why do you drink ink, If the cowardly people saw it, they would scream 10000 decibels.

Seeing my frightened face, Chen Yue asked, "What's wrong?" I stammered and said, "You... your tongue... head." Chen Yue heard what I said and ran to the bathroom. When he came back, he stuck out his tongue and asked me, "Are you clean?" I looked at it and said, "Don't worry

Students! Be careful in class! Don't bite the pen holder like Chen Yue. If you bite the pen core and suck in the ink, you will become a big "monster" with purple mouth and purple tongue!

Drinking Ink (15)

When I was young, when I just returned to Pu'an, my grandfather often asked me how to study and told me some great truths. Once, my grandfather said a few words that made me drink ink.

It was a sunny afternoon. Grandpa looked at the ink on the table and pondered. I was watching TV in my room. Suddenly, Grandpa turned around. Smiling, he said to me: "Don't stare at TV all day long, you need to drink more ink to become smart." Young people don't work hard, old people are sad. "You can't waste your time like this!" Then Grandpa walked away.

Confused, I jumped out of bed and played with the ink. "Can ink really be drunk? Can't it be poisonous?" I looked at the ink puzzled. He shook his head helplessly. "Hey, people become smart, what is it?" I unscrewed the lid and took another sip. Forget it, let's rely on our own efforts! yi? I took a few sips, did I become smart too! ha-ha! Kung Fu pays off. I happily told my grandfather, "Grandpa, I drank ink, and now I'm a learned man?" Grandpa listened and said, "Ha ha!" Drinking ink "is actually to study hard and accumulate more words and sentences!" "Ah? I really drank." Grandpa listened. be able neither to cry nor to laugh.

This is the sweetest thing in my memory, the stupid thing I did.

Drinking Ink (16)

As soon as I entered the door, my aunt shouted, "Oh, I'm bored. I haven't got any ink in my stomach recently, and I'm going to be fired by my boss again." When I heard this, I was so scared that I rushed into my father's study and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find a bottle of ink. I immediately opened the cap of the ink bottle and took a first taste. "Ah! This taste is really uncomfortable!" I felt that my whole body was excited and my five facial features were involuntarily twisted together.

At this time, my cousin came in. He saw that I had a bottle of ink in my hand and my mouth was full of ink. He hurriedly shouted, "What's wrong with you, sister?" I also burst into tears and said, "I don't think I have any ink in my stomach. I want to drink, but this is too hard to drink!"

After listening to this, my brother burst out laughing and said, "Silly sister, what my mother said was not the ink in your hand, but the meaning of uneducated and ignorant.". My cousin quickly took a tissue to wipe my mouth, and told my aunt and mother about it, laughing their heads off.

Childhood is like a paper airplane, which has brought us a lot of joy and happiness. This time, drinking ink is a very bright star in my childhood life, which has always been hard for me to forget. I also understand that in the future, I should ask more questions about why, and I should never do such silly things again.

Drinking Ink (17)

About 20xx, when I was playing with toys at home, a cry came to my ears. I stood up at once, slowly opened the door, and saw my aunt holding a piece of paper and still crying sadly. When my aunt saw me standing beside her, she immediately stopped crying. I said, "Aunt, why are you crying?" My aunt said to me, "You don't know, because I don't have much ink in my stomach, and then I was fired by the leader."

When I knew the situation, I went into my room, closed the door, and said to myself as I walked: "I can't have no ink in my stomach, can I? It must be hard to see the scene like my aunt!" So I rushed into my mother's room and began the search.

I searched all the cabinets first, but I couldn't find them. I went under the bed again, but still couldn't find it. Finally, I found it on the platform behind the computer desk - ink. I was happy to find it!

I took the ink to my room again, wiped some dust off the bottle cap with a wet paper towel, and then unscrewed the bottle cap. When I saw the ink was dirty and black, I didn't want to drink it. However, it's not good to be like my aunt when I grow up. So the idea of drinking ink prevailed. When I was about to pour ink into my mouth, my mother came into my room and asked me if I saw the ink. I gave the ink to my mother. She asked me, "What do you want to do with the ink?" I told my mother the whole story. After hearing this, my mother could not laugh or cry. She quickly explained to me: "Your aunt said that she had no ink because she had no culture. You really said that she had no ink in order to be nice." I was dumbfounded on the spot.

Now, when I think of this funny silly thing in my childhood, I will laugh.

Drinking Ink (18)

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, one day, while chatting, a classmate said to me: "Zhang Xian, my mother told me that we should be people with ink in their belly, so that we can have culture, right?" "Yes, your mother said it very well." I nodded heavily, thinking that I would also be a "cultural person".

When I came home from school, I left my schoolbag behind and looked around at home. Eh? Where did Mother put the ink? Really, why put it so well. I ran around farting and sweating. At last, I found the ink bottle on a high shelf. However, another question came: How can I get the ink at such a high place when I am so short? Not afraid, this is simple. I found a chair, stepped on it, and easily got the ink bottle.

I put the ink bottle in my hand and looked at it carefully: the round cap, the square body, there are still a few words on it, but I don't know. I carefully poured the ink into the glass and tasted it. It was a bit bitter, but it was acceptable. Oh, yes, my mother said that adding some sugar can make something sweet. Why can't I make the ink sweet? Good idea. I can't help but secretly rejoice in my genius.

I immediately ran to the kitchen and saw two almost identical bottles at the place where my mother usually put sugar. When I shook them, they both made a sound of "sand, noise". The only difference was that they had two different words pasted on the bottle cap, but I could not see what was written from top to bottom when I looked from left to right. Forget it. No matter what happens, take one bottle as you go. Maybe both bottles are sugar? I took a bottle and ran to the place where I put the ink, but I didn't know that there was a big word "salt" written on the top of the bottle of seasoning.

I ran to the place where the ink was placed, poured a fifth of the "sugar" in the bottle, shook it well, and then I could drink it! As soon as the ink entered my mouth, my eyebrows immediately twisted into two pimples. Eh? How did the ink become so salty? Isn't it sweet with sugar? Is Mother a liar? I endured the salty taste, first swallowed the ink in my mouth, then shook my head and threw these problems out of my mind. No matter what, it's hard to be a "cultural person". I forced myself to drink all the ink. I thought to myself: Ha! I am also a "cultural person"!

Drinking Ink (19)

I believe that students all know the story of Wang Xizhi, the "Sage of Calligraphy", drinking ink!

Once, Wang Xizhi took up his pen and forgot everything around him. He wrote all day without eating or drinking. Finally, he felt hungry and ate the steamed bread and bean paste that his wife had already brought. While eating with relish, the wife came in and laughed when she saw Wang Xizhi's appearance. It turned out that Wang Xizhi was so absorbed in calligraphy that he did not dip his steamed bread in bean paste, but dipped his steamed bread in ink ink.

However, you don't know that I have had such a thing.

I like reading books since I was young, such as astronomy, geography, history, and fairy tales. Once, my mother bought me a book called "Five Thousand Years of the World". I had only seen "Five Thousand Years of China" before, and knew little about world history. I couldn't put it down and looked hungry. At this time, my mother gave me a box of yogurt with straw inserted, put it on the table and said, "I'm going to drink". Without looking up, I said, "Oh!" I ignored it and continued to read. After a while, I heard my mother ask me "Did you drink yogurt?" I quickly picked up the straw and drank. At first, I felt something was wrong, because the yogurt tasted strange. I didn't care. My mother walked into the study, looked at me, and exclaimed, "Why is your face black?" When I looked at the "straw" in my hand, I found it was my mother's ball pen core, and the pen oil inside was all sucked by me, I couldn't help giggling.

It seems that I am a bit like Wang Xizhi. He is a sage who writes calligraphy. I have almost become a sage who reads books.

[Chapter 2] Story composition of drinking ink

Students tell you one thing. Don't laugh at me when you hear it.

When I was in the first grade, my grades were very poor. So how I want a smart mind!

Once I asked my father, "Is there any way to improve my grades?" My father said, "Drink ink. You have too little ink in your stomach." "Drink ink?" I was very curious. I thought no wonder there was an empty ink bottle at home!

So I got up the courage to open a bottle of ink and drink it. I almost vomited. I told my father that it was too hard. My father smiled and said, "Silly boy, I don't really mean to let you drink ink, but to study hard. If you have knowledge in your stomach, you will have ink." Then he laughed again.

Only then did I understand that learning is not something that can be done well at once, but can be improved through hard work. There is no shortcut.