Tolerance (20 chapters are preferred)
Morning fawn
2023-12-21 02:07:43

Tolerance (1)

It's not good enough. If you can't bear to see it, it's good to pretend not to see it; If you don't complain, it's better to forget it earlier; Not good enough. If you don't listen carefully, you can pretend to be deaf for a few seconds; Tolerance together, at least can die.


There was a girl who did not do much in her primary school. She was not very prominent. She was always a little invisible person in the class. When she returned to school in primary school, she walked around a street and selected a very big and cute bear to send to her Chinese teacher. When it was time to take a picture, the teacher asked another girl to hold her bear and send it to him to freeze the picture. Later, the teacher said to the girl, "I'm sorry, I know you gave this bear, but I'm afraid it's not natural for you to take a picture, so someone else took the place of it." Then the girl was very sad, and she also hated the teacher and the girl. So she tried to get the attention of new teachers in junior high school. When she returned to her alma mater again, she thought she had done very well, but the teacher still regarded her as nothing and ignored her, even though she had been standing beside her teacher for a long time.

Every time I think of this true and false story, there is always a contradiction in my heart. The girl is wrong, and the teacher is also wrong. The girl has lost her tolerance for the teacher, but the teacher has participated in the event that the girl has lost her tolerance for him. If the teacher did not hurt the girl's self-esteem, then the girl would not lose her tolerance for others. However, even if the teacher did not do so, the girl's heart was too small to be tolerant of anyone, and the teacher just brought this fact forward. The final result remains unchanged.

I am similar to the hero of this story. My tolerance is not strong. I will remember those who are good to me, but also those who are bad to me. Although I am very rational, I will not give a good attitude to some people who are not good to me. Although this practice is obviously naive, it is also a rare true portrayal.

When I was young, when I saw people who were more powerful than me, I always stared at that person with big dark eyes, as if I wanted to remember clearly that person's powerful skills. There was no bad mentality of jealousy, but I felt satisfied inside: Look, I know such a powerful person! When I grow up, everything is so different, one side, one side to the teacher, one side to the parents, one side to the friends... Some even have different appearances, one behind the other, making people have to treat others carefully. Envy gradually turns into envy, complaining that they are not as good as them, Complain about yourself... At this time, the tolerance has disappeared unconsciously.

I read a book during the summer vacation. The descriptions of the characters in the book are very good. What's more valuable is that there are some learning methods different from listening carefully in class and reviewing well after class. At one time, I was puzzled about whether to contribute the book to the students, and found many reasons, but I rejected them one by one, and finally chose to hide the book. Perhaps out of shame, I turned over the book again, found out the learning methods in the book, and made notes waiting for an opportunity to be willing to send.

In the process of growth, there will be many changes, becoming more mature, more rational, and more responsible.

However, tolerance must not be omitted.

Don't count, everyone is not good enough, just cover up each other; Can't see, don't listen, a little sad but ensure; We meet every day. Is happiness all due to package? Mutual insurance. How can we say that we know it all in the morning?

Junior two: afdass

Tolerance (2)

Hello everyone, I am a tolerant heart. In the whole heart family, I am what everyone wants to have. I can let a misunderstanding end with "sorry" and "it doesn't matter", or let friends have no barriers, but some people abandon me as a narrow-minded person, you see

On a bus, the driver drove carefully. A young man walked down the aisle to ask the driver about the arrival time. He accidentally stepped on a middle-aged woman's foot. The middle-aged woman wailed and then began to swear. The young man sincerely apologized to her, but she still had to ignore others and scold until the administrator warned her.

It can be seen that people without me are so ugly and rude. If women owned me under the circumstances just now, this would not be the case. If you don't believe me, take a look at this

In the water room of the teaching building, a senior student was fetching water. A junior student came in and poured water. When pouring water, he accidentally wetted the clothes and pants of the senior student. The junior student was frightened, afraid that his senior brother would beat and scold him. He hurriedly said, "Brother, brother, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it." The senior students patted their clothes a few times, and said to the junior students: "It doesn't matter, be careful next time, and don't get wet with others' clothes." Then they walked out of the water room with the bucket in their hands. The junior students must have admired the big brother.

After reading the above paragraph, do you also want to own mine? Maybe you already have me, but you haven't done well enough? In fact, it is very simple to have a tolerant heart. It just depends on whether you really want to have it. If a person really wants to have a tolerant heart, he will treat everyone and everything kindly, rather than the person who really wants to have a tolerant heart, he will only use it superficially, while his inner heart has other plans.

Human beings should be tolerant, forgive others and understand others. Only with me, they will have respect, long-term friendship and, more importantly, a more perfect self!

Tolerance (3)

A big belly can accommodate things that the world cannot.
The kind face always smiles, laughing at the ridiculous people in the world.
We all need to learn tolerance and forgive others with a generous heart; We all need to be tolerant and forgive others like ourselves. This is the most basic. It is inevitable that there will be big or small frictions in the process of communication with others. If you always hate others, then life will always be dark. Being tolerant of others is also good for your life.
After Edison successfully invented the light bulb, he asked a student to take it upstairs, which might be too nervous. The student stumbled and broke the light bulb. Other students complained about him, but Edison did not blame him. The second time he successfully made the light bulb, Edison still asked the student to take it upstairs to him. This time, the light bulb was not broken again. Other students don't understand why they want that student. Aren't they afraid to break the light bulb again? Edison replied that only in this way can the student no longer have a burden. Yes, the surface tolerance is far less true than the tolerance in the heart. If the true tolerance is true, it should be reflected by actions rather than words.
Gibran once said, "A great man has two hearts, one is bleeding, and the other is tolerant." What kind of state is this? I have never understood before, how could there be such a stupid person, or how could there be such a good person?
But later, I gradually understood what kind of emotion this is. After being hurt by others, the pain is inevitable, but we also grow up in this pain, treat people who have hurt you with a smile, forgive their mistakes with a tolerant heart, and even thank them for hurting us so deeply, so that we can continue to grow in different environments. Thank relatives, thank friends, this is what we often do. However, it is difficult to thank those who have hurt themselves and forgive them. If we can do that, then we will really grow up. There is no good person or bad person in the world, but if you magnify his advantages or disadvantages, he will become a good person or bad person in your eyes. I heard that the kindergarten teacher and the children played a game. The teacher asked the children to record the number of people they hated, and then how many rocks they took with them. At the end of the day, the teacher asked the students how they felt. As a result, a child with more than ten stones said, "I'm so tired. It's inconvenient to do anything!" The teacher replied, "These stones are just like those people you hate. The more they are, the more they will affect your life. If you forgive others and put down these stones, you will be happy every day." Just like this, learn to put down and be tolerant, and we will have our own life. Duke Huan of Qi forgave Guan Zhong, who had been his enemy, and put him in an important position. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty forgave Wei Zheng, who was outspoken, and used him as a mirror. King Zhuang of Chu forgave the meritorious officials who behaved badly at the celebration banquet and did not hold grudges. These people who have made great achievements have a tolerant heart and do not act arbitrarily because of their own status. In the process of growth, we should cultivate our own quality and be tolerant.
Only leniency can accommodate people, but thickness can carry things.
Let us grow with a tolerant heart.

Tolerance (4)

Hugo, a French writer, once said that the broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky. It can contain all things in the world, be kind to others, and turn hostility into friendship. But I really understand that it was due to an accident.

It was a Monday morning, and the rain was falling. There are colorful umbrellas at the school gate, as if they were an ocean of umbrellas. "Tick tock", the school gate has also accumulated a small puddle everywhere. The students rushed into the school, and I was no exception to speed up my pace to the school gate. "Be careful", a little girl shouted. "Flutter", I was hit by a junior male classmate, and there was sewage on my pants legs and sleeves. I became a real drowned rat! Anger rushed up to my head, and I immediately turned back to look for the hateful "troublemaker". "Big brother, it's me." A clear childish voice came to my ears. Looking up, it turned out that the "perpetrator" was a second grade boy. I shook my clothes and cast a stern look at him. I really wanted to scold him. Maybe I looked scary. The little boy looked at me timidly and said hesitantly, "Yes... I'm sorry, I... I didn't... I didn't mean to." Tears glistened in his eyes.

Suddenly, I seemed to see myself in the light.

When I was just in primary school, I was also at the school gate. I accidentally splashed sewage on a big sister's body. Dirty water kept dripping down her clothes, and his yellow clothes became "gray clothes". I was so frightened that I couldn't speak for a moment. I just stood dumbfounded and waited for a scolding. But she didn't scold me, but smiled at me: "It doesn't matter, I don't blame you, go to class quickly!" At that moment, how grateful I was to that big sister, and even felt that it was really happy to live in such a school.

Am I going too far now? I forced a smile on my face. "Just kidding, scaring you!" His mouth became an "O" shape. I smiled again and said softly: "It doesn't matter, I don't blame you, go to class quickly!" He broke his tears into a smile, and just said "Goodbye", he disappeared. I shook the sewage on my body again and rushed into the classroom. I took out my Chinese book and read aloud with my classmates. On this day, everything went very smoothly.

It has been more than half a year since this incident happened, but when I think about it, I am full of emotion: Mount Tai will not let the soil, so it can become great; Rivers and seas do not choose small streams, so they can become deep. As long as we have a tolerant heart, generous, tolerant and tolerant, life will be more exciting!

Tolerance (5)

As soon as I entered the first day of the junior high school, I was given the nickname of Concubine. Is it because my figure resembles that of Concubine Yang of the Tang Dynasty?

At first, I thought they were laughing at me. I was very unhappy and didn't want to play with them.

When the bell rang, the students ran out in succession. Only I sat alone in the classroom and heard the noise of the students from time to time. Suddenly, a voice interrupted. The classroom was rarely quiet. Looking back, it was my good friend who was calling me. She asked me to play outside. I had to move the foot that was unwilling to leave the classroom.

Just after walking out of the classroom, a classmate came up to him and shouted, "Madam, it's a great honor to see you today." I heard that his words also contained a hint of ridicule. If my friend hadn't dragged me around, I would have beaten him.

In the days to come, there are many such things, and I really can't refute them. Soon, I became the star of this school. After class, the outside class would look at me from the window and point out, as if discussing whether I met the standards of my mother. I just bowed my head and regarded them as air.

It was really hard at that time. I felt like a year passed by, and my heart was heavy. But later I thought about it myself, and they called it, so don't embarrass yourself. I'm in a good mood now. I don't feel inferior anymore. I go outside as usual after class, but the difference is that they call me my empress again, and I smile and say, "Dear Aiqing, don't salute when you see my palace." Other people laugh, and I laugh too. My heart is extremely comfortable. Later, I think that tolerating others is also tolerating myself.

Gradually, I also integrated into the collective, no longer caring about the views of others, no longer indifferent, but become lively, I believe that I am me, and no one can change?

Tolerance makes me optimistic. It is a good feeling. Tolerance for others, that is, letting go of oneself, will make a person more open-minded, optimistic and cheerful,

Tolerance (6)

Someone said: "People have two hearts, one for bleeding and one for tolerance."

The violet was trampled flat by one foot, but it left the fragrance on that heel. This is tolerance.

One day in the autumn of 2005, two depressed teenagers played on a farm in California. They mischievously lit the jungle. They imagined the panic and anxiety of the fire police when they put out the fire. They were very proud, but they never thought of it. Because of this fire, a fire police died in the process of fighting.

This fire policeman was only 22 years old. When he was performing his duties with all his strength, he was smoked by thick smoke and burned to death in the jungle. What's more painful is that this fire policeman lost his husband in his early years. He was raised by his respectable single mother alone. His growth process was full of hardships. He often said to his mother that he would repay her well when he became an adult, And this is his first week of work. Even without receiving his first salary

After finding out that this was a case of deliberate arson, the whole city became angry. The mayor said that he must arrest the criminals and let them accept severe punishment. The police began to search everywhere for the heads of the two teenagers who were listed as suspects, and began to appear in all corners of the city, which was not what the two teenagers initially imagined, They can only leave the city in fear and run around, listening to the angry voices from all sides. They are immersed in deep regret, helplessness and fear.

In addition to paying attention to the two teenagers, the reporters paid more attention to the single mother. They aimed the microphone at her, waiting for her complaints and angry appeals to severely punish the murderer.

When the white haired, plainclothes clad mother with muddy and sad eyes appeared in front of the camera, her first words shocked everyone, She said: "I am very sad to see my son leave me, but I just want to say a few words to the two children who caused the disaster - you must be living a very bad life now, and it may be worse than death. As the most qualified person in the world to condemn you, I want to say, please go home. There are still parents waiting for you at home. As long as you do this, I will do Mother and God forgive you... "

At that moment, all the reporters were speechless. Unexpectedly, the mother who had just lost her son would say such words. They thought that what they were waiting for would be sorrow or anger. Unexpectedly, it was forgiveness! What people did not expect was that one hour after the mother made her speech, two teenagers turned themselves in at a hotel in a small town.

Two teenagers told the police that on the afternoon of the mother's speech, they bought a lot of sleeping pills because they could not bear the huge social pressure and were ready to leave the world together. But at this moment, they heard the mother's voice on TV, and they burst into tears. Then they left the sleeping pills and dialed the police station

Now these two reckless teenagers are human fathers. They will often lead their children to visit the respectable single mother, who is already another mother in their hearts.

A tragic story ended with a warm ending, and anyone can imagine that if the mother said another word at that time, these two fresh lives would die, and their mother would be forever lonely.

Yes, most of the time, what the world needs is not more grief and indignation, but a broad tolerance.

Tolerance is really a kind of understanding with deep love. It radiates the light of human kindness. It is not only a relief to others, but also a kind treatment to oneself. A person's mind can accommodate many people, so that it can win many hearts.

Tolerance (7)

I remember the French writer Hugo once said: the broadest in the world is the sea; What is wider than the sea is the sky: what is wider than the sky is people's mind. A broad mind can contain all things on earth, teach us to be kind to others, and "turn hostility into friendship". When I really understood all this, it came from an accident.

It was the morning of a New Year's Day. I hurried to the sink under the toilet to wash my hands. Know that time is life! You can read the book ahead of time if you gain time. I don't know why today. There are more people beside the toilet than usual. I asked, "Why are there so many people today? The faucet below is broken." I don't know where it came from. Ah! How long will we have to wait for so many people? I began to be irritable, and my anger rose little by little, and the whole person became an explosive volcano.

Finally, I can't help the anxiety in my heart. I really want to find a way to get in. After a lot of hard work, I just squeezed to the pool. With a sigh of relief in my heart, I can get rid of these inhuman torture immediately. Cross your left and right hands on your shoulders, three or two times, and you're done! Turn around I just feel my leggings are cold, and the lower part of my pants are full of sewage, which is extremely black, as if they were dragged by mops.

I couldn't stand it, and my anger rushed up to my head. I immediately went to find the hateful "perpetrator". It was a boy in Grade One. I stared at him and really wanted to scold him, but the teacher said that I could not bully the lower grade pupils, so I had to give up the idea of scolding him. Maybe I look a little scary! The little boy was totally at a loss. He gripped the mop with both hands and became timid. Seeing that I didn't say anything, he was afraid and stammered, "Yes... yes... I don't... I didn't mean to." Tears glistened in his eyes. Suddenly, I seemed to see myself in this vision.

That was a disaster I made when I was in the second grade. I also met a big sister in the fifth grade near the pool. The big sister's "experience" was even worse than mine. Her beautiful clothes were dyed into "spotted dogs" by me. I was frightened. I never said sorry all my life, but where was my big mouth. I think I will be scolded. But instead of scolding me, she smiled at me and said, "It doesn't matter. Be careful next time.".

At that moment, how grateful I was to that big sister, and even felt that she was my role model. Can I go too far now! I unconsciously blinked my eyes and let the smile bloom on my face. "It doesn't matter". I blurted out as if he didn't believe me. He was surprised and opened his mouth wide. I smiled:

"Really, it's OK, just scared you." He smiled, as if he believed.

It has been a long time, but when I think about it, I am filled with emotion: in fact, sometimes, as long as we make concessions to each other, some things will become easier. As long as we have a tolerant heart, generous, tolerant and tolerant, life will be more exciting!

Tolerance (8)

Tolerance, with such a heart, can hold the whole sky and the whole sea. Tolerance is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Once I could not tolerate others, just because that time

Tink, tink, tink, the clear bell rings, just like the clear song of birds. I immediately flew out of the classroom and chased and played with my classmates on the playground. We ran back and forth. Xiao Ming rushed into the classroom and hit my desk. The brand new glass seemed to fall on the ground like an elephant. It broke into five pieces. The class was suddenly quiet. I rushed into the classroom immediately after hearing the sound, Looking at the five blooming snow lotus on the ground. Xiaoming was also shocked. He quickly ran to me, tightened my hand, and said, "Sorry, sorry, I really didn't mean to. I'll pay you one more.

”What's the use? "I watched him shout loudly, shaking the ceiling of the classroom straight, and immediately several birds started up at the back of the classroom. I cried:" Can you compensate? That's a gift from my mother for my ninth birthday. Can you buy it? Is that family love sold in any mall? "Xiaoming saw my fierce appearance, and cried, and whispered," Don't be angry, I'll pay you two, OK? "I became more angry and said angrily:" Two, two family members, can money buy? Do you think you'll end up with me? "I shouted and waved my fist to beat Xiao Ming.

At this time, the teacher arrived at the scene and asked who was shouting in confusion. Xiaoming ran to the teacher and cried, "Teacher, I broke his cup, but I promised to pay for it. He still refused to give up and punched me. "The teacher understood the truth of the matter and called me to the office. I felt reasonable. Seven people refused to obey and eight were angry. He always held my hand tightly and said to me with a smile:" Although you broke a cup, you should know that you should be tolerant and tolerant. A man is upright and can't haggle with others.

Although just a few words, my tears have flowed down. I finally understood the meaning of tolerance. I will never forget this. I forgive Xiao Ming. It told me that we should be tolerant. Life is like the sea, tolerance boat, boating in the sea, the sea of wind is vast; Life is like a mountain. Tolerance is the way. You can only know the height of the mountain by climbing the mountain; Life is like a song, tolerance is a song, and song and song, just know the beautiful song; Since then, I have learned to be tolerant, and I also have a tolerant heart.

Tolerance (9)

Today, when we were standing in the road team after school, my classmate Liu Tao broke the new shoes my mother bought for me. Although he said a lot of sorry, I still didn't forgive him.

On the way home, I was so angry that I pursed my lips and frowned, thinking: What bad luck! What does your mother say when she comes home? Just then, I suddenly heard a "bang". I turned around and saw a big brother riding a bicycle. He accidentally knocked down an old man. He got out of the car and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, grandpa, I'm in a hurry, so I rode too fast. I'm really sorry!" I thought grandpa would be hard on that big brother, Maybe he would ask his elder brother to accompany him to the hospital for inspection, but the grandpa stood up and surprised me. The grandpa said, "Young man, slow down, I'm fine, it's OK." Then the grandpa patted the dirt on his body and walked away, and the passers-by gave him praise.

I stood there and looked at my broken shoes. Grandpa's behavior made me understand that people should have a tolerant heart. Thinking of this, I secretly forgave Liu Tao and went home happily.

Tolerance (10)

To be tolerant of others is to be kind to yourself. Tolerance may be a smile for others, a word of encouragement for others, a warm hug, or a kind greeting. Tolerance is actually a warm word. Tolerance is the real truth that each of us should learn.

In our life, there will be many things, some of which may make you angry, but as long as you show a smile, a tolerant word, this matter will change from big to small.

Tolerance is actually a warm word. For example, there is an example around me:

One day at school, Xiaohong remembered to look for her homework, but she accidentally knocked Lili's pencil box off. At that time, I saw Lili very angry, and Xiaohong was also deeply sorry. She looked at Lili anxiously, but Lili did not blame Xiaohong, and said, "It's OK, I know you didn't mean it." Lili was very moved when she heard this.

Tolerance is a warm embrace:

At the weekend, Xiaogang got sick and forgot to finish his homework. The next morning, when the teacher asked Xiaogang why he didn't finish his homework, Xiaogang told the teacher why. After listening, the teacher not only didn't blame Xiaogang, but also gave him a warm hug because Xiaogang was honest. This is the expression of tolerance.

Tolerance, in fact, is everywhere in our life. As long as you learn to understand others and learn tolerance, the world will become more peaceful and beautiful!

Tolerance is actually treating yourself well.

Tolerance (11)

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

Turgenev of Russia once said; "People who cannot tolerate others are not worthy of being tolerated by others." Therefore, we should have a tolerant heart to make life better.

"Ah 1 I'm so sorry, I lost the pen... cap I lent you." "What? '' I flew into a rage. It was my favorite pen. 1 I was very angry. 1 He repeatedly apologized. I saved change for several weeks to buy it! I swallowed saliva when I saw the delicious ice cream, and clenched my teeth when I saw the delicious sausage... How hard won this pen. What does he say? Lose it! I'm angry. Suddenly, I remembered that Turgenev's words were also my motto in life, "Those who cannot tolerate others are not worthy of being tolerated by others." I calmed down and smiled at him‘‘ It's OK. Just throw it away. 1 Tomorrow, let my mother buy another one. It doesn't matter. "‘‘ Thank you very much. '' When he left the classroom, he said half jokingly‘‘ I thank you eight times for your ancestors, and I will never let you go. " After that, we both smiled knowingly

At that moment, I felt the happiness brought to me by tolerance. Let me learn to be considerate of others. Can a valuable pen be as deep as the friendship between classmates? Is friendship expensive? No, Therefore, I learned tolerance.

What is wider than the earth is the blue sky, and what is wider than the sky? That is human heart. Let's learn tolerance! Welcome every day with a tolerant heart! If everyone has a tolerant heart, the world will become a beautiful and harmonious world!

Tolerance (12)

Be a generous and attentive person

In study, work and even life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are not familiar with compositions. Writing compositions is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is the composition of Xiao Bian, who is careful to be a generous and attentive person. You are welcome to learn from and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

To be a person with generous acceptance and attention, lenient acceptance is a virtue. However, lenient acceptance is principled, which does not mean that there is no distinction between long and short, love and hatred are unclear, nor is there any indifference or indifference. Therefore, in principle, we should never compromise. A generous heart is conducive to our physical and mental happiness. A narrow-minded, selfish person. All he thought about was his own interests and wealth. He always thought that if he could not stop for a moment, his psychological pressure would gradually increase, gradually becoming withdrawn and paralyzed. It will cause unnecessary troubles. However, a person who has an open and generous manner and accepts considerate people is always happy and relaxed. Don't lose happiness because of "small" interests.

A lenient mind is conducive to promoting our interpersonal relationships. When others accidentally prevaricate to themselves, they should forgive others and be lenient. In this way, others will realize their mistakes, feel sorry, and appreciate your character. Your mood will also change from worry to pleasure. At the same time, your interpersonal relationship will gradually become better and closer. A generous heart is conducive to growth and talent. People with stronger abilities. He must have a generous heart. It has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to accept leniently since ancient times. On the way to grow up, I encountered the persecution of some people who were "not in the right mind". I have a heart to accept leniently, to accept him leniently and warn him, which also laid a foundation for my growth. A generous heart is conducive to a happy life. To live together as a family is to trust each other and accept each other leniently. If you lack one of them in your life, you will be in a mess. However, if the whole family can understand each other and accept more leniently, then things will not be so bad. Lenient acceptance is the guarantee and premise of a happy life. Having a generous heart is a kind of precious spirit and psychology.

As the saying goes, "If we can tolerate a word, it will be calm; if we step back, it will be broad", if we can all accept each other leniently and know how to compare our feelings, then it will also promote the development of the motherland. To be a person who is generous and attentive, the key is to concentrate on the bosom and embrace selfishness and others. Only in this way can we reach the best state regardless of secular and private interests.

Tolerance (13)

It turns out that I also have to pay attention to composition

In the light study, work and life, what we don't see is composition. Composition is a genre composed of words, which expresses a theme through thinking and language organization. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a small editor for everyone to stop the original I have taken care of the composition, I hope to help you.

With such a heart, we can hold the whole sky and the whole sea. It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to accept others with leniency. Once I could not accept others with leniency, just because that time

Tink, tink, tink, the clear bell rings, just like birds. I immediately flew out of the classroom and chased and played with my classmates on the playground. We ran back and forth. Xiao Ming rushed into the classroom and hit my desk. The brand-new glass seemed to be an elephant that had slipped. It fell to the ground with a click and broke into five pieces. The class was suddenly quiet and I rushed into the classroom immediately after hearing the sound, Looking at the five blooming snow lotus on the ground. Xiaoming was also shocked. He quickly ran to my eyes, tightened my hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to. I'll pay you one more."

"What's the use?" I watched him yell, shaking the ceiling of the classroom straight, and immediately several birds started up behind the classroom. I cried: "Can you compensate? It was a gift from my mother for my ninth birthday. Can you buy it? Isn't that family love sold in some mall?" Seeing my fierce appearance, Xiao Ming also cried and whispered: "Don't be angry, I'll compensate you two, OK?" I became more angry and said angrily: "Two, two family love, can money buy it? Do you think a few things with me will be over? " I shouted and waved my fist to beat Xiao Ming.

When the teacher heard that he had arrived, he asked who was shouting in confusion. Xiaoming ran to the teacher's eyes and cried, "I broke his cup, but I allowed him to compensate, but he still refused to forgive me and punched me." The teacher understood the truth of the matter and called me to the office. I felt reasonable. Seven refused to obey and eight were angry, and always held my hand tightly, Smiling, he said to me, "Of course you have broken a cup, but you should know that you should accept others and be generous. A man should be upright and should not compete with others."

Although just a few words, my tears have flowed down. I finally understand the meaning of leniency. I will never forget this. I forgive Xiao Ming. It told me that we should be tolerant. Life is like the sea. It is wide to take in a boat and sail on the sea. The sea of wind is vast; Life is like a mountain. The path is wide, and you can only know the height of the mountain by climbing the path; Life is like a song. If you accept it leniently, it is a song. If you sing along with it, you will know the melody of the song; Since then, I have learned to accept leniently, and I also have a heart of accepting leniently.

Tolerance (14)

The composition of a lenient heart primary school

In our daily study, work or life, the most unattractive thing is composition. In composition, we must focus on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the unified theme, and avoid rambling, loose theme or even no theme. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the composition of Xin Primary School, which I compiled for everyone. I hope it can help those in need.

Composition 1 of the Heart Primary School

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

Turgenev of Russia once said; "People who won't be lenient to others are not worthy of being lenient to others." Therefore, we should have a heart of leniency to make life better.

"Ah 1, I'm so sorry, I lost the pen... cap that you lent me." "What?" I was furious. It was my favorite pen. I was very angry. He repeatedly apologized. I saved several weeks' change to buy it! I swallowed when I saw the thick ice cream, and clenched my teeth when I saw the delicious sausage... How hard won this pen is. What does he say? Lose it! I'm angry. Suddenly, I thought of Turgenev's words, which are also my motto in life, "Those who will not be lenient to others are not worthy of being lenient to others." I calmed down and smiled at him; "Nothing, just throw it away. 1 Tomorrow, let my mother buy another one, it doesn't matter." "Thank you so much." When he left the classroom, he said half jokingly; "I thank you eight times for your ancestors, and I will never let you go." After saying that, we both smiled knowingly

At that moment, I felt the happiness brought by the generous harvest. Let me learn to be considerate of others. Can a precious pen have the friendship between classmates? Is friendship expensive? No, Therefore, I learned to accept leniently.

What is wider than the earth is the blue sky, and what is wider than the sky? That is human heart. Let's learn to accept leniently! Welcome every day with a generous heart! If everyone has a heart that embraces all rivers, the world will become a beautiful and harmonious world!

Composition 2 of the Heart of Charity

On Sunday, my father bought me four books. The titles of these four books are Toy Adventures, Crossing the Snow Field, The Secret Tree Hole of the Blue Rabbit, and Little White Rabbit Girl. Toy Adventures is a fairy tale, spending snow is a fairy tale collection, the secret tree hole of Blue Rabbit is a children's story collection, and the little white rabbit girl is a fairy tale narrative poem.

Once, I had nothing to do but read. I saw the secret tree hole of Blue Rabbit. The story I read is that the old man can never do anything wrong. It says that there was a couple who were still the most optimistic couple in the village. One day, his wife asked the old man to exchange a horse for something. The old man first exchanged a horse for a cow, then a cow for a sheep, then a sheep for a fat goose, and then a fat goose for a chicken, Finally, he exchanged a chicken for a bag of rotten apples.

In this interesting story, the old man finally exchanged a horse for a bag of rotten apples. But in every exchange process, the old man always starts from the actual situation of his family, and each wish is simple and contented. It let me know that a man should have a sense of being considerate of others, accept leniently, respect the position, "the old man can never be wrong" I hope we can have a tolerant heart.

After reading this story, I learned a truth: we should be lenient, we should not blame others for their mistakes, and we should put all the responsibility on others. As far as my teacher is concerned, I often took other people's things and was found by the teacher in the first few days of school. Instead of blaming me, the teacher taught me with a smile and said: I believe I can change this bad habit. I was surprised to hear that. I thought I was dead. I learned a lot from my teacher. Through this lesson, I have changed this bad habit. This story tells us that we should be tolerant.

Composition 3 of the Heart of Charity

I have a friend who has played very well since childhood. Her name is Guo Mengqian. She has a pair of big shining eyes. When she is excited, she becomes two curved moons, bright and charming. There was a vertical scar between her two eyebrows, which made her unique.

However, her beauty is not the reason why she and I become good friends, but her heart that knows how to accept.

I remember one time, I went home with her, we talked and laughed and rode our bikes. When passing by the gate of a family home, an aunt in her 30s rode a bicycle down the slope from the gate of a family home. She saw the two of us and shouted, "Brake quickly!" But it was too late. Her car hit Guo Mengqian's car straight. I thought that the aunt would ask Guo Mengqian if she was hurt, but I heard her say viciously, "What's the matter? You can't brake when you ride so fast!" and then rode away. "Oh, my god, where is this? It is clear that she is riding fast and retrograde, and that she hit someone else, but she still put the blame on others. You are really unlucky today!" I said angrily. However, Guo Mengqian did not like this. She said calmly, "Forget it, maybe she has something urgent, so don't say it." Later, I learned that she was injured in the foot one day. Alas, I'm far from her.

Another time, we quarreled because of misunderstanding. It was my fault, but she not only accepted me leniently but also took the initiative to make up with me. From then on, we made up again.

Perhaps, she is a flawless emerald, inlaid with the heart that is like gold, it will be more brilliant.

Composition 4 of the Heart of Charity

Take in leniently, leniency means leniency; To take in is to have a large capacity for people.

There is such a thing that makes me think more about the word "lenient acceptance".

On TV, I saw a big brother riding a bicycle and accidentally met an aunt. Although the aunt was unharmed, she sat on the ground, hugged her feet and cried loudly. The big brother apologized to her and helped her forward. The aunt didn't stand up, but she held the elder brother's hand and said she was injured and asked him to pay. The elder brother wanted to send her to the hospital, but the aunt disagreed. There were many people around the road, and they all advised my aunt to go to the hospital, but my aunt still refused to go, and told the people on the road not to meddle. People on the roadside thought that the aunt had to be unreasonable, too much. In desperation, the elder brother gave the aunt 200 yuan to get away, and the aunt took the money and left swearing.

This made me very sad and angry. I don't know how this aunt could do this. Brother is so pathetic. When I was young, my parents told me that people should care and help each other. People should learn to forgive when they do something wrong. Don't fight over trifles because of trifles. Perhaps, this is the meaning of leniency!

Through this incident, I learned that people should have a tolerant heart and learn to forgive even if others are wrong. In this way, we won't lose friends and get care. If everyone in this world has a generous heart, then our world will not have quarrels, and everywhere will be peaceful and full of love.

The Heart of Tolerance Primary School Composition 5

It is a virtue to accept leniently, which is indispensable in our life. We should not accept leniently.

I remember one time after class, I was chatting with my good friend Zewei. While chatting, Zewei said, "I'm a little thirsty. I want to go back to my seat to drink some water." Then I followed him to his seat. He listened to my jokes while drinking water. When I said the most ridiculous place, who knew he could not help but snort and just sprayed water on my clothes. When I was sorting out, I was so angry that my teeth made a sound of "cluck, cluck...". I really wanted to hit someone when I raised my fist. When Zewei saw me like this, he just saw a cat and a mouse, and his teeth were still "fighting".

When I saw Zewei's appearance, my heart softened. At this time, I suddenly remembered a sentence: "It is a virtue to accept others leniently." When I think about my present appearance again, my anger disappears and my fist slowly loosens. I relaxed my tone and said to him, "Forget it! It's just that my clothes are wet." To my sudden change, he asked with a surprised expression: "Are you really not angry?" "Yes, I am not angry." I replied. "Really?" he asked again. "Really!" I answered honestly again. He then cheered and said, "Wow, that would be great!" Soon we were both chatting excitedly again. Until now, Zewei and I are still good friends.

Everyone has a generous reception, but some people do not want it. Those who are narrow-minded people tend to lose more friendship and joy!

Composition of the Heart of Charity 6

Wide reception is like sunshine, warming us; Wide acceptance is like a stream, sending us blessings; Wide reception is like rain and dew, moistening the earth. If everyone has a generous heart, the world will become more beautiful.

I still remember one time when I was in a Yanghao character learning class, I was listening to the teacher's explanation of the precautions for writing Yanghao characters. All of a sudden, I felt a burst of wet behind my back. I touched it with my hands. Alas! I saw that my hands were full of black ink. I immediately turned around, and the classmate sitting behind was looking at me with frightened eyes, as if to say: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to.". When finishing, I put my finger on my head and my eyes were burning. I really wanted to scold her for finishing. She took a piece of toilet paper and hurriedly wiped it for me. While wiping it, she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to. After class, I will clean it for you.". When I heard this sentence from my classmate and saw her panic again, I couldn't bear to scold her. Just as Hugo, a French writer, said: the broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky. Yeah! Each of us should have a tolerant heart. Moreover, everyone has difficulties. If I think about others' difficulties from the perspective of others, maybe I should forgive her. So my anger suddenly disappeared, and I said to her with a smile: "Never mind, I'll go home and wash it with bleach. Maybe it can be cleaned. Besides, your painting has also made my clothes beautiful. Thank you for being too late!" The student listened to me and smiled. So the battle that should have happened suddenly turned into peace, and my classmate and I were very happy. Because I have accepted others leniently, others are happy, and others praise me for having a lenient heart, I am happier.

My friends, if each of us can have a tolerant heart, you will find happiness everywhere in life.

Tolerance (15)

Tolerance is a virtue. People who can tolerate others can naturally be forgiven by others. In my memory, a tolerant heart shines like a bright pearl in my mind, which I will never forget.

I remember that it was a sunny Sunday. I went to the extracurricular training as usual. When I got there, I put down my schoolbag and played games with my friends. My popularity in the class was good and I played well with my classmates, but I couldn't get along with one of my classmates. We used to quarrel all the time. When we played games that day, The two of us quarreled over some trivial matters. I told her what to do. She was unconvinced and told me what to do. We were still arguing until class began, and we didn't listen much to the class. Suddenly, Mr. Wang asked everyone to take out the English book to write from memory. I turned over my schoolbag and said, "Oh, no! What should I do if I didn't take the English book? What should I do?" I felt the back of my head and bit the pen holder again. I was as worried as an ant on a hot pot. In a hurry, I had to ask my classmates for help. But the only person sitting next to me is my classmate who quarrels with me every day. If he borrows paper from others, the teacher will find that if he doesn't borrow it, he can't keep silent in English. Neither of them could work. I thought for a moment, and had to take the dead horse as a living horse doctor. I patted the shoulder of my neighbor and whispered, "Can you lend me a piece of paper? I didn't bring it." I thought she would throw her head away, but ignored me. Unexpectedly, she tore a new piece of paper from her beautiful book, handed it to me with both hands and said, "If it is not enough, you can ask me again." After seeing her action, I was very moved and my face was burning. I thought: She can treat me with a tolerant heart, and why can't I treat her with a tolerant heart? After class, I found her and said, "Thank you.". Later, we became a pair of good friends.

Since then, I have also learned to face life with tolerance. If I am tolerant of others, I can get respect from others and the most sincere friendship.

Tolerance (16)

I remember the French writer Hugo once said: the broadest in the world is the sea; What is wider than the sea is the sky: what is wider than the sky is people's mind. A broad mind can contain all things on earth, can teach us to be kind to others, and can 'turn hostility into friendship'. When I really understood all this, it came from an accident.

It was the morning of a New Year's Day. I hurried to the sink under the toilet to wash my hands. Know that time is life! You can read the book ahead of time if you gain time. I don't know why today. There are more people beside the toilet than usual. I asked, "Why are there so many people today?" "The faucet below is broken." I don't know where it came from. Ah! How long will we have to wait for so many people? I began to be irritable, and my anger rose little by little, and the whole person became an explosive volcano.

Finally, I can't help the anxiety in my heart. I really want to find a way to get in. After a lot of hard work, I just squeezed to the pool. With a sigh of relief in my heart, I can get rid of these inhuman torture immediately. Cross your left and right hands on your shoulders, three or two times, and you're done! Turning around... I just felt my pants were cold, and the lower part of my pants were covered with sewage. It was very black, as if they had been dragged by a mop.

I couldn't stand it, and my anger rushed up to my head. I immediately went to find the hateful "perpetrator". It was a boy in Grade One. I stared at him and really wanted to scold him, but the teacher said that I could not bully the lower grade pupils, so I had to give up the idea of scolding him. Maybe I look a little scary! The little boy was totally at a loss. He gripped the mop with both hands and became timid. Seeing that I didn't say anything, he was afraid and stammered, "Yes... yes... I don't... I didn't mean to." Tears glistened in his eyes. Suddenly, I seemed to see myself in this vision.

That was a disaster I made when I was in the second grade. I also met a big sister in the fifth grade near the pool. The big sister's "experience" was even worse than mine. Her beautiful clothes were dyed into "spotted dogs" by me. I was frightened. I never said sorry all my life, but where was my big mouth. I think I will be scolded. But instead of scolding me, she smiled at me and said, "It doesn't matter. Be careful next time.".

At that moment, how grateful I was to that big sister, and even felt that she was my role model. Can I go too far now! I unconsciously blinked my eyes and let the smile bloom on my face. "It doesn't matter". I blurted out as if he didn't believe me. He was surprised and opened his mouth wide. I smiled:

"Really, it's OK, just scared you." He smiled, as if he believed.

It has been a long time, but when I think about it, I am filled with emotion: in fact, sometimes, as long as we make concessions to each other, some things will become easier. As long as we have a tolerant heart, generous, tolerant and tolerant, life will be more exciting!

Tolerance (17)

Happiness, like a pure and innocent child, will inadvertently reveal, warm your heart, and make you feel a ray of sunshine in a cloudy day.

An experienced reporter asked an old man; What do you think happiness is? The old man looked at her for a long time and replied: When young, he learned to tolerate others in order to fight and succeed. Why? The reporter asked doubtfully. The old man looked at him for a long time: aren't you forgiving me now? The reporter's expression was shocked

Breathing fresh air, I walked with my mother on the way to the supermarket. Look at all kinds of people: some look eager; Some walk slowly; Some people are in a happy mood when they are finishing their clothes. It seems that this is also a kind of happiness.

Mom, I want to eat sweet and sour sirloin, OK, make it for you. I inadvertently took a look at the girl I passed by: a beautiful black hair, flashing spiritual eyes, people can not help but feel close. I didn't care about him much, just like a cloud, blown away by the gentle wind, but I didn't think that she was my deep understanding of the happiness of tolerance. My mother and I went into the supermarket, looking at the dazzling array of goods and the decorated supermarket, we felt excited.

I stood in front of a row of shelves and saw a man in his forties arguing with a girl in his twenties through a small gap. The salesperson heard the encouraging quarrel and went over to try to reconcile. Auntie, it's clearly the uncle's fault. I didn't blame him. He didn't ask me to apologize. The girl said angrily. After listening to the reason for the quarrel, the salesperson said in a gentle voice: Sir, this is really your fault. The little girl has no past grudges and is tolerant to others. You shouldn't be so unreasonable. The man's face is still poor, but he doesn't speak. Uncle, don't be angry. Here you are. You must be in a hurry. The girl said. The man was shocked and said: Sorry. Uncle, give it to you. It doesn't matter to me. The man hesitated to take the girl's hand. Thank you.

If everyone is a little tolerant, then in the process of communication, we will eliminate unnecessary barriers and make our interpersonal relationships more harmonious and harmonious.

Mark Twain had a famous saying: Violet left his memory on his bare feet. This is tolerance.

300 words of tolerant heart composition

Eight months ago, I witnessed a traffic accident at the gate of our school. Although it was not serious, the final result made a profound and moving impact on me.

Here's the thing: one day an old man was riding a battery car to sell vegetables at the small vegetable market. When he saw a car in front of him, he hit it despite a sudden brake. When the car owner just picked up the child from the school, he heard a bang. I looked up and saw the trunk shell of my car. It fell off and ran to catch my grandpa and ask him to pay for it. At that time, there were a lot of people watching. Everyone talked and talked about it. Some said, "You old man don't have long eyes?"? Some said: Forget it, the old man doesn't have much money to apologize and let him go. Others took out their mobile phones and took photos. At this time, a man in his 60s seemed to be a retired veteran cadre coming with a smile. This time, he wanted to be an old uncle. He smiled and said to everyone, "You can only plant flowers on the road, not thorns.". He took the hand of the old man riding a bike to the owner of the car and said, "Please apologize to the owner!"! Then he patted the owner on the shoulder and said, "Young man, if you have a big stomach, let him go.". Then Grandpa apologized to the car owner: Sorry, sorry. The owner of the car was embarrassed to admit his mistake when he saw that Grandpa was so old. He asked him to lose money and said generously, "Forget it, forget it.". It was a happy ending.

300 words of tolerant heart composition

It was a hot afternoon, and it was also the day when my interest class announced the results. The test paper was delivered to me, and the result was even worse than expected. My mood was like a bolt from the blue, and all the ups and downs came to my mind.

I picked up my schoolbag and walked out. I accidentally overturned my desk mate's water cup and spilled water all over the floor. I thought: Eh! It's really unlucky. Everything has come. I have to accompany others with a cup of water if I haven't done well in the exam. I was just about to say I'm sorry, but she unexpectedly gave me a smile and said: My water cup is old, it doesn't matter, you don't need to be nervous. Because of this smile, I was shocked; This smile made me feel guilty and moved when I looked at her back.

If tolerance is like a boat, then we are the children in the boat on the sea and in the wind. Be carefree in the waves; If tolerance is like a green mountain, then we are the seedlings on the green mountain, growing strong under the blue sky, in the wind, and in the rain.

It is not difficult to be tolerant of others. When we are optimistic about everything, our heart will be like a vast ocean. On the road of life; Tolerance will make your way wider, and tolerance will make all living beings in the world applaud for you; Tolerance will wish you a hand when you encounter difficulties, even if you are already unable to heal.

Life is often tedious and often dull. It is tolerance like water that makes the tedious process become pure after the filtration of fine water; It is precisely because tolerance is like fire that plain passing grows and becomes increasingly distinct; It is because of this poetic tolerance that life and art, life and eternity are endowed, ah! tolerant

300 words of tolerant heart composition

I remember before, my temper was very bad, and I would get angry with him immediately if others just said a few words about me. Let's talk about my cousin!

That day, I was doing my homework in my room, and my cousin ran into my room to play with me. He said to me, "Brother, play with me!"! I also put the things on my desk on the ground. So I said to him angrily, "How many times have I told him? Don't bother me all the time. Go away!"!

So my cousin said to my mother, "Aunt, I don't want this brother anymore.".

I said viciously: I don't want your brother! What a bore!

Although my mother told me many times, I would not change.

But one thing changed me: one day, a lady bought some milk and went home. Suddenly, a lady ran very fast behind her and knocked over her milk. But things are not as I expected.

The lady behind said: Sorry, I spilled your milk!

It doesn't matter. The lady in front didn't get angry with him: milk is a worthless thing, and I will buy another bottle of it. I was deeply moved by this event. I know I was wrong before. I must change my temper in the future.

In the future, if my brother is in my room on the runway, I will kindly say to him; My brother is very busy now. If you want to finish, you can move to another place, Wan, can you? My younger brother will leave obediently after hearing this, and my mother will praise me and say: Our children are finally sensible, not like before!

Through this incident, I understand a profound truth: people should learn to be tolerant. Only tolerance can make many good friends

300 words of tolerant heart composition

Tolerance is like a cup of tea, diluting each other's embarrassment; Tolerance is like a spring wind, blowing the ice between people; Tolerance is like a rainbow, so that the feelings of no longer meet radiate beautiful brilliance! The ocean is wider than the land, the blue sky is wider than the ocean, and the mind of people is wider than the blue sky. As long as we treat others with a generous heart, the whole world will smile at you!

I have had a good friend since the first grade. Her name is Zhu Zimeng. We play games together, do homework together, and even go to the toilet together! It can be called inseparable. In the twinkling of an eye, we were all grown up and soon entered the fifth grade stage. When we were arranging seats in the new semester, Zhu Zimeng and I were assigned to the front and back tables. We were very excited. We shook each other's hands and kept dancing, but it was difficult to express our excitement - because we had no front and back tables since the first grade, Can this not excite us both?

Shortly after the seat was allocated, I was a little thirsty, so I poured some coke into the screaming bottle. Zhu Zimeng was also thirsty, so I opened the bottle cap, tilted the bottle slightly, and tried to shoot Zhu Zimeng. But when I aimed the bottle mouth at Zhu Zimeng's mouth to press it down, something unexpected happened, and Coke blew out of the bottle itself, How fast that is! Before I knew it, Coke had already wetted Zhu Zimeng's upper body, and Zhu Zimeng didn't respond. I quickly put the bottle up. Zhu Zimeng also took out some napkins from the drawer and wiped them for himself. The students who were doing homework on the side also witnessed all this. They surrounded Zhu Zimeng and kept asking: Zhu Zimeng, are you OK? Zhu Zimeng said nothing when he got wet. I could not help but lower my head and said to Zhu Zimeng with guilt: Zhu Zhu, are you OK? I'm sorry. I didn't know that Zhu Zimeng would answer by himself, which surprised me. She said with a smile, "It's OK. I'm fine again. I'll do it soon anyway. Besides, it's summer now, and I won't catch a cold.". But I'm so surprised, how can this shoot out? The student at the side said: Because this is a carbonated drink, after shaking violently, you will shoot it if you don't press it. I put the bottle on the table and squeezed it. I heard a popping sound. Zhu Zimeng saw it and burst into laughter. Ha ha, it was so funny. It was like farting. Ha ha ha, I suddenly felt sorry for Zhu Zimeng. I turned around and frowned slightly. When my nose was sour, the tears flowed out uncontrollably. I looked at the ceiling and tried to hold back the tears, Looking at the ceiling, I thought: Zhu Zimeng is my lifelong friend

Tolerance (18)

Wang Feng came to our house to rent last year. She is very beautiful. Her big eyes, red mouth are set on her round face, and her long black hair hangs down to her waist. Wang Xiaofeng is her sister, a pair of twins. Their personalities are very different. Wang Feng is cheerful and lively, and Wang Xiaofeng is really a bit delicate. However, what attracted me more was my sister Wang Feng's tolerant spirit.

That afternoon... "Black and white color TV!" Three little figures in the yard were playing the game of "writing Wang characters", including me, "black!" "white!" "white!" Although Wang Feng was very reluctant, Wang Xiaofeng was about to leave as soon as she shook her braid. "You all hate me. I won't play!". Not even that! Watch the game!

"One, two, three! Ha ha!" "Run!" I shouted, "Stop!" We all stopped. Next is the stride, three big steps and eight small steps. After three big steps, Wang Feng came to Wang Xiaofeng's side, so she took eight small steps around Wang Xiaofeng and was about to pat her, only to be pushed to the ground by Wang Xiaofeng. Her knee was broken, and tears poured out of her big eyes. Wang Xiaofeng stayed beside her, his mouth wriggled, and his body shook. I was shocked and ran to Wang Xiaofeng. "What are you doing?" She cried. Wang Feng said, "Hey, sister, it doesn't matter, you don't have to worry." But Wang Xiaofeng ran away without looking back. Wang Feng sighed at the distant figure.

She is very ordinary, but who can match her love for her sister?

Tolerance (19)

Forgive Heart High School Students' Composition (1)

Philosopher Kant said: "Anger is to punish yourself for other people's mistakes." Elegant Kant probably won't have storms, and his mood will always be clear. If someone else makes a mistake, we will be furious. It's our own fault.

Modern Dale Carnegie does not advocate tit for tat. He said: "There is only one simple way to really hate others, that is, to give play to each other's strengths." He hates each other and does not want to eat meat and suck marrow. As a result, he can only make himself exhausted. Carnegie's "hatred" is another form of "tolerance". Hating others is not to gnash their teeth at their opponents, but to absorb their strengths and turn them into calcium for their own health.

No matter how the wolf plays the role of "kind grandma" and swears to be "vegetarian from now on", it will not change its nature to eat sheep. But if it kills all the sheep, they will be prone to plague; When two tigers fight together, their potential does not grow. But once the hero is lonely, he does not need to close the fence. The fierce tiger will also degenerate into a sick cat. It is a higher level of tolerance to regard opponents as friends.

President Lincoln was known for his tolerance towards political enemies. Later, a congressman finally became dissatisfied. The congressman said, "You should not try to make friends with those people, but should destroy them." Lincoln smiled and replied, "When they become my friends, am I not just destroying my enemies?", An open opponent may be our potential friend.

Who made the greatest contribution to the Three Gorges Project when the river closure of the Three Gorges Project was successful? Pan Jiazheng, a famous water conservancy engineer, answered the foreign question like this: "Those who oppose the Three Gorges process have made the greatest contribution to the Three Gorges Project." The existence of opponents can keep a clear head and work more comprehensively; It can stimulate your courage to accept challenges and unleash your life potential. This is not a simple tolerance, which is like an expression, sharpening your will and sharpening the edge of your life.

Although I disagree with you, I have an obligation to defend your right to speak. As many people know, this sentence contains the democratic core of tolerance. A good word is warm in three winters. Tolerance is the warm sun on snow covered mountains in winter; Harsh words hurt people in June. If you are tolerant, use it as an air conditioner to cool down in the hot summer.

Tolerance is a kind of beauty. Only when the deep sky tolerates the storm of thunder and lightning for a while, can it be sunny and sunny; The vastness of the sea accommodates the rampant waves for a time, so it is boundless; Only when the jungle has endured the law of the jungle for a while can it be lush. Taishan will not give up the earth to reach its height; If a river does not choose small streams, it will become large. Tolerance is a towering Mount Tai and a river, lake and sea that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Tolerance in dealing with friends is the gold that Bao Shuya gives Guan Zhong. He did not care about Guan Zhong's selfishness, but also understood Guan Zhong's fear of death. He recommended Guan Zhong to Duke Huan of Qi as his boss.

Tolerance is the torch for Emperor Guangwu to burn letters to the enemy. Liu Xiu defeated Wang Lang and invaded Handan. When checking the official documents of the previous dynasty, he found a large number of letters flattering Wang Lang, insulting Liu Xiu and even plotting to kill Liu Xiu. But Liu Xiu turned a blind eye to this, disregarding the opposition of all the ministers, and burned them all. He can turn enemies into friends, strengthen his own strength, and finally become an emperor. This fire has destroyed the rift and cast a solid foundation for the cause.

You should tolerate others' discord, exclusion and even framing. Because you know, it is your strength that makes the opponent panic. You should also know that the grass growing from the cracks in the stone can withstand the wind and rain best. Cool words can give you a cold compress on your hot head; The little shoes for you may enable you to dance a wonderful "ballet" on the stage; The blow to you, like the barbell on the hands of athletes, will only increase your explosive power. Grievance will be rewarded, only that you can not be open minded; Bitterness is a double-edged sword, which will eventually cut itself; A tooth for a tooth only means that your "tooth" will fall off soon; Cardiac distension is the most likely cause of "hypertension". "Forgiveness is when one foot crushes the violet, but it leaves the fragrance on that heel." Andrew Matthews said such a sentence in the Heart of Tolerance that can enlighten people.

Forgive Heart High School Students' Composition (2)

More tolerance and less tolerance and contradiction among students will blossom friendship and create a united and harmonious collective. More tolerance among collectives will create a harmonious society, a harmonious society and a prosperous and powerful country.

The sea has its deep beauty after tolerating the temporary rampancy of the stormy waves; Only when the blue sky tolerates the storm and thunder, can it have its vast beauty; Nature can tolerate, let alone human beings? When we are narrow-minded and can't tolerate it, we can use the depth of the sea to store the clear mind, flush away the pain and sadness brought by life, use the vast blue sky to wash the dirt of the mind, and enjoy the happiness and happiness given by life.

Mark and Twain said, "If violets leave their fragrance on their feet, it means forgiveness.". Turning to the history of mankind, we can see that the story of Lianpo and Lin Xiangru's biography recorded in Sima Qian's Records of the Historian is also tolerant. Lin Xiangru's excessive behavior towards Lianpo did not dispute with him, but tolerated him with a broad mind. The reason why the State of Zhao is so powerful is that it has both civil and military skills. If Lin Xiangru and Lianpo were to become enemies, then the State of Zhao would not be so powerful. It was Lin Xiangru's tolerance that made the old and fatuous Lianpo repent of his mistakes, thus maintaining the stability and unity of the State of Zhao. There are many such historical stories. At all times and in all countries, tolerance is a rule that everyone should follow.

When Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States, many members of Congress were very dissatisfied with him, because his father was just an ordinary shoemaker. Members of Congress looked at him with strange eyes and looked down on him very much. During the election, a member of Congress said angrily to Lincoln: "A shoemaker's son can also be president?" Everyone thought that Lincoln would be furious and furious, but it was surprising, Lincoln was not angry, but calmly said to the congressman, "Thank you for reminding me of my father..." After that, a burst of warm applause came, and the congressman felt very embarrassed. It was Lincoln's tolerance that made him the 16th President of the United States.

Tolerance is the lubrication of interpersonal relationship, which connects the sweetness of each other. As long as we all have a broad mind, a blue sky and a tolerant heart, we will have a united class, a beautiful campus, a harmonious society and a prosperous and powerful country.

Forgive Heart High School Students' Composition (3)

Knock on the door that has been closed for a long time, but find the lost heart of tolerance.

The reason why saints are called saints is that they have a pure and ordinary heart. Confucius said, "If people don't know and don't sulk, it's not a gentleman.". Confucius can say this classic saying only because he has a tolerant heart and a transparent heart.

If love is a colorful gem, tolerance is a pure and transparent diamond.

In 1944, there was a cold wind blowing in the street, which made people unable to lift their heads. The wind is blowing, and it hurts deeply. There is snow everywhere on the roof, street lamps and cotton padded clothes. However, there was no one in the house, only the street was surrounded by crowds of people. That's the German soldier.

German soldiers in groups, their heads bowed, they were prisoners. This was the time when German soldiers retreated. The prisoners walked slowly, and the onlookers were indignant. Most of them were women who had lost their loved ones in the war, and they hated German soldiers very much. If the police and army had not stopped them, they would have rushed to fight for their lives.

The wind is still blowing and the snow is still falling. An elderly man walked in front of the police and begged her to pass. The police looked at her kindly face, as if there was no malice, and let her go. The old woman went straight. She stopped in front of a German soldier, a scrawny, starving German soldier.

The kind old woman put her hand into her pocket, found a small piece of dried bread and handed it to her. "Eat!" The German soldier was stunned, looked at the old woman, and finally, "Tong" knelt down with a sound, and tears fell silently. When other soldiers saw it, they all knelt down one after another. The women in the crowd stopped swearing and took out bread to send it to them. In the street, the snow never stops, and the wind is still blowing, but it is warm wind and snow.

The old woman's tolerance, like a transparent heart, resolved the stain left by the war. In this chaotic world, to find the pure heart tolerance.

Tolerance (20)


Only when a person learns tolerance can he raise the sails of wisdom and sail into the harbor of the Chinese nation with a long history of five thousand years. At all times and in all over the world, people who have achieved great things have always been open-minded and magnanimous, and the so-called "a small amount is not a gentleman, but a generous husband". They can run horses on their forehead, prop boats in their belly, and treat everyone around them kindly. In the Qing Dynasty, they lived next to Zhang Ying and Ye Shilang. The Ye Family's wall building yard occupied three acres of the Zhang Family's land. The servants wrote to the master in the imperial court. Zhang Ying wrote back: "A thousand miles of book building is only for the wall. It's no harm to let three feet go. The Great Wall still exists today, and the Emperor Qin Shihuang did not see it." Then he immediately ordered the servants to let three feet go of the wall building. The Ye Family was deeply ashamed and also backed the wall building three feet back. Zhang Ying's tolerance not only saved the land in her family, but also avoided a conflict with her neighbors. Thus, the beauty created by tolerance is incomparable.

Tolerance is the greatest virtue in the world. Turgenev's words about tolerance show the meaning of tolerance vividly: "People who cannot tolerate others do not deserve to be tolerated by others. But who can say that they do not need tolerance?" In life, they will make mistakes, and others will also. If a person only wants to be forgiven by others but is not willing to treat others with tolerance, one day his friends will leave him, and no one will treat him with tolerance. Therefore, to be kind to others and the world is to be kind to yourself.

Tolerance is also the guarantee of people's career success. Businessmen who treat others with tolerance make money with harmony. Business is booming and the source of wealth is rolling; Officials who treat others with tolerance, recruit talents, love the people, and are loved by the people; Scholars who treat others with tolerance, make good friends and enjoy good popularity; In a country that treats others with tolerance, it gets along well with its neighbors. Without the interference of war, people enjoy themselves

"A tolerant person, whose love is often more than resentment, is optimistic, happy, open-minded, and patient, rather than pessimistic, depressed, anxious, and angry." People who do not know tolerance are simply asking for trouble; The tolerant people who move get more pleasure.

"What the earth can't bear, the mind can accommodate." Treat others well and tolerate others. Only in this way can we understand the true meaning of life, the Bodhi of life. Taste the meaning and value of life. Only in this way can you reach the realm of open mindedness and freedom.