I'm Afraid of the Dark (Collection 17)
Filial piety is the first
2024-03-30 08:04:28
Grade 6

I'm Afraid of the Dark (1)

This year, I managed to reduce my exposure to the sun. I grew a little white at home, but in the summer vacation, I tanned myself at Grandma Dongtou's house.

I am as black as a little black bear. In addition, there are many small hairs on my arms. My parents call me "little black bear" directly.

I wish there were not four seasons in a year, but only one season - winter, so I don't have to be afraid of getting sunburnt.

Now, I have to wear long sleeves in hot weather to prevent others from seeing my dark arms and legs.

I'm Afraid of the Dark (2)

Since I was a child, I have always been very brave. I was the first to take an injection and kill fish alone... Although it is "heaven is not afraid, the ground is not afraid", I am afraid of "black".

I'm not afraid of meeting anything. That night, my parents would go out to work and let me stay at home alone. For this reason, I made a strong protest, but my parents were still very firm, "The protest is invalid! We must go out, and you should stay at home".

With the "bang" of closing the door, the quarrel stopped abruptly, and the house immediately became quiet. Suddenly, it was dark in the room, and there was a loud cry outside the window, "Power cut! Power cut!"

It's over. Now I have to wait until the phone calls to do my homework. Really, it's depressing to stop in the morning and at night when Mom and Dad go out. Suddenly, my heart began to beat. I had never been alone in the dark. I wanted to go to my room to get a flashlight, but I didn't dare to go.

Darkness shrouded the whole room, and the large living room was extremely quiet. It seemed that I could hear my own breathing. I summoned up my courage and came to the bedroom by a little moonlight. I reached out and quickly felt the flashlight.

I carefully opened the flashlight to take a picture. Eh, it seems that something is moving. It must be a thief. I dare not look back. At this time, many brave names flashed in my mind: Captain Halson, Little Hero Yulai... These names gave me infinite power. I cried out: "Who is sneaking? Come out!" Strangely, the room is still quiet. I listened carefully, and it was the wind whistling. It was a false alarm.

I breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, a cry came from the window, "Incoming call!" The room suddenly lit up. The lights lit up the whole room, and my heart suddenly brightened.

I congratulate myself and finally overcome the darkness.

I'm Afraid of the Dark (3)

In the evening, my parents are busy going out, and I am the only one watching the house here. That night was unusual.

In the evening, I do my homework at home. The sudden storm scared my pen out of my grip. I quickly closed the window, closed the door, and picked up the pen.

I went back to my position and continued to do my homework.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

"Ah!" My pen dropped again! When I went to pick up the pen again, I found that my palms were full of sweat and beads of sweat were falling from my head.

"I must be too hot! I must be, I must be!" I pretended to be calm.

When I wrote about 8:30, I always felt cool behind me, and there was always a person dressed in dark gray clothes behind me, and then I held a large and long sickle in my hand. It makes people feel cold and dare not turn back.

It's time to go to bed. I always think there is no problem. However, once I close my eyes, I always feel that the man is at my bedside again. I also felt that there was something under my bed that I shouldn't have. I also feel that there are some more scary things beside the windows, chairs and tables.

Once I close my eyes, I dare not open them. I always think I will see

Heaven and earth! Who can help me drive away those scary things?

I'm Afraid of the Dark (4)

I used to be very afraid of the dark, especially in the dark corridor. Now that I have overcome this fear, I am no longer afraid of darkness.

My family lives on the seventh floor. Going upstairs and downstairs every day is a worry for me. Not because the floor is high, but because the corridor is dark. Every time I go upstairs or downstairs, I always feel that someone is following me.

Once again, I said to my mother, "I dare not go downstairs alone, please take me downstairs!" My mother was doing housework and said, "Don't be afraid, you will go down with a little song." I had to say, "OK then!"

I went downstairs and felt that someone was following me. I ran back quickly. I told my mother. Mother said: "Don't be afraid, I'm looking at you on the seventh floor..." I felt my mother's eyes were looking at me behind me, and I was not so afraid. He went downstairs carefully. Since then, my mother didn't send me downstairs. She just looked at me on the seventh floor. Every day passed. I thought my mother had been watching me on the seventh floor, so I always went downstairs easily. But one day I found my mother was not looking at me, but I was not afraid of the dark. I have overcome my fear of the dark.

Mother said: "As long as you don't think about these things, you will not be afraid!" Yes, there is nothing terrible!

I'm Afraid of the Dark (5)

"Chen Chen, Mom and Dad are going to Taiwan for a meeting. You won't go home today or tomorrow. You should behave yourself at home!" Hearing this news, I was shocked and fell down on the sofa, which means I have two nights to sleep alone! You know, I'm afraid of the dark!

In this way, the night came quietly. The outside world was dark, and the last cold moonlight was covered by dark clouds. I lay in the bed holding the doll tightly.

"Shattering -- Shattering --" The trees outside the window swayed in the wind, making a chilling sound, and the shadow shone through the gap of the window, like the devil's teeth and claws. Suddenly, a bright light came from the window: it can't be a bad person! It's over... "I closed my eyes tightly, but my mind was dreaming, and all natural and man-made dangers were hovering in my mind.

"Ah, tiger!" I sat up, jumped out of bed, and swung a stick to fight! A pile of clothes. I turned on the light, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and made a false alarm. I went back to bed. In this way, I get up, lie down, yell, and sweat. I don't even know when I fell asleep.

A ray of sunshine in the morning penetrated the window and woke me up in my sleep. I suddenly feel that I am not so afraid of the dark

I'm Afraid of the Dark (6)

I am afraid of the dark, especially at night. I am as lively as a dragon during the day. At night, I am just a timid insect. I am not afraid of dark nights unless there are adults.

But one day, my father, mother, sister and sister went out, and I was alone at home. I was afraid of the night. I was more and more afraid. I didn't know how many phone calls I made. Finally, my father, mother, sister and sister were called home by me, and I welcomed them happily.

Do you think I'm timid?

I'm Afraid of the Dark (7)

The street lamp outside the window was clearly out, as if an old man was breathing. I curled up in the bed and shivered.

If I had known this, why should I have started.

Classmate A is talking about "Bixian". From her conversation, I know that "Bixian" is a game similar to "dish fairy". I feel cold on my back when I am beside it, as if something is staring at me behind my back.

I can't sleep now. The quilt is on my body, but I haven't moved it a bit. It seems that ghosts and demons are blocked out of the quilt. My heart seemed to be tightly held by one hand, struggling to jump violently. In every shadow, there seems to be a monster flapping its teeth, with blood dripping from its tusks. It seems that I may faint at any time, and every second is suffering.

There seems to be something behind the curtain, the shadow of the tree sways like a hanged ghost, the fan stands there like a ghost with a big head, and there seems to be some noise under the bed

I screamed and rushed to my parents' room with a pillow in my arms. After I opened the door, I dived into their arms, regardless of the loss of one shoe, the loose hair, the falling eyes, the head hitting the door frame, and the surprised parents... My father pulled me out of the quilt and calmly asked: "What's wrong?" "Afraid of the dark, there are ghosts..." I just said a word and hugged my mother again.

My parents sent me back to my room. Dad opened the curtain and said, "Is there a ghost in it?" I shook my head. "What about here?" He lifted the sheet and pointed under the bed. The bed was empty. I shook my head. Just as they were leaving, I cried out again: "There is a ghost in the wardrobe!" Dad turned on the light and opened the wardrobe for me to see in order to reassure me. "Sobbing... I want my mother to sleep with me, I'm afraid of the dark..." My voice is already trembling. My mother was about to come and was stopped by my father: "Sleep by yourself! Don't cry!" I closed my mouth and looked at my father pitifully. Sure enough, my father's face was a little milder. He sat beside my bed and held my hand. My mother also stroked my forehead and hair. She told me in a gentle and firm voice: "There is no ghost in the world, and all the fear of ghosts stems from the fear of death." The temperature of my parents smoothed my anxiety and drove away the shadow in my heart. Although I was afraid after they left, I learned to face the night calmly.

I'm Afraid of the Dark (8)

I am an ordinary boy. I am ten years old and am 1.3 meters tall. At school and at home, I am a child who abides by rules, understands manners and loves reading. I am often praised by my teachers and parents. However, many people do not know that I have an unspeakable weakness - fear of the dark.

Let me tell you the true story that happened to me that day! It was a Friday afternoon. I read the book UFO Strange Events. There are many terrible stories about UFOs in the book. At that time, I didn't know whether the things written in the book were true or false, but I was scared when I read them, and the terrible things always appeared in my mind unconsciously. Who knows, at night, my mother suddenly said to me: "You can sleep alone tonight, so that you can cultivate the spirit of a man." At night, I went to bed and just turned off the light, I felt that the coat hanger turned into an "alien" in the blink of an eye. My heart felt a little hairy, so I couldn't help crying: "Ghost!" When my mother heard the cry, she couldn't hurry to ask: "What's the matter? What's the matter?" I was a little embarrassed, afraid that my mother would say I was timid after she knew it, and quickly said: "Nothing, nothing." After my mother left, I saw that the black spots on the ceiling seemed to suddenly become a bat flying beside me. I comforted myself in my heart that where there was a black bat, it was clearly a black spot on the ceiling. It was just an illusion. At first, it was still useful, but soon, my hallucination reappeared. I seemed to see the door opened and many terrible things came in... Finally, I fell asleep until I was too sleepy to open my eyes. I spent the night in fear.

oh dear! I have to admit that I am such a timid and afraid of the dark. I feel embarrassed to say it. However, this is the real me. I want to face up to my weaknesses and become a strong man as soon as possible. Do you believe it? Come and be friends with me!

I'm Afraid of the Dark (9)

[Chapter 1]

I don't know why, since I was young, I was afraid of darkness. Even in the gloomy daytime, when I was alone at home, I would turn on the light; At night, I would light up all the lights in my family, and I would feel relieved. But although I was very afraid of the dark, my father still insisted that I turn off the lights to sleep.

The first night when the lights were turned off, the situation was very bad. At midnight, I still dared not close my eyes. It seemed that when I closed my eyes, black, red and various demons appeared in front of me, as if they were going to devour me. I had to wait until my grandmother got up at three or four o'clock in the morning before I could sleep in peace.

However, when he got up in the morning, he turned into a giant panda. His dark eyes were deep. Dad saw that Plan A would not work. The next day, Plan B was implemented.

At night, my father took a small night light and inserted it in my room, saying, "I won't be afraid with this light!" I listened and thought to myself: I hope so.

It was dark night again, and the whole family turned off the lights. Although there were 100 people in my heart who didn't want to turn off the lights, they were forced to turn off the lights. That little light is beginning to come in handy.

The dark night beyond my sight seemed to devour me once again mercilessly, so I had to stare at the little lamp. At this moment, the little lamp seemed to be my life, and I stared at it with cup-shaped eyes for fear that it would go out. In this way, I don't know when I fell asleep.

The lamp has become all of my life and an indispensable part of my life, which is as important as blood, meat and heart. But I know that this is no good. I have to turn off all the lights. This is my task, an indispensable task, and the first step of my growth. So I turned off all the lights again.

The night is still dark, but my heart is bright. When I think of the spring when peach blossoms and willows are green, it is like a hypnotic picture. I sleep very sweet, fragrant and beautiful. It seems that I am in a fantasy world. The roof is chocolate, white clouds are cotton candy, and the river is preserved eggs and lean meat porridge. Night, it can be so wonderful, the thoughts when turning off the lights and the vibrant spring leap everything, I fell in love with the night.

Dark night, gave me a baptism of youth.

[Chapter 2]

Everyone may have something to fear. Some people are afraid of cats and dogs, others are afraid of cockroaches, and others are afraid of so-called ghosts and monsters... You can't imagine that I am so careless in real life that I am afraid of the dark.

Darkness, I am extremely afraid of things in my heart. It can make me fall into the boundless abyss without touching a ray of light.

The panic brought by the darkness made me afraid to go out alone and sleep alone at night... And I was very imaginative, and I often unconsciously imagined some horrible ghosts and monsters in my mind.

I am afraid of the dark, but I can't resist those "temptations". At more than six o'clock one night, my good friend Chen Luyan called me and asked if I would go to Xinzhi Bookstore to read. Looking at the darkening sky outside, I hesitated: I want to read, but what about going home later? So I told Chen Luyan that she had to ask her mother first. At this time, how I wish my mother wouldn't let me go, so that I could stay at home with peace of mind and have full reasons to comfort myself. However, my mother unexpectedly agreed to my request. I hesitated between going to the bookstore and staying at home. Finally, I chose to go to the bookstore with trepidation because the temptation of books was too great for me!

When I came back from reading, it was already dark, and I was a little afraid. Looking at the gloomy elevator room, I always feel chilly behind me. "Alas!" I secretly complained that I had just chosen the bookstore. "No way!" I forced myself into the elevator. The dim light enveloped me, and I could not help shivering, feeling particularly cool behind me. I could not help thinking of some images of the devil. I had goose bumps all over my body. My legs were shaking and I could not stand steadily.

I closed my eyes nervously and read in my heart for several times that God bless my elevator not to lose power! Suddenly, the elevator clicked, and I opened my eyes. It turned out that I had already "arrived". "Ah, I'm home!" I was so surprised that I could go home alone! The panic in my heart had already disappeared a second ago!

Since I had the experience of returning at night, I have successfully transformed into a fearless "butterfly"! Whenever my friends ask me to go downstairs to play, I can also have fun and no longer be afraid to go home alone!

In the face of fear, you can choose to face, or you can choose to escape, but those who choose to escape, you may never know how happy it is when you overcome the fear in your heart. That sense of victory makes me especially proud!

I'm Afraid of the Dark (10)

From childhood to adulthood, I don't know why, I have always been afraid of the night.

Once, I went upstairs to pick up books at night. There were no lights on the stairs, so I had to feel dark and walk up step by step. At this time, I felt like there was a big monster with a ferocious face, swinging behind me. I was so frightened that I turned around to look, but the monster disappeared again. As soon as I turned my head back, I felt that the monster appeared behind me again, so I couldn't help turning around to look. In this way, I turned around and never found the big monster, but I felt that it was always following behind me and wanted to eat me. I was scared out of a cold sweat. I didn't even want to take the book, so I quickly ran downstairs.

Before going to bed at night, I often lie in bed and think about the interesting things I did that day. This is the happiest thing in my day. But when I look at the darkness all over the room and think about it, something terrible will jump into my mind. Sometimes it's a big witch, sometimes it's a big bear, sometimes it's a terrible thing I don't know what it is. I was so scared that I wanted to sleep quickly. But the more I want to sleep quickly, the more I can't sleep. Those terrible things will wander in my mind until I am too sleepy to open my eyes.

During this time, I finally figured out how to fight against the problem of being afraid of the dark. For example, on the stairs without lights, as long as you concentrate on where the book you are looking for is, you will not be disturbed by the big monster. When you sleep at night, don't think about anything. If you leave your mind blank, you can easily fall asleep and won't be frightened by those horrible things.

I Afraid of the Dark (11)

I am a dauntless little princess, and my only weakness is not: it is not my mother's "dog beating stick", not my father's "Book of Songs", but the magic of Sister Moon. I am afraid of the dark.

One night when I couldn't see my fingers, I woke up because I had to go to the toilet. I looked around and thought: How dark it is! I will go tomorrow! Shortly after lying down, I was awakened and ready to get out of bed and go to the toilet.

Suddenly, I thought of the ghost lying under the bed in the ghost film, and it was like an electric shock to my feet. There are two little ghosts around me all the time. One of them said, "Don't be afraid if there is no ghost." "How could it be that there are so many ghost movies on TV, aren't they ghosts?" The other one shouted. I was afraid, as if I could hear the ghost's howling when I listened carefully, as if I could see countless green fluorescent eyes staring at me when I looked closely.

I got out of bed carefully until I couldn't hold it anymore. It seems that there is a ghost nearby listening. When I came near the toilet, I ran in at a speed of 100 meters and turned on the light.

After going to the toilet, I thought to myself: How can I go to the toilet is more difficult than Tang Monk in Journey to the West. I must go out in a big way this time. As soon as the words came to an end, I opened the door that was as light as a feather but as heavy as a thousand pounds today. As soon as I lifted my feet out, I immediately drew back, like a clown who failed in his performance. I have been going back and forth for several times, but I still haven't taken a step. I complain about why there is no conveyor in the world. As soon as I opened the door, it seemed that I had eaten the elixir of the Supreme Master again.

I ran to bed and used the quilt to prove that I had left "Hell" and returned to "Heaven". I thought to myself: I'm so good! Why am I so awesome!

What do you think of my experience of going to the toilet? As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die. Who let me watch so many ghost movies! Students, you should learn my lesson, don't watch so many ghost movies!

I Afraid of the Dark (12)

One winter holiday evening, after the art training class, I was walking on a dark road home. The street lights on one side are flickering under the big trees. A gust of wind blows, which is cold and piercing. The leaves also make a "rustling" sound.

As I walked quickly, I couldn't help thinking about the plot of the film, for fear that some dark shadow would appear in front of me.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind me, as if followed by a faint figure. I was so scared that I didn't even dare to turn back. I was very nervous. God bless me

So I quickened my pace. Suddenly, a letter appeared under my feet, and a ghost scene flashed in my mind: also in the dark night, a person picked up a letter on the road, she opened it, and it was

My fear grew stronger and stronger, and finally I covered my eyes and ran home screaming.

Finally, I got to my door. I boldly looked back. There was nothing outside. It was still quiet. It was just that the letter to my mother was lost... At this time, I suddenly understood that there was no ghost in the world. It was just in my heart. When I was afraid, I "released" all the horror movies I had seen. In fact, I was scared of myself.

Since then.

I Afraid of the Dark (13)

Yuanyuan, help me get my mobile phone! " Dad's loud voice came from the living room.

I happily asked: "Dad, where is your mobile phone?" "In my room." I ran away quickly. However, when I got to the door, I was dumbfounded and saw that the room was dark. There were only some shadows, some like zombies, some like mummies, some like ghosts... It was terrible! This makes me a little panicky.

"Afraid? I'll do it."

"Who is afraid?" Er... The mouth's reaction is faster than the head's. I entered the door slowly, stood on my heels and walked forward like a kitten. As soon as I got to the side of the wardrobe, I exited the door again. Alas! When can I get my mobile phone! Once again, I had the courage to reach out and turn on the light, and then I got the phone.

I calmed down again. "Here you are!" Hey! It was like the return of a king.

I am a "woman man". Why am I afraid of the dark? I want to be brave. I must defeat the fear of darkness!

I Afraid of the Dark (14)

In my impression, darkness represents terror and danger, so I dare not go home alone, and fear of darkness has become a weakness of mine.

Remember that on a stormy night, the sky was dark, as if to collapse; Lightning appears from time to time, like a mischievous kid who loves to play tricks, and suddenly startles you; The strong wind whistles, making leaves fly everywhere, and the branches rustle, just like a monster rubbing its sharp teeth; The rain is falling, sometimes small but big. The small raindrops are only as big as green beans, and the big ones are like a basin of water pouring down.

At that time, I was six years old, and I slept alone in the room. But I was afraid of the dark, so I had to hide under the bed. Because in the early days, I heard others say: "At midnight, when the ghosts came to the world, the sun was the strongest in the morning, so the ghosts did not dare to come. At night, when the sun was the weakest, the ghosts came at this time." So, I believed the rumor. At night, I always dare not sleep because I am afraid that a female ghost will suddenly appear in front of me with a long red tongue and smile at me strangely. Therefore, I dare not walk alone at night and go home alone. When I arrive at a very dark place where there is no other person, I feel gloomy. I always feel that there is a pair of eyes behind me, and even a gust of wind will make my legs weak, Sweat cold.

Until one day, I completely changed my weakness of being afraid of the dark.

One day, my father asked me to go downstairs to get the express. I asked, "Dad, can I not go down alone? I'm afraid of the dark." "Then I'll ask your sister to go down with you to get it." I said with a little doubt: "Ah? Just go down alone to get it." Dad, after hearing what I said, did not give me a reply. I had to take my sister with me to get the express. In the dark corridor, I was a little scared and said: "Sister, you walk slowly, I'm afraid of the dark!" My sister jokingly said: "You are still afraid of the dark? Three year old children are afraid of the dark!" Halfway, my sister suddenly said that her stomach hurt, so she left me alone to get the express. At this time, it was summer. The evening wind slightly brushed my face, but it did not blow away a trace of summer heat. The stars in the sky are twinkling, the moon is crooked, and the cicadas in the trees are singing the songs of summer. I look carefully and see that the heart that had fallen has been put down. I think about it for a moment and say to myself, "There is nothing to fear at night."

Only later did I know that this was the way my sister and my father came up with together. In order to overcome this weakness, my father and sister did this. In this way, I was no longer timid unconsciously.

I'm Afraid of the Dark (15)

In life, we are afraid of many things, such as heights and dogs, but I believe most people are like me - afraid of the dark.

I don't know why I'm afraid of the dark. Maybe it's a natural fear. Because I feel that in the dark, something terrible always seems to emerge, such as black and white ghosts, lingering around me, such as a pair of big hands catching me, pulling me close to the corner of no one.

One night, my mother said to me, "Honesty, take out the garbage. My home is on the fourth floor, not high, but I seem to have entered a bottomless abyss, which can never reach the end. When I got downstairs, I looked around and found out all the objects in the area of three hundred miles. After confirming again that there were no dangerous people, I walked carefully to the garbage can of "Soul Taking Big Blockhouse". When I put the garbage into the bin, a "demon wind" suddenly came, blowing the place continuously, "whoop" "click", and I was in great fear of seeing something similar to ghost fire in the distance. I took a breath of cold air, my heart was cold, and my back was still sweating constantly. Obviously, I didn't hesitate to take the posture of 100 meter race and ran away with my life. When I opened the door, my hands kept shaking and my head kept looking back, as if I was being chased by a killer. As soon as the door opened, I flew up, as if some evil spirits were going to eat me.

When I got home, I sat down on the ground with great vanity and continued to kick my breath. My mother also asked me: "What's the matter with you? You are still so tired after taking out garbage." I was eager to explain this matter, but I was embarrassed to say it, so I made up an excuse. I said: "Just run a little fast."

This intimate contact with Black made me unforgettable. I really don't know when I can meet him again.

I Afraid of the Dark (16)

In the study, work and life, everyone often comes into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the composition collected by my editor for you. Since then, I am no longer afraid of the dark. Welcome to read and collect it.

Night comes without any sign. The endless black is like a huge black hole, which gradually engulfs me

I'm afraid of the dark.

The cold wind blew, and it was unusually cold tonight. There was no one in the street, so I couldn't help complaining: Hum, how could it be that I didn't come to pick me up so late?

When I sighed helplessly, a beam of light broke my mind. Who is it?

Just as I was wondering who was still outside so late, he said coldly, "Little girl, what are you doing outside so late?". "Where is your home? Let me take you back? It will be safer." No, I have to take you back. What should I do? It seems that we can only take one step at a time. "All right," I said helplessly.

"I have a daughter as old as you." "Huh?" His sudden words made me wonder what he wanted. "He is also very afraid of the dark. She hides at home at night, but, alas..." "Just what? What happened?" "Only one night, she happened to walk across the street, but after a long time, she didn't go home. Until now, three days ago, there was no news." "Then why didn't you call the police?" "It's useless. There's no monitoring around here, and our family is not very rich..." Suddenly, there was silence. "Why do you still stay here?"

"Thank you, I'm home."

Maybe this is a father's deepest love for his daughter.

He not only for his daughter, but also to illuminate the hearts of others.

Since then, I am no longer afraid of the dark!

I Afraid of the Dark (17)

One night when I couldn't see my fingers, I woke up because I had to go to the toilet. I looked around and thought: How dark it is! I will go tomorrow! Shortly after lying down, I was awakened and ready to get out of bed and go to the toilet.

Suddenly, I thought of the ghost lying under the bed in the ghost film, and it was like an electric shock to my feet. There are two little ghosts around me all the time. One of them said, "Don't be afraid if there is no ghost." "How could it be that there are so many ghost movies on TV, aren't they ghosts?" The other one shouted. I was afraid, as if I could hear the ghost's howling when I listened carefully, as if I could see countless green fluorescent eyes staring at me when I looked closely.

I got out of bed carefully until I couldn't hold it anymore. It seems that there is a ghost nearby listening. When I came near the toilet, I ran in at a speed of 100 meters and turned on the light.

After going to the toilet, I thought to myself: How can I go to the toilet is more difficult than Tang Monk in Journey to the West. I must go out in a big way this time. As soon as the words came to an end, I opened the door that was as light as a feather but as heavy as a thousand pounds today. As soon as I lifted my feet out, I immediately drew back, like a clown who failed in his performance. I have been going back and forth for several times, but I still haven't taken a step. I complain about why there is no conveyor in the world. As soon as I opened the door, it seemed that I had eaten the elixir of the Supreme Master again.

I ran to bed and used the quilt to prove that I had left "Hell" and returned to "Heaven". I thought to myself: I'm so good! Why am I so awesome!

What do you think of my experience of going to the toilet? As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die. Who let me watch so many ghost movies! Students, you should learn my lesson, don't watch so many ghost movies!