Floating Clouds (18 recommended)
A little rain falls into the mountain mist
2024-02-11 05:54:15
Senior 2

Floating clouds (1)

Last Sunday, I went to the Olympic Maths cram school with my former classmates in the Second Primary School, and something happened while we were doing the topic.

I had just entered the cram school, when suddenly there was a cry of surprise: "Chen Nanxu, didn't you go to the eighth primary school to study?" "Why can't I come here after I went to the eighth primary school?" As soon as I entered the door, I quarreled with them. "Good, good, good, I really believe you. Don't make any noise. Class will begin soon." One student said.

At this time, Mr. Tan came into the classroom and said to us, "Don't make any noise in class, everyone take out the books." We all looked like ants on a hot pot and hurriedly looked for books. Who dares not listen to the teacher. Let's take out our books. The teacher said, "Turn to Part 4." The teacher started to write on the blackboard without stopping. The teacher wrote two questions, and someone was puzzled just after we finished the first question. "Eh? What's the matter with this question? Is there a problem with this question?" I and several other students nearby have worked it out. You can't fail to work it out, can you? "It's very easy," said several of us who made the question. "No, it's obviously wrong." The classmate said, "Even Xiong Zijian can do it. You can't do it, can you?" Ke Yongnan deliberately urged him, "Oh, I know, is that so...". After listening to the student's long speech, we immediately attacked the second question, but it didn't come true. "A way out is a way out." The teacher added a "line of defense" after the second question, and we had to obey. The second question is very hateful. Many of our "brothers" and "brothers killed in battle" came to the third question with some students and I finally "broke through the encirclement". The third question is really difficult. It seems that it will take a lot of effort to overcome it. We work together in different ways: solving equations, comprehensive, reasoning... It's really a variety! No one has ever tried to conquer it. I studied reasoning. I pushed from left to right, but I didn't have a clue. The teacher said, "I can't hold on, let me teach you" "Wait a minute" I shouted hurriedly, and I knew... Then I pointed out to every unfinished student, and they were also very smart. I shouted, "What difficulties are floating clouds in front of me".

When I got home, I told my brother about it. He said to me, "Don't be proud. Although you solved the problem this time, it's really great, but you should know that every mountain is higher than every mountain". I said disdainfully, "Hum! Let those pride and difficulties become floating clouds on the horizon!"

Floating clouds (2)

Driving in the path of life, there were once a hundred lights extinguished and a thousand lights turned on quietly. Look at the clouds rolling, the flowers blooming and falling, and how many things are waiting for people to find. In my opinion, people who forge ahead in desperate circumstances can be called heroes.

Nowadays, the topic of heroes has been hotly discussed. When the country is in danger, those who are brave to devote themselves are heroes. They do not give up easily in desperate situations. Those who are brave to challenge can also be called heroes.

The breadth of the sea cannot take away your challenge to yourself

In the face of the fate brought to you by the mischief of God, you are destined to spend your life with your bed. You could have accepted the fate and gave up. But you have to fight with God and challenge yourself. With one hand and a framed shelf, he composed the miracle of life and created the famous work How Steel Was Tempered. Ostrovsky's life was supposed to be poor and down, but he dared to accept the fate of the arrangement in the desperate situation, challenge himself in the desperate situation, survive in the cracks, found the impetus to move forward, wrote his extraordinary life with challenges, and forged ahead in the desperate situation.

The ethereal wind can't take away your challenge to life

God played a huge joke on you when you should have made greater achievements. The former companions took away the company, wealth and everything you created. Only endless confusion and helplessness are left for you. But you are willing to accept the baptism of fate and start from scratch, reshape your inner strength with challenges, turn challenges into the power to start again, never give up in a desperate situation, face difficulties and dare to accept challenges. Steve Jobs, you have built a brilliant life with your strong will not afraid of difficulties and the spirit of challenging your destiny in the face of adversity.

The vastness of the world cannot take away your challenge to the limit

God took your eyes away when you were born, but you did not become depressed, but bravely faced the limit. You run to the peak of your life with one by one uninsured Maserati. Heinwanger, you are unwilling to accept the arrangement of fate. In the hopeless situation where no one supports you, you completed the blind sports car race. When you nearly died, you completed the endless joke of fate on you. You challenge yourself in the desperate situation, forge ahead, and write a new chapter in your life.

As high school students in the new century, we have to challenge ourselves, live and forge ahead in many hardships, even desperate situations. The Chinese nation, once oppressed by foreign powers, actively sought ways to save the country in desperate circumstances, thus liberating and gaining new life. In the current complex international situation, we should not be afraid of hegemonic countries and forge ahead.

I want to seize the throat of destiny, irrigate it with the spring of challenge, dare to challenge in the face of adversity, give life a chance to blossom and bear fruit, and be a real hero in my life!

Floating Clouds (3)

No failure after failure, no success after success. If you want to see the peak scenery,

We must persevere. If you want to live as beautiful as summer, death as beautiful as autumn. There must be a regretless youth whose life is always imperfect. There are always only two ways, one is to live, the other is to die. Which one would you prefer? Is it to fight for your own future, or to live a life of mediocrity. If you choose the right path, you will surely see a colorful rainbow after the storm. When you walk forward, there will always be a thorny road. If you have crossed it, congratulations. The future is only one step away from you. The remaining step is the only way of life. This is the last step, you will see a landscape, which is "not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, only because you are at the highest level.".

Grade 5: Tian Tian

Floating Cloud (4)

A bakery owner asked his son to eat bread. His son threw the bread out of the shop and shouted, "This loathsome bread smells and tastes bad. The devil likes it!"! He also made me eat this bread every day, which made me feel sick. At this time, a floating cloud passed by, just saw the little boy's behavior, and floating cloud was very angry.

Fuyun rushed into the bakery and said to the little boy, "How can you throw your father's bread into the trash can? Do you know how many people can't eat now? You still waste food like this, you..."

After Fuyun said that, he flew aside to observe the boy's action. The boy went out of the bakery, ran to the garbage can, picked up the bread with his head down, patted the bread, and took it home. Fuyun followed him into the bakery and found the boy throwing the bread aside. Then, Fuyun took the bread to the little boy and asked him to finish it. When he saw it, he ate it into his stomach immediately!

From then on, the little boy no longer wasted food, but also sent bread to those who could not eat every day, and also helped his father to make bread. He became a good boy!

Floating Clouds (5)

The banks of Fuyun Creek are full of flowers, and the streams are full of ripples, like a ribbon, linking the fairytale like scenery on both sides. Through the busy street, we came to the Fuyun River.

Walking along the sidewalk along the river, the fragrance of flowers came to you, and you came to the beautiful Four Seasons Flower Field unconsciously. A big windmill swayed in the sea of flowers. Colorful flowers blossomed into smiling faces, as if to welcome our arrival. The flowers are pink like rosy clouds, white like snow, red like fire... They are not only colorful, but also different in shape. Some are holding their heads up and being touched by the sun; Some were dejected, as if there were something sad; Others are flourishing, like a baby laughing... When the wind blows, the flowers dance, attracting bees and butterflies.

Go down the Four Seasons Flower Field, step on the stone steps, and you will come to the foot of the Fuyun Bridge. From a distance, the Fuyun Bridge looks like a giant across the river, as if it is going to swallow the whole Fuyun River. Like a rainbow falling from the sky. On the top, the three characters "Fuyun Bridge" shine brightly. Climb up the steps and stand on the Fuyun Bridge to look out. In the distance, the mountains are green and black. Looking down, the brook is blue and rippling, the water and the sky are the same color, and the fish are flocking.

Get off the Fuyun Bridge and go east until you come to the Jiuqu Bridge. The clouds and mist around here are like a long dragon, appearing from time to time, hidden inside, and beautiful

The beautiful scenery of Fuyun River can't be described. I hope you have the opportunity to visit it carefully

Floating Cloud (6)

Like water, like the realm pursued by monks and Taoists. Calm and comfortable. The heart is as still as water. How many of us who live in this world can do this? We will try our best for money; To burn the midnight oil for study; To honor by any means

Living in such a noisy and seductive world, I am not cynical or detached from the world of mortals. But occasionally, I feel tired and bored. At this time, I will look up at the sky, blue sky and white clouds, blossoming white clouds floating in the air, like water, so that my mind can get a quiet.

We have to be busy for life every day. Everyone's life is a straight line, day after day, year after year. I can't see the significance, but we still enjoy it, and decades of life have passed in this way. We will be dazzled by the noise and lust of dogs and horses, and indulge in red and white. When you are confused, just look up at the sky you have neglected for a long time! No matter how the world changes, it is still clear and transparent, like a blue mirror, illuminating your heart. Together with the floating clouds like water, they clean your heart and illuminate your soul.

Singer Wei Lan sings in the song "Like Water":

Too sad

Don't I think the loss is not enough

Letting go early can relieve pain

Not until the foam is blown out

Don't want to know who will fill me

No regret in me or me

No matter how wrong you are

It's pointless to ask why

There are ripples in my heart

Back to the beginning

Calm down and be me

Since we can not escape, can not hide from the world, then we can calmly in this world to be the most real yourself.

Floating Cloud (7)

The moon is bright.

He sat in front of the shabby desk, staring at the mottle marks left by the wear and tear of the desk.

High school life is more terrible than boredom.

I have no choice, he thought.

Night, only hot and dry is left.

"Pa!" Dark place, the shadow of moonlight. Unconsciously, he raised his head slightly and then sank down. The book blocked the depression outside the window, and imprisoned the colorful outside.

In the horizon, the tide rises and the glittering and translucent in the dark. Another day.

Opposite, opposite the desk, the broken wing room, the windowsill, and the broken cement, there were many dark yellow spots. On the ground, there was a gray tile, which was stubborn and did not break.

How interesting, he thought, he was too eager for something to bring some hope to the boring.

The days seem to have solidified. Even the wind doesn't know where to hide.

When the sun covered the hut with the same sunshine again, he picked up his dull eyes, a touch of green stabbed his eyes, and an unknown life grew up in the opposite dark yellow.

"Spring breeze has the south bank of the Green River", is it "green" or "over"? He shook his head and became confused again.

The passing of ordinary days is as fast as water. The green on the opposite side unexpectedly bloomed a light flower, attracted a colorful butterfly, and left behind. Maybe this is the vitality of his whole summer, accompanied him through three months of pallor.

The moon was round again, and her mother brought a bowl of soup to her son who was preparing for the college entrance examination. She was angry to find that his son stared out of the window and followed his eyes to find the holy green. In the impulse, there was only instinct, waving, and once again there was only yellow gloom.

He did not speak, he lost the nature of resistance.

The mother shook her head and opened the window. The weather was sultry, but the son forgot to open the window.

After his mother left, his son finally shed tears and slipped into his mouth, unexpectedly losing his usual bitterness.

Outside the window, the moonlight is still bright, but there is a little more cloud than before March!

Floating Cloud (8)

No failure after failure, no success after success. If you want to see the peak scenery.

We must persevere. If you want to live as beautiful as summer, death as beautiful as autumn. There must be a regretless youth whose life is always imperfect. There are always only two ways, one is to live, the other is to die. Which one would you prefer? Is it to fight for your own future, or to live a life of mediocrity. If you choose the right path, you will surely see a colorful rainbow after the storm. When you walk forward, there will always be a thorny road. If you have crossed it, congratulations. The future is only one step away from you.

The remaining step is the only way of life. This is the last step, you will see a landscape, which is "not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, only because you are at the highest level.".

Floating Clouds (9)

I watched the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court. I had no intention of leaving or staying, but I felt comfortable with the clouds in the sky.

In his spare time, he wandered under various sects, witnessed various colorful words, and expressed his emotions. Feel the haziness of "Untitled" that "this feeling can be recalled, but it was lost at that time", and sigh the sorrow and resentment of "I buried the flowers today, and I know who it is when I buried them" in "Flowers fall, dreams break". Suddenly, there was a melancholy of "floating flowers and flowing water". Seeing "Touching the Heart on a Rainy Night", I also know what kind of sadness "Indus trees and drizzle" is, and what kind of heartbreak "I'm afraid that the two streams will hit a grasshopper boat, and I can't move it, so many worries" are.

After tossing and turning, I just realized that if you live with sensibility, you can only be hurt as before.

Message: (Drink a cup of wine together and taste a thousand flavors. Would you rather be cowardly and avoid the world? You should wake up alone when the world is turbid!)

Floating Cloud (10)

In this era, science and technology have developed rapidly, so everything has also become faster. For example, communication, of course, there are many more. We all know that. But some of them are also regressing, just unknowingly.

Homestead men and women are also a hot topic nowadays. Why do they want to stay at home? Yes, most of them are caused by the doting of technology. Food, clothing, housing and transportation, almost all life needs can be simply completed at home, just the Internet and mobile phones. Of course, they don't feel too bored. They can chat with friends online, sneak food on the farm, listen to music at the same time, and then browse Taobao postings, watch videos, and play online games. Such a relaxed and recreational life is full of ups and downs. However, sometimes they will feel something is missing, and they will feel empty... Life is short, and what is missing is meaning.

This is not only related to these, but also to people's health. Now, although there are advanced medical equipment and superb treatment methods, if you are responsible for your own body, how many unnecessary diseases can be completely avoided. Not to mention doing more sports. Now some people have to take a bus even a few steps away, which is one of the reasons. Some people, hiding at home or going to the gym to exercise, are much better than those who do not exercise. However, what will be done now is not low carbon. In order to make a better life for mankind, you can take a walk with your family, friends or colleagues (classmates) after dinner, go to the park and run in the morning, and climb mountains at weekends to replace the work of "using electrical appliances". In this way, you will make great contributions to the society and work hard for the "sustainable development" strategy. Why don't we do things that benefit people, ourselves, the country and society?

"I want to be healthy recently. My legs are weak after sitting for a long time, and my neck will be sore after watching the computer for a long time. The digital age seems to speed up the pace of life, but also makes people slow to act." With only a few words, Xu Song can describe this social phenomenon vividly, which is so vivid, profound, and true to the bone!

Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, Taobao, and Alipay, once told us in the program "Dialogue" that "today is cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, and the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but most people will die in the evening of tomorrow, unable to see the sun after tomorrow." The body is the capital of revolution, and the environment is the premise of development, so the body and the environment are the basis of a good life. For a better life, let's take care of our bodies and protect the environment first. Then, let's go to see the sun the day after tomorrow, from sunrise to dusk.

In a good mood, go out for a walk, the blue sea and sky blowing; The rivers and mountains are great. Go out for a walk. Don't stay at home but be lazy.

Floating Cloud (11)

"Ah, I can see Ran Piaopiao and Aiyang tomorrow!" Liu Fuyun thought. After all, he has been a friend for many years and will miss him after parting. Liu Fuyun recalls the scene when he met Ran Piaopiao; At that time, Ran Piaopiao and I were at the same table by accident, and we really hit it off. School begins, Liu Fuyun and Ai Yang, Ran Piaopiao are together again. The three girls got together again for a rat meeting. But the good times are not long. The happy time is always short. It seems that Mr. Zhou has not been a deskmate for a day, so he moved Liu Fuyun away. It was like a bolt from the blue to Liu Fuyun, Ran Piaopiao, and Ai Yang. They almost died of anger when it hit them on the head! They kept complaining, but it didn't help. Unable to help, they wiped away their tears and tasted the separation of their friends. Every time, Liu Fuyun, Ran Piaopiao and Ai Yang can only get together after class and during the exercises. However, teacher Zhou seldom finishes class, so their short meeting in the exercises is the happiest thing in a day. At that time, there always seemed to be endless words and things to talk about... But Liu Fuyun seems not very happy recently, Then Ran Piaopiao asked, "Why is Fuyun unhappy?" "Oh, it's not Zuo Yu!" Liu Fuyun said, "isn't she very good?" Ran Piaopiao replied. "You should observe her for a while to see how much better she can be!" Liu Fuyun said. Ran Piaopiao nodded vaguely. As time went by, Ran Piaopiao said to Liu Fuyun one day, "Oh my god! Zuo Yu is so terrible, so unpredictable!" "You just found out!" Liu Fuyun said, she didn't know how Ran Piaopiao knew all this. Anyway, Ran Piaopiao didn't trust Zuo Yu anymore, so she was relieved. Liu Fuyun and Ran Piaopiao discussed this matter and told Ai Yang about Zuo Yu. Ai Yang seemed to have known it for a long time, which was not surprising. But she also held the same opinion as Liu Fuyun and Ran Piaopiao, and insisted on opposing Zuo Yu. The three sisters are three sisters. They are the same under all circumstances, and they are indeed heart to heart! But now Zuo Yu has too many eyes in the class. The three of them can't be powerful at one time. Zuo Yu is too cunning. She has attracted other girls and become her strong supporters. But I don't know why. Liu Fuyun and Han Lu have made friends, and their friendship is getting deeper and deeper. But Han Lu is the staunch supporter of Zuo Yu! Ran Piaopiao was a little worried that Liu Fuyun would be infected by the cold dew and would be under Zuoyu's door, so she found an opportunity to talk to Liu Fuyun. Liu Fuyun said to Ran Piaopiao that she would not be under Zuoyu's door because of this incident, and she would not waver in her determination because of such a trivial matter. Ran Piaopiao nodded. Liu Fuyun, Ran Piaopiao and Ai Yang were afraid of being found out that they were against Zuo Yu, so they did not dare to make a statement. They had no choice but to use an extreme method, "sign language". It is reasonable to say that sign language is used for deaf mutes, but it was quoted by them. I really admire their wisdom! "Sign Language Action" is secretly planned, but there is always something unsatisfactory in the middle. Xiao Ya is a curious person at Liu Fuyun's back table. She thinks it's not right to watch Liu Fuyun draw the bottom with her hands all day long, so she asks Liu Fuyun what is going on. But Liu Fuyun is in a dilemma. Tell her, and she is afraid that she can't help herself to poke out the big secret. If you don't tell her, you will offend another friend. Liu Fuyun thought about it and decided to ask Ran Piaopiao and Ai Yang for their opinions. They were also smart people. Without Liu Fuyun saying more, they agreed with Liu Fuyun to tell Xiao Ya the sign language of "forever". However, after Liu Fuyun told her a word of action, she was even more ambitious. Liu Fuyun was bored to death after reading it with her hands all day long! What can I do! bother it! Recently, Liu Fuyun quarreled with her deskmate. How many people know how many tears she shed secretly? Finally one day, Liu Fuyun could not help summoning up courage to ask the teacher to change seats. The teacher listened and thought for a long time. Every minute of time passes, Liu Fuyun seems to have passed a century. The teacher thought and Liu Fuyun waited. A few minutes later, the teacher agreed to change seats, but unexpectedly, he and Zuo Yu were sitting in the same row. Liu Fuyun was excited and agreed. She thought that it would be enough to change seats with her former deskmate. But... what she didn't expect was that after changing seats, she would shed more tears than before. After class, Liu Fuyun couldn't wait to change seats with Chen Mengyun. Although sitting in a row with Zuo Yu. But Ran Piaopiao gave Liu Fuyun the greatest comfort. Maybe because... Han Lu left Zuo Yu. Liu Fuyun, Ai Yang, Ran Piaopiao and Han Lu have become good friends together. They play together every day and are so happy every day. Recently, there is a very bad atmosphere in the class --- plagiarizing homework. The students bring their homework that they haven't finished in the evening to school every morning. Copy others'. Maybe it's because the geomancy turns around. Some top students in the class have unfinished homework --- Liu Fuyun, Ai Yang, Qi Ji, Xu Zejia. They also bring homework to make up. This time, the compensation has become more powerful. Many people bring homework every day. Maybe it's because they watch too many armed movies. There are also people who copy homework and sentries! On that day, Ai Yang had a lot of questions to think about, so he asked Liu Fuyun to copy them. Liu Fuyun didn't really know how to do it, but he thought about it for hours and stayed up until ten o'clock in the middle of the night. Liu Fuyun is a little reluctant, but she is helpless in the face of Ai Yang's pleading. Ai Yang got his homework and began to copy it. Every question she asked was the same as Liu Fuyun, even if the answers were the same. Liu Fuyun began to worry, so he said, "Ai Yang, use your brain, don't be the same as me!" Ai Yang smiled. Liu Fuyun can't say anything when she looks like this. Only an occasional look shows her mood now. Later, Ran Piaopiao copied it with Zuo Yu. When Liu Fuyun saw it, he thought Ran Piaopiao was firm, so he didn't say anything. As time went by, Ai Yang once cried and wrote a letter saying that it was because of Liu Fuyun's eyes. Liu Fuyun was also upset when she saw them. She didn't know that her unintentional look would hurt Ai Yang... I don't know how long it took and how many tears flowed. Ai Yang made up with them, and his friends recovered. Once, when friends were discussing where to go on May Day, Liu Fuyun left because her mother was back. She wanted to stay at home with her mother, so she couldn't go. Several friends were very disappointed. So she said such an angry sentence: "Sticking to her mother all day long is unpromising!" Hearing this, Liu Fuyun's eyes filled with tears, but they didn't find it. They didn't know how good it would be to have a close friend at Liu Fuyun's house. If they didn't, they would seem to be looked down upon. They might never understand this feeling. The more Liu Fuyun thought about it, the more sad he became. Finally, he couldn't help crying. Soon after, Ran Piaopiao unexpectedly announced that she and Ai Yang were going to make up with Zuo Yu. Liu Fuyun almost fainted after hearing this! Listen to their reasons, which are absurd and laughable: we just narrowed down our own shortcomings and magnified Zuo Yu's shortcomings. Their tears last time through Aiyang and Liu Fuyun showed that everyone has shortcomings. Liu Fuyun could not understand the meaning of these words. She wanted to explain why she was crying, but Ran Piaopiao didn't give her a chance. She has no way to pour the bitter water to whom? At this time, Xiao Ya came and asked Liu Fuyun why she cried last time. When Liu Fuyun saw that someone had come to care about her, she explained the whole story clearly, saying that Liu Fuyun could not restrain her emotion and cried again. Later, with the stimulation of Ran Piaopiao, her tears poured down. What can we do? Girls just can't change their habit of crying. Maybe it's because of other reasons... I don't want to write down here. Maybe the six years of life are not just tears. I know that tears don't mean everything! In six years, I have understood a lot. Six years of friendship cannot be described in these words. Bury that missing in my heart. Six years later, we may experience many things. Believe me, don't give up your ideal. May six years of friendship be transformed into a tough thread that will tie us together!

Fuyun (12)

Those who look up at the stars always think that the stars are gems. However, the stars seem crystal clear, but they are full of dust and debris.

Those who like watching rainbow always think that rainbow is gorgeous. However, the rainbow looks beautiful, but it conceals hypocrisy and ugliness. Distance blinds the heart of reason, jumping out of the shackles of distance, history will return us a true face. The overlord rode the pony and turned into a ghost. Concubine Yu turned the flower of life into a soft blue. So my heart was moved. The man in the hall was just a shameless villain. Hearing the Han children singing "The clouds fly when the wind blows", I felt very excited.

But it was this reviled man who established a generation hegemony of China's great cause. Without him, where does Zhang Qian come from, holding the camel bell to the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain? Without him, where can the flag of Weiqing dancers run to the desert sands?

The long history tells us that Liu Bangyan and Xiang Yu are more capable of accomplishing their hegemony.

In July, when Emperor Yang walked to the south of the Yangtze River in a dragon boat, the people of the country mourned along the river with their wives and children, so their blood was irritated. The canal from south to north was no longer powerful, and the surging river water soaked the people's blood and tears.

The wheels of history roll forward, telling us that the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal destroyed a Sui Dynasty, but also opened a more glorious era.

People waved their hands and shouted "Ming Jun" and "Great Man" to Taizong when he said, "Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat", creating a prosperous era of Zhenguan governance.

But even such a king, how can we forget the blood pool in front of Xuanwu Gate?

The peak of history recalled a voice: "In the great king, there are also white bones and blood stains behind him."

Fuyun (13)

Those youth who once watched the rain under the cherry trees; Those who used to hip-hop under the osmanthus tree are fleeting; Those who once felt dejected under the wintersweet tree were 14 or 15 years old. Long gone with the passage of time. Three years of junior high school, just like the water in the hand, slowly, slowly disappeared, unable to stop, catch, and retain.

Like every simple child, I used to like looking up at the sky, whether it is the blue sky with clouds or the dark and silent night sky, so deeply I like it, which is hopeless. Look at the clouds during the day and count the stars at night. Now I only like the blue sky, the white and elegant clouds. As soon as the wind blew, it flew in all directions, unrestrained and free.

I used to like the abundance of spring, the coolness of summer, the sadness of autumn, and the coldness of winter. I used to like the quietly blooming of every flower in the four seasons; Every sound of insects singing; The silent withering of every fallen leaf; The dancing of each snowflake. Now I am always alone in the dark at night when I can't see my fingers to read my own humble, sad, humble and insignificant. Loneliness fills the whole chest. It is deeply entwined, and the more tightly it is entwined, and it also reminds those wounds that have already formed scabs and become scars, so all the pain turns into bitter tears flowing quietly. Finally, it turned into a shallow sigh at the mouth.

There are a few stars appearing and disappearing in the night sky, and there are wisps of moonlight drifting on the water. I stand in the long river of time and listen to the sweet voice from afar. Who is a little light in the lonely night, a little silence in the noisy city, growing up with me? Sing in my ear. Who is it? Tell me gently in the ear, "No matter how painful, no matter how uncomfortable, you must fly". Who is it? Five fingers quickly hit a line of characters on the keyboard, "Just be a floating cloud, just be a floating cloud".

In the spring green space on campus, a little girl looked up at the sky, as if she had been deeply settled in it, listening to the floating clouds singing songs of spring again and again.

Fuyun (14)

When the morning glow rises, the orange, pink, gilt edged, rainbow like, and smoke like clouds will open your beautiful day and comfort you.

I remember Xi Murong once said, "Every road we have traveled has a reason to travel like this, and every road we have traveled has a direction we have to choose like this." So I can't find any reason to comfort the past, let alone worry about the future. I just need to look up at the clouds when it is difficult to adhere to the present.

When life is difficult and physical and mental exhaustion, remember to look at the clouds, the clouds and waves overhead, fight hard, and pose many skillful puzzles. The cloud world is the portrayal of the real world. Today is cruel, tomorrow is cruel, tomorrow is beautiful, but most people are killed at the dawn of tomorrow, unable to bear the torture of darkness. The wind is blowing, the clouds are lingering, and the sky is misty. In the passing wind, the soaring of rocs, the dancing of fairy clothes, and the fast horse of the soul will also pass away.

All the way in plain clothes, driving a canoe - the poet put his thoughts on the sky, strolled over the blue sea and sky above the sea of clouds, poured a glass of wine, and drank along the river. The poet suddenly wakes up. It's better to mourn my life for a moment than to enjoy listening to the sad wind, watching the beauty of the mountain water and listening to the sound of the river breeze. That man, who is as indifferent and calm as a cloud, always leaves his pain and frustration behind and remembers the beauty of the world, which is why he has created a great man who is "just like Li Bai and knows more than Li Bai" for thousands of years.

Ostrovsky also said: "Human life is like a flood, without encountering islands and reefs, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves." I said that human life is like clouds, without confusion and progress, it is difficult to magnificent and short life! The fact is just like this: King Gai Wenwang acted in the Book of Changes, Zhong Nieu wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals, Qu Yuan's exile was a poem named Li Sao, Zuo Qiuming Que had the Guoyu, Sun Tzu Bin Jiao, and the Art of War were revised, not Wei moved to Sichuan, the legendary Lv Lan, Han Fei imprisoned Qin, Shuo Nan, and Gu Fen, and three hundred poems were written by sages and sages. What predecessors can offer is only experience. After you read the cloud, you can no longer fear the deadly arrows of life, but face all kinds of ghosts and monsters bravely, and treat all smoke and fog as disdainful as clouds.

Clouds are always changing different attitudes. People who watch clouds become clear in their minds. The cloud in the distance is short and eternal. It is the unity of change and eternity. It comforts us that we don't need to grieve for the fleeting time, because the memory of the past is always there. Nearby, the clouds are quiet and indifferent, reminding us not to be too burdened by the secular world. "The thin shadows are slanting, the water is clear, and the faint fragrance floats in the moonlight at dusk" is the detachment of Lin Heqing, a "wife and son".

The vicissitudes of life can be seen from the clouds; Looking at the clouds all the year round, the reverie is endless. Clouds are a combination of truth, kindness and beauty. There is a symphony of life. It is not clear whether the wind and cloud have grabbed your heart or you have captured the long wind and cloud.

Sorrow looks at clouds, surprise looks at clouds; Disappointment sees clouds, ambition sees clouds; Lonely look at the clouds, lively look at the clouds.

Just remember the clouds, everything has changed, scattered, faded, far away

Fuyun (15)

What are floating clouds? They are floating clouds in the sky. Whenever I look up at the clouds in the sky, I think that at this moment my body and mind can turn into an elegant cloud, floating between heaven and earth, floating in the universe, free and unrestrained
You can see that it is drifting from east to west. It comes and goes with the long wind. No one can know its destination, no one can decide its stop and stay, and no one knows its purpose. It is not limited by heaven and earth, not constrained by others, and not constrained by the so-called rules. We have always been traveling and staying alone, with no worries. I am still me. Since it is the creator who created me, I will show my existence and prove the value of my existence. Don't let others see it as if they have seen it or are familiar with it, so that they lose their existence. Make sure people feel special about you. And cloud, it is with this characteristic.
Maybe you will say what is cloud? No life, no emotion! Then you are wrong. Things without life are more precious and rare than those with life, aren't they? Why can't people keep clean as clouds? Someone once slandered the cloud in the lyrics: Don't pursue the colorful clouds in the sky, which are flighty and ethereal around you. ha-ha! How ridiculous! What is: Caiyun. Clouds are white and pure. No one is more beautiful than them. What people see are black clouds, black clouds and colorful clouds
It's just the color of natural weather, isn't it? People with life often wear masks, not to mention clouds?

Grade 5: Liu Wenjie

Fuyun (16)

The blue sky is blue


A few faint clouds

Float past

cherry blossoms

Falling down

The pallor of the evening

Strewn with branches

Like flowing water

Follow the branches


Wind chime

The wind blows

Crisp 'ding dong' sound

With beautiful


Talking about cherry blossoms

Slightly wet


Meet with laughter

Like a jade tree,

Light Moon Cage Yarn

Pick a flower

Cherry blossoms in the past

In late autumn

This Heart Song

Turn into this autumn day

The Last Mist

For the sweetness of spring

Dance into a band

Eternal prayer flags look like clouds over cherry blossoms.

The reason for the beauty of thin end flower heart.

Tearing farewell to the blooming spring flowers.

Cherry blossoms fall in love with friends. Dedicated to -- xingqihui, rotating DE dance shoes, CXJHY^_^

Fuyun (17)

"The spaceship launches in 5 seconds, and launches in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!" With a bang, the saucer shaped spaceship is steadily lifted off under the push of several huge pillars of fire and flies to the space beyond the earth. What the hell is going on here? Let me tell you.

In 2756 AD, with the help of space telescopes, star calculation formulas and unmanned detectors, scientists found a 'Shenma galaxy' 3141.5 billion light years away from the earth. This planet has a suitable star distance, temperature, atmosphere similar to the earth's air, and water indispensable to life, which is completely suitable for human survival. As soon as the news came out, all Moroccan people felt

It was exciting (at this time, there was only one country on the earth: the Moorish Federal Republic, referred to as the Federation for short), so the most advanced spacecraft in the whole solar system was ready within a year, and we were ready to go to the planet named "Fuyun Star". I was lucky to be one of the crew of the Noah Ship.

This is that the spaceship has officially entered the space. In order to save energy, our spaceship enters the wormhole after entering the space. This is a passage that can pass through in full vacuum without any resistance, so the spaceship travels at a speed of 100 million times the speed of light. Ten hours later, we arrive at the destination - Shenma System Fuyun Star.

After landing, we finally opened the cabin door carefully. As soon as I opened the cabin door, I felt refreshed and very comfortable. I saw green everywhere. There were many strange plants and clear rivers in the distance. Isn't this the original earth?

At this time, the captain ordered us to take small aircraft to carry out detailed drawing in groups of ten.

After ten days and ten nights, we finally mapped out the map of this planet. It has an area of 190 million square kilometers, of which 40% is land, 50% is sea, the North and South Poles are ice and snow like the earth, and the two sides of Qingdao (similar to the earth's equator) are tropical rainforests. At present, no animals have been found

After all this, we left happily by spaceship. But I thought, if human beings move to this beautiful planet, is it the beginning of this planet's bad luck?

No. 1 Youtiao, Junior 2, Shangrao Experimental Middle School, Xinzhou District, Shangrao, Jiangxi

Fuyun (18)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

The front is a messy figure. Once again, I blacked out the whole figure in the sketching, so I had to turn over a new page of paper and stroke the figure skillfully with a ruler. When Xie Xueyan wrote the words "worship the Great God" in the lower right corner of her notebook with a pencil, she didn't smile away as usual, but she was overwhelmed with frustration. The time spent on this question has swallowed up all the hope, confidence and sense of achievement after I passed the test easily. Instead, it was the mechanical movement of the pen head and an empty skull.

I pointed to it again, read every condition in the question word by word, made them rotate in my mind with a new attitude, and considered all the ideas that may be derived from each condition. All the questions that might be related to them that I had done before slipped by one by one, but they were just passers-by after all. I was still not a player in the game, and they could only make me farther and farther away from the mountain top of the answer.

When all the bubbles of hope have burst, I am left with nothing to do but despair. I try to follow new ideas again and again, and I am forced into a dead end again and again. It seems that there is an invisible but real obstacle standing between me and the problem, although the distance is so close. But it is so far away, so confused, let me try to break it again and again all ended in failure.

This time, I no longer expect myself to break the barrier with one blow, thus breaking the problem at one stroke. I try to look at it from another perspective and decompose it. It seems that the space between points, between line segments, and between triangles is not so compact. The topic was formed by my clear thinking. Under the sharp knife, the wall is no longer heavily fortified, but it seems to show flaws. With the angle of attack, my surging and boiling ideas poured in like a flood through these gaps, breaking down all obstacles and all unsolvable places.

If I am awakened, my eyes will open and the obstacles will disappear. If the thought of the spring springs up ripples, the old side shapes also appear as rings. Ring! Circle! Four points in a circle! Unable to restrain his excitement, he wrote quickly, like seeing the sun again.

I take a long breath. When there is only one leaf blocking the eyes, why force yourself to drive away the blinding clouds? You must change your foot position. Sometimes, it's enough to change your mind's position in another way.