Composition of Mastering Destiny (19 popular articles)
Cloud Sailing Sea
2023-11-25 04:42:52

Mastering Fate Composition (1)

On the bench in the park, ironic laughter again and again pierced the little boy's heart. "Look at those shoes. Where did you pick them up?", "Look, your toes are greeting everyone!", "Hey, why are you so unfriendly? Your toes have already smiled at everyone".

He wore shoes that "opened his mouth and smiled". The shoelaces were hanging on the ground. The snow-white sneakers were as dirty as if they were picked up from the mud puddle. His left knee was exposed, and his hair was like a bird's nest. Who knew that his last shampoo was a month ago? A year ago? Or haven't washed since birth? Alas, I don't want to worry about the annoying problem. In contrast, his white shirt was 90% new. It seems that he went to the rich family for a walk.

The little boy got up and left. He didn't want to let the knife of ridicule enter his heart again. When he walked onto a stone bridge, it seemed that he was ready to commit suicide by jumping into the river. He boldly stood beside the bridge, ready to jump, but hesitated. After a while, he walked slowly to another bench and saw a boy in gorgeous clothes. The boy sat silently at the other end, looking at the gorgeous boy.

His shoes are the latest style this year, brown pants, blue shirt, and his hair smells of strawberries. It seems that he just washed his hair with strawberry shampoo yesterday.

The rich boy also looked at the poor boy. At last, the rich boy's eyes stopped on his shoes.

The boy found another boy looking at his shoes. He got up and ran behind a tree. He leaned against the tree and looked at his shoes. He took off his shoes. Why does he take off his shoes? Is he already fed up with the ridicule of shoes and ready to throw them away? The little boy put his gloves into his shoes, played two roles and talked to each other.

It's not fair.

"What's the matter, Bob?"

"Sophie, why are we so poor?"

"Bob, maybe it's because we were born poor?"

"No, no, it's unfair. I want to be rich, I want to be rich."

"Me too."

The boy, in a blink of an eye, found that he had become another boy. The boy was playing happily on the grass. The poor boy was wondering when an old woman came with a wheelchair. The poor boy didn't believe his eyes, and the rich boy couldn't walk. The old woman helped him into the wheelchair and pushed him away. The poor boy gritted his teeth regretfully and beat the handrail with his hand. The rich boy's cheers pierced the poor boy's heart again.

Mastering Fate Composition (2)

Destiny, just as the name implies, is a hit of luck. Whether this luck is good or bad is not predestined.

"Some people are alive, but they are already dead. Some people are dead, but they are still alive." Yes, some people think that fate cannot escape life and death, and even more cannot be crossed. However, I think the destiny is in my own hands. As long as I am willing to change all these things, I may regain hope.

For example, I have an uncle who is 35 years old and finally married under the urging of his elders. But just one year after their marriage, their feelings diverged. Because all kinds of complaints from my uncle and all kinds of blame and exclusion to my aunt made my aunt unbearable. "Divorce" was her attitude. But my uncle was indifferent and thought that the fate was doomed, and no one could change it. However, if my uncle was willing to send a gift to make amends, would things be so bad? Of course not. Is it really fair to the children who are under one year old if we just make a clean break? This coward who surrendered to fate.

Destiny, an ordinary word, why should we surrender? What setbacks can't be surmounted? Why can't we catch up with fate even if it pulls you down and drives you away? As long as we have the confidence and endurance to win, just like the tortoise can catch up with the rabbit, we can also overcome the fate.

Don't regard fate as a great event. It is just a barrier, a barrier that blocks you between black and white, and your life is determined by a difference of thought. Therefore, as long as your heart is bright and clear, one day you will see the sun shining on the earth, walk on the bright road, and see that tomorrow is more brilliant.

In short, don't complain about the unfairness of fate. From another perspective, look at those who have never bowed their heads to the torture of fate. What are they saying? It tells us that life is in our own hands. It is foolish of a man to waste his life in despair. Similarly, many people raised their hands to the test of life - death. It is silly to choose to escape, to choose to avoid all these things. This practice will only raise its evil corners of the mouth.

It is the best choice not to admit defeat to fate. For life, we often rely on our own strong heart. We should believe that "sunshine always comes after rain", and we should also be like Haiyan, not afraid of fierce storms. Only in this way can life become extremely bright and beautiful, with unlimited hope.

Mastering Fate Composition (3)

Some lives are full of vitality, while others are ordinary; Some life is smooth sailing, some life is ups and downs. In any case, fate is in his own hands.

When we were in primary school, some people came here to hang out. Good students listen carefully in class, and those people do some tricks and escape below. During recess, good students study hard in the classroom, while those people chase and play outside. Good students study hard and write very carefully. Their homework is scrawled and even blank. Good students' papers are all full marks, while those of those students are all cross marks. The scores of outstanding students are on the list, and those of those students are "red lanterns hanging high". In this way, they wasted the best time of their life.

When they reached middle school, they even strengthened their efforts. Not only do they not do their homework, but they often play truant. The teacher criticized and educated them, but they were dissatisfied, felt "wronged", and learned to refute the teacher. The sun and moon are as fast as shuttles, neither cloudy nor like arrows. They let the most precious time in life slip away from their hands.

As adults, they don't study hard and only know some words when they are young. They don't even know when they were cheated. Although I didn't work hard in high school, I got my diploma and wanted to apply for a corporate job, but no one used him. As a last resort, I had to work as a cleaner in a company, but because I was clumsy and lazy, I was soon dismissed. In the end, these people not only got nothing, but also ended up with nothing.

They walked on the road, wandering at the crossroads, at a loss. Looking back at the road he had traveled, he found that he had passed middle age, and could not help shedding bitter tears. I don't study hard at school. I regret that I only cared about the fun for a while and ignored my study... They regret it, regret it, really regret it! However, what's the use of regret? When giving birth, can they go back to the past and childhood? Impossible, absolutely impossible! "Young people don't work hard, old people will be sad," this sentence is very reasonable: when you were a child, you didn't work hard, you didn't work hard, you will only be sad and regret there in the future! Looking back blankly, those years have been blown away.

Yes, your destiny is in your own hands. Without diligence and striving for your own goals, you will not succeed! "No pains, no gains". If you don't struggle, will the pie fall from the sky to let you continue?

Yes, we are the flowers of our motherland and teenagers of the new era. Please believe this sentence - "Our destiny is in our own hands!" Fight for your goal! Strive for a better tomorrow of society! Struggle for the prosperity of the motherland! Let's fight!

Mastering Fate Composition (4)

Some people always look forward to tomorrow, but they don't live through today. But some people seem to wait for tomorrow, but they are actually avoiding the present. If you can't even do well today, why not look forward to tomorrow?

The fate of the arrangements are often unsatisfactory, but there are always some people who go back to change the fate of unsatisfactory, to make themselves better.

There was a foreign girl who was born without arms. It can be imagined that her life was undoubtedly in pain, but she did not complain about life, nor did she compromise with fate. She always believed that "God closed a door for you, but left a window for you." So she actively faced all kinds of difficulties in life every day.

One day, when he was walking on the lawn, a plane flew across the sky. The plane flew far away and also took the girl's thoughts away. When she came back to her senses, she made a very important decision. She wanted to take a pilot's license test. At the beginning, everyone said that it was impossible. It was difficult for a normal person to take a pilot's license test, Let alone a disabled person, let alone if you are not careful when practicing, you may see Satan. But despite the dissuasion of her family and friends, she overcame one difficulty after another and finally became the first female pilot in the world without arms under her hard sweat.

I want to say to her: "Although fate has not given you arms, your tenacity has inserted a pair of wings for you."

You should also know the story of Helen Keller. She became a blind and deaf person in an accident, but she did not give up herself or life. In her short eighty-seven years of life, she has made many contributions to the world.

In fact, there are many disabled people in this world, but some people choose to compromise with their fate and give up themselves. But there are also many people like the woman who has no arms. Like Helen Keller, they have not given up life and themselves. They also believe that they can, and that they can make themselves better like others.

What a mysterious thing fate is! For thousands of years, I don't know how many people have been defeated by it. But we will not give up, one day we will defeat it, and we will certainly seize the throat of destiny.

Mastering Fate Composition (5)

I lay helpless on the bed. I knew I could not touch you or catch you, but I knew you were always by my side. I clenched my fists against the ceiling, but I also knew that this would not scare you away.

Yes, I also know that you were born at the moment when I was born. No, even before I was born, my birth was in your life. My movements are also controlled by you, like my first cry, my first standing, my first flying, all belong to you. But you didn't even make me feel your face, smell or voice. Don't you think it's too cruel?

No, you won't know, because even my current thinking is given by you. The road of my life is paved by you. People's lives are full of twists and turns, and they blame you; But if people succeed, they can't remember you; So you just look, control and stop listening. You can't hear my thoughts.

Why do you sometimes let me see the future of you, let me struggle desperately; Why did you call good friends, such as pain and happiness, to give them my control. Do you think it's not enough? In fact, I have found many times that I can not be arranged by you, or even resist you and refuse you.

When you let me encounter difficulties but I can get through safely; When you make me sad but I am still optimistic; Even when you tortured me to think of death but I escaped, even though I was afraid of him at that time, you didn't succeed, did you? Even if it is to rebel against you like an ugly duckling, it is better for Wu Gang to accept your arrangement with eternity. Can I do it alone?

Yes, not only me, but also my relatives, my friends, and even the whole world. You are just a toy to everything in the world. I don't know how many people, even other things, you just threw them away.

I fell asleep quietly. I also wanted to defeat you. Even if it was impossible, wouldn't you give me a chance? Don't let me wait quietly once, and won't you give me the chance to struggle with sweat and tears happily once?

I will wait for your answer, in the arrangement of fate, in the resistance to you, until you do your best.

Mastering Fate Composition (6)

The wind blows fate into petals and scatters them on the earth without leaving a trace, making people unaware of its existence and its track. However, the window of the mind gradually blurred. Obscure. Dizziness

1、 Mountain stream

From the small spring eye, a mountain stream flows through the foot of the mountain with laughter and noise, while the cynical one is also fooled by fate.

It flows through many ponds. lakeside. Reservoirs, they tempt the happiness and vitality of mountains, streams and ponds in different ways; Charming and enchanting lakeside; The depth and magnificence of the reservoir... With a belief, the mountain stream always resists from the pond. lakeside. The temptation of the reservoir. It wants to find the widest place that will never be dried up by evaporation.

So he broke through all the obstacles and tried his best to move forward. Flowing... Finally, the Nth hundredth time I woke up, the sun was shining on only one third of the river body, and it clearly saw a vast ocean in front of me. The sea billowed and beat the reef hard, and the splashing water reflected dazzling sunlight like a prism. It is delighted. Without hesitation, drag the exhausted body and slowly flow into it. At the moment when it touched the sea, it felt the sublimation of its soul, as if all the waves were cheering for it. cheer.

Shanxi reached his goal, and finally did not fall into the control of fate. Along the way, I didn't know that the petals of fate had been exposed on the land moistened by the stream.

2、 Dagger mark

"The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never recover..." The ancient hero Jing Ke failed to assassinate Qin. Who knows, he did not regret, the crown prince did not regret, and the rusty dagger did not regret.

In front of King Qin's Hall, the dagger shows its sharp edge. At the moment when the dagger was stabbed out, the hand holding it suddenly became weak and was thrown out and nailed to the stone pillar. The treasured dagger saw the emptiness of its master. Helpless eyes and heart must be dripping blood.

It is also cold and cold. The precious dagger is still in the stone pillar. Let the air erode it, let the dust bury it, and there is a dead silence in my heart

It does not know that the petals of fate have already rotted and withered when the hand lifted it. The precious dagger came from human hands and was also destroyed by human hands. The dagger mark on the column is its fate.

Two different things have their own destinies, whether they are mountains or streams or precious daggers. There is control and accusation between them and fate. In any case, they all left their own destiny in reality. It's just that the results are different.

In life, what kind of traces can we make of fate? Expectation=unknown

Mastering Fate Composition (7)

It is said that Nuwa Goddess created human beings, but she has no confidence in human beings. She believes that the human world is full of too many evils, and she is determined to inflict heavy losses on human beings. But one person changed her mind. That person was Fuxi, who had been fighting for human beings. His last words on his deathbed were: "The fate of people is in their own hands, not God can control."

This short fairy tale tells us a truth: destiny is in our own hands, and no one can control it.

Success or failure is in your own hands, not others. Billionaire Bill Gates has revealed this truth to us with his actions. He was very talented in design. He was admitted to Harvard University at the age of 15. In the third year, he resolutely dropped out and started the Microsoft business with friends. His father was very angry and wanted to hit him with his shoes. But his father's anger did not change his will. If he had followed his father's advice and continued to go to college, wouldn't the world have lost a billionaire and added a nerd? It is because he has mastered his own destiny that he has achieved his Microsoft career.

Life and death are in our own hands. In the Wenchuan earthquake, how many people died quietly, and how many people created miracles. Le Liuhui, 22, was unfortunately buried in the ruins during the earthquake. In the dark days, her heart is bright. When someone is around, she shouts loudly. When nobody is around, she keeps her strength. In the tough environment, she never gave up the belief of living. With this belief, she was finally saved. If she gave up her belief in living, she could not be saved. In the final analysis, she saved herself.

Happiness and sadness are in your hands. Sang Lan, a famous sportsman, accidentally fell down during a training, resulting in paralysis of both legs. But she did not give up her dream in her heart. She practiced for ten years, from walking with a stick to walking by herself and then to running. Gradually, her legs healed, and the miracle happened. A smile appeared on her face, and later she got a beautiful family. It is she who gives her happiness.

In the final analysis, fate is in your own hands. If you control your own destiny, you will embrace flowers, rub shoulders with success (shake hands), and say goodbye to pain.

Let us control our own destiny and let our dreams fly. My youth, I make the decision!

Mastering Fate Composition (8)

Some people always say that their destiny is in the hands of God. Some people say that their destiny is in the hands of others, but I believe that their destiny is in their own hands.

I once heard a story: this is a story in Zen. In ancient times, there was a general who had both wisdom and courage. Once, he led his army against the enemy, but there was a huge gap between the two sides. His troops were only one tenth of each other's, so all the officers and men were a little less confident. The general went to a temple to ask for divination. Then he took out a copper coin and said in front of the soldiers, "It's up to the gods to decide our fate! If the copper coin falls face up, the gods will bless us for invincibility. If it falls face down, the gods will let us not, and we have to obey the fate of heaven." The general gently threw it up, When the copper coins landed, they faced up, and the whole army was delighted. Then the general threw it again, still facing up. In this way, the soldiers were jubilant, morale was boosted, and finally won a total victory. After their triumphal return, the soldiers and soldiers proposed to thank the gods for their blessing. At this time, the general took out the copper coin for everyone to see. It turned out that both sides of the coin were positive. It suddenly dawned on all the soldiers that it was not the gods who blessed them to win, but themselves.

A person can have no material, can fail, can give up, but only can not lack confidence. Confidence is like a weapon in a general's hand. Without weapons, what can we rely on to fight; Confidence is just like a person's heart. If even the heart stops beating, your life will end, so you can't lose confidence. If you have no confidence, but still want to succeed, this is really "not to feed the horse, but to let the horse run well", it is simply a fairy tale. The first person who created Kentucky Fried Chicken dropped out of school when he was a child. Later, he went out to work and was "fired" by the boss. The family did not have enough good living conditions. At that time, he really wanted to give up. He went to the lottery place and bought a lottery ticket. Unexpectedly, he got 1.5 million dollars. He used the 1.5 million dollars and his incomplete confidence to create Kentucky Fried Chicken. Therefore, there is no fear without money, no culture and no confidence.

Sometimes, you will complain about why God doesn't give you a good living condition and always makes you fail. But why don't you use the time you complain about God to create miracles with your little confidence?

The destiny is in your own hands. Don't blame God, don't blame others, just rely on yourself, believe in yourself, and have confidence in yourself. I often think about this question: in whose hands is the fate? Now I have found the answer. My destiny is in my own hands. The destiny is not unchangeable, but as long as you have confidence, determination, boldness and courage to take that step, you may change your destiny.

Do you think how others' lives are so good? Why is the fate of others so good? In fact, you can, as long as you have confidence. How many battles in the long river of history have been fought with fewer to win more. It is not their destiny, but their confidence and confidence in themselves.

It is better to strive for success than to envy others. The destiny is in your own hands, and if you want to change your destiny, confidence in yourself is the prerequisite!

Mastering Fate Composition (9)

The destiny, grasp the composition by oneself

In real life or work and study, we always have to contact or use composition. According to the different styles, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is the fate of Xiaobian Jilinton. I hold the composition by myself. Welcome to read it. I hope everyone likes it.

Fate, Own Composition 1

There are always some people in life who always forget the sun hidden behind them because of the dark clouds in the sky. They always forget the rainbow after the rain because of a temporary storm; I always give up my dream of swimming in the sea because of some small twists and turns. Why do you always accept Yi and lower your head in front of difficult problems, and why do you always accept Yi and surrender without preconditions in front of the originally vulnerable setbacks? Beethoven once said: "Pain can destroy people, and those who suffer can also destroy pain. Creation requires suffering, and suffering is a gift of God. One of the great strengths of outstanding people is that they will never yield in an encounter that is not conducive to hardship." The fate has always been in their own hands.

If you open the Biography of Celebrities, you can find that what you have encountered may not matter at all. Everyone's journey of life can not be full of success and flowers, but more will be muddy paths and thorns with sharp thorns, whether he is a small businessman or a famous composer Beethoven. His experience can make him collapse at the edge of life. His body betrayed him, his internal organs suffered severe pain and torture, and even the most important hearing for a musician slowly began to decline. But all these things did not prevent him from going to the palace of success. Even if he was deaf, he also wrote the immortal Symphony of Destiny. "I want to hold the throat of fate, it must not overwhelm me completely" This is Beethoven's challenge to fate with his life, because he believes that fate is determined by himself.

Several times, when I was not satisfied with the exam several times in a row; Several times, when I am too tired of the trivial matters of life to be born; For several times, when he was betrayed by his friend, he was embarrassed physically and mentally. I was so funny that I was about to lower my head. At this time, the word "Beethoven" always came to my mind. Those words which were just about his life turned into pictures and played in my mind. "I want to seize the throat of fate, it must not completely overwhelm me", this sentence is always knocking at my heart. Yes, indeed, I can't be defeated so easily. In front of the problem, as long as I choose to face it, the problem will surrender to me. If I choose to give up, the problem in my heart will always be a threshold that cannot be crossed. Maybe I am not Beethoven and can't write the Symphony of Destiny, but at least I know now that fate is determined by myself.

Small trees will grow into towering trees only through the baptism of the rainstorm, flowers will be fragrant only through the moisture of rain and dew, and people will succeed only through the washing of suffering. But the condition is also that they must accept the special gifts that God gave them. The rope that tied their destiny is really in their hands.

Fate, Own Composition 2

"Dangdangdang"...... The music giant Beethoven's magnificent symphony of destiny sounded in my ears, and I was touched by thousands of feelings. Some people said that destiny is a sky with uncertain weather. It makes you happy and worries you. The destiny is the hand of God, which determines how much you will bear. But I don't believe it. I think that destiny is in our own hands, and we are the masters of destiny.

The road of life is our own choice. I still remember that the Chinese teacher always asked us to read the text before class, and one of them became a light in front of my feet on the rugged road. "When the sky falls on the big task, we must first work hard, strain our muscles, starve our skin, and starve our body". When we read this, we always think, as the ancients wrote thousands of years ago, It can be seen that this must be the motto of our life together. People always feel inadequate and want to have all the beautiful things, but never think about how much they have really paid for it. The path of life is our own choice. Even if the fate has given us endless pain, we must choose to bear it. We should not complain and feel sorry all day without the right to refuse, Say how unfair your destiny is. Everyone is the same, but we use different ways. Try to fight for your future. Try to fight with your destiny. It's really in your own hands.

Fate can never equal you

Beethoven, the music giant, is our best proof of how much he loved music and was so obsessed with it, but fate made a joke on him. As a great musician, he was deaf and could no longer hear his beautiful music. This was undoubtedly a heavy and loud slap on his face. People estimated that he would never recover from it, But he did not. He fought against fate tenaciously. He insisted on practicing the piano and put a stick on the piano, firmly biting the other end with his teeth. But it was such a difficult situation that he did not admit defeat but achieved him. The magnificent symphony of destiny was composed. Yes, destiny failed to defeat the giant after all, and for us, this is undoubtedly our best example! I have made it clearer that the destiny is in my own hands.

The rugged fate is not terrible.

On the way of life, you may have a hard time, but as long as we insist on not having a problem, there will be a beautiful rainbow hanging in the blue sky after the wind and rain. There are really many problems in the process of learning! But what about the old rewards of not working hard? The bumpiness of our destiny is not terrible. What is terrible is that we dare not face it. If we never recover because of some failures, wouldn't it be a joke? No matter what the fate is, we should face everything with a smile and keep a heart of not giving up. In our eyes, there is no failure, only no effort.

Destiny is a cup of bitter coffee. You should know how to taste it. Don't think you are crying or crying. More often, you need to pay attention to yourself. Whether you have really worked hard or struggled. Destiny is a ladder to climb high. People with their hands in their pockets can never climb it. Destiny is really in our own hands.

Fate, Own Composition 3

God arranges everyone's destiny to be fair, except that some people first suffer and then enjoy, and some people first enjoy and then suffer. The opportunity of life is also equal. Even if a person born with a golden spoon is not willing to work hard, the golden spoon in his mouth will eventually disappear. Therefore, to grasp one's own destiny is to grasp the beautiful time in the future.

One morning, a bunch of sunshine reflected on me. I have to say that the sunshine was particularly warm and bright that day! The wind in the morning is soft, like the best quality Suzhou and Hangzhou silk blowing on your face. The flowers in the morning are fragrant, and the refreshing smell comes to my face, wiping my nose and every inch of my body. The morning air is fresh and the natural flavor haunts my nose, making me relaxed and happy. The morning sky is blue, dazzling and transparent... I went to school with my backpack on my back and started my day of learning. In math class, I listened attentively and spoke actively! All kinds of training are naturally completed in one go. But just then, the teacher announced the test in the afternoon, and my self determination belief disappeared. You should know that I have never had any talent in mathematics learning. The quality of homework is generally high, but the test results are always not ideal. So, this makes me afraid of every test.

Without exception, the teacher assigned lessons for review. Reviewing is to remember the knowledge that has been forgotten before, and repeat what has been learned, so as to make a deeper impression on it and keep it in mind for a longer time. However, after many achievements, I am a little tired of "review". I think: whether I review or not will have little impact on my performance in the end, so I might as well not review! The level of achievement depends on the fate of the individual! With such a fluke mentality, I am relieved to go home from school.

When I got home, I picked up my mobile phone and turned over my WeChat circle of friends. At this time, I read a passage like this: "Today I dodged, tomorrow I dodged, and what about the thousands and thousands of times after that? People can't face the reality of life with a fluke mentality and grasp their own destiny." I sat up straight and thought: I have always been looking for objective reasons for my failure. It's not that review is useless, but that I can't really believe that review can bring me changes and treat it seriously. I put away my mobile phone, put aside my evil thoughts, took out my books, and concentrated on reviewing them!

During the exam, I answered the questions with confidence, and the final score was several points higher than my expected score! I'm really excited about my little improvement!

I think that people should still take control of their own destiny and not leave the decision to God. After all, it is you who can make life colorful!

Fate, Own Composition 4

Bacon, the British philosopher, said: "Man's destiny should be in his own hands."

The destiny in your hand is like a bright light, illuminating your way forward; The destiny in hand is like a compass. When you are lost, it will guide you in the direction of progress; The destiny in your hand is your biggest chip. Life is like a gamble. Whoever has the biggest chip is the winner of life!

No one can change the generous gift God gave us, nor can he change the length of life. But we can grasp the destiny and try to change it!

The parents' constant nagging, the teachers' constant teaching... The stern face is frightening. So they said, "One, I dare not say two." They went east, but I dare not go west. Everything is up to them.

I am a strange girl. I always have some strange ideas in my heart, but I can't get the approval of my family. I like writing when I was young, but I can't. What's the use of writing? Is it helpful for learning? I want to learn aeromodelling. No, can aeromodelling be a meal? What's the use? I need to spend money then. I want to learn... No! no way! no way! My parents always arrange for me what I want to do. I want to learn painting, and my parents helped me apply for the Olympic Maths Class; I want to learn writing, and my parents helped me sign up for a Chinese class... What I think is always not in line with what I do.

I want to relax every day, but my parents have already filled my schedule. You can add points to the college entrance exam of playing erhu, learn! Pipa can cultivate a lady's temperament, learn! If you play the piano well, you will be a promising person in the future. Learn! Learn! Learn! Whatever I want to learn, one word, no! What I'm not interested in, one word, learn!

Mom and Dad, please let me grasp my destiny and give me some space. My daughter will be a promising person when she grows up, and will not let you down. The fate should be controlled by its master. How can it be the second one? Mom and Dad, you also have your own destiny. The destiny is to be independent and independent. It is not others who control your own destiny!

I want to be my own master and master my own destiny!

Comment: When the article is full of true feelings, it is the most moving time. The young author has done this well. The structure of the article is simple and fair, and the author's understanding of the original text is very profound and thorough. The full text is sonorous and forceful, which makes people feel excited and excited when reading it.

The love of parents is sometimes the sweetest shackle. When necessary, the young writer just needs to indulge in sweetness. As for the suffocating sense of bondage, it is just as good as it is one of the various problems.

Fate, Own Composition 5

It is said that Nuwa Goddess created human beings, but she has no determination and belief in human beings. She thinks that the human world is full of too many evils, and she is determined to inflict heavy damage on human beings. But one person changed her idea. That person was Fu Xi, who had been fighting for human beings. His last words on his deathbed were: "The fate of people is in their own hands, not God can control."

This short fairy tale tells us a truth: destiny is in our own hands, and no one can control it.

Success or failure is in your own hands, not others. Billionaire Bill Gates reveals this truth to us with his steps. He was very talented in design. He was admitted to Harvard University at the age of 15. In the third year, he resolutely dropped out and started the Microsoft business with friends. His father was so angry that he wanted to hit him with his shoes. But his father's anger did not change his will. If he had followed his father's advice and continued to go to college, wouldn't the world have lost a billionaire and gained a nerd? It is precisely because he grasped his own destiny that he achieved his Microsoft career.

It is life and death, in our own hands. In the Wenchuan earthquake, how many people died quietly, and how many people created miracles. Le Liuhui, 22, was unfortunately buried in the ruins during the earthquake. In the dark days, her heart is bright. When someone is around, she calls out loudly. When nobody is around, she keeps her strength. In the tough environment, she never gave up the belief of living. With this belief, she was finally saved. If she gave up her belief in living, she could not be saved. In the final analysis, she saved herself.

It is happiness, it is sadness, in their own hands. Sang Lan, a famous sportsman, accidentally fell down during an exercise, resulting in paralysis of both legs. But she didn't give up her dream. She had been exercising for ten years, from walking with a stick to walking on her own to running. Slowly, her legs were better, and the miracle happened. Her face was smiling again, and later she got a beautiful family. It is she who gives her happiness.

In the final analysis, destiny is in our own hands. Take control of your own destiny, and you will embrace flowers, rub shoulders with success (shake hands), and say goodbye to pain. (Parallelism, boldness, appeal, and thus persuasiveness.)

Let us grasp our destiny and let our dreams fly. My youth, I make the decision! (The ending is passionate, flexible and unconventional.)

Fate, Own Composition 6

We often hear that some people are always complaining that God does not give them opportunities, and their own destiny is very bad. When you think about it carefully, why should you feel sorry for yourself? There will be no pie in the sky. Opportunities are gained through hard work, and fate is also taken by yourself. Perhaps many people have heard of such a story: a mediocre man came to visit Zen Master with a question about fate: "Do you think there really is a destiny?"? "Yes," the Zen master replied. "Is it my destiny to live in poverty?" he asked. Zen Master told him that there were three destiny lines on each person's hand, and then Zen Master asked him to hold his hand tightly. Zen Master asked, "Where are these lines now?"? "In my own hands!" He suddenly realized. It turns out that fate is in one's own hands, not in the mouth of others!

This is fate. If you look at your own fists, you will find that there is a part of the lifeline exposed. It tells us that most of our destiny is in our own hands, and only a small part is in the hands of "opportunity, destiny or God". People who have achieved great things through the ages have worked hard and strived for them with their whole life to achieve their dreams. Therefore, when your achievements are not ideal, don't complain about your lack of talent, but should consider whether you have made sustained efforts. Let's learn from Liu Xiang, the first Asian Olympic champion in hurdles. Does his success also depend on fate? No, he relied on practice year after year; It depends on continuous struggle; It depends on the non-stop victory over himself, which is the secret of his success: believe in his own ability, and firmly grasp the fate in his own hands. The life of regret and complaint will not change your destiny, it will only consume more time. Unsuccessful people usually release their hands carelessly and let their fate leave them. They are helpless before their fate, which is also the main reason why they fail to realize their dreams. It is useless to wait for the hare. Destiny will not favor those who are unprepared. Only by continuous exploration and overcoming all kinds of adverse factors can we obtain opportunities. Success really depends on the position of destiny, because there will be many setbacks in one's life, and success is just hidden in these setbacks. "As the saying goes," God will take great responsibility on people, and they will work hard, strain their muscles and starve their skin. If you shrink back when you encounter problems, and do not inherit your efforts, you will have nothing to do, and the door to success will always be closed to you. ".

It seems that the power of destiny is great. It seems to control everything. But don't forget that destiny is in your own hands. Only when you master the theme of life, can you reach the other side of happiness!

Therefore, the meaning of life is to keep exploring and making progress. When encountering difficulties, please hold your hands tightly and remember that destiny is in your hands!

Mastering Fate Composition (10)

The destiny is in your hands

No matter in study, work or life, everyone has more or less been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the fate of Xiao Biandun. Hold the composition in your hands. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Everyone complained in the street: Why am I always so unlucky. Why am I always unlucky. Why do I always encounter unfair things. Wait a minute, if we say misfortune, Beethoven is the real misfortune. When he was about to become an artist, he became deaf due to illness, but he was not hit by setbacks. Therefore, he became famous everywhere. If we say misfortune, Helen Keller is the most unlucky. She became deaf, blind and dumb due to a disease at the age of one and a half, but she persevered, She gradually got used to it and gradually coped with it. After persevering, she wrote "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", which won the praise of the National Five One Project.

Previously, a man spent 20 years writing a book and asked his friend to give him advice. Soon, his friend said pale that his maid had burned the book as waste paper in the stove. When he heard it, he was shocked. His painstaking work turned to ashes, but he did not give up, but insisted, He thought, "It doesn't matter. It's like correcting a composition for a primary school teacher. The teacher said, 'No, child, you should write better.' Because of this belief, he wrote a better book. I don't know who he is. You are looking at Lincoln. He has never been beaten by setbacks. At the beginning, he has always failed, but he persevered and finally became the President of the United States. These heroes tell us not to give up in the face of setbacks and problems. After bad luck, we will see luck! Bad luck and difficult problems can stimulate your brain and let you know how to succeed. After knowing these things, you will succeed. Don't always complain about the unfairness of your fate. In fact, if you persist in the injustice of your fate, you will feel that your fate is the most fair to you, By the way, another sentence: "Life has both good times and bad times, and has both peaks and bottoms. If you are full of pride because of good times or peaks, and if you are listless because of adversity or bottoms, it is a mean life. In the face of setbacks, if you just complain and anger, then you will be doomed to be a weak person."

There was another man who always divined. Every time he calculated what he was, he did not resist at all. The divination was very accurate. One day, a man said to him, "Your destiny is in your own hands." After that, it was calculated that he could live to 75. He lived to 80. It was calculated that he could not pass the exam and he passed the exam. These lists fully show the problem of the title. Since the fate is in your hands, you should make good use of it. You can do whatever you are divining. It proves that you have handed your fate to others, that is, others can play with your fate, or earn money. The fate is in your own hands, and others have no right to occupy it or rewrite it, Only you have the right to rewrite. Now that you know these things, you don't need to spend all your energy on divining, spending money and letting yourself down. If you avoid every setback and don't change your destiny, you will always be a coward, a weak person who knows nothing and can't succeed.

Frustration is the accelerator to promote your success. Grasp your own destiny, and you will be a strong man. If you oppose the setback when it pushes you forward, then you will never be better than those who promise to push, and I can do what others can!

Mastering Fate Composition (11)

Perfect character and grasp destiny composition

No matter in your study, work or life, you have all come into contact with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from compressed and concise language that you can understand to an open and standardized grammatical structure that can be understood by others. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is the composition of Xiao Bian's perfect character grasp destiny. I hope it can help you.

In my opinion, although personality and destiny seem to have little to do with each other on the surface, they are actually closely linked.

The so-called character refers to the relatively unhurried personal psychological characteristics formed by the subjective transformation of human postnatal classics, which are closely related to personal decisions and ways of walking. The so-called fate can also be divided into two parts: the "fate" that has been determined and the "fate" that can be formed by other subjective external factors. Human destiny is bound by the "fate" and can also change due to the change of "fate". The process of character improvement and progress is just the process of transforming one's own "luck" through subjective efforts. Therefore, through the improvement of character, we can grasp our own destiny and make it develop in the direction we hope.

Perfecting character is the condition of grasping destiny. As the saying goes, although "no one is perfect", the perfection of one's own character is the process of uninterrupted development towards perfection, and this process is actually the process of transformation of one's character. Xunzi's "On Evil Nature" repeatedly exaggerates the importance of the acquired transformation to the shaping of personality. Liu Bang, the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, went from "greedy for wealth and beautiful women" to "no financial gain and women are lucky". It can be seen that Liu Bang improved his character in order to achieve great things, which is a necessary condition for him to complete the transformation from a pavilion to Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. On the contrary, the shortcomings in our character will make us miss many opportunities. For example, the imbalance in people's common character: saying that a person is brave means that under certain circumstances such courage will turn into recklessness; To say that a person is cautious means that under certain circumstances, such caution will turn into timidity; To say that a person has personality also means that he is not "gregarious", etc. This imbalance of personality often makes people lose the opportunity to grasp their own destiny. Therefore, Xiang Yu, who was both "brave and fearless" and "foolhardy", ended up in defeat in the battle between Chu and Han. Therefore, it is necessary to make people develop better, guide their own destiny in a good way, and improve their personality.

Of course, perfection does not mean indiscriminate absorption and imitation of all characters, which may be counterproductive. It is to make up for it on the basis of its own original character. The aspects of perfection should also vary from person to person.

The more a person's' character can develop in an all-round way, the more he can control his own destiny. In difficult situations, people with all-round personality development can often create an "advantage" from "disadvantages", thus transforming "adversity" into "prosperity". However, people with an incomplete personality sometimes have bad luck even in "good times". Such people are not only difficult to grasp their own destiny, but also will eventually be eliminated in today's society that needs compound talents.

In today's society, there are many people who run into difficulties or even go on the road of no return due to incomplete development caused by character defects. The so-called "high score but low ability" is a good example: when exam scores can no longer be used as a pass, some people who have obtained high scores in their student days but are unable to be competent for some simple jobs will not become great in the end, although they have been successful for a while. In addition, many social phenomena, such as "highly educated criminals", "star drug addicts", and "unscrupulous businessmen", are also caused by the defects of their personalities: they have the determination to get high marks, show their generosity and talents in public, and have the wisdom and tact to do business... However, due to the lack of communication methods, social responsibility and self-control, they not only destroy themselves, It also has a negative impact on others, society and the country.

Perfecting one's own character can not only grasp one's own destiny, but also the destiny of the nation. For the development of the nation and the modernization of China today, we need young people with all-round character development. Everyone has different degrees of character defects, and those who can be familiar with and try to make up for their own defects are valuable talents for the country not only in terms of cognition but also in terms of contribution. Only when people are strong can a country be strong.

Perfect your character, grasp your destiny, and start now.

Mastering Fate Composition (12)

We often hear that some people are always complaining that God does not give them opportunities, and their own destiny is very bad. When you think about it carefully, why complain? There will be no pie in the sky. Opportunities are gained through hard work, and destiny is also in your hands. Perhaps many people have heard of such a story: a mediocre person visited Zen Master with a question about fate: "Do you think there is really a destiny?"? "Yes," the Zen master replied. "Is it my destiny to live in poverty?" he asked. Zen Master told him that there were three destiny lines on each person's hand, and then Zen Master asked him to hold his hand tightly. Zen Master asked, "Where are these lines now?"? "In my own hands!" He suddenly realized. It turns out that fate is in your own hands, not in the mouth of others!

This is fate. If you look at your own fists, you will find that part of the lifeline is exposed. It tells us that most of our destiny is in our own hands, and only a small part is in the hands of "opportunity, luck or God". People who have achieved great things through the ages have worked hard and strived for them with their whole life to finally achieve their dreams. Therefore, when your achievements are not ideal, don't complain about your lack of talent, but should think about whether you have made continuous efforts. Let's learn from Liu Xiang, the first Asian Olympic champion in hurdles. Does his success also depend on fate? No, he relies on training year after year; By constant struggle; By constantly defeating himself, this is the secret of his success: believe in his own ability and firmly hold the fate in his own hands. The life of regret and complaint will not change your destiny, it will only consume more of your time. Unsuccessful people usually release their hands carelessly, leaving their fate far away from them. They are helpless in the face of fate, which is also the main reason why they fail to realize their ideals. It is useless to wait for the hare. Destiny will not favor those who are unprepared. Only by continuous exploration and overcoming various unfavorable factors can we obtain opportunities. In fact, success also depends on the attitude towards fate, because there will be many setbacks in one's life, and success is just hidden in these setbacks. "As the saying goes, the sky will place great responsibilities on people, and they will suffer from mental hardships, strain their muscles and bones, and starve their skin. If you shrink back when encountering problems, and do not continue to work hard, you will have nothing to do, and the door to success will always be closed to you.

So it seems that the power of destiny is great. It seems to control everything. But don't forget that destiny is in our own hands. Only when we grasp the theme of life, can we reach the other side of happiness!

Therefore, the meaning of life lies in continuous exploration and progress. When encountering difficulties, please hold your hands and remember that destiny is in your hands!

Mastering Fate Composition (13)

Once upon a time, by the side of a stream, there was a huge rock. Next to the rock, there is a small medium rock. Little Rock asked her mother, "Mom, why do we stay here all the time? I really want to fly to the blue sky with free birds; I want to become a happy fish and play in the water; I also want to become a cruel lion, so that we won't be bullied in the future." Her mother just smiled, He said, "Silly boy, we are just ordinary rocks without these functions. We can only accept fate. Those who are better off may be mined and put in the exhibition room. Those who are unlucky are dug up, chopped up, mixed into cement, and stay underground forever." After that, Yan Shi's mother wept. Little Rock frowned and said, "Mom and Mom, why are you crying?" Her mother wiped her tears and said, "Son, you don't know! Your father was caught to fill the road. He hasn't come back yet, and he may stay underground forever!" After that, her mother shed glistening tears again. Little Rock stopped asking, because he knew that his mother would be more sad if he asked again.

Life has been very calm and carefree. Suddenly, Little Rock in deep sleep heard her mother's urgent cry: "Take good care of yourself, my mother, I'll go first~" Little Rock suddenly opened her eyes, "No! Mom, where are you going?" She saw her mother was shoveled away by an iron forklift, and her mouth still said: "Take good care of yourself, child!" "Mom, Mom! You come back, I don't want you to go! I don't want it! Come down! Get down! You want to accompany me! Mom! " The little rock cried. With tears in her eyes, Mother Rock said softly: "My child, I'm fine, but I'm going to a far place." "Wuwuwu~" Little Rock refused to say anything, "I don't want you to go! I don't want you to go!" Before the words were finished, Mother Rock had been transported away.

After the incident, Xiaoyan was very angry about it and refused to forget it. I thought to myself: "Where has my mother gone? Was she transported to fill the road? No, no, no! Or was it sent to the exhibition hall? Maybe. What should I do? When I thought about it, I saw a worker picked up the rock, and the worker took the rock into the car and drove away.

You said, where was the small rock transported? No one knows, no one knows. Did you guess?

Mastering Fate Composition (14)

The same way of life, different people, out of the same landscape. This is the charm of choice.

"Wow, wow" The train of life has started from the starting point since we made the first cry. Toward a different direction of life, he began to fill the empty carriage with different fruits of life.

Yeah! No matter what your appearance or personality is, as long as you know that your destiny is in your own hands, everything is easy. Just as Tolstoy did not give up his desire for fate because of his ugly appearance, and brewed War and Peace; Condoleezza Rice did not lose confidence in life because of discrimination against blacks, so she created the Secretary of State in the Bush era; Lincoln was not hit by nine failures. Finally, he was elected President of the United States and became a winner.

The Chinese do not give up hope because the Japanese army tramples on the motherland. They defend the motherland, the nation, life and destiny. They didn't want their life to be controlled by the Japanese. They wanted to hold their life tightly with iron fists, so the fascists returned to their own territory in confusion.

Eighty years of life, twenty-nine thousand two hundred days, can be said to be long. However, how can we give up this good time when we are in the prime of youth. Yue Fei fought on the battlefield for many years, and realized the philosophy of "Don't wait to whiten the head of a teenager"; Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou and learned that "the passage of time is like this, but he never went there". In the face of fate, I have lost, I have been sad, and I have no choice. I have cried, I have shed tears, I have shouted, I complain why the fate is unfair to me. However, there are dry tears and hoarse voices. I have questioned fate, but fate is silent; I have questioned life, life does not speak. God said to me: "Son, look back at yourself." I vent crazily, because I don't understand; I cursed crazily because I didn't understand.

But I was wrong.

It snowed heavily that day. I walk in the drifting snow. Looking back indifferently, I saw the area just now, pure and flawless, without any other footprint pollution. A new set of footprints was printed. That's mine. That's mine. In the white snow, the footprints are so conspicuous, which is a new road. My way, stepped out. I understood the meaning of God, and I walked away from it.

Hold the destiny in your hand and let yourself control your destiny. Choose fate before fate chooses you!

I am looking forward to the coming of tomorrow and the next prosperous spring.

Mastering Fate Composition (15)

The gate, which was entangled with thorns, was closed without a trace of light.

In the middle of the mansion is a dilapidated stage. The curtain has been torn off and filled with dirty footprints. On the stage, a group of puppets are waving their hands and feet to start a stage play. It is like the bottomless valley in the eyes of many black mercury. If you empty it, you will lose your mind; There was no training, no harmony, and the puppets only followed the "Taiben", which was called "Taiben", every day without any purpose. The rope behind the puppets is long and long, so there is no end. I don't know where it leads; The person who controls behind them has never appeared, but it is engraved in their hearts.

Day after day, strange music is still playing; Suddenly, I saw the thorns near the door running away in a panic, showing countless small round holes. The outside light comes through these small round holes, like the dark night sky cut by shining stars; The ceiling of the house is crumbling, and light dust bursts out.

The warm light is nectar, which nourishes the hearts of puppets and cleans their eyes; The dazzling light is red flame, which breaks the rope behind the puppet; The gentle light is a pair of catkins, pulling them back from the bottom of the valley and leading cadres into a new world.

When the puppet steps on it, the hot air balloon gradually rises higher and higher; Looking down, we can see the insignificant mansion and the puppets who hesitated and stopped at the gate. I saw that the rope that had been broken before was held by itself and became the rudder of the hot air balloon. The sun is like a plastic film in a raw egg. The egg yolk is filled with puppets, arousing a gradient, and the wood face is full of confidence.

The small puppet guided the balloon to fly higher and farther. At that time, the mansion was just like floating dust. Overlooking the lower part, my lips were stretched out, and proud words came out of my mouth.

Farewell, which area does not belong to me!

The puppet crosses the clouds and the rainbow; The puppet is no longer an object trapped in the mansion before, but a real person; With ideal; Having thought; With that pair of wings, he soars and spreads his wings. Waiting for him is the vastness of the world; Embracing him is the wonderful scene of the ground; Leading him is his own ideal heart. The hot air balloon will fly higher and higher. It will be ten thousand feet high and ten thousand miles away; Considering the space, I vowed to suppress the old man who is called "Heaven".

Mastering Fate Composition (16)

The wind blows fate into petals and scatters them on the earth without leaving a trace, making people unaware of its existence and its track. However, the window of the mind gradually blurred. Obscure. Dizziness

1、 Mountain stream

From the small spring eye, a mountain stream flows through the foot of the mountain with laughter and noise, while the cynical one is also fooled by fate.

It flows through many ponds. lakeside. Reservoirs, they tempt the happiness and vitality of mountains, streams and ponds in different ways; Charming and enchanting lakeside; The depth and magnificence of the reservoir... With a belief, the mountain stream always resists from the pond. lakeside. The temptation of the reservoir. It wants to find the widest place that will never be dried up by evaporation.

So he broke through all the obstacles and tried his best to move forward. Flowing... Finally, the Nth hundredth time I woke up, the sun was shining on only one third of the river body, and it clearly saw a vast ocean in front of me. The sea billowed and beat the reef hard, and the splashing water reflected dazzling sunlight like a prism. It is delighted. Without hesitation, drag the exhausted body and slowly flow into it. At the moment when it touched the sea, it felt the sublimation of its soul, as if all the waves were cheering for it. cheer.

Shanxi reached his goal, and finally did not fall into the control of fate. Along the way, I didn't know that the petals of fate had been exposed on the land moistened by the stream.

2、 Dagger mark

"The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never recover..." The ancient hero Jing Ke failed to assassinate Qin. Who knows, he did not regret, the crown prince did not regret, and the rusty dagger did not regret.

In front of King Qin's Hall, the dagger shows its sharp edge. At the moment when the dagger was stabbed out, the hand holding it suddenly became weak and was thrown out and nailed to the stone pillar. The treasured dagger saw the emptiness of its master. Helpless eyes and heart must be dripping blood.

It is also cold and cold. The precious dagger is still in the stone pillar. Let the air erode it, let the dust bury it, and there is a dead silence in my heart

It does not know that the petals of fate have already rotted and withered when the hand lifted it. The precious dagger came from human hands and was also destroyed by human hands. The dagger mark on the column is its fate.

Two different things have their own destinies, whether they are mountains or streams or precious daggers. There is control and accusation between them and fate. In any case, they all left their own destiny in reality. It's just that the results are different.

In life, what kind of traces can we make of fate? Expectation=unknown

Mastering Fate Composition (17)

How much love, pain, pain and hatred are in your heart; People are doomed to live in this love, pain and hatred in their life; Is it true that everything is doomed in one's life. My destiny is always in my own hands. I will use my efforts today to change my destiny tomorrow; The destiny is always in your own hands. Go ahead and strive to create a perfect life with your own characteristics; The destiny is always in your own hands. Go ahead, run, and create a beautiful sky of your own; The destiny is always in your own hands. Go after it, go beyond it, and create miracles. Let youth have no regrets.

Mastering Fate Composition (18)

We must face such a strange fact that in this world, there are fewer outstanding successes and more mediocre failures. Successful and outstanding people live a full, comfortable and unrestrained life; The failure of mediocre people leads an empty, difficult and wretched life.

Why is that? The following sentence gives us a clear enlightenment:

Two men looked out from the prison window. One saw the earth, and the other saw the stars.

Some people like to say that their current situation is caused by others, and the environment determines their position in life. However, this is not the case. In any particular environment, people have a final freedom to choose their own attitude.

The greatest power we have, the ability to make choices, plays a most important role. You can make yourself a good person or a difficult person; You can help others enthusiastically, or you can refuse others thousands of miles away; You can cooperate modestly with others, or you can be stubborn; You can make yourself excited or calm down; You can make yourself angry, or you can make yourself indifferent to those things that would make you angry; You can be an amiable person or a mean person; You can trust others, or you can trust no one; You can think that everyone is against you, or you can be confident that everyone likes you; You can be clean and refreshing, or sloppy and slovenly; You can be lazy or ambitious; You can be smart and outstanding, or you can be wretched; You can win a successful life, and you can also make emptiness, hardship and depression your survival content

There are thousands of people in the world who spend their lives like walking corpses. They have no idea of their own "ability to choose". They are willing to let the future life become a burden for themselves and others. In fact, there are only small differences between people, but such small differences often cause huge differences. A small difference is the difference in people's choice of direction, and the key difference in the choice of direction is whether they have a positive or negative attitude. A huge difference is happiness excellence and failure mediocrity.

There are many paths to happiness and excellence. Our so-called difference is not some kind of genius, some kind of magic, something we do not have, that is, the elements of success (happiness and excellence) are in our own hands, that is, the ability to make good use of choices.

People often say that their ideas cannot be changed. In fact, it is up to us to decide how to look at life.

We can't predict the various situations of life, but we can adapt to it. No one in the world can change you, only you can really change yourself, no one can defeat you, only you.

I am the master of my own destiny and the leader of my own soul. To be the leader of your own soul will naturally become the master of your destiny. This is a universally applicable law.

Life can be very valuable, or it can be nothing, whatever you choose.

Life treats us as we treat it.

How we treat others, others will treat us.

Our environment - psychological, emotional and spiritual - can be completely created by our own attitude.

A person who has complete control over his own heart will also have control over anything else he has the right to obtain.

Mastering Fate Composition (19)

In real life or work and study, everyone has dealt with composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the composition of mastering your own destiny compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference. Let's have a look.

On Sunday afternoon, I stood by at 5:30. Eyes staring at the time on the phone, the minute hand slowly, not in a hurry, but I was anxious. I simply asked my uncle to pick me up at 4:20 and take a look at the scenery along the way.

"Di..." Uncle came.

From the moment I got on the bus, I felt my heart was shaking and very uneasy, while my uncle was showing off "Look at our middle school at that time, if it wasn't..." I couldn't hear a word, just looked at the roadside.

Although it's just for a visit, I think that everyone is watching your performance and watching your every move. If there is any mistake, the fate of junior high school will change accordingly.

My uncle and father seemed to see my anxiety and wanted to take me to the Riverside Park.

Probably because of the beautiful scenery, good environment and rich fragrance of flowers, there are so many people coming here. What they do here is: sitting on the lawn talking and laughing, taking pictures, fishing... They are all so happy, but I am not happy.

"Tongtong, look, all the things we played in childhood came from nature. Have you heard about them?"

"No" I just answered him lightly.

He went to a small willow tree, broke off a small branch, took out the core, blew with his mouth, and made a sound. Eh, what a miracle!

"Why, you haven't played?"

"Never heard of it."

We walked to the lake and looked at the jumping river. It seemed that we were comforted. It seemed that the river was encouraging me: Come on! I believe that you can pass smoothly, just like I pass through the hole, you can also get excellent results again.

After seeing the beautiful scenery, I feel relaxed from nervousness. I hope Buddha bless me for this visit, which is actually a "bilingual trip" for review.

Where will I spend my middle school life? What is my fate in middle school? In the present view, everything is a mystery, and all these achievements will be forged by my efforts.

On that day, I visited a bilingual school that might become my middle school. Standing at the door, I said in my heart: Yes, better than I thought.

After waiting for a moment, I accompanied our monitor and a strange girl into the middle school.

Everything here is so beautiful: the dormitory is clean, the quilt is neat, the dining room is clean, the students are polite and orderly, the classroom is quiet enough to hear the sound of a mosquito flying, the teacher and the principal are very standard in Mandarin and dressed neatly... All these things are more perfect than those on TV, which frightens me and makes me uneasy.

When the students here walked into the dining room, they lined up with a book in their hand, while we watched them silently. When all of them went in, we followed them in. There was no sound in the dining room, and everyone's food was the same. After we left, the students who were blocked by us passed by one after another, The distance between all people is almost one meter, and the 'perfection' here gives me a kind of inexplicable fear and anxiety.

At the end of the evening self-study tour, the classroom was silent, the teacher was not there, they did not even lift their heads to make a roll, the table was neat and consistent, and our arrival seemed to disturb them. All this surprises and upsets me.

If I saw the children visiting the restaurant in the procession of entering the restaurant a few years later, would I lift my chest and head proudly? What will I think? I may think: this is another good "100 words of new things" material. At that time, would I still insist on writing "100 words of new things"? Do you have time to write? All this is a mystery at this moment.

When the time comes, the mystery will be solved. I want to master my own destiny in my own hands, so the knowledge in my head is the key to master my own destiny. So I need to study hard now to master my own destiny.