Plan for final exam (4 preferred)
Little old man
2024-03-19 07:55:45

Plan for final exam (1)

The tense final exam has passed. This exam is filled with emotion.

In terms of the three main subjects, although the total score of this exam ranked sixth in the grade (the total score of all subjects ranked fourth in the grade), it did not play well. Except for English, other subjects did not play well. Although English is playing well, the analysis of points deduction mainly focuses on selection and reading. Therefore, I will strengthen the training of reading and grammar in the future.

Maths was my strong point, but this exam was the worst. The reason was that I skipped steps because I wanted to save time and was lazy, which led to wrong questions. For example, I did not list the process on the draft paper, but wrote the results directly, which led to the process of subtracting - 4 into subtracting 4. Another 3 points word problem was originally based on 5 children as the price balance point. To increase the number of children, I should start from 6. But I used 7 to calculate for convenience, and 3 points were deducted. My grandfather looked at my test paper and said that if I played better, I would get full marks.

The reason why Chinese is not good is that it can not adapt to the teaching method of middle school teachers, and it usually lacks composition exercises and exam drills. Although I usually finish my homework on time, I can't say that everything will be all right if I finish my homework. Because of the lack of practical drills, I rushed to the battle during the exam, and it is conceivable that I was defeated. In this exam, 12 points were deducted from the reading question alone, and I only got 50 points from the composition with 60 points. The composition in middle school is quite similar to that in primary school. However, I still stay in primary school to a large extent due to the lack of training in this aspect after entering middle school, and the lesson is really profound.

In the future, I will make up my mind to get rid of the bad habit of saving time. Carefully examine the topic and do a good job in every step. Second, we should strengthen the language units, class hour drills (try to download some test papers from the Internet for practice) and composition exercises, so that each class hour, each unit can be fully digested (the same with other classes), and strive to make the final exam more advanced.

The above is my feeling after the final exam. From now on, I will work hard to lay a good foundation for the next exam.

Plan for final exam (2)

When I first entered the fifth grade, I felt a little unfamiliar with a new course, but I was very familiar with my classmates and teachers. At the end of the semester, the most important day finally came - the final exam. The final exam is a test of how well you master and apply what you have learned in a semester. Therefore, the final exam should not be relaxed. You should step up your review and strive to achieve good results in the final exam.

In order to sprint for the final exam, I specially made a final review plan to make my final review more scientific and effective. In my three subjects of language, mathematics and English, mathematics is relatively poor, so I will strengthen the review of mathematics. So I made a final review plan.

My plan is as follows: in the remaining days, I will take out the test papers and redo them, and repeat some wrong questions until I can do them. Do more exercises, look at some key and difficult problems that the teacher has talked about, learn methods, and you will not be afraid of similar problems. Take out books of various subjects and read more. If you don't understand something, you should ask, which is the so-called "learn more, learn more".

I hope my final review plan will help me get good grades in the final exam. However, one thing I firmly believe is that as long as I pay, I will be rewarded. As long as I review carefully and attentively, I can achieve good results. If I do not review carefully, then I should not expect to achieve good results in the final exam. It is the so-called "pay, pay", and "no pay, don't want to return", This is my only belief in the final exam. I will take this belief as my motivation and stick to it.

This is my final review plan, not bad! Here, I wish you all good results in the final exam. Let's cheer for the final exam!

Plan for final exam (3)

Time flies. I can still remember the scene of the beginning of school. The smoke of the mid-term exam seems to have just subsided, and the drum of the final exam has sounded again. The final exam is not only a comprehensive review of students' academic achievements this semester, but also a challenge to everyone's comprehensive quality, and a test of students' self-confidence, self-consciousness, willpower and integrity. We can't ask everyone to become a winner, but we hope everyone can be a brave person who pursues progress and transcends himself. In order to help students meet the final exam in the best condition and strive for excellent results, today, I take this opportunity to give you some suggestions:

1、 Thought attaches great importance to heart

The final examination is a great test of what each student has learned, and it is also the key to laying a solid foundation for the promotion to the next grade. Therefore, everyone should attach great importance to it. As long as you pay attention to it ideologically, you will go all out to do a good job of review in a down-to-earth manner, so that you can get good results.

2、 Cherish time and don't waste it

There are only ten days left for the final exam. Under the guidance of the teacher, students should listen carefully to each review lesson, do each exercise conscientiously, complete each homework conscientiously, seize every minute of time, and concentrate on the general review. Don't take chances, don't wait to get an unsatisfactory report card to regret.

3、 Comprehensive review without omission

There are a lot of things to learn in a semester. Under the guidance of the teacher, calm down and review comprehensively, systematically and in a planned way in a down-to-earth manner. Don't forget. On the basis of comprehensive review, find out your weak points, grasp the key points and difficulties, and summarize, sort out and practice. We should also pay attention to methods, link with the reality of life, draw inferences from one instance, and pay attention to the effect of review.

4、 Clarify key points, overcome difficulties and focus on doubts

When sorting out knowledge points, we should grasp the key points, difficulties and doubts. The more important thing of review is to find out and fill in the gaps. We should never let go of the doubts that we have only a little knowledge of. Any problem should not be ambiguous in our minds. We can prepare a book to record all the mistakes that occur in the usual practice and make another analysis to avoid making the same mistake next time.

5、 Make a reasonable review plan

Each student should make a practical plan according to the course reviewed this time. As the saying goes, "Everything is prepared before it is ready, and nothing is prepared before it is abandoned." Many students feel that they have no way to start when reviewing. This requires us to work out a practical review plan suitable for ourselves according to the characteristics of the subject, and make detailed, scientific and reasonable arrangements for the learning in the next few days so that we can have a clear idea. Of course, it is not enough just to have a plan. Students need to focus on making full use of time to ensure the implementation of the plan.

6、 Have confidence in yourself

There is an adage that goes well: "Confidence is a pillar, a vast sky that can support the spirit, and confidence is a piece of sunshine that can dispel the shadow in front of the lost." Let us muster the sail of confidence, swing the oars of struggle, and you will find that success is in your hands.

Keeping pace with the times is our pursuit; Running with the wind, freedom is the direction. Chasing the power of thunder and lightning, I put the vast ocean into my chest, and even the smallest sail can sail far. Dear students, the horn of the exam has been sounded, and the melody of victory is reverberating around the world. At this time, the long wind and waves are flying straight to the sea. Take action, and we will write our own glory. Believe in yourself, there is justice in the world, and pay will be rewarded, and our achievements will be higher and higher!

The above diary of the 2017 senior high school final plan is a fluent and accurate article

Plan for final exam (4)

The semester is drawing to a close, and we are going to enter the final exam. Everyone wants to do well in the final exam and report to their teachers and parents. However, if you want to get good grades, you have to review carefully. Maybe many students will ask how to review? Let me tell you a secret! First of all, let's make a plan first. I don't believe anyone can even make a plan. Let's remind you that the plan must be reasonable! Then implement the plan, that's all. Today, I will tell you my plan first!

At the beginning, we should have a good sleep and have enough spirit to study. When you come to school, you should immediately pick up a book to read early. You should read good words, sentences and paragraphs, read new words, and memorize the parts you want to memorize. After reading the text, you should read the "words inventory". If you haven't read a word, you should keep it in your mind and never forget it. After reading the "words inventory", you should read my findings and the accumulated words and sentences. You must remember the accumulated words or sentences. In class, listen carefully, look at the teacher attentively, listen to every word and sentence the teacher says, and when class is over, sort out the knowledge learned in this class, and then prepare the things to be used in the next class.

When you get home from school, don't procrastinate. You should immediately pick up your homework and stationery to prepare for your homework. Every time you finish an assignment, you should check it three or four times. When you write a composition in the evening, you should type quickly and correctly. After typing, you can immediately pick up your pen and paper to begin copying the composition.

This is my plan. If you have any comments, please tell me quickly so that I can correct the plan in time. Let's have a try and make a review plan!

The diary of the sixth grade final exam in primary school is unique in perspective and brilliant in style, which shows the author's rich accumulation and broad vision regardless of age. Great work!