Warm and small (17 practical articles)
High mountains and flowing water
2024-02-08 05:39:05

Warm small (1)

"Hello! What can I do to help you?" This is a phrase we often say. The tone is soft, as if the spring breeze in March is blowing fresh and comfortable. The small greetings are very sincere. When we first contact with the patient, we can dispel the distance of strangeness, quickly harmonize the nurse patient relationship, and bring the patient a kind of trust that can be relied on.

"Hello! I'm your responsible nurse. I'm going to give you an injection now, and it will hurt a little, but I will try my best to be gentle, and please cooperate with me." Many people think that nurses are wordy. It's not very common to do injections in hospital. Take out a sleeve and tie it. It's always painful. But high-quality nursing services let us understand that it is more important to face every patient with a sincere "heart" in work, care with "heart", and move with "emotion". There was an explanation before operation, and after infusion, an additional explanation of pressing time should be enough. If these small details are well done, patients will not only be satisfied, but also be moved.

Good words warm in winter, bad words hurt in October. Warm greeting is an art. In nursing service, it is important to ask or explain or care, and appropriate communication is very important. For example, when patrolling the ward, more greetings, more explanations before operation, more comforts during operation, more thanks after operation, more care when leaving hospital, more care when following up after discharge. All the small greetings can make patients feel warm and let them know that they are not fighting alone in the face of the pain, We angels in white escort their health.

Warm small (2)

There are little things in life. They can help others, they can do what they can, and they can also do meaningful things themselves. Behind these little things, there is a warm heart.

I was very tired after school, because I really did too many things today. I slowly walked to the bus stop. When I got there, I found a pillar, rested next to it and waited for the bus to come. At this time, the bus was coming. I found that one of my classmates seemed very nervous, and hurriedly searched for something in his schoolbag, Is something missing? When the bus arrived, I ran to him and asked him, "Classmate, have you lost something, His heart should be warm.

After getting on the bus, I sat on the seat, squinting my eyes and half asleep. Because the way home was still far away, someone got on the bus at the station. It was a pregnant woman with a big stomach. The driver shouted, "Who will give a seat to the pregnant woman?" I thought: I had to go so far to get home, and I was so tired today. Let others let me go. After waiting for a long time, no one got up. Aunt sighed deeply. I immediately got up and said, "Aunt, sit here." Aunt smiled at me. The once awkward atmosphere in the car was finally resolved. I believe that aunt will be very warm in her heart.

After arriving at the station, I got off the bus and watched from a distance an old man rushing to greet me. When the bus was about to leave, I immediately called the driver and said, "Uncle, wait a minute." After a while, the old man finally caught the bus, smiled and said to me, "Thank you, boy, it's still a lot of good people." I smiled and responded to him. At this time, the grandpa should be very warm.

Yes, there are so many small things in our life, which makes me understand that there is true love in the world. We should not only face difficulties happily, but also be full of love and compassion for others. In this way, our world will become so beautiful and our society will become so harmonious.

Warm and small (3)

My sister's name is Diandian, but recently she has a new nickname - Xiaobai, because she has the same ability to warm people's hearts as Dabai.

When I am unhappy, I feel better when I see a little angel like smile. Dad came home from work, teased her, listened to her silver bell like laughter, and the tiredness of the day disappeared. She is good at chatting with people. Although she doesn't know what she is talking about, she can always amuse her grandparents.

My sister is very ticklish. When my father scratches her, she giggles, which makes me go to her for homework.

I hope my sister grows up quickly, plays with me, and does homework with me... I also want to learn to be a warm brother.

Editor's Note: After reading this article, I also fell in love with this magical little princess. At the same time, I envy her very much, because I also want a brother who is willing to learn to be warm for me. Jiang Yu, you are great!

Warm small (4)

Western philosopher Russell said that when people care for others, they will always receive a joy of giving.

As the old monk said, "The important thing is our own heat." The Buddhist said, "As people drink water, they know how cold and warm they are." But most of the things in the world are like this. When you think about it, the warmth of the world is not the temperature, but the warmth of the soul.

There used to be an old saying: "Three winters are warm.". Let's warm the world with our love.

Love is missing, is the ancient throb.

Du Zimei said in his poem, "If you can find thousands of spacious buildings, you will be happy to protect the poor people all over the world." It is an unspeakable happiness to be missed among thousands of people. He also cursed: "The wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and the road is frozen to death." I saw a man who wanted to warm the world with his own power over thousands of years, and I heard the love and hate in his words. That love is a warm feeling, melting the ice of winter. He is also not lonely. Listen to this: "Today, I am He Gongde. I never worked in agriculture and mulberry. There are three hundred official salaries and stones, and there is surplus food in the old age. I feel ashamed of myself and cannot forget it every day." Bai Letian also left a warm mark in history, which has been sung for thousands of years.

They are bold and resolute, and leave their true feelings in the world. They have spread the red scroll from the depths of history, word by word, like the ancient heartbeat, warming people for three winters.

Love is good advice and the beacon of navigation.

Tuesday is a story about Mickey and his "coach" Murray. Although Murray suffered from muscular atrophy, and even clearly felt the coming of death, he still influenced others with love and optimism. He and Mickey discussed love and life together, and they always had a saying in mind that love is the only rational behavior. A dying man loves the world and does not stint on the ability to love. He hopes to warm those who are in the severe winter of life with love. This book is like a bridge, which sets up a passage to love. Morrie left, leaving behind love and the words related to love.

Love is a very ordinary thing, it is about giving, a smile, a word, or a hug. It teaches people what is warmth and courage, and encourages people in despair to go on. It is like a beacon in the fog, clear and vague, but it really gives people hope to move forward.

Love is selfless and brave.

He Yue, a lively and innocent angel, sent hope of life to others with his incomplete wings. At the last moment of her life, she left the world a great love - organ donation. It is the time of love that quietly leaves. "Where is the spring river without moonlight" is the perfect portrayal of her life. She came and never left, because she warmed the world with the last light of ordinary life.

Perhaps the warmth of human relations will not be determined by us. But I firmly believe that as long as you pay more love, the world will be better.

"What matters is our heat." If so, let's make an appointment to warm the world with our true love.

Warm and small (5)

I put books, food and clothes by my pillow.

Let the little match girl feel happy and beautiful on Christmas Day.

I close my eyes.

Go to sleep.

I want to send knowledge to the little match girl.

I put my book by my pillow.

Let her read.

Let knowledge bring her happiness.

I want to send warmth to the little match girl.

I put my clothes by the pillow.

Let her put on new clothes.

Let warmth bring her happiness.

I want to send food and clothing to the little match girl.

I put the food beside my pillow.

Let her have enough to eat.

Let food and clothing bring her happiness.

I want to send a lot of things to the little match girl.

Let her feel happy and joyful on New Year's Day.

I want to send it to the little match girl

Warm small (6)

There is a warm one that she wants to grow up.

She was stuck in the haystack when she was born, she was thinking.

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I.

She asked Xiao Cao, who knew nothing about it.

The hurried postcard told her.

You are a little warm. Little warm is amazing.

Xiaowen wants to grow up, so she is led by ducks.

When I came to Mr. Pig's house, Mr. Pig was eloquent.

But when it comes to the great warmth, he is tongue tied.

Small warmth set foot on the road to find big warmth.

When you are tired and about to fall down as soon as possible.

A pair of hands hugged her, which was very warm.

Da Huan told her that only holding a exhausted person sincerely could grow up.

Finally, she hugged a exhausted person and grew up.

At this moment, she is still waiting at the roadside, ready to grow up.

Warm small (7)

There is a warm one that she wants to grow up.

She was stuck in the haystack when she was born, she was thinking.

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I.

She asked Xiao Cao, who knew nothing about it.

The hurried postcard told her.

You are a little warm. Little warm is amazing.

Xiaowen wants to grow up, so she is led by ducks.

When I came to Mr. Pig's house, Mr. Pig was eloquent.

But when it comes to the great warmth, he is tongue tied.

Small warmth set foot on the road to find big warmth.

When you are tired and about to fall down as soon as possible.

A pair of hands hugged her, which was very warm.

Da Huan told her that only holding a exhausted person sincerely could grow up.

Finally, she hugged a exhausted person and grew up.

At this moment, she is still waiting at the roadside, ready to grow up.

Warm small (8)

At this time, the sunset turned the near blue sky into a deep red.

Looking at the red sun running home, it seems like a happy homecoming. Now I look just the opposite.

Because of today's singing activity, school ended early, and all my friends left, but I sat alone on the stone steps of the school waiting for parents because my mother didn't come to pick me up.

I am an impetuous person. I have no patience. I don't want to explain why my mother is in trouble. I try to excuse her. Just keep whispering and reading constantly, making my mood more and more irritable.

"What grade is it, little friend?" The boy's voice came from behind.

I was stunned and turned around suddenly. It turned out to be the security uncle of the school.

Before I could see his appearance clearly, I was frightened by his formal uniform. So I dodged to one side, lowered my head and cautiously replied, "Third grade."

He didn't seem to care about my little actions, and his voice was friendly: "Have your parents not come to pick you up yet?" "Hmm..." I pursed again.

"It will be cold after sunset. Come and sit in the guard room with your uncle." He walked around to me. "No, I'll wait here." I was still very upset, even thought he was meddling. He squatted down and said, "It's warm inside. Then call your mother."

Seeing that I hesitated, he reached for me and took my little hand.

Strangely, there is a warm feeling in the late autumn dusk?

After entering the guard room, he carelessly took off his hat and gave me the phone. When I was dialing the phone, I secretly looked at him: black and thick eight character eyebrows, high nose, thick lips, holding a smile, eh

I snorted and laughed: "Ha ha, your face is so square."

"What?" He raised his eyebrows and hesitated. "... Hum, forget it, childlike talk." After comforting himself, Uncle Security also glanced at me: "Hum."

We could not help laughing together.

He brought snacks from the school canteen and filled my cup with hot water. I finally stopped thinking about the words "security", "stranger" and "terrible". I relaxed and devoured them.

When his mother came to pick me up, he touched my head and said, "Go home quickly." He didn't take a few steps, but when he turned back, the light in the warm little house had been turned off.

I remember, still remember.

Warm small (9)

Yesterday was Christmas Eve in the West.

In my heart, I don't really want and like this festival. In other words, this festival seems to have nothing to do with me. Colleagues bought a beautiful stockings for their daughter, and of course prepared a small gift to cheer the children. I don't have stockings, of course, I don't have gifts, and I don't think Santa Claus will silently give me his blessing when I am asleep.

The telephone in the office rang again and again, and the director's reminder of love came from his ear again and again: No overtime is allowed for today's holiday!

On the way home, I thought: Do you want to prepare some gifts for your children? Go into the supermarket, choose from left to right, and finally choose a bag of snacks. For children, as long as it is given by the teacher, they all like it

Christmas Eve, everything is very calm, as usual

In the morning, when I opened the door of the office, Miss Yang, Xiaojia and Lan Lan had already sat in the office. Their faces were filled with happy smiles, and they felt so good! The thing on the desk attracted my attention: a heart-shaped card. I looked at them and asked in surprise, "Whose is this?" They smiled without answering. Take a closer look. There are gifts on everyone's desk! Huh? They were happy: "From Santa Claus!" Ha ha

Happiness welled up in my heart. This is my first Christmas gift. I also understand that yesterday, the director repeatedly urged us to go home as soon as possible. Good wishes, lovely "Christmas gifts", leaders with humanistic care, and a united collective are the spirit of Huiwen! This is Huiwen Group full of love and warmth!

Small gift, "big" warmth.

Warm small (10)

"Why hasn't the car come yet? I'm tired to death. It's such a hot day that I'm exposed to the sun outside. I hate it..." I just came out of the Forbidden City full of fatigue, and "tired" is also around my feet. How I want to get on the car and have a rest!

But God seems to have forgotten me. The car has not arrived yet, so I have to wait quietly.

"Dang, dang, dang..." A clear voice accompanied by the wind dance came to my ears.

This sound is very familiar. I squeezed out a huge crowd, and it was a beggar who heard the sound. He is a disabled person with short legs and very small stature. He has no hands, only two short arms. Under the disordered hair like a bird's nest, there was a dark square face. The eyes were full of hope but also revealed a trace of depression. There was a tear in the corner of the eye. He clamped a small broken bowl with his short arm and body. He shook and shook. The only coins in the bowl collided with the bowl, forming a beautiful music - "dang, dang, dang..."

I was shocked. My nose was sore. I felt a little sympathy for the poor young man.

As he walked slowly, his eyes were full of hope when passers-by passed him. He is eager to get help from others. The students also seemed to notice him, and they all surrounded him and talked about him, hoping that they could do their part for the poor uncle and let him get their help. The students donated a small part of their pocket money to him and put it into the shabby bowl. Although the money donated by the students is not very much, it fully reflects the students' concern and care for the disabled.

The uncle's eyes were no longer depressed and his tears were gone. Instead, he smiled and said, "Thank you so much.". I turned over my pocket and found only three yuan change. I walked up to him and gave him two yuan, and the remaining one yuan was to buy an "old popsicle". Just as he was about to turn around and walk away, he saw his face -- a square face full of vicissitudes of life, and even a wrinkle. On the thin face, it seems that the bones will break the "face". My heart trembled, and I put the remaining one yuan into it. The money inside was like a child, peacefully "asleep" in the arms of my mother in a broken bowl. "Thank you, little girl!" I smiled at him and nodded.

Although we lost a few yuan in just a few minutes, it may buy some snacks, an ice cream or a bottle of drinks, but we are happy from the bottom of our hearts. Because we helped a person in need in just a few minutes. This scene is the most beautiful picture in China and the most moving chapter in the world!

A few banknotes were packed in that small broken bowl.

Warm small (11)

On a dim night, my parents and I walked leisurely home after shopping.

On the path. It was dark all around, and the cool wind blew through the weeds and beat on us. The three of us leaned together, smelling the fresh and natural air, and immersed in the symphony played by insects and frogs.

At this time, his father's pace slowed down, and a few strands of hair were blown by the cool wind, and a trace of pain flashed on his face. I asked doubtfully: "Dad, what's the matter with you?" My father smiled in the wind without saying anything, but his smile was reassuring - all the time, no matter what kind of difficulties he was in.

After a while, my father stopped, looked at us, looked at his feet, and seemed to be making a decision. Finally, he took off the new pair of white canvas shoes, revealing a pair of red feet.

My mother and I stared at our father, who was frowning. We didn't expect that the person who has been smiling has already been injured.

Suddenly, I threw myself into my father's warm arms, although he almost fell to the ground. When warm wind blew, the pain on my father's face dissipated and he was replaced by the most charming smile.

Moments later, my mother and I held my father. Father didn't want to, but we tried to dissuade him again and again, but he agreed.

In this way, under the dark night sky, on the dim path, my mother and I supported my father, slowly and steadily taking every step. We depend on each other and support each other. There is a bright world around us. The warm wind ripples among the grass, warming our hearts and the path at our feet.

Warm small (12)

My math scores have always been very good, and I have scored more than 96 points in each exam. But this unit test, the lowest score ever - 82 points, is extremely depressing.

After school, as I walked home, I thought about how to explain to my mother. Suddenly, Xuanxuan came up and said happily, "Jun Jun, I got 100 points in the math test!"

At this time, there was a fire in my heart. She showed her 100 points in my ear. Isn't that adding fuel to the fire? I pushed her away and said angrily, "What's so important about 100 points? Go away!" I ran home angrily.

After returning home, I felt more ashamed and decided to apologize to her. When I knocked on her door, I carefully said, "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Xuanxuan said excitedly, "OK! Wait for me to get something!" She took something without letting me see it. When we went for a walk on the court, just about to apologize, Xuanxuan said gently, "Actually, I know you didn't mean to talk to people like that because you must have something on your mind, so I made a clay figure to amuse you." Then she took out a crooked little clay figure, which was made of clay and painted with bright colors, It seems that it took a long time to finish it.

At that moment, tears were rolling in her eyes. Seeing my appearance, Xuanxuan asked anxiously, "Are you all right, Jun Jun?" I wiped my eyes and said happily, "It's all right. It seems that sand has entered my eyes."

An ordinary clay figurine, let me understand the tolerance of my good friend Xuanxuan and the unfailing warmth and care in time.

Warm small (13)

I like the sun, I love the warm sun, because the sun can give me warmth and stability.

I remember another time I failed my exam. When I came home, it rained heavily and I didn't bring an umbrella. At that time, it was really a double whammy. With a little despair, I came home with a trot. Unexpectedly, before I ran home, the rain stopped. Slowly, the clouds gradually dispersed and the sun gradually came out. I was wet by the rain. When I met the warm sun, the whole person became warm in an instant. The haze of failure in the exam in my heart also swept away, so warm. From this time on, I like the sunshine. Sunshine can make my heart warm, let me also become sunshine. Whenever you are in a bad mood, you will see how warm and beautiful the sunshine is.

I like the warm sun in winter. It can make me feel endless warmth, even in cold winter. We are caressed by the sun every day. It is the sun that gives us everything. He nurtures us, cares for the earth, and cares for our middle school students who are worried about their achievements all day long. Therefore, our life is very sunny. In summer, the sun seemed to be playing hide and seek with us. One moment, one moment, one moment, one moment, he even hid in his sister's arms.

Whether it's big woods or wild flower fields all over the mountains, whether it's spring, summer or autumn, the sunshine is new. We breathe in the sunshine and talk and laugh in the fresh air. How wonderful it is. I like a sunny life. I like a free life. Of course, a free life is not a life of self indulgence. I love sunshine. It is warm. Sunshine can make people feel at ease. Sunshine can make people put down their sadness. On the contrary, I don't like rain. The feeling of rain is sad, quiet and sentimental. It doesn't mean the rain is bad, but I just like the sun and its warmth. In reality, I am also a "little sun". I am not only my own little sun, but also the little sun of others. When a friend is sad, I will comfort him. I love to laugh, because I am the little sun. I am not afraid of pain, hardship, sadness, and the long road ahead. I want to live a wonderful life and be my own little sun!

Warm small (14)

Warm short shot composition

In our daily study, work and life, we are often exposed to the composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a warm 'short shot composition' collected by a small editor for everyone. Welcome to share it.

Life consists of many lenses. These lenses are big or small, long or short, but a few small lenses give us warmth.

I remember one cloudy day, the sky was sultry, which made me feel a little suffocated. Our family went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. As soon as I entered the vegetable market, I saw all kinds of red, green, purple, yellow vegetables. My parents were busy shopping with bags, while I was wandering in the market.

After walking for a while, I accidentally found a snack bar where there was a little boy who shouted loudly, never losing to the adults. I walked over and bought some food. When he told me to charge 19 yuan, I felt in my pocket: there was no change, so I paid 20 yuan. At this time, another customer came, so he was busy. I thought that only one yuan was left.

After a while, he looked: Hmm, where is the person? On another look, I found that I had gone far. I also saw him and waved to him, but he didn't seem to understand my meaning and wanted to chase me. So I got on the bus and went back.

I sat in the car, eating snacks, and the car was getting faster and faster. After two minutes, we stopped and waited for the traffic lights. At that time, I saw a battery car running towards our car, with two people, a woman and a child sitting on it. And that boy is that little boy!

He knocked on the window and reached in. He opened his clenched hands and said, "You forgot your change.".

I firmly held the coin with body temperature in my hand, and regarded it as a treasure. That scene warmed my heart.

Warm small (15)

Returning a Warm Home to Small Animals

In real life or work and study, everyone has written compositions, and must know all kinds of compositions very well. With the help of compositions, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So, how to write a composition? The following is my carefully written composition on how to return a warm home to small animals. We welcome you to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Suddenly, a group of fellers marched into the forest with a few "bangs". They picked up the saw tooth, cut it left and right, one tree, two trees and three trees were transported away, and small animals were crying. Isn't it people who want to cut down the forest? yes. In a blink of an eye, all the pines and cypresses on the mountain were cut down. The little animals cried!

They sat on bare stumps and cried loudly! Shouldn't small animals have a warm home? Aren't people so cruel and ruthless? Aren't those endangered small animals going to leave mankind? No, no! If so, our world will be polluted, and we will not be able to survive! Is it not in our world that animals will be abused? The monkey is sobbing: can't I climb the branches anymore? The bird is sad: can't I sing on the branches anymore? Squirrels are lamenting: Is it not at night that I can no longer sleep in a warm nest? They thought.

Trees can not only afforest, but also provide us with oxygen! However... Alas! Those damned fellers! Why do you cut down trees?

I hope that people will not destroy their homes any more and give small animals a warm home!

Warm small (16)

The information and books that children can access now are quite rich. The more such a situation is, the more efforts should be made to give them choices. Choosing some wonderful books for them to read will enable them to get more knowledge, and more importantly, make them happier and kind-hearted. Today, I tried to read the book Polar Bear in Little Newton Science Museum. I feel warm in my heart. This book tells some little knowledge about animals, also about the life habits and living environment of polar bears, and also about the process of mother bears giving birth to cubs and raising cubs. It is filled with thick maternal love, relaxed atmosphere, and cute pictures of polar bears. The white fluffy cotton balls in the ice and snow are really cute and interesting, I think reading such a book will not only learn knowledge, but also make people feel gentle love for animals and the world, and cherish and care for the world.

Warm small (17)

One day, a group of hunters came to the forest. They cut down all the trees and killed many small animals. Small animals are dead, injured, and fleeing. Many small animals have fled, and many small animals are separated from their families! All the trees have been cut down. There are no green leaves, only wooden piles.

One day, a small oriole was flying sadly in the sky, with its head bowed and tears streaming down. It was found that the hunter's leader was sitting on the stump alone. As soon as she thought that he had killed her friends, she immediately went to inform all kinds of animals.

All the surviving animals in the forest came, including elephants, sika deer, chickens, bears, pandas, rabbits and other animals.

As soon as the elephant saw him, he said, "You pulled out my tooth, and now I will pull out your tooth." The monkey said, "I used to have a happy family, but now you have killed it all! Look at the bandage on my head!" The bear said, "I used to live carefree, but now you have disrupted my life. My arm is broken!"

When everyone was about to punish him, he was so scared that his gun and dagger fell out, and his sweat fell like rain. The hunter lowered his head in shame and thought: I have done so many bad things! As long as they can spare me, I will change my ways.

The sika deer said, "Although my beautiful antlers have been sawn off by you, I would still like to let you go straight, as long as you don't come to the forest to destroy them." The hunter nodded quickly.

Since then, the forest has returned to its original beautiful appearance, and the escaped animals have also returned. The forest is full of laughter.