Dragon Boat Festival Tour (7 in general)
Let go
2024-03-01 04:35:47

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (1)

Another Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming. My father and I discussed how to go out by bike. I had just learned to ride a bike recently and wanted to try my hand, so I agreed. I also contacted my sister and decided to go to Sanmenxia Dam Scenic Area on May 3.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the weather was very good. We took some water and drinks and set out eagerly. My sister and I were so excited that we rushed out like lightning without hearing the road traffic safety discipline explained by my father. My car is a child's car, covered with beautiful pictures; My sister's is a mini bike for school; My father rode an old cart. At the beginning, I was a little nervous when driving on the road, because I had just learned to ride, and I also knew that children could not ride a bike until they were 12 years old. But our cheerful mood and the atmosphere of talking and laughing made me forget the tension, and I unknowingly arrived at the gate of the Botanical Garden, and then walked north along the Jingyi Road to the Yanhuang Highway. My sister kept ahead all the way, and I followed closely, leaving my father at the end. The spring wind blew in our ears, blowing our clothes, cool in bursts, and from time to time came my father's voice of "stay away, stay away". In the middle of the journey, we came to the Swan Lake, looked at the vast Yellow River, imagined the white swans, and felt relaxed and happy; By the wheat stem, the green wheat waves dance with the wind, and the slightly yellow wheat leaves tell us that the harvest season is coming.

About 12 kilometers along the Yellow River Highway, there were several sections of uphill roads. We felt a little tired slowly. We were sweating in the heat. My father encouraged me to stick to it. We talked while riding, but we forgot our tiredness. It took nearly three hours to finally arrive at the Dam Scenic Area.

The most interesting thing in the scenic spot is the Crystal Palace, which has many dazzling lights, dazzling people; There are all kinds of colorful ornamental fish competing for the fish food we feed. I couldn't help shouting: "The Crystal Palace is too beautiful".

At noon, we were really hungry and ate twice as much as usual. Dad was afraid that we were hungry again on the way, so he packed the leftovers for energy supplement. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was scorching, and we embarked on the journey home. Maybe I have enough to eat, or maybe my driving skills have improved. I always drive in the front, feeling very relaxed. But my sister and father are only tired of pushing the cart. However, it only took us 40 minutes to complete half of the journey. I took a rest in the middle of the journey and returned home without replenishing my energy.

Lying in a comfortable bed, turning over the photos taken, I saw my suntanned face reflected in my mind. Self driving tour not only contacts with nature, but also strengthens willpower; It not only exercises the body, but also increases knowledge. I like it.

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (2)

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I went to Jindou Mountain with Erjiu, my second aunt and my cousin.

At the foot of the mountain, I looked up to Jindou Mountain with curiosity. The continuous mountain seemed like a camel, right or wrong, like an old man with a bent back, or like the water waves were really different. When my cousin reminded me: "You see there seem to be many locust trees on the mountain!" Suddenly, a good idea flashed in my mind: "Let's go to pick and eat the locust flowers!" "OK!" So a warm current was urging us to move forward.

We were very happy when we first went up the mountain, and the more we walked, the more energetic we became. But because I was careless, I accidentally stepped on a pile of sand. It seemed that the mountain road was very rough, and I almost fell down. At this time, I was nervous and ready to fight!

"Look! There is a big locust tree in front!" We ran to the tree again happily, walked to the tree, looked up, did not expect that the tree is really too tall, how can we do? When everyone was worried, the second uncle patted his chest and said, "It's OK, just leave it to me!" The second uncle climbed up the tree a few times and broke off branches of acacia from the tree. My cousin and I were as busy as little bees picking up branches of acacia from the ground, moving it to a big stone, and began to pick locust flowers from the branches. At first, we picked them very vigorously, Later, I found that there were many small thorns on the branches, either on my hands or on my clothes, and many small insects also came out to make fun of me, hum! I will stick to the end and never give up. So we picked two bags full, which is the fruit of victory. Anyway, I couldn't finish eating. My cousin had another good idea: "Let's sell it and experience life!" "That's a good idea! Let's go down the mountain to sell Huaihua!"

We went back home and divided the locust tree into one piece, one pound, and we went to the market to sell it for one yuan and one pound!

When we came to the market, my cousin and I set up a stall near the fruit stall. We learned from the businessmen and asked the passers-by if they wanted to buy it, but no one would buy it. At this time, an aunt selling tomatoes came up and asked the price. We said one yuan per kilogram. She said, "It's so cheap that people sell it for four yuan a kilogram, The uncle who sold fruits praised the locust flowers we sold well, so the uncle bought three more bags. We still have three bags here, one of which is only half a kilogram. What should we do? The uncle who sold fruits saw that we had a problem, and he saw that the locust was so cheap, so he took the rest of them all. In this way, my cousin and I got a total of seven yuan and fifty cents. We really returned with a full load!

Today is really a happy day, another harvest day!

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (3)

The fifth day of May in the lunar calendar is the annual Dragon Boat Festival, which is a golden time to travel. My father, mother and I all had a 7-day long holiday, during which we visited the legendary Huaguo Mountain with Shouguang Yuanshan Travel Agency.

Huaguo Mountain is located in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, with an altitude of about 620 meters. It is surrounded by mountains and is magnificent.

Early in the morning, people boarded the bus bound for Huaguo Mountain with great enthusiasm, feeling particularly comfortable. That day, the weather was very sunny. My heart had already flown to Huaguo Mountain. I wish I could see the legendary Monkey King at once.

It took about six hours to drive. Looking from afar, the towering Huaguo Mountain looks like seven stone monkeys. The mountain is covered with pine trees and peach trees. People exclaimed, "Ah, that's the beautiful Huaguo Mountain!"

Soon, they came to the foot of the mountain, and people jumped out of the car cheering. Ah, there are so many people today! My father and mother climbed to the top of the mountain with the flow of people. The first thing I saw was two real people dressed as Monkey King and Pig Bajie. Monkey King waved a golden hoop stick with ease; Pig Bajie holds a nine tooth harrow, which is charmingly naive. He also makes funny faces from time to time, causing people to laugh constantly.

The mountain is getting steeper and steeper. There are many monkeys on the mountain. Some jump from one tree to another, some play in groups, some drill into caves to rest, and many pedestrians stop to take photos with monkeys. There are many tea pickers on the mountain, with melodious singing.

Continue climbing and hear the sound of running water in the distance. However, a stream of clear spring poured down from the mountain to form a waterfall about 25 meters wide, which was magnificent and shocking. There are three characters beside the waterfall: "Water Curtain Cave". There is a big hole behind the waterfall. The spring in the hole is crystal clear. Many people are competing to take a group photo at the hole. Many people are also throwing coins into the hole. People often exclaim, "What a beautiful place!"

Then climb up to the top of Huaguo Mountain - Yunv Peak. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, you can have a panoramic view of the large and small scenery and feel that you can see all the small mountains. At this time, my mood was extremely excited, and the fatigue of mountain climbing was swept away, not only sighing that the motherland is so beautiful.

On the way back, people were not tired. They talked about what they had seen and heard when climbing the mountain, and the carriage sometimes gave out bursts of hearty laughter. In the evening, I had a dream that I returned to Huaguo Mountain and Monkey King picked a fresh peach for me!

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (4)

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. We received an invitation from my aunt to spend our holiday at her new house in the mountains of Hangzhou. Early in the morning, we came to the little aunt's house to gather. When everyone arrived, the little uncle said, "Let's go," and we all followed them out and got on the bus. In this way, a group of us went on the road with a huge amount of cars. It was really hot. The sun baked the car trunk surrounded by steel so hot that everyone opened windows and drove on the Shanghai Hangzhou Expressway. After about three hours, we arrived in Hangzhou.

When I came to my aunt's house, I was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of me. The whole community is located on the Yunding Mountain in the suburbs of Hangzhou. There is a big lake in front of the community. The green lake is against the green mountains. I immediately thought of two lines: "The sun rises, the river flowers are red, and the river water is green as blue in spring." The whole community is surrounded by green mountains, With the scattered distribution of tall buildings along the mountain, the community has clubs, supermarkets, football fields, tennis courts, children's parks and small bridges. Here you can hear the murmuring sound of water and the cheerful singing of birds. The air here seems green, so fresh!

After lunch, we went to climb the mountain. Because Grandma was weak and hadn't climbed halfway up the mountain, we had to go back the same way. However, we were very happy when we walked in the community. In the evening, I took a bath early and fell asleep in bed listening to the insects and frogs in the mountains.

The next day, my sister-in-law took us to Lingshan Cave to drill a hole. He said it was a hole. I thought it was more like climbing a hole, because there was a very high mountain in the hole. We climbed for a long time before we came out of the cave. The top of Lingshan Mountain was the first time we came out. I bought three gadgets there as souvenirs. On the third day, I had breakfast with my mother, my little aunt, and my little uncle, and continued to climb the mountain that we had not conquered on the first day. It was raining. We climbed and climbed, and we could not tell whether it was rain or sweat on our faces and bodies. Finally, we climbed to the top of the mountain? On the observation platform, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the whole community, which is really good.

After going down the mountain and having lunch, we were about to leave Hangzhou. I thought: "Hangzhou should be a city. How come there are so many mountains and the scenery is so beautiful? No wonder everyone says that there is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the ground. Hangzhou really deserves to be a paradise on earth!" My aunt asked me, "Will you come back after the holiday?" I nodded immediately: "If you want to come, I must come." It was not early. We got on the bus of my aunt, Yiyi reluctantly left Hangzhou.

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (5)

There is nothing more exciting for children than a family outing. There is a small world with mountains and water, and people in the quiet mountains are at the end of the road. There are unknown wild flowers blooming all over the hillside, and you can also make neighbors with squirrels and rabbits... You can also eat farm meals, but the children enjoy picnics most.

On the weekend, a very good day, June 8, 2008 Dragon Boat Festival, the weather is good and the mood is good. Our family invited her classmates and their family (Xie Xinyuan's family, Yimao Yiyi's family) to come to Jiudu River in Huairou. My husband took the lead in driving. The scenery along the way was endless and beautiful. We arrived at the destination, where there are mountains, water, white ducks, and rows of tall poplar trees. It's really like looking at the mountain at the foot of the mountain. The mountain is even more strange. The blue sky and white clouds are channeling into the sky. It's a sweet little stream and white ducks are dotted. It's really beautiful. The shock and stimulation of beauty immediately came. It shakes the soul, stimulates the blood, stimulates the vision confined to the city, and stimulates the brain seeking stimulation.

At the end of the road, we came to the countryside, where there was a villa style farmhouse. There was a small forest behind us. We parked our car at the roadside, and the children went to the river to chase the white duck. There is no city anxiety and impatience here. There is only a boundless horizon, and only a cloud of pure gas in the forest.

After a while, the children were tired from playing. They came to the woods and took turns to sit on the hammock to rest. The happiness and beauty filled their faces and made them feel particularly comfortable. They played and practiced climbing trees in the woods. Look, her uncle has climbed up the tree and is swinging around like a monkey. This made the child very happy... At this time, a child was shouting "I'm hungry", and our outdoor dining began like this.

Spread the cloth on the ground, and the food immediately piled up like a hill. We all sat in a circle. The tiredness of the moment disappeared, and we immediately came to our appetites. It is a natural canteen, and everyone shares all the food. Bread, fruits, sausages, cans... After wiping your mouth, you can't count the delicacies you have tasted.

At this time, Xinyuan's mother wanted to go to Bird Island. After staying in the nature for a long time, I feel that all the alveoli in my chest are renewed and full of oxygen blood red egg white, and every groove of brain cells is filled with negative oxygen worms. The arteries and veins of the whole body stretch and are very comfortable. Everyone is interested. Let's go! Kill back to Hongluo Lake. I didn't feel sleepy while watching the beautiful scenery of the return trip.

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Bird Island. The weather was a bit hot at this time, but the children didn't care about it. After watching flamingos and Australian pigs, the children came to the children's playground and couldn't walk. They played sand, climbed, pressed the seesaw, and played on the swing. They had a good time. They forgot that they came to Bird Island. We shouted us to look forward. Then they passed a fishing pond. They couldn't walk anymore, so they rented two fishing rods. They were excited and nervous to catch goldfish. These fish are just playing with them. They can't eat them! Add one caught by Yuanyuan's mother and five given by others. As a result, two cedars were divided, two were Yuanyuan, and the next one was the same. Finally, the two girls were taken by Yi to see monkeys and ostriches. The children had a close contact with the animals.


The purpose of this trip was to guide her and tell her some of the most beautiful words in nature. When there are more people, they just have fun.

When she returned home, she told us about the beautiful scenery and mood during the trip. The three members of our family talked about it from one word to another. It mainly reminds her how to describe the beauty and mood at that time. Finally, I made the child dizzy. Yes, as long as there are more people involved, it will be chaotic. I guide her by focusing on the specific details of the Lord. The child will only play sporadically, and then I am helping her bring those scattered things together. Her father was shouting "in chronological order". All the fun has gone away. It will never play again. As a result, they didn't record it for her. But some of the words she said at that time were good. Let her write them down in the form of a diary.

I didn't use her as the first person to record this trip, mainly because I used her as the first person to organize the last trip to the Old Summer Palace. When I came home and read it to her, I made a joke. It was really childish!

I remember another time when I helped my child record an incident that happened in the school at work, because the school had sent a notice about it, and combined with her mood when she returned home, I sorted it out with her as the first person. Then she read it to her. She was surprised and said, "That's it. How did you know it?" You didn't see her expression at that time. I became her idol. I told her not to do bad things behind my mother's back. I will know all about it. Hey hey, funny, you'd better tidy up with her in the future. She dictates and then guides and records.

Hee hee! At dinner, the child sipped his mouth and relished the delicious food at noon. It seems that more outdoor activities should be organized in the future. Let her feel the beauty of nature, let the branches of nature prick their feet, let the mud touch their shoes, let the smell of grass hide in their pants! Let them get unusual meaning. Let them understand that childhood without smelling the fragrance of soil is not a real childhood.

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (6)

Dragon Boat Festival is a festival of eating rice dumplings. This festival is a dragon boat race. Here are some essays about the whole family's trip on the Dragon Boat Festival. Let's have a look.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a very good day at the weekend. The weather is good and the mood is good. Our family invited her classmates and her family to Jiudu River in Huairou. My husband drove ahead of us, and the scenery along the way was endless and beautiful. We arrived at the destination, where there are mountains, water, white ducks, and rows of tall poplar trees. It's really like watching the mountain at the foot of the mountain. The mountain is even more strange. The blue sky and white clouds are rushing through the sky. The sweet trickle and the white ducks are dotted. It's really beautiful. The shock and stimulation of beauty immediately came. It shakes the soul, stimulates the blood, stimulates the vision confined to the city, and stimulates the brain seeking stimulation.

At the end of the road, we came to the countryside, where there was a villa style farmhouse. There was a small forest behind us. We parked our car at the roadside, and the children went to the river to chase the white duck. There is no city anxiety and impatience here. There is only a boundless horizon and pure gas in the forest.

After a while, the children were tired from playing. They came to the woods and took turns to sit on the hammock to rest. The happiness and beauty filled their faces and made them feel particularly comfortable. They played and practiced climbing trees in the woods. Look, her uncle has climbed up the tree and is swinging around like a monkey. This made the children very happy... At this time, a child was shouting "I'm hungry", and our outdoor dining began like this.

Spread the cloth on the ground, and the food immediately piled up like a hill. We all sat in a circle. The tiredness of the moment disappeared, and we immediately came to our appetites. It is a natural canteen, and everyone shares all the food. Bread, fruits, sausages, cans... After wiping your mouth, you can't count the delicious food you have tasted.

At this time, Xinyuan's mother wanted to go to Bird Island. After staying in the nature for a long time, I feel that all the alveoli in my chest are renewed and full of oxygen blood red egg white, and every groove of brain cells is filled with negative oxygen worms. The arteries and veins of the whole body stretch and are very comfortable. Everyone is interested. Let's go! Kill back to Hongluo Lake. I didn't feel sleepy while watching the beautiful scenery of the return trip.

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Bird Island. At this time, the weather was a bit hot, but the children didn't care about it. After watching flamingos and Australian pigs, the children came to the children's playground and couldn't walk. They played sand, climbed, pressed the seesaw, and played on the swing. They had a good time. They forgot that they came to Bird Island. We shouted us to look forward. Then they passed a fishing pond. They couldn't walk anymore, so they rented two fishing rods. They were excited and nervous to catch goldfish. These fish are just playing with them. They can't eat them! Add one caught by Yuanyuan's mother and five given by others. As a result, two cedars were divided, two were Yuanyuan, and the next one was the same. Finally, the two girls were taken by Yi to see monkeys and ostriches. The children had a close contact with the animals.


The purpose of this trip was to guide her and tell her some of the most beautiful words in nature. When there are more people, they just have fun.

When she returned home, she told us about the beautiful scenery and mood during the trip. The three members of our family talked about it from one word to another. It mainly reminds her how to describe the beauty and mood at that time. Finally, I made the child dizzy. Yes, as long as there are more people involved, it will be chaotic. I guide her by grasping the individual details of the Lord. The child will only play sporadically, and then I am helping her close those scattered things. Her father was shouting "in chronological order". All the fun has gone away. It will never play again. As a result, they didn't record it for her. But some of the words she said at that time were good. Let her write them down in the form of a diary.

I didn't use her as the first person to record this trip, mainly because I used her as the first person to organize the last trip to the Old Summer Palace. When I came home and read it to her, I made a joke. It was really childish!

I remember another time when I helped my child record an incident that happened in the school at work, because the school had sent a notice about it, and combined with her mood when she returned home, I sorted it out with her as the first person. Then she read it to her. She was surprised and said, "That's it. How did you know it?" You didn't see her expression at that time. I became her idol. I told her not to do bad things behind my mother's back. I will know all about it. Hey hey, funny, you'd better tidy up with her in the future. She dictates and then guides and records.

Hee hee! At dinner, the child sipped his mouth and relished the delicious food at noon. It seems that more outdoor activities should be organized in the future. Let her feel the beauty of nature, let the branches of nature prick their feet, let the mud touch their shoes, let the smell of grass hide in their pants! Let them get unusual meaning. Let them understand that childhood without smelling the fragrance of soil is not a real childhood.

Dragon Boat Festival Tour (7)

On the Dragon Boat Festival, I got up at 4:00 a.m. to prepare for the trip. Half an hour later, my son and I had breakfast, and his father sent us to the gathering place - Yihai Art School. Not long after, the car came. 5: We set out on time to start the one-day tour of the natural underground gallery and the natural rainbow valley in Yishui.

My son is a TV fan. Once he got on the bus, he fell in love with TV. Let him have a look at the terraces beside the road and other rarely or never seen scenery. He is too lazy to take his eyes off the TV screen for a while. As for me, I am a person who loves mountains and rivers, so every time on the way to travel, I never hesitate to close my eyes and have been watching the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. They give me visual impact from time to time, sometimes make me excited, sometimes let me ponder. What excited me about this trip was to see the beautiful terraces and the mountains and rivers described by the poet; What makes me ponder is that people who work hard on terraces grow in small and thin fields, and most of their crops are harvested by manpower, unable to use modern machinery

Although the scenery on the road is good, I can't stand the long ride. Very uncomfortable, really want to stand up and walk around, or lie down to rest. More than four hours later, at about 9:40, we finally arrived at the first tourist attraction: the foot of the natural underground gallery.

The car began to climb the mountain, getting higher and higher, and our hearts were not only nervous. Although the mountain road is flat, it is narrow and only allows one car to pass. So we dare not make any noise during this period. I didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the car arrived at the broad ground. During this time, I also personally experienced the difficulties and dangers of driving in mountainous areas. In this way, we can also feel the hardships and hardships of the people in the mountain area, and once again feel the happiness and happiness of the people in the plain.

After getting off the bus, the tour guide said, "Take a rest first, and I'll invite a local guide to show you the way and explain." After a short rest, the local guide came. We followed the guide down the stone steps, zigzagging and turning several times, to the wooden waterwheel and "waterfall" we had seen for a long time. Here, I saw a brand that made me puzzled and surprised, roughly meaning: free photos. I stopped my son who had already run to the front and told him to take a picture. As soon as my son came down, before he was photographed, the guide shouted in front, "Jining friends, please keep up, don't fall behind." My son was afraid of falling behind, so when he heard the shout, he urged me to catch up. I had to follow.

When we entered the natural underground cave, our son exclaimed, "What a big cave!" It was really big and cool, because the ground was always wet. Small water nests on the ground can be seen everywhere. This should be a good place to enjoy the cool in summer. We lined up and walked into the ticket gate, followed the guide to visit the natural underground cave. Here, I see the stalactite that I have been waiting for for a long time. They have different shapes, long and short; Big, small; Cylindrical, flaky, conical; Transparent, translucent, my son can't wait to tell me: "It's really beautiful! Mom, take a picture!" These stalactites are distributed in different ways: some are more, some are less; Some are covered with forests and some are covered with mountains; Some are alone; Some are distributed in groups. With stalactites on the top of your head, you can step on the cross paved pavement of artificial cement road and artificial stone pile, listen to the sound of flowing water and the temperature of 16 or 17 degrees, which is very comfortable. Speaking of stone piles, my son was also very interested. He could not help counting every stone pile, and there were 59 more roads. In order not to make visitors feel boring, the shapes of these stones have also changed: some are round, some are square, and some are polygon. They are the ones that attract tourists to constantly surprise, admire, stop to appreciate and take photos. I don't know how long it took us to drift in the cave.

Most of the rafting slides are made of artificial cement tanks, presumably for the safety of tourists. My wife and I were in the epithelial raft. At first, the water flow was relatively slow. Gradually, the water speed became faster and faster. When I slid to a corner, I felt the light flash. Because the current is very fast, I didn't think much about it. We meandered along in the cave, which was suddenly bright and dark. As we were about to reach the exit, the kayak became more and more bumpy. I reminded my son to hold fast, and for the safety of the child, I tightly clamped his waist with my legs. At this time, the water splashed on us from time to time, which also attracted my son's "wow, wow" from time to time. My mood is very complicated. I feel excited, happy, and concerned about my son, but I am more worried and always vigilant. A section of the outlet of the karst cave is made by hand, a small section of a ladder, about 50 meters, and it slides down with the torrent.

When I got off the kayak, I saw someone taking pictures, so I came up to the kayak and asked the staff if there was one of ours. The staff turned back and looked at our two women. Wow, they were very insightful and opened them at once. Ask us if we want it? I said, "Yes!" "Pay 15 yuan." At the same time, I saw the red sign on the table: "Take the photo for 15 yuan.". At this time, I finally understood the meaning of "free photography" and the reason why the light flashes at the corner.

After taking the photos, my son and I continued to climb the mountain with some members of the team. There was a not so small but not a luxury supermarket on the mountain, but there were quite a lot of things in it. Because things on the top of the mountain are always expensive, we walked into the threshold of the supermarket and then walked out. In addition, his son was not interested in him and didn't even enter. As the crowd continued to walk westward, we saw the attractive grass skating ground, where the grass was green, fresh, short and neat like spring grass. I wanted to experience it, but no one came, so we had to give up. Then we came to an exit shopping street. Things are not very expensive, but they lack characteristics. Finally, I found the specialties I wanted to buy: pancakes and sorghum. 3 yuan a bag of wheat pancakes (From the words of the women who sell pancakes, I heard that wheat is rare for them. On the road, I also saw that most of them planted taro, sweet potato and peanut on the terraces. There are few wheat crops, because it is mountainous, so even if they planted them, the harvest is not good. The head of wheat is very small. In addition to the severe drought this year, the head of wheat is even smaller.) On the bus, we saw that the crops in many fields beside the road were "dried up", and we all sighed, sorry for the people here. But later, when we got off the highway and drove on the asphalt road in the mountains, we saw the truth: the so-called dry crops were not the poplar branches that covered the crops, and we were afraid that the sun would burn the young seedlings. I bought two boxes of sorghum for 5 yuan. I was afraid it would not taste good, so I didn't dare to buy more. These are the people I saw on the team. They all left. At this time, I panicked and quickly told my son, "No one!" When he heard this, he quickly glanced around. He saw that the team members had gone far away, so my son followed them by a shortcut before he reached the street.

After a while, all the members of the team got together. Lu said, "Now I will lead you to have dinner and then go to Rainbow Valley after lunch.".

At half past two, we came to the second tourist attraction: Natural Rainbow Valley. During the tour of this scenic spot, the road guide invited the local guide to be our guide as usual, and also to show us the way

On the Dragon Boat Festival, I got up at 4:00 a.m. to prepare for the trip. Half an hour later, my son and I had breakfast, and his father sent us to the gathering place - Yihai Art School. Not long after, the car came. 5: We set out on time to start the one-day tour of the natural underground gallery and the natural rainbow valley in Yishui.

My son is a TV fan. Once he got on the bus, he fell in love with TV. Let him have a look at the terraces beside the road and other rarely or never seen scenery. He is too lazy to take his eyes off the TV screen for a while. As for me, I am a person who loves mountains and rivers, so every time on the way to travel, I never hesitate to close my eyes and have been watching the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. They give me visual impact from time to time, sometimes make me excited, sometimes let me ponder. What excited me about this trip was to see the beautiful terraces and the mountains and rivers described by the poet; What makes me ponder is that people who work hard on terraces grow in small and thin fields, and most of their crops are harvested by manpower, unable to use modern machinery

Although the scenery on the road is good, I can't stand the long ride. Very uncomfortable, really want to stand up and walk around, or lie down to rest. More than four hours later, at about 9:40, we finally arrived at the first tourist attraction: the foot of the natural underground gallery.

The car began to climb the mountain, getting higher and higher, and our hearts were not only nervous. Although the mountain road is flat, it is narrow and only allows one car to pass. So we dare not make any noise during this period. I didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the car arrived at the broad ground. During this time, I also personally experienced the difficulties and dangers of driving in mountainous areas. In this way, we can also feel the hardships and hardships of the people in the mountain area, and once again feel the happiness and happiness of the people in the plain.

After getting off the bus, the tour guide said, "Take a rest first, and I'll invite a local guide to show you the way and explain." After a short rest, the local guide came. We followed the guide down the stone steps, zigzagging and turning several times, to the wooden waterwheel and "waterfall" we had seen for a long time. Here, I saw a brand that made me puzzled and surprised, roughly meaning: free photos. I stopped my son who had already run to the front and told him to take a picture. As soon as my son came down, before he was photographed, the guide shouted in front, "Jining friends, please keep up, don't fall behind." My son was afraid of falling behind, so when he heard the shout, he urged me to catch up. I had to follow.

When we entered the natural underground cave, our son exclaimed, "What a big cave!" It was really big and cool, because the ground was always wet. Small water nests on the ground can be seen everywhere. This should be a good place to enjoy the cool in summer. We lined up and walked into the ticket gate, followed the guide to visit the natural underground cave. Here, I see the stalactite that I have been waiting for for a long time. They have different shapes, long and short; Big, small; Cylindrical, flaky, conical; Transparent, translucent, my son can't wait to tell me: "It's really beautiful! Mom, take a picture!" These stalactites are distributed in different ways: some are more, some are less; Some are covered with forests and some are covered with mountains; Some are alone; Some are distributed in groups. With stalactites on the top of your head, you can step on the cross paved pavement of artificial cement road and artificial stone pile, listen to the sound of flowing water and the temperature of 16 or 17 degrees, which is very comfortable. Speaking of stone piles, my son was also very interested. He could not help counting every stone pile, and there were 59 more roads. In order not to make visitors feel boring, the shapes of these stones have also changed: some are round, some are square, and some are polygon. They are the ones that attract tourists to constantly surprise, admire, stop to appreciate and take photos. I don't know how long it took us to drift in the cave.

Most of the rafting slides are made of artificial cement tanks, presumably for the safety of tourists. My wife and I were in the epithelial raft. At first, the water flow was relatively slow. Gradually, the water speed became faster and faster. When I slid to a corner, I felt the light flash. Because the current is very fast, I didn't think much about it. We meandered along in the cave, which was suddenly bright and dark. As we were about to reach the exit, the kayak became more and more bumpy. I reminded my son to hold fast, and for the safety of the child, I tightly clamped his waist with my legs. At this time, the water splashed on us from time to time, which also attracted my son's "wow, wow" from time to time. My mood is very complicated. I feel excited, happy, and concerned about my son, but I am more worried and always vigilant. A section of the outlet of the karst cave is made by hand, a small section of a ladder, about 50 meters, and it slides down with the torrent.

When I got off the kayak, I saw someone taking pictures, so I came up to the kayak and asked the staff if there was one of ours. The staff turned back and looked at our two women. Wow, they were very insightful and opened them at once. Ask us if we want it? I said, "Yes!" "Pay 15 yuan." At the same time, I saw the red sign on the table: "Take the photo for 15 yuan.". At this time, I finally understood the meaning of "free photography" and the reason why the light flashes at the corner.

After taking the photos, my son and I continued to climb the mountain with some members of the team. There was a not so small but not a luxury supermarket on the mountain, but there were quite a lot of things in it. Because things on the top of the mountain are always expensive, we walked into the threshold of the supermarket and then walked out. In addition, his son was not interested in him and didn't even enter. As the crowd continued to walk westward, we saw the attractive grass skating ground, where the grass was green, fresh, short and neat like spring grass. I wanted to experience it, but no one came, so we had to give up. Then we came to an exit shopping street. Things are not very expensive, but they lack characteristics. Finally, I found the specialties I wanted to buy: pancakes and sorghum. 3 yuan a bag of wheat pancakes (From the words of the women who sell pancakes, I heard that wheat is rare for them. On the road, I also saw that most of them planted taro, sweet potato and peanut on the terraces. There are few wheat crops, because it is mountainous, so even if they planted them, the harvest is not good. The head of wheat is very small. In addition to the severe drought this year, the head of wheat is even smaller.) On the bus, we saw that the crops in many fields beside the road were "dried up", and we all sighed, sorry for the people here. But later, when we got off the highway and drove on the asphalt road in the mountains, we saw the truth: the so-called dry crops were not the poplar branches that covered the crops, and we were afraid that the sun would burn the young seedlings. I bought two boxes of sorghum for 5 yuan. I was afraid it would not taste good, so I didn't dare to buy more. These are the people I saw on the team. They all left. At this time, I panicked and quickly told my son, "No one!" When he heard this, he quickly glanced around. He saw that the team members had gone far away, so my son followed them by a shortcut before he reached the street.

After a while, all the members of the team got together. Lu said, "Now I will lead you to have dinner and then go to Rainbow Valley after lunch.".

At half past two, we came to the second tourist attraction: Natural Rainbow Valley. During the tour of this scenic spot, the road guide invited the local guide to be our guide as usual, and also to show us the way.