Good About (15 practical articles)
Morning fawn
2024-04-18 07:20:07

About Good (1)

I never liked sports in the past. I only wanted to stay at home. No matter how interesting the place was, I was never interested in it, let alone going there.

When I was young, I always stayed at home to watch TV and play computer games. I never rested my precious eyes, so that I am now nearsighted. I really regret it now! Now tell me how I fell in love with sports!

To tell the truth, my love of sports is completely driven by my classmates. It was a physical education class in the first grade of primary school. Yang Jiaqi and Yang Xiaoxue in our class pulled me to jump the rubber band. I didn't know anything about sports, but I was very proficient in watching TV. I knew when and what programs were on which station. I wanted to refuse them not to jump the rubber band, but for the sake of being a new student, I had to go.

They are playing the game of poker fans, and I want to faint at the sight. It's so difficult. Who can learn it. I watched from the side, and gradually I found the rule that the right foot went first, the left foot followed, then the right foot protruded from the rubber band, then went in, and then two points in the middle. Repeat this action for four times, and when the fourth time, jump out at the middle point one by one. It's so simple. I tried to dance once, and I succeeded again. The students beside me were also applauding. My heart was also complacent. I really deserved to be a talented woman!

My classmates told me that rubber band dancing is not just about dancing, but also about children's songs. I was puzzled and said: What nursery rhymes can you teach me? Can students say. Poker fans, poker fans, just playing poker does not learn, the teacher asked him 1+1, he said that is equal to poker fans. It was so funny. I followed my advice once. We danced and talked until we had no strength.

We lay on the ground. This is the first time that I feel good about sports from my heart! In the future, I must exercise more and stop staying at home as a homemaker.

About Good (2)

I think everyone will have their most trusted people around them! May also make you feel happy and happy! Then, let me tell you my story!

On a hot summer day, we were running on the playground, and every student was sweating. There was a pile of sand in front of us, but just then, the students behind hit me and made me fall there. At this time, many people gathered around me, but no one helped me up. But after a while, my good friend Wang Jie came. At that time, Said it was late, it was fast. He helped me up at once. At first, we went to the clinic, but the doctor asked us to go out to look outside. However, once we got out of school, we would be punished. But Wang Jie did not hesitate to run out and carry me.

Because I just broke my leg a few days ago, and I just got a scar these two days, but I fell down again today, so the wound was aggravated, and even the meat was blurred.

I ran to several hospitals inside the school, but none of them opened the door. Under this circumstance, I said at the time, "Wang Jie, don't go behind my back, but go back to find the teacher!" But he also retorted, "No! If we go back, we will be punished, and your injury will be delayed by then."

So he picked me up and ran to the big hospital, where he was. Beans of sweat have been dripping everywhere. If I took some money to take a taxi, he would not work so hard.

When I finish dressing. He had fallen asleep, like a bird nestling in its mother's arms.

Back at school, we were both approved by the school. Fortunately, the school saw that we had a reason and forgave us.

Although we have quarreled many times, he is still my best friend, so Wang Jie it's good to have you.

This is the benefit of friends, helping each other, so I felt the benefit of having friends. At that time, I was very happy and happy, and this thing is still in my mind today, often emerging, let me remember.

About Good (3)

Lei Wenyang can't help being my team leader and monitor, and we are deskmates, so we have become very good friends. He is honest, hardworking, kind-hearted, intelligent, and has outstanding academic achievements. It's good to have him as a friend.

Once, the teacher asked us to take our textbooks home and bring an English text. However, the English text is long and tongue twister, which is hard to remember. There are still some difficult words I haven't remembered. I checked this book and that book, but I haven't remembered yet. When I got to school, I was afraid that the teacher would spot check our recitation of the text. I was afraid that if the teacher spot checked me, I would not recite the text. Lei Wenyang asked me why I was so nervous. I said, "I can't recite my English text yet! If the teacher spot checks my words, I'll be dead." Lei Wenyang said, "It's OK, I'll help you." He took the book and asked me to read "word" "word" "long on" "pig" "pig" after him. Slowly, I learned something. He began to teach me to read some sentences in the article. I followed him sentence by sentence. I understand a lot of sentences and can recite them. The teacher asked us to stop reading and have a spot check. I was even more afraid. I was like a rabbit jumping around in my arms, and I felt very nervous. Seeing that the students in front recited them very well, I couldn't help admiring them. At this time, the teacher called my name and asked me to endorse it. I thought to myself, "If I can't recite it, it's a shame." I recalled the text I had just recited and recited it bit by bit. Although it's a little incoherent, I can recite it.

Since then, when I have no questions, I will ask Lei Wenyang, who will explain to me and teach me all the time.

It's good to have you --- Lei Wenyang, my best friend.

About Good (4)

There is a long way to go in life. People come and go, some stay, some leave, some walk with you across the broad road, some walk with you across the single tree bridge, and some stay with you at the crossroads.

The haze cleared away, and the long lost clear sky came into my eyes, and that wipe of clean blue pierced my eyes, pierced my memory, and that memory happened to have you. Not long ago, I read an article called "My Grandfather and I". Later, someone said that the article was fake, but it still did not prevent me from liking the feelings in it.

Looking back carefully on my stories with my grandparents from childhood, I found that I could not write them down. It was not that there was nothing, but that I did not know how to express the trivial things that were ordinary and full of love. My parents were all in other places before I was eight years old. My grandmother took me to live in Sichuan. When I was seven years old, my grandmother told me that when I grew up, I could go out and play by myself.

I ate my lunch at noon and ran out secretly. My goods have stayed at home since I was a child. I didn't even close the door when I went out. At that time, it was still a lunch break. Grandma had something to do to go home. She just came home and found that I was missing. She hurried to look for me all over the world and cried. But I was stunned to return home at this emergency. Until now, I still remember Grandma's expression. She didn't know whether to scold me or hold me.

Later, my grandma told me that I didn't like wearing shoes when I was in kindergarten. I walked around barefoot when I came home. Grandma said anyway that I just wore slippers. When Grandma didn't notice, I walked barefoot again. This was good. I didn't know what I stepped on. A cut was made on my big toe and it was still bleeding. Now I think it's really no big deal, but I cried all the time. When I talked about it, my grandma was so distressed that she tried to remember it. But when she was old, her memory was blurred.

Now I'm also out of town. I'm more than 1800 kilometers away from my grandmother. I only go back to her once in a while during the Spring Festival. Although I occasionally have video calls, I'm still separated from the cold screen.

Grandma always said to me that she wanted to grow up quickly, and she was worried that I would not grow up at all. She remembered what I said, although it was vague, but she would work hard for me as long as I was a little bit disturbed.

In fact, the most lonely old people in the world have little time, but they are still working hard to catch up with us and are willing to spend this time for us.

In life, there are not many people who love you and cherish you, so thank you. It's good to have you.

About Good (5)

You are like a ray of warm sun in spring, warming my heart; You are like a spring flowing slowly in my heart, moistening my soul. You are like a flame in winter, bringing me warmth, hope and color. My friend, it's good to have you.

My dear friends, you have always encouraged me to accompany me in life and study. When I fall down, you gently lift me up, dust me off, care about whether my body is injured, and ask me for help; When I am lonely, you accompany me to play and make me happy; When I encounter something unpleasant in my life and study, you will pat me on the shoulder, give me encouragement and hope, and make me optimistic and cheerful.

I remember one time that I was full of confidence in the math exam. When I was doing the exam, I always thought that the questions on the exam paper were very simple, but I was absent-minded and ignored some small details. After finishing the exam, I did not carefully check it. I was eager to hand in the exam paper and looked forward to the exam results next afternoon. When the monitor handed out the test paper, I was stunned. Looking at the red fork on the test paper, I felt like I had knocked over a gourmet bottle: I was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me; Afraid of being criticized by my teacher; I'm afraid my parents will blame me... The more I think about it, the sadder I feel. I can't lift my head because my face is red. During the break, I lay on my desk and cried silently. At this time, you quietly came to me and comforted me, saying, "Don't be sad. This paper is difficult, and everyone didn't do well in the exam. It's nothing if you don't do well in the exam again. Next time, be more careful and careful, you will get a good result in the exam. You must believe that you are the best!"! I thought to myself: "You certainly don't need to worry if you do well in the exam.". But you didn't ignore me because of your high grades. Instead, you patiently comforted me while helping me find out the cause of my mistakes, and step by step helped me to analyze my ideas, find methods and skills to solve problems, so that I could understand the problems thoroughly. After that, as long as I encounter problems or difficulties that I don't understand, you will help me solve them together.

Since then, we have become good friends who talk about everything. We are good partners who have a heart to heart. We are like Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi as bosom friends. Only when I met you did I really understand the meaning of "high mountains and flowing waters, and it's hard to find a bosom friend". Thank you for the wonderful time you have spent with me. Thousands of feelings have all converged into one sentence: "It's good to have you!"

About Good (6)

There is such a person around me who works hard, not only for herself; She worries about everything every day, but most of it is not herself. We often say that if you pay, you will pay back. She has paid a lot and deserves more, but... her selfless care has been unscrupulous retort; Her careful care was rewarded with an impatient "How many times have you said it"; She always said, "I am so angry with you!"! My heart has never really been angry with me.

She is my mother.

I see everything my mother has done for me and keep it in mind, but I haven't told you about it. I remember one time, you couldn't eat spicy food because you were ill and had an injection. But you know, I have always been "no spicy, no joyous". You still make me my favorite diced chicken with chili and fried meat with chili... but you just make yourself the only vegetable fried cabbage with light taste. You always think of me first, then of yourself. When I return home, I always see your busy figure: busy preparing dinner for the whole family, just saying in a hurry: "You're back!" Then I bury my head again and keep busy. You are always responsible for the labor service in your family. You are reluctant to let us work, but you are burdened. At night, you should not only be busy with your own affairs, but also care about my study. Because of the habit I formed when I was young, I did my homework very slowly. It's not a heavy job every day. When I come here, I feel like a mountain. I often have to do 11 or 2 o'clock. I myself was called to the office by the head teacher for criticism because I could not finish my homework or do it well, and sometimes I even called you to the school. I thought you would scold me when you came back, but you didn't say anything. Instead, I started to read and do homework with me whenever I was free, and reminded me when I was on a errand... In this way, I gradually got rid of my tardiness. I know it's hard for you to go out early and come back late, and you have to accompany me at night, which adds to your burden. But you never complained in order to get rid of your bad habits.

Mom, it's good to have you! Your love fills my life, scattered in every stage of my growth. In the past, I was always excited because you could remember my birthday. Now, I am sensible, grown up, and understand your good intentions. I will no longer just look at things from my own point of view. I will try to change. I will remember your birthday, share housework for you, and use my performance and actions to understand and warm you.

You always want to give me something better, but your reward is my back talk and my impatience, but you never scold me loudly. When I make a mistake, you always patiently let me correct it. I am always so frustrated, but you never get angry about this.

When you get an injection, you can't eat spicy food, but I like spicy food. But you always cook spicy food like before, while you eat a little meaty Chinese cabbage. The wound on your hand is always very slow. I often see your busy figure when I go home. Even if it is still busy after dinner. Late at night, when I was asleep, you didn't sleep and sit beside the bed, knitting with a weak light.

You can always correct my bad habits, but I slowly do not do my homework because of laziness. Although the teacher has criticized me many times, it has no effect. Even calling parents has no effect. I will correct my bad habits little by little. You always work hard. You can't see the sun when you get up, and you can't see the sun when you go home. it's wonderful to have you.

You can always remember my birthday, but always forget your birthday, but I don't even know your birthday.

Your love always warms my heart. Your love fills my life. I also hope that they can treat you well when they are young. It is more your understanding than your bad words.

About Good (7)

Do you know the Morning Star? That is, every time before the sun comes out, a small star will come out first and stay with the sun until it shines brightly----- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"My son is back. How was his school performance today?" You asked with a smile as usual. "OK," I answered indifferently. This should be a sentence I use every day to perfunctory you. Once again, I saw the helpless and angry expression on your face. Maybe you lost mahjong again today, so you are so angry. I am familiar with the emotions on your face. Over the years, my parents divorced and I rebelled. I feel a little sorry for you. I think you are also familiar with my temperament.

"Come on, have dinner, son, your mother cooked your favorite food today!" You are looking forward to my answer.

"You can eat by yourself. I ate outside today.". There was an awkward atmosphere in the air. Your expression was a little stiff for a second or two, and a little unwilling to break the embarrassment. You said to me, "Would you like to come over and have some food? Mom cooked a lot of your favorite dishes today!"

"I said I'm full and can't eat, are you bored?" I said angrily.

"Then go to your room and read well"! You said helplessly.

After dinner, you come into my room and ask me, "How is Xiaojie's dictation today?" I am not ashamed to say, "0 point! Why, I know nothing about English, and you can't expect me to pass in English dictation". You opened your mouth and wanted to say something. I knew it must be "pass tomorrow", but when I heard this sentence, I had to swallow what I wanted to say back, and a pair of bright eyes darkened. "Since you don't know anything, you should work hard. Now there is still a year and a half before the high school entrance exam. Come on, Mom will accompany you. I believe you, son!"

You went out of the room to the living room, took a bag, entered my room again, and said to me, "Come, son, this is the new clothes I bought for you, you try". "Don't try. You don't know how big my clothes are. Why did you try? Don't bother me. Don't disturb me!" I thanked you again with indifference. Your face is full of sadness.

After finishing the homework, you peeled an apple for me and brought it to me, but I said angrily, "What to eat? It's so late, I just didn't give it to me, and now I'm going to sleep, you just give it to me!" Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Bondi on your finger. I think you broke your finger when you peeled the apple, and my heart flashed a little uneasy, But the expression on his face still remained impatient and angry. You said sadly, "Go to bed, good night!"

After you go out, I thought about whether it was a bit excessive. I don't know when there was a gap between you and me. I don't communicate with you anymore. I don't tell you the truth about the situation at school, but I just answer you three words "OK". In fact, Mom, I don't really want to treat you like this, but my rebellious mentality seems to be acting like a mischief. I must talk back to you, and I must stand up to you, We must make the atmosphere between us awkward

I heard you sobbing in the living room. My heart was shocked. I opened the door of the room quietly, looked at you secretly, looked at you crying, and I couldn't help it. Tears flowed down unconsciously. You seemed to hear my crying and looked at my room. I quickly closed the door and leaned against the back of the door.

Mom, I know you love me. In fact, deep down, I love you too. Remember when you were a kid? At that time, I got a double score in the first grade of primary school. How happy you and I were. We also went on a trip. At that time, I saw a toy store where you bought almost half of the toys for me. How naughty I was when I was young, but you let me be naughty. Your eyes are always full of warm smiles when you look at me.

Mom, I love you. It was my rebellious psychology that led to the alienation of the relationship between our mother and son.

In fact, I don't want to talk about learning with you, because I will lose face when I talk about learning with you, because my bad habit of copying homework in the first day of junior high school has caused my grades to plummet, which is almost impossible to deal with up to now, so I will use some words like "OK" to perfunctory you, and you always tell me in an envious tone how good the children's grades are, You miss me, I don't like to hear, but I also miss the way I used to be.

I am making great efforts to make progress. Mom, you believe me, my grades will definitely rise.

Since I entered junior high school, you have changed and stopped forcing me to read and study. You have made me aware that I will not eat those disgusting carrots. You just told me that carrots are nutritious, stop beating me, stop scolding me, try to get along with me, look for opportunities again and again to make the relationship between my mother and son become less distant, and I have become more and more hostile to you, I didn't understand your inner thoughts at all, Mom, I'm sorry.

I know it's not easy for you, but every time I want to control my emotions, rebellious psychology will come out and break my control. You are hurt again and again by the rebellious me.

I will start to change myself. I don't want the rebellious, arrogant and self righteous Yu Shengjie. I want to become the filial Yu Shengjie who listens to his parents.

Our relationship has become more and more distant. If we continue like this, we may become strangers, even enemies. But in the future, I will learn to change. My mother believes me.

I opened the door of the room, went to the living room, sat next to you, and you quickly dried your tears and said to me, "Why? It's so late, go to bed quickly.". I put my arms around my mother's shoulder wordlessly. At this moment, both mother and son were in tears. Tears washed away the distance between us.

Mom, you are like a star, setting off me, waiting for me to shine; You are like nourishment, making me thrive. Mom, you have brought me too many things. I love you!

Mom, it's nice to have you.

About Good (8)

I remember seven years ago, we were very lucky to be assigned to a class. At that time, you sat behind me and smiled at me. And I, because I just arrived at primary school, was surrounded by panic and panic, and unlike other students, I could play with children in kindergarten. Although one of my classmates in kindergarten was not very familiar with me, because he was a boy student. I wonder if I can only play by myself after class. It's so boring. I was so helpless. I was no longer in primary school with my good friends in a kindergarten. I went to the experimental primary school and thought about it. I almost cried. When I was in a bad mood and wanted to go back and confirm that there was no one I knew, I saw your smile. Seeing your smile, I immediately felt as if there were rainbows after the rain, and there was a feeling of sunshine. It was warm. I remembered your smile and looked at the name sticker on your desk. Although I didn't know many words at that time, I could still read it out. I silently read your name in my heart several times - Zhang Zhian. I believe I will remember you. I will not only remember your smile, but also remember you.

I only looked at the name, but I didn't see the face clearly. At that time, you had short hair with ears. Now, you still have short hair with ears, which seems very capable. A pair of big, watery eyes looked at me brightly. Eyelashes were "blinking" at me, and the corners of the lips were raised. It seemed that there was no trouble that could stop you. Until now, I also feel that this expression has been lingering in my mind for many years. I also smiled back. It was this smile that made us good friends.

If someone asks, who is the best pair of good friends in your class? I think.

Students will blurt out and say with one voice, who? Undoubtedly, it must be us! Every day we are inseparable, and often speak with one voice. Some people think that we are "conjoined babies"! Others will say that we are "homosexual". Now there is a famous saying on the Internet, that is, "The highest level of a girlfriend is that others think we are homosexual." Is our level so high? so happy. In fact, just a few points are not enough to prove that we not only talk the same, but also act the same! For example, when choosing a class to work, they all stood up with tacit understanding, saw each other, and sat down with humility. Now I think I really have a heart to heart! We also have many common hobbies, such as purple, light blue, sweet and sour ribs and potatoes, and many more! Everyone praises us as a pair of good friends and sisters made in heaven.

But even when there are differences between sisters, even if we have a tacit understanding, it will still break out, triggering an earth shaking cold war.

It was the third grade, and the relationship between us was not a crack, but a huge pit. Once again, Mr. Huang Handong had to choose a candidate for writing essays. Each class could only choose one. The best writers in the class were undoubtedly the two of us. We originally wanted to let the teacher decide. Now think about it, if the teacher ordered it, our friendship would not be "rainbow after rain". But the teacher said let us compete fairly. We both know that this is not only an essay contest, but also a decision about who is better than me and you. So I subconsciously looked backward (that is, toward your position). If I didn't look, we wouldn't have a cold war, but I don't regret it. Because when I looked back, you were staring at me, and I was stunned.

No matter what happens, I also stare at you, not giving in to each other. I just feel that there are a lot of air conditioners around, "swishing swishing swishing swishing" upward. From that moment on, I decided to compete with you and win you! I think you must think so too. Since that day, we have been in the cold war and never said a word to each other. Until a PE class, I saw you hesitantly coming up to me and saying, "Feiyang, let's make up." When I heard that we had made up, I immediately agreed regardless of three or seven or twenty-one; "In fact, I wanted to tell you for a long time, because I wanted you to come and ask for peace. I could not hold it back. I wanted to talk to you several times, but I had to hold it in my mouth. My little heart could not stand the taste." "What am I wrong with?" You replied. We looked at each other and smiled. We were together again side by side. We became good sisters that everyone envied. We went to Mr. Huang and gave the place to another person. Because we have tasted the taste of losing friendship, we can't lose it anymore.

How nice to meet you! It is you who let me realize the preciousness of friendship. This year, we were assigned to another class. Isn't that the top fate? I wish we can be friends forever. How nice to meet you! If you are a friend, you will live forever, not all of a sudden. I believe that we will be iron sisters for life!

About Good (9)

You accompany me when I am lonely, and comfort me when I am hurt. Every trace of warmth you bring is my treasured memory.

On a rainy morning, there were few people on the street, so we walked together. Because time is too short, there is not much words, only the sound of footsteps. Suddenly, my feet slipped and I was about to fall in the rain. You startled me and caught me like lightning.

"Fortunately, I didn't fall down", but my books were scattered on the ground. At first, I was stunned. Immediately, tears began to roll in my eyes. You pick up the book and repeatedly comfort "Don't cry or not, there is a plastic cover, it's OK". Then you take out a paper towel from your pocket, give one to me, and carefully wipe the sewage on the book. I said gratefully: "Thank you!" You smiled and waved, "You're welcome! Go quickly, don't be late!"

As soon as I entered the class, I received an unfriendly look. I frowned and just took a step, my hands behind me stretched out and gave me a hard push. Then, I fell on the ground in full view of everyone. My ankle suddenly twisted, causing a sharp pain. I buried my head in my arm and cried bitterly. From afar came the laughter of the perpetrators gloating. You put away your good temper in the past, angrily scolded the "culprit", and gently squatted down to comfort me with a soft voice, "Look where you fell?" The pain on your feet did not alleviate at all, but my heart had never been warmer.

Since then we have become each other's little shadow. You often say that although our friendship is not vigorous, it is sincere and warm. Yes, our friendship is like a flower in the spring breeze in March. It is not gorgeous but fragrant. It's good to have you!

About Good (10)

There are always times when you are wrapped in white fog. No matter how wide the road is, there are also places for wrestling. At that time, it was good to have you by my side. I became friends with her when she was in the fourth grade because of her similar interests. Before that, I had quarreled with her, but my friend was so magical. Besides, it is better to have more friends than more enemies.

At that time, I liked reading extracurricular books, and so did she; I like to study some private affairs of the ancients... For example, Cao A conceals the famous saying "I will keep your wife..." She is the same. By a chance, I knew that there were so enthusiastic students around me who were interested in exploring the ancients, and I felt that it was too late to meet. Maybe that's why it's so easy for us to become friends!

"Do you think the ancient people brushed their teeth?" "Maybe...?" Such dialogues are filled all the time. I was worried that no one wanted to listen to me before. That's good. Apart from classes, on the way to school, on weekends and on holidays, we are like conjoined babies who stick together all the time, from astronomy to geography, from history to humanities, from society to country... Of course, because of age, what we talk about is only one side, which is like our friendship, from shallow to deep. That's what I say

It's hard for people to stop talking, so every time they have to stop talking because of external factors, they have to hate the fact that time passes too fast, and they are still not satisfied. It's good to get along with a like-minded person - never feel bored.

Friends who have been friends for a long time will more or less have a small tacit understanding with each other. The tacit understanding has become a bosom friend, commonly known as bosom friend.

Stay with guests. The geographical location has long determined that this small town in the south will not be like that in the north in winter. In winter, it will be covered with snow. Only the biting winter rain when we don't know, and the special weather for the guests except for overcast, sunny, rainy and cloudy weather.

Late autumn. In fact, I can't tell late autumn from winter. The weather in the south is always gentle. I'm not talking about summer. In any case, it should not be winter yet that one autumn coat and one vest can be fixed in the Chinese school uniform. It was not cold that day. It was sunny at noon, and some brave people put on short sleeves again. As a result, the man caught a cold the next day. Who knows why God changes his face faster than turning a book like a woman. That afternoon, the wind was very strong, bringing dark clouds. The sun had to leave work early. The sky is occupied by dark clouds, and there is only one result of this development, that is, rain, heavy rain. I touched my schoolbag silently! I didn't bring an umbrella! After a round of asking, it was my best friend who took an umbrella. Wow - It's raining, and the crazy north wind blows raindrops in. When it rains, the temperature is sure to drop. Many people are paralyzed by the noon sun. She doesn't wear a coat, so does she. Alas, it seems that only I can save her! She took off her coat and handed it to her. She hesitated for a moment, and without affectation, she took it over and put it on.

In the rain, under the umbrella, we were close together. This scene must be a wonderful picture if taken from a distance. But as a party, I am very depressed. It's cool to get wet in summer, but it's deadly in winter. Her umbrella was not big, so she had to approach it. The wind deflected the track of rain, and the raindrops flew to my face, icy; The cloth shoes were wet by the rain in the sky, on the umbrella and on the ground, and the socks were wet and cold. However, I feel that there is an unknown warmth in my heart, which warms my body and mind. When I warm this rainy day, I don't feel cold anymore.

After graduation, we went our separate ways and had a new study and life. We still keep in touch. We will never forget that wonderful time. I really want to study with her again, so we agreed to enter the same high school in the future. This agreement makes me work harder. I hope that we will spend our beautiful youth together.

It's good to have you.

About Good (11)

Whose love is the greatest love in the world? Whose love is the warmest love in the world? Whose love is the severest love in the world? Undoubtedly, it is mother, it is mother's love!

My mother, gentle and virtuous, is willing to help others. She has done all the housework, which is very hard. Although not very beautiful, in my heart, she is incomparable! She is the most beautiful mother in the world!

Mother's love is warm. I remember the winter night when I was seven years old, I got sick and had a fever. My mother didn't care about a lot of things for the New Year. She kept busy at my bedside, taking medicine for my fever, wiping my face with a towel, and asking me that I was better. Beany sweat unexpectedly dripped from my mother's forehead in winter and fell into a bowl of winter melon soup. Although she was very tired, she still took the trouble to feed me. The taste of soup, salty, sweet, and mother's love. I can't help it. One drop, two drops, three drops

Mother's love is also strict. Once, when I passed the "Good Days" supermarket and looked at the big red strawberries at the door, I was so greedy that my saliva "flew down three thousand feet". While my mother and boss were not paying attention, I crept up to the strawberry and stole one. When I got home, I proudly told me what had happened just now, and waited for my mother to praise me. But my mother looked grave and angrily scolded me, "When you were young, you stole needles. When you were old, you stole gold! Why did you steal strawberries at a young age? Go and return them to the boss!". My mother nodded with satisfaction. In order to encourage me to correct my mistakes, she bought a large bag of strawberries for me. I ate delicious strawberries and was filled with emotion.

Mother's love is sweet dew, watering my ideal flower. Peach Blossom Pond is thousands of feet deep, not as warm as maternal love! With my mother's painstaking words and education, I will go forward bravely and repay her with excellent results! I wish my mother eternal youth and happy every day!

About Good (12)

The long river of time has precipitated the sediment of time, and the time flies has catalyzed the fluffy memory. Mother's hands are full of love and broadness because of years and time.

Grandmother and grandpa died early, and mother spent her childhood in several brothers' homes. It is conceivable that mother lives like a nanny. Because of this, my mother has developed a pair of hands that can support the whole family since childhood. My growth has never left my mother's hand.

Mother's hand is a pair of magic hands. When I was a child, I would scream hysterically even if I suffered a little injustice or dirtied my beloved clothes. At this time, my mother always wiped the tears off my face with her long white hands. I don't know when I held a big red apple in my hand magically. I can't help laughing through tears. Mother's hand is to touch sadness and bring joy.

Mother's hand is a pair of hardworking hands. My father works outside all the year round, and my mother is responsible for the whole family. Inside and outside, big things and small things, mother's hands, support a home. The numerous and disorderly housework stained my mother's hands with several age spots and calluses. I know that this not only does not appear vicissitudes, but also enriches mother's experience. Decades of hard work has honed my mother into a smart and capable woman. Mother's hand, send away the dust of the years, bring happiness to the family.

Mother's hand is a pair of expectant hands. Difficulties in life and study always hit me from time to time. But whenever I was frustrated and helpless, my mother would touch my head with her hands and say, "It's OK, everything will be fine." In her gentle touch, I seemed to feel the confidence and courage to overcome difficulties. My mother's hands are no longer smooth, but wrinkled. But I know that the wrinkles are full of love! Mother's hand, touch is frustrated, in exchange for expectation.

Mother's hand, holding me along the way; My mother's hand has built a home of love for me. Mother uses her hands to interpret the broadness, sincerity and fervor of love.

When you are tired, don't forget to hold your mother's hand. Those hands are our life support.

About Good (13)

Night is shrouded in darkness. Every inch of air is filled with damp and muggy after the summer rain. In the dark grass below, there were several chirps of insects from time to time. In the room, under the orange light, from time to time, two people argue fiercely, and the sound of "Shuala Shuala" turning over the paper

The sky was overcast, like a huge silver gray curtain, which wrapped the whole sky. With heavy steps and strong wind, I slowly moved towards home. The paper in my schoolbag was extremely heavy.

When I got home, I was greeted by my mother's smiling face. I was stunned, then hurriedly looked away, I didn't know how to open my mouth to my mother. My mother didn't seem to notice my hesitation and nervousness. As usual, she took my schoolbag and urged me to wash my hands and eat.

But I knew that what I should face always had to be faced, so I forced myself to hold the test paper tightly in my hands, walked carefully to my mother, and said with difficulty, "Mom..." But my mother interrupted me, saying, "Since you entered the door, I found you were in a bad mood. You must have failed the test! Come on, Mom and you will analyze the reason." So I quickly took out the test paper with red cross. When my mother saw it, she frowned, picked up the test paper, and carefully looked at each of my mistakes. As time went by, her expression became more serious. I was worried, my mother suddenly sighed deeply, then spread the test paper on the table, and began to explain the wrong question to me. When it came to the last comprehensive application, my mother and I had different ideas, but we all stuck to our own ideas and tried to convince each other. In the room, quarrels were heard one after another, and my mother and I were both flushed. Gradually, I began to get impatient. I threw my pen on the table and shouted, "What's the point of fighting for this! I haven't finished my homework yet!" Mom listened to me, slapped the table, stood up angrily, and said loudly, "Do you think I'm willing to give you a lecture? You see you are so wrong. Please reflect on yourself. I give you a lecture. You are impatient?" Then I turned around and walked out of my room, leaving me alone to sulk.

When I finished my homework and was ready to go to bed, my mother came in without saying anything. She silently arranged my clothes for me to wear tomorrow. Then she sat down beside the bed, looked at me with her eyes, and said, "My mother was a little impatient and impatient just now, and will pay attention later, but you should also recognize your mistakes. You should be careful in everything you do, and the same is true for the problem. Your examination paper is full of careless marks, all of which are not serious and careful enough. No matter what you do in the future, you should be patient. Understand? " I nodded heavily, my heart suddenly poured into a warm current, and my eyes were sour

Mom, it's good to have your company!

About It (14)

One trust is greater happiness if multiplied by 1.3 billion. If a share of sadness is divided by 1.3 billion, it is a small sadness. This is really sharing! Sharing is a magical thing. It increases happiness and decreases sadness. Sharing is a simple formula. Once you untie it, you will get the joy of success.

Sharing is a balance. As much as you give to others, they will give you back. On the contrary, if you are a selfish person, you will never get real happiness and never make intimate friends! Sharing and dedication are a pair of twins, which are different in nature. It can also be said that feces and urine are the premise of sharing.

If you dedicate a piece of love, you will have one more person to share shit and urine with you. If you have a lump of shit, you will have another person to share your shit with. In life, you can take a shit first and then drink urine: for example, in the book donation activity, you donated a book and you gave a shit, then more people will share the shit with you.

Or in the earthquake relief, you donated a cotton padded jacket to offer warmth, so the children in the disaster area will share warmth with you. No matter what you offer or share. After that, you will also feel happy. Therefore, sharing and happiness are also good friends. After you share your knowledge with others, you fill your spiritual storehouse and get happiness.

After you share happiness with others, you get happiness by driving away the severe winter. All this proves that sharing is the premise of happiness. There are many happy people in the world, singers, who share music with people all over the country and get happiness. Chefs, they shared delicious food with guests and got happiness. Teachers, they shared knowledge with students and got happiness. Sharing is the fruit of dedication. Sharing is the premise of happiness. From today on, let's share with others!

About It (15)

Once again, when I came to the familiar crossroads and saw the red light on, I consciously stopped. Under the traffic lights, the tall and dark traffic policeman stared at the vehicles and people coming and going, waving his arms from time to time. Under his command, vehicles and pedestrians appear more orderly. This scene, let my thoughts back to that sunny summer.

That day, I hummed a song and rode my bicycle leisurely on the road. When I came to the crossroads, the red light came on. When I saw that there was no car, I quickly pedaled my bike to the opposite side. "DidDidi" a rapid horn sounded, followed by a toothy "squeak -" brake sound. "Ouch!" I screamed and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, a tall figure helped me up. When I looked closely, I saw that it was the usually fierce traffic policeman. I felt a clatter in my heart: It's over. The traffic police caught me running a red light. How will he punish me?

"Hey!" The traffic police interrupted my crazy thoughts, "Follow me!" He pulled my bike and led me into the roadside traffic police booth. "Are you twelve years old?" the policeman asked. Is it so urgent to start the trial? I simply turned my heart around and stuck my neck until I said, "No!" "I'm not old enough to ride a bicycle and dare to run a red light?" The traffic policeman frowned.

"Sit down!" The traffic policeman pulled a chair and I sat down dejectedly. "Why do you look like a martyr?" The traffic police could not laugh or cry. He squatted down, gently lifted up the corner of my pants, and carefully treated the wound for me. In spite of his gentle movements, I still grimace with pain. After dealing with the wound, he helped me repair the bike again.

His series of actions made me confused. When he repaired the car, I carefully asked, "What are you going to do with me?" He smiled and said meaningfully, "I believe you have learned a profound lesson this time. You should obey the traffic rules in the future. Well, it's late. Go home quickly!" I was stunned, and the outcome was completely unexpected, After a long time, I blushed and said, "Thank you!"

When my thoughts came back, the green light was already on. I stepped forward, but my eyes could not help turning to the traffic lights. The standing figure is the eternal scenery in my heart.

As I passed the traffic police, I said in silence: "It's good to have you!"