Playing Balloon (18 popular articles)
Sunflowers at sunrise
2023-12-23 06:53:22
second grade

Play Balloon (1)

Balloon playing has become popular in our class recently. The balloons are small and cute. Their beautiful colors, such as bright red, lively yellow and pure white, are their beautiful coats. Some balloons are painted with funny cartoon characters, some are labeled with exquisite patterns, and others

"Ding Ling Ling", the clear bell rang, and the teacher walked out of the classroom slowly on high-heeled shoes. The students immediately became a mess, and were eager to pull out small balloons from the desks. Some students took the deflated balloon lying flat on the table, took a deep breath, puffed out their cheeks and blew hard; Some students walk out of the classroom in groups with their notebooks. When they throw up the round balloons, they rush to pick them up, fearing that others will take the lead; Some students are in a fierce competition, trying to prevent the balloon from landing with their feet or heads, bending down or even lying down to support it regardless of the image to see whose ball landed late; Some students in pairs, each with one cheek close to the small balloon that can be broken by blowing bullets, ran around to pass on each other, nervous heart was moved by the little guy; And

And my good friends and I can't fall behind this huge "balloon playing" team, of course, we will follow the "wind vane"! First of all, a girl held a small orange balloon and gently threw it upward to open the curtain of the competition. She turned left and right, her flexible neck skillfully led the small balloon on her head, and danced gracefully in mid air. After a long time, the balloon landed slowly. All of us could not help being jealous, thinking that we must surpass her.

The next player is me. Not willing to be outdone, I gently picked up a small white balloon, and began to count the time as if I had the chance to win. The light balloon is like a lively and cute, smart and clever elf, bouncing happily on my head. Obedient, she followed my orderly rhythm and gave me extra points. I smiled complacently and said proudly to the other people: "How are you? I'm not bad!" Suddenly, their faces appeared a strange expression, and the weight on my head seemed to disappear. I felt a little bad. I quickly looked back and saw that the small balloon had come into close contact with the floor. Behind me, a burst of gloating laughter, and I could only regret that I was unwilling, complaining about my carelessness from the bottom of my heart.

"Ringing bell", the class bell rang, and the short time of class ended quickly, which was a pity, but the colorful balloons added a touch of happiness to our ten minutes of class.

Play Balloon (2)

Today, my mother bought me a bag of balloons. When I got home, I couldn't wait to open the package and take one to blow. The new balloon is really hard to blow! Blowing makes my face sour and not fat. Later, my mother helped me play two.

My mother and I thought about many ways to play. Have tied up the balloon, when the ball hit, see who hit high. Some people tie the balloon with a long rope, put it downstairs like fishing, and then shake the rope to let it dance. The most interesting thing is to blow the balloon very big, and then suddenly let it go, the balloon will tumble down like a diver, and will also "squeak" like a mouse.

When I was playing with balloons, I accidentally found that the mouth and nose were connected. How wonderful! Come and play with me.

Play Balloon (3)

On New Year's Day, my brother and I bought a dozen balloons together. We first tied up the blue balloons and tied a knot.

In such a fight, all the balloons will be tied in knots, including red, white, green, yellow, black... The colors are really beautiful. Then we will drag the balloons to the head and use our hands to drag them. Colorful. We sweated and enjoyed ourselves. Tired to death. We will have a rest together. When I went to play other games, I thought: It's good to celebrate the New Year!

Play Balloon (4)

Today, our class's game is playing balloons.

First, the teacher gave us a deflated balloon, and then gave us a string. Let's blow up the balloon first, and then tie the string to the mouth of the balloon. He said, "Who will finish the balloon first? There will be a surprise when it is finished!" What is the surprise? Everyone wants to know.

The first person who completed the balloon was born! Although I don't know who the champion is, I know surprise, surprise is pumpkin seed!

However, somehow, my mission of blowing balloons is always unsuccessful. Do you know who was the first one to fail? Of course it's me! However, several people and I failed to "form a team", and even the teacher was "angry" by me.

Finally, only me and Luo Shiding played in the classroom. I played with his mobile phone, he played with my Jingma machine, and everyone else went out to play with balloons.

Play Balloon (5)

"Ah, ah, ah..." What's the sound? It's Mr. Gu blowing balloons. The students are very happy.

Mr. Gu took a pink balloon in his hand. The skin of the balloon was like a spoon. I felt soft when I touched it. I deliberately pulled the balloon and found that it was very elastic. (You can find the characteristics of balloons with a small movement. It seems that you are very careful.)

The teacher began to show us how to blow balloons. First, the teacher bit his mouth and suddenly took a sharp breath. The teacher's cheeks bulged like air bags around the mouth of a frog. The small balloon is a little bigger, like a kiwi fruit.

Then, the teacher's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were about to fall out, like two glass balls. The balloon is bigger and bigger like a small watermelon.

Finally, Miss Gu's face turned red, just like Miss Gu was drunk. Suddenly, the balloon became larger like a super pear. I boldly approached the teacher and asked him to blow hard. I found that the color of the balloon became lighter and lighter, and it reflected light. (You naughty child, let the teacher blow it out on purpose. What about the performance of other students? I really want to know their performance.)

We can finally blow the balloon. I took a green balloon, and I blew it up at once. We also played the game of pushing a balloon. The balloon stuck to my head like glue, and finally I won. (What about the classmate? Why did she lose? How did she win?)

I'm very happy. If I play the game of top balloon next time, I will work harder.

Play Balloon (6)

Today is Sunday, my father said he would take me to play with water balloons. I jumped three feet high with joy, but I was happy and a little afraid. After all, it was my first time to play.

When we got there, an uncle pulled a big balloon, then inflated it with a blower and pushed it into the water. Because balloons are transparent, I saw many children playing in the water. When I saw some children fall down, I hesitated and wanted to give up. But I still went into the pool. At this time, a person beside me fell down, and the spray made my balloon flash, and I also fell down. I stood up again and fell down again because my weight was not well controlled and I still did not stand firmly. At this time, I didn't think it was interesting, so I didn't want to play because it was not good. But as soon as I got to the shore, the uncle pushed me into the pool, which made me exhausted. Depressed, I lay on the water balloon, playing for nothing. I stood up again and began to attack other balloons. I hit hard and knocked down a child's balloon. I went to hit another child. Unexpectedly, the child stood up and gave me a sneak attack in the back, but he didn't knock me down, but he himself fell down. I was looking up and laughing when a child in front knocked me down. "Tink, Tink, Tink..." When the time came, the staff grabbed the rope and pulled me out, but I didn't want to go up. I fought with the staff, but the man was very strong, so he pulled me ashore.

Today, although I didn't play enough, I was still very happy.

Play Balloon (7)

Saturday, July 27 Sunny

Today, we held a game of "Balloon Big Bang" in Shuimu Qinghua Composition Room.

After the teacher wrote the rules on the blackboard, the teacher divided 10 people into two groups. One person in each group was responsible for riding the balloon, and the other was responsible for blowing the balloon. I was assigned to Team A as the captain, responsible for riding the balloon explosion.

The game begins! The classroom is very lively, the explosion of balloons pingpingping The sound is heard, colorful balloons red, green, yellow, yellow, pink It's very nice. After that, the two "balloon blowers" of the two teams blew up the balloons, and the captain didn't have to sit down to blow up, ha ha! The members of the two teams are racing against the clock to blow the balloon. The two captains sitting in the balloon have sore buttocks and still insist on sitting in the balloon.

In the end, Team A lost and Team B won. The members of Team B danced and were very happy! Although our team-mates of Team A lost, they continued to play and sit happily, having fun!

Although our team ended up in failure in the balloon big bang game, I still think it's fun and interesting!

Play Balloon (8)

On Sunday, my mother took my sister and me to Qianshan Park.

When we came to Qianshan Park, we first saw the rippling Qianshan Lake. Walking along the lake, I suddenly saw several big transparent bubbles floating on the lake, wow! Isn't that a water balloon? I dragged my mother and sister forward quickly.

I couldn't wait to pick a ball and drill in curiously. I tried to balance my body and let myself stand up, but perhaps because of nervousness, I felt dizzy and felt like stepping on cotton under my feet. I got used to it for a while and began to play. I pushed forward with both hands and feet, and stepped forward with my feet. It took a lot of effort to turn the ball forward. Suddenly, my feet slipped and I rolled in all directions, but my body didn't hurt at all. It was really fun and exciting. I ran again, and my sister's ball floated over, When our balls collided, my mother took a picture of us on the shore.

After a while, the time came, my sister and I reluctantly drilled out of the balloon.

Play Balloon (9)

Saturday, July 27 Sunny
Today, we held a game of "Balloon Big Bang" in Shuimu Qinghua Composition Room.

After the teacher wrote the rules on the blackboard, the teacher divided 10 people into two groups. One person in each group was responsible for riding the balloon, and the other was responsible for blowing the balloon. I was assigned to Team A as the captain, responsible for riding the balloon explosion.

The game begins! The classroom is very lively, the explosion of balloons pingpingping The sound is heard, colorful balloons red, green, yellow, yellow, pink It's very nice. After that, the two "balloon blowers" of the two teams blew up the balloons, and the captain didn't have to sit down to blow up, ha ha! The members of the two teams are racing against the clock to blow the balloon. The two captains sitting in the balloon have sore buttocks and still insist on sitting in the balloon.

In the end, Team A lost and Team B won. The members of Team B danced and were very happy! Although our team-mates of Team A lost, they continued to play and sit happily, having fun!
Although our team ended up in failure in the balloon big bang game, I still think it's fun and interesting!

Author: Hu Yunxiang, second grade 15322929639, Building 4, Jintai Industrial Zone, Wanjiang District, Dongguan City

Grade 2 of Wanjiang Central Primary School in Dongguan, Guangdong: Hu Yunxiang

Play Balloon (10)

One day, it was sunny and sunny. I, Xiaojun and Xiaohong went to the East Lake Park to play with balloons.

When we arrived at the East Lake Park, we began to play with balloons. First, we blow up the balloon, which is like a round, transparent crystal ball. Then, we played the game of "patting the ball" to see who would win the most shots. I can't wait to pat the balloon with my right hand. The balloon is not as obedient as a rubber ball. It flies to the east and west, as if playing hide and seek with me. I can only pat it gently and count "one, two, three..." Look at Xiao Jun and Xiao Hong. They also turn left and right with the balloon, shouting while clapping. They are really in a hurry. Finally, I took 80 shots, Xiao Jun took 60 shots, and Xiao Hong took 68 shots. I won, and I jumped with joy. Then we played a new game. We kicked the balloon as a football. I kicked the balloon as a scud, and they followed me. The balloon flew between us like an obedient child. It was very beautiful.

While playing, a strong wind suddenly blew the balloon into the sky. At this time, we saw the balloon flying freely in the blue sky. How like a lovely bird! My friends and I couldn't help saying, "How beautiful our balloons are!"

Play Balloon (11)

In the kindergarten, I played many things with my friends, but my favorite thing was balloons.

Sometimes, I often play tricks with balloons. I put the balloon in someone's ear, and when I pressed it with my hand, the balloon made a "bang" sound, which made the little partner panic. Then she would say to me, "How can you do this? I won't play with you next time." At this time, my heart was happy, and I thought: "I can play a trick on another person!" I was thinking about what the person would look like when being teased, A small partner quietly put the balloon in my ear, only to hear a "bang", I was scared to death, while he laughed beside me.

At the birthday party, teachers will celebrate the children's birthdays. In the classroom, the teacher was beautifully decorated, and the children were very happy. At this time, the hero of the birthday party was very excited. However, he did not know that there was a big surprise waiting for him. The big surprise is "balloon bubble". Each child crushed the balloon and made a sound of "bang, bang, bang". We had a good time playing this game.

In the garden party, there is a game called "stepping on balloons". Everyone has a balloon tied to his feet. When playing, he should not only protect his own balloon, but also step on others' balloons to see who stepped on more than his own. I remember once I won the first place in a balloon race!

Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, I was a fifth grade pupil. Now, I no longer enjoy playing with balloons, but those moments of playing with balloons are still the most profound in my memory.

Play Balloon (12)

February 10, 2013 Monday Sunny

Today, my sister and I played balloons. Sister Qiqi played blue, I played red, and Sister Shanshan played green. Whoa, whoa, it's really hard to blow! The blue one was blown, followed by the red one, the green one, and a lot of colors. Soon they were all blown. Then I drew a small face on each balloon. There were smiling faces, squinting eyes, staring eyes, opening mouth, crying faces, and drawing small faces was very troublesome, but it was fun and fun! So next time I have time to play balloon blowing with my sisters.

Play Balloon (13)

This summer vacation, I took the hydrogen balloon my mother bought for me and stayed with my brother at my grandmother's house for a week. This balloon has brought us many happy and dangerous memories.

After finishing our homework in the morning, we began to play with balloons. Grandma's house was a two storey house. My brother stood on the first floor and threw them up. I followed on the second floor. After several times, we tried to find a more exciting way to play. We waited for it to float a little higher and then pulled it down. Once, as the balloon rose slowly, we could still catch it at first, but we missed the best time. Until the balloon rose as high as the roof, we suddenly realized that the balloon had escaped! I ran behind the house and found that the balloon was caught by a sycamore tree.

I saw my grandma holding the stairs under the tree. My grandpa had taken off his shoes and climbed into the middle of the tree. I was scared. My grandpa, who is over 70 years old, what should I do if he climbs so high and falls down? As he was about to touch the balloon, a gust of wind blew, "Grandpa, be careful!" Grandpa had to hold the tree trunk and continue to move up. Finally, he was only a short distance away from the balloon. At the moment he reached out, the balloon seemed to be against us, and suddenly flew away from the branches to the sky.

Later, Grandpa went to the opposite mountain to look for the balloon. Unfortunately, the balloon disappeared. Although the balloon flew away, I will never forget this adventure and Grandpa's love for us.

Play Balloon (14)

This article "Popular Play Balloon" is organized by this website for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Sixth grade diary title: popular playing with balloons

Balloon playing has become popular in our class recently. The balloons are small and cute. Their beautiful colors, such as bright red, lively yellow and pure white, are their beautiful coats. Some balloons are painted with funny cartoon characters, some are labeled with exquisite patterns, and others

"Ding Ling Ling", the clear bell rang, and the teacher walked out of the classroom slowly on high-heeled shoes. The students immediately became a mess, and were eager to pull out small balloons from the desks. Some students took the deflated balloon lying flat on the table, took a deep breath, puffed out their cheeks and blew hard; Some students walked out of the classroom in groups with their notebooks. When the round balloons were thrown up, they rushed to pick them up, fearing that others would take the lead; Some students are in a fierce competition, trying to prevent the balloon from landing with their feet or heads, bending down or even lying down to support it regardless of the image to see whose ball landed late; Some students in pairs, each with one cheek close to the small balloon that can be broken by blowing bombs, ran around to pass on each other, nervous heart was moved by the little guy; And

And my good friends and I can't fall behind this huge "balloon playing" team, of course, we will follow the "wind vane"! First of all, a girl held a small orange balloon and gently threw it upward to open the curtain of the competition. She turned left and right, her flexible neck skillfully led the small balloon on her head, and danced gracefully in mid air. After a long time, the balloon landed slowly. All of us could not help being jealous, thinking that we must surpass her.

The next player is me. Not willing to be outdone, I gently picked up a small white balloon, and began to count the time as if I had the chance to win. The light balloon is like a lively and cute, smart and clever elf, bouncing happily on my head. Obedient, she followed my orderly rhythm and gave me extra points. I smiled complacently and said to the other people proudly, "How are you? I'm not bad!" Suddenly, their faces appeared a strange expression, and the weight on my head seemed to disappear. I felt a little bad. I quickly looked back and saw that the small balloon had come into close contact with the floor. Behind me, a burst of gloating laughter, and I could only regret that I was unwilling, complaining about my carelessness from the bottom of my heart.

"Ringing bell", the class bell rang, and the short time of class ended quickly, which was a pity, but the colorful balloons added a touch of happiness to our ten minutes of class.

Play Balloon (15)

When we got to the park, my little brother took the string to tie the balloon and threw it into the sky. The little brother ran around the park singing. The little brother's song floated far with the balloon.

While the little brother was happy, he accidentally tripped over a stone. When the little brother got up, he found that the balloon in his hand was missing. The little brother looked at the shadow of a balloon on the ground. He looked up at the sky and found that the balloon floating in the sky was his own? He watched the balloon fly higher and higher, and could no longer see it. He cried and went home to find his mother.

When he came home, his mother saw his son crying red when he came in, and asked him, "Why are you crying?" The little brother said, "My balloon flew. My mother said," Baby, don't cry. Buy it next time. Come on, my mother has made fruit juice for you. Come and drink it quickly. "The little brother stopped crying when he had sweet juice. But still a little sad. He doesn't know when the "next time" is?

Instructor: Zhang Caiyun

Play Balloon (16)

Class, the teacher came, but the teacher hands a bag of balloons, this is to do? Blow up a balloon? Step on a balloon? Stab balloon All sorts of conjectures come to my mind, but what on earth should I do? Nobody knows (except the teacher) whether this game is fun or strange? Let's look forward to the next game!

The original game is: there are two teams of people, three members in one team, and one member is responsible for blowing the balloon. After the balloon is blown up, the other two members squeeze the balloon back to back until it bursts. There are two balloons in total. The team with the shortest time will win. A big battle is about to start, and everyone will wait and see.

The first round of the game started. The players of the first team were: Han Siqin, Cheng Yiyang and Gai Tongyu. I was heartbroken to watch this game. Han Siqin, who played the balloon, could not tie the balloon, but the team members were all squeezed. It was a waste of more than one minute just to tie the balloon. It also took more than two minutes just to squeeze the balloon, Their final score was 3:02 seconds. After watching them play, I think we won? It's too easy!

The second round started. Needless to say, when I came up, I was confident and my strength was absolutely suppressed! But -- I was wrong, very wrong, I was also stuck in the tie-in balloon. The key was that the balloon was too difficult to tie, but it could not be tied. Finally, I asked the crowd to tie it, and I blew another balloon. Needless to say, in the end, we won by 2:48 seconds, and got five points.

The game is over. Today is really a happy day. I not only played a game, but also knew that to succeed, it requires not only my own efforts, but also the cooperation of the team.

Play Balloon (17)

Teacher Fang took the balloon skin without air in his hand and said that he would show us how to blow balloons.

When Mr. Fang showed me how to blow a balloon, he took a deep breath first. When he blew, his eyebrows were tight and his face was puffy like two stuffed buns of meat. The balloon was blown very small by Teacher Fang, only as big as a small egg. Teacher Fang continued to blow, and the balloon was blown to the size of a big peach. (Vivid expression description)

It was only when Mr. Fang blew the balloon to the size of a big grapefruit that I found that the balloon was translucent. Mr. Fang asked us to touch it. The surface of the balloon was smooth and very soft. When Mr. Fang let go, the balloon was like a runaway rocket.

Teacher Fang gave us a balloon, and I chose red because I thought red was very beautiful.

Some students are playing with balloons like basketball, some students are stepping on each other's balloons, and some students blow the balloons up and let the air out. (Parallelism makes the composition more vivid)

I found that the balloon rose like a slowly rising hot air balloon, and fell like a feather. (What else does the balloon do? It would be better to think about it)

Unexpectedly, a small balloon is so funny!

Play Balloon (18)

Running and jumping, the rabbit accidentally released his hand and you can also contribute. The red balloon flew to the sky. The rabbit was very sad and cried.

The little bird saw the little rabbit unhappy and asked, "Little rabbit, what's wrong with you?" The little rabbit said, "My red balloon has gone to the sky." The little bird said, "Let me help you!"

The bird flew into the sky and returned the red balloon to the rabbit. The rabbit said, "Thanks, let's play with balloons!"