Cute Cat Composition (Selected 20)
Mountains and forests
2023-08-18 03:51:28

Cute Cat Composition (1)

Every time I go to the zoo, I want to see the cutest panda.

The whole body of the giant panda is chubby, which is really cute. The hair of the giant panda is black, white and extremely smooth. Its limbs and shoulders are black, and its head and stomach are white. The giant panda has a pair of small ears and a pair of black eyes. There is a pair of crystal black beads in the eye circles. The belly is round like a big watermelon, and the limbs are short and fat.

Whenever a stranger walks in front of it, it will become a circle, as if afraid.

Once I took some buds to feed it, and it ate with relish.

I like pandas, do you like them?

Cute Cat Composition (2)

One winter, my brother and I were playing in the garden. We are playing hide and seek. First, I said to my brother, "I will hide and you will find". The younger brother said "good" and the game began like this.

I suddenly found a good hiding place, and I hid in it quietly. After hiding, I still heard: "13, 12, 11, 10..." Ha ha, my brother must not be found this time, and I laughed to myself.

When I hid well and waited for my brother to come to find me, I was bored and looked around. Suddenly I saw a mysterious box. I didn't know what was inside? Because I was so curious, I slowly opened the box and was surprised to find three cats. Their appearance is black and white, one is white as snow, and the other is yellow. Their bodies were small and graceful, and the kittens slowly opened their sleepy eyes, as if they were telling me that the master should take me away. I fell in love with them at first sight and wanted to take these three lovely cats home at once... Just then a laugh interrupted my thought. It was my brother. I put the three cats in front of my brother. Without saying a word, he ran home with the box in his arms, and I followed him home.

When Mom saw us, she asked us, "Where are these three cats from?" This sentence was heard by Dad, who came over heavily. My brother and I begged when our father came. In the end, Mom and Dad couldn't beat us, so they had to agree.

The kitten seemed to understand and happily added our hands. My brother and I were busy preparing food for the kitten's bath.

The kitten is really cute!

Cute Cat Composition (3)

I became a lovely cat

Whether in school or in society, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise, self understandable language through compression to an open, standardized grammatical structure and an external language form that can be understood by others. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the imaginary composition I have become a lovely cat collected by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is only for reference, and I hope it can help everyone.

I have become a lovely cat, a cat that can talk, change color and shape.

Why should I become such a strange cat? With the development of society, mice have become very intelligent and can observe the environment very well. To become such a cat, you can change into any shape and color to approach the mouse. You can talk directly with human beings and know where mice are emerging.

One night, I was about to fall asleep when my mobile phone rang. I saw that it was Zhenzhen. I grabbed my mobile phone and whispered, "What's the matter?" "Come on, I have a big mouse in my house!" "I'll be there right away!" I got dressed, jumped out of the window and disappeared into the darkness.

When I got to Zhenzhen's house, I said to her, "Go inside." She nodded and hid in the house with her family. According to my previous experience, the rat is in the next room. After I turned my body into the color of the pink floor, I began to slowly approach the mouse and attack it. I became a pool of liquid and slowly flowed to the feet of rats. The big mouse was unconcerned. It was eating a big apple. Okay, now! I opened my mouth and swallowed the big mouse. The big apple also got into my stomach. "Ha ha, that's great! You can get fruits after a good meal," I said to myself. Zhenzhen opened the door and said to me, "Thank you!" I nodded to them and said, "You're welcome, what you should do." Then I sang a song leisurely and went home to rest.

"Baby, get up!" I woke up and saw my mother standing in front of my bed. Oh, I'm dreaming! I thought, if only I could really become a cat! Become a cat that can talk, change color and shape.

Why should I become such a strange cat? With the development of society, mice have become very intelligent and can observe the environment very well. To become such a cat, you can change into any shape and color to approach the mouse. You can talk directly with human beings and know where mice are emerging.

One night, I was about to fall asleep when my mobile phone rang. I saw that it was Zhenzhen. I grabbed my mobile phone and whispered, "What's the matter?" "Come on, I have a big mouse in my house!" "I'll be there right away!" I got dressed, jumped out of the window and disappeared into the darkness.

When I got to Zhenzhen's house, I said to her, "Go inside." She nodded and hid in the house with her family. According to my previous experience, the rat is in the next room. After I turned my body into the color of the pink floor, I began to slowly approach the mouse and attack it. I became a pool of liquid and slowly flowed to the feet of rats. The big mouse nibbled at a big apple. Okay, now! I opened my mouth and swallowed the big mouse. The big apple also got into my stomach. "Ha ha, that's great! You can get fruits after a good meal," I said to myself. Zhenzhen opened the door and said to me, "Thank you!" I nodded to them and said, "You're welcome, what you should do." Then I sang a song leisurely and went home to rest.

"Baby, get up!" I woke up and saw my mother standing in front of my bed. Oh, I'm dreaming! I thought, if only I could really become a cat!

Cute Cat Composition (4)

On May Day, I went to Chongqing Zoo to play. I saw several cute pandas on the Panda Mountain. Their cute appearance attracted me. I stopped to observe them carefully for a long time.

They are fat and snow-white, wearing a black long sleeved short vest, a pair of black boots on their feet, round black ears, and a pair of black sunglasses on their eyes.

One of them was a panda, who, like a king, leaned lazily on his wooden throne, holding a bundle of bamboo in his left hand, and tearing a piece of bamboo in his right hand. When he heard a few "clicks", the bamboo skin was torn off, and then he ate the tender meat inside beautifully. After eating one, he took another from his left hand and continued to eat. In a short time, a bundle of bamboo was finished. It belched, stood up slowly, moved slowly, and climbed down from its wooden throne with "internal eight character" steps, then walked to the water tank to drink water.

Panda is not only cute, but also a national treasure and living fossil of our country. It has also been sent to various countries as a friendly messenger. Now the number of pandas is getting smaller and smaller. We should take good care of them!

Cute Cat Composition (5)

I like animals, but my favorite is giant panda.

The giant panda is a rare animal in China. It looks very cute. The round and chubby body is black except for the white belly and face, which is like wearing a big black and white coat. The big head looks like a big ball, especially the eight shaped black eyes, like wearing a pair of black sunglasses. The limbs are thick and short, and they walk like a baby just learning to walk.

Giant pandas like fresh bamboo leaves and bamboo shoots best. Look at him standing straight, sitting cross legged, holding something in his front paws, and pushing it into his mouth as if he were afraid of being snatched away. The giant panda will go to bed when he has filled his stomach. At this time, if you move it, it will open its eyes to look at you, and fall asleep again, as if it is not enough sleep.

Giant pandas like to walk on the flat ground when they don't eat or sleep. You can see it walking slowly, like thinking about something. Sometimes I roll on the ground. It's fun!

The giant panda is a national treasure of our country. We should take good care of it. I am proud of such a valuable animal in our country!

Cute Cat Composition (6)

Yesterday, my mother took me to the zoo. What impressed me most was the cute and honest giant panda.

Pandas have black and white fur all over their bodies. Their heads are round like a football, their eyes are small, and their black hair is long and swaying on their semicircular ears. Their noses are small, their mouths are big, and their tails are short and small, like a small pompon towel on their buttocks. They walk around and around, looking very silly and cute.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." Eh? Why is one missing? It turns out that there is another one eating bamboo in the tree! The panda grasped the bamboo tightly with its paws first, as if afraid that the same kind would grab food from it! Next, it bit the bamboo leaf on its left hand and the branch on its right hand It ate with relish. It is said that pandas eat bamboo for five or six hours every day. They are truly the national treasure "the king of big stomach"! After eating, he wiped his mouth with his chubby paws, and then lay down in the shade to sleep. I even called him several times, but he didn't wake up. It seemed ungrateful. After a while, he slowly woke up from his sleep, then stretched his hands and stretched his waist, making tourists laugh. He stretched his left hand again, as if waving to everyone, and everyone laughed incessantly

Although the panda is not as powerful as the tiger, has not become the "king of the forest", and is not as smart as the monkey, it is more docile and honest than the tiger. I love the panda, and it is the cutest animal in my eyes!

Cute Cat Composition (7)

My Erhu teacher has a lovely dragon cat at home. Its whole body is black, and its fur seems to be smeared with a layer of oil, always shining black light. The round head has two big ears, two small black eyes like two black gemstones, and three beaks like rabbits. There are thick meat pads on the toes of four small feet, and there is no sound when walking. A thin and long tail always drags behind, looking like a mouse. Ha ha, a cat like a mouse, so interesting!

Guess what it eats? It doesn't eat mice or fish, but a kind of grass. The root of this kind of grass is very long, and the top is a little like a reed. Once, when I went to see it, it was sleeping. I put a piece of grass beside its beard to tickle it, and it suddenly woke up and jumped up. I deliberately teased it and put the grass on the high platform. The Dragon Cat quickly jumped onto the platform, squatted down, grabbed the grass with its two front paws, and happily bit it. While chewing, it looked at me, as if to say, "This grass is really delicious!" Don't worry, Little Greedy Cat, I won't compete with you.

Then, it climbed to the feed trough and ate a little coarse grain. Maybe he ate too much too fast, so the chinchilla jumped to the water jug, grabbed the straw with its meaty mouth, and sucked it up. Ha ha, Tmall's dinner is solved.

Look, how delightful the chinchilla is!

Cute Cat Composition (8)

My family has a naughty and lovely Persian cat, I like it very much!

The round head, big eyes and two triangular ears will shake when you touch them. It is dressed in snow-white clothes. It feels very smooth and soft. When walking, the long tail is lifted up, but when it lies on the sofa to rest, the tail is pulled down.

It is willing to be close to people. Once, he was about to sleep late on the sofa, and I came to the sofa to watch TV, he hurriedly rubbed over and lay in my arms with me.

But don't be confused by its gentle appearance. In fact, how powerful is it? If you annoy it, it will stretch out its paws to scratch you. Fortunately, I am very familiar with its temper, and I never provoke it when it is unhappy!

Cute Cat Composition (9)

There are many wild cats in my community, black, white, flowery, fat and thin. One of them is black and white, not fat and not thin, and often stays in the place where my grandma often sits for chatting. It is very gentle and cute. Let me touch it and play with it. Grandma and I saw it so cute and lovely, so we named it Mimi.

From then on, whenever there were all kinds of fish in the house, Grandma would always remember to prepare food for Mimi, and Mimi could always identify Grandma's voice, as long as Grandma shouted, "Mimi, Mimi! "Mimi will run out of the grass or under the car at any time and enjoy the delicious food given by Grandma.

Every day after school, I also call Mimi in the same way as my grandmother. At first, it will not appear. If I call it several times, it will appear at any time. I can touch it without any resistance. I have fun playing with it. Watching it climb trees, watching it play on the grass, I often laugh happily.

However, an unfortunate thing happened soon. Grandma told me that a grandmother who opened a small shop wanted Mimi to help her catch mice in her shop. In order to have a real owner, I could also go to the shop to play with Mimi at any time. That day, I helped Grandma catch Mimi and prepare to pack it into a box for delivery. Maybe Mimi felt something. She was so cute that she even scratched my neck with her paw. I was shocked and my hands loosened, It ran away at once, and a blood print on my neck showed immediately.

When my mother knew this, she immediately took me to the hospital to have a dog service vaccine. Alas! I suffered three stings of flesh and blood.

Later, I never saw Mimi again. I don't know where Mimi has gone.

Cute Cat Composition (10)

A cute kitten may also be a little annoying, because in order to keep its claws clean and sharp, it always sharpens its claws. Think of furniture as a tree, but this is a misunderstanding. The cat is a carnivorous mammal. In addition to eating and playing, it also sleeps for most of the day. It usually sleeps for two or three hours. It seems that the kitten also knows the phrase "rest is to go farther".

Have you had enough sleep during the day, but still sleep at night? Wrong. The night is just the time for cats. Although some of their work and rest are the same as those of people, cats are generally nocturnal animals, so people like to call cats "night owls". It's not easy to wander in the dark. Cats are the first experts who can perform jumping function silently in the quiet night! It all depends on the meat pad on the bottom of the foot and the strange eyes. The thick meat pad makes them jump without injury and reduces the sound of walking. The peculiar eyes make them have night vision function.

Cats can scratch their cheeks and act coquettish! In fact, touching the body and rubbing each other's cheeks are greetings. Their greetings are really different from those of people. When rubbing your cheeks, you will also be familiar with each other's smell. The smell can reveal a cat's status in society, and can also be used to judge whether it is a cat in our area.

The mouse is the cat's favorite food, but if caught, the cat will not eat it immediately. It needs to play before eating. Cats also "occupy their territory". Sometimes, cats will deliberately urinate around them, which is to leave a smell to delimit the field and tell the outside cats or other visitors. The cat is not friendly at all. It will bow its back, raise its hair and show an angry look, which is enough.

Cats have a lot of knowledge to learn. In fact, it's much fun.

Cute Cat Composition (11)

My family has a very cute tiger skin cat, called "Xiaomi". Its body is much like a tiger, but it is many times smaller than a tiger. If it is happy, it is more gentle and amiable than anyone. It rubs your legs with its body and stretches out its neck to let you scratch it. Sometimes when you are lonely, it can be your playmate. If he is not happy, his character is the same as that of the tigress, jumping around and even eating the canned fish he just bought.

The way he ate often made us laugh. When he met a canned fish, he ran up to it. When he was about to eat fish, he was covered with fish sauce. We had to give it more food and wipe its body. It began to gobble up food again.

It makes us laugh not only when it eats, but also when it sleeps. Every time before going to bed, we must eat up two cans of fish. Then he leaned on the bed and said, "Meow, meow..." A few times, as if to say, "I haven't eaten enough, and I still want to eat." He also drooled from time to time!

What I like most is that every time I come home from school, it will immediately greet me with "meow, meow..." and then play with me. Let's play skateboard first. He is a master skateboarder. He learned it in a few minutes and is more powerful than me.

Its most powerful trick is to catch "mice". I took out all the toy mice and wound them up. When it met "mice", it was like meeting prey. It immediately reached out its paw and caught all the "mice".

What impressed me most was that this time, my father, mother, sister and cousin all went out, and I was the only one at home. I finished my homework first, and played with the computer for a while, and I felt very lonely. At this time, the fan came in and played with me with the ball. My loneliness had already gone to the sky.

"Little fan" is my playmate, I like it.

Cute Cat Composition (12)

The cat is a cute, intelligent and agile little animal.

A cat is a mammal. Its feet have sharp claws and meat pads. It is quick and quick to act without sound. He is good at jumping and climbing trees, catching mice and eating them.

Cats are a kind of domestic animals. They have round faces and big eyes. In dark places, their pupils become round and large, like black pearls shining black light. In bright places, their pupils become flat. And the sharp little ears, nose, mouth, constitute a lively and lovely kitten. Look, how cute they look.

They are not only cute, but also smart. They are mathematicians, doctors and teachers.

In the cold winter, when a cat sleeps, it always holds its body in a ball shape. In this way, the surface area of the body exposed to the cold air is the smallest, and therefore it emits the least heat. Isn't it a mathematician?

There was a cat who suffered from gastroenteritis and diarrhea. He went to look for some fresh grass to eat, and then vomited. This method of "treating diarrhea with vomiting" is an effective method for treating gastroenteritis in cats. He really deserves to be a "doctor" with excellent medical skills

The kitten likes playing with leather balls and wool balls. This is the initial exercise arranged by its parents for it to learn how to catch mice. It started training when its legs and feet were still unsteady. This kind of game can make the action of the minions become more skillful and more flexible. When the kitten is a little older, he will play other games; Open your teeth and claws, attack each other and so on. Because then, they will start to catch mice alone! Next is a practical exercise. At this time, if the old cat catches a mouse, it will bite it half to death, put it in front of the kitten, let it have a good time, and finally bite it to death. What a real teacher.

Nowadays, cats are people's pets. How much happiness they bring to people. Therefore, we must treat them well and make the world wonderful because of them!

Cute Cat Composition (13)

It is white all over, as if it was carved from pure white jade. The triangular ears are always upright, as if listening to the enemy approaching. The big black and round eyes kept scanning around; There are four sharpest teeth in his big mouth, and he sometimes "meow meow"; There are sharp claws on the four flexible legs, which are extremely cute!

This cat is not only cute, but also very eccentric.

It has great courage. When someone hits it, it does not run away, but jumps up and grabs you with its sharp claws. Once, it dirtied my sister's paper. My sister was very angry. She picked up a stick and fought. But it was not her opponent. On the contrary, she was scratched twice by the cat. My sister knew she could not fight it, so she didn't dispute with it.

It is also very agile. Once, a bird called on the wall, and it saw, "whoosh --" ran up the wall and caught the bird.

Another time, a mouse ran on the ground, and her mother cried out in fright. The kitten heard this and immediately ran to catch the mouse, took it in front of us, and asked us for help.

One day, we were taking a nap when we heard a cat's cry. I saw that it had a group of kittens. Those kittens were very cute. I was very happy to see them. They are so cute!

Cute Cat Composition (14)

My favorite animal is chinchilla. The first time I saw it was in the Dragon Cat Hall of an amusement park called "Fantastic World".

The appearance of a chinchilla is very cute: it is small and fat, with a head like a rabbit and a tail like a squirrel. The hair on the back and sides is gray, and the abdomen gradually turns white. They have big and bright eyes, beards of different lengths on both sides of their noses, and blunt round ears, which are large and thin. Moreover, the Dragon Cat is very lively. When it sees someone coming, it will jump up and down the steps to be cute.

Suddenly, my eyes were attracted by a white little chinchilla. It stared at me with curious eyes, which really flattered me! I hurriedly took out a cookie from my schoolbag and handed it to him. Unexpectedly, he sniffed it, bit it with his teeth, and then hid in his room in panic. I wonder: does it dislike biscuits? At this time, I saw other children feeding other chinchillas with the green food prepared by the chinchilla shop. So I went over and took some food and put it on the steps. Sure enough, Little Dragon Cat came skipping over and ate with relish. It turns out that the little dragon cat only eats its own food and does not eat others' food.

After returning home, I couldn't wait to check the information. It turns out that the chinchilla is a South American chinchilla, belonging to the mammalian rodent family. Because it resembles the cartoon chinchilla in a Japanese cartoon, it was renamed "chinchilla", which is actually a kind of mouse. oh I see. I like the cute chinchilla so much!

Cute Cat Composition (15)

My great grandmother has a lovely cat at home. It's a pure tiger skin cat!

It always wears a tiger fur coat. A pair of large emerald like eyes sparkle, vaguely revealing spirituality, like two green apple flavored crystal jellies, which make people want to touch and lick at a glance. It has two rows of white and sharp fangs under its eyes. Its slim and elegant figure reminds me of the models on TV.

Tiger skin cat's personality is really strange, which makes me "hate". Let's be honest with him. He can make do sometimes. It will find a warm place and sleep lazily without saying anything or interfering with anything. Sometimes he would go out and play. When he had played enough, he would come back dirty. As soon as I saw it like this, I would say loudly to him: "How can you be like this!"

However, at about 8 o'clock in the evening, it would jump onto the chair outside the door and sit upright, staring at the stars and the moon. At about 9:30, he jumped back into the room and did what he should do. It's strange, isn't it.

It also catches mice very well. When he heard the squeaking sound, he jumped at the mouse like an arrow. After catching the mouse, he immediately took three bites and ate two. I looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

I'm leaving. If you ask me where to go, I'll tell you that I'm going to play with Tiger Cat.

Cute Cat Composition (16)

There are many wild cats in Grandma's yard. Most of them have wandered from outside. They used to live without a fixed place. Since they found this garden in the yard, they have temporarily settled down.

These cats live on garbage every day. If anyone throws garbage, they can't wait to rush to the house. Every time I see them like this, my heart is very sad. So I put the delicious food in the pot and sent it to them. This is especially true when there are fish. I am also happy for cats when I see them eating with relish.

The weather is getting cold. How can these little guys resist the cold when the heavy snow is falling? My heart could not help pulling up again. I told my grandmother about my worries. With the help of Grandma, she prepared a large cardboard box for the cats with a quilt inside. My mother and I carried the cartons to a storage room behind the yard. Well, the kittens finally have a house for the winter.

In the evening, I told my father what I had done today. My father touched my head and praised me that I was a caring boy. I smiled embarrassed. In fact, adults do not know that there is a secret in my heart. I once told a big locust tree secretly, that is, to build a big house when I grow up. It is the home of many stray animals.

Cute Cat Composition (17)

Today, as soon as I entered my grandmother's house, I saw a cat lying on the corner of the yard. It is black, white and yellow, fat and cute! Its small head has two small triangular ears, which seems to be listening to the movement around at any time. The two eyes are like two yellow olive stones. There is a small mouth under the pink nose, and the beard on the mouth is still shaking.

When he heard the sound of me coming, he first looked at me with half narrowed eyes, and saw that I was getting closer and closer. His eyes suddenly opened, and his body, which had been lying down, also stood up. I gently said to him, "Don't be afraid, kitty. I just came to see you, and I won't hurt you." I stepped back a few steps, and he seemed to understand what I said and relax his vigilance and lay down on the ground. It stretched out its four legs, straightened its waist, stretched its loins, and then stretched out its small paws to lick it. How cute! I couldn't help taking this picture with my mobile phone.

After a while, a white and yellow cat also came to the yard. The cat first "meow meow" several times, as if to say hello to it, then walked gently to its side and lay down, and began to play with it. You scratch me, I scratch you, and also roll. It was very pleasant! I thought to myself: they must be good friends.

I really like this cute little cute cat.

Cute Cat Composition (18)

Today, I would like to introduce my cat to you.

The kitten's hair is black and white, so I named it Dahei. Its eyes are particularly beautiful, round and smooth like a balloon. Usually, its eyes are large, but when eating and having fun, they narrow into a slit. Its ears are triangular and very sensitive. It can hear any sound. I would like to talk about its small claws, which are particularly sharp, because it has to grind its own claws every day to better catch mice. Although the claws are very sharp, they have pink and pink meat pads on the soles of their feet. The meat pads are of great use. They can make the kitten walk soundlessly, better catch food, and prevent it from hurting its feet when jumping from high places.

My cat likes eating and sleeping very much. It always eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps. It's a lazy cat. So after a while, it changed from a very thin kitten to a fat kitten.

The cat's favorite game at ordinary times is crazy scratching. The sofa cloth that her mother has just laid has been scratched one by one. There are also paper boxes that are the cat's favorite, grinding its paws.

This is my lovely cat. Do you like it?

Cute Cat Composition (19)

On my fifth birthday, my mother gave me a lovely kitten. I was very happy when I saw it, so I named it "Lele".

Lele is very obedient. Once, my sister and I went to bed and forgot to send Lele back to the cage, even the cage door was not closed. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I turned on the light and noticed that Lele was still squatting in the corner of the living room. His emerald eyes were looking around. When he saw me coming, he just "meow meow" twice, as if to say, "Little master, please take me home quickly." I quickly took Lele back to the cage. He saw his familiar "home", Then I found a comfortable position to lie down.

Lele is also very smart. I remember another time when Lele and I played the game of "picking up the box". It was Lele's turn to pick up the box, but it "swished" to the door and squatted on the "meow meow" to cry. I didn't know what happened to Lele, so I had to pick it up again, but it just hit the ground and ran to the door again, I can only go back and pick it up again... I came back and forth for several times in this way. I was so tired that I sweated heavily. Just when I was going to "teach it a lesson", Lele stared at the door and suddenly shouted excitedly, "Meow Meow". I looked up and saw that it was not my mother! So, Lele is greeting her mother.

This is my little cat Lele. She is obedient and smart. She has accompanied me for three years. Do you like her?

Cute Cat Composition (20)

My family has just raised a proud and lovely civet!

A pair of eyes as big as grapes are rolling around like two marbles! The wet black nose is small and exquisite all day long. The small cherry mouth is very cute! Most obvious

The ground is six snow-white, thin and long mustaches. How naughty!

The cuteness of a cat is more reflected in its cry, gait and eating appearance!

The cat's voice is soft, like a child. The tiger's call is fierce and rude, which sounds terrible, but the cat's call is just the opposite of the tiger's, very cute!

Its gait is even more leisurely and dignified. Before stepping down, first lift the soles of your feet, and then gently put them on the ground in a leisurely manner. Everything is

So leisurely.

It's very cute! First eat a mouthful of fish mixed with rice, and then go somewhere else to eat a mouthful of fruit. If the basin is far away, it will surely step forward to drink a mouthful of water, and then

Come back for a bite of fish and rice!

You say it is naughty. When is it naughty? Of course, when playing!

For example, once the cat saw the place where the broom was put after eating. There was the sun, so I picked on the broom and slept soundly. I wanted to take the cat down, so I shook slightly

Shake the broom. Seeing that it didn't respond, I picked it up and walked around for several times. I was so scared of it that I put it down! How interesting!

This is the proud and lovely cat!