600 words composition outside the window of the second day of junior high school (16 articles in total)
Listen to the wind in the rain
2023-09-04 00:06:39
Junior two

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (1)

When the skirt of the wind blows gently, it is full of fragrant flowers. I raised my head and looked out of the window. I saw clusters of wild flowers huddled together, whispering like elves. They were colorful and showed their beauty in the bright sun. The beauty is like the autumn white clouds floating in the remote and lonely sky; It is also like the bright moonlight, which silently spreads all over the remote alleys

Turning around, I suddenly saw Grandma coming with a smile and stroking my head with her hand. The deep wrinkles on my face were tightly clamped together, just like a blooming chrysanthemum. She also looked out of the window: "Look, those two clusters of clouds are like a sheep eating marshmallows." I looked along her fingers, the blue sky is like a piece of grass, and the wind is languidly grazing to see the white clouds. Two clusters of clouds, under the wind, meet together. "Well, it's very similar," I replied with a smile.

After lunch, I went to the living room to watch TV. When I saw half of it, I wanted to go to the toilet. Suddenly, I saw my grandmother put on a straw hat, got on her bike and was about to go out. "Grandma, where are you going?".

The clock gave a hoarse cry. It was already one o'clock. Why hadn't Grandma come back yet. I was a bit worried. I ran to the door from time to time to look around, but I still didn't see Grandma. Suddenly, my grandmother Xiao Suo came into my eyes. She seemed to be struggling with her bicycle. I ran over quickly, and the mud on the road splashed my trousers. Finally, she ran to Grandma. Her face was sweating. The sweat was so big that it soaked her collar, but she still had a smile on her face. She got off her bike and took out a piece of cotton candy from the basket. The marshmallow was inserted in a big bamboo basket and covered with a plastic bag. "Come, grandson, give you the marshmallow." Grandma wiped the sweat on her face with her sleeve and handed me the marshmallow. "Grandma, I'm so old..." "Oh, let you take it, eat it." I took it from Grandma trembling, tore off the plastic bag, put it in my mouth, slowly licked it, and enjoyed the little sweetness

Time flies, and many memories have been erased. Only this memory still keeps me in mind. When the wind blows slowly, I look out of the window. Those flowers are still blooming in the wind. They are so beautiful and natural

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (2)

The afterglow of the setting sun shines into my cabin through the window. Warm but not dazzling. Like magic, light and gorgeous. The world and heaven seem to be in one, which leads to my infinite reverie.

But the window separates me from the outside world. I feel bad in my heart, as if the window has imprisoned me here. When I reached out, I could only touch the cold glass without any warmth. I am like a butterfly in a cage, eager for freedom, but powerless.

Looking up, the blue sky and white clouds seem to be in front of me, but they are thousands of miles away from me; Looking around, many tall buildings are the shadow of dreams and the reflection of reality; Overlooking, there are busy streets, hurried pedestrians, and the land I yearn for. The river flows everywhere, but there is no silver here. As in the phase world, the air has solidified, the world has been frozen, and it has become so absurd.

It's quiet outside the window at the moment, maybe it's quiet in my eyes. Call it, it drives away the outside noise, let me just enjoy the beautiful scenery. I like quietness, but I don't like silence. The occasional bustle will add to the cake. The wind blows and the grass moves. An unknown dryness came to my heart. What's going on here? Or, the butterfly in the cage needs some sense of existence.

I am used to long imprisonment. No, I will never get used to it. People need freedom, and I am no exception. The beauty outside the window is only temporary. Sometimes I would say to myself that only when the window separates you from the outside world, you will not wither. But is it true?

I once read a story that there is a paradise in a distant place. Everyone there can live forever. For thousands of years, they have been accustomed to the ups and downs of the world, and still do nothing in the end. They can only appreciate, but they will be tired of appreciating the most beautiful things for such a long time. They sometimes have the idea of death, but how can they count death? No one can give an answer. So, don't waste time here. The best choice is to join the crowd and enjoy freedom.

The window is bad, but the world outside the window is dangerous. The window is good, but the world outside the window is also interesting. My mind has already drifted to the world outside the window, as if I was watching the most beautiful thing in my heart.

A person's life is really short, but I think a life full of adventure is meaningful. So, open the window in your heart and do what you want to do.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (3)

Opening the window, fresh air rushed in. I saw a cluster of lavender, smelled the fragrance "floating" out of the soil, and heard the noise of the bustling community. There is also the "rustling" sound left by the wind girl when she blows through the leaves.

In front of the window, I saw two children playing "Mom and Dad". My interest came to see their faces smiling more brightly than flowers. So I said to them in front of the window: "Hey, you are smiling more brightly than flowers. Are you inviting flowers and grass to play with you?"

I saw some old people playing chess. Some were sad, some were happy, and some were holding their breath. I said a word to the old man with a worried face at the window. The old man with a worried face knocked his head and suddenly realized it. He said to me, "Thank you, little girl. You really woke up the dreamer with a word." I went back to the old man and said, "You're welcome. But, grandpa, you must stop frowning. Are you looking so sad to play chess for you? " They burst into laughter at my words.

I also saw several children holding two cute puppies. Go into the grass and let them race. The two puppies, like "police dogs", ran forward at the owner's command. But when the two puppies were halfway there, they ran to the road. As a result, a car "flew" over and knocked the puppy away. Later, someone said, "This puppy deserves it.". Some people said, "The little owner of this house is crazy. He has nothing to do with the dog." Others said, "The owner is driving too fast. What are you going to do?" "I think he is going to be reincarnated. Alas! Such a lovely dog died like this."

Suddenly, it began to rain, and people would run home, even the owner of the dog ran home. But the little dog lay there alone and slept forever.

Closing the window, I couldn't help thinking deeply. In today's increasingly happy life, can you also give small animals a happy and happy home.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (4)

In the morning, when I opened the window and the curtains, the breeze gently hit me, and I suddenly woke up with the faint fragrance of osmanthus.

Look up, the sky is blue, white clouds float in the air like marshmallows. The sun shines through the clouds on the top of the trees, and the shadows of the trees are whirling, especially beautiful. From time to time, birds fly through the air, "twittering" and singing songs, as if to remind people to get up quickly. In the distant garden, flowers are blooming, the colorful Lantana Lantana attracts butterflies to dance, and the bees are busy collecting honey. The pink eustoma swayed gently in the breeze, as if greeting the passers-by on the road: what a fine autumn day! There are also yellow osmanthus flowers hanging between branches and leaves in bunches. Each bunch has dozens of flowers, like yellow crystals. Shake it with your hand, and the petals float down like rain. What a beautiful picture! If you sprinkle it on your body, it will smell better than your mother's perfume, because it is a natural flavor. I especially like the yellow osmanthus because it can make many delicious and delicious things, such as osmanthus dew, osmanthus tea, osmanthus cake

Looking down, I saw the children playing happily, some playing on the swing, some walking on a single wooden bridge, some sliding stairs, and some jumping on a long rope together... One by one, they played happily, and the laughter spread far and far. My favorite is playing on the swing. Whenever I finish my homework, my mother will go downstairs and take me to play on the swing for a while. Sitting on the swing, my body swings into the air, and my heart flies with it. I can't help laughing happily. The old man sitting next to him is chatting with each other. Even if he doesn't know each other, he will talk very lively, and the neighborhood feelings will come out. Of course, there are also elderly people who come out to exercise. They have fun playing Tai Chi and running.

Looking out the window, looking at the green world outside the window, I held the window sill, smiled at the green world, the thriving world, and thanked it for giving us such a beautiful world

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (5)

The blue sky and white clouds outside the window, the wind is fresh and refreshing; Outside the window, there are luxuriant foliage, birds singing and flowers fragrance; Playing outside the window, human fireworks. The world outside the window is colorful and full of wonders

"A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlet". Different ages, different ages, different perspectives, even from the same window, you can see different landscapes and have different associations.

At the age of four, I stood on a small bench and stood on tiptoe in front of the window at the door of my house, looking out of the window. See the sky blue, white clouds fluttering, flowers competing to open, small trees growing; I heard the chirping of cicadas and insects, the clear and beautiful singing of the textile lady, and the laughter of children older than me when playing. At that time, I had a simple idea. The old tree in front of the door was my shelter, and the insects were my happy world. I wanted to grow up quickly. I wanted to play and laugh with them.

When I was eight years old, I stood in front of the window of my home, poked my head out and looked out of the window. I was tall and saw the busy street at the door, where there was a lot of activity; Seeing pedestrians coming and going on the road, they were in a hurry; When I saw the senior office building blocked by the big tree, people were crowded under the light. I began to imagine the world of adults. Are there busy parents in that building, or in the building behind or behind it? Are there any parents rushing back on that road? Every day I stand in front of the window and look forward to it. I think of them coming home early, and I miss their warm embrace.

When I was eleven years old, I leaned in front of the window of the writing desk, opened the thick books and looked out of the window. The numbers and formulas make my spirit a little nervous and my eyes a little fuzzy. But through the trees and buildings, I seem to see a road to the distance. I can't see what the end of the road is, but it seems vaguely that there is my robot world, space tunnel, cosmic guard... I really want to break away from the shackles of learning. We have a pair of free wings, Fly to the world of my own, where I create my future.

I am eighteen years old, twenty years old, thirty years old... I will still stand in front of the window of this door and look out of the window. What will I see then?

One window, one world, thousands of people! A small window condenses a view of the world.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (6)

Even now, when I think of the soulful eyes outside the window, my heart will still be filled with waves, and my eyes can't help being moist. It also constantly prompted me to raise my tired head, hold the pen in my sore hand, and write quickly... That summer, the sun was blazing, and the school was decorated. A whole summer vacation has passed, and the project is still not over, leaving the final wall painting work. One after another "Spider Man" was tied with ropes on his waist, stepped on an iron frame, and kept brushing on the wall with a brush in his hand.

The second class in the afternoon was a lively and interesting math class. The students actively answered one question after another thrown by the teacher and added scores to their group. At that time, I was too emotional. I was depressed because of a little setback. I did not appreciate the spirit of life to continue in Life. My beloved football team lost the game, so I was not affected by the active classroom atmosphere at all. I just lay on the table and looked out of the window. Slowly, a "Spider Man" gradually came into my view from his arms to his whole body. He used skilled techniques to carry out his work: put the brush into the paint bucket, apply some paint, and then apply the paint evenly on the wall... Maybe he felt my eyes, or heard the voice in the room, turned his head to the window, looked at us, and then turned his head, Continue his work.

I felt like a thunderclap at the moment. If you have not experienced it yourself, you will never feel this feeling. Maybe the most gorgeous words of human beings will be used to describe his eyes. His face was dark, and wearing a work clothes splashed with paint made him look older, which also made his eyes more appealing. Although he didn't say a word, his eyes were more than a thousand words. From his eyes, I read his envy, encouragement, love, and even his regret for the wasted time when he was young... Inside and outside the window, one window, two lives!

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (7)

In the morning, I woke up with the sound of birds singing. I opened my bleary eyes and looked out of the window. What I saw was a touch of green. It was so pleasant and refreshing.

It was a large area of Parthenocissus, which covered a wall. From the flower bed on the first floor to the eighth floor, it seems that there is a relentless effort to wrap the whole building, which makes people have to admire its tenacious vitality.

When the sun comes out, the Parthenocissus in the sun is beautiful, comfortable and lazy. The gentle swaying of the delicate branches in the wind attracted the birds to stop and rest on the thicker branches, and also attracted the bees and butterflies to play and fly among the leaves. Parthenocissus is still slowly rocking its branches to share the happy stories of birds, bees and butterflies.

Parthenocissus under the sun is shining with dazzling light. In a trance, that large piece of green looks like a waterfall falling from the sky, and that piece of leaves shining with sunlight is the water drops rushing down. When you look closely, the waterfall disappears. It is clear that there are a large group of fluttering green butterflies in the sun, and each leaf is a graceful, fairy butterfly spirit.

Parthenocissus under the sun is free and unrestrained but not subtle and gentle. The Parthenocissus in the rain is a completely different picture. The initial light rain on the leaves made the leaves tremble slightly, and made small rustling sounds to meet the rhythm of the raindrops, like the prelude to a symphony, soft and sweet. Then the rain became bigger, and the big raindrops of peas hit the leaves. The Parthenocissus was boiling like a frying pan. With the crackling sound, the symphony reached its climax, so intense, so shocking!

When the heavy rain stopped, the ivy was as green as new after being washed away by the rain. The countless leaves glowed green, just like a fairy in a new green dress, or an old fisherman in a coir raincoat. When the wind blows, it seems to be out of control, and when the wind stops, it seems to be a sitting virgin.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (8)

Saturday morning, the sun is very good. Mom and Dad are not at home, a rare pleasant time. I sit in front of the TV leisurely, my eyes jumping back and forth between the colorful pictures

"Deng Deng Deng" There seems to be some noise outside the door. I get up from the sofa lazily and stare out of the window.

My God? What a dirty face I saw! The old man was small and thin, with a slightly stooped back. He was wrapped in military green cotton padded clothes, leaning on a bamboo stick in one hand and carrying an extremely dirty bowl in the other. He cast a dull, helpless, vague look at me, and said something vaguely: "I...... I...... Hungry." He moved the broken bowl forward: "I...... I...... Want to eat, I......" My heart could not help but thump, but then I remembered those people who deliberately fell down on the road and waited to steal money, Those little girls who are not ill but are simply put on the street by their families waiting for others to give alms. If... I look at the bamboo stick in his hand.

"Brush --" I quickly closed the curtains, turned back, turned off the TV, and went upstairs

I turned the pages of the book carelessly, but I couldn't see it. What's going on here? In my mind, the dirty face outside the window, the dull, helpless, fuzzy eyes, and the vague voice of pleading appear repeatedly. Am I wrong? Is he really harmless? I remembered that once my cousin and I sent food to a beggar together. At that time, I was so brave! How am I now? Have you lost your sympathy for a lonely old man? Have you lost the courage to open a window for strangers? At the moment, I am so cruel! How many years later will I be able to open my eyes and see a dying person still be able to laugh out loud? What's going on here? Am I really the same person I used to be?

It's funny. I read it every day in school. I wrote the great principle of being kind to others on my ideological and moral test paper. I don't know how many times I have written articles about "helping others"... It's funny! I still can't imagine what the old man's eyes were like when I closed the curtain. Maybe they were sad, maybe they were used to it, and they were all blinded by the world... I don't understand.

The dirty face outside the window, the dull, helpless, fuzzy eyes, and the vague pleading voice are still echoing in my mind again and again. They will constantly condemn my conscience, repeatedly condemn

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (9)

It's a pleasure to open the window and see the scenery outside?

When I opened the window, I saw a ray of golden sunshine coming in and a clear sky outside. The grass seedlings in the countryside are green; The fruit on the tree is bright red; And the big watermelon, under the golden sunshine, looks very attractive. At the edge of a country road, grass is growing, and a few scattered flowers are dotted in it. With the breeze blowing, smiling faces are looming in the grass, which is really a funny scroll! Look at the sky. It's so blue that you can't help feeling purified. It's really a super healing blue! From time to time, there are several gauze like white clouds floating gently, making people more happy and envious: how can there be such a beautiful sky? However, more is yearning! Yes, who doesn't yearn for such a comfortable life? Back in ancient times, there were pastoral hermits Tao Yuanming, Huayang hermits Tao Hongjing, and great poet Su Shi also chose to live in seclusion. Li Bai said: "Ask me why I want to live in the green mountain. Laugh but don't answer. My heart is at ease. Peach blossoms and flowing water run away. There is another world.

Opening the window, I heard a small cicada feeding on a tall tall tree playing a song of satisfaction, it may be in praise of the delicious nectar; Maybe it's expressing gratitude to Uncle anyway, I'm very happy. On that country road, several children gave out happy laughter, and the innocent laughter was as sweet as a silver bell. I could not help but raise my mouth. On the side of the path, there are sounds of farmers digging on the left, farmers picking fruit on the right, and hands tapping big watermelons. The most touching thing is the gentle rustling sound from the trees when the breeze blows through the grass. This is a reassuring lullaby.

Opening the window, I tasted the fresh air, which was also mixed with the fragrance of grass and soil. By the way, there are also sweet flowers, red fruits and big watermelons.

The golden sunshine near the window gradually disappears, followed by the crimson sunset. I hope that when I open the window again tomorrow, I can still see, hear and taste all the beautiful things!

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (10)

In early spring, the humid wind with a faint fragrance of soil runs through the whole body through the nose.

This is my first time to leave home alone to attend a summer camp.

Have you taken everything? Take your books with you and go there to do your homework. Dad shouted at me impatiently. Mm-hmm. I replied impatiently, and then you checked again to see if there was anything left, but no one sent it to you. Dad called me again. Yes, I have. Go to the station quickly. My voice is still impatient when I'm late.

When I arrived at the station, my father followed me to get on the bus, ordered me to get off the bus again in a hurry, as if to take something. I saw my father's slightly fat and weak body through the window, which could not be described as what it was like. Maybe it was the last three minutes of early spring that made me feel extremely warm.

Once again through the window, I saw my father rushing here in the distance, and my eyes were in a hurry. There are several fences at the door of the car. Dad needs to squat down and get up again and again when he gets here. When he stands up, his bib in his hands falls on the ground again. Dad squats down slowly with his fat body that day, and holds a bag of delicious food in his hands. When he gets on the car again, the car is about to leave, and he rushes towards me with a tight frown, I put food on me and tied my scarf carefully. For the first time, I felt that his hands were so big that they could wrap me effortlessly. Yes, the temperature of the palm was like a light in winter, which made me feel sad. But it was so small that it was not as big as when I was a child. One day, I would wrap my father's hands.

My father got out of the car when the temperature in his palm was still warm. He said something very close to the car. I could not hear it in the window, but just nodded to answer. I didn't know when the car drove away, and my vision became blurred. Rubbing my eyes, it was wet. I thought it must be the dew in early spring. Then I looked back and saw the plump and weak body no longer. The green of early spring came to my face. It was soft green, which melted into the heart, just like the temperature of my father's palm. It was warm and fluttering in my heart, which could not be pacified for a long time.

The scenery outside the car window is so beautiful, but it can't compare with the plump body

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (11)

A window is simple and unadorned, but when we pass through clean and transparent glass, we will find how beautiful the world is.

After a winter's test, the snow has finally melted, and her demeanor has become a little gentle, just like an angry mother suddenly becomes calm and gentle, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Although the wind is gentle, the temperature is still very low.

On the gray table outside the window, something was moving vaguely. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a bird. I walked over quietly and opened the window gently. It didn't fly away. I reached out to grab it, and it shook suddenly, and the beak of the bird called one by one. When I held it, I found its wings were injured and drooping. I put it trembling in the shoe box and gave it some rice and water. I hope it can heal, grow up and stay with me all the time.

In the afternoon, the glass made a noise, as if something had hit it. I opened the window, and a big bird was near the window. It was not afraid of people, but it looked very worried. Just as I wanted to catch it, it fluttered away. Its wings had blue feathers, which looked like a circle. When I came to the shoebox, the bird was no longer afraid of me. It cried happily when it saw me.

The next day, I opened the window to breathe. There was a bright sunshine outside the window. Suddenly, I found that the big bird was still near the window yesterday, and the big bird was singing loudly. At this time, the small bird also followed me. I held the small bird in my hand. Compared with the big bird, I was surprised and similar. I seemed to understand the relationship between the two birds. Although I didn't want to give up, the small bird still sent it out. The two birds nestled together and became the warmest "sun" in this cold day.

A window can block the wind and rain, but it can never block the mother's light. There is a landscape outside the window, and there is more maternal love outside the window. "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son". Even if the mother and son are separated by thousands of miles, the mother will find her own child, which is kinship, which is maternal love. At this time, the sun outside the window is brighter.

A window, inside and outside, can be maternal love, always exist.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (12)

There are thousands of beautiful scenery outside the window, with flowers and plants; There are trees; There are birds flying; There are small fish. But I remember the "sunshine"—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

At the moment, I was sitting in the examination room, and I heard no other sound except the rustle of fingers rubbing on the paper. Looking out of the window, a ray of sunshine shines on my face, and I suddenly think of you in my mind. Just like this ray of sunshine, it is hot, bright and warm in my heart.

I still remember the first time we met, you wore a long skirt, looking elegant and complacent. When we cleaned the classroom, I thought you would be a "conductor", but you accompanied us to clean the whole classroom. I remember you said, "We can get along like friends". Since then, my classmates and I have been full of respect for you. Perhaps at that time, you were a ray of sunshine in my heart.

You are like sunshine, bright and full of hope. I still remember that in the first day of junior high school, the school organized a football match. Every day when it comes to training, you always supervise us personally. "Hurry up, raise your legs, close your stomach..." A series of admonitions often overwhelm us. "Come on, you are the best, come on!" A series of encouragement often let us regain hope. On the day of the competition, you danced like an innocent child to cheer us on. Although we lost the game, you didn't complain at all. Instead, you always comforted us and made us cheer up.

You are as warm and reasonable as the sun. I still remember that in the self-study class, you angrily walked into the classroom and shouted at us: "I have told you several times that you must write the process to do word problems. Without the process, you can't score, and you can't forget to write answers, but none of you can write. Not long memory, right? Today I will let you long memory!" After that, you took a ruler from the platform, At that time, you looked very strict. When the ruler fell on our hands, it didn't hurt at all. In fact, we all know that you hate iron but not steel.

When I looked out of the window again, I saw the sunshine again. The sun is like you but not as good as you, you are like the sun but better than the sun. It turns out that there is beautiful scenery and sunshine outside the window.

That ray of sunshine, very beautiful.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (13)

The hot sun turns into cool wind, the green leaves turn into withered and yellow leaves; The lotus withered and the chrysanthemum bloomed; Autumn is my favorite season.

Someone said, "You should go to enjoy flowers in autumn."

Someone said, "You should go to the orchard to pick in autumn."

Someone said, "You should go to the paradise in autumn. If you don't go there, it will be cold."

I think we should stay at home in autumn and watch the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Someone may ask, "What's out of the window?" In fact, there are many things out of the window. There are rows of big trees in neat rows, and there are charming osmanthus fragrances... Today, I will introduce them one by one.

There is a sweet scented osmanthus tree outside my window. When the golden autumn comes, clusters of golden petals are held together like sisters, holding a tea party. They are easy to fall off. When the wind blows, those "little girls" dance happily into the dance floor. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you were sitting in front of the window enjoying the autumn sunshine filled with refreshing fragrance of flowers.

Sometimes there are not only beautiful scenery, but also good scenes to watch. Small groups of children are playing hide and seek with innocence. They are playing soundly. Jiaojiao with ponytail has found nothing for a long time. A pair of big black eyes are staring at me like asking for help. I pout accurately, and Jiaojiao immediately understands, I found a boy in the grass under the sweet scented osmanthus tree (although he was very secretive, he could not escape my military eyes). Jiaojiao looked at me again to express her gratitude, and then gave me a more expectant look. I glanced at the garbage can not far away from her. She ran quickly to the garbage can, turned back and forth, left and right, and found nothing. She opened the garbage can and searched it on tiptoe, and the smile on her face disappeared. In fact, I was teasing her. I couldn't help laughing in front of the window. Jiaojiao pursed her lips and glared at me. If I didn't want to be afraid of making a big noise in front of the little boy, I would definitely want to look good at me, ha ha

Look, the scenery outside the window is colorful. It's better to stay at home and look outside the window than to spend money on some places!

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (14)

It was a hot summer. I looked out of the window and was moved by one thing.

Here's the thing: I was sitting at home watching TV when suddenly there was a loud cry outside the window. I couldn't help looking out of the window. It turned out that in a nest, a group of birds were singing. They were young birds that had not yet learned to fly. At this time, I found a snake crawling slowly towards them. The birds were frightened and making meaningless resistance. However, the snake completely ignored it.

Just then, the mother bird, looking for food, flew back and found that the snake had climbed to the nest. He immediately spat out the food in his mouth, but it was too late, because the snake had swallowed a young bird into his stomach, and the mother bird launched a fierce attack at the first sight. However, the snake was not easy to offend because it was raising children, and then looked at the size of the bird compared with the snake, it was very different. In this way, the bird had no chance of winning.

But the mother bird kept pecking at the snake's belly, and the snake, unwilling to be outdone, kept barking wildly, and occasionally stretched its neck to frighten it. The mother bird did not know what to do, and was not afraid of death. It attacked like it had fought for its life. Finally, the snake was tired, and had no intention of fighting with the mother bird again. Just wanted to slip away, the mother bird should let it go, but it desperately pursued, and the snake was pecked everywhere to escape, If she accidentally falls from the tree, the mother bird will chase after her victory.

At this time, the snake became angry and used its "killer weapon" - spraying venom. The battle has entered the white heat, and the mother bird risks her life to peck the snake. Finally, the snake was pecked to death, and its body was full of holes pecked by the mother bird. The mother bird flew up to the branch and stood for a while, then flew away with another baby bird.

This is a struggle between animals and a "family defense war" of a mother bird. In order to protect her children and avenge her children, she can even spare her life. This event has shown me the greatness of maternal love. Even if the enemy is vicious, she will eventually retreat in front of maternal love.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (15)

A foggy morning does not mean a whole day of haze—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The autumn rain is not as gentle as the spring rain, nor as warm as the summer rain. It comes slowly. Hearing the sound of rain, I suddenly realized the coming of autumn.

Standing by the window, I looked up. There were pools of water on the road. Occasionally, pedestrians walked by, splashing their sorrows for several circles, and then disappeared. The trees still hung the slightly yellow clothes, swaying with the wind, adding a sense of cold for no reason.

Seeing this scene, I felt bored. Thinking of the heavy study in recent days, I quickly sat down to review my lessons. After studying, I thought of the hobby that I was forced to give up in recent days.

Not long after I finished reviewing my lessons, I looked up and heard the voice coming from outside the window. I turned to look out of the window and found several birds flying in the rain. The sound was also their song. The rain was heavy that day, and the road was already empty. Looking around, only these birds could be seen. I didn't notice whether there were birds flying when it rained in the past, but I was surprised when I saw them at that time.

Surprised, I couldn't help wondering: Why don't birds stay in their nests in rainy days? But I saw the birds flying freely outside the window. Even in the rain, they still struggled to fly high and braved the wind and rain. I watched them fly, and thought of me who has been troubled recently.

I admire the freedom of birds, but also lament their courage. I hope I can break through the fence and fly out of the window, but it still needs my own efforts. It is like an egg. If it is broken from the outside, it is only food; If it is broken from the inside, it is a new life and new hope. What I can do now is to study hard. But I understand that all my efforts are for my future "freedom".

I suddenly became clear, and the haze in my heart has also dissipated.

Let me gather strength and make vigorous preparations to grow my wings in the "rainy days" and fly to higher and farther places. The enchanted warm sun breaks through layers of clouds and scatters sunlight.

600 words composition outside the window in the second day of junior high (16)

"Pa da, pa da", the rain keeps dropping, slapping the edge of the window, like an ancient zither, playing an ethereal tune, interrupting my thought of solving problems.

I looked out of the window.

Autumn rain always seems to be intermittent and continuous. The sky is gray and oppressive. Deep in the dark clouds, raindrops like elves, dressed in exquisite clothes, laughing and jumping off the clouds, fluttering with the wind, giving everything in front a layer of dreamlike color.

I am deeply intoxicated.

The rain seems to be the clearest, which irrigates the trees, moistens the flowers and plants, and also washes the soul. All kinds of passers-by outside the window, carrying colorful umbrellas, walk in a hurry. I should have not leaned against the window for a long time, and quietly enjoyed the rain. I have no time to pay attention to the numerous homework everyday.

Just thinking, the rain stopped gradually, and the sun showed its face shyly from behind the clouds. The sun poured down, warm. The leaves are covered with crystal beads, which are more and more green under the refraction of the sun. The rose in the flower bed is like a 'girl' dressed in gauze. She is shy and wants to speak. She looks forward to the bright future and makes people pity her. The grass in the corner, which used to be slightly withered and yellow, seems to have regained its vitality after the rain.

When I raised my eyes, a rainbow appeared in the sky, which was breathtaking. Grandma told me that the rainbow is a bridge, and those who walk across it will be happy.

The passers-by outside the window also put away their umbrellas, stopped their hurried steps, looked up to enjoy the rainbow, and purified their hearts that gradually became dusty in their busy life.

Taking back my amazing eyes, I looked again at the topic in front of me, and my wandering thoughts became clear and bright. I killed the "road block" with three strikes, five strikes and two strikes, with a long sigh of relief.

Looking out the window again, I couldn't help smiling.