Second grade composition on the way to school (7 refined articles)
This feeling is worth recalling
2024-01-14 06:30:13
second grade

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (1)

On a sunny morning, I got up very early, picked up the book and began to read until breakfast in the morning. Because of the mid-term exam this week, I had to get up early to read.

More than seven o'clock in the morning, I had breakfast, packed my schoolbag, and walked quickly to the station. In a short time, the bus came. There were so many people on the bus that I couldn't breathe. Only then did I find that there was still a seat in the last row of the bus, and I hurried to "squeeze" through. "Ah! I finally found a seat!" I was secretly happy. At this time, an elderly grandmother came up with a crutch in her hand and looked around from time to time, as if to find another seat. I thought to myself: the teacher said that when you see an elderly grandma and grandpa or a pregnant woman on the bus, you should take the initiative to make way. But this is the seat I have worked hard to find! How can I give up? After a period of ideological struggle, let the granny do it! When the old woman came to my seat, I stood up and said to the old woman, "Sit down, Grandma, and I will get off soon." The old woman smiled and said to me, "Thank you, good boy! By the way, which school are you from?" I said the name of my school to the old woman shyly, and then the old woman said to the aunt next to her, "How nice the child is!" "Yes!"! Yes! " The aunt beside said. I suddenly felt an unspeakable feeling. The taste is sweet The train arrived at the station, I hurried down, and a new day was about to begin

From this incident, I learned a profound truth: Helping others is a virtue. When others need help, you should do your best to help them. When you encounter difficulties, others will not hesitate to help you overcome them.

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (2)

One night summer wind, one night summer rain.

I went to school by car with my pink schoolbag on my back, and it cleared up before I knew it.

Ah! What a clear sky. However, the ground is still wet. From time to time, I can see a mud puddle, which dirties the car Dad just washed.

The roses on both sides of the road dropped pink and pink petals, which glistened with raindrops and hid in the leaves as soon as they fell.

When I was riding on the stone road, the stone road seemed angry, and my face was gloomy.

Here is an angry face. The dust on the road is like his angry tears. The tears have been far, far away, until the end of the face

Each petal is like a small person, dancing under the music of the wind.

They didn't jump neatly, but they jumped happily.

This is the scene on my way to school. Do you like it?

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (3)

I went to school at noon today. On the way, I saw three big brothers playing under a tree on the roadside. One of the big brothers climbed up the tree quickly. The tree is not big, but the big brother is heavy. The small tree is bent, but the three big brothers are laughing. There was only a sound of "Pa". The branch broke, and the big brother fell down from the tree. He rolled on the ground and cried with his arms in his arms. The other two big brothers ran to him and asked him what was wrong. It turned out that the big brother's arm was broken. Later, a male teacher came, picked him up and ran to the hospital. While running, he asked other students to hurry back to inform their parents to come to the hospital.

In the afternoon when school was over, I heard that senior students were talking about it. I heard that the elder brother was in hospital with a cast on his arm. He couldn't go to school these days and needed to rest at home for a while. His parents were angry and sad. Alas! It really hurt the children and hurt the parents.

I think: the injured big brother can be hospitalized, but what about the injured tree? Who cares about it?

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (4)

In the morning of early summer, the sun is bright and the air is fresh. Lele is walking happily on the way to school. He took out the banana prepared by his mother from his schoolbag, and while eating it, he hummed a tune and threw the banana peel behind him.

At this time, a little sister with a red scarf came up to stop Lele and said, "Children, you should not throw the banana peel on the ground. If someone pays attention to it, you will fall over. Children should develop a good habit of speaking hygiene and understanding social morality." Lele nodded with embarrassment, Said: "Little sister, thank you, I will never throw anything again. I want to be a good child of hygiene." After saying that, I turned to see the banana peel on the ground and threw it into the fruit skin box.

The little sister said happily, "You are a good boy who knows his mistakes."

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (5)

In the morning, on the way from my home to Yucai No. 2 Primary School, when I went out, I saw small trees planted in the soil, birds, big trees, small flowers, etc. What a beautiful blue sky and white clouds.

The beautiful little sparrows fly happily in the sky and chirp in the trees, just like saying "Hello" to us! The grass waved to us in the earth against the autumn wind. There are several houses nearby. The children come down from upstairs one after another to go to school together. Some children are still running, some are watching the beautiful scenery on the road, some are laughing while walking, and some are holding hands with their parents. It's fun to walk happily!

When I got to the school gate, I saw a lot of banyan trees and various cars. The children got out of the car and said goodbye to their parents. Then I saw a big truck loaded with trees. There were many workers' uncles on it. They had broken the branches of banyan trees two days before the transportation. If I am not afraid of being late for school, I will walk very slowly, because I want to observe these beautiful scenery.

On campus, before going up the stairs, I saw many small plants and classmates. They happily went up the stairs with me and entered the class.

How beautiful the scenery on the way to school is!

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (6)

I passed at the foot of Zhongshan Park, where there was a rectangular pond with clear water reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and trees. There are green lotus leaves on the river, which are as big as a plate. Some of them are on top of the pond, like small green umbrellas. There are reeds and water plants about one meter high around the pond, which looks like a piece of lace on the pond. It's very beautiful.

To the east of the pond are several big trees, green and luxuriant, like big green umbrellas. The old people enjoy the cool under the shade of the trees and talk about the mountains.

To the south of the pond is a bronze statue of a group of children diving. One child wanted to jump but didn't dare, one had already jumped into the water, and another had deliberately pushed his partner into the water. These naughty children are vividly portrayed.

There is an antique pavilion in the west of the pond. The four corners are slightly raised. The entire pavilion is made of wood and painted dark red, which is more primitive. Many old people are in the pavilion. Some play chess, some play erhu, and some sing loudly Enjoy a colorful and comfortable retirement life.

To the north of the pond is a large lawn, like a soft green blanket. If I were not afraid of being late for class, I would really like to lie on it and have a "sun bath". Don't mention how comfortable it is!

I used to be in a hurry every day after school. I didn't have time to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way. Today, I walked very slowly. For the first time, I felt that the way to school was so beautiful!

Writing on the way to school Grade 2 (7)

At this time, an old woman came across with a bag of heavy pears in her hand. Suddenly, the bag broke, and the yellow pear rolled all over the ground, which could be very bad for the old lady.

Lele saw it and ran to it and said, "Grandma, let me help you pick it up." "But the bag is broken and there is no way to put pears in it. How is this tree good?" The grandma said anxiously. Lele had a brainwave and took off his hat from his head and said, "I can put pears in the hat to help you send them home." After that, Lele carefully picked up the pears and sent the granny home.

Along the way, the old woman kept praising Lele as a smart and helpful child. Lele was very happy after hearing this. Farewell to Grandma, Lele ran to the school quickly.