Description 2018 (16 required)
Purple Campanula
2024-05-04 01:41:40

Description 2018 (1)

1. After climbing over a hill, we seem to enter the world of flowers. Wild chrysanthemums are in full bloom everywhere. Red, white, purple, pink, light green, rose colored, graceful and colorful in the breeze. It's very nice. While we were looking at the flowers, my father explained: this is called Golden Silk Hook, this is called Huang Shigong, this is called Green New Apple, and this is called Man Douxing... Ah, it's really different!

2. In the morning, when I walked into the field, a smell of rice came to my nose, making me feel relaxed and happy; I was greeted by a waist deep rice ear, golden yellow, shining, dancing beautifully with the wind. They seem to be waiting for the farmers to welcome them into the warehouse, to enjoy the endless love

3. A small stream flows happily and meanders far away. There was a gentle wind blowing, and the water rippled. Under the afterglow, the water was sparkling, golden and shining. "How beautiful!" I couldn't help sighing to myself. A leaf slides into the stream and turns into a canoe, heading forward freely. The brook is crystal clear, and the stones in it are like jewels sprinkled on the brook, making it colorful. I threw a stone into the stream, and water splashed in the stream to form layers of illusion under the afterglow. The west mountain covers half the face of the sun. At this time, a different scene can be seen only in Bai Juyi's Song of the Twilight River: "A setting sun spreads in the water, half the river is rustling and half the river is red".

4. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth, and the sun is like a pearl inlaid on it, emitting soft light. The white poplars lined up on both sides of the road took off their summer clothes and put on their autumn clothes. The green leaves were mixed with yellow leaves. A burst of autumn wind blew, and the withered and yellow leaves whirled down from the branches, like yellow butterflies dancing in the air. Several wild chrysanthemums beside the trees are blooming and shaking in the autumn wind, like a row of fairies dancing, adding a lot of color to autumn.

5. There are endless rice fields on both sides of the road. In the fields, golden rice grains are full and heavy, spreading intoxicating fragrance, billowing golden waves, pushing to endless distance, as if brilliant rosy clouds shake off in the fields. The yellow millet is so pressed that the ears of millet can't stand up, but it still shakes vigorously, as if it is singing a song of praise for the harvest field. From a distance, the whole paddy field looks like a carpet strewn with gold. In the field, the farmers were busy harvesting rice, and from time to time they heard happy laughter.

Description 2018 (2)

1. In autumn, most of the leaves have gradually turned yellow, and some have withered down. Only the maple leaves have turned red, which adds a bright landscape for autumn. It's really "the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February"!

2. In the autumn sky, white clouds are floating slowly like playing wool.

3. Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, is as desirable as the spring when flowers are in full bloom, as warm as the summer when the sun is burning, and as charming as the winter when snow is drifting.

4. Autumn may be hidden on the golden rice ears, in the persimmons with fire, or in the green vegetable fields. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

5. In autumn, the poplar leaves are yellow, hanging on the tree like yellow flowers; Falling in the air, like yellow butterflies; It fell in the river beside the tree, like a golden boat.

6. Pear trees are full of yellow pears, just like cute gourds. A closer look shows that there are many small freckles on the pear's face! There are a lot of pears. The branches are bending more and more. Some pears simply sit on the ground.

7. Uphill, ears of sorghum stood proudly. When the autumn wind blows, they are like torches of victory, shaking happily.

8. Looking up at the sky, I saw a group of geese flying from the north and flying to the south. They are arranged in a neat line, flying in the air with different lineups, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, the grass after another

9. A golden paddy field is shining brightly in the sunshine. The autumn wind blows gently, setting off layers of golden waves and wafting the fragrance of rice.

10. With the advent of autumn, grass has changed into yellow clothes. Although the grass at this time is no longer like the tender baby in spring or the young man in green clothes in summer, it still stands upright. When the wind blows gently, they twist their bodies to one side and win people's appreciation with their beautiful dance.

Description 2018 (3)

1. He is our instructor, surnamed Zhou. He has a chubby face and bright eyes. His hair was cut very short, and the hedgehog like roots stood up straight. He wore a military cap on his head, a camouflage uniform and sneakers. He looked energetic and friendly.

2. My military training instructor has bright eyes, showing the dignity of a soldier; Delicate and vigorous steps, permeate the firmness of a soldier.

3. My instructor's surname is Luo. We call him Luo instructor. He has two thick eyebrows. Under his eyes, he has a sharp nose and an abusive mouth.

4. Our drillmaster has a surname of Zhang and a surname of Yu. Zhang is right. I have no impression of him except that he is full of beans.

5. The instructor is tall and has a standard flat head. His thick eyebrows and cold eyes reflect a cold look. His tall nose is matched with a strange big mouth. It seems that in his eyes, we are not a group of students, but like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

6. My instructor has big eyes, is tall, wears a pair of sports shoes, is very handsome, and runs like floating!

7. Instructor Zhou always looks serious, like a devil. As long as a certain action is slightly wrong, the instructor will punish us to run around the whole Lvye Village. That's a terrible thing, so we dare not be careless.

8. I always think you are different from other instructors. You are a little childish, a little cute, a little dark belly, a little mature, a little steady, a little calm.

9. Instructor Adu has a vigorous body, bright eyes are round, straight nose is tall, mouth is like a cherry, tall and thin, with a scar about five or six centimeters long on his face, and an oval birthmark on the back of his hand. The whole shape gives us a serious and difficult look.

10. Thank you for leading the students in the second row of our 29th company through 13 days of unforgettable military training life. I didn't expect that 13 days had passed so easily, and we had established such a profound friendship with each other.

11. I don't know the name of a drillmaster. We call him "hold his head" because he always asks us to hold our head and squat. There is also a male duck voice. He is very bad tempered and always yells at us to stand in line. However, because his voice is so bad, we often can't hear what he is shouting.

12. When we first saw you, we were all worried that you would make us suffer, but your shy smile made us feel that you are so kind again.

Description 2018 (4)

Everyone has one or more things they like. I also have many good "treasures" that I have treasured for a long time, but none of them is more valuable than this one, that is, the small color changing Altman model given to me by my sister.

I remember last Christmas night, my sister came to my house as a guest and brought me a gift. I asked my sister, "What is the gift?" My sister replied, "Open it yourself!" I opened it and saw! It turned out to be a small Altman, beautifully made and flawless. At that time, I was very happy.

It is a Diga Altman standing on a trapezoidal small box with several Japanese words engraved on it. If you pick it up and turn it upside down, there is a small button below, which can be lit by pressing once, and can change seven colors.

I like it not only because it is beautiful, because it contains my sister's love and care for me, but also because this gift is a small toy I have been looking forward to for a long time. On this day, I got it. How can I not be more happy?

One day, my mother and I went to the store. I liked this toy very much, so I asked my mother to buy it for me. My mother said, "You have too many toys. Don't buy any more." I was so angry that I cried, but finally my mother didn't buy it for me, because I cried a lot and beat me severely. I don't know when my sister learned about this, so she bought this gift for me on Christmas Day. So I cherish it and keep it well.

Although this small toy is not expensive, it reflects our deep friendship.

Description 2018 (5)

Today (October 8), the students of our Hezhong Middle School are very excited. Do you know why? Let me tell you: because the autumn outing day we have been waiting for is coming. Early in the morning, we left for Suzhou Paradise, the legendary "China Disneyland".

A few days ago, it rained a few times in succession. We are all worried that we will inevitably suffer this disaster today, which will affect our autumn outing. Fortunately, God really gave us face. It didn't continue to rain. He unexpectedly gave us a big gift - a bright sunny day, which was "a blessing from heaven"!

It only took us more than an hour to reach Suzhou Paradise. After entering the gate and passing through the "Water Curtain Cave", we were greeted by several powerful stone lions beside the marble steps outside the cave. The lion, the king of beasts, also served as the mascot of Suzhou Paradise part-time. At this time, I was very playful. I walked to one of the big lions and sat down. At this time, I felt like a well-trained lion trainer! 2017 Grade 5 composition describing landscape - 2 [/page]

Beautiful scenery makes people intoxicated

Our team first took a small train to go around Suzhou Paradise.

At this time, I found that Suzhou Paradise not only has all kinds of thrilling tumultuous music, but also has many man-made lakes and natural lakes that are calm and transparent. A gust of wind, pines and waves, distant green mountains into my eyes. Suzhou Paradise can be called a paradise for photographers and tourists!

After getting off the train, we came to a small lake. At this time, we felt a little tired and sat on the stone chair beside the small lake, enjoying the beautiful lake in front of us while having lunch. I saw cute and beautiful little goldfish swimming freely in the clear lake water, as if playing hide and seek. I don't believe you, look, several little fish are diving into the water, several are hiding in the water grass, and one is looking around for partners

Suddenly, the sun hidden by the naughty white clouds suddenly showed its fiery face. A golden light shot into the water, and the lake suddenly turned into a golden wall. The wind blew across the lake, and the microwave was sparkling. It was very beautiful. I was intoxicated with the charming scenery.

After lunch, we decided to climb the highest Lion Mountain in the park. Starting from the osmanthus forest, we slowly climbed up along the stone steps

We climbed up step by step, and the green trees along the road also greeted us one by one, as if smiling and saying to us, "Friend, the top of the mountain is coming soon, come on!" At this time, I looked at them with tired eyes, slowly as if there was a force from my heart. I don't feel tired anymore, and I take a big step to climb up.

"It's finally the top of the mountain!" I put my bag on the rock and stood on the top of the mountain looking down. Suzhou Paradise has become a huge watercolor painting. The silvery lakeside is surrounded by several green mountains; Suzhou City is hidden in the scenery of lakes and mountains. Colored glazed tile houses are lined up in rows, sometimes rising wisps of smoke. I thought: This is a fairyland on earth.

I am intoxicated, intoxicated with the beauty of the lake, intoxicated with the towering mountains, intoxicated with the joy of climbing to the top of the mountain. I really want to become a bird, flying in this beautiful landscape painting. 2017 Grade 5 Composition Describing Landscape - 3 [/page]

Challenge the limit and make people aftertaste

I really want to fly, so I can't wait to go down the mountain to play those thrilling and exciting "games" in Suzhou Paradise that challenge people's limits.

Needless to say, it can let people look around the Feilai Island, the scary mystery ghost house, and the slowly turning ferris wheel; It is not necessary to say that the bumper car can be installed and bumped without injury. Just "whirling" and "luxury waves" are enough to challenge people's limits, but there is no shortage of exclamations on the way to play!

Along the way, we came to the "Big Mushroom" - "Luxury Wave", and saw iron chains linked to suspension seats, hanging straight down from the "Mushroom Top".

After waiting for a long time, it was our turn to play with it. We sat on the "flying chair", fastened our seat belts, and pulled the chain with our hands. Slowly, the instrument began to run, and the "mushroom top" turned round and round. At this time, we seemed to be driven by a force to turn around. The more we turn, the higher we fly.

At this time, I closed my eyes, and in a daze, I seemed to feel that at this time, I was flying in the air like a fairy, carefree.

When I opened my eyes, it seemed that I was about to be "thrown" to the roof of the command room and was about to hit it. At this time, I was scared to death, so I firmly grasped the chain and hurried back. Who would have thought that the chain was suddenly improved, and I escaped this disaster. What a false alarm!

I felt dizzy when I just turned around. Through my experience of playing "Luxury Wave" this time, I can say: "It's really terrible here, but there are still some places that make people have endless memories."

But who knows the terrible things are still behind! 2017 Grade 5 Composition Describing Landscape - 4 [/page]

At this time, the group leader took us to the side of "heaven and earth revolve". At that time, there were few people there. We sat on this instrument before long. I didn't expect this fully automatic machine - after sitting on it, the seat belt slowly fell down and pressed on the leg, and we pushed up with our thighs. "Pa", the lock on the safety belt locked us tightly in this seat.

Everything is ready to play.

First of all, we were "hanged" and tossed about in the air. Suddenly, when we were head down and feet up, the machine suddenly stopped, and then we were suspended in the air.

All of a sudden, we screamed like killing a pig. At this time, my heart seemed to jump to my throat, and I grasped the handle tightly, afraid that I would fall down accidentally

These "duels" are so exciting that we have challenged too many limits. Although we will be afraid when playing, we will have endless aftertaste afterwards!

Suzhou Paradise is really like what the guide said - Disney is too far away, so go to Suzhou Paradise. The landscape here is beautiful and intoxicating; The "adventure game" here is memorable. Suzhou Paradise is really "a paradise for adventurers, photographers and tourists"! At this time, we took the tour bus and reluctantly left

Description 2018 (6)

We came to the place with the most old Shanghai flavor - Yu Garden, not to mention a huge crowd. If you are not careful, you will bump into a smiling face from the opposite side.

Inside and outside the Yu Garden, a variety of colored lights form pairs, and colorful lanterns are strung in rows, walking through the buildings in Shanghai: lotus lights sway lightly in the evening wind; Gorgeous octagonal lanterns exude extraordinary bright light, hanging under the upturned eaves of the house, one by one, and the white wall behind vaguely reflects its appearance; The protagonist of the Spring Festival this year, the little monkey, stole the limelight from all the lanterns. You can see their naughty actions, which made people laugh: Look at the little monkey lying on a big gold ingot, putting both hands and feet on the gold ingot, and the eyes show satisfaction; There are several monkeys hanging upside down under the red lantern, scratching their heads and looking around, as if they are looking for the child in the cap of the Great Sage of All Heaven in the crowd... People applaud, talk with their relatives and friends, let the smile creep on their face, and everywhere is filled with the joy of the Spring Festival. The lights are like the sea, red and gold... They climb onto the eaves, quietly float into the sky, bloom the most beautiful flowers, and gently sprinkle the petals on the earth, making it a "fire tree and silver flower never sleeps".

The busiest place in Shanghai is the Bund. Compared with the Xiamen Ferry Terminal, it is nothing to see. Every window of the high-rise buildings that have sprung up on both sides of the Huangpu River shines with charming brilliance on the river. At the end of the river, the Bund Pedestrian Street was crowded with cars and horses. The hawkers were selling loudly. People abandoned their usual hurried steps and walked along the Huangpu River. They talked and laughed with their relatives and friends, looked at the tall Oriental Pearl on the other side of the river, and looked at the black brick road at their feet, The expression seemed to say: "Look, this is the unique taste of Shanghai, comfortable and leisurely, and this is the place where we Shanghainese grow up." The other side of the river is also red, full of warm and pleasant festivities. With music, a yacht slowly emerged from the dock across the river, and the light from the yacht lit up the whole Huangpu River, It also lights up the city of Shanghai. The bright red and pleasant light is the best representative of Shanghai New Year.

Shanghai, full of strong flavor of the Chinese New Year, really makes people forget to return from time to time. It makes people feel like they are in a foreign land, but there are no strangers. The prosperous Chinese New Year makes people warm.

Spring thunder bursts, beaming, good holiday to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new! The spring wind curls up, the true feelings warm, good omen of innovation! The radio waves knock at the door, the bell rings around, and the mailbox is open for blessing! Good Year of the Dog! At the beginning of the year, information was transmitted; Words are few, feelings are infinite; Have a good time and pay homage to the New Year; Prosperity in business and happiness in family; Good health, more money; Respect the elders and love the youth; Many friends make good connections; Laugh

Xiaonian, the 23rd or 24th lunar month, is a festival to worship the Kitchen God. It is the beginning and foreshadowing of the whole Spring Festival celebration. There are two main activities: sweeping the New Year and sacrificing the kitchen. In addition, there is the custom of eating kitchen sweets. In some places, people also eat fire, sugar cakes, oil cakes, and drink tofu soup.

Waiting for the birth of small life is exciting; It is nervous to wait for the revelation of certain results; Waiting for the start of a film and television work is anxious. The feeling of waiting is like living for years, but only in this way can we become more patient. Listening to the sound of firecrackers and watching the fireworks, people are waiting for another to start.

As a child, my friends and I looked forward to the New Year every day. When New Year's Eve came, every family was busy happily, and my family was busier than others. As far as I can remember, on New Year's Eve, one of the great sights in my family was the lively scene where my father wrote Spring Festival couplets. My father wrote beautiful calligraphy, and almost all the villagers asked my father to write Spring Festival couplets. My father was also happy and responded to every request.

The New Year's dance is widely popular in Gansu Province. It is a comprehensive performing art with singing and dancing, diverse genres, and a wide variety of performances, mostly performed in the first month of the lunar calendar. In the folk social fire performance, heroes and heroes in history, good men and filial daughters, and various characters in folklore play roles.

New weather, new vitality, new opportunities, new opportunities, new hopes and new achievements in the New Year. New achievements create new life, and new life must have new luck. I wish you good luck in the Year of Dog and a happy New Year. Make wishes in the New Year, friends pass on wishes, be lucky and willing, happy and willing, happy and wishful thinking, the Year of the Dog is like you wish, everything

New Year, New Year! I have been looking forward to the New Year. New Year old man came to us with joy, and our faces were in full bloom. New Year, everyone took out the fireworks that had been prepared, rushed to the door, and cheerfully lit the fuse. Ah, how beautiful! The sky suddenly opened a dazzling flower, and the sky was dyed very bright.

Description 2018 (7)

Miss Qiu came with a brisk step. Let every place be full of autumn. I love this autumn. It is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

I am in a happy mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery brought by autumn. Tall poplar trees stand on both sides of the gate. Unconsciously, I walked to the flower bed, and a gust of autumn wind blew, which mixed with the fragrance of chrysanthemums, making me relaxed and happy! Chrysanthemum in full bloom, some of them only opened the bud, like a baby without eyes open; Some only opened a few flowers, like a childlike child; Some are all open, like a graceful girl... Their colors are colorful, red like fire, pink like glow, white like snow... I can't help admiring: "The chrysanthemums in autumn are beautiful!"

Walking slowly along the path, I saw flames burning brightly, as if maple was trying to present its most beautiful side to everyone. Next to the maple tree are tall ginkgo trees, with yellow leaves. A gust of autumn wind blew a "yellow butterfly" flying in the air, tired of flying, and landed on the ground. Maple and ginkgo trees are red and yellow, like a beautiful landscape painting. I exclaimed: "Autumn, you are so beautiful! You are not as charming as spring, hot summer and implicit winter. I love you, beautiful autumn! You make me intoxicated, and you make me happy!

Let's swim in the arms of autumn! Enjoy the beauty of autumn!

Description 2018 (8)

1. Orchards are happiest in autumn. Plant Zhang's Beier stick. The gardener still sprinkles water and kills insects like a long tree. But he did not know that the fruit had already matured.

2. What a beautiful autumn! Here is no longer scorched earth and ashes. This is a prosperous land with thousands of mountain breezes draped in red carpet. The red pine covered with bullet skins is still alive, standing proudly on the high rocks, whistling in the valley and flying slowly in the paddy field.

3. On an autumn night, the sky is high and the dew is thick. A crescent moon is hanging quietly in the southwest sky. The cold moonlight shines on the earth, which is so gloomy, but the stars in the Milky Way are more and more brilliant.

4. Look, the pieces of golden wheat look like cute little pump mothers; Look, those huge fruits are like a child's red smiling face; Look, the tall fruit trees look like the happy mood of farmers!

5. The orchard is still so lively, and the flowers on the ground are still beautiful. It's really a competition between peach and plum! Colorful flowers, all kinds of plump fruits, why do they become like this? Because they want to thank their hardworking gardeners for all they have done.

6. Fruit trees in the north are also a spectacle in autumn. The first is jujube tree; It will grow up one by one in the corner of the house, on the wall, beside the cottage and at the kitchen door. The jujubes, like olives and pigeon eggs, are in full bloom in autumn when they show light green and yellowish color in the middle of small oval leaves; When the leaves of the jujube trees fall and the dates become red, the northwest wind will rise.

7. The orchard was also very happy in the evening. Countless young women held a party in their own home. Let's visit Apple's home first. Grandpa Fruit Tree was saying, "Children, let's have fun tonight, hahaha!" Watermelon Zi said reluctantly, "It's up to you to see who is crazy in summer." We were visiting the Pear Family. Look at countless "fat dolls" who are the fattest. The champion can say hello to the hardworking gardener on behalf of the pears next year. We haven't found that the wild chrysanthemums on the ground are still in bloom, and the aroma is all over the orchard. It proudly said, "The aroma of the orchard is all because of me, so don't destroy the flowers and trees."

8. The orchard in autumn is colorful, with red apples hanging all over the branches like little lanterns. The yellow pears are crowded together, like a plump little doll. There are large agate like grapes under the grape leaves, one by one, crystal clear, as if to say: Do you want to taste my crystal grapes and pomegranates also come out to have fun, they crowded the house to the ground.

9. Blue sky. In late autumn, it is spotless and crystal clear. Clouds are shining on the clear Jialing River; The microwave of fish scales and the green river water add color to the floating clouds, which are particularly gorgeous.

10. In the morning, the fruit in the orchard is having "breakfast". The apple's face becomes redder and the pear is fatter. All the fruits have changed, and everyone has changed into more beautiful new clothes. Xiaoshan jujube asked curiously, "Who made this?" The grass all over the ground replied, "It's your master who made it. He drinks water for you every day and kills insects. It's very hard. You can repay his pains only if you are good looking."

Description 2018 (9)

Childhood is our happiest time. The little things that happened in childhood are like countless stars in the sky, but what happened when I was five years old is still fresh in my memory.

It was on Sunday morning, my father opened the window and sucked the fresh air and the fragrance of nature. He looked at the sky, look! What a blue sky. Look! What a bright sunshine. Dad knew today was a good day to go fishing.

After lunch with my father, I urged my father: "Let's go, go fishing." My father smiled and said, "OK, let's go!" My father and I carried our respective fish baskets on our backs, came to the river, we pulled out the jade and dropped it on the dried hook, and then threw the fishing rod into the river and put it on the bank. Go to play and tease. I saw a butterfly covered with gold powder while playing. If I like it, I will get it. I know it's no use just running. I stopped and wanted to calm the butterfly, stop flying, and lead me to find a way to catch it again. I looked around to see if there were any tools that could help me catch butterflies. I saw my father's net bag for catching fish, so I put the net bag on a bamboo pole to catch butterflies. I fell into the river with a sound of "plop", and I cried out. When my father saw me, he immediately pulled me up and scolded me, "What's the matter with you? You fell into the river."

Although I was scolded by my father today, I am still very happy, because this matter let me know, and I can find happiness in pain.

Description 2018 (10)

People all say: "Doctors are the angels in white clothes of mankind. To save the dying, heal the wounded, and land in the world is to pay the price for human survival. How great it is! So I can't live a life without ideals to repay the motherland. I should also make some great contributions to the motherland - how can I be a real doctor?

As the teacher said, the doctors of the eight heroes in our country are desperate to die for others. Sometimes I feel proud of the Chinese nation; Sometimes I feel that their strong spirit is worth learning; Sometimes I feel that we should also make a great contribution to our motherland My heart is racing. I can't help but leave tears, but my heart still keeps reading that sentence. He kept saying, "Only in this way can he be a real doctor.".

Now, China has become rich and powerful, but it has become chaotic. Some people who open pharmacies, although the medicine is a little expensive, have taken his medicine, which not only does not work, but also becomes more serious, causing people to complain incessantly. What's more frightening is that there are also some poisonous drugs hidden in the pharmacies, bringing about the demise of people. When I see this situation, I really hope: "I can be a doctor"

If I were a doctor, I would like to fight against darkness, usher in light, repay my motherland, and make the world forever beautiful. Only a strong, brave person who is not afraid of sacrifice is a real doctor.

Description 2018 (11)

Composition 1 on snow: snow

The temperature has been rising and getting warmer the other day. I'm wearing too many clothes. But today the temperature has dropped. But it doesn't matter. The white snow is also very interesting. The snow covered the ground like a silver quilt. The roof was covered with snow, like white sugar. The road is like wearing an invisibility cloak. The branches and grass on the tree are also invisible. There was a squeaking sound when people walked on the snow. This is a snow-white world.

Composition 2 about snow: snow

This morning, it was snowing heavily. I had just woken up from my sleep when I heard someone outside shouting, "It's snowing, it's snowing." My brother and I ran out of the door hurriedly. The ground was white, and the cotton like snow fell on the ground, as if the ground had been clothed with a white cotton padded jacket.

We make snowmen, have snowball fights, roll snowballs... and have fun together. How happy today!

Composition 3 on snow: snow

Today, I was very happy because it snowed. The snow is so beautiful that I am dazzled when I see it falling from the sky.

Mom also played a game of making snowmen with me like a joke, and we all got our clothes wet.

The snow was heavy and white. My mother said it was hexagonal, and I said it was pentagonal. We almost quarreled. I also tasted the taste of snow and felt that there was no taste.

In a word, I am very happy today. I hope it will snow again tomorrow.

Composition 4 on snow: snow

The goose feather like snow falls from the sky. The snowflakes are like silver flowers, like petals blown off by the spring wind, flying all over the sky in the cold wind.

The earth seems to be covered with a layer of white and soft carpet, and the world seems to have become a white world.

When I walked on the snow, I saw that the snow on the branches was like the big tail of a squirrel.

How beautiful the snow is! I like snow very much.

Composition 5 on snow: snow

The spotless snow always falls in cold winter. I always like to stop and open my hands to let the snowflakes melt in my hands, or open my mouth to meet her falling. It's so cold! I always think, lovely snowflakes, I really hope you can come to my side in summer, I will take you home, put you in the refrigerator, never melt!

Description 2018 (12)

1. The beauty of autumn is mature -- it is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not as charming as spring, hot summer and implicit winter.

2. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

3. In autumn, the bright red apples look out from the green leaves; Small red lanterns like dates hung all over the branches; Grapes like purple agate are hanging under the grape trellis in clusters. How charming!

4. There are half a foot deep dead leaves in the woods. When the wind blows, they spin and fly up and spread evenly, covering the path that slants and circles to the top of the mountain.

5. In the late autumn sky, clouds are floating slowly like playing wool.

6. In autumn and October, the sparse leaves on the tree are as dry as dry tobacco leaves. Mother Earth opens her broad mind as if to welcome and embrace the returning children. The fallen leaves return to Mother Earth's arms and sleep with the earth sweetly.

7. Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, is as desirable as the spring when flowers are in full bloom, as warm as the hot summer, and as charming as the snowy winter.

8. The sunshine in golden autumn is warm and quiet, the breeze in golden autumn is warm and gentle, the blue sky and white clouds in golden autumn are elegant, and the fields in golden autumn are golden everywhere.

9. Autumn may be hidden on the golden rice ears, in the persimmons with fire, or in the green rape fields.

10. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

Description 2018 (13)

1. The sky became so quiet, high and blue. The white clouds are like sheep. If you look closely, they are like cotton candy. The sky seems washed by the sea, as light as a feather.

2. The autumn wind is bleak, the trees are all dyed and golden; Walking in the dense forest under the sun has a different taste.

3. The beauty of autumn is mature - it is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not so charming as spring, so hot in summer, and so implicit in winter.

4. I don't know how long it has been like a tense struggle that finally revealed the truth. The field has breathed a long breath from its broad chest. There is a clear light like water spreading on the slope and the dam. Trees and crops around also begin to sway in the breeze, and leaves become calm and generous. The dew came back, moistened the ridge in the morning and evening, and hung it on the field quietly. Lu Lan also came to the dam and floated quietly, never returning to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, it no longer hurts the backbone of people, and becomes broad and clear, as if it is finally weak, can not steam the fields, and will also be reconciled with the fields Autumn is coming!

5. The west wind is blowing all over the yard. It's hard to plant stamens, cold fragrance, and cold butterflies. I want to blossom together with peach blossoms for the Green Emperor.

6. When autumn comes to September 8, I will have white flowers; The heavenly fragrance array penetrates Chang'an, and the city is covered with golden armour.

7. A setting sun spreads in the water, half the river is rustling and half the river is red. On the third night of September, the dew is like a pearl moon and a bow.

8. One piece, two pieces, three pieces... The fallen leaves used their last strength to return their nutrition to the Earth Mother.

9. The grass is yellow, the leaves are yellow, and I hear the wind rustling on the leaves.

10. Pear trees are full of yellow pears, just like cute gourds. A closer look shows that there are many small freckles on the pear's face! There are a lot of pears. The branches are bending more and more. Some pears simply sit on the ground.

11. The beauty of autumn is mature - it is not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

12. The farmer smiled happily when the fruit was ripe!

13. The golden osmanthus blossoms, and you can smell the fragrance from afar, waiting for us to visit.

14. There were dead leaves half a foot deep in the woods. When the wind blew, they whirled and flew up and spread out evenly, covering the path that tilted and circled to the top of the mountain.

15. Where the autumn wind passes, the grains smell sweet. From a distance, the crops look like thousands of waves rolling; At a close look, Daogu bent over with a smile, Sorghum blushed, and Maize was happy.

Description 2018 (14)

1. The autumn leaves are always withered and yellow, hanging on the branches like dried specimens; Falling in the air, they seem to be light and unrestrained butterflies, flying and floating freely; This situation and scene can not help but arouse a kind of awe - what a magnanimous mind it needs to be able to float to the earth calmly with such a calm attitude when life is about to end|

2. In late autumn, the "paradise" of autumn leaves is beside the street and among the trees. Feel the kindness of people's feet happily, and feel the warmth brought to them by the ground. But I believe what they would like most is to fly in the sky, like dancing butterflies, like burning flames... "Pa", the autumn leaves say goodbye to the branches gently, and start a short journey. Although flying is wonderful, it will also be very helpless. After all, the tree has another circle of growth rings, which is close to the end of life. They can't always stay in the tree, And the trees can't support them!

3. In the fields, rice waves roll and smell thousands of miles. Cotton peaches blossom in a sea of silver. When Daozi knew that Qiu had come to the field, he bowed down politely to meet her good friend, Qiu; Sorghum has always been afraid of meeting strangers, but when she met Miss Qiu, she blushed with embarrassment; Soybean may be excited, but he burst into laughter; When Maize saw Miss Qiu, she changed a bunch of golden tassels, grinned, and showed her white teeth

4. The wind comes from the leaves, soft and bright, quietly touching people's faces and touching people's hair. Overhead is a tile blue sky, which is covered with white clouds. That softness and comfort makes people want to lie down! The pond not far away is sparkling. The clear water is shining like a golden scale under the sunshine. There should be fish under the calm water. At this moment, they should also enjoy autumn freely, right?

5. The boundless cotton fields are like calla lilies blooming in the countryside. They are so white that they don't stir up any impurities. They are charming and holy; The sorghum became more and more red, like a bunch of flames, burning brightly. The sorghum field became a red sea, and the sorghum rippled with the wind; On the apple tree, the apple showed a childlike smile; The yellow pear held its belly and smiled happily; Persimmons are like red lanterns, smiling happily. Fruitful branches smoothed the wrinkles accumulated all the year round on farmers' faces. They were like childish children, smiling from ear to ear.

6. Autumn is a season full of color, fragrance and taste. In addition to color, fragrance and taste, there are sound and light. At that time, the sound of autumn and the autumn day. At this time, I am dazzled by the colorful autumn colors.

7. In the fields, cotton is as white as snow; The ears of wheat bent the straw; Hot peppers, green vegetables, and swarms of grass; Each sorghum is as red as fire, and the golden rice is plump; The yellow millet is so pressed that the ears of millet can't stand up, but it still keeps swinging, as if dancing happily; Pulling up a green vegetable, his root is like a grandfather's beard, and the leaves and handles are like ping-pong boards. From a distance, the whole paddy field looks like a golden blanket.

8. "Rumbling", the voice has lost the flexibility of spring and the strength of summer. This is autumn. A steady rain has brought some sadness and nostalgia to people. Only the blooming chrysanthemums swayed in the wind and rain, and the evergreen pines stood tall and straight in the wind and rain. As the saying goes, "one autumn rain and one cold". Yes, after the autumn rain, the leaves are all yellow, and even the pine needles are somewhat withered. They fly in the air with the wind, like elves and butterflies dancing in front of them.

9. Miss Qiu came to the park, opened her makeup box, and put rouge powder on the flowers. A string of red spits out a string of bright red flames; Cockscomb became more red and colorful; The chrysanthemums are blooming one after another in the face of the bright sunshine. The yellow, white and purple chrysanthemums are standing in the breeze, enchanting and colorful.

10. I love walking in the fields, alone, enjoying the brilliant autumn scenery. The autumn fields are just like a mottled ink painting: the big brown areas are cotton poles, the little white left on them are late opening cotton, and there is not much golden yellow mixed between them, which is a string of rice ears. They are all smiling and bending, enjoying the joy of harvest.

Description 2018 (15)

1. What a beautiful autumn! Here is no longer scorched earth and ashes. This is a prosperous land where thousands of mountains are covered with red carpet. The red pine covered with bullet skins is still alive, standing proudly on the high rocks, whistling in the valley and flying slowly in the paddy field.

2. Mid autumn is also colorful, but the main color is golden. In summer, there is almost no fallen leaves, and there is almost no slight yellow dotted in the middle of the summer color. The main color of the earth is green. In the middle of autumn, nature changes miraculously. One night when the autumn wind blows, people can't even detect when the main color of the earth becomes yellow, the leaves become yellow and sparse, instead of being as green and lush as in summer, the grass becomes golden yellow, and the fields are all golden yellow, so people call autumn "golden autumn". If nature used to look beautiful and happy in spring, like a woman looking forward to the future, then Mid Autumn seems to become old, depressed and gentle, like a golden haired woman recalling the past.

3. Autumn is a harvest time, and the fields are full of harvest songs. When a gust of wind blows, soybeans ring a loud copper bell, sorghum raises a red torch, wheat nods on the side, and farmers' uncles laugh when they see the achievements of the year.

4. The dusk at the end of autumn always comes quickly, before the moisture evaporated by the sun on the mountains dissipates. The sun went down into the Western Hills. Then, the blue wind in the valley, with a strong sense of coolness, drove away the white fog and wandered down the mountain; The shadow of the mountain fell on the village more quickly. The shadow became thicker and thicker, and gradually mixed with the night. But soon, it was silvery gray again by the moon candle.

5. The nature world in late autumn leaves a bleak scene. The fields after the busy farming days are bare at a glance. The animals were walking back and forth dejectedly. From time to time, groups of sparrows rose from the wheat fields and scattered on the dusty road like hail. The crow circled in the low sky. Suddenly, it flew away with a cry of despair. Then, a feeling of melancholy will hit your heart and bring you endless sadness.

6. In the cool and clear autumn night, the bright and red Mars adds a lot of luster and interest to us in the starry sky. Recently, after eight o'clock every night, Mars rises from the southeast horizon. It is brighter than any star in the nearby sky, and it is easy to find it no matter where you are.

7. Autumn is the harvest season, also known as wheat autumn. It's cool in autumn, which is totally different from the hot and sunny weather in summer. Write about autumn. You can write about the harvest in autumn, the intensity of sunlight in autumn, the length of sunshine, direct or oblique radiation, the characteristics of autumn colors, autumn wind, autumn rain, etc. According to the temperature, autumn can be divided into early autumn, mid autumn and late autumn.

8. Autumn came with the sound of falling leaves, and the morning was as fresh as dew. The sky emits soft brightness, clear and ethereal, making people want to hear a burst of skylark singing, just like looking at the blue sea and hoping to see a white sail. The setting sun is the wing of time. When it flies away, it unfolds in an extremely gorgeous moment. So it was dusk.

9. Fruit trees in the north are also a spectacle in autumn. The first is jujube tree; It will grow up one by one in the corner of the house, on the wall, beside the cottage and at the kitchen door. The jujubes, like olives and pigeon eggs, are in full bloom in autumn when they show light green and yellowish color in the middle of small oval leaves; When the leaves of the jujube trees fall and the dates become red, the northwest wind will rise.

10. When the sharp west wind sweeps the sky higher and higher; When the babe on the street looked at the last goose flying south; When the boundless grass in the vast field is swayed to wither and yellow - at this time, it is autumn, and it is the season for trees to fall.

Description 2018 (16)

Friend, have you ever felt inferior? Do you abandon yourself because you are inferior to others in some way? The beauty of life is not that you have no shortcomings, but that you have advantages.

When we lower our head, we are lower than others, but when we raise our head, we are as high as others, and even find ourselves better.

Each of us is unique. Even if we are poor, we are also a member of the society. Everyone has his own value. I don't know who has heard the saying that "life was born to help others. It is precisely because someone needs their own help that we come to this world. Therefore, in order to thank life, we should try to help the people we can help. If we don't play our role, we will be ashamed of life."

As the saying goes, "Every line has its own merits and deserves respect from others.". If you lower your head because of inferiority, you will be more ignored. If you raise your head and try to show yourself, you will make others look at you with new eyes.

Success can only be achieved through hard work. The first step of hard work is to try, but I totally denied myself from the beginning. How could I succeed? Most of the time, it is not because of how bad you are, but because you ignore your own internal advantages, and you deny yourself first. When something happens, I always say: "I can't do it. I can't do it. How can I succeed?......" But how can I know I can't do it without trying? Perhaps, you are not not, but the shadow of inferiority has covered the sun in our hearts, so that we can not see the light. To seek light, we must walk out of darkness, look up for the sun, and walk out of inferiority. Please raise your head and look at yourself in the mirror - who will be as good as you? No, So, please look at yourself and believe in your ability!

To make others look up to yourself, please look up to yourself first! It is not others but ourselves that really hinder our progress. We don't believe in ourselves. In fact, we are the little girl. We are the same person before going to the store and after coming out of the store. Just because we lower our heads before going to the store and raise our heads after coming out of the store, we become beautiful.

Please stop inferiority, raise your head, let yourself believe in yourself, let yourself look up to yourself, let others appreciate your beauty!