I have a happy family composition 600 words composition (4 popular)
You were a teenager
2024-03-22 02:57:09
primary school

I have a happy family composition 600 words composition (1)

My happy family composition 600 words

Today, I live here, tomorrow, I still live here! I am willing to spend countless days and nights here, and I am willing to live here all my life! Because "here" is my home!

In the village, my house is very big, like a small castle. This is a brand new five storey building that was just renovated last year. The first floor has become an "indoor space" without separating rooms. There are only a few simple sports equipment for father and brother; No one lives on the second floor; Family members live on the third and fourth floors; The fifth floor is empty again. If you want to play hide and seek at home, anyone who is a ghost will be exhausted for the next round! And the small yard full of flowers and plants in front of and behind the house makes my home look like a small garden!

I like my family.

My brother is handsome and cute, just like the doll on my bed! Although my sister often grabs things from me, she often retreats because of my attack! My father is the person who loves me the most in the family, and my mother is the most gentle. My grandpa is good at math and Chinese. I usually ask my grandpa to be my "adviser" on questions I can't do! Grandma is illiterate, but she is my loyal "fan cheerleader". No matter whether I do the right or wrong topic, she always cheers for me! I'm so lucky, my. to have so many lovely family around me!

I am proud that my father was once a soldier. Because his family life was very difficult when he was young and he had no chance to read more books, his father went to the army. His muscles are very hard now, just like steel! Dad is getting stronger and stronger. One hand can lift my brother and me. Whenever my father throws me up, I feel so close to the blue sky. I really want to grab a handful of white clouds and leave them for my father to make a scarf! At this time, I always think my father has become a giant superman? My dear father!

Mom is the most gentle person in the family. It is rare to see when she is worried or angry about something, so everyone said that my mother has many smiles on her face and looks very young. Especially the food cooked by my mother is delicious, which is the first delicious food in the world!

This is our happy life, this is my happy home! I hope my sister, brother and I will grow up quickly, and my father, mother, grandfather and grandmother will live a long life!

I have a happy family composition 600 words composition (2)

"Flower crazy" - Mom. My father once said that my mother was a "flower maniac", which is funny but not exaggerated. The windowsill, balcony and TV cabinet are full of flowers and plants placed by my mother, and even the bathroom is also equipped with a large pot of evergreen. Although it takes a lot of time to take care of potted flowers, my mother enjoys this process. She always finds time to feed flowers with rice washing water. Every time my mother feeds the potted flowers, the flowers are very happy. In order to express their gratitude to my mother, they grow up desperately, one by one.

"Workaholic" - Dad. My father is a junior high school teacher. As the saying goes, "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." My father is the school leader and head teacher, so he has a lot of work and heavy task. Dad is busy from the morning light to the twinkling stars every day. He even puts down his chopsticks to answer the phone when eating. I asked my father: "Dad, are you tired of doing so many things in school every day?" My father said: "It's OK to be tired! Because I can feel happy and happy when I accompany the students!" My father always cared about my study, checked my homework every day, and patiently explained the wrong questions for me.

"Learning Crazy" - Sister. During the college entrance examination last year, my sister was really "busy working every day and forgetting food and sleep" to greet the college entrance examination. She seems to have nothing to do with her except study. She gets up at 5:30 in the morning to study and goes to bed after 12:00 in the evening. "Kung Fu pays off", my sister got into medical school. However, when I returned home during the summer vacation, my sister studied as well as studied. She read medical books at night and went to the hospital for probation during the day. It was said that theory and practice were combined.

"Gamemaker" - handsome me! After the summer vacation, I returned to the world of swordsmanship again. Every day, I used the keyboard to "maneuver the ball and kill thousands of miles". However, I have to add that although I love playing games, I never delay my study.

This is my home, an interesting and distinctive home!

I have a happy family composition 600 words composition (3)

At home, I am the apple of my parents' eyes. But you don't spoil me. Once, I was unwilling to admit my mistake because I broke my desk mate's stationery box. When I got home, I saw my father's face was gloomy and looked at me sternly. I was afraid that my father would scold me. However, my father called me to him, stroked my head and said to me, "It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. The important thing is to recognize the mistake, and be good at correcting it is a good child." After listening to this, I felt my nose was sore, and tears could not stop flowing down. I should be fully aware of my mistakes and never make mistakes again. Only in this way can I be more filial and repay my parents in the future.

In my home, there is always a peaceful atmosphere. Our family gets along well with each other. My parents have a very good relationship and hardly quarrel. Although my father is not very humorous, he talks very funny and often makes my mother and I laugh. As for me, although I am not a very good child, I am also obedient, not headstrong, and seldom offend my parents. My father and mother were very happy that I had made some progress, praised me and encouraged me. Sometimes my parents will reward me if I get good results in the exam, buy some small gifts that I like, or take me to eat delicious food that I like. Even a hamburger will make me feel particularly happy. Whenever I encounter any difficulties or grievances, it is my parents who help me solve my problems and teach me how to face life and life. Under the guidance of my parents, I learned a lot about life.

Happiness has different standards in people's hearts. Some people feel happy when driving a luxury car; Some people think that they are happy when they have endless money; Some people feel happy when they have Chinese food... My standard (at least for now) is to have parents' company and care. Every day, the whole family is safe and happy together, which is the greatest happiness. I love my family, but also my parents!

I have a happy family composition 600 words composition (4)

When Friday arrived, students like us on campus would like to go home quickly. Each student carried a lot of things. Some were gifts for his family, some were clothes that hadn't been washed for a week, and some were... Everyone was anxiously waiting for the bell to ring, so they didn't even bother to listen to the teacher. Finally, the clear bell rang, and the students rushed out of the classroom in a swarm and headed for their own way home, as if they had been away for many years and were crazy because of missing home.

When I got home, I felt like I was in the midst of a hundred flowers because my mother asked for help and my father cared for me. Turn on the TV and watch quietly. My parents won't disturb me. My mother will peel an apple and hand it to me. This has become a habit. I won't worry about dinner. Of course, I won't be too tired after five days of hard work at school. My mother will make a table of delicious food for me to destroy. It seems that I have tasted the taste of home - a taste of happiness.

On Saturday, my mother called me out of bed on time. After dinner, I would write my homework for two hours according to my father's arrangement. When I finished, it was time for me to go to my parents' side and help them hoe and dig the ground. It doesn't matter if I'm tired or bitter. I just hope my parents will be happy. At noon, I became the chef. I waved three or five times to finish the dishes. Looking at the satisfied smile on my parents' faces, I felt happy. Happiness is their smile.

On Sunday, I will leave my parents and go to school. Why isn't my home at school? Why should I separate from my parents? I don't want to leave you and this family. Although I am only separated for 5 days, it is like being separated for 5 years. Before leaving, my parents told me to study hard, and I reluctantly left.

I love my home, this happy home.