Composition Winter in the Village (15 high-quality articles)
treat with indifference
2023-08-18 05:50:10
fourth grade

Winter in the countryside (1)

What a beautiful winter in the countryside! The wheat field was covered with a white quilt on the green grass, looking down from the height. Only a vast expanse of white can be seen. The river is frozen, and the grass goes home to hibernate.

My mother took me to her country friend's house, and my aunt took us to the icy river. I asked my aunt: "Aren't we afraid of falling into the ice hole and drowning?" The aunt smiled and replied: "Never mind, the water is very shallow, about 40 cm." I was relieved. This is really a natural skating rink, which is much more beautiful than the skating rink in the city. As long as you look carefully underwater. Occasionally, I saw some small fish and kept bumping into the ice, as if they were very angry.

Auntie took us to a vacant land again. Auntie said let's count down together! My mother and I asked with one voice: "Why count down?" My aunt said mysteriously: "You'll know later." "3...... 2...... 1......" "Eh, it's snowing! It's amazing!" I said in surprise. After a while, the empty ground was covered with snow. I was very surprised. I look at the sky, the sun is going to set, I think I should leave this precious moment. So I made three snowmen, representing me, my mother and my aunt.

It's time to go home. Today's event makes me unforgettable and nostalgic. It's time to get on the bus. I'm a little reluctant.

Composition Winter in the Village (2)

During the winter vacation, my father and mother came to my grandfather's house, where he lived in the countryside. Although there is no bustling city, the scenery there is beautiful. There are fields around, rolling green mountains behind the house, and clear rivers in front of the village.

As I walked on the edge of the field, a fresh and cold air greeted me. Looking around, the green hills behind the house are covered by the morning fog, and no shadow can be seen, just like a fairyland in the sky. Nearby, the crisscross paths divide the fields into square plots, as if walking in a maze.

Look at the withered and yellow grass on the path, which is close to the ground. I think the grass will break through the ground soon. The wheat seedlings in the fields are listless. The green wheat seedlings are mixed with yellow leaves. From a distance, it seems that the fields are covered with yellow and green carpets. The wheat sprouts are also stained with crystal clear small drops of water. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them!

Not far away, a road crosses the village. Cypress and holly trees on both sides of the road also stand there bravely in the cold, like small guards guarding the whole village day and night. Although the leaves of other trees have fallen, they look even more green. You can see that they hold their heads high, as if to say: "Wind, blow! Snow, come down! We are not afraid! We are not afraid!"

What a beautiful view of the countryside in winter! I love winter, the morning fog in winter, and the growing plants that are not afraid of cold in winter.

Composition Winter in the Village (3)

In my impression, the winter in the countryside is full of a thick flavor of soy sauce, which is fresh, dark red, and rice fields one by one

On a rare sunny day in winter, every household will hang its own sauce food, soy sauce duck, soy sauce fish, and soy sauce sausage. The reddish ones are just hanging on, and the dark ones have been hanging for a month and a half. Dropping the almost half solidified white oil blown by the cold wind, they use three or two bamboo sticks, and some are casually hanging on the line between two trees, It forms a red landscape. The rice field is not yellow, but a grayish yellow, withered yellow color. The rice field is separated from each other, and it is soft when you walk up. There are still some residual stems of the unpulled rice. If you step on it, you will feel pain and will not be stumbled.

In the withered rice field, some straw will scatter it to the sky and say, "It's snowing, snowing, yellow snow.

There is an empty house behind the house. There are many chickens, pigs and a dog. The bamboo forest behind is rustling with the wind. The chickens stop looking for food in the forest and return to their happy place. Only the old humming sow doesn't know that winter has come quietly.

The countryside in winter is a dynamic and beautiful picture

Composition Winter in the Village (4)

In winter, the snowy countryside is white everywhere. The ground seems to be covered with a thick quilt. The pure white snow falls on trees, grass, roofs and fields.

In the morning, the snow covered trees in front of the door seemed to be wearing a silver coat; In the field, the wheat seedlings are sleeping under the snow with their heads shrunk; In the corner of the wall, on the snow covered ground, there stands a tenacious wintersweet tree, whose branches have already blossomed yellow wintersweet flowers, silently emitting a faint fragrance of flowers; The thick snow on the roof is ten centimeters thick. Just overnight, the world seems to be several years old and gray.

At noon, the weather was warm and soft light shone on the snow, emitting dazzling light. Every family carried small benches to the yard, and talked about family affairs while eating melon seeds. Several grass favored by the sun also showed their heads and looked curiously at the pure white world.

When night fell, people seemed to come to a quiet and elegant world. The children were unwilling to stay at home honestly, so they ran to the snow to play games. They made snowmen and had snowball fights on the snow with the help of lights. They were very happy. The silvery white snow shines brightly under the light.

Ah! Countryside, Winter Charm! What a beautiful rural snow scene, what a peaceful and peaceful winter village! I will love you deeply in my heart!

Composition Winter in the Village (5)

Winter is pure, and the countryside is simple. When this purity is added to the simplicity of the countryside, it becomes a wonderful colorful picture.

The countryside is quiet in winter. In winter, it is like a painter overturning the white palette. The land is white and covered with snow everywhere. Winter girl uses her white messenger, the pure white snow, to lay a thick quilt on the simple country house.

The countryside is happy in winter. Innocent and lovely country children lie in the pure white snow, feel the delicacy and beauty of the snow, and enjoy the caress of the snow. In groups, the children rolled a big snowball to decorate the snowman perfectly and realistically. Look, there is a smile on the snowman's mouth. Although the snowman will disappear in a few days, the childlike innocence of rural children will always be there. Their purity and brilliance will echo there forever.

The countryside in winter is also peaceful. During the Spring Festival, every family was filled with joy. They were busy setting off firecrackers, making dumplings and cooking New Year's Eve dinner, all in order to have a happy and peaceful New Year. The dusty ruined temple was also opened, and cigarettes were wreathed. People from the countryside came to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, begging the gods to bless their families; Pregnant women came to their hometown one after another to give away the womb and beg the gods, hoping to add a fat boy next year.

Ah! Beautiful countryside, I like you.

Composition Winter in the Village (6)

The winter in the northern countryside is so pure. She is covered with a white jade cloak, as if the whole world is covered with snow.

My father and I took the ice sled specially made for me by my grandfather and came to the river in the east of the village. The river was covered with crystal clear ice. It was the most suitable place to skate. I sat on the ice sled, my father was holding the rope, and we began to play. Dad ran and pulled the sledge at a high speed, which was very exciting! Sitting on the ice sled, I screamed loudly, but at the same time, I looked at my father in fear that he might slip. Although the cold north wind cuts my face like a blade, my heart is extremely warm - I have such a beautiful, white, pure hometown.

Winter in the countryside of the Northern Kingdom is so interesting that there are many places to play.

I came to the ice covered river with my three brothers and a younger brother. We smashed a hole in the ice with a big stone, then lit the firecrackers and threw them in. After a dull sound, the river rushed out of the ice. At this time, I always have an unspeakable happiness - my hometown is so funny.

Winter in the countryside of the Northern Kingdom is so natural and beautiful everywhere.

As the sun sets, smoke curls from the chimneys of every household. The bright red clouds in the sky, the snowflakes in the evening, the magpies chirping on the treetops, and the pheasants walking on the western mountains constitute a natural and harmonious pastoral painting in the North.

The winter in the northern countryside is so nostalgic and yearning. I love my hometown.

Composition Winter in the Village (7)

Since the beginning of winter, I haven't seen God's smiling face for several days. In the evening, the sky suddenly became dark, and the northwest wind was blowing harder and harder. Then, the snow like goose feather fell all over the place. The green gray cement ground became as white as cotton.

In the morning, I had to leave the warm bed in order to have a snowball fight. When I got up, I wiped the ice flakes on the glass with my hands and looked out of the window. Ah, the vast expanse of white on the ground, trees and roofs has become a silver world like pink bricks. Ice slurries hang down from the opposite roof, like crystal, beautiful!

It was snowy and white outside. A cool wind blew and I felt extremely cold. Looking around, there are so many people making snowmen and having snowball fights. I hurried down to play with them. When I stepped on the snow, my feet creaked, which made me intoxicated. I played the game of snowball fights, and I started to make "bombs". I threw a series of snowballs at the enemy army, and they shouted, "How can the snow fall more heavily?" It turned out that the snowballs scattered in the air. "Bad! There are not enough bombs!" They fired "bombs" at me, and I built a snow wall to temporarily defend myself. My snowball is ready, and I make another attack. The snowball is flying in the air, and the "bomb" is flying in the air. In desperation, the other party has to admit defeat. The war is over.

Winter is so beautiful, like a beautiful song.

Composition Winter in the Village (8)

The most unforgettable thing about the small villages in northern winter is the endless white fields, which look like a white blanket on the earth. When the winter sun shines, it makes you blind. Occasionally, a group of birds fly by, leaving a light and agile figure. The winter here is a quiet and mysterious myth.

In the small villages in northern winter, the happiest ones are those children who are jumping, chasing and snowballing on the snow. Their laughter drifted through the silent fields to the distance, to the snow covered mountains. Here is a scene of joy.

In the small village in the north in winter, it is warm to lodge in that small house, light a fire, and soon the house will be full of warmth. Sitting on the hot kang, looking at the beautiful window grilles, we talked about our New Year's wishes. Here is a warm scene.

The small village in northern winter is quiet and peaceful. Its simplicity reveals warmth and happiness, which is unprecedented in southern winter. I am nostalgic, I miss

Composition Winter in the Village (9)

As I drove slowly into the countryside, there were fewer and fewer "beetles", more and more unbroken snow, and trees with exhausted leaves fell down to greet the baptism of winter with extremely neat body. The excited sparrows chirped, but it seemed that only they were chatting in the field. Everything was so quiet. The river is icebound. Occasionally, the river, which is free from the shackles of ice, is splashed with a layer of ripples by several naughty children, and faints the quiet fragrance.

After the hustle and bustle, the countryside seems to be sleeping quietly under the comfort of the rare warm sun in winter. I think only the sound of firecrackers on New Year's Eve can wake it up. Compared with the city, the countryside is a fairytale paradise. Bring the last piece of your heart into the embrace of the countryside. Here, you are allowed to laugh and play heartily to find the lost beauty. Ice and Snow joked with the sun playfully. The sun shone brightly on them. The innocence of the world before the dawn, through fame and prosperity, this road to the countryside was engraved with a word called "return". The knife of time is invisible and sharp, leaving an indelible mark on all living things, but it seems that time can not interfere with the peace and purity of the countryside, just like a childhood dream, which is the best memory of life. It is less than 12 hours since the New Year. In the countryside, looking at the endless fields, it seems lonely and monotonous. But here, thick Chinese flavor and joyful Chinese red are intertwined. With a touch of joy, sadness will become a passer-by of yesterday and never return.

Silence is the main song here. Put off the mask of hypocrisy and enter the countryside. I still remember you said that home is the only castle. I kept running with the spring snow river and smiled. I knew my childhood dream; Don't cry, let the firefly take you away, the rural songs will always rely on, go home, back to the original beauty.

Last winter vacation, my mother took me to visit my cousin's family in the countryside. The expressway has been opened in the village of my cousin's family. We drove for two hours to the village entrance of my cousin's family. From a distance, rows of new two-story buildings seemed to be lined up to welcome us.

When we entered Aunt Biao's house, they cheerfully welcomed us to sit on the kang. I immediately felt that the kang was hot and asked questions curiously. Aunt Biao said that the flue of the stove was discharged from under the kang. This morning, the firewood in the stove was burned up for cooking. The kang was hotter than usual. When winter passed, the flue under the kang was blocked up, and the smoke in the stove was discharged from another flue, It's not hot on the kang. Our country people always stay warm in winter like this. After listening to my cousin's story, I couldn't help sighing: the country people are so smart!

After sitting on the kang for a while, I went to my cousin's house to look around. There are three walnut trees and five jujube trees in a large courtyard in front of the house. At this time, I suddenly realized that the walnuts and jujube trees that my cousin sends us every year are the fruits of these fruit trees. They are like the mother of a great hero, which makes me respect. In front of the jujube tree, a plum tree bloomed in the cold winter. It was like a strong and unyielding soldier, protecting all fruit trees through the cold winter.

To the left of the cousin's house are the cowshed, the pig shed and the chicken shed. There are two cattle in the cowshed, one big and one small. The young scalper is constantly eating grass, as if expecting to grow up quickly so as to share more work for his mother. The bull closed his eyes quietly and did not move, as if recalling the beautiful scene of pulling a plow for his master to plow and reap a good harvest last spring. The pigs in the pig shed are fat, some are eating, some are walking leisurely, some are sleeping soundly, and their grunts are deafening. The big chickens and chicks in the chicken shed exulted, but there was an old hen who was still sitting on her eggs, and was devoting herself to breeding the next generation.

Behind the house is a large fish pond whose water has been covered with thick ice. A group of ducks are walking on the ice with their chests held high, and a group of children are skating. A boy wanted to learn how to spin in the air on ice, but he fell to the ground, but immediately got up to continue learning. His red face was still full of confidence. The children in the countryside are braver and stronger than those in our city. I admire them from the bottom of my heart.

The rural people in winter are really wonderful. I think there is more beautiful scenery in spring, summer and autumn. The countryside of our country is really beautiful everywhere!

Composition Rural Winter (10)

The sun came out, and the children were playing happily. Because there is a lot of snow in winter, the children like winter. In the deep winter, the children put on cotton padded jackets, because winter is a cold season. The fields were white as if covered with a white blanket. The vegetables in the vegetable field are frozen by snow! The countryside is full of beautiful mountains. From a distance, the mountain is covered with snow. It is holy, like a white dragon lying on the top of the countryside in winter. Clouds are curling around, and the sun shines on the top of the mountain with silver light. A group of birds flew down from the mountain, and the light figure was cheerful and agile. The mountain is full of tranquility and mystery, as if full of winter myths. A plum tree was planted in the village. When winter comes, beautiful plum flowers will grow.

Whenever the sun rises, the rooster will shout to the sky, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

What a beautiful winter in the countryside!

In the morning of early winter, a red sun rose from the east, like a red ball hanging in the air. Its light is soft and not dazzling at all. The clouds in the sky were red by the sun.

The snow is still tearing cotton and wadding, and it covers the whole earth. The bare mountain is white, the withered and yellow trees are white, and the road in front of the door is also white. It seems that I have come to the world of snow. Everywhere is so pure, crystal clear and exquisite. White snow! Will you stay here forever?

The evergreen pines and cypresses still stand on both sides of the road like mighty soldiers, only their leaves turn dark green. Plum blossom also opens in winter, giving off a charming fragrance. The wild flowers on the ground have also withered, and the weeds have withered. They are covered with a layer of snow, like a quilt. The clear water of the river was covered with ice, and stopped singing and went to sleep quietly.

Snow covered the winter wheat seedlings with quilts. Looking at the snowflakes, the agricultural guides were filled with joy and would say happily, "Snow augurs a good year!"

Composition Winter in the Village (11)

In the morning, the hazy fog was floating in the sky. The morning star had not disappeared, and the sky was already dim. The hillbags in the distance, whose green grass had dried up, put on a white cotton padded jacket and waited for the spring to sprout again

In the morning, I came to the field and walked along the winding path. Flowers and trees were planted on both sides, which was quite different from spring. Flowers and plants withered, and the original towering trees and lush leaves fell. Only the pine tree is still green and dripping, and its sturdy trunk seems to be surrounded by several people. He stood as straight as a PLA soldier guarding the border.

At noon, the warm sunshine is like lively and lovely elves, caressing your face. The frozen and trembling brook flows happily as before. Chimonanthus praecox shows its own beauty: one after another beautiful Chimonanthus praecox flies in the wind, and green leaves are drawn out from the branches, like a heavenly daughter on earth.

Evening is the quietest time of the day. The wind stopped blowing, the stream stopped running, and the whole village could hear a needle drop. There is a full moon and countless stars in the deep blue sky. The brightest one is Polaris, which is hanging in the sky to guide the lost people. It's really meritorious!

Winter is a season that makes people shiver, but in the countryside, it is very beautiful.

The summer night in the countryside makes me intoxicated.

Out of the yard, I came to the river. I pulled out a dog's tail and put it in my mouth. I lay on the soft grass and looked up at the bright night sky. When the sky darkened, a bright moon appeared in the sky. Light and thin clouds covered the dark blue sky, like a girl with a veil. After a while, the clouds drifted away and gradually disappeared into the night sky. A star appeared in the sky; Then came the second, the third... The sky became lively. The little stars twinkle like eyes and lights up the earth. Look! The stars are surrounding the mother moon, so they are listening to her story. Some little stars listen to their mother's story very carefully, and are very obedient; Some little stars flee everywhere, very naughty.

When the evening wind blows on my cheeks, my long hair will float with the wind. The river at night is very quiet, just flowing slowly. When a breeze blows, it wrinkles like an old man. Willow trees by the river comb their long hair in the wind, like a girl who is going to sleep. Mother poplar sang a lullaby, and the birds listened to the beautiful song and slowly fell asleep.

The summer night is so quiet. The evening wind blows the grass and makes a "rustling" sound, which makes me feel a bit desolate; There is no one on the country roads. People may have fallen asleep!

Looking at it, I felt sleepy and walked home quickly. Before I went to bed, I was thinking about the summer night.

In my dream, the scenery of the summer night in the countryside reappears in my mind

Composition Winter in the Village (12)

Winter in the countryside is very interesting. The roof is covered with snow, white, like a quilt; Chickens and ducks hide in their nests and dare not come out; The creek and reservoir are frozen and no longer singing "ding dong"; The acres of fields were covered with thick snowflakes, which made a warm quilt for the wheat seedlings; The children in the countryside run and jump happily, leaving a series of lovely footprints. Some of them are playing snowball fights, and some are holding sugar coated haws to make snowmen.

There are several white, plump snowmen standing on the snow, which makes people feel happy. In winter, the countryside still looks so beautiful and unique.

Oh, the countryside in winter, I love you!

All the things in this village, which one is not my friend?

I said hello to them eagerly: Hello, gurgling streams, are you singing a little poem about our beautiful home? Hello, tall trees, your hard body, for how many people covered the heat, sent cool. Hello, clear mountain spring, do you hold a mirror to reflect the beautiful scenery in the mountain? Hello, golden paddy field, how many people have felt the joy of harvest. Hello, the flying waterfall, your golden voice and powerful tenor that day are so powerful. You are a gorgeous scenery in the countryside.

Hello, red leaves, you are like a beautiful girl, dancing in the mountains. Hello, leisurely white clouds, your white figure fills the sky with peace and makes us feel comfortable.

Composition Winter in the Village (13)

Model composition 1 describing the countryside in winter

Last winter vacation, my mother took me to visit my cousin's family in the countryside. The expressway has been opened in the village of my cousin's family. We drove for two hours to the village entrance of my cousin's family. From a distance, rows of new two-story buildings seemed to be lined up to welcome us.

When we entered Aunt Biao's house, they cheerfully welcomed us to sit on the kang. I immediately felt that the kang was hot and asked questions curiously. Aunt Biao said that the flue of the stove was discharged from under the kang. This morning, the firewood in the stove was burned up for cooking. The kang was hotter than usual. When winter passed, the flue under the kang was blocked up, and the smoke in the stove was discharged from another flue, It's not hot on the kang. Our country people always stay warm in winter like this. After listening to my cousin's story, I couldn't help sighing: the country people are so smart!

After sitting on the kang for a while, I went to my cousin's house to look around. There are three walnut trees and five jujube trees in a large courtyard in front of the house. At this time, I suddenly realized that the walnuts and jujube trees that my cousin sends us every year are the fruits of these fruit trees. They are like the mother of a great hero, which makes me respect. In front of the jujube tree, a plum tree bloomed in the cold winter. It was like a strong and unyielding soldier, protecting all fruit trees through the cold winter.

To the left of the cousin's house are the cowshed, the pig shed and the chicken shed. There are two cattle in the cowshed, one big and one small. The young scalper is constantly eating grass, as if expecting to grow up quickly so as to share more work for his mother. The bull closed his eyes quietly and did not move, as if recalling the beautiful scene of pulling a plow for his master to plow and reap a good harvest last spring. The pigs in the pig shed are fat, some are eating, some are walking leisurely, some are sleeping soundly, and their grunts are deafening. The big chickens and chicks in the chicken shed exulted, but there was an old hen who was still sitting on her eggs, and was devoting herself to breeding the next generation.

Behind the house is a large fish pond whose water has been covered with thick ice. A group of ducks are walking on the ice with their chests held high, and a group of children are skating. A boy wanted to learn how to spin in the air on ice, but he fell to the ground, but immediately got up to continue learning. His red face was still full of confidence. The children in the countryside are braver and stronger than those in our city. I admire them from the bottom of my heart.

The rural people in winter are really wonderful. I think there is more beautiful scenery in spring, summer and autumn. The countryside of our country is really beautiful everywhere!

Model composition for describing the countryside in winter 2

In winter, the trees are bare. The water was covered with ice and the roof was covered with snow. The earth is white.

The sun came out, and the children were playing happily. Because there is a lot of snow in winter, the children like winter. In the deep winter, the children put on cotton padded jackets, because winter is a cold season. The fields were white as if covered with a white blanket. The vegetables in the vegetable field are frozen by snow! The countryside is full of beautiful mountains. From a distance, the mountain is covered with snow. It is holy, like a white dragon lying on the top of the countryside in winter. Clouds are curling around, and the sun shines on the top of the mountain with silver light. A group of birds flew down from the mountain, and the light figure was cheerful and agile. The mountain is full of peace and mystery, as if full of winter myths. A plum tree was planted in the village. When winter comes, beautiful plum flowers will grow.

Whenever the sun rises, the rooster will shout to the sky, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

What a beautiful winter in the countryside!

Sample composition for describing the countryside in winter 3

Winter is a beautiful and pure day; Winter is a cute child; What's unique about winter in the countryside?

In the morning, the hazy fog was floating in the sky. The morning star had not disappeared, and the sky was already dim. The hillbags in the distance, whose green grass had dried up, put on a white cotton padded jacket and waited for the spring to sprout again

In the morning, I came to the field and walked along the winding path. Flowers and trees were planted on both sides, which was quite different from spring. Flowers and plants withered, and the original towering trees and lush leaves fell. Only the pine tree is still green and dripping, and its sturdy trunk seems to be surrounded by several people. He stood as straight as a PLA soldier guarding the border.

At noon, the warm sunshine is like lively and lovely elves, caressing your face. The frozen and trembling brook flows happily as before. Chimonanthus praecox shows its own beauty: one after another beautiful Chimonanthus praecox flies in the wind, and green leaves are drawn out from the branches, like a heavenly daughter on earth.

Evening is the quietest time of the day. The wind stopped blowing, the stream stopped running, and the whole village could hear a needle drop. There is a full moon and countless stars in the deep blue sky. The brightest one is Polaris, which is hanging in the sky to guide the lost people. It's really meritorious!

Winter is a season that makes people shiver, but in the countryside, it is very beautiful.

Sample composition for describing the countryside in winter 4

After looking forward to a winter, the clean snowflakes finally meet this city, and after the gale and thunderstorm, the colorful snowflakes fall. In cities and towns, vehicles are full of people eager to return home, but they can only drag their bloated bodies and crawl up and down the road.

As I drove slowly into the countryside, there were fewer and fewer "beetles", more and more unbroken snow, and trees with exhausted leaves fell down to greet the baptism of winter with extremely neat body. The excited sparrows chirped, but it seemed that only they were chatting in the field. Everything was so quiet. The river is icebound. Occasionally, the river, which is free from the shackles of ice, is splashed with a layer of ripples by several naughty children, and faints the quiet fragrance.

After the hustle and bustle, the countryside seems to be sleeping quietly under the comfort of the rare warm sun in winter. I think only the sound of firecrackers on New Year's Eve can wake it up. Compared with the city, the countryside is a fairytale paradise. Bring the last piece of your heart into the embrace of the countryside. Here, you are allowed to laugh and play heartily to find the lost beauty. Ice and Snow joked with the sun playfully. The sun shone brightly on them. The innocence of the world before the dawn, through fame and prosperity, this road to the countryside was engraved with a word called "return". The knife of time is invisible and sharp, leaving an indelible mark on all living things, but it seems that time can not interfere with the peace and purity of the countryside, just like a childhood dream, which is the best memory of life. It is less than 12 hours since the New Year. In the countryside, looking at the endless fields, it seems lonely and monotonous. But here, thick Chinese flavor and joyful Chinese red are intertwined. With a touch of joy, sadness will become a passer-by of yesterday and never return.

Silence is the main song here. Put off the mask of hypocrisy and enter the countryside. I still remember you said that home is the only castle. I kept running with the spring snow river and smiled. I knew my childhood dream; Don't cry, let the firefly take you away, the rural songs will always rely on, go home, back to the original beauty.

Composition Winter in the Village (14)

The persimmon tree has already lost all its leaves, and only one or two persimmons on its branches are swaying in the wind. The rural winter is coming.

At this time, the sky in the countryside is like blue glass, which can be broken by knocking. One or two young eagles are making irregular circles under the clear blue sky. The tall trees and the low bushes on the mountain are also leafless, clear and bleak, like a chromatic woodcut painting. Where the wind passes, the yellow and red leaves whirl and fall down again, piling up thick at the root. The river at the foot of the mountain has lost much weight. It is no longer vigorous in summer. It flows clear and shallow. Occasionally, three or five snow-white ducks have floated by.

The wheat sprouts in the fields are like the eyebrows of classical beauties, which make people love them. The unproductive cabbage in the field is like a pure girl in the countryside, dressed in a green skirt, graceful and charming, standing in the desert fields in winter. But the radish tassels are simple and luxuriant, bold and unconstrained, and they are not afraid of cold.

Farmers are busy. They harvest in autumn and hide in the east. They need to turn over the winter fields, pickle, spin persimmons, dig medicine, and peel corn. They can't wipe the grass dust off their heads, or wipe the sweat off their foreheads. When they put down their rice bowls, they can get busy. Hang the red peppers strung at night under the eaves, and the persimmons spun at night under the eaves, which will become a poetic red under the eaves. Then spread the herbs dug from the mountain to the yard, and the original strong flavor of the medicine diffused. After finishing all this work, I picked up some leftovers for the cats and dogs, and some chicken in the cage to watch the cats and dogs eat happily. The chicken kept pecking and scolding, picked up the hoe and hurried down to the ground.

It is predicted that there will be strong wind and cool weather. Take advantage of the wind and sunny weather in these days to turn over the winter field. Otherwise, it will be impossible to turn over when it is freezing and snowing heavily. Farmers are in a hurry, and from time to time they wake up flocks of crows in the field, and they fly to the wheat field far away.

The winter ground should be turned over deeply and broken up. The deep turned winter ground can freeze underground pests to death, and add living soil. When it snows, the rain will seep deep, and the crops will grow well next year. It was very tiring to go through the winter. The men took off their coats and showed their wives knitted sweaters with fine stitches. For women, the red turtleneck sweater is so beautiful in the winter sun.

At this time, there was no wind, and the winter sky was as dreamy as indigo. The countryside is drunk and becomes an ancient picture.

This winter eighth grade composition about the countryside is fluent and natural.

Composition Winter in the Village (15)

As the saying goes, "one autumn rain and one cold". With the sound of "dribbling" of autumn rain, autumn and winter, like a gradual change of color, have completed their alternation in an almost perfect transition. Everything is so natural and unobserved by people, but before our eyes is the beauty of another season.

Beijing's winter, though not as sunny as the tropical areas, is also sunny and pleasant; Although it is not as beautiful as the south of the Yangtze River in winter, there is another kind of grand and graceful beauty that accompanies people; Although it is not as warm as the seaside city, it is not as cold as the biting wind, which is warm in people's hearts. Yes, the winter in Beijing is the most beautiful——

"Winter is coming, winter is coming!" The joyful songs of flocks of migratory birds tell us this joyful message. Looking up at the blue sky, I saw them flying around us in circles, and changing the square from time to time. I just stood there and looked at it. They have been flying tirelessly. "Hey, save your strength. You have to fly to the far south!" I can't help shouting. They are still flying, and the answer to me is bursts of birdsong. So I calmed down to listen to them. Somehow, I heard a trace of sadness from them. On second thought, yes, every piece of sky and cloud they are passing, and every inch of land below, are places where they once flew and lived! Yes, this sadness is just their reluctance to give up and their nostalgia for this place. They are saying goodbye to people, things and everything here. Listen carefully again, and the sadness of parting is clear. Yes, they want to unreservedly sprinkle their physical strength and tears on the land where they live and support them. Even if they are late to warm places because of this time delay, they will suffer a lot of unnecessary torture on the way... At that moment, the world seems silent. "No, don't be sad. You've only been away for a few months, and you'll come back next year. Everything here will be waiting for you!" A cheerful bird song echoed in the air. They are gone. "Be sure to wait for us!" The cry echoed in the air for a long time. It was left in the air, but also in people's hearts. I think if my eyes were better, I would see those birds walking with a smile.