Kitten Composition High School (7 excellent articles)
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2024-01-10 01:42:47
high school

Kitten Composition High School (1)

The head of the kitten is round, the ears are triangular and sharp, and it will turn around with the sound. In the daytime, it is always lazy, and its eyes have narrowed into a crack. At night, it will be energetic. The two eyes opened wide, like sparkling night pearls. The kitten's beard is as wide as its body. It is a ruler to measure whether the front can pass. If the kitten's beard is cut off, it will bump around. The kitten has a meat pad on its feet. It makes no sound when walking, and it won't hurt when jumping from a high place! The cat's fur is soft and white like a snowball, so we call it snow.

Kitten is very patient. Whenever it finds that the mouse is hiding in the hole, it will stay motionless at the hole, and must catch the bad mouse for several hours or half a day.

The kitten is very sleepy. As long as he has time, he will sleep. Although he sleeps soundly, his ears are still on duty! As long as there is any movement, it will immediately stand up and frighten people.

The kitten is very playful. Sometimes play wool ball; Sometimes I hold the branches and swing; Sometimes he sticks out his tongue and licks his feet; Sometimes I grab my tail and turn around. It made me laugh.

The kitten is very gluttonous. Every day, it will turn around by the fish tank. It can't catch any fish, so it is angry and barks "Meow Meow". See me coming, look at me pitifully with two big pearl like eyes, and want me to give it food!

Kitten is very coquettish. When I was doing my homework, it rubbed my feet with its body, and jumped on my knee from time to time, shouting at me in a low voice. Then I had to put down my homework and hold it.

Kitten Composition High School (2)

My family has three kittens. You must be surprised. Yes, I do have three kittens, but I like my little spotted cat very much. It's very naughty.

The kitten's whole body is snow white, and only a few places on its back are orange. The round eyes are like two sparkling pearls. The bottom of its foot is soft, like a piece of cotton.

As soon as he was hungry, he ran up to me and meowed, as if to say, "My little master, I'm hungry, would you please give me some food?" As soon as he caught the mouse, he came to me; It seems to say: "Little master, I can have a big meal again."

This is my cat.

Kitten Composition High School (3)

A year ago, a lovely life was born at my sister's house. This is my favorite kitten, Huanhuan. Fortunately, it was selected by me and entered our warm home with me.

"Huanhuan" is a white and flawless little male cat. It has a pair of small ears on its round head. Its ears are short, sharp and elastic. Inside the ears are pink and covered with thin blood. It's really interesting. Its hearing is very sensitive. When it sleeps, its ears will move when there is any movement. When there is no sound, it will continue to sleep. If the sound gets louder, it will get up and run away.

Below its ears are a pair of round, big and black eyes. They watch the surrounding environment carefully all day long. If someone approaches it, it will jump up and run away from you, so that you can only see its back can't catch it, and then run without shadow or complexity.

It also has a small mouth, which can't be seen from a distance. There is a small tongue in its mouth, and there are many small barbs on the tongue. These barbs are used to help the cat break the skin of fish and eat fish. The kitten's teeth in his mouth are very sharp, enough to bite through an exercise book. There are also several whiskers beside his mouth, long and white. These whiskers are very useful. They can help cats measure the size of mouse holes and judge whether they can go in and catch cunning mice.

A kitten's tail is long, but it has an unusual function. When it jumps from a high place, its tail can help it keep balance. There is a thick meat pad under the kitten's feet. The meat pad plays the first role for the cat. It can make the kitten walk without making any noise. Therefore, no matter how cunning the mouse is, it cannot escape the kitten's palm.

The kitten likes cleaning very much. It never urinates anywhere. Only once, it can't help it. It urinates on the bed, and the rest is done in the litter basin. After going to the "toilet", it will also use sand to bury its urine and urine, so that there is no odor in the house.

He is also very naughty. When I go home, he will run to the door to meet me. When I do my homework, he will lie down in front of me and wag his tail. When I play the piano, he will run to the piano and snore

This is my naughty, cute and clean kitten, Huanhuan.

Kitten Composition High School (4)

Great! Dad brought me a kitten again. My father told me that it was called Lele. When I first saw it, I could not help feeling that Huahua came to me again.

The color of Huahua's hair is the same as that of the tiger, but there is no word "king" on her forehead. I didn't spend much time with him. Every day after school, when I walk to the door, I always see Huahua waiting for me there. I play with it almost every day, very happy. But soon, Uncle Li's neighbor also got a kitten. A white hair, a pair of big yellow eyes, small claws. He looks very energetic and has pity on others. I gradually gave Huahua a cold shoulder. Once, Huahua was sleeping on my leg. I felt very bored and threw it to the ground. Hua Hua meows in pain and looks at me innocently.

Once, my father and mother went to visit and left me alone at home. I had to feed flowers by myself. I picked up some raw fish guts and put them in the cat bowl. Hua Hua went to Sniff and didn't eat a mouthful. I think: Hey, you are also angry. If you don't eat, I won't change it. It depends on whether you eat! Before long, Huahua was probably hungry, so she opened her mouth and ate. I also secretly rejoiced. However, I found that since Hua Hua ate raw fish gall, she has been lying all day, neither eating nor moving.

Later, when my aunt came and saw Hua Hua listless, she asked me what I had given her to eat. I answered truthfully. Aunt whispered to me that Hua Hua was poisoned by eating raw fish gall. I was shocked and regretted not doing that.

One day, while we were eating, we saw Hua Hua jump down from the kang weakly, walk to the cat bedpan, spit sour water into the bedpan, and then return to the kang. But it went up several times without going up. When I saw here, I walked to Huahua with tears on my face and carried it onto the kang.

A few days later, Huahua died. I found a space to bury it.

I will always remember Huahua. I'm sorry for it, please forgive me, forgive me for all the wrong things I did to you!

Kitten Composition High School (5)

My family has a snow-white cat named pudding. It has a pair of blue eyes. A fairy's face is made up of a pink and tender nose and a three valve mouth. There is no miscellaneous hair on the whole body, which is as soft as swan hair.

Someone asked me why a white cat called pudding? When I raised it, I liked to drink pudding milk tea, so I called it pudding.

In fact, pudding is not bought, but picked up. Last winter, I helped my mother go out to buy salt. At a corner, a faint cat cry suddenly came. I turned my head and saw a dirty kitten lying on the snow. Its body was shivering with cold, and its big eyes looked at me pitifully, as if saying, "Help me!" I just wanted to move forward, but thought it might freeze to death, so I ran forward and held it in my arms. In the supermarket, I bought a bag of salt and a bag of cat food, and then ran home quickly. My mother saw me holding a dirty cat at the door of my house, and asked me what was wrong. I told the story just now, and my mother said, "You can keep it, but you must let it go after winter." I was a little disappointed. But when the pudding spirit came to the living room, my mother told me, "I've never seen such a beautiful cat before, you can keep it, and don't let it go after winter." In this way, pudding successfully stayed at my home.

Other people's cats can climb trees to catch mice, but pudding seems to have forgotten these once he arrived at my house, and even learned to play dead. One time when I was feeding, I thought it was too dirty, so I fed it less. As a result, it just finished eating, and then ran to me, grabbed my trouser legs, pulled me to the front of the plate, and stretched out its claws to point to the plate. I know what it means, but as soon as I was ready to leave, it was lying on the ground with its belly facing up and its limbs soft. I thought: How quickly did I learn to play dead? I reached out my hand and scratched its belly. It immediately waved its arms and legs and gave out the laughter of "Gollum Gollum", as if it would never stop.

This is my white cat pudding. Although it is a lazy cat who plays dead, it is my good friend and I will take good care of it.

Kitten Composition High School (6)

Some people like lively dogs, some people like parrots who can sing and dance, some people like slow turtles, but I like clever cats.

There is a cat downstairs. It is fat and lazy, so we all call it Xiaofei. Xiaofei's coat is yellow and white, with a piece of skin off his head and white legs, just like wearing a pair of white boots.

Xiao Fei is very particular when he eats. First touch the food, and then run far away. After a while, run over and touch it lightly to confirm that the food is OK. Then smell it to see if it is something you like. If it is like it, if it is canned fish, put your head in it, chew and swallow it, and it will be finished soon.

Xiao Fei has fun playing. Once, I threw a crooked branch. As soon as it pressed, the branch fell off. Xiao Fei slowly jumped to the ground with his long body, stretched himself, got in, stood on the branch with his feet, grabbed the branch above, and shook it back and forth as if doing yoga. Stepping on and on, the branches turned into tree debris. Xiao Fei stared at his "work" and ran away contentedly.

Xiao Fei is even lazier when he has a rest. Jump from a table to the eaves, lie on your side, and sleep soundly. Once, I saw Xiao Fei lying on the roof again. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon, as if he was enjoying the afternoon sun. I played with my friends until six o'clock. I went to see it again. It's still sleeping! At seven o'clock in the evening, he simply got up. Just on the way, a car passed by. Xiao Feili ignored it. Even if he saw it, he would not let it go. He walked leisurely in the catwalk, as if to say, "Let the palace go first!" Sometimes he would lie down and rest instead of letting it go!

Every morning, I pass it when I go to school. It is either licking its fur or sleeping. He is so cute and lazy, but I like it very much!

Kitten Composition High School (7)

This morning, when I came back from Jingkelong with my grandma, grandpa and brother, I saw a big colored cat meowing at the door of the building. When we came, we wouldn't go away. We heard the sad and pitiful cry of the kitten.

When we approached, the big cat was still meowing. Seeing us approaching, we reluctantly ran to the room on one side and looked at here. We heard the sound of the kitten from the window on the first floor, so we initially concluded that the kitten was trapped. It seemed that the big cat must be the cat's mother. I followed the sound of the kitten and found a hole in the wall. I saw the little white cat. "Strange, how did it get into such a small hole?" I couldn't figure it out after thinking about it. At this time, the grandmother who fed the cat came, and she said, "This little cat is called" Xiaobai ". She fell into the big pipe, and I want to save her life." After hearing this, many grandma advised her, "Don't worry, there will be some way." At this time, someone took out the phone to call the housing management office, and someone suggested calling 110 for help. Soon, the uncles of the housing management office and the police came, Everyone tried to find a way together. "Xiaobai" who fell into the hole seemed to know that people wanted to save her, so he meowed more forcefully and climbed to the hole. But the hole was too small for her to get out. Everyone was still talking about how to get out only when the hole was big. An uncle ran over with a chisel and a hammer, and chiseled in the narrow hole. The hole expanded under his hammer. The uncle took a newspaper and put cat food on the hole. Xiaobai in the hole seemed to know his uncle's intentions very well. When he smelled the food, he climbed out of the hole. "Xiaobai" was finally saved. He ate several mouthfuls of cat food and cried happily, It seems to say to people: "Thank you all, I'm saved, thank you!" My uncle used cement to plug the hole again.

Everyone's face showed a satisfied smile. After watching the whole process of saving the kitten, I thought in my heart that there are many kind-hearted people in the world. Everyone is so caring. I also want to be a caring person. I will be happier if I help others!