Composition My Heart (17 selected)
Man flower
2023-08-08 07:05:42
fifth grade

Composition My Heart (1)

Today, I want to tell my heart to whom? Of course, I told my father.

Dad, can you stop insisting on your own opinion? I know I have many shortcomings, but not every one is wrong. Shortly after the semester began, you criticized me for a misunderstanding. Do you remember?

Follow the steps of memory and return to the beginning of September. We had a new teacher. Because this teacher and the former teacher had different requirements on the unit name, the teacher didn't tell us before writing the paper, so I got 95 points that day. After returning home, I fooled around that night because you were busy. But I know, "You can avoid the first day of the first lunar month, but you can't avoid the fifteenth."

As expected, the next morning, when I just got up, you were overcast and didn't say a word at dinner. But as soon as I walked out of the room door, you shouted to me, "Why do you get 95 points? Everyone else gets 100 points!" I replied haltingly, "This... this teacher requires that km, m, kg be enclosed in brackets." You start roaring again: "How can other children take the 100 exam? Why can't you?" Look at you, like a tiger, staring at me viciously; And I like a little mouse, really want to make a hole in the wall next to escape. I sighed, knowing that you would continue to talk about me. "I've told you many times, don't be lazy, what people say in the question is what!" I had nothing to say, so I had to listen to it obediently. But my legs and feet were cold, and my blood rushed into my brain, just like falling into the ice hole in December.

Dad, after you read my heart, can you get rid of this bad habit? I hope you can treat me as an adult and respect me.

Composition My Heart (2)

My childhood was colorful and full of good memories. I want to tell this secret that has been hidden in my heart for a long time to my bosom friend Deng Wenjing.

As the saying goes, exam is a teacher's magic weapon; Every minute is the lifeblood of students. Exams are inevitable in life. Once in a Chinese exam, the Chinese teacher came into the classroom and said in her clear voice, "Let's test today." Then, neat test papers were lying on everyone's desk. The classroom became quiet, and only heard the "rustling" sound and neat breathing sound of the students' pens rubbing on the test paper. As if an embroidery needle fell on the ground, you could hear it very clearly. When I was writing a passage to fill in the blanks according to the content of the text, I suddenly stopped writing! I can't answer this question! I looked around, my eyes stopped in the drawer, where lay my Chinese book! My straw! I slowly put my hand into the drawer! I got it! My Chinese book! My heart beat faster in an instant. At this critical moment, I felt that people all over the world were staring at me with their sharp eyes, as if they were laughing at me and looking down on a cheater. I quickly pulled my hand back. oh dear! I patted my head. How could I be confused! I can't cheat even if I can't write! So my question was empty there.

The test paper was handed out, and I scored 96 points. Although I deducted those points, it was a pity, but I was very lucky. I overcame the demons, and I had integrity. Deng Wenjing, I believe you won't tell others, will you? This is our eternal secret!

Composition My Heart (3)

Post an article? Of course, it's very good, but it's a bit humiliating if it hasn't been adopted. Yes, I hesitated when I wrote these. This website was introduced to me by my classmates. Of course, I always think that I have no ability to publish these articles. After seeing so many people publish it, my self-confidence has weakened. However, my good friend Ting Yin has published two elite articles, and I am a bit excited.

I used to think that my writing level was very high, but I didn't know what it was called "the green hills outside the mountains, the buildings outside the buildings are more powerful than others". Only now do I fully understand the profound meaning of this phrase.

I grew up in a happy family and had such a good learning environment that people would inevitably say, "Today's children are really in bliss." Sometimes, I would be very disgusted, but sometimes I would meditate - maybe it's my wishful thinking.

Please don't take it amiss to publish such a bad article this time.

Composition My Heart (4)

Mom, I really miss you. Mom, do you still remember that you said I was particularly stupid? Do you remember that you said I was staying specially? Do you remember saying that I am incompetent? Mom, you pointed out many of my shortcomings to me, but I still love you deeply.

Mom, to be honest, I have a lot to say to you. However, whenever I speak, you always interrupt me and more ruthlessly talk about my problems in your eyes. Mom, you are very grumpy. You often "pick out a withered flower from the rose bushes", but I know you are good to me. But I still hope you can communicate with your daughter kindly and gently.

I hope you can shine on me like the warm sun and let me thrive; I also hope that you can add a light in the black sky like the moon to illuminate me and make me feel happy; I also hope you can open your hands and let me fly freely; Let me take root on the land like a pine and grow into a towering tree.

Mom, do you remember? When my grades improved, you gave me "three rules"

1. No TV or movies

2. Be careful in the exam

3. The questions given in the exam should not be wrong, and scores should not be deducted for carelessness

Remember that time, you really misunderstood me. During the meal, you blamed me, thinking that I threw the food on you, which was obviously done by your brother. I know he is small. I should let him be my sister. But, Mom, you can't be too partial! Should I be the scapegoat for someone older than him? Fortunately, I mustered the courage to tell you the truth, and you finally forgive me.

Mom, if you give me some tolerance and understanding, encouragement and warmth, I will become the happiest person in the world. Mom, did you hear my heart? Mom, I love you!

Composition My Heart (5)

Mom and Dad, do you know that each of us has our own opinions on everything, but why don't we say anything? Please continue to look down, thank you!

You know what? My classmates and I talk about our lives every time. But once we were different. We made suggestions to you. Combined with our views, we have come together. The next paragraph. We have our own suggestions, but we dare not say so. We have our own pursuit, but we dare not say. Why dare not say? Because you are adults, if we say something and you feel that it is wrong, you will hit us, so I dare not say you know? There is no one in the world who is silent, but why are some people so silent? Because they have their own opinions, suggestions, and pursuits, they dare not say, why? Because you are afraid of being beaten, you have to take care of each other one by one. It is not only our body, but also our dignity. Everyone's heart is fragile, but why are some choices so easy to break? Because one of you slapped your heart and broke it. Because your heart was broken with that insult. Why is dignity so easy to lose? Because of your stick, your slap drove him away; Your insults have taken it away; You have tried everything to break your heart and drive away your dignity. But why don't we want to put our hearts together and find our dignity? Because if we find the heart and dignity, you will break the heart and drive away the dignity.

Dignity is easy to lose, heart is easier to break, but why? Because you have not yet opened the lock in our children's hearts.

Composition My Heart (6)

I'm in the fifth grade now, but I'm short. I want to complain to you here.

Because I was a short man, when I first went to the classroom on the third floor, those senior students stood by the corridor and laughed at me. I was extremely angry at that time, but after all, I could not provoke them, so I had to bear it.

My parents often worry about my affairs at home. Seeing that my peers are taller than me, they buy this for me, but I am not long. Seeing them like that, I really want to grow to 2. 2 meters.

Mom and Dad, teachers and classmates, brothers and sisters at school, please listen to me; We short people also have self-esteem. We come to school to learn, not to listen to the ridicule of some people. What we need is respect and understanding between people. Don't think of us as something else.

Composition My Heart (7)

200 words from my heart (1)

My Heart

I want to have a heart to heart talk with my teacher. Teacher, your voice is very loud

Good. The class is very lively. I like your class very much.

Teacher, you come to school early in the morning and go home late every day. I must study hard and be a good obedient child.

Teacher, you are very strict with us in class. If anyone makes trouble in class, you will severely criticize him.

Teacher, I will listen carefully in class, study hard, make progress every day, and try to be a good student.


Thank you for your hard work


I wish you good health,

Family joy


200 words from my heart (2)

My Heart

Teacher, we tell you that we understand you. The teacher's heart is broad and profound, which contains the hearts of sanitation workers; It should not contain any filth and rubbish; It contains the heart of the ship's helmsman, and pays attention to the wind direction and channel all the time; It contains the love of mother, the responsibility of gardener, the innocence of old urchin, and everything is a dedication to students. Our achievements are condensed by your hard work, and you are guiding us in the process of growth. Severe blame is the concern of "hating iron is not steel", and education is also the wish of "looking forward to becoming a dragon". How can we understand you?

?? Teacher, we tell you that we may always make some mistakes in one way or another due to our youth impulse. Now please forgive us. We who wander in class, run around on the playground, and have some bad problems grow up day by day. We will no longer only guarantee, but will use action to prove that we will be your good students!

?? Teacher, we say to you that we hope to establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship with you. Please also understand us more. There are so many classes that teachers of all subjects will put pressure on us. Sometimes, they are really powerless! Occasionally, you will also look at us subjectively, making people "a hundred words are difficult to say, and a hundred words are difficult to argue". Modern middle school students have new ideas, and their views on surrounding things are also young. What we need is your understanding and trust, and we are eager to become friends with you ---- sincere friends.

?? Teacher, we tell you that you are an inexhaustible wax light in our hearts. You, who are responsible for the sacred duty, have a very important position in our hearts. We thank you! On Teacher's Day, I wish you good health, success in your career, good luck in everything and a good mood every day

200 words from my heart (3)

Memorial composition: my heart

January 6, 2007

My Heart

Mom and Dad, first of all, I would like to thank you for teaching me questions that I can't do until I can do them. And those uncivilized habits let me correct and become a good child.

I also want to thank Mr. Ren, Mr. Lin and teachers of all subjects. I want to thank Mr. Ren for teaching us how to read the text more fluently and better. He also taught me a lot of unknown words and taught us to memorize the Three Character Classic and ancient poetry. Thank you, Mr. Lin, for letting us learn 24 o'clock. I also learned to add, subtract, multiply, divide, centimeter and meter. Thank teachers for their hard work. We are like young seeds. Father, mother and teacher are like sunshine and water. They make us grow up day by day and make us a healthy and happy tree.

200 words from my heart (4)

200 words from my heart (5)

Happy Moment 200 words

At night, I lay in bed and thought how happy I am.

I have friends, many friends. I can talk to them from the bottom of my heart. I can study and play with them. Friends can make you know all kinds of people, and friends can help you. I feel very happy to have friends.

I have my family, my cousins. My cousin, she is a lovely person. Although she is in her twenties, there are a dozen dolls in her room. My cousin, who is only ten months older than me, often quarrels with him. He always rebuts me with various reasons, so that I can't talk back. My cousin is my favorite person. I often make up stories with her. Sometimes, we both play in the same room with the door locked. The adults outside do not know what we are doing. My brother, he is studying abroad alone and looking for a job. He is very diligent, and the boss has some requirements for him, but his brother has higher requirements for himself than the boss, so he often gets praise from the boss and colleagues. With them, I feel very happy.

I have a dog. It is a golden retriever named Hawk. It gets up at six o'clock every morning on time. It will open the door. It opens its mother's door and asks her to take it out to play. Come back and go to bed. In the evening, I would climb up the sofa and watch TV with my mother. He is 5 years old this year. He came to our house when he was in the senior class of my kindergarten. At that time, he was still a dog, only 43 days old. But for me at that time, I thought it was a big dog. At that time, he sat in a cardboard box and was brought back by his father. At that time, he could not even get on the sofa. I feel very happy to have such a "childhood sweetheart" with me.

When you recall some trivial things in your life, you will find how happy you are.

200 words from my heart (6)

200 words from my heart (7)

A 200 word letter to Dad Dear Dad: Hello! Do you know? I've always wanted to say something to you. Now, I will tell you my heart through a letter. Dad, I really hope you can stop drinking. Remember when you were drunk last time? As soon as you enter your home, you start a drinking frenzy. Mother couldn't bear it and ran out. I worried about my mother and hurried to chase her out. It was very cold that night, and the wind blew mercilessly, adding a bit of sadness to the silent night. Mother's tears fell quietly, and her tired face looked tired. Dad, can you understand my feeling when I see my mother's eyes filled with sadness? Another time, when you came back after drinking, you fell asleep. My mother and I thought you would not make any noise this time. It didn't take long for you to throw up and the bed was in a mess. Faced with such a scene, I had to pinch my nose and help my mother clean up. I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. As a result, I was late for school the next day. Dad, please drink less bars. Drinking is not only bad for your health, but what you say after drinking is also very hurtful. Dad, for me, for mom, for this family, you can drink less bars! Your daughter: Liu Yin

Composition My Heart (8)

Once, in a math class, you couldn't do a math problem, so you asked me: "How do you do this problem, explosive dragon? Hey, how do you do it?" "Do it yourself, don't bother me." I said. You said, "I beg you, don't give you a nickname in the future." I said, "OK, I'll teach you a question."

Remember one day, in English class, you came to peep at my exercise book without knowing how to spell a word? At this time, when I found out, I said unhappily, "Why do you want to peek at my exercise book?" But you said, "Don't talk nonsense. How could I look at you?"

Another time, you forgot your art book in art class and said to me, "Can you lend me your book?" I said angrily, "No!"

Rongfa, I want to tell you that although my name is Junling and I read "Long" in Chaoshan dialect, I am not "Long". If you still want to give me a nickname, you can give me some nice nicknames, such as "Xilong Long" and "Leader Long". However, I still hope you will not give me a nickname in the future.

Composition My Heart (9)

Dear Mr. Li

How are you?

You didn't expect me to write to you, did you? Although we meet every day, do you know what I am thinking? Although I have always been a student who likes to make small movements in your heart, do you know? Although I have a rubber in my hand, my ears are still listening to your lecture. It is because I hold something in my hand that I am always criticized by you, but I want to change this problem, but I can never get rid of it.

Do you know? Every time I come to your office to accept your criticism, I feel like the end of the world is coming. I want you to criticize me less in the future, and I will correct it as soon as possible! Don't always criticize me in front of my teachers, parents and classmates. I always feel ashamed because other good students don't play with me anymore.

I know that my usual academic performance will definitely not be rated as a "civilized student", and my classmates will not choose me as a "three good student", but I hope you can give me a prize. Although my study and performance are not good now, it does not mean that I will be bad in the future. Many great people in the world were not good when they were young, but after hard work they grew up to become famous scientists. Einstein was kicked out of school by his teacher when he was a child, but he still became a great scientist when he grew up. I wonder if you can give me more encouragement in the future. I will never let you down!


3。 8 Happy Women's Day

Your student Liu Junting

Composition My Heart (10)

Mom and Dad, the first thing I saw from the day I was born was you. You taught me how to walk, how to talk and how to learn. Overnight, I gradually grew up and learned knowledge. You gave me a pair of eyes, let me pay attention to the world, you gave me a pair of ears, let me listen to the world, you gave me a pair of feet, let me go around the world, you gave me a pair of hands, let me change the world. I don't know how to repay you.

Once, I had a high fever, and you sent me to the hospital. When I got home, it was 1 o'clock in the morning, but I still had a fever at this time. But because I had been to the hospital, I obviously had a fever.

Day by day, I went to kindergarten, where I met many friends. Day by day, I went to primary school, where I learned a lot of knowledge. Mom and Dad are you who gave me life, and the days are passing, and you have grown white hair. But you take care of me and protect me. When I grow up, I will protect you. At that time, I will protect you. My task now is to study hard, and we will not suffer hardship in the future.

Mom and Dad, I give you a heavy return, but as long as I work hard, there is nothing I can't do.

Composition My Heart (11)

Grandparents, today I want to talk to you from the bottom of my heart. Since Mom and Dad are deaf mute, I haven't said to you: "Over the years, you have taken care of me meticulously. But there is one thing that always frustrates my grandson's young mind. I thought hard and decided to tell you today. I hope you can listen patiently."

The brand remembers that one day in June this year, I went to Ginza for dinner with my parents and uncles. After we finished eating, we bought something in the Ginza shopping mall, and by the way, we bought a little gray mouse. The little gray mouse has a pair of small eyes, a black nose, a pointed mouth, and a small tail that is not long or short. It jumped up and down in the cage, bumping around. It looks very cute, and I am happy. After I bought a little chinchilla, I couldn't restrain my joy, so I called you. To my surprise, you said you wouldn't let me buy it, which delayed my study. I was so distressed that I almost fell into tears. No, a roar woke me from my meditation. I sighed and decided to give the little mouse to my cousin. Sun Tzu just wrote wrong questions in his homework. Sometimes he can't finish his homework. Does that mean he can't learn well in the future? Besides, keeping a small pet is not a bad thing.

The implementation of grandparents, although the past, but I still deeply remember. I think it is important to learn the knowledge from books, but you should also understand my mood of raising a small animal. Children should also do something they are interested in, Grandpa and Grandma, are you right?

Composition My Heart (12)

In the deep night, there are faint clouds floating in the sky. As I lie in bed, I can't help feeling ashamed when I recall what I have done every day. I remember what my grandfather said to me: "A man should be like a fallen leaf. When he was green, it brought green and air to people. When it turned yellow, it was still thinking about what I lacked and what I had not done. When it gave all its strength to the world, it was relieved to fall into the earth." Since the first grade of primary school, my composition has been among the best. The teacher praised me and the students praised me. Gradually, I became proud of myself and thought that my composition was good and wonderful. When I was in the fourth grade, many students were chasing me, but I didn't care. Just as the teacher said, other students were marching forward, but I was standing still.

Once a basketball match was held. The teacher assigned everyone to go back and write a big composition. I think: Anyway, my composition is good, and I can write it in time. I put my exercise book on the table and went to play. When I remembered it on Sunday, I scribbled a few words. A few days later, Mr. Si called me to the office, pointed to my composition book and said, "Is this your composition. I bit my lip, looked at the red "good" on my own book, and looked at the excellent on others' books. I just felt like my heart was pierced by a needle, and my face was red. Let me review myself. I don't feel like the fallen leaves as my grandfather said. I still have many shortcomings, but I haven't seen them myself. I feel ashamed. I felt indescribable pain in my heart. I made up my mind to live up to the hopes of my teachers and classmates and the pains of my parents. Believe me, I will succeed.

Composition My Heart (13)

The wind in June opens the curtain of memory. Time is like flowing water, tapping my heart. Today, I want to tell the truth.

On that day, the night was deep, and the pen in my hand was still rustling under the dim light. You walked into my room gently and put a white porcelain bowl firmly on my bookcase. Glancing casually, he was attracted by the red bean porridge in the bowl. There were ripples in the microwave oven, thick as fat. In a moment, the fragrance filled my nose. "Daughter," you whispered, "don't get tired of your body." I said, "Yes," I don't care about you. I just want to finish drinking red bean porridge and study hard.

I picked up the white porcelain bowl surrounded by blue and white flowers and felt the burning eyes on my face. "Mom, why haven't you left yet?" My voice was a little impatient. "Ah, I just want to accompany you." Your eyes darkened. I just wanted to say that you have got up and closed the door. Your lonely figure walked out of my side, but your reluctant eyes took root in my heart. Somehow, my mood is complicated. Your shadow appears in my mind, immersed in the fog of red bean porridge.

On the first day of school when I was a child, I cried and refused to let go of your hand. You left with tears in your eyes; When I was seven or eight years old, I was scalded. You took the doctor's white coat and asked him to heal me; The first time I got full marks, I saw your smiling eyes across the school gate, waiting for the glory I threw into your arms

Sixteen years has given us so many memories! The bright moon outside the window is bright, the pine branches are swaying, and there is peace and tranquility. However, my heart is surging. The burst of emotion suddenly broke through the dam of my soul and poured thousands of miles. Control of.

I opened the door to find you. In the dark night, your figure is fixed in my eyes. The navy apron, the familiar tired face, and the doorman's sculptural posture. In an instant, tears broke the bank.

The tense war song is coming to an end. The day before the exam, you fell ill. I cried on you and went to the kitchen to cook red bean porridge for you. I heard that red bean is lovesickness, and I thought it would be good for you. When I brought the red bean porridge, you shouted to me for the first time: "Go back! Go back to review!" I didn't, I didn't, I stopped there, and you banged, overthrowing my labor achievements. The pale face trembled slightly. The memory stops suddenly.

Mom, do you know? I'm doing very well in the examination room now. Don't worry. Wait for your daughter's triumphant voice and watch her return to make red bean porridge. I hope you will like your face.

This is my daughter's sincere words: Mom, wait for me.

Although years have mercilessly taken away our years, they cannot take away our memories. This is the greatest charm of interpersonal communication.

Composition My Heart (14)

Friend, remember our agreement? "Never separate!" At that time, we met. At that time, we knew each other. How naive we were at that time, how innocent our friendship was at that time. We were together, going to school, and going after school together. However, this friendship was torn apart by a "Dear John letter" I wrote.

I don't remember the reason why I wrote this letter. I don't remember the expressions of other students. I only remember you who were helpless and sad at that time. I only remember me who was cold and hopeless at that time. You looked at me and I looked at you. A classmate was about to tear the letter off, but you took it to me and asked, "Really?" I was speechless, and you asked again, "I... I don't know!" I ran away, I ran away from that memory, and then I transferred to another school.

Friend, how happy you used to be, how innocent you were then, but now, will you still be happy? If I ask for your forgiveness, will you forgive me? Although we want to see each other again, we still talk and laugh, but I believe you will never believe that your best friend left you! Later, I also saw Li Xueyan. When I talked about that incident, she said to me: "You don't know, after your transfer, your eyes will be red every day, and she also tore the letter." I was surprised, friend, do you still think I am your best arm in your heart? It's hard to say that you still think that our friendship exists?

Friend, can you smile? Remember, you should be happy every day, because you have a best friend who is silently thinking about you.

Composition My Heart (15)

Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me, giving me life and letting me come into the world. Thank you for your care and care during my growth, so that I can grow healthily and happily without worry. I am sick, you take me to see a doctor, take care of me without regret. Now that I have grown up, I should repay you. I want to study hard and achieve good results. I also want to help you do what you can. Teachers, thank you for teaching me knowledge and the truth of life. Sometimes you are sick and insist on giving us lessons with illness. I am so moved! I want to listen to you, listen carefully in class and finish your homework carefully after class. I will repay you well when I grow up.

The students are very kind to me. When I don't have a pen, you lend me a pen. When I don't have an eraser, you lend me an eraser. When I don't have white paper in art class, you lend me white paper. I will remember your kindness to me, and I will help you when you need help in the future.

Mom, Dad, teacher, classmates, I will repay you!

Composition My Heart (16)

Dear Mr. Li

How are you?

You didn't expect me to write to you, did you? Although we meet every day, do you know what I am thinking? Although I have always been a student who likes to make small movements in your heart, do you know? Although I have a rubber in my hand, my ears are still listening to your lecture. It is because I hold something in my hand that I am always criticized by you, but I want to change this problem, but I can never get rid of it.

Do you know? Every time I come to your office to accept your criticism, I feel like the end of the world is coming. I want you to criticize me less in the future, and I will correct it as soon as possible! Don't always criticize me in front of my teachers, parents and classmates. I always feel ashamed because other good students don't play with me anymore.

I know that my usual academic performance will definitely not be rated as a "civilized student", and my classmates will not choose me as a "three good student", but I hope you can give me a prize. Although my study and performance are not good now, it does not mean that I will be bad in the future. Many great people in the world were not good when they were young, but after hard work they grew up to become famous scientists. Einstein was kicked out of school by his teacher when he was a child, but he still became a great scientist when he grew up. I wonder if you can give me more encouragement in the future. I will never let you down!


Grade 1 of Bashu Shuyuan: Liu Junting

Composition My Heart (17)

Primary School Composition My Heart

1. My Heart


My dear father, my daughter wants to tell you something from her heart.

Dad, I always think you are too strict with me. I know that adults are strict with us and want us to be good, but I can't deprive my spare time!

I remember one time when I did all my homework well and felt dizzy. I wanted to relax my nerves, so I started watching TV. I switched the TV to the movie channel and happened to be playing my favorite Adventures of Jackie Chan. I saw the mystery as if I were in the midst of it. But then you rushed in coldly and asked, "Have you finished your homework?" I replied, "I have already finished it It is probably because my confrontation has damaged your dignity as a father. This time, you are really angry. You just stare at me and ask me to review, or you will be punished by family methods (you raise your fist). You know, you are seldom so angry. Did you encounter something unpleasant that day, but you can't blame me as a child. You know that looking at your ferocious appearance, I was frightened and left in a dejected manner to review English, but Dad, do you know? Can I learn in that mood? I didn't even remember an English word!

I still remember that one day in the summer vacation, while you were taking a nap, I slipped quietly to my sister's house next door. I didn't come back until more than six o'clock when I played. At that time, you and your family were already having dinner, and I was really hungry. Although I played a little too much, you wouldn't punish me with "no eating!". At that time, I shed tears of injustice, and I cried bitterly

Dad, I long for freedom and happiness! Do you know your daughter me? I hope you have a better attitude towards me!

I wish you good health and good luck

2. My Heart

What I want to say in my heart: "Rongfa, don't give me a nickname in the future. Ever since you read the idiom" Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix ", you have been giving me a nickname, such as" Lazy Dragon "," Explosion Dragon "and" Roast Dragon "

Once, in a math class, you couldn't do a math problem, so you asked me: "How do you do this problem, explosive dragon? Hey, how do you do it?" "Do it yourself, don't bother me." I said. You said, "I beg you, don't give you a nickname in the future." I said, "OK, I'll teach you a question."

Remember one day, in English class, you came to peep at my exercise book without knowing how to spell a word?. At this time, when I found out, I said unhappily, "Why do you want to peek at my exercise book?" But you said, "Don't talk nonsense. How can I look at you when you are a 'whole roasted dragon'?"

Another time, when you forgot to bring your art book in art class, you said to me, "Can you lend me your book?" I said angrily, "No!"

Rongfa, I want to tell you that although my name is Junling and I read "Long" in Chaoshan dialect, I am not "Long". If you still want to give me a nickname, you can give me some nice nicknames, such as "Xilong Long" and "Leader Long". However, I still hope you will not give me a nickname in the future.