50 word composition for childhood (6 in total)
One step away
2023-08-18 02:07:14
fourth grade

50 word composition for childhood (1)

Childhood is a colorful dream.

When I was young, I didn't know what scissors were, so I was curious and wanted to use them.

Sometimes I see my mother cutting things and cloth with it.

One afternoon, when I was playing in the yard, I saw the kitten's beard was very long, so I wanted to cut it for him with scissors. So I took the kitten home and cut it with scissors. I cut off the cat's beard when I wanted my mother to come back and praise me.

Mother came back and smiled, saying that the cat's beard could not be cut, and the mouse could not catch the cat after cutting it.

Childhood really makes me happy.

50 word composition for childhood (2)

One day when I was in my sixth birthday, it was raining heavily. As soon as I finished school, I hurried to the kitchen to get a shovel, ran to the grass, and then dug a shovel at a time. I never saw a snail when I dug and dug. So, I thought there was no snail in this place, and there would always be one in other places! I ran to other places.

I dug there without saying a word. Suddenly, an unknown worm crawled into my hand. I shook quickly to get the worm away. Later, I had a good time. I caught seven or eight snails in a row. Ha ha, I smiled and held the snails for my mother to see. My mother praised me for my intelligence.

50 word composition for childhood (3)

Childhood is full of happiness; Childhood is full of joy; Childhood is full of pursuit; Childhood is golden; Childhood is full of the pursuit and expectation of ideals. In my dream, I finally saw my dream.

50 word composition for childhood (4)

"The green water is carefree, but the wind wrinkles the face. The green mountains are not old, but snowy." Mom, I am just like the breeze, making your face have wrinkles, and I dyed your hair white like snow. When I was sad, you made me happy. When I was in trouble, you helped me solve it. Once, I had a difficult problem that I couldn't and dared not ask. I thought: Let the teacher come. Just then you came back. After reading my homework, I was taught how to do it, and then said, "You must listen carefully and do it carefully in class." The next day, the teacher asked the same question, and I was very happy to answer it completely. I love you, Mom!

50 word composition for childhood (5)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

What is childhood?

It's a cicada on a tree.

It's a frog in the water.

It's a short song of a shepherd flute.

It's a friend's hide and seek

Grade 6: Ma Zhouhao

50 word composition for childhood (6)

It is loaded with countless interesting stories of everyone.

Childhood is a cup of sweet milk tea.

Remember our countless laughter.

Childhood is a piece of dark chocolate.

Memory of childhood sadness.

Childhood is a pair of wings full of ideals.

Take us higher and higher.