A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (10 in total)
keep one 's head above water
2023-11-18 04:10:43

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (1)

May Day News

On May 1, my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and my good friend Sun Haochi went to Beidaihe Gold Coast to play together and walked into the lobby of our hotel. "Ah, what a beautiful green world!" Sun Haochi and I exclaimed.

In this green world, there are many plants, some of which are tall and straight, some of which are graceful... Among them, the banana tree is the most attractive to me. This is the first time I saw a banana tree full of fruits. One banana is surrounded by a circle, like a beautiful flower basket, and one flower basket is strung into a huge "sugar gourd" There is a pink banana flower at the bottom of the tree. I like this banana tree so much!

Walking into the deep green world, you can see birds singing happily on the branches, clear water running noisily in the brook, small fish dancing gracefully in the water, as if entering the tropical rain forest, children playing hide and seek in the forest, adults chatting in the pavilion, what a beautiful and harmonious world.

2 May Day News

On May Day, Grandma asked me to pick cherries at her house. I was so happy that I pestered Dad to go immediately. Dad was so obsessed with me that he finally agreed to my request. I could not wait to fly to Grandma's house right away.

After a while, we arrived at Grandma's house. I didn't even enter the house, so I went straight to the cherry tree. I looked up and saw that the cherry tree was covered with cherries. Cherries were as bright as crystal, red, orange, white and light red. I didn't have time to take a closer look. I picked a bunch of cherry trees, washed them with water, and then threw them into my mouth. Suddenly, a smell of fresh fragrance and acid penetrated my heart. It was obvious that these cherries were not ripe. I saw my father and mother picking both big and red cherries, and eating them so sweet. I was not convinced. Just wanted to pick them again, my father stopped me and said: "Red cherries are ripe". I went up the tree again and picked the big red cherries as my father told me. After a while, I picked a basket full of cherries, washed them with water, and put them into my mouth. They were sweet and not sour at all. I quickly gave them to my grandparents. They said, "Shangwen is really sweet!" My parents also said sweet after eating the cherries I picked.

I thought to myself: I will pick cherries next year.

3 May Day News

Every morning at more than five o'clock, roosters begin to crow, like soldiers in the military camp whistling in the morning, but loud. The strangest thing is that the chickens, ducks, and geese are also crowing, just like the students of the rooster. It's fun to hear the rooster sing one sentence to hurt them. After the cock crows, the hen always leads a group of chickens to walk around in front of and behind the house. It seems that they are walking. What about the cock? It walks around its wife and children as if it were protecting them.

Most rural families set up a fruit rack in front of the door, covered with melons and green melon leaves, which is much more lovely than the stone lion in front of the city building, because the stone lion looks very fierce, and people dare not approach it.

In the countryside, the kitchen stoves of ordinary families are built against the corner of the wall. Because most of them use firewood as fuel, the walls around them are blackened. The chimney is above the kitchen stoves, leaning against the corner of the wall, and leaning against two walls, it is made of short bricks, about half a meter above the roof. I remember a song, "See the smoke rising again, the dusk shining on the earth..." People who had been busy all day began to prepare dinner. In the evening, the smoke curled up from the chimneys of every household. I saw the graceful figure of the smoke, slowly rising and then gradually fading away.

Ah! I think the life of country people is really interesting.

4 May Day News

On May Day, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket. There are also many secret rooms in the supermarket that are closed to customers. My curiosity is very strong. My greatest wish is to go into the secret house to have a look. What's going on there? Why not let customers know?

I found a secret house near a place with fewer people. I slowly approached it. When people didn't look here, I slipped into the secret house and closed the door gently. I saw a small warehouse. The warehouse was divided into three sections. The front section was for reception and guidance, and the front section was full of goods, At the junction of the front section and the middle section, five pieces of goods were piled much higher than the goods in the front section. In the middle section, expired food was placed on one side, and rotten and moldy steamed buns were placed on the other side, soaking in big wooden barrels. A smell of stink pierced my nose, but I was intoxicated when I recalled the rose fragrance in the previous paragraph. I walked quietly into the back section, and what surprised me was that several uncles tore up the expired labels, and then put new labels on them. One of the uncles accidentally stuck the label produced on May 3. And I moved out of the warehouse with a pile of food and took it to the shelf. I followed the uncle out of the warehouse, so I had to get away.

May Day sees many strange things, and I hope you can feel shameful for those people after seeing my May Day news!

5 May Day News

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday. I came out to play with my parents.

We first came to the seaside. After the ebb tide, the beach was flat. There were many colorful shells left on the beach. The shrimp and crab also drilled out of the hole to look for food. From time to time, a seagull flew across the sea. It was really worrying that the white wing tip would be dipped in the sea water.

Then we came to Zhongshan Park. When we looked up, the four characters "Zhongshan Park" glittered, and looked particularly dazzling in the sunshine. It was really eye-catching! Enter the park and walk in the quiet woods. The sun shines through the leaves and reflects on the path. The leaves are uneven, like a beautiful picture. Birds are jumping on the branches, singing beautiful songs, unknown insects are playing and crawling in the grass, and the breeze is blowing over the water, causing waves. Beside the park, hundreds of flowers are competing for beauty. Jasminum nudiflorum, azaleas and other flowers give off a strong fragrance. There is a lake in front of flowers. The water of the lake is clear and green, like a mirror. Jasminum nudiflorum has various shapes and postures. Some of them are in full bloom, some are shy, and some are unique. They have various shapes and are attractive.

Unconsciously, in the afternoon, I was reluctant to part, said "goodbye" to the park and set out on the way home.

6 May Day News

It's a sunny day. My family went to visit Huanglong Scenic Area in Jinyun.

About ten kilometers away from Jinyun County to Huangbi Street, after passing Huangbi Street, you will gradually arrive at Huanglong Scenic Area. After returning, the car turned right and came to a Kangzhuang road. After passing the road, I saw a sign saying Huanglong Scenic Area. We were overjoyed. After sitting for so long, we finally arrived! Wow! The front area is almost full of farmhouses and supermarkets. There are a variety of goods in the supermarket, and the dishes in the farmhouse are fragrant.

When you enter Huanglong Scenic Area, you can see a bright scene: pink mountains, various shades of Yingshan red.

Meet the flowers all the way. With the mountain, the flowers are sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes many, sometimes small, and the flowers also change color from time to time.

A few minutes later, we came to the field physical expansion center, where there are many field challenge equipment: rock climbing, water suspension bridge and other challenges.

After the physical expansion center in the wild, we came to the Hundred Step Ladder. The hundred step ladder is very dangerous and long. Standing on it and looking down, it seems that if you are not careful, you will fall down

Such a mountain is surrounded by such flowers and water. Such water and flowers meet such a mountain. In addition, the sky is foggy, the mountains are green and the flowers are red, and the river is a bamboo raft boat. It makes you feel like walking into a continuous picture. It's really "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the picture."

7 May Day News

Today is May 1. After two days of wind and rain, the sun finally came out again. The sun baked the earth warm. People choose to travel on this day, and we are no exception.

On the street, there were water horses, and the "beep beep" sound of the horn played a happy symphony. People came and went with smiles on their faces. The whole city of Ningbo was enveloped in thick festivity and happiness. People walked happily, and the roadside stores also released a happy tune. Grass, flowers and trees seemed to be infected by people's happiness, and showed a smile to everyone.

The pavilions and corridors in the park are full of people, and people also applaud from time to time. When I came closer, I found that it was a band organized by several elderly people, playing here! Look here, someone is singing a song; Look there, someone is singing Beijing Opera; A little further away, there are still several people talking about crosstalk! Everyone sang and danced happily. The onlookers were also at the side of the show, and several brave viewers showed themselves.

On the grass, there was a lovely little girl who was playing with her mother in the grass with a holy and beautiful smile. The silvery laughter flowed through my heart, and my mouth could not help but go up to feel her happiness together.

Ah, how I want to run freely in the golden sunshine and laugh heartily in the carefree years like her.

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (2)

On the May Day holiday, my mother and I went to Andi Animal Park. Surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery, it is a paradise for animals.

As soon as I entered the zoo, I followed the map to Mingcui Garden, and heard the beautiful songs of various birds from a long distance. I ran excitedly to the performance area, "Wow, so many birds!" One of the birds was yellow, blue and green. Its round head has a pair of round eyes, black and yellow.

There is a long, curved mouth under the eyes, which is very impressive. It came out on the trainer's shoulder. The trainer introduced its name as King Kong. It has the ability to distinguish coins, so someone took out a five yuan note and held it high. The parrot quickly flew to the man, took the five yuan note and flew back to the trainer.

It's unexpected that parrot can recognize the face value of RMB. When it sees five yuan again, it doesn't even look at it. It saw a pair of beautiful and light wings in the air happily puffing and puffing, taking away ten yuan and twenty yuan of RMB. It seems that the parrot is also a small financial fan! Then, it parroted and said to the audience, "Hello! Good health, congratulations and fortune..." These actions made everyone laugh.

After watching the bird show, I continued to visit the zoo, and got to know the porcupines with thorns, plump brown bears, beautiful peacocks and imperial concubines, cute rabbits, tall elephants, strong camels, bay crocodiles in green armor, powerful lions, ferocious tigers, cute and interesting little raccoons, naughty and smart monkeys... The zoo has too many animals and is too fun. You have time to experience it yourself.

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (3)

Today is May 3, the third day of Golden Week. Mother took me to Zhongshan Park.

As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a large stone tablet. In front of the stone tablet is a lake. The water in the lake is flowing like a beautiful song.

There are guardrails on the left and right, and behind the guardrails are pots of bright flowers, red, white, purple, yellow... Colorful, different varieties, beautiful.

I followed my mother and walked around the stone tablet. At a glance, you can see the tables and stools neatly placed in the green woods. Some big brothers and sisters are sitting on the stool, holding books and studying hard. Some grandparents are playing poker in groups.

Then, my mother and I walked straight forward to the bumper yard. My mother bought a ticket and got on the bumper car with me. "Ringing bell" I stepped on the accelerator, and my mother controlled the steering wheel. Suddenly, a car came to us, and my heart would jump out. At this critical moment, my mother made a sharp turn to avoid the car. I breathed a sigh of relief and admired my mother. At this time, my mother bought another ticket and said to me: "You have grown up, Yu Han, and my mother bought a ticket for you. Now you can take a bumper car by yourself to exercise your courage." I listened to my mother's words, excited and afraid, but I still plucked up the courage, took the ticket and walked to the bumper yard, and I handed the ticket to the ticket collector to enter the bumper yard. There was another "bell". I stepped on the accelerator and started. Just as I was driving steadily, a car came up to me. It was too late to dodge, so I had to obey my fate. I closed my eyes tightly, and the car hit me and pushed me forward. I quickly turned the steering wheel, but then they quit. My car circled on the round ground, which made me dizzy and uncomfortable.

Then, my mother took me to play with the pulley, paint, fishing... very interesting!

However, time was limited. Soon, the sun was shining, and I followed my mother to come and go.

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (4)

Today is May Day. I'm going to meet someone in Fujian, but let's forget it! Think again, right! Go to Chen Yuzhu's house to see the dog. okay! That's it!

My first step was to make a phone call. There was someone at Chen Yuzhu's house, and she had nothing to do at home. I finished my first step! The second step is to pass mother's consent. I cautiously walked to my mother's room and asked, "Mom, I want to go to Chen Yuzhu's house to play, OK?" My mother readily agreed. It's so nice that I have such a mother! Mother said, "Is Chen Yuzhu at home?" "Yes!" I answered without thinking. "Mom will wash her head first and go later. It's still early!" Mom said again. "Hmm!" I went out of my mother's room. The second step has also been completed! splendid!

Hope, hope! Keep looking forward! Finally, when my mother finished washing her hair. I want a hungry tiger to see food for several days. Suddenly, I threw myself into my mother's arms and anxiously asked, "Are you all right? Are you all right?" My mother had just washed her head, but she didn't wake up at all. I said, "What's all right?" I anxiously asked, "Can I go to Chen Yuzhu's house?" "Oh!" My mother patted her head and finally woke up a lot. She said, "You change your clothes first, and my mother also changes!" "Yes!" I answered happily.

It's finally changed. So is my mother. My mother raised her vigilance and asked me: "Do you know Chen Yuzhu's family this time?" I thought again and again, deliberately joking: "Where do I know where Chen Yuzhu's family lives? Do you know?" "Ah!" My mother's face was scared to death. Seeing that things were not going well, I immediately said: "Chen Yuzhu's family lives in Yongle New Village, Dongjiaotou!" "Oh!" My mother has regained her blood color.

I'm excited to start!

But for a while, it's here! After playing for a while, we said to each other, "Bye bye!"

On the way home, my stomach growled with hunger. As soon as I got home, I smelled the sausage when I entered the door, and I jumped at the sausage fiercely.

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (5)

Today is May 1st. I followed my mother to Haishan Park in Dinghai.

There are so many children here, accompanied by their parents, playing there. Some are playing kites, some are playing tops, and some are fishing.

I hurried to the goldfish pond. The water there is crystal clear, goldfish are big and small, colorful: red, orange, and purple! I saw many people fishing, so I bought a fishing rod to join in the fun.

Soon, my bait was also bitten by the fish. I quickly pulled up the fishing rod and held the line with my hand. A lively goldfish was caught by me. I carefully put the fish into the basin. I was very happy! But this goldfish is too small. I want to hook a bigger one. But in the next few minutes, the fish never took the bait, or the fish ate the bait, but it was not pulled up. I was so angry that I stared. The joy just now had already flown out of the sky, shouting to go home. Then my mother told me to calm down and take your time when fishing. After listening to my mother's words, I put down my fishing rod again and patiently fished up. As expected, three more fish were caught, and one was bigger than the other. So I went home happily with four goldfish.

Along the way, I didn't know how excited I was, because I not only hooked the big goldfish, but also learned the truth: you can't be impatient, you must be patient, so you can succeed!

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (6)

When May Day came, my mother took my sister and me to Grandma's house in the countryside. The scenery of Grandma's house is wonderful! The beautiful small pond is covered with green grass, and colorful flowers are blooming. There are bright red, golden and lavender beautiful! I picked the most beautiful flowers and weaved them into the willow. A beautiful wreath was finished. I put it on my sister. She smiled so sweetly!

On the river bank, a group of ducklings are rocking leisurely. The ducklings in the river are floating on the water to rest. Some are picking the waves with red palms, and some are combing their feathers with each other.

When I got to Grandma's house, I found that she raised a nest of chickens. Chickens chirped as if to say, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry!" I grabbed a handful of rice and scattered it on them. They scrambled to eat together, but nobody would let anyone. Don't think you can successfully touch the chicken baby, because there is also the "ferocious" mother chicken beside the chicken. She looks at the chicken and pays attention to the surrounding environment. Once she finds someone who wants to touch the chicken, it will beat its wings and peck you viciously, just like father, father and mother guard us.

In the afternoon, my sister and I found an egg in a small room. I immediately held the warm egg and happily handed it to my mother-in-law!

This day, I have really happy!

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (7)

Looking forward, looking forward, the anniversary of the world's working people fighting for freedom, and the fun day for our students to relax the tense atmosphere of study - "Labor Day", has finally arrived.

Recently, I was worried that "May Day" was not good for entertainment. Longchang Property posted an activity about "Celebrating May Day and Welcoming the Olympic Games". I persuaded my father to sign up for it, and maybe he could get a first prize home! Dad finally agreed.

At around 8:00 on May 3, Longchang Community became very lively. People who participated in the activities and came to visit came here in a continuous stream in their festival costumes. The sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers, and joy rose one after another. The whole community was boiling and a festive atmosphere was created. At about 8:30, firecrackers burst out in the square of the community, and fireworks rushed into the sky with a strong sense of joy, bursting out of his long silent happiness in the sky.

The trumpet blew, the drum played, and the music played. The Yangko team danced with the deafening sound of gongs and drums. Like sparks, they were twinkling pupils; Like the shower, it is a rapid drumbeat; Like neon clothes, it is a happy dance step. The Yangko made the cool air warm, the dull atmosphere lively and the tired people excited.

Dancers' colorful clothes and happy dancing movements set off the jubilant atmosphere of this street. Five minutes later, the sound of gongs and drums gradually faded, and the host hurriedly announced: "The annual get-together in Longchang Community has officially begun!... Players participating in the 'double leggings run' please get ready." My father and I were also among them. After hearing a gunshot, we tried our best to cooperate and ran forward. However, the first time I played this game, I couldn't adapt to it. At this time, my hands and feet were as stiff and numb as a robot, and I couldn't even walk.

Fortunately, my father was always dragging me around. Instead of "giving up halfway", he insisted on running to the end. Although we didn't win the championship, we were still happy and learned a good plan to win. The fourth competition item is "running with the ball". The competition rule is to use a table tennis racket to drag a table tennis ball, and only hold the racket with your hand. Do not touch the table tennis ball, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal. The winner is the player who reaches the finish line first. My father took part in the race for me. When the gun sounded, my father rushed out like an arrow leaving the string and ran in the front.

However, to my surprise, other people's balls have dropped many times, while Dad's ball is standing on his racket like a mountain. Is it Dad's unique skill? When I looked carefully, it turned out that my father was holding the ball with his hands, so he wanted to be so stable. I was complacent and thought to myself: I still saw through my father's small skills. Why don't others know? It seems that I am really smart! However, it would be better not to be found, but also win prizes! When I looked up, my father came to me proudly with the first prize of my "elusive" award. I was ecstatic.

There will be many happy things happening around us and every day of our life. As long as we watch carefully, you will feel that happiness is always around us!

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (8)

During the May Day holiday, you can't lie at home like a pig. Of course, you should go to play. So my family and I went to Pingdi Mountain to play.

I'm not interested in scenic spots, but in eating, drinking and having fun there.

The first food sugar painting. The old man on the roadside was selling sugar paintings. I pestered my mother to buy them for me. When my sister-in-law and I came to the sugar painting, a string of crystal saliva flew down from our mouths. I chose a sugar painting in the shape of a lantern, with the shape of love printed on it. It is really beautiful, and I am a bit reluctant to eat it. However, the greedy insects started to move at this time. My hand could not help tearing open the wrapping paper, and a sweet smell came to my nose. But in three minutes, the sugar painting entered my stomach, and my stomach became the exhibition hall of sugar painting!

The second dish is tofu. This is not Tofu Festival. Of course, it's time to eat Tofu! When we came to a restaurant, the waiter came over with tofu and said enthusiastically, "Welcome to taste!"

I picked up a piece of bean curd and put it in my mouth. It's fragrant and soft. It's really delicious! After eating one piece, I quickly picked up another piece. I was afraid that others would eat it all.

After eating and drinking, the next step is to have fun. My family and I came to the "tire" kingdom.

I climb the "Fire Dragon" first. The scales of fire dragons are of different colors, including red, green, yellow, etc. I'm very surprised. Why not call them colorful dragons? Before I had time to think, I started from the tail of the dragon. Along the way, I grabbed the scales of the dragon and climbed up to the dragon head. Just halfway up, I looked down and said, "My God, how tall!" I could not help but have a cold war and thought, I am afraid of heights! What can we do about it? I looked down at the road. It was too steep. It might be unsafe. So, I had to continue to grasp the scales and retreat backward. When I finally reached the ground, I breathed a sigh of relief and was finally safe. Although it's a pity that I didn't get to the dragon head, I'm afraid of heights!

What about? After listening to my introduction, do you want to go to Pingdi Mountain? Pingdi Mountain welcomes you at any time!

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (9)

May 1st is the International Labor Day, which is really lively!

Look at the crowds in the parks and squares. There is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

The park is very beautiful. The peach trees are red and the willow trees are green. The scenery is picturesque. Some fish, some walk, some take photos, some row, some skate, some fly kites.

The lush trees, green lawns, and clusters of flowers are colorful, colorful, red, orange, and purple, attracting several butterflies, flapping their beautiful wings, two tentacles are moving, and they are busy collecting pollen! Labor is the most glorious! Take a deep breath, and the faint fragrance of flowers is refreshing, which is also the sweet fragrance obtained by countless people's hard work. The green willows swayed with the wind, and the catkins fell down like snow. They were full of vitality. People were smiling and exuberant, and they shared a smile to celebrate the festival of the working people.

There are many people learning roller skating on the square, and they slide under the guidance of the coach. Some are not very skilled, and they walk in step under the command of the coach; Some of them are very skilled and graceful, as if they were ballet on ice jumping.

Look up at the blue sky again, wow! There are so many colorful kites floating in the sky, with different shapes. The cute little penguins, the scissors like swallows in the spring breeze in February, and the dazzling tigers. These kites are like friends. Some are flying high, some are dancing, and some are chasing and making the whole sky seem to become an amusement park. How lively! Suddenly, an eagle kite fell down from the sky as if it had been hit by a hunter, and everyone laughed!

May Day is accompanied by warm spring breeze and warm sunshine. The annual May Day has come and gone quietly.

A Complete Collection of May Day Essays (10)

It was also an annual Labor Day. Our school had our holiday on May 1, which lasted until May 8, a week long holiday. During this holiday, many of our classmates chose to go out for fun. But I don't want to, because in this holiday, the weather is hot and stuffy, and the whole person is very tired. How can I bother to play?

Although my father and mother didn't take me out to play, I still often went out and walked around, especially in the places I was most familiar with at ordinary times - because I hope I can recall my previous life and the ordinary life before the holiday. However, the reality has changed everything - I don't recall anything, but I think of the present and the future.

That day, the second day of the May Day holiday, I walked out of my house and wanted to go to the "only way" - Shachang Street.

I walked slowly alone, trying to draw myself into the memories of the past. I try my best to pull myself into memory while walking quietly

"Bang, bang" made me feel dizzy. It took me a long time to wake up. This is, I have Venus in my eyes, and I feel pain all over my body. Then I raised my head, and everyone started as usual, but when they came and went, they looked at me, then turned around and left.

I really wanted to shout out loud, but I was numb all over and couldn't move. What else could I say to shout out. I had to give up and wait for myself to move. After a while, the sky also felt dissatisfied - let me recover my strength. I immediately tried my best to get up from the ground. Just as I was about to stand up completely, I fell down again. This time, fortunately, I was prepared - I supported my body with my hands, so that I didn't fall and hurt. I resisted the pain again and turned my body around. It turned out that I accidentally stepped on a piece of spit out chewing gum. At that moment, I was so angry that I wanted to scold the man who spit gum.

Soon, I calmed down. I kept thinking: A piece of chewing gum has caused me such a disaster. If it was a more harmful one, I would have been sent to the hospital. Where is the morality of Chinese citizens? "Don't litter anywhere" is already a basic civic morality that everyone knows and knows well. How come people are getting more and more backward with the development of science and technology? Isn't it worth our reflection?

With the development of science and technology, the construction of civic morality is also imperative.

Part II: May Day News

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the "May Day" International Labor Day of 20xx has come. Let me tell you what I saw and heard in the "May Day".

The most eye-catching thing in the "May Day" Festival is the dazzling array of goods. The manufacturers have put out attractive advertisements such as "Celebrating the May Day", "Celebrating the May Day", "Celebrating the May Day Food Sale...", and the shopping malls are crowded with people, as if they have become a sea of people. Of course, there are many people who do small business. These businessmen are both local and foreign; There are full-time fixed stalls, and there are also "office workers" beyond eight hours. This fully proves that people's business philosophy and awareness are constantly changing and gradually improving... more people sell, more people buy, which also shows that people's living standards have improved and their consumption ability has also increased. Look! There are not a few people carrying large bags and small bags. Among these consumers, there are the elderly, middle-aged people,... This fully shows that the whole consumer group is changing from the original shopping to middle-aged people, elderly people and co shopping

In the "May Day" holiday, the tourists who benefit most are the tour groups and taxi drivers. They organize tourists from all over the world to run around, travel south and turn north, which can be described as "beneficial"... Of course, the safety of tourists is also a problem. I hope that tourists can pay attention to safety, and the tour groups can also sincerely consider for tourists, Try to avoid all kinds of unsafe accidents.

The land in May is full of festive atmosphere: flowers are blooming in the wind, and willows are fluttering in the wind. Everyone is dressed in festive costumes to celebrate the working people's own festival. Thanks to the Party's good policy of enriching the people, the working people can live a happy life today. Municipal, provincial and central leaders are very concerned about the sufferings of the working people and go to the grass-roots level to express condolences to the working people, which adds a warm atmosphere to the festival of the working people.

The 21st century is an era of information technology. Many people celebrate May Day on the Internet. I also have my own online cottage. Many uncles and aunts come to "my cottage" to celebrate May Day with me in different ways!

This year's May Day, we all had a very full and happy time. Through this "May Day" Festival, the new achievements of the construction of spiritual civilization are truly demonstrated from different aspects, and the fundamental role of the Party is also demonstrated - everything is for the masses, starting from the interests of the masses. I think next year's "May Day" International Labor Day will be more pleasant and beautiful!

Part III: May Day News

With the warm spring breeze and warm sunshine, the annual May Day has quietly arrived. You must have been too eager to enjoy life! So why not take advantage of this relaxing holiday time to go outside to relax? I believe that the beautiful atmosphere of Labor Day will leave a deep impression on you!

Speaking of "May Day", the biggest feature of the Labor Day is the dazzling array of goods on the streets! Those commodities range from exquisite pendants to household appliances! Many famous large stores have put out attractive advertisements, such as "May Day holiday big rewards", "celebrating May Day, all goods are 50% off", "holiday goods big sale", so as to attract consumers' attention. Large stores reward guests, while small stalls are unwilling to lag behind. In terms of ostentation, small stalls are obviously inferior to large stores, but the prices of goods can be cheaper! As a result, many small stalls have advertised "buy one, increase one" and "sell at a low price". Although they are selling miscellaneous small items, they are very beautiful. For this reason alone, those small commodities have become very popular with tourists. In addition to the affordable prices, they also provide many conveniences for ordinary wage earners, which is why ordinary small stalls can endure in festivals.

In addition to the different types of goods, the people involved in the business are also various. There are migrant workers from other places, local fixed businesses, college students, and "office workers" who are in fixed positions every day... This fully proves that people's awareness of intensive marketing and business philosophy are gradually improving. Look at the crowd on the street, only to find that more people buy than sell. Among them, there are smart housewives, over half a century old people, fashionable urban youth, and innocent and lively children... Look, people carefully choose their favorite products, and sometimes pick up one to ask the price of the business. Looking at the people who are smiling when they buy their favorite things, I feel sincerely happy. Looking at the people who can't achieve their wishes for some reason, I feel inexplicably sorry for them. Looking around, who on the street doesn't have big bags in their hands? Doesn't this just mean that people's living standards and economic standards are gradually improving?

May 1st - a very busy day! As if the beautiful flowers are blooming for today, as if the warm spring breeze is blowing for today, as if the colorful flags are fluttering for today... Everything on the earth seems to have been agreed in advance, and we are together on May 1st!

Look at the crowded square, which is full of festive atmosphere! Clusters of flowers are colorful, colorful, and the green willows are swaying in the wind, showing their vitality. The sound of gun salutes plays a beautiful movement in the new era! Taking a deep breath is the refreshing fragrance of flowers and the sweet fragrance of countless people's hard work. People are full of smiles and high spirits. They use smiles to celebrate the festival of working people. How can you not be moved by such a warm picture?

As we all know, in the 365 days of the year, the Labor Day only accounts for one of these days. However, we are always creating a better future for people with our hardworking hands. This happiness is not limited by time!