Writing about oranges (13 popular articles)
shiny boy
2024-05-04 04:04:01

Writing about oranges (1)

Today, the teacher bought a bag of oranges for us to observe.

The orange is round, flat, small and exquisite, like a small lantern hanging on the door. The orange skin is orange, like a smooth leather dress worn by baby orange. Look carefully, there are many small dots on the smooth orange peel, which is used by baby orange to breathe. Touch it, it's so comfortable and cool. Squeeze it, it also has elasticity! I accidentally broke its skin, and a faint fragrance came to my nose, making my mouth water. There is an orange handle on the top of the orange, like the baby orange with a green hat, it looks more lovely.

We can't wait to peel the orange, and a thick fragrance floats all over the classroom. The peeled orange looks like a blooming chrysanthemum, orange petals like a boat, and crescent moon. Several orange petals together, like children playing games. The white orange is like a wedding dress, and then peeled, each fruit juice is like a small raindrop.

I like oranges best. Some oranges are sour, some are sweet, and some are sour and sweet. I like eating sour and sweet oranges best because I think they are different. I don't know why.

I also want to tell you a secret. The peel of an orange is very useful. You can dry the orange peel and make tea. If you have a sore throat, it will be better to drink some orange tea.

Sour and sweet oranges are my favorite. My favorite food is oranges.

Writing about oranges (2)

Everyone must like to eat oranges, because they are sweet and nutritious.

The orange is generally a little smaller than the palm of the hand and weighs about one or two. It has a beautiful appearance. Its golden skin is extremely smooth, round and fat. It also wears a small green hat that does not match its brain bag, which looks very cute.

Oranges are not only beautiful in appearance, but also valuable all over. The pulp, skin, core and collateral can be used as medicine, and the pulp can be squeezed; Orange peel can prevent carsickness, and can also be made into beautiful orange lights; Its nucleus can be used to relieve pain; Orange complex contains vitamin p, which has the function of resolving phlegm and regulating qi. In addition, oranges can also be made into fruit tea, salad, shower gel, shampoo, etc. Orange is a fruit that people are accustomed to in life, and it is also an excellent food.

In late autumn, the orchard is filled with the fragrance of oranges. They hang on the branches one by one, like fat dolls, bending the branches. The orange red color in the orchard is extremely beautiful! It is waiting for people to pick and taste.

Children, after listening to my introduction to oranges, you must have a deeper understanding of oranges! When the oranges are ripe next autumn, let's pick them together!

Writing about oranges (3)

I like oranges

I like oranges best. There are many places where oranges are rich, such as honey oranges in Shandong and Sichuan oranges. But I like oranges in Sichuan best.

Sichuan is round and orange. Peel off the skin, I smell it, and a fragrance comes to me, and this charming fragrance will make me drunk. Look at these white stems, just like thousands of network lines, which are countless. A few small yellow orange pulp, they hold together, are having a sweet dream.

Orange, first green, with light yellow in the green, mature orange is orange. There is no mature orange. It is sour and sweet. When it is ripe, it is sweet. The more people eat it, the more they like it. You can know how Sichuan oranges taste.

When I was young, my favorite color was green. Once when I was about to change my teeth, I ate a green orange and found that my teeth became soft. When I was about to vomit, I found a piece of fruit that was much larger than the usual one. After careful observation, I found that it was not an orange, but a tooth of mine. Since then, my teeth have changed a lot. I dare not eat green oranges any more, but only orange oranges. Orange juice can be used to make popsicles and chewing gum... Orange peel can cure diseases, make wine and tea, put the orange peel in the pillow, and when you wake up, your body must be much healthier than before. The whole body of orange is treasure, it is my favorite.

Writing about oranges (4)

A small orange looks like a small flower bud and a small leather ball. Its clothes are yellow, it has a green hat, and its body is round. I peeled it and put it in my mouth. I found it sour and sweet. It's delicious! If you peel off the orange petals, the small orange will float on the water like a boat, and the flesh is really attractive one by one.

If it is a green orange, it will be a little sour. Yellow oranges will have a sweet feeling. I like oranges!

Writing about oranges (5)

The belly of an orange is round and big, like a ping-pong ball. There are many spots on its clothes, and it feels smooth. It also wore a small green hat and yellow clothes. It looked delicious. I anxiously peeled off its skin, and soon smelled a very strong fragrance, which made my mouth water. I put half of it into my mouth in a hurry, and the juice flowed into my throat. There was also a fresh taste. The orange was sour and sweet, so delicious!

Jinan Binhe Primary School Wang Jiaxin

Writing about oranges (6)

"The jar of yellow, orange and orange is full of crystal dumplings. Eat the crystal dumplings and spit out white beads." Guess what kind of fruit this is? You guessed right, it is an orange.

Most oranges are round. The small ones are the same as table tennis balls, and the large ones are as big as adults' fists. The skin of oranges is rough, and its skin feels uneven. The orange that is not mature is green, the one that is about to mature is yellow with green, and the one that is completely mature is certainly yellow!

Peel the orange peel gently. The yellow and juicy orange slices not only taste beautiful, but also smell good! The orange meat is wrapped in fish net like tendons, which must be fragrant and sweet, making my mouth water "fly down three thousand feet". They are so cute that they seem to be gathered together like classmates!

Oranges are not only delicious but also very useful.

Dad said: "Oranges have many uses. They contain a lot of citric acid. Citric acid has the effect of eliminating fatigue. Orange peel can be used as medicine to treat chilblain, and can also be used as seasoning in soup."

Although oranges are small, they are valuable all over. It is loved by people. I love oranges.

Writing about oranges (7)

Every November, my grandfather's oranges are ripe. This is my happiest day. From childhood to adulthood, my mother will help him pick oranges every day. When my mother comes back, she will bring me a lot of oranges. I can say I grew up eating oranges.

My grandfather's oranges are very sweet!

I remember one time, my father and mother and I went to my grandfather's house by boat. When the oranges were ripe, we immediately put down the shop, changed our shoes, took the basket, and prepared to go up the mountain to pick oranges.

When we got to the top of the mountain, we saw a row of fragrant, sweet and yellow oranges planted by the public. My mouth was watering. With my father's command, I started to act faster than eating oranges. Soon a basket of oranges was picked. My father, mother and grandfather were responsible for carrying the oranges down the mountain. I followed them. When I got home, my father As soon as my mother put down a basket of oranges, I began to eat.

Pick up a yellow orange, peel off the yellow skin, and the small orange hanging inside looks like a boat. I will break it off, and the whole orange will become two. The sweet juice from the first bite flows in my mouth; In the second bite, I gently patted the tip of my tongue with smooth oranges; After the third bite, I stopped tasting. I took a big bite. After a while, I had already eaten several.

However, when I went to bed at night, my nose bleeds out of my nose, which scared me not to eat oranges for several days!

The oranges in my hometown are my favorite; The oranges in my hometown have a kind of inedible feeling. I think this feeling is the best in the world!

Writing about oranges (8)

My hometown is in Yuhuan, which is rich in oranges as well as Wendan.

The drizzle was like silk, and orange trees were greedily sucking the dew of spring. They stretch evergreen branches all the year round, and long and narrow leaves laugh in the rain and fog.

The orange is dressed in a yellow coat with a few auburn dots in the middle. How interesting! Its chubby body looks like a round little ball, very cute! The leaves on the end of the orange hang down from the branches. I don't know what to say to the orange in a whisper, and the orange laughs happily.

Touch it, the orange skin is smooth with some uneven feeling, it is cold and cold. If you accidentally stab an orange somewhere, it will immediately spray juice. Why is this? It turned out that the small particles on the orange peel were making trouble.

Close to the smell, a faint fragrance came to my nose, a sour sweet feeling.

I peeled off the orange. Look, Brother Orange, you squeeze me, and I squeeze you. I picked up a flap and put it in my mouth. I bit it down, and the sweet juice "burst" out. The juice and pulp rolled on my tongue together, making every cell in my body feel refreshed.

Orange is not only delicious, but also has many functions! It is said that dried orange peel can make tea, medicine, cough and phlegm, and orange meat can also be canned.

I love oranges in my hometown!

Writing about oranges (9)

One day, when I came home from school, I found a red 'bag' on the table at home! Isn't it my favorite orange?

Look, orange is wearing an orange coat with uneven patterns. Does orange also like to wear modern clothes? It is a mini big wax gourd, short and fat. Touch its skin. It is smooth, soft, and very comfortable, just like a quilt covering your fingers. Sniff close to your nose, and a sour smell will come to your face.

I quickly peeled off her coat. There are so many fruits. I can't help counting them: "One, two, three..." There are ten! They are ten brothers sitting together, as if in a meeting! They are wearing a layer of white "gauze clothes". My mother told me that this is the meridian of oranges, which are very nutritious when eaten. Before I could get close to my nose, I could smell a faint fragrance, and drool flew down three thousand feet.

I can't wait to break a petal, and put the petal like pulp into my mouth. It's sour and sweet, and the juice instantly moistens my throat, which is very refreshing.

Besides being delicious, oranges have other uses. Orange peel can make tea and clear away heat and fire; If you are carsick, take an orange with you and smell it to prevent carsickness.

I like to eat oranges, but I secretly tell you that eating too much oranges is easy to get angry, and you can't be greedy!

Writing about oranges (10)

In my hometown, there are two flourishing orange trees. The landscape of the four seasons is different, becoming a beautiful scenery.

Every spring, the orange tree will produce beautiful small flowers, which are white and grow on the green branches, like snowflakes falling on them. The trees turned white. When the wind blew, the smell of orange flowers drifted far, far away, and I could still smell it in the fields. The orange tree has been around for a long time. The two orange trees at the gate are more tenacious. They don't need people to loosen the soil and water them. They can only grow by themselves. One orange tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, while the other one is relatively sparse. There are many weeds around them. Since no one loosens the soil all the year round, the soil under them has become light yellow.

In summer, when the sun is hot, we will all go to the orange tree to enjoy the cool. The lush orange tree is like a green umbrella, helping us block the sun. At this time, the orange is already half green. We will pick the oranges. It is used to play as a ball. We also divide the oranges into pieces to feed the chickens.

Finally, we look forward to autumn, which is the ripe season for oranges. We pick the oranges, put them in bamboo pots, cut them into pieces, and put them in our mouths. They are sweet and delicious. Soon, a plate of oranges will be eaten by us. We belched contentedly and went out for a walk.

In winter, all the leaves of oranges fall off. By next spring, the orange tree will have beautiful flowers again.

I love the orange tree in my hometown.

Writing about oranges (11)

I have eaten many fruits, including sweet and delicious grapes, various apples, and nutritious bananas, but my favorite is oranges.

In the autumn when fruits and melons are fragrant, I took a branch to beat oranges. Just listening to the sound of "sand", an orange fell from the tree. I picked it up and looked at it carefully. It had an orange skin. Its skin is smooth and looks like a small round lantern.

Peel off the orange peel, you can see the orange meat. There are six or seven pieces of orange meat in one orange. The orange meat is small, crescent shaped, and a row of "little moons" encircle a circle, as if talking about something enthusiastically.

The connection of orange flesh is orange thread. The orange network is like a "heaven and earth net", which tightly nets the orange meat. Orange collaterals are also like human blood vessels and veins, providing nutrition for each part of an orange.

My mouth watered when I saw the orange meat. I wanted to eat it! I immediately put a slice of orange meat into my mouth, ah! How sweet! This is the best food I've ever seen!

Oranges are not only delicious, but also have many functions. Oranges are treasures all over the body. The dried orange peel can be used as medicine or processed into snacks. It can also remove the dirty places. The orange peel is very fragrant. Smelling it can also prevent carsickness.

Orange meat can be used as fruit salad, which is very delicious. You can also make orange jam, which will be sweet for several days after eating.

Orange collaterals can be soaked in water and can cure colds. Eating it is good for your health. It is rich in vitamin C.

Oranges are good in quality and cheap in price. They are sweet and delicious. They can really become the fruit that people pay attention to.

Writing about Oranges (12)

I like oranges best. There are many places where oranges are rich, such as honey oranges in Shandong and Sichuan oranges. But I like oranges in Sichuan best.

Sichuan is round and orange. Peel off the skin, I smell it, and a fragrance comes to me, and this charming fragrance will make me drunk. Look at these white stems, just like thousands of network lines, which are countless. A few small yellow orange pulp, they hold together, are having a sweet dream.

Orange, first green, with light yellow in the green, mature orange is orange. There is no mature orange. It is sour and sweet. When it is ripe, it is sweet. The more people eat it, the more they like it. You can know how Sichuan oranges taste.

When I was young, my favorite color was green. Once when I was about to change my teeth, I ate a green orange and found that my teeth became soft. When I was about to vomit, I found a piece of fruit that was much larger than the usual one. After careful observation, I found that it was not an orange, but a tooth of mine. Since then, my teeth have changed a lot. I dare not eat green oranges any more, but only orange oranges. Orange juice can be used to make popsicles and chewing gum... Orange peel can cure diseases, make wine and tea, put the orange peel in the pillow, and when you wake up, your body must be much healthier than before. The whole body of orange is treasure, it is my favorite.

Writing about Oranges (13)


Xu Yixin, Grade 2 of Wenxinyuan

"Jingle bell!" Class began. The teacher smiled and walked to the classroom with a basket of oranges. The classroom suddenly burst into flames, and the students whispered, "Is the teacher going to give us oranges to eat?" "Is this class going to write a composition about oranges?" Several greedy children were drooling for 3000 feet!

The teacher handed me an orange while the discussion was going on. Look, my orange is very round in shape, like a fat man. It's as heavy as an egg when you put it in the palm of your hand. I took it in my hand, carefully peeled off the orange coat from the middle, smelled it with my nose, and the faint fragrance came to my nose. At this time, I seemed to hear the orange saying to me; "You can't eat me, you can't eat me..." But I couldn't help throwing an orange into my mouth. With a gentle bite, countless fruit grains broke and flowed to my mouth in all directions, finally occupying my whole mouth. I swallowed it! The taste fills my whole heart.

I also know that oranges are rich in vitamin C, and their skins can be used to make tea and medicine. I will eat more oranges in the future.