Writing Primary School Composition (17 selected)
Life is enough
2024-05-21 00:23:15

Writing Primary School Composition (1)

I have an omnipotent mother. I like her very much. However, what I am most dissatisfied with is her "shortcoming" of lying.

I remember once when my father was on a business trip, my mother and I had dinner at home. Looking at these fragrant foods, I couldn't help but pick up my chopsticks and eat them in large mouthfuls. "It's really delicious, Mom, you can have one, too!" I held a piece of fish to my mother's bowl. "No, I don't like fish." My mother quickly refused. "No way." I thought to myself, so I swallowed the fish meat into my stomach. "It's nothing if I don't eat it." When I finished eating, I felt the round belly and went back to the room, and saw my mother eating the remaining fish meat with chopsticks! I looked puzzled and went up to ask: "Mom, don't you like fish?" "Who doesn't like such delicious fish? Hurry back to the room!" Mom urged. I had to walk slowly back to my room.

The next day, when I was walking home, I saw the glistening candied haws, and my mouth watered three thousand feet! So I bought the candied haws, but there was only one string. I planned to give it to my mother. I opened the door, crept into my mother, put the candied haws in her hand, and said: "Mom, eat quickly!" My mother was reluctant to say: "There is only one string, you'd better eat it." "No, Mom, I have already eaten it on the road, and this string is for you!" I argued. Finally, my mother was forced to eat the candied haws.

I don't lie at ordinary times, but I also lied once this time.

Writing Primary School Composition (2)

After the exam, the teacher handed us the paper and asked us to go home for parents to sign. I forgot about it when I got home.

The next day, my paper was not signed, and I was worried that the teacher would criticize me. As a team leader, I didn't sign it. How can I tell the teacher? I collected all the papers and handed them to the teacher. At that moment, I told a lie. I said to the teacher, "Teacher, I forgot to bring my papers and collected all the other papers." The teacher looked at me and said, "OK, remember, bring them tomorrow."

After I said this, I was really worried that someone would turn over my schoolbag, because my unsigned paper was in the schoolbag! On this day, I dare not leave my seat after class.

Since I lied, I have always felt afraid. When I got home after school, the first thing was to ask my mother to sign for me. My mother asked me when this paper was issued. I said it was issued yesterday. I forgot to ask you to sign it, so my mother signed it for me.

The third day, when I went to the teacher's office with the paper, the feeling of fear became stronger and stronger. When I got to the office, I called a report and went in. I told the teacher the truth. The teacher accepted the test paper and was about to say something when the bell rang. The teacher told a story of honesty and lying in the classroom. Only then did I understand that a lying child is not a good child. The teacher also said to me, "Jin Yu en, no matter what you do in the future, don't lie. You must be an honest and good child."

Writing Primary School Composition (3)

What is the furthest time? Maybe that's the distance! Maybe distance always makes people worry about gains and losses. Maybe many people have lost to time and distance. Maybe we always miss anything in the most perfect time! Let's share some distance writing I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Looking up at the starry sky, you can see the bright stars; Overlooking mountains and rivers, you can see beautiful scenery. The distance between people seems to be one step away, but in fact it is thousands of miles away.

When I was young, I was still immature, and some things I liked were always at my fingertips. At that time, the feeling of beauty had already sprouted in my mind. You can only see the results, but you can't trace back to the source. I don't know my parents' hearts. They also thought that you haven't grown up and need a beam of sunshine to protect you. But with the passage of time, the distance between my parents and me has increased.

You have begun to face the society and live a learning life. Although it is boring, you should also wait for it to pass, listen carefully in class, and finish your homework after class, even if it wastes a day. This is, there is a trace of rebellion in your heart; Kindergarten plays every day. If you want to play with your mobile phone, just play. Every day life is carefree. Your parents have paved the way for you to the next stage of life, so they indulge in the fun of video games; Now, in addition to learning, I still study. I sit in my seat for a whole day. I have to listen to the teacher's endless "speeches". I have to be criticized and reviewed by the teacher if I do something wrong. Instead of "suffering" in school, it is better to return to kindergarten to play and live a happy life, but you also find that time is gone forever.

When you are fast, you are one step further away from your parents. Because you have a mobile phone, your parents think that you are self-conscious and can even be the master of your own life. But in fact, the opposite is true. Your life can't be understood by yourself. When you think about electronic products all day long, or even when you are in class, the reason why you are distracted may be the intense game plot. In this way, you are unwilling to learn, and your grades are falling, ups and downs, as in junior high school. Your parents accuse you of not studying hard. You say Lei, this is another step away from your parents.

Bu Ru middle school is a new journey. You are eager to write more closely with your parents. You have to face learning and bear hardships and stand hard work. The best thing is not to let your parents worry. There is a hard way ahead. You will know how important your parents are to you.

"The sky is vast, the wild is vast, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows grass." The broadness of the prairie is always desirable.

Passing through the pitted mud rock road, the wheels splashed with water. The water droplets reflected the warmth of the sun, the enthusiasm of summer, and the vitality of the prairie.

Turning into a remote lake, a slightly wet wooden bridge set up our 'distance' from the horned deer tribe. Moving forward along the path, the huge tribal yurts greet each other through the road, showing the joy of visitors.

Into the depths, there is an endless grove. The wind blows, and the leaves raise their hair. We walked deeper into the forest along the abandoned railway track, looking for the deer in the tribe.

"Cha, Cha". Stepping on the fallen leaves, a tall stag came walking. Its antlers were as big and rigid as the circling branches. The figure seems to be integrated with the forest, but it also exudes an aura that people dare not ignore. There is a kind of pride and dignity all over the body. Keep strangers away, I suddenly thought of such a word.

Bypass the king like stag and continue to explore. Suddenly, the road ahead becomes spacious, and my heart also becomes expectant.

This is a huge herd of deer, standing, sitting, walking in every corner of the deep forest. The residents of the tribe provided us with fodder to feed the deer, and soon I had the courage to come forward and approach the deer. The alert deer suddenly stood up and looked at the comers. When they saw the grass in their hands, the deer's eyes softened. When people approached them, the deer was also drawing closer to people.

The previous fear becomes affinity, the previous vigilance becomes relaxation, and the previous distance becomes closeness.

When the wind blows, the woods are filled with golden yellow dots, which are warmly sprinkled on everyone's heart, like a golden rope, narrowing the distance between people, deer and deer, and people and deer.

The world is a mutual world, a close world. When you want to be close to beauty, beauty will also be close to you.

Perhaps the furthest thing in the world is distance! Perhaps, the scene of separation is always worried about gain and loss! Perhaps, people go bleak will be more cool! But these are not what we aspire to! No one will choose to be lonely, no one will choose to be lonely. Because if you are lonely for a long time, you will get used to it! Will become addicted to loneliness. Maybe, how will our team play? Maybe the distance is not terrible. Because I firmly believe that you will not leave me! My heart will belong to you! It may be time to solve all problems! Maybe it's the distance! With you, I am very satisfied, hope has always been, always!


Perhaps, time can prove everything, perhaps understand what is not important. All that is needed is time. Sometimes, when two people are together, they are happy and sweet at the beginning. To the later indifference. Strangers after arriving. This phase takes time. Maybe time can really understand a person. You can really walk into his heart! Time decides everything, doomed to start, but later separation! What about the previous agreement? Maybe it's all a dream! Maybe time is a golden key. I hope that in the future, I can accompany you more by one point


Maybe I don't want much! Because I'm not very good myself. How to make him outstanding? Don't expect too much, because I'm not good enough. I'm still so bad. All I want is company. Because only company is the best! Maybe someone can accompany you forever. Then you will be the happiest! Don't despise his many words. Don't dislike his child's capriciousness. That's because I care about you. If you don't care, why do you want to know you. Perhaps company is the best! As long as you have company, you should not lose it. Always accompany him, never leave!

Perhaps distance produces beauty! With distance, we will care more. Because we care about each other. Thinking of each other all the time! I can't forget you. Hope time decides everything! I hope you will become more excellent! I hope you will accompany me forever! I'm happy to have you every day!

Distance produces beauty. I hope you will be relieved if you are well!

With a bang, he closed the door and ran out of the corridor. The huge sound left behind vented his dissatisfaction and responded to his mother's call.

Running out of the community, he ran aimlessly along the road. He did not know where he was going or how far he had gone. The quarrel and excitement just now made him lose his reason.

He felt that he was reasonable: he just wanted a computer, and he tried hard and soft, but his mother refused to accept it for fear of affecting his study. His academic performance has always been among the best, and his mother knows it; His self-control has always been strong, and his mother is also very clear. But why didn't my mother? He felt that his mother didn't understand him and didn't care about him. At the moment, his heart is full of resentment.

It's getting farther and farther away from home. What is further away is the distance between him and his mother. His mother's care and support for him from childhood to adulthood disappeared for a while.

Two loud talking passers-by walked in front of me. When the two sides missed each other, he clearly heard them say that there was an accident at the front intersection, and a woman in her forties was hit by a car, which was very serious

A fear suddenly came to my heart, followed by speculation and prayer.

He quickly ran to the crossroads and pushed into the crowd regardless. He saw clearly that it was a strange woman who was carried to the ambulance.

With a long breath, he turned and walked out of the crowd. Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, I bumped into a man. When I looked closely, it was my mother.

My mother was sweating and breathing heavily. He and his mother hugged each other at the same time, as tight as when they were children.

Since then, he has never quarreled with his mother again. This is due to a sentiment he wrote that night: between people, even among relatives, there are always some awkward reasons. This is not terrible. What is terrible is that bad emotions such as anger and suspicion based on their own interests will create a sense of distance between the two sides and become bigger and bigger. Therefore, the most correct choice is to restrain yourself.

Since 2000, they have been called "the most troublesome group" in today's society. They have their own thoughts and opinions, and are even more a "wonderful flower".

The post-80s generation is now about 40 years old, and most of their thoughts are constrained by rules and regulations. They think that they should change such things as they like. Sometimes, they are so stubborn that they are helpless.

I am a post-00s generation and my mother is a post-80s generation. These two kinds of strange creatures seem to be incompatible with each other. They get together every day and have different views on the same thing. In addition, my mother and I are also bull tempered, so there are new wars in our family every day.

On this day, my mother will take me to an aunt's house and ask me to change my clothes and go out at once. I hopped to the wardrobe and without hesitation pulled out my favorite suit: white T-shirt, black pants, black coat, and happily put it on. I walked out with my head held high, but what I saw was my mother's disgust:

"Is that what you are wearing?" Mother pointed at my clothes and looked disgusted. "Yes," I said disapprovingly. "It's very cold outside today, you can't wear it like this. Hurry, go and wear the red one." Mother urged me. "Ouch..." I cried out. The red one was too thick. I felt sick and nauseated when I saw the color. It was so ugly! "Oh what, hurry up, it's too late." Mother glared at me. "I don't wear it! My clothes are up to me!" I retorted. "Well, yes, I don't care what you do in the future. You can do it yourself. I can leave without you." Then he slammed the door.

In the end, I got soft and reluctantly changed into that ugly overcoat and followed my mother. Because I really have a lot of things to do without my mother. However, I had no choice, because as soon as I went out, I saw the sun light, which became more intense at that moment. My body seemed to be scorched by fire, and it was too hot.

Although the distance between the post-00s and the post-80s mothers is still very long, I believe that we will gradually get to know each other more, so that the long distance will gradually shorten and disappear!

Writing Primary School Composition (4)

Autumn rain has an incomparable beautiful posture and irreplaceable effect. If the spring rain makes everything on the earth full of vitality, it is better to say that the lovely autumn rain makes everything survive the cold winter to welcome the moisture of spring. Let's share some stories about Qiu Yu I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

"Shattering, rustling", the raindrops outside the window are falling ceaselessly, which brings us a "Variations of Autumn" that is sometimes soothing and sometimes joyful.

Thin raindrops light shed down from the sky. They fell sideways with the fresh wind, as if the leaves in late autumn were slowly swirling in the air, like a fairy in the sky, dancing gracefully, and came to the world.

The light rain at this time looked like a thin fog from a distance. The scenery in the rain became slightly hazy, as if covered with a layer of huge gauze. This kind of scenery looks like a dream. Pedestrians on the road have opened their umbrellas, so the road will open one after another colorful flowers.

The soft rain attracted me. I lay in front of the window, quietly, staring at everything in the rain. The rain drops fell on the green leaves. It took the leaves as a slide and skittered across the whole leaf mischievously. Finally, at the tip of the leaf, it turned into a pearl like round bead of water, which dropped.

The rain drops fell on the green grass, slipped down and fell into the soil, so the grass greedily sucked the nectar, then stretched out and became more green. The rain drops fell on the bright petals, and the petals seemed to want to keep it, so they held the rain drops like a small hand. Soon, the rain on the petals accumulated a lot, and it had to put it down to continue to meet more "rain friends" behind. All plants in the rain are washed by the gentle rain and become more vigorous than before.

I couldn't wait to rush into the rain curtain, and suddenly felt the air around me became cool and fresh, and was filled with a faint smell of soil. The rain is still falling. This rain not only brings refreshing, but also brings autumn.

Autumn is a harvest season. In autumn, we entered a new semester. I think that as a junior high school freshman, we should also harvest heavy fruits in this golden autumn, and these fruits are not just knowledge for us? So, from now on, grasp the moment and concentrate on your study!

Autumn rain, always so lingering, with a little thin cold, a touch, it is bone cold. Another autumn rain.

Raindrops fall quietly from the sky with the charming smell of early autumn. When they fall on the gray asphalt road, they turn into a dark shadow. There was also a thin layer of gauze like smoke in the air, which was hazy and clear to the depth, and everything was peaceful!

It was in the morning of autumn rain that I set out on the way to school just before dawn.

The campus is charming and bright under the autumn rain. I have arrived at the school gate, but suddenly I feel cold all over the body. My arms tremble because of being wet by fragmented raindrops. Even the air I breathe in is cool. Suddenly, I realized that I had forgotten my coat on the chair because I was in a hurry.

I quickly walked into the classroom with my hands rubbed together. I thought it would be warmer in the classroom, but I didn't think it would be any less cold.

I shivered all over my body, hoping that a thick dress would suddenly come. I always held this idea, waiting, waiting... It seemed that I was destined to have a heart to heart relationship with my mother at the beginning, as if it was destined that my hope would become a reality at the beginning. Someone really came with a dress!

My mother miraculously appeared at the door of my classroom, and I was stunned! She held a coat in her hand, a pink coat. I was surprised! This is true of every cell in the whole body. Mother smiled, warm smile, kind smile, with concern in her eyes, as if telling me, "It's raining! Put on your coat, don't catch a cold!" A warm feeling suddenly came to my heart. Time stopped at that moment, I was not cold, and a little drops of water on my hands became hot. That was the temperature of love

An autumn rain, a warm autumn rain, is full of twists and turns. I will put this autumn rain into the colorful bottle of time and let it emit eternal light!

That autumn rain

My thoughts are rushing to meet you—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

There is no spring rain, no summer rain, no winter rain. Qiuyu is so gentle and sentimental.

When the pen nib crossed the book, the sky became dark and dim, giving people a kind of obscure, lonely, sad feeling. The heart is like a big stone, dull and boring.

The wind blows on the window from time to time, which also messes up my thoughts. The impatience urges me to put down my pen, walk quickly to the window and look at it. The grass has been broken by the wind, and the stems are slightly yellow. I don't know where the wind has blown them.

In a flash, a drop of water fell on my nose. I was shocked. I gently wiped it off with a piece of paper, followed by two drops, three drops. More and more raindrops hit my cheek. It was cool and comfortable. My worries and thoughts were all gone with the wind. For a moment, I forgot the rain, just put my head into the rain curtain and enjoy its baptism. It was so pleasant. Raise your ears, listen to the whispers of autumn rain, listen to the talk of autumn rain. Like the piano, where the fingertip falls, it makes different music and plays silently.

Like silver drops from the sky, falling on the pond, splashing slightly ripples, dropping on the golden withered leaves, slowly flowing down, the withered leaves can not bear the weight of the rain drops, and then, spinning down in the rain, like a dancer dancing in the rain, to show its graceful figure. Surprised to find that a drop of rain is falling in the heart of a budding flower, as if it is pregnant with a crystal, shining.

When it began to rain heavily, I quickly drew back my head. The autumn rain poured down like water. It was gray outside the window, like a thick curtain made of mercury. Close the window and let the raindrops hit it forcefully but gently. Gradually, the drops on the glass fainted and waited for the rain to stop.

Unconsciously, the rain just pattered to the ground. I ran out of the door and looked up at the sky. The sky was spotless, as blue as the sea, without any decoration.

Autumn rain, such as silk, such as Juan, such as fog, such as smoke. I met you like this.

Which season do you like best? The first time I met this problem, I was deeply moved by the tangle. Spring is full of green; In summer, trees are in shade; Autumn is bleak and desolate; In winter, which is better? After many times of thinking, I found that I prefer autumn. I like autumn, not because of the cool wind, not because of the red leaves all over the mountain, but because of the sad rain.

The autumn rain is cold. People stand under the eaves to shelter from the rain, but the rain is like a naughty child, who has to jump up and fall on your face and hands mischievously. Suddenly, a drop of rain splashed on my neck, and I felt cold immediately, making me shiver. After an autumn rain, the originally warm air became cold, so we had to wrap a thick coat before going out.

The autumn rain is bleak. Under the eaves, move a chair, a table, a book, a glass of water, and listen to the intermittent rain. The autumn rain is not so special, but it is especially sad against the background of fallen leaves. The rain is peaceful, scattered and close to the heart. The rain fell from the sky and hit the ground, splashing a tiny drop of water into the cup. Gradually, the dark night weaves into the sky. The orange light of the roadside lights up, like a fire, and my heart suddenly warmed and brightened. Just then, a drop of rain fell on the lens and the lamp. Orange has changed from a little to a piece, and the warmth in my heart has gradually become a warm current.

The autumn rain is clear and beautiful. It is clear and shiny, like a jade spring in the sky, which seems to clean all the dust in the world. The rain is fresh and clean. Under the light, it is shining with clear brightness. One by one, it flickers, one by one, and paints boundless brilliance. A fallen leaf fell in the rain, falling on the ground, falling in the rain. The rain has not stopped, continue to fall; The fallen leaves in the rain seem to be inlaid with a layer of crystal, shining in the rain.

The autumn rain, cold, bleak and beautiful, changes the world, melts the world, and cleans the world! I love the cold, bleak and beautiful autumn rain.

With the chill of the autumn wind, the willow tree raised its long hair, and the flower bent down. Even the sun grandfather played hide and seek with us. Then I heard the sound of "Sha La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La.

I sat in the classroom and glanced out of the window. The thin, soft rain fell slowly from the air. Some fall on the leaves, making it more green; Some fall on a dying flower, giving it new life; Others fell on a cobbled path, and the rain washed away the dust of the path and gave it new clothes. I think: the rain falls on the beautiful patio lake, which should break the original silence. The fish should rush out of the water and breathe fresh air!

After school, I walked out of the classroom and came to the railing. Watching the rain slowly fall from the air and finally fall on my face, the cool feeling is refreshing, even in that short moment, it is also very beautiful. Looking at the distant leaves swaying with the wind, they made a sound of "rustling". But only this pine stood tall and straight in the wind and rain, like a soldier holding his post. Every pine needle is condensed with a drop of crystal dew, just like the wishes of every soldier who drifts overseas are condensed on this root pine needle. Pomegranate does not know when to peep out from the tree to look at autumn. In the distance, a few unknown flowers like shy hide in the green leaves, which is really "a little red in the green leaves"!

I walked on the playground with an umbrella. The rain fell on the umbrella and made a sound of "Da Da". With the radian of the umbrella, the rain drops fall from the umbrella to the small puddles on the ground like a slide. With a sound of "ding dong", a splash of water will be splashed and disappear in a flash. I put my hand out of the umbrella and let the rain thread jump and play on my hand. After a while, the rain wetted my trouser legs and sent chills. I had to step up and get out of school.

In the afternoon, I stepped into the gate of the campus again. The rain, I don't know when it stopped quietly. What greeted us was the fresh air after the rain and the cleaner campus.

Autumn rain, I look forward to your next arrival

Writing Primary School Composition (5)

Every week, the most exciting and happy day for me is Monday. This is because there is a grand flag raising ceremony on Monday. The following is the primary school composition for flag raising collected by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it for reference. I hope it will be helpful.

Writing Primary School Composition for Flag Raising 1

In the morning, I was still sleepy, but when I looked back, it was too bad. There was a flag raising ceremony today, so I couldn't be late. I hurried to school.

On the playground, there are more than 3000 primary school students. In front of each team, there are a class of flag bearers. Next to the flag bearers, there are teachers. On the flag platform, three flag raisers stand on the platform with their heads held high. The total number of participants reached more than 3200.

The meeting ground is in the school playground, including the internal playground and the external playground. The flag stage is in the middle of the internal playground and the external playground. The internal playground is in the middle of the new and old teaching buildings and the realistic building. The external playground is directly opposite. Our seniors stood in the playground.

At about nine o'clock, the flag raising ceremony began. Students of all grades lined up to enter. Wearing uniform, everyone walked out of the classroom with firm steps and arranged according to the predetermined location. Soon, the playground was crowded, but from a distance, the team was still so neat, like the formation and arrangement of troops. Finally, the exciting flag raising ceremony began. Teacher Zhou of the brigade department stood on the stage and said, "Raise the national flag, play the national anthem, young pioneers salute the team, and flag bearers salute the flag!" With the passionate singing, the five-star red flag rose slowly, and more than 3000 teachers and students saluted together, looking up to the bright red flag. The five-star red flag was raised, indicating that China was standing up, standing up. Watching the five-star red flag rising to the top, after the teacher said "the end of ceremony", everyone put down their raised hands in unison. The red scarf fluttering in front of our chest is a symbol of honor for our Young Pioneers, a symbol of our love for the motherland!

It took more than 40 minutes for the flag raising ceremony to end completely. The students walked to different stairs, each step was so firm and powerful!

Writing Primary School Composition for Flag Raising 2

Every Monday morning, our school will hold a flag raising ceremony. The flag raising ceremony was attended by school leaders, teachers and students. We lined up in a neat line and walked to the playground listening to the "Athlete March". After we lined up, the announcer said, "The flag raising ceremony is about to begin. Please form a good team".

As soon as the speech ended, the teams of each class quickly lined up. The announcer said, "The first flag will be issued.". We saw eight flag bearers walking with a bright five-star red flag. When they came to the flagpole, the four flag guards in front stood opposite each other, and the four flag guards in the back folded the red flag. The overlapped flag was held by one flag guard, and the other flag guards walked forward with neat steps.

Then, the announcer said, "The second flag raising, all stand at attention and salute!" We quickly raised our right hand. I watched the five-star red flag rise slowly, as if I saw countless martyrs fighting bravely. The five-star red flag and the red scarf were dyed red with blood by the heroes' predecessors. I have made up my mind to cherish this red scarf.

The announcer went on to say, "The third oath, please raise your right hand to join me in the oath, young wise, then national wise..." The loud oath voice of the students resounded over the campus, so sonorous and powerful, full of hope and longing!

Then the announcer said, "The fourth thing is to do thanksgiving sign language exercises.". We started sign language exercises together with the music of Thanksgiving Heart.

The last item is "Speech under the National Flag". Every time the broadcaster speaks under the national flag, we understand a truth. This time is no exception. He is telling us to be honest and cherish public property.

After the flag raising ceremony, the playground was empty, but the magnificent national anthem seemed to reverberate over the playground for a long time, and the bright five-star red flag was still flying high on the playground!

Writing a Primary School Composition for Flag Raising 3

In the morning, the leaves of the big tree drooped their heads listlessly. In the classroom, Lu Qianhong's face turned white and his voice was not as loud as before. "Not feeling well? Or ask the teacher for a leave." I comforted my good friend.

Lv Qianhong raised his head and said seriously, "It's OK. I'll stick to it."

The students all wore black pants (black skirts) and white shirts. As the "Athletes March" played, they gathered on the playground in turn. At a glance, wow, the huge crowd was like a white ocean, with national flags on their faces and small five-star red flags on their hands. Yes, it's the National Day. Everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles. Four "white trees" stood on the national flag platform, with serious faces and straight chests. Lv Qianhong's face is pale, and thin sweat oozes from his forehead. It seems that every second he stands at attention is a great torture. He is the flag raiser!

The flag raising ceremony began. The flag guard team marched to the front of the national flag stage in a neat and manly manner, holding the national flag in both hands and sending it to the flag raiser, who solemnly took over the five-star red flag. The solemn national anthem sounded. Four flag raisers surrounded the flagpole at four corners, saluted the team and looked up. The national flag slowly rose in the wind. The crowd also saluted the team together. As soon as Lv Qianhong's eyes closed and opened, he leaned a little to the left and straightened himself quickly, but there was no pain on his face. He was still serious.

As the magnificent singing ended slowly, the five-star red flag reached the top of the flagpole and fluttered in the wind. The drone is circling the sky, shooting ceaselessly. After we sang the national anthem, we began to sing "I Love Your Motherland", waving the red flag with the rhythm, and the red waves billowed. Lv Qianhong's lips moved and shook a few times. He slowly straightened his waist, frowned and breathed heavily. He seemed to want to tell the flag raiser in front of him about his situation, but he wanted to talk and stop. He stood at attention again for a while.

At the end of the song, the waves were boiling. We raised the red flag above our heads and waved it at a high speed. When the flag raising ceremony was over, Lv Qianhong finally couldn't hold on. He rushed forward, banged, knocked half of his front teeth and was unconscious——

Writing Primary School Composition (6)

Writing Primary School Composition for Play 1

It is the golden autumn season, with crisp air and fragrant fruits. In such a beautiful season, our department is going to hold an autumn outing on October 31 - enjoy Happy Valley!

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally look forward to this day. Early in the morning, I grabbed a few mouthfuls of rice in a hurry, checked my backpack again, and set out excitedly. But God just wanted to tease us, and urged the Rain God to sprinkle water. We were so anxious to sprinkle water -- we were afraid that the autumn outing would go wrong, so we quickly prayed in our hearts silently, hoping that God would show mercy and stop raining! Maybe God was moved by us. The rain stopped gradually. So we set out again.

When we arrived at Happy Valley, we were divided into groups and acted independently. I teamed up with Liu Zhi, Wang Zhuoying and others to attack the "tornado" first.

I lined up happily and waited eagerly. It's a pity that the weather is not good for people. Seeing that it's my turn, the staff stopped me at the door. "Why can't I?" "You are not tall enough!" That was a sister who let several other "up to standard" students in while saying - God, I am not reconciled! I was so aggrieved that I couldn't speak, but I had no choice but to run to the exit and wait for Liu Zhi, while watching the people above scream and laugh, envious and envious... Alas, forget about that mood!

After playing "tornado", we had lunch in Hurricane Bay and marched to "Dream River" again. Walking slowly in the water on a small raft through vast expanses of white fog, it's like swimming in a dream fairyland river!

The fairyland tour ended, and we went to play exciting UFOs. It is a flat sphere with a circle of seats at the edge. I sat on it, a little nervous, holding the handrail in front of me tightly with both hands. At the beginning, it was swinging back and forth like a swing, while still rotating rapidly. I was a little scared at first, but I felt very comfortable in the back. I closed my eyes, as if I was riding a roller coaster, "brush brush", the whirring wind swept my hair, disordered my hair, and brushed my heart... When I got down, my heart beat faster, and I felt dizzy. Then we ran to the gold mine and drifted. I paid for the raincoat, but the money was not enough, so I decided to divide it into two parts. Once we played, we passed the raincoat to the second person. It was our turn to change into raincoats and sit on the air raft. We met the "enemy" just after the air raft traveled far. People on the bank kept attacking us with water cannon, which made us feel embarrassed. People said that there was a big water cannon behind us. I hurried into the raincoat, regardless of my nose or eyes. As a result, I saw nothing and felt nothing. Later, I secretly blamed myself for being too timid.

Finally, we went to play the "perfect storm" that can spin 18 Baidu and the somewhat boring "hurricane eye". In a twinkling of an eye, we will gather to go back to school. Unfortunately, there are still many projects that we haven't had time to play. We can only reluctantly walk out of the door and look back from time to time.

This happy and somewhat regretful "Happy Valley trip" not only tempered my courage, but also made me deeply aware of the need to strengthen exercise, go to bed and get up early, grow up quickly, and travel around the "Happy Valley" as I wish!

Writing Primary School Composition for Play 2

On Sunday, the teacher took us to see the sea. Early in the morning, we came to the school with travel supplies that we had already prepared.

Three beautiful "Dongfeng" buses stopped at the gate of the school. We couldn't wait to get into the carriage before the driver's uncle greeted us, as if we could see the sea as early as possible.

"Flute! Flute, Flute!" The car finally started. We sat on the soft leather chairs, talking and laughing, while enjoying the scenery that came and went back quickly. The car was full of songs and laughter and ran to the sea.

In a village called Jianjiahuang, we got off the bus. Around several rows of houses in the village, the sea suddenly unfolded before our eyes. Looking around, golden beaches, dense reef clusters, boundless sea water, rolling waves... This is the sea, the sea I dream of!

"Ha, to the sea! To the sea!" The students cheered and ran to the seaside. I put up the arbor and looked at the sea from afar. How vast the sea is! The vast expanse of clear water has been moving towards the distant horizon. The sky and water match each other. For example, people feel that the sky is just a part of the sea!

Just as the ebb tide was falling, the reef exposed its gray black body of strange things from the bottom of the sea. Look, this piece is like a big turtle lying on the beach; That piece is like a small boat, drifting with the waves. Clusters of reefs, between the golden sand beach and the green sea, are inlaid with a black gem like lace.

"Go and catch crabs and shells!" someone shouted. Like a group of birds coming out of the cage, they spread their feet and rushed to the sea.

The sea opened its broad mind to welcome us little guests from afar, and generously held countless treasures. Someone here shouts, "Catch a shrimp!" and someone over there shouts, "Get a beautiful shell:" "Starfish!" "Funny conch!"... We are overwhelmed by the rich gifts of the sea.

I like crabs best. I squatted down, pried open the small stone with a small stick, and carefully pulled out a brown crab from the crack. This is really a cute little creature, with a big button body and small feet. The pair of big feet like pincers in front are shaking restlessly. He was obviously frightened and panicked in my palm. In a panic. I looked at its silly appearance, loving and pitiful, so I put it back into the sea gently.

The students shouted and laughed. A piece of seaweed, a starfish, or a pebble will arouse bursts of happy laughter.

"ChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaChaCha. I also took a picture. I stood on a tall rock, with my back to the boundless sea. I think: the sea, the sea, when I grow up, I want to make you more beautiful, more beautiful

Writing a Primary School Composition for Play 3

On February 4, our family came to Bali Island, Indonesia for a visit. There are clear sea, golden beach and delicious tropical fruits. Although the temperature was more than 30 degrees, we still enjoyed ourselves very much.

The night before taking the plane, I was so excited. What's so funny about it? Is it too hot to go to Bali These questions have been lingering in my mind. I wish I had a shuttle to reach Bali directly.


"Today we are going to a volcano..." On our first day in Bali, we went to a volcano. On the bus to the volcano, I was extremely frightened: "Are we going to the Indonesian volcano reported on the news recently? That's an active volcano?" My heart beat faster all the time. I was relieved when the guide said it was an extinct volcano. When we got to the destination, I saw three big holes and volcanic ash in the mountain. The tour guide said that the volcano had erupted decades ago, leaving a lot of ash. Although this volcano no longer erupts, under the guide's explanation, I seemed to see the scene of red rocks spilling from the crater.

Sea Paradise

On our fifth day in Bali, we came to an amusement park by the sea. There are "banana boats", "flying fish", "deep diving", parachutes... I played submarine walking, marine motorcycle... submarine walking is to take a heavy helmet, and then there is an oxygen pipeline, so that we can dive underwater and contact with small fish. The water motorcycle is a team of a coach and a person, sitting on it is very exciting. At the beginning, the coach drove very fast, as if the motorcycle was flying. Suddenly, when I was not paying attention, a sharp turn came. I was scared half to death, and my heart was very nervous, like fifteen buckets of water -- seven up and eight down; But later, I got used to it. It was amazing.

Indonesian cuisine

Another attraction in Indonesia is the delicious food. The most distinctive one is chicken curry rice. The delicious chicken, curry, and soft glutinous rice will surely leave you with endless aftertaste after you taste them. But my favorite thing is roast pork chops, which are not found everywhere on the street. We took an hour and a half to arrive at the destination. When I saw the pork chops, I thought they were not as delicious as I thought they were. But when the shopkeeper put pig chops on the grill and poured them with the sauce made by the shopkeeper, the aroma immediately rose to my nostrils, and when I took a bite, they were fresh, juicy, delicious and delicious, making people still feel addicted to eating the whole plate.

We also visited many places and ate many delicious food that our hometown could not eat, which could be regarded as a feast for our eyes. Although this trip to Bali is a long way away, I have experienced the fun along the way, but also increased a lot of knowledge and opened my eyes.

February 11th is the day we go home. Sitting on the plane, looking at the light white clouds, I thought to myself; "If I had the chance, I would come again!"

Writing Primary School Composition for Play 4

My mother wanted to take me abroad to play, so my mother took me to apply for a passport just after the exam. On July 21, we flew from Shenzhen to Hong Kong and took off to Bali for tourism.

Bali is very good, but it needs to change planes. We first took a plane to Shenzhen. We gathered at Huanggang Port at 5:00 in the morning of the first day. We got up after 3:00, and then the tour guide and other people also came to start the transit. There were many checks and procedures. When we entered Hong Kong, we had to fly to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, to transfer to Bali. It was hard on the way, and I didn't want to take a plane anymore.

Bali belongs to Indonesia and is surrounded by the sea. The first day after that, we went to Nanwan. My mother and I saw turtles and took a banana boat. It was fun, but when we took a banana boat, my mobile phone was lost in the sea. In the evening, I went to Jinbalan Beach to watch the performance and eat seafood. The next day, I went to the famous Batik Village and Woodcarving Village there. I didn't think it was very interesting, but the interesting thing was that they could only take a one-way road on the Bali Island. The driver kept to the right.

On the last day, we went rafting. We had two coaches who could speak simple Chinese, such as forward, stop and retreat. They also taught us how to hold the oars. When we meet the "enemy", 1, stone, there are a lot of us hit, it's OK; 2. Other drifting people, they pour water on you, and we also pour water on them; 3. The man on the bank, an American, jumped down from the bank and splashed all over us. In the afternoon, we went to Neverland Beach, where the waves were very big, many people were surfing in the water, and I also played on the beach. A wave came over, knocked me down, and my glasses disappeared in the sea, which was very exciting.

When I came back from Hong Kong, my mother took me to play Disney and Ocean Park. It was fun, but every project had to queue up. It was very hot. I bought souvenirs there and also brought gifts to my father.

On July 29, we finally returned to Zhengzhou. I was very tired and suntanned. My mother said that we should make up for the homework we missed when we came back.

Writing Primary School Composition for Play 5

As soon as we had a holiday, we got on the plane and came to Bali, the island we had been looking forward to for a long time.

When I got off the plane, I saw not tall buildings or huge airports, but small houses. Inside, I found that these small houses were connected. When I was at the gate, I found that the gate was not made of cement or bricks, but carved out of stone! There are many gods on it, all lifelike.

On the way to the hotel, I found one or two statues in front of all the private houses. Later, I learned that Bali is a Hindu.

The next day, we arrived at the seaside and sat on the parachute. At the moment when I just sat down firmly, I felt my body sink, and then rose to the sky. At this time, in my view, there is only the boundless sea and the embellishment of golden sand beach, and I can vaguely see someone surfing on the billowing waves in the distance. But when I was halfway there, I felt my feet had touched the ground.

When the parachute is finished, we will play "Flying Fish". Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce "Flying Fish". "Flying fish" is a must play item in Bali. It looks like a bunch of bananas. The reason why it is called "flying fish" is that this bunch of rubber bananas will fly when pulled by a speedboat, so it is called "flying fish". When I flew, my whole person also flew with me. How exciting!

In the following days, I also played with a high-tech induction battery car; Watched the largest god statue in Bali, which is five or six stories high!

There are many interesting projects in Bali, so I will not introduce them one by one. If you are interested, come and experience them for yourself! Bali will never let you down!

Writing Primary School Composition for Play 6

Last summer vacation, my parents took me to Hong Kong Disneyland to play. There, we played a lot of projects: Buzz Lightyear Star Adventure, Fantasy World Railway Station, Sleeping Princess Castle, Mickey's Fantasy, Cinderella's merry go round, flying over Space Mountain... Among them, the project "Flying over Space Mountain" is the most unforgettable and fresh in my memory.

At that time, we had just finished lunch and came to the gate of the "Flying over Space Mountain" game. There was a queue of people in front of the gate of each play area. There was a sea of mountain people, but there seemed to be not so many people queuing up here for "Flying over Space Mountain". We rushed to queue up without looking at the game instructions. It's said that this game is very scary and dangerous. When you play, you must take off your glasses to avoid being thrown out. Hearing this news, I began to be afraid. How terrible it is! I'd better run first. But looking back at the long queue behind me, I thought: so many people are waiting to play, it should not be so scary. Besides, it has been waiting for so long. If you escape at this time, it will be a waste of such long queue time? Thinking about it, it was our turn unconsciously, "Oh, it's too bad, I can't escape at this time!" So I had to get on the bus with my father, fasten the seat belt, pull the handrail, and everything was ready.

The journey of "Flying over Space Mountain" began, and my heart began to thump. Suddenly, the car made emergency left turns, emergency right turns, and super fast ascent and downhill. I was dazzled by this strange tunnel, so I had to put my head into the space car. My eyes were golden when I was hit. My heart was almost jumping out of my chest, and I was eager to see the end of this journey soon. However, what is more breathtaking is still ahead. The "Space Vehicle" suddenly made a huge spiral turn. I firmly grasped the handrail with both hands, but the whole body seemed to be thrown into "meat sauce". When I was still in shock, then the "Space Vehicle" came to a huge "N" shaped slope, and the journey ended. I can imagine that my face must be as green as green pepper, and my lips must be whiter than paper. When I stepped off the "spaceship", my feet were still shaking, and I could not stand steadily

This "Flying over Space Mountain" journey is really terrible! It is far beyond my imagination. This experience is soul stirring and unforgettable!

Writing Primary School Composition (7)

Graduation is getting closer and closer, and there are fewer and fewer days to get together with classmates. In the past six years, I have experienced ups and downs with you. Our story is like every flower in a big garden. Today, I want to pick the most beautiful flower to share with you!

I remember once when I fell down on the way to school with my best friend Wang Yixuan. Wang Yixuan asked me quickly, "What's wrong with you? Are you busy?" Then he carefully lifted me up. I said to her, "You see, it's bleeding. How can it be okay. "Wang Yixuan looked at it and said," It's really bleeding. Don't move here. I'll buy you Band Aids. "Then I said to her," You are still good. "Wang Yixuan hurried to buy Band Aids, water and cotton swabs. I said to her," Why do you buy these? "She said," Of course it's for your disinfection! "Although I was not touched on the surface, in fact, my heart was already moved and grateful. After dressing my wound, I helped me to go to school“

Although this is a very small thing, it is enough for me to remember for life. Here, I want to say to you: "Thank you!"

Writing Primary School Composition (8)

You -- lift the sails of your temperament and sail lightly on the edge of your heart, looking for pure friendship between heaven and earth, where there are interesting stories about you, melting your depression of heartless frustration. At that time... you will turn into the repeated brilliance in the breeze, lighting up youth, embellishing the hazy fragrance in the vast blue ocean. You are childish, but pure and ignorant, But your persistent and tender feet cross the thorny jungle, where you have a blue vision waiting for you to come and pick up your friends - holding your weak hands and vowing the same faith, the future is your most sincere feeling when the wind once again integrates into the true feelings and brings you into the touching whispers. You have the feeling of embracing nature. Look at it - on the windy day, you break out of the cocoon and find eternity in the morning sun 's blessing

Writing Primary School Composition (9)

I like the pure white cherry blossom; I prefer the red and white oleander; But I like the lotus flowers that come out of the mud without being stained.

One summer morning, I went to the lotus pool in Bijin Park with some good friends to watch the beautiful lotus. Standing at the bottom of the clear pond. At a glance, the water waves are billowing, the lotus leaves are in the fields, the lotus leaves are green and dripping, the round dew is shining, the sun is dancing on it, and the breeze is singing on it. The breeze is gentle and the lotus fragrance bursts. Green, lotus and scenery are everywhere. It is so beautiful that I was deeply attracted by this beautiful picture full of vitality and interest. Of course, the main character of this painting is the "lotus", which is called the gentleman among flowers. She is like a young girl, one by one beautiful, one by one. Some are innocent and romantic, lively and lovely, wearing green aprons, dancing with the rhythm of the breeze; Some are a little shy, holding a lovely green umbrella, covering their cheeks for a while before they show the most beautiful smile to everyone; Some are heroic, energetic and ready to blossom

I love lotus, her faint fragrance, her slim and graceful appearance, and her noble quality of coming out of mud without being stained, and being clean without being demon.

Writing Primary School Composition (10)

Growth is a peak, and maternal love is the strength to help me climb. Time flows, the youth is like water, my mother has accompanied me through 15 spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I have grown up like this. I always remember when a figure lingers around me every day. She is always anxious for me, worried about me, happy for me, and cheered for me. She is my mother, an ordinary housewife.

I remember one time, when the weather was hot and dry, and the sky was covered with thick black clouds, I happened to be at school that day, without an umbrella, hoping that God would do a good job without rain. But life is more unexpected, the rain still fell, disappointed me, dejected looking out of the window, my heart is very unpleasant. Seeing my classmates go away happily one by one, I can only stand at the corridor mouth alone in silence. Then a familiar figure appeared in my sight, Mom! I was almost about to call out. She came running towards me with an umbrella. I met her and saw her smiling like a child, giving me the umbrella. She told me to dress more, pay more attention to my body and learn to take care of myself. I responded impatiently, but when I saw that my mother had only one umbrella in her hand, I was surprised that she would go home in the rain. Indeed, my mother only brought an umbrella. Looking at my mother's old face, I couldn't help crying. The rain and tears crossed my face. I took the umbrella and made a silent determination in my heart to honor my parents when I grew up! Looking at my mother's back gradually leaving in the rain, I seemed to understand something. Maternal love once again affected me.

Mother's love for me, like the stars in the sky, is countless. Mother is like the 'moon' in the sky, shining my little star with her light every moment. So I said to my mother secretly: 15 years have passed, the wind has passed, and the rain has also gone. It is you who have always been with me, giving me strength with love, so that I can stand up and face the rising sun to climb the peak of life. Mom, I will repay you!

Mother's love is like water, haunting me all my life.

Writing Primary School Composition (11)

My family reunion is over. It's time to go to someone else's home! We are going to Grandma's home for the New Year celebration.

The eldest grandmother is really hospitable. She is old enough to open the door herself. Grandpa hurried to say hello, and then handed the milk and biscuits to Grandma. When she saw it, she said, "Family, what can I give you? It's really true! There's a TV on it. Go and watch it." After a pause, she said, "I won't go up.". That said, the action is different. Guess what? Grandma followed us, but we didn't know it. Suddenly, Grandma said, "It's on the fourth floor." When Grandpa saw her, he quickly said, "Don't follow me." Grandma nodded, "I'm going down." We watched Grandma go down before we dared to watch TV.

The happy scene inevitably happens when we eat.

Today, we had a group New Year's dinner. Everyone talked and laughed. Grandma said, "Zhu Kejing looks forward to the Spring Festival every day, and now it is." Aunt said, "So does my family Zhu Yue." - I can't say enough about the Spring Festival.

Let's go! Granny reluctantly sent us to the car. Alas, good guests.

Of course, the most funny thing happened when watching TV at the Spring Festival Gala. Whenever there is a program I don't like watching, I go to take a bath. After taking a bath, I climbed onto the bed and undressed. Ladies and gentlemen, don't think I'm coming to bed. It's not time yet. I wrap myself in a brown quilt and then run to watch TV.

Friend, you must be very strange! Why should I wrap up my quilt and watch TV? Ha! It's not because it's warm to wrap up the quilt, friend, you can also try it!

Writing Primary School Composition (12)

Brother Li didn't do his homework after school. She left her schoolbag behind and played with the computer. Grandma Xu was worried. She was afraid that Brother Li would not learn well. So I was ready to resign and persuade her.

I'll give Brother Li a "sugar coated bullet" first. I'm going to say, "Brother Li, Brother Li, stop playing, and I'll treat you to ice cream." In this way, I can enter his inner world, understand the temptation of the game, and pull out the root of his illness. In this way, Brother Li successfully went to the ice cream shop with me. We selected the ice cream and talked about: "Brother Li, what have you been playing with recently?" "Hey, it's the biochemical crisis 5!" "Can you tell me about it?" I continued to induce. As I expected, he really told me everything, and I already felt it clearly, Next, I will pull out the root of his disease. I'll start with the games I played before, but I'm not fun. He said: "What a pity! How happy the game has brought us." Hee hee, I secretly said that it was successful! The following is the official start of the plan: I first said: "Brother Li, do you envy those who make games?" He replied that I continued to use a series of famous sayings, which made him helpless. Finally, he said: After hearing your teaching, I am much clearer. I will go home to do my homework. Bye bye! " Grandma Xu was also happy with the perfect success of this persuasion.

My father's addiction to alcohol was always unchanged, and my mother was at a loss. So she came to me, and I decided to persuade her. I first said this paragraph: "Give up drinking and drinking for the first time, and give up smoking and drinking for the first time. If you have wine today, get drunk today, and drink cold water tomorrow. Don't waste water near the river, and don't waste firewood near the mountain. If you want to live a long life, quit smoking and drinking first." Sure enough, the father who drank was already surprised, but this blow was really useless. I decided to take the second blow. Of course, "drinking" is not drinking real wine, It was a kind of drink in a bottle of wine. This hit made my father waver. My father soon became angry: "What kind of wine do you drink at a young age?" I said, "Learn from you!" My father was silent, and his friends who drank with him also advised him not to drink. I felt that if he wanted to pull out the root of the disease, he would pull out the root of the disease completely. I also wanted my father to ask for money. He asked me what to do, and I said, "Buy wine, I drink." But this is just an empty move. I never drink. He was completely silent. After a while, he asked the waiter to serve him a drink. He doesn't drink much now.

Writing Primary School Composition (13)

In our daily life, we may meet many people who need your persuasion. The people you persuade may be your father, your mother, your classmates, your good friends... The object of my persuasion is my mother.

My mother has a "hobby". She likes to lose her temper, which is that her temper is too big and can change when she says it - when she is in a good mood, she talks like a gentle breeze and a gentle rain. As soon as I was a little unhappy, my face turned black and my mouth pouted, I immediately used the "nagging magic skill" in the "Eighteen Moves of Mom". What should we do? My father and I had to resort to the "three tricks of motherhood". The first move - deception, is to say all the good things, good things done, as long as Mom is happy; If the first move doesn't work, use the second move - Shendou Gong to have a "debate" with Mom. If the first two moves do not work, then use the third move, Earplug Skill, to ensure immediate results. I can't hear anything anyway. Let her talk freely!

For a long time, my father and I felt that it was not good to be like this. We must find a way to persuade her to be less angry and less nagging. After many days of planning, my father and I made a slide on the computer, which is our secret weapon!

One day, it was Sunday, and I didn't have to go to school. Early in the morning, I pulled my mother to the computer and said, "Mom, sit down." I opened the slide. The caption flashed by: Anger can cause great harm to your body, especially your liver. Next, images and explanations of the harm caused by anger and nagging. I saw my mother watching intently, so I struck while the iron was hot and said, "Mom, if you want to be healthy, please be less angry, OK?" My mother didn't say anything, but since then my mother has never been the kind of person who is always angry and nagging. Do you think my secret weapon works well?

Writing Primary School Composition (14)

"Hmm... Hmm, so tired!" I could not help moaning as I lay on the bed. I felt like my forehead was on fire, and then an idea flashed through my mind: I had a fever, so I shouted weakly: "Mom, come quickly, I seem to have a fever!" Mom hurried to touch my forehead, it was so hot! My mother first asked for leave from school, then asked me to put on my coat, and immediately took me to the hospital with the smell of disinfectant perfume.

My mother took me to the pediatric department and walked into the office. A doctor with gold rimmed glasses came into my eyes. My mother explained my condition to the doctor first and waited for the doctor's reply. First, the doctor asked us to take blood. When we got to the place where we took blood, wow! I could not help feeling a little terrible, as if those doctors who took blood had become demons one by one and wanted to kill me. They sat down on the chair in front of the doctor who helped me take blood. He first helped me to apply alcohol, then picked up the needle, stuck it on my finger, and drew one can after another. Finally, it was all right. The doctor put a piece of cotton on my finger, let me hold it, gave my mother a report, and we walked to the doctor's office again. The doctor looked at the report first, and then said, "Well, you have a fever, 39 °. This is not good. You have to hang saline. Are you allergic to anything?" "No." Mother replied. "Well," said the doctor, "you can go for a skin test, and then go to hang salt water."

My mother and I went to the injection room and had a skin test first. After 20 minutes, I went to hang salt water. The nurse aunt first tied a rubber tube to me, then patted my hand on the back of my hand, smeared alcohol, and then helped me hang up the salt water. After adjusting the speed, I sat on the chair in the injection room. In the injection room, there was the cough of the elderly, the crying of children, and I sat in a daze on the chair, painful and boring

A cold is really bad! Injections and medicine, cold is too painful! I don't want to catch cold any more!

Writing Primary School Composition (15)

"Peace" is what everyone yearns for. However, there are still some people in the world who launch wars for the sake of interests, making the perfect desire of people for peace come to naught. I can't help pondering, when can peace be achieved in the world?

In 1937, a tragic war began - Japan invaded China, occupied Nanjing, and began to arrest people, whether children or girls. The Japanese killed people wantonly, buried young people alive, poured oil on people and set them on fire. Their killing methods are varied and extremely cruel. The cruelest thing is that they are interested in killing Chinese people. They even say that whoever kills the most Chinese people is the champion. In one day, they killed more than 70000 people, and the streets were full of dead bodies. Previously, excited families made Nanjing a paradise on earth. With the arrival of the invaders, Nanjing, which was originally a paradise on earth, became a hell on earth.

It is not only human beings but also the environment and animals that have been severely damaged by the war. Then the fire of war burned the earth, and the forest, which was originally vibrant and full of flowers and birds, suddenly turned into ruins. The charred trees fell on the ground and moaned, but the silence made the place dead. The nuclear radiation produced by the black weapons used in the war also made the animals "miserable". The atomic dust floating in the air made the frog grow a third leg.

The war has lasted for centuries, but it continues. The world needs peace. Peace is what people all over the world want. Isn't the United Nations just for peace?

When will war, the "weapon" that human beings use to seize power and gain, disappear from our world? In order not to let war destroy our "heaven", let us release the dove of peace!

Writing Primary School Composition (16)

After reading the article "Jujube · Life", I have many thoughts and feelings. I want to learn from Jujube.

Nature has many inspirations for us: a group of ants carry away a bone, which is an inspiration for us to unite; Populus euphratica has survived in the desert for thousands of years, which is a revelation to us to be tenacious. The survival experience of jujube also gives us enlightenment.

The Jujube Tree · Life tells us that don't worry about the unimportant things. What you have to do is to work hard in silence to achieve the goal of life. Think about me. Have I ever done that? I often get tangled up in trivial matters. If I didn't care about the show off of some playful students, and weren't affected by those students with poor habits, but worked hard silently for my goal, would I still have this achievement? If I could learn the spirit of jujube trees, would I still have so many bad habits? My academic performance will be better!

Some people eat better than me. They look like strong men and are powerful; Some people dress better than me. They look like a rich second generation and are proud of themselves; Some people play better than me. They brag every day that this game is 100 level, and that game is 100 level. They are overjoyed. Many students cast envious eyes on them. I once lamented that my parents had too many restrictions on me, and I could not be as smart as them. After reading the article "Jujube Tree · Life", in my eyes, they are just like those nameless flowers in the spring in the article, competing in full bloom in the early spring, only coveting temporary vanity, not caring about the future. And I am determined that I will learn from those excellent students from now on. I will not only learn from them, but also surpass them! I want to build up my strength like a jujube tree, and realize my dream when I grow up!

Yes, how can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? Life is like a jujube tree. If you want to succeed, you should learn from the jujube tree. Don't worry about temporary vanity or covet temporary pleasure. Instead, you should be like the jujube tree. After setting goals, you should guard the pure land of the soul, firm belief, march forward bravely, and work silently for the goal of life. Only in this way can the flower of life bloom and the fruit of life be more solid.

Writing Primary School Composition (17)

It was the day before the Santa Claus, and the students began to work hard. "Don't forget to give me a gift tomorrow!" "Well, I won't forget it, and don't forget to give it to me!" This is what the students said most. The bell for "Ding Yin Yin" to finish school rang. Everyone rushed out of the classroom like an arrow. At the entrance of the store, I began to select carefully, and I didn't go home until dusk.

When I got home, I didn't have any leisure time. I carefully packed the apples I had prepared in advance into my schoolbag one by one. The next morning, the students changed their old listless appearance, one by one. The schoolbag also becomes unusually big and drum. Everyone gives the prepared gifts to the people they want to give. I gave the prepared gifts to some good friends. The large and small peace fruits and greeting cards in the classroom are colorful, just like being in a garden, full of festive atmosphere.

In the last class, we had to go to the playground because we had to clean up. I stood by the tree with several classmates, the cold wind blew on my face, which hurt like a needle. At this time, two students came to me with a card in their hands. They told me that it was a gift from my primary school classmates. I immediately felt very uncomfortable and guilty because I didn't think of giving it to her. Open the pink envelope. Inside is a small and exquisite greeting card. The simple words above made me embarrassed: "Although we are not in the same class, we are still good friends." The nameless touch made me cry. On the way out of school, my heart was like a overturned Schisandra. I blame myself: Why didn't I think of my old friends when I bought gifts? If everyone, like me, only remembers the present friends and forgets the old ones, what will the world be like?

At that moment, I understood the true meaning of a friend: a friend is like a window. When you open it, you will see many different scenes and enrich your heart.

On Monday, I sent the late Christmas gift with deep guilt.

Primary School Composition for Writing Gifts 2

I think everyone should have received precious gifts in the years of growing up! I am no exception. Children's Literature, which I can't put down, is the most precious gift from my parents. Want to know how it came about? Now let me tell you!

I am a girl who loves reading very much. Every time I hold a book, I feel like a hungry person pouncing on bread. Once, I accidentally saw the introduction of Children's Literature, and became very interested in it. I especially wanted to buy one, so I begged my father: "Dad, can you buy me a book of Children's Literature?" Dad raised his head and smiled at me, but he didn't say anything and went on working again. I knew I could not disturb him any more, so I had to leave dejected.

After that, I told my father several times, but every time my father just said "Hmm" and there was no following, I was gradually disappointed. However, one evening a few days later, my father came home from work. When I went to meet him, I was surprised to see him holding a brand new Children's Literature. I happily took the book over and couldn't help saying to my father, "Dad, thank you!" I held this long-awaited gift tightly to my chest, just like holding a rare treasure. Since then, it has become my inseparable good friend.

Every night before going to bed, I have to read a few pages of Children's Literature, otherwise I will be unable to sleep. I found that the content of this book is very rich. There are many wonderful stories in it. Some stories are very touching, while others are outrageous.

Take an example! There is a story called Buy an Apple for Dad. It tells of an uncle who went on a business trip to some place by train. When he came to the middle station, a child sitting next to him said, "My father is asleep and his watch is in his pocket. It's so dangerous! What if someone steals it? I think I should help him with it.", The child took his watch out of his father's pocket. The train soon arrived at the station, and the child said, "I will go down to buy apples for my father, because he likes apples in the car." Then he went down. Shortly after the child left, "Dad" woke up, and the uncle said to him, "Your son just went down to buy apples." He didn't hear it clearly, and the uncle repeated it again, but "Dad" said in surprise, "I don't have a son at all!"

This story tells us that some people look like good people, but they are not good. As an old Chinese saying goes, "You can't do harm to others, and you can't do nothing to prevent others."!

That's right. This book has made me learn a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of truth. I have also accumulated many idioms and proverbs!

I love my precious gift - Children's Literature, which will always be my indispensable life partner!

Primary School Composition for Writing Gifts 3

In my memory, I have received many gifts, but the most precious one is the photocopy of the manuscript from Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore that my father gave me.

Every time I celebrate my birthday, my father will give me a gift. As I grow older, my small gifts include airplane models, toys, birthday cakes, etc. On the day when I was 10 years old, I woke up early. I was very excited when I lay in bed. I wondered what gift my father would give me today? Now I am 10 years old. The gift may be a digital watch or a game console. It must be a valuable gift, I guess. While thinking about it, I put on my clothes and ran excitedly to my father. When my father saw me coming, he said to me mysteriously, "Tao Tao, today my father will give you a birthday gift." He took out a book from the delicate bag. "Here you are! This is your birthday gift. You must keep it well! When I saw it, my heart suddenly cooled. I pouted and said," It's a book. "I thought: What's the matter? This broken book is my birthday gift.

Let me keep it! My excitement seemed to be poured cold water, and I was very depressed. My father saw that I was depressed and said seriously, "Don't underestimate this book" From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore ". He is the most famous prose of the famous writer Lu Xun." He began to patiently explain to me: "This book is Mr. Lu Xun's first draft." He opened the book and I saw many circles and dots in it. My father looked at me and said, "Look! How serious Mr. Lu Xun is, how carefully he has made changes, and he has also written comments. When I look at Mr. Lu Xun, I have clearly written what I have seen about the subtle plants and animals. If you go to the Herb Garden, you will find nothing, and you should learn from Mr. Lu Xun's spirit." My father handed me this book.

I calmly read it. From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore is an unforgettable memory of Mr. Lu Xun's childhood and childhood. Herb Garden is a vegetable garden in Mr. Lu Xun's home. There is a mud wall, insects and weeds in the Herb Garden, which is Lu Xun's paradise; Sanwei Bookstore is the place where Mr. Lu Xun studied when he was a child. It is very simple, but he studies the Book of Songs, history and hundreds of poetry books there. I suddenly realized that the seemingly uninteresting small vegetable garden is so full of vitality in Mr. Lu Xun's writing, and I also like the herb garden that can bring infinite happiness to people. In the Sanwei Bookstore, I seem to see the teacher is kind, and Mr. Lu Xun's respect for the teacher is clear in my mind. Ah! I like Mr. Lu Xun's Herbal Garden and Sanwei Bookstore. They are sweet and happy memories, which make me feel the beauty of nature. Learning new knowledge is a happy and happy thing. I like this birthday gift that my father gave me, which makes me understand that I should love nature, love life, and love learning, which are all happy! Holding the book tightly in my hands, I felt warm in my heart. I think this gift is very heavy and precious.

The gifts are thin, thick, expensive and cheap, which are not important. What is important is the heart of the giver, which is worth collecting and very precious.