Pupils' 600 word composition (18 in total)
Look down on the world
2023-09-04 02:51:32

Pupils' 600 word composition (1)

"Stop for me!" An angry shout broke the silence of the self-study class. As the class cadre shouted, the students stopped their pens. Those curious eyes looked at the person who had just disturbed the whole class by screaming. I could not help but put down the pen, thinking about what earth shaking event had happened at the end.

The clouds outside the window floated leisurely. The birds chirped a few times and flew away slowly flapping their wings. In the window, the monitor "brushed" to stand up, straightened his back, glanced at the whole class, and said majestically, "What's the matter? Don't forget, it's in class?" After listening to the monitor's reprimand, the class that was originally noisy gradually quieted down, but there were several "good guys" who also secretly stared at the source of the sound - Jinqiao. Jinqiao's face reddened slightly, and she bit her lip, as if she had something to say. She clenched her hands and stared straight at her deskmate Shen Xiaoji. After a long time, she opened her lips and made a mosquito like voice: "Shen Xiaoji touched me. You know, this is my hard work! He must have done it on purpose! On purpose!" The more she talked about it, the more excited she became. The whole person looked like a cockerel with red eyes. In her eyes, I saw flames burning.

But Shen Xiaoji, who had made a mistake, seemed to have nothing to do with it. He shriveled and said, "Just write another one." "What, it's easy to say. This pen work will be handed in this afternoon. What do you say?" Jinqiao angrily pointed at Shen Xiaoji. "You can't write anything good at your level anyway, so don't make a fool of yourself!" Shen Xiaoji shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in an innocent manner. "You!" Jinqiao was so angry that he would fight Shen Xiaoji. "Forget it, forget it." The monitor became a peacemaker. "Maybe I can talk to the teacher and extend the time." But Jinqiao still said reluctantly, "This can't be done." Shen Xiaoji angrily said, "What do you want?" "You must wait until I finish writing, and then you can go back, which is your compensation to me." "Ah! No!" Shen Xiaoji opened his mouth wide, If you have a big mouth, you can put an egg in it. "This is your punishment!" the whole class said in unison. Jinqiao also smiled proudly.

The storm disappeared invisibly. I happily picked up my pen and continued to "brush" my homework.

Pupils' 600 word composition (2)

On the road of life, I always experience many things, among which the most unforgettable one is the praise.

I clearly remember that when I was in the third grade of primary school, after a midterm exam, I felt uneasy and wanted to know my grades quickly. It was not easy to usher in a Chinese class, and the teacher came to the classroom with a pile of test papers smiling. I really wanted to take the test papers in the teacher's hands and see clearly. The students sat quietly and waited for the teacher to announce the results. The teacher finally began to announce the results of the top five winners. When the teacher said, "Fu Ximin won the third place", I jumped three feet high with joy and went to the platform to get the test paper from the teacher. At that moment, the students cast envious eyes on me, and my heart was even sweeter.

I went back to my seat and fidgeted. I took the test paper and looked around. I accidentally found that I had written "adult" as "too human", and my joy had just been thrown out of my mind. I hesitate to tell the teacher or hide the truth? I looked at Jia Jia sitting in my front row. She was only 0.5 points less than me. If you tell the teacher that not only my third place "throne" will be given to others, I am afraid that I will not even be qualified to win the prize, but I have never achieved such good results. And going home can also make parents happy. I quickly glanced at the students around me. They were all listening to the teacher carefully. I deliberately played with the correction fluid and quickly removed the annoying point under the word "too". At this time, my heart was hanging down slightly.

After class, all the students gathered around me. You praised me, and she praised me, which made my face burning

At night, I lay in bed tossing and turning, and I could not sleep. The events of the day always came to my mind, as if my classmates were pointing at my nose and saying, "This child is dishonest and deceitful." I thought about my teachers' teaching and my classmates' care, but I Tears could not help flowing down.

The next day, as soon as I got to school, I told the teacher everything. I bowed my head and waited for the teacher's criticism. The students' criticism. I really hated that there was no seam on the ground so that I could get into it. There was a long silence. The teacher touched my head and said earnestly: "People will inevitably make mistakes. As long as they have the courage to admit and correct, they will be a good boy." As soon as the voice ended, the classroom remembered a warm applause. Isn't this just a sincere forgiveness for me?

Although this matter has passed for several years, it is still fresh in my mind. It has taught me the truth of life.

Pupils' 600 word composition (3)

If books are a kind of wealth, then the bookstore is a cave full of gold and silver treasures. Whenever I arrive at the bookstore, I can't move away - I will hide myself immediately and "dig for gold and silver" like a man who loves money as much as he can, until I am "rich", I walk out with my head shaking.

I remember my mother often told me stories before I understood. Whenever she bought a picture book, I would jump on the bed with extra excitement. At night, when the sound of the wind makes my hair stand on end, my mother will always tell me all kinds of strange stories. Chang'e rushes to the moon, and Nuwa mends the sky... All kinds of stories about traveling overseas take me to the magical world. At this time, I will not be cold, just like being covered by the warm sun.

Later, when I grew up, I could read books by myself. As long as I had words that I could not read, I could solve the problem with Pinyin. Sometimes, when my mother accidentally mispronounces a word, I can "blind cat meets dead mouse" to correct it. In fact, I don't understand. At this time, my heart was very happy. At that time, I thought I could teach my mother a lesson from a high position!

As the days passed, I was promoted to the third grade. At that time, I didn't read the phonetic books. If you show it to me at this time, I will definitely return it to you without hesitation: "I won't read this book!" Its story is too short, and I can read it in a short time at a glance.

Now that I am in the fifth grade, books can no longer satisfy my desire. At this time, the appearance of the novel made my eyes shine. "The Biography of Yue Fei", "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Peng Gongan" and "The Water Margin" can make me fascinated and imaginative. At night, I was reading with relish, and a pair of thick hands took away my book. I was about to catch the thief in the hall, but to my surprise, my father was looking at me seriously, so I had to sleep quietly. When I lay down, I felt uncomfortable all over, and thought of the strange story of the hero. I couldn't bear it, so I copied books and read them in the moonlight. Not good! Mom is coming! I hurried to bed, stuffed the book under the pillow and pretended to sleep. Who would have thought that the book was still under the pillow when I slept until dawn!

Books are indispensable to people, just like a pillow, a quilt, a pair of chopsticks. Can you leave these necessities?

Pupils' 600 word composition (4)

Books are the sea of knowledge, and I am a boat, roaming freely in the sea of books. Shakespeare once said: "Life without books is like a bird without wings." We deal with books every day, and books naturally become my best friends.

I remember one time when I was a child. I found a copy of A Dream of Red Mansions from my father's bookcase. The book was very thick, and the two beautiful characters on the cover attracted me. The book was not only thick, but also heavy. I opened it with great effort. However, I don't understand any of the words in that book, which seems to be a waste of effort. Last time, after my cousin saw it, my tears fell like broken beads. I was very unwilling. My cousin could understand it. Why couldn't I understand it? I asked my father and others, and they all answered the same question: "You are too young to read." I begged my father hard, and he was willing to buy a "color picture phonetic version of A Dream of Red Mansions"... Time has passed, and now he has read A Dream of Red Mansions for several times. In retrospect, it is still a bit ridiculous.

I remember another time, when I was very young, my mother taught me to read poems. Let me see everything in the world through the poet's eyes, and listen to everything in the world through the poet's ears. "How nice it is to go to school. If you have books to read, you can know a lot of things." Since then, the seed of "I want to read" has been deeply buried in my young heart.

Now, a bedroom, a desk, a good book. For me, reading is like eating, sweet and delicious. Therefore, the taste of reading is always sweet in my heart. Not just me, but everyone in our school is like this, because on Tuesday and Thursday morning, we all have a "happy reading 20 minutes" reading time.

"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book", which is very good to say. Books really benefit me a lot. I can't help applauding the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and grieving for the corruption of the Qing Dynasty when I am in the books... Reading books allows me to appreciate the style of today's China, with advanced science and technology and strong national strength... When I encounter difficulties in my homework, the Xinhua Dictionary will always teach me knowledge and make me laugh when I feel unhappy. Perhaps, reading is my greatest happiness.

Bing Xin once said, "Read more books, read good books, and read well." This sentence makes me remember vividly, release myself, cultivate my sentiments, and let us travel freely in the sea of books

Pupils' 600 word composition (5)

Today, I took the No. 305 bus and usually got on and off the bus. However, there was a small accident today, so that we passengers unexpectedly fell down on the way. I was also shocked by my ignorance.

I sat on the seat, because it was far from my next station, so I slumped lazily in the seat I had managed to get. At the "Air Force Cadre Rest" station, I still sat in my seat lazily. The driver still opened and closed the door. A woman with a child got out of the car, and the car started again. At this time, I suddenly heard a woman's cry - "ah -" I heard it and consciously turned my head. The driver also stopped the car and wanted to drive again. There were many onlookers around the woman. The woman immediately shouted, "Don't let him go!" The car stopped again. The driver got out of the car and asked someone to help the woman onto the car. After getting on the bus, the woman gently patted the child on the back, but the child kept crying.

The driver began to ask about the woman and the child, and I knew the process of the accident through the driver and the woman's questioning. The driver clamped the woman's foot too early after opening the door, and the woman and the child fell down as soon as the car started. The aunt also said with a little cry: "The baby is only four months old!"

When the bus stopped, I began to worry about whether I would pay again if I took the 305 bus? A dollar ride on the bus was the only savings I had. In the words of my classmates, my pockets are cleaner than my face now! The driver took out his mobile phone and called a man and said, "Hey, Brother Zhu, something happened to me in the Air Force sanatorium, and I rubbed him down. Hey, good. OK."

It looks like his boss. At this time, another 305 bus came. The driver of the car I worked on said hello to the driver and let us get on the car. After getting on the steps, I went to the cash register. I walked quickly to find a seat and sat down. Later, I had a good trip home.

In fact, the driver (the former one) has been talking to a young man, so his attention must not be focused, which led to the accident. Fortunately, neither the aunt nor the child was hurt too much. After this incident, I know that we must be serious!

Pupils' 600 word composition (6)

Once there was a feeling that seemed to exist in my heart. But when I saw the kite flying in the sky, the valve of memory also opened. The scene of flying a kite with my father when I was a child now reappears in front of me.

It was just the beginning of spring that day. Although the cool wind was blowing slowly, the weather was not very cold. At this time, I saw several kites slowly flying in the sky, sometimes high, sometimes low. From time to time, children's laughter like silver bells came out. Seeing how happy they were running made my heart itch. I said to my father, "Dad, look, let's fly kites too."

My father said to me without thinking, "Go, get dressed quickly." After a while, we went to the kite shop first. I was dazzled by the dazzling kite. Suddenly, a bat kite appeared in front of me. The kite had a Batman's head, a black appearance and a bright yellow decoration. I fell in love with this kite at first sight, He and his father bought the kite without hesitation.

My father and I walked to the river. I couldn't wait to pick up the kite that was one head taller than me and run like others. Then I threw it hard. The result was not as smooth as I thought, but it fell straight to the ground. At this time, my father came up to me and encouraged me to say, "Never mind, try again!" I tried again, but failed again. The third time, the fourth time, as the new kite was covered with dust, the kite still did not fly. At this time, I felt like a deflated ball, and lost confidence immediately. At this time, my father came over and said, "Come on, son! The last time!" My father held me up and said. I decided to do it one last time.

At this time, my father was running breathlessly below, and I held the kite in my hand. I just heard my father "throw" and threw the kite out forcefully. At this time, the kite flew up by the gentle east wind. My father flew me down and handed me the silk thread, and instructed me to say: "Back up the silk thread and fly it long. When you think the wind is small, stop flying long." I did as my father said, and watched my kite surpass other kites little by little. I don't think I could fly this kite without Dad. It was my father who brought me great happiness. In fact, it has always been my father's thick hands that have accompanied me through 13 years, and this emotion makes me hard to forget.

Pupils' 600 word composition (7)

What's my favorite thing? Whether it's a killing sport on the court or hearing beautiful music like the sounds of nature, of course, these are not in my calculations. Dangdang! The answer is "reading", a static activity that both big and small friends like.

"Reading is so boring! What's the use?" This is what I said when I was in the fourth grade. Until I was in the fifth grade, a small will controlled my disobedient brain. The head teacher announced that he would count reading among his usual grades. Therefore, I decided to show my skills with the attitude of improving my academic performance. From the beginning, I didn't expect that I would just turn over books at random, but "every little makes a mickle", which turned into a lot of money and became my daily routine.

When I read the biographies of great men, I will imitate and learn their spirit and famous sayings; When I read about Chinese history, I can see interesting historical stories, things and place names that have undergone historical evolution, which makes me enjoy it.

I also learned a lot from the book, such as: Don't hurry to eat marshmallow, child. There is a "rule of thirty seconds" in the book, that is, you should think about thirty seconds before doing anything. I am always angry about a little dispute. My mood immediately calms down, which is more useful than ice compress. Our class also has several students who like reading. Sometimes I ask them what books they borrowed? If you are interested, you can borrow them from the library. Over the years, they gradually become good friends who talk about everything. Even what I see from them is not reading, but all the advantages of students.

When I finish reading a book, I feel I have benefited a lot. My mood turns from blue to red. It seems that I have drunk a stimulant. The happy mood can not be blocked even by 50 dikes. I am addicted to it. The unhappiness in school is all dispersed. More and more friends are coming, and my homework has been greatly improved. Maybe this is the charm of reading! Let me change from "reading" to "joy".

"Reading is to light an indestructible light." Indeed, reading is really to cultivate my usual interest, and it is also my happiest thing. As long as you read more, you can get the beauty of life. I believe that it can lead me to success.

Pupils' 600 word composition (8)

Mother's Day, the second Sunday in May, is a well-known event. It should be a day full of light flowers and warmth, but now the room is full of strong gunpowder smell.

I'm just not happy to be with you.

"Let me ask you again, will you accompany me when I go to kindergarten to work overtime?"

"No company is no company, can't you let me be quiet?"

Mother was silent for a while, stopped talking and left.

I was left sitting on the bed in the room. Listening to my mother's footsteps, suddenly, a stream of cool liquid fell on the back of my hand. I knew - I cried. Why did things turn out like this again. Why did it turn into such a mess when I thought of giving my mother a good memory last night.

Wiped away the tears, suddenly there was a feeling of calling back my mother, but I couldn't say anything, I could only shout silently from the bottom of my heart. Suddenly there was a desire to pull my mother back, but I couldn't move it. After all, my mother's heart was crying for me at this time.

No, I must let my mother have a happy Mother's Day. In the afternoon, I will go back to school. I must leave a good memory for my mother before I leave.

Because I am an ordinary person, I made an action that is too ordinary to be ordinary.

I went to buy a tape, a blank tape.

Put it in the repeater and I start recording:

"Mom ---- Today is Mother's Day, and I quarreled with you again.

Mom, I shouldn't hurt you.

Mom, actually I don't want to hurt you.

Mom, your figure is in front of and behind me, constantly shuttling in my life. I don't deny that I was tired of you, but I firmly believe that I love you.

From primary school to junior high school, our teacher asked us to write many compositions about our mothers. Every time, my mind is blank. It's not that you haven't done it, but that you have given me too much love, which my pen tip can't bear.

Mom, I was wrong.


Mom, although I don't know whether you will accept my blessing at the moment, I still want to say:

Happy Mother's Day! "

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I got on the bus on time and left this tape, which is no longer a pure blank tape, but carries my love for my mother.

At 8:55 pm, I returned to the dormitory, picked up the dead and called my mother:

"Mom, did you listen to the tape I left you?"

"Not yet"

"I will listen now"

I don't know how long I waited, but I heard my mother crying. She was sobbing.

My mind went blank, as if there were flocks of birds flying past. I only heard one sentence clearly, and my mother said:

"I love you too."

It was said in tears.

Postscript: Once upon a time, I said: I will not let my mother's tears flow for me. But now I want to say:

One of my most proud things is that my mother cried for me.

Pupils' 600 word composition (9)

There are a few wonderful moments in one's life, or some of your happiest moments. In the 12 years of my life, there are just a few happy moments. Walking is a kind of enjoyment and happiness. Whenever I put down the heavy learning task, I will walk in the garden of the community alone. That small step is firm and powerful though it is not big.

Walking in autumn, the season of falling leaves, is a kind of reverie enjoyment. When my feet gently stepped on a withered yellow leaf, I felt the smell of fallen leaves. The life of fallen leaves seemed to be telling me about the ups and downs of his life. At that time, the nerves of the whole body were relaxed. As I walked, my whole body was filled with the fragrance of work and the vicissitudes of trees. The leaves seemed to dance in the breeze, very moving. Happiness fills every cell of my body. I leaned against a tree, and gradually I felt as if I were a tree: the roots growing under my feet deeply penetrated into the soil and rock strata, the hair grew into a crown, the arms became branches, the blood became the sap of the tree, rotating and flowing in the growth rings. Walk in the sea of books and experience the fun brought by knowledge. In the vast number of books, I tirelessly absorb knowledge. Reading has taught me the value of life, the preciousness of friendship, and the happiness of life... When I open a book, I can smell the fragrance of books and find its charm. Wandering in the sea of books is not like walking in the garden, it is a spiritual walk, picking from the knowledge base. As long as I read a book carefully, I would be intoxicated with the story again, and walk in it, sometimes I can't help myself. No one said such a classic sentence: "There is a treasure of happiness in the book." Yes, from the book, I learned the heroic spirit of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms, felt the bell of the Maple Bridge, and felt the smoke of the desert.

Different people will find different treasures, so let's walk in the arms of books to find the treasures in your own books! Every time I read the last book, I made a step towards success. Walk on the road of scientific exploration and keep company with nature. Use your eyes to observe things around you, use your feet to walk into nature, and use your hands to touch nature. Walking on the road of exploration, I got happiness. Walk in the nature through my wholehearted devotion and careful observation. An inconspicuous insect can remind me of what kind of insect he is? Why haven't I seen it? When I finally found out, I lost a kind of happiness and pride in my heart. Every step forward, the heroic and inquisitive eyes could not stop Russia from looking around. Walking on the road of scientific exploration is full of happiness. Walking time is my happiest time.

Pupils' 600 word composition (10)

The earth has nurtured countless generations of descendants with sweet milk, but human beings have tortured her all over for their own interests. We only have one earth, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, how can we be infected by the evil spirit of interests? Now, "save the earth" has become a popular voice.

How many people will really make even a little contribution to this beautiful and peaceful Earth Mother? Is this just an empty slogan? Don't stubbornly believe that to protect our Mother Earth, you must do something earth shaking. You can start from the small things around you, see things and think about things.

As long as you do something trivial, Mother Earth will alleviate some pain, continue to selflessly contribute to us. Looking at her heartbreaking appearance, shouldn't we take good care of this beautiful blue planet?

The earth is the common home of all living things and the place where we live.

Maybe you are marching towards the ideal road of money, building tall buildings, workshops and cars. Can you forgive yourself when the choking black smoke engulfs the city and darkens half of it? Maybe you throw your garbage on the road or in the river for temporary convenience. Can you forgive yourself when the whole road becomes a garbage road and the whole river becomes a sewage river with a strange smell?

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. As long as the light in the room was turned off, I would cry loudly and could not sleep at all. When the light in the corridor broke, I asked my father to carry me and squint my eyes until I got home and turned on the bright light. The small weakness of childhood, although growing up slowly afraid of the dark, but still left a problem - can not sleep without turning on the lights. Because of this problem, a lot of power is wasted.

The real test of our contribution to the environment is not words, but actions. As long as we all have a sense of responsibility to protect the environment, start from ourselves, start from small things, and work together to protect our homes, then nature will naturally give humans due rewards. It's no good just talking but not doing. I have to lead the way. I'll start from turning off the lights when I sleep!

Pupils' 600 word composition (11)

This summer vacation, I was lucky to come to the summer camp and enjoy the foreign humor with my friends. Ha ha, I can't help laughing now.

"I'm exhausted. Eating a meal is almost like fighting a war. Is this the romantic life I imagined?" My friend Qianqian complained to me bitterly. "Alas, since we are here, let's forget it. Save some time to eat and gather again!" This is my intense life in the summer camp, and this is my life full of longing. Alas, what nerve did I commit? I worked very hard to train. The children with poor lives look up to me!

Since I entered this hell like summer camp, I have collapsed. There is still no humanity, but no matter how hard I am, alas, my lucky money will not be wasted for heartache, and I have to work hard to complete it. I used the lucky money to pay the training fee. I wanted to have a good time, but this was the end. 555 --)

I remember that on the first day of summer camp, I collapsed. I got up at 5:00 in the morning and the coach checked the room. The female coach was very strict. Anyone who could not finish dressing, folding the quilt and washing up in five minutes would be fined 300 squats. Even the girls would not be merciful. Alas, that's hard. We are all kids racing against time. Hurry!

And the most wonderful time, ha ha, comrades, please don't drink water when you see this, otherwise you will not be responsible for laughing, which is also my embarrassment, ha ha

In the second week of training, "No, report... report!" Qianqian came to me breathlessly and said to me nervously. The original coach made a surprise attack and was ready to spot check at any time, but the specific time was unknown. "Hmm, that's right..." I pondered for a while, and all the party members should pay attention to it, so they can fight at any time, ha ha!

I didn't take that matter too seriously. I thought to myself: If the coach checks again, it won't be midnight! So I slept with my head covered. "Jingle bell, assemble!" The terrible voice sounded. I thought it was broken. How could it be really midnight? The pot that doesn't open and the pot that doesn't open, alas alas. I was in a hurry to find clothes. Unexpectedly, the more chaotic I was, the more I couldn't find them. When I got dressed and went down, I had already stood in line. I had to brave my way into the room. At this time, I was scared to find that my skirt was on the wrong side. Ah ah, I clamped my legs nervously for fear that others would know my secret. Finally, under the coach's reprimand, I went back to the dormitory without danger.

Although it was a long time ago, I still remember that it made me feel embarrassed!

Pupils' 600 word composition (12)

A book is like a key to open the door of wisdom; Books are like a ship, taking you to travel in the ocean of knowledge; A book is like a pair of wings, allowing you to fly in the sky of knowledge. The ancients said: "It's good to open a book.". Reading has taught me a lot of knowledge and also brought me a lot of fun. Reading really fascinates me.

I remember that one noon, my mother had not yet prepared lunch, so I sat on the sofa and picked up a copy of Ugly Duckling and read it. When I read, I was so hungry that I forgot both the world and myself. When I read that the ugly ducklings were discriminated against in the chicken flock, I was very angry. I clenched my fists, gnashed my teeth, and twisted my eyebrows. I wanted to beat them all to give vent to the ugly ducklings. When I read that the ugly duckling was about to be frozen to death on the ice, I couldn't help crying. I was worried about the ugly duckling. I really wanted to warm the ugly duckling. When I read that the ugly duckling was saved by a kind farmer, a beautiful ripple appeared in my heart lake, and the sun shone on it. I felt very warm and grateful to the farmer. When I read that the ugly duckling has finally turned into a beautiful white swan after unremitting efforts, my eyes were filled with tears. These happy tears are tears of sweet and bitter. I am sincerely happy for the ugly duckling. What impressed me most was the words of the ugly duckling: "When I was an ugly duckling, I never dreamed that I would be so happy!" The ugly duckling is kind, has dreams and pursues. The experience of the Ugly Duckling has taught me that as long as there is a dream, a pursuit and an unremitting struggle for it, it doesn't matter even in adversity. "Gold always shines". Suddenly, I felt someone pushed me hard. I came back to my senses. It seemed like a dream just now. I looked up and saw that it was my mother. My mother said with a straight face: "Why don't you eat? The meal is cold." I said with some dissatisfaction: "You don't call me!" My mother immediately retorted: "Why didn't I call you! My throat is almost broken! You are too fascinated to hear!" My mother looked at me carefully and said: "My child, why are you crying? Silly child, you are obsessed with reading!" I thought in my heart, yes, I am really stupid. I seem to be in the story, as if I am an ugly duckling. I am sad and happy with it. Shakespeare said, "Books are the nourishment of all mankind". Du Fu, the sage of poetry, also said: "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit." Reading has taught me a lot of knowledge, learned a lot of truth, and brought me a lot of fun. Reading really fascinates me.

Pupils' 600 word composition (13)

When I open the album in my hand, there is a photo that I will never forget. Look at the photo of a little girl standing next to a cute snowman, smiling so happily. That little girl is me, and the lovely snowman is my first harvest. How unforgettable this time!

I remember that time when I went to Yulong Snow Mountain with my parents and six people, we got off the bus halfway up the mountain, ah! Yulong Snow Mountain is like the home of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale. It is white with white makeup. Look around. Wow, there is a vast expanse of white everywhere. It's like entering a dream like snowflakes. "By the way," I said, "with so much snow, why don't we have a snowman contest? We won't waste such a good opportunity!" Everyone agreed by agreement. I said, "Well, let's make a team of two, and divide the bonus, yellow and blue teams." My mother and I were divided into the blue team. After my father gave orders, we began to pile up. We first picked up a handful of fluffy snow, squeezed it into a slightly round ball, and then put the snowball on the ground to roll. My mother and I worked together to roll and roll. The snowball grew bigger and bigger. We kneaded the fluffy place while rolling. Finally, a round and big snowball will be OK. Now I'm going to be the head of the little snowman. When I was the head, I asked my mother, "Mom, did you make a snowman when you were a child?" My mother said, "Of course, we liked snow in winter most then. After the snow stopped, I and my friends in the yard made a snowman together with a shovel and a bucket. We also use two big buttons to make the little snowman's eyes, carrots to make the little snowman's nose, and brooms to make the little snowman's hands. " Then I said that the head of the little snowman was ready, so I put the head of the little snowman on the body of the little snowman. I also took down my hat and scarf to put on the little snowman. Just right. Then I ran to the side to look for some small stones, including two eyes for the little snowman, one nose for the little snowman, and two branches for the little snowman's hands. Wow! Well done, look and see, the cute little snowman seems to be smiling at me! I saw the other two pairs of snowmen, each with its own characteristics. My father said, "I didn't expect my daughter to make such a good snowman!" After listening to this sentence, I was happy to sing and dance around the snowman, singing in the air of Yulong Snow Mountain.

Seeing this photo, I seemed to see the scene and appreciate the happiness at that time, and I couldn't help laughing!

Pupils' 600 word composition (14)

Time goes by like flowing water. Many things have faded with the passing of time. But one thing reminds me vividly and moves me deeply - that deep maternal love.

That morning, I was going to school with my schoolbag on my back, when my mother suddenly ran out of the room and handed me an umbrella, saying: "The weather forecast said it would rain this day, take your umbrella!" I looked up at the sky. The sky was clear. How could it rain? I dropped my umbrella and ran away.

At noon, when school was over, the weather suddenly changed. In an instant, the rainstorm suddenly fell. I stood at the school gate and watched the students being picked up by their parents one by one. My heart began to feel uneasy, like 15 buckets of water - seven up and eight down. My father had just gone on a business trip, and every three or five days he could not come back. My mother was also suffering from a high fever and fluid infusion, and certainly would not come to pick me up. I waited by myself at the school gate. I was worried and hungry. Seeing the rain outside the window getting heavier and heavier, and no one came to pick me up, I couldn't help crying.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain. It was my mother. I thought: How is it possible? Isn't Mom sick? How can I have time to pick me up? I rubbed my eyes and looked intently. It was really my mother! The strong wind and heavy rain seemed to swallow my mother. My mother came to me with difficulty in the heavy rain.

"Children, come here quickly and put on your raincoat." My mother took off her raincoat and put it on me. At this moment, it was raining harder and harder, and my mother's hair, face and body were wet with rain. Looking at my mother's kind smile, her tired eyes, and her white face, I couldn't help crying again.

An umbrella held up a sky, and my mother held up happiness and happiness for me with the umbrella of love. Although it has been a long time, it always moved me, taught me to be a good person and study hard

Moving is a spring breeze, moving is a poem, moving is a picture, moving is a song written by relatives.

Pupils' 600 word composition (15)

Have you ever felt the strong electromagnetic wave of love deeply?

The power of love is extremely powerful. It can make people who are suffering physically and mentally regain their brightness; It can make the children who have lost their home feel the warmth of home again; It can enable people who are out of the embrace of society to have the belief of progress. Let love stay in my heart forever, spread it to the earth, let it grow into a towering tree, let those who need it have it.

Millions of mothers are eager to see their children grow up. That is actually their expectation of us and their love.

Listen, the wind, the rain, the thunder, and the noise. Because of a trivial matter, I quarreled with the woman (mother) I loved most in my life. It rained cats and dogs in the sky. It seemed that God could not bear it anymore. The thunder rumbled in my ears, as if I said at the first time: "You are an unfilial child. Your mother loves you so much, but you repay her in this way." Later, I angrily ran back to the room and turned on the TV. Suddenly, I saw a costume play. However, this time, my young and ignorant mind got a great feeling.

The kind-hearted mother and the cynical prince staged a touching and earth shaking story. Maybe it's because I have some similarities with the host in the play, so I like this TV play very much.

In the story, a mother tries hard to teach her son how to behave in order to succeed her son. The uneducated and incompetent prince has done something painful for everyone twice and three times. At that time, I really wanted to rush into the play and shout abuse. In a moment, I saw scenes in my mind, which were not beautiful.

When I recall the past, I have done every bad thing; My vexatiousness, my mischief, my incompetence... My mother suffered from a share of despair and disappointment, but I was there silently, indulging myself, but my mother still maintained a heart of love for me. I got up the courage to run to my mother and did something that I had never done for more than ten years. I hugged my mother and said with tears in my eyes: "Mom, I'm sorry, Mom, I love you". But my mother said, "I have no regrets about what I have done for you and the youth I have lost.

Yes, at that moment, I deeply felt the electromagnetic wave of love. Mom, I love you!

Pupils' 600 word composition (16)

Have you heard the story "Give Me a Promise"? On a snowy night, a young man named Kress was trapped in the countryside because of a car fault. Suddenly, a man on horseback happened to pass by. Knowing this, the man helped Kress pull the car to the nearby town without saying anything. After the event, Kress was very grateful and offered a large sum of money as a reward. But the man said, "I don't need to repay. I just want you to give me a promise to help others when they are in trouble." Later, Kress helped many people.

Every time I read this story, I can't help recalling something that I can't forget.

When I was six years old, my mother took me to play with my aunt in Nanjing. Nanjing is a big city. You have to take buses to go out and work. I remember one day, we went to Zhongshan Mausoleum by bus. Unfortunately, we met the rush hour. We waited for a long time before we saw a bus full of passengers slowly coming. We managed to stagger into the car. The bus was so crowded that my mother couldn't stand steadily when she pulled me. At this time, a grandmother like person on the seat next to us saw it and got up to offer his seat. Although my mother refused two or three times and said, "You are not young, you'd better sit down!" But my grandmother said, "You take the little girl to sit down. Don't drop the child. My body is still strong and I can stand." My mother had to take me to sit down and say thank you to her left and right. (Original contribution)

After that, my mother told me the story of "Give me a promise". Maybe I want to make a promise to the people who helped me, just like Kress. When you help someone in life, you send out a love. Now, every time I take the bus, whenever I see an old man or an inconvenient person, I will offer my seat. When I see an old man crossing the road, I will also help him. When I see a poor beggar, I will offer my love. At this time, my mother would give me a thumbs up and praise me for being good. I hope the people I have helped will also give me a commitment to help more people in difficulty, let them get the help of good people, and let the love continue to extend.

This is an unforgettable thing for me. After reading this article, will you remember your most unforgettable thing.

Pupils' 600 word composition (17)

In everyone's life, there will be many "stories", happy, sad, angry... A "story" of childhood, still interesting when I think about it.

I remember when I was five years old, I had just learned to ride a bicycle (four wheeled bicycle). In order to show off to my friends, I often rode it in the community to "show off". On this day, the sky is clear and the air is crisp. I especially want to ride a bike. So I took it out and called my father, mother and grandmother to show them my "real skills". As Grandma was very fond of me, she wanted me to ride slowly, so she made a joke with me with a smile, "Xiao Hong, be careful on the road, don't ride too fast, it hurts, we are not responsible!" After listening, I remembered Grandma's words. After saying goodbye to my father, mother and grandmother, I rode to the small garden. I ride faster and faster, just like a happy bird. As I rode, I thought: Look how fast and good I can ride, and I will break the world record.

However, something unexpected happened. Just when I was elated, my car was knocked by a small stone on the road, and began to stagger and jump "disco". I also shook up with it. Suddenly, I fell and hurt my feet. I looked at the bleeding wound sadly, and I really wanted to run home and let my grandma bandage it for me. But when I thought that my grandma said it hurt, they were not responsible, so I had to give up the idea. Frustrated, I took a napkin out of my pocket, wiped the blood from the wound, and then pushed my bike home like a defeated cock.

When I got home, my family saw my leg injury and asked me urgently what happened. I told them everything exactly. Grandma smiled and nodded my forehead: "What a little fool! I was just joking with you. How can you take it seriously? Let's go, I'll bandage you." Then she took me to the small room to bandage the wound.

Now when I think about this, I still feel funny and can't help laughing.

Pupils' 600 word composition (18)

In everyone's life, there will be many "stories", happy, sad, angry... A "story" of childhood, still interesting when I think about it.

I remember when I was five years old, I had just learned to ride a bicycle (four wheeled bicycle). In order to show off to my friends, I often rode it in the community to "show off". On this day, the sky is clear and the air is crisp. I especially want to ride a bike. So I took it out and called my father, mother and grandmother to show them my "real skills". As Grandma was very fond of me, she wanted me to ride slowly, so she made a joke with me with a smile, "Xiao Hong, be careful on the road. Don't ride too fast. It hurts when you fall. We are not responsible." After listening, I remembered Grandma's words. After saying goodbye to my father, mother and grandmother, I rode to the small garden. I ride faster and faster, just like a happy bird. As I rode, I thought: Look how fast and good I can ride, and I will break the world record.

However, something unexpected happened. Just when I was elated, my car was knocked by a small stone on the road, and began to stagger and jump "disco". I also shook up with it. Suddenly, I fell and hurt my feet. I looked at the bleeding wound sadly, and I really wanted to run home and let my grandma bandage it for me. But when I thought that my grandma said it hurt, they were not responsible, so I had to give up the idea. Frustrated, I took a napkin out of my pocket, wiped the blood from the wound, and then pushed my bike home like a defeated cock.

When I got home, my family saw my leg injury and asked me urgently what happened. I told them everything exactly. Grandma smiled and nodded my forehead: "What a little fool! I was just joking with you. How can you take it seriously? Let's go, I'll bandage you." Then she took me to the small room to bandage the wound.

Now when I think about this, I still feel funny and can't help laughing.