Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (7 required)
I want stability
2023-09-04 05:30:19
fifth grade

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (1)

A drinking water company has introduced a new kind of bottled water, but without the license of the national department, it can only sell ten barrels of water a day, eight yuan a barrel, and the daily turnover is less than 100 yuan.

There was an employee named A T. His task was to deliver water. Seeing that the company's signboard was about to be torn down, he worked hard every day, but the business was still very quiet.

One day, A T rode to the mountain to deliver water in the pouring rain. At the customer's house, a kind old woman opened the door. She is old and frail and blind. Her only son is in the city and can't take care of her. At this time, she was very worried, because there were guests at her home, waiting for her to pick them up at the station. Unfortunately, the nanny went out to buy vegetables but did not return. At this time, Ah T volunteered to go to the station in the rain to receive the guests to her home. The old woman was very grateful.

Since then, the drinking water company where Ah T works has received water orders from the old woman and many strange users one after another. As a result, the company's business is booming. Ah T thought that it was the old woman's credit, so he went to the mountains to thank her.

The old woman said, "It is you who brought wealth to your company. Because of your help, I am very grateful for bringing the guests to my home. But I just told the guests the phone number of your company, my son, my neighbors, and all my relatives. My son is the boss of a large company in the fragrant bean industry. When he learned about it, he gave you all the orders for drinking water from his company. Young man, it is your enthusiastic help that has created benefits for your company. If you want to thank yourself, thank yourself! "

Three years later, that drinking water company became the largest drinking water company in the world. On average, it sold about 5600 barrels of water every day, and its daily sales exceeded 500000 yuan. At the same time, AT has become the most powerful "drinking water king" in the world, which is a typical case where details decide success or failure.

The so-called details are small links or plots, and in popular terms, details. However, no matter how you behave and do things, you should pay attention to details and start from small things. "A thousand mile dike will collapse in the ant nest". "Details of success and details of failure".

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (2)

I always pursue freedom in my work. I only learn the part required by the teacher, and don't even look at the rest; Endorsement always recites the general meaning, never delves into articles. My parents saw it in their eyes and worried about it. Every time they talked to me, it only played a role for two or three days. After three days, I returned to my original nature.

It's summer vacation again. I wanted to play computer games at home, but my father took me to grandma's house again. Grandma's family is in the countryside. She keeps a wolf dog at home for fear of insecurity. The wolf dog is half a man tall. When I see a stranger, I yell, so I never dare to approach it.

The next day, my father asked me to feed the dog. I didn't agree at first, but my father said, "You see, the chain on his neck is so thick, it will be OK." I carefully placed the bowl with food in front of the dog, but he kept jumping and barking, "Pa!" I don't know when the chain broke.

Seeing that the chain was broken, the dog rushed over at once. Afraid of my falling down, he sat down. This was Dad coming and shouted back. Dad pushed me, motioning me to stand up. I calmed down, stood up, and shouted to my father, "Don't you say it's safe? Why can it still rush?" My father came over with the dog chain and showed it to me, saying, "Look at these chains. They are all made of steel. Why do they break?" Then he showed me the chain.

The chain is made of pure iron. Why does it break? I looked at the chain carefully. The chain was intact, only one of the chain links was broken. It is because of this small chain link that a solid chain loses its original function.

Dad then said, "A chain is made up of several chains. One chain seems small, but it is precisely because of this small detail that the whole chain cannot work. The same is true of learning. You always want to know why you work as hard as your classmates and why your grades are not ideal, that is, you do not pay attention to the details. Details often determine success or failure. A chain composed of 100 links, even though 99 links are good, as long as there is a bad link, it will never be safe.

Lying in bed at night, facing the ceiling, my father's words still rang in my ears: "Details determine success or failure. Even if you use the same skill as others, and do not pay attention to details, you will never surpass others."

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (3)

"One minute, two minutes, three minutes..." After a long time, she saw the teacher coming in a hurry. As soon as she walked onto the platform, she said something that made many students panic - to take the exam! Some excellent students are still calm, while other students are all flustered, and some have quickly picked up their books. But the teacher said another unexpected sentence: "Go to the corridor and line up." "Ah, why do you want to line up?" We went to the corridor and lined up with a lot of doubts.

We got up from the main entrance led by that student. If there was no special event, we would not know that we would be a perfect interpretation of "dirty, messy and poor". The seats were crooked, the floor was stained with ink, the mops and brooms were lying around... But we ignored them and walked away as if nothing had happened, Only two students put the desks and chairs in order and put the brooms and mops in the storage box. The classroom was not big, so we walked around quickly. I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the teacher's gourd? We returned to our seats and waited expectantly for the teacher to announce the results. "XXX and XXX got full marks, while others got zero", the teacher said calmly, pointing to the two students who had just raised the table and chairs and picked up brooms and mops.

"But we all followed the rules you said?" one student asked in puzzlement, which also said what we all wanted to say. "Details determine success or failure, do you understand?" said the teacher. All of a sudden, the class that was originally a little restless became strangely calm in an instant.

It turns out that this special exam is to test whether we pay attention to the small details in life. Although the details are small, they show everyone's cultivation. So we can't ignore the details in the future, because the details determine success or failure!

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (4)

Details relate to the development of science and technology. In the 1980s, the United States launched another private spaceship. However, due to the negligence of the flight crew, a decimal point was miscalculated. The spacecraft failed to divert. The development of the spaceship has accumulated the efforts of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. But just because of a decimal point, people all over the country hope that if they work, they will have the habit of paying attention to details. It will not cause such serious consequences. All this because of a decimal point. But at the same time, it also gives a lesson to scientific and technological work. Attention should be paid to details in scientific and technological work.

Details affect the development of enterprises. This happened in an instant noodle factory in Wulongmuqi. When making cartons, the words were changed into bird characters, which made these cartons unusable. This is undoubtedly a big loss for the factory. The relevant responsible person was also severely punished. If they pay attention to details, Then the loss of the factory and the punishment of the relevant responsible person can be avoided, so everyone should pay attention to details. Let enterprises suffer less losses.

Details also relate to personal success or failure. Detective Di Renjie, he is not as sacred as people think. His achievements lie in his attention to details. When he talks with others, most of others' actions and health preservation are carefully observed. Therefore, he has cracked many big cases. People call him "detective" because details make him a detective.

The concert will be more successful if the female pianist puts on beautiful evening dress and beautiful music. So it is important to pay attention to details. It is not only related to the success of individuals and the development of enterprises, but also related to the development of national science and technology. Life is not always perfect, so we should pay attention to details and make everything we do perfect.

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (5)

When Chu and Han fought, why did Xiang Yu lose to Liu Bang? In fact, there is nothing else. What plays a key role is preciseness. Don't you see, the king of Chu just didn't listen to the advice of the counselor. He was indecisive and not rigorous at all, so he missed one good opportunity after another. The same is true in Xianyang, and also in the Hongmen banquet. The success of this plan is due to Xiang Yu's carelessness? Alas! The loser is often defeated by the word "rigorous"!

It can be seen that the preciseness of ancient times is very important.

Today, the American space shuttle Apollo 11, carrying the expectations of the American people, will be the first teacher to enter space. However, a few minutes after liftoff, a loud noise shocked people in front of the TV, and the United States fell into a dead silence. Isn't this just the mistake caused by carelessness? The whole world was shocked and the expectations of the American people were dashed because of a small mistake in numerical calculation.

It can be seen that today's preciseness is still the key.

Also in the space field, Russia, a great country, has made the same mistake. When the spaceship returned from space, because a small screw was not tightened, oxygen flowed out, and the spaceship almost reached a vacuum. The two astronauts died heroically due to the burst of body fluid after completing the mission. All Russian citizens mourned for it. Isn't this also a tragedy caused by lack of preciseness?

It can be seen that even in the same field, mistakes will be made continuously due to lack of preciseness. It can be seen that preciseness is required all the time!

These are all very small mistakes, as small as a little hesitation, even a small number, and even a small screw. However, it was this tiny mistake that caused the final failure. Just like Gruchy's hesitation in that second, Napoleon's whole army was destroyed.

Success is what everyone aspires to, but on the way to success, people often ignore the trivial details.

Details determine success or failure, and preciseness is an indispensable good habit on the way to success, which can escort success.

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (6)

Writing details determine success or failure 600 words 1:

"Details determine success or failure" This is an ancient motto that has been circulated for thousands of years. Many people at all times and in all over the world have succeeded by following this ancient motto, but some people have failed to follow it eventually. I think the distance between success and failure is only one millimeter. If you make mistakes in a small detail, your efforts will be wasted.

Many things failed because they did not handle the details well, for example, Richard III of England lost his country because of a horseshoe nail; The Soviet cosmonaut Bondarenko threw out a piece of alcohol cotton, which ignited a fire in the whole cabin, leading to the destruction of the ship and the death of people... There are many examples of this. If you ignore these small things, it will certainly lead to disaster and ultimately far away from success.

I think that whenever you are about to finish something, you must pay attention to some small things related to it, because these small things may become "stumbling blocks" for you to realize your ideal. On the road to success, these "stumbling blocks" may be the key to success, and may also be the cause of failure. Laozi once said that "the world's major events must be done carefully" This shows the necessity of paying attention to details.

This is like building blocks. If you want to build high, you must carefully build each layer, and carefully build each layer. If you just do something carelessly, the blocks will collapse, which means that when you are only one millimeter away from success, you do not pay attention to some small details, leading you back to the beginning, All efforts disappeared in one second.

Therefore, we must understand the importance of details, understand some little-known principles from details, practice and explore to achieve success. If you don't pay attention to every detail, it will haunt you like a vengeful ghost endlessly, so that you can not taste the fruits of success, on the contrary, it will lead you to failure and make you regret for life, Can not get the joy of success.

Whenever you face setbacks, whenever you face failure, do not lose heart, do not inferiority complex, because you should believe that "details determine success or failure", believe that success is always in front of you!

Writing details determine success or failure 600 words 2:

Details determine success or failure, and strive for excellence to create first-class performance. Philosophers have said that the slightest difference in detail will lead to a thousand miles of fallacy, and truth and fallacy are often only one step away. I believe everyone has experienced that a wrong data can lead to the death of a patient, a punctuation error can make several overnight efforts in vain, a material error can make years of efforts go to naught, and a wrong step at a critical moment in life can completely change the fate of life. This is the importance of details, and this is the power of refinement. We should strengthen the concept of details for our front-line employees. Introduce the idea that details determine success or failure into practical work. Start with details, tap potential in details, and do a good job in every little thing with a serious attitude. Only in this way can we play the largest role in every ordinary post, and only in this way can we create greater economic benefits for our society.

When you take the trouble to pick up the fine stones and build a towering castle over the years, you will realize the importance of these little things only when you stand in the castle and look down on the magnificent scenery at the foot. As the saying goes, the spirit is reflected in the details. Everyone should start from the small things.

Small things should not be underestimated. Details show charm. Do a good job of every little thing in the work position with a serious attitude. Only when the little things are done well, can we create the maximum value in the ordinary position. "A glimpse of a leopard can tell us something". We can often discern from some trivial things in life, so as to understand a person's inner spirit.

Zhang Ruimin, president of Haier Group, said: "What is not simple? It is not simple to do every simple thing well; what is extraordinary? It is extraordinary to do every ordinary thing well." Let's encourage each other.

Writing details determine success or failure 600 words 3:

I thought I was a person who understood life, but I found out that I was not, because I only knew how powerful it was, not how little it was. On the contrary, little by little is life.

I am looking for success, and I am eager for something in my life that makes me cry like a TV drama, but I can't find it. So I scolded the dullness of life. Until that day, looking at the red score on the paper, I helplessly handed a note to my friend, and she gave me two words, "strong!" Tears, falling down bit by bit, I fell on her shoulder, tears streaming down. Later, I found that those two simple words, that warm shoulder, at that moment, or forever, brought me continuous moving.

I am eager for success. I imagine that one day I can accomplish a world-famous event, but I always feel that it is out of reach. It was not until she learned that a female technical secondary school student who had applied for the job was ready to leave after being told that she was not qualified enough to be admitted. Suddenly, her hand was scratched by a protruding nail. She turned around and took the paperweight on the table and tapped it gently. The nail went in. She wanted to leave again, but was stopped and formally employed. The reason is her series of seemingly simple actions that few people can do, and the smile that has never disappeared on her face. Maybe her work is not very great, but I believe she has succeeded. That incident has brought me lifelong inspiration, and I can't forget that little nail. In fact, there are many things in life worth remembering, and many details need our attention. A simple word and a small action may bring great happiness, great opportunities and many successes.

Life may be recorded by a piece of paper, a cup of hot tea, a greeting, a smile, and a simple action. To love life is to love details. Love every bit of life.

Details are the source of life; Details are the root of success; Details are the beginning of success. Details should not be ignored.

Writing details determine success or failure 600 words 4:

A small action, the form immediately changed - success.

A small action, "Pa" - the door of failure is opened for you.

Details determine the success or failure of a thing.

One person usually got good grades, but her exam results were not ideal when she graduated from college. When many units came to recruit, they mostly rejected her for various reasons - she was very sad, and she stayed in the dormitory for a whole morning. When she left the dormitory in the afternoon, it began to rain outside. The recruiters moved the table, closed the umbrella, and closed the shed in a hurry, At this time, she saw a staff member trying to put the big umbrella away, but the staff member could not reach the high edge of the umbrella, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. She rushed downstairs in the rain to help the staff collect the umbrella -- later, she was hired by the unit for a simple reason: such a talent is not really a waste. When other college students hurried to shelter from the rain, only she was willing to take the rain to help collect the umbrella. It is this sample of good people who will be careless and responsible for their work -- that is a good unit Good position.

This little story once again tells us that details determine success or failure!

She went out of a human instinct to help others collect their umbrellas, and she didn't know that person, just a stranger. Perhaps her thought and action doomed her fate at the very beginning: success.

When you are in an environment where the outcome of an event is uncertain or not conducive to you, you should be more careful about the details, because they may become the cornerstone of your success. But if you don't pay attention, they can also be the cause of your failure.

It is a truth that details determine success or failure.

When you find that God has closed all the windows and doors in the room where you are, you may as well push the door with your fingers

——The door is open.

——It is concealed.

——The opening of the door means success is ahead

Details determine success or failure 600 word composition (7)

The details of an excellent senior high school composition determine success or failure

A folk song goes like this: "If you lose a nail, you break an iron hoof; if you break an iron hoof, you break a war horse; if you break a war horse, you hurt a knight; if you hurt a knight, you lose an empire." From this song, we can see that a small detail plays an important role in the success or failure of an event. A small detail can make you succeed, but it can also make you fail.

If you pay attention to it, it will repay you. At an accounting job fair, a girl opened the door to admission with only one yuan. When the examiner finished asking her questions, he said, "If you are accepted, we will call you." As soon as he finished speaking, the girl said in a clear voice, "Please call me anyway, even if I fail." He handed over one yuan. The examiner was full of curiosity, "Why did you do this?" "Because if I was accepted, the money for this call should not be paid by the company; if I was not accepted, the money for this call should not be paid by the company." The examiner told her, "You have been accepted." Since then, the girl has done very well in her own position. From the small link of "making a phone call", the examiner's decision was not a whim. It was clear that public and private property was the quality that an accountant should have, and that she could think about her own shortcomings after failure, which showed that she was an aggressive person. The girl impressed the examiner with one detail, and she also succeeded.

If you neglect it, it will retaliate against you. In 1820xx, after the defeat of the French army led by Napoleon in Waterloo, the French cavalry had to face the battle when the Russian cavalry pursued the victory. When trying to cross an ice river, the French horses suddenly fell down. In a hurry, Napoleon ordered the artillery to fire at the enemy, but the horses and mules that pulled the artillery also fell to the ground as soon as they stepped on the ice. The Russian army took the opportunity to cut down all the way, and the French army defeated them. After the war, Napoleon found that it was careless soldiers who forgot to put anti-skid ice nails on the soles of horses, which led to the defeat of the French army with first-class equipment in the hands of the Russian army.

Attitude determines everything, and details affect success or failure. Whether the grand strategic plan can reach the expected goal depends on the design and grasp of details. The inequality of details means that 1% error will lead to 100% failure.

The details of senior three students' compositions determine success or failure

One horse loses the country! This is the story of Charles III in England. Charlie was ready to fight Richmond to the death. Charlie asked a man to nail his horse's paw. When the blacksmith got the fourth paw, he needed two nails to nail the fourth paw, and then secretly perfunctory. Soon, Charlie and the other side got into a fire. Suddenly, a horse's paw fell off during the war. The king was thrown to the ground by the war horse, and Henry captured Charlie. Then came the saying, "Two nails are missing, one horseshoe is missing, one horseshoe is missing, one war horse is missing, one war horse is missing, one battle is lost, and one country is missing.". 1% of the mistakes led to 100% of the failures. A huge dynasty was destroyed in this way. What a pity!

In the 1950s, a country decided to organize a military exercise. As soon as the plane left the ground, it vibrated violently and then crashed into the runway. With a loud noise, people saw billowing smoke and fragmented aircraft wreckage. What exactly caused the plane crash? It turned out to be a button on the pilot's clothes. At the moment of takeoff, a button on the pilot's clothes fell into the instrument. The instrument could not operate normally, affecting the operation of other parts, and finally leading to the destruction of the aircraft and death.

In the past, when I heard similar exhortations, I always regarded them as sensational and unhelpful. When I personally experienced that I had lost some opportunities because I was careless and didn't pay attention to the details, it was too late to regret. It occurred to me that when I participated in the math contest this year, I was careless and made mistakes such as treating 6 as 9 and writing 0 as 6, which ultimately led to my losing the qualification to enter the semi-finals. For another example, every morning, I have to do one thing again - looking for a comb. Because I often lose everything, I have to spend a lot of time looking for something. Therefore, I should pay attention to the small details of life and study, and not allow myself to make the same mistake, so as to improve the success rate of my work.

How can we pay attention to details? The first thing to do is to learn to use your eyes more carefully to observe things. You can't pass everything at once. The eyes are the window of the human mind, helping us collect the appearance of the surrounding things into the brain for storage. Secondly, we should be careful. Carefulness can let us know where we often make mistakes. Then we should check whether we have made similar small mistakes every day. If so, we should correct them immediately. At the same time, we should analyze what we have seen, eliminate the false and retain the true, and eliminate the coarse and extract the essence. Again, we should do carefully. We should think twice before doing anything. We should sum up good and successful experiences and apply them to our own life, study and work. Only in this way can we ensure that everything is as safe as possible.

Details determine success or failure. There are many people who want to do great things, but few people are willing to do small things in detail; There are many strategists of Xiongtao's great strategy, but few executors of excellence; There are many rules and regulations, but few are implemented to the letter. We should change our impetuous and superficial problems, pay attention to details, and start from small things, so that we can become people who contribute to society!

High school excellent composition details determine success or failure

As the saying goes, "Mount Tai does not refuse fine soil, so it can become high; rivers and seas do not choose small streams, so it can be deep." 360 lines, no matter what you do, details determine success or failure.

At all times and in all countries, it is not uncommon for details to determine success or failure. A large multinational company pays high salaries to recruit talents. Many heroes gather here, and women are not inferior to men. The chairman of the board interviewed the candidates. The test questions were very simple. The candidates were full of confidence. Surprisingly, the postgraduates and postdoctoral fellows failed to be selected and left. At this time, a candidate walked into the door and saw a paper ball on the carpet. The carpet was clean, and the paper ball looked incongruous. Without hesitation, the applicant picked up the paper ball and prepared to throw it into the paper basket. The examiner excitedly said to him: "Friend, please look at the paper ball you picked up!" The candidate hesitated to open the paper ball, only to see that it said: "Welcome to our company." A few years later, the candidate who picked up the paper ball became the president of this famous company.

The interview question is just a cover for applying for a job. The important thing is to do a good job of details. Some applicants who are determined to win have failed here because they ignored an inadvertent detail. Facts have proved that details determine success or failure.

Details are indispensable to success. If a part of the spaceship is omitted, it will be destroyed and people will die. If the army gets lost unintentionally, it may be completely destroyed. Every additional centimeter of tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy will lead to the overturning of the ancient tower. 1% negligence may lead to 100% failure.

No matter how high the building is, it is also made up of steel bars. No matter how difficult the problem is, it is also made up of basic problems. Even the whole universe is made up of tiny particles. Therefore, please remember: "Details determine success or failure!"