Rice Description (8 practical articles)
Quiet as lotus
2024-05-04 09:36:15

Rice Description (1)

In my memory, it was a summer holiday. My father and I went back to our hometown. I stayed at home for several days. At noon one day, I heard my grandfather say that I would plant rice today. Then he followed him to the field, where he saw all the water. It turns out that water is pumped from the river to the fields by machines to grow rice. I think the origin of the word rice should be because rice needs water! "Everyone has gone to the field," Grandpa shouted. As soon as the words ended, everyone dragged their shoes and went down to the fields. I stood on the ridge of the field to see how seriously they planted it, talking and laughing, and my whole body began to itch. I asked grandpa if I could go to the field. Grandfather smiled and said, "Yes, ah!" I was so excited that I quickly dragged down my shoes and put them on the ridge. Because of my anxiety, when I went to the field, the water splashed all over. Everyone laughed at me and said, "You little fool." I asked my grandfather for a handful of rice. At first, one tree fell down as soon as I finished planting, and my aunt had to follow me to pick up the rice and plant it well. After the guidance of my aunt, I finally planted the rice. Everyone raised their thumbs to praise me and said, "I'm really capable." I listened to this and said modestly, "It's all thanks to my aunt." In order to repay her, I also helped her plant a large rice field. Aunt also invited me to eat delicious sweet watermelons. I didn't go home until evening.

Today, I learned a skill and ate delicious watermelon. Although I was very hard and tired today, I was very happy today. At night, I wonder if my rice will grow.

Rice Description (2)

There is a rice field near my grandfather's house, which is full of golden rice.

The leaves that have just grown out of rice are verdant. Within a few days, the leaves will grow into verdant. The young leaves of rice are not attractive, but the mature leaves are attractive. The golden leaves seem to be painted with golden yellow paint. The yellow color is so bright and comfortable. When the wind blows, the rice dances, which looks very beautiful.

The mature leaves of rice are very attractive, but the fruits are no exception. The heavy rice is like a row of pearls, which really kills people! The rice is just like changing into a rich gold suit! Paddy lowered his head shyly, like a shy little girl. When the wind blew, the rice became billowing. The golden color shines brightly in our eyes, as if there is a new life quivering on every piece of rice.

Beautiful rice is everywhere. You need to observe and find it!

Rice Description (3)

A green paddy field is growing well. Many ordinary people passing by gave a thumbs up enviously: "This field is really good, it's a good harvest." The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Rice has become proud because people often boast about it. You see, it straightens its waist and feeds its own seeds, fearing that no one will notice it.

When the farmer uncle came, he shook his head and said, "I don't need to fertilize. I'm good enough." When the sun grandfather came, he waved his hand and said, "No, I'm strong enough." When Sister Yu came, he twisted his body and said, "I'm full."

Day by day, without the careful care of farmers' uncles, the warm sunshine of the sun father-in-law, and the sufficient rain of Raingirl, the rice became listless. One day, it finally fell ill.

When harvest came, the other fields were full of noise. But in its fields, the rice plants collapsed, yellowed, and mildewed.

Rice is very regretful. It thought, I really shouldn't! It should make its future generations remember this history forever.

Rice Description (4)

You have heard of Grandpa Yuan Longping, the world's top "father of hybrid rice". And we are his ninety-ninth generation disciples.

This is the thirtieth century. Our airborne rice laboratory is toasting, because we have invented the ninety-nine generation of super rice! Let me introduce our research results to you! As soon as I press the remote control, a rice experimental field will appear in the air, and you can see the rice we planted. Super rice looks like small trees. It bears fruit in four seasons and harvests four times a year. And the mature rice in each season tastes different. What is ripe in spring tastes like milk. It is shaped like a pentagram. As long as you eat it, you will feel the fragrance of milk. The rice produced in summer is green and round. People who are afraid of fat should eat this rice because it contains no fat. The orange rice produced in autumn is square. A bite will definitely make you hungry. The snowflake shaped red rice in winter is the most attractive, because people who are afraid of cold will feel a stream of heat flowing in their bodies when they eat it!

The most amazing thing is that the taste of millet produced every year is different. People can eat many kinds of rice in their lives, which makes you never tire of eating.

After listening to my introduction, you must be greedy! We will plant this kind of rice all over the planet so that every living cosmic person can eat it.

Rice Description (5)

When Miss Xia walked away with beautiful clothes, Miss Qiu came slowly with beautiful dancing, came to the orchard, came to the hillside, and also came to the paddy field. She waved her magic wand, and the paddy field immediately changed.

From a distance, the paddy field is golden, like a layer of golden carpet. A breeze blows, more like a layer of golden waves. I walked slowly along the field path, watching

When I walked into the paddy field, I saw that every grain of rice was full, like gold, shining in the sunshine. It was very beautiful! Whose voice is "quack quack"? They are little frogs. They are jumping around in the paddy field, as if to say, "I also have my credit in this full grain of rice!" Yes, frogs are experts in catching insects. People call them "little guards of farmland"! "Boom" Whose voice is that? I turned my head and saw that not far away, the harvester master was also very busy! The farmer uncle's face is more smiling and blooming. What a harvest scene!

Butterflies are dancing beside the paddy field, and birds are singing beautiful songs. They seem to be intoxicated with the beautiful scenery of the paddy field and cheering for the harvest!

Rice Description (6)

In spring, the fields are lined with seedlings, just like soldiers waiting for review. The green seedlings are very tender and attractive. When a spring breeze blows, each seedling ripples, which is very beautiful.

In late autumn, the rice is mature, and the yellow rice is very full, just like the shining gold grains, which look particularly dazzling. The rice field is more like a golden sea. When the harvest day came, farmers waved sickles and were busy, only to see that the fields were full of harvested rice.

Once the rice is peeled, it is crystal clear, like a small jade. The rice made of this small rice smells delicious. It is a little sweet in the mouth and has a long aftertaste. The golden and plump rice can not only be made into delicious rice, but also be processed into sweet rice wine. The old farmers in the countryside make their own wine, and the rice wine they make smells good. During the Spring Festival, people give their own rice wine to guests to drink, and the guests will be full of praise after drinking it: "This wine is charming, sweet, really good wine!" Rice can also be processed into zongzi, which has different shapes and tastes, including meat zongzi, bean paste zongzi, etc. There are numerous rice cakes. The white rice cakes are carved like jade. The green vegetables fried rice cakes are tender, smooth and soft. They taste delicious!

The rice in my hometown has fed the people on both sides of Yaojiang River for thousands of years. White rice and rice cakes are not only sold all over the country, but also exported to foreign countries. People from all over the world like them. I love you for the rice in my hometown!

Rice Description (7)

The hot summer has just passed, the sun is no longer burning the earth, the weather is getting cooler, and pieces of yellow leaves gently fall from the trees. Autumn is the golden season, and also the harvest season. The excavation team came to the fields with great enthusiasm. The fields were golden and full of falling rice in front of me. When I smelled the fragrance of rice, I teased my classmates and said, "The delicious white rice is out of the pot." This made everyone laugh, and I also laughed. A breeze blew, and the rice swayed around, as if nodding and smiling with us.

After a while, an uncle brought five sickles, and we divided them into five groups. Each group took turns to cut the sickles. I took the sickle with my right hand and grabbed the rice with my left hand, cutting it from the waist of the rice, alas! The corner (leg) of my pants has fallen off again, so I have to pull it up again. Peasant uncles and aunts looked at the group of pampered "little emperors" who were sweating and in a hurry. All the passing uncles and aunts stopped to watch and gave us encouraging glances.

While I was working, my mind was full of the poem "At noon when I hoed the grass, sweat drips down the grass". This golden field gave me a great message, which made me realize that there is no harvest without hard work. It is because I realized that only by working hard to irrigate hope, can I harvest sweet fruits.

I like this labor, which makes me fall in love with the golden autumn fields.

Rice Description (8)

My hometown is rich in rice. If you come to my hometown in autumn, you will see a piece of gold in front of you. I don't know. I thought it was paved with gold! In fact, this is the season of rice harvest. Uncle farmer is harvesting rice! Look at their smiling faces. Do you know that it has to go through many procedures!

In spring, the farmer uncle should soak the seeds for five to seven days, pick them up, and start germination. Then plant seeds in the black soil. In order to make the rice grain plump, the farmer uncle had to fertilize the land, sprinkle a layer on it, and fasten the plastic shed.

A few days later. Xiaomiao then slowly drilled out, looking around as if he was playing hide and seek with someone. Xiaomiao is green, like a green blanket. The farmer's uncle watered it every other week. It sucked greedily and wanted to grow up quickly.

With the advent of summer, those young plants growing under the greenhouse gradually grew tall. Under the breeze, they shook their graceful bodies and began to dance. At the end of April and the beginning of May, the farmer uncle began to transplant rice seedlings. Look! They are very busy. About ten to fifteen days later, the farmer's uncle finished planting seedlings, followed by regular irrigation and field management until the rice was ripe and harvested in autumn.

Autumn has finally arrived, and the rice has matured, turning from green to golden. From a distance, it looks yellow and a harvest scene. The farmer uncle began to harvest in autumn. Looking at the rice piled up into a "hill", he smiled happily.

It is rice that brings wealth to the hometown. No wonder the farmer uncle is so happy!