One day tour of Fangte (15 articles in general)
freely flowing style of writing
2024-01-07 07:54:36
junior middle school

One day tour in Fangte (1)

During the summer vacation, I went to Anhui Fangte with my aunt and brother for a one-day visit.

As soon as we got off the bus, "Font welcomes you" appeared in front of us. From time to time, there were bursts of screams. We took out the map, and couldn't wait to step into the playground. First, we ran to the limit of the spaceport world.

After half an hour of waiting in line, we finally arrived at the game site. I tied my seat belt, leaned my hands on a long pole, and waited quietly with my anxious heart suppressed. Gradually, the big screen in front of me suddenly changed, emitting beautiful light. The Great Wall appeared in front of me, and then turned into the Forbidden City. Everything was so real that I felt as if I was in it. It was amazing. Suddenly, my seat began to shake. It seemed that I was going to fall from the sky and go out of the gate of the imperial palace. My heart was strained. I was afraid that I would fall down and seize the pillar. At that moment, my brother beside me made a strange cry. I wanted to turn around to look, but was afraid. I had to bear curiosity. God seemed to know what I meant, When the game was over, my brother touched his head and said painfully, "I was kicked by the people above..." We all laughed.

The next stop is the Mysterious Valley. My aunt handed me the raincoat I bought in advance to put on. We had waited in line for an hour in the scorching sun, but we hadn't arrived yet. Our clothes were soaked with sweat. If it went on like this, I would almost be steamed. I really wanted to get into the ice cave at once to be comfortable. It's finally our turn! There is a boat that can seat 60 people. Sixty of us flew over and the boat began to move slowly. It opened into a small cave, and the strange music suddenly came to mind inside. One by one, scary skeletons showed their teeth to us. I saw a window inside. I was curious about what it contained, and suddenly found that there was a ghost inside. After taking a few cool breaths, I took another strong breath, calmed down my mood, and continued to look forward. The ship suddenly rushed down from a height of 26 meters, and I felt like I was going to fly out. Fortunately, it took only 10 seconds to get there. As soon as we arrived, the tourists shot water at us with water guns. Although they were wearing raincoats, they were still wet

Next, we went to the Light of Ancient Civilization, Light of Life, Magic Castle, Dolby Adventures, Music Express, Pier Cruise, etc

The good times are always very short. Unconsciously, it's getting late. We still have a lot of excitement to experience, so we feel a bit regretful. I am about to leave Fangte's happy world. Although I am too tired to bear it, I still feel reluctant to part with it!

Fang Te's one-day tour, although very tired, has tempered our courage and our will. I will never forget this trip!

One day tour in Fangte (2)

Today is Friday. The long-awaited spring outing finally arrived. I was so excited that I didn't sleep last night.

I woke up early in the morning. After some excitement, I packed my schoolbag and went to school. After some setbacks, we finally entered the garden - Fangte Oriental God Painting. I have just arrived in Fonte, and I don't know what to play first. Under the leadership of the team leader, we went to the toilet together to do a good job of "lightening" before the trip, and then we split up.

Our team arrived at Feiyue River Valley first, where we felt the leap in the torrent and splashed a big wave flower from tens of meters high. After the attempt, we were still not satisfied, but due to time constraints, we rushed to the next destination - Leifeng Tower.

When Leifeng Pagoda arrived, we found that there were a lot of people here, so we patiently lined up. Time passed quickly. It was nearly noon when our turn came, and we also received a call from the team leader asking us to assemble. But after waiting in such a long queue for so long, it was not easy for us to turn, and we didn't want to give up, so we went in to try. When the machine started, we slowly rose to the top. I thought that something would happen, and when I was not careful, I quickly fell down, just like someone pushed someone down from a high place in a dream. And then rose and fell rapidly; After several rounds, the journey ended, and we felt very scared as if we had lost our souls, but also very excited.

We settled our lunch on the way. We also tried the journey of soul, Nuwa mending the sky, jungle dragons, etc. Among them, the most heartbreaking one is "Flying Dragon in the Jungle". This is a similar roller coaster project, which runs at a speed of 91km/h on a track of more than 1000 meters. It took us at a flying speed. I feel that my body is not mine anymore. I can only swing left and right with inertia, and I can't move all over. With the end of it, today's journey is over, and we rush home with full joy

One day tour in Fangte (3)

Today is Sunday, the weather is sunny, my mother took me to play in Fonterra Amusement Park, I am very happy.

While driving, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy some lunch for us at noon, and after we bought something, we set out. Along the way, I was full of thoughts about what's interesting in Fontaine Amusement Park? Before we knew it, we arrived at the Fangte Amusement Park.

When I came to the Fonte Amusement Park, I jumped three feet high happily, holding my mother's hand to let her buy tickets quickly and enter the world of fun. Finally, my mother and I waited in a long line to enter Fontaine, and we were very happy.

My mother and I found the first stop for fun - Dinosaur Crisis with the guide map. When I saw a dinosaur, I was very excited. I waited in a long line and took my glasses. We entered the "dinosaur crisis". When we got on the train, it seemed that we really entered the world of dinosaurs. The huge dinosaurs surrounded our rescue team, and the angry dinosaurs scrambled to eat us. Everyone started to cry in horror. The captain led us out of the enclosure of dinosaurs, which was really terrible!

Out of the "dinosaur crisis", it is still a hot summer outside, and we all have a hung heart finally landed. My mother took me to the second stop - "Conch Bay". Conch Bay let us all deeply realize the intelligence and cleverness of the little fish, and let us enter a dreamy underwater world.

Then we came to the third stop - "Escape from Dinosaur Island". Children under 1.4 meters are not allowed to play in this project. My mother asked me to wait for her under the pavilion. After more than an hour, I suddenly heard a familiar cry "Wenwen, Wenwen..." Again, it was my mother who called me on the boat.

Holding my mother's hand, we continued to move forward to the fourth stop - "The Magic of the Movie". This station let me know that the original movie and magic are made through special processing.

Then we went to the "Star Talent Show", "Dolby Adventures", "Chicks are not easy to mess with", "Bears haunt", "Double layer Trojan Horse", "Fruit Worm Pulley", "Swirling Little Bee", "Swirling Cup", "Frog Jump", "Pirate Ship", "Font Castle", "Dream Ultimate Diving", "Flying High"

Mom is so happy with me!

Children, next time, let mother take us to the Fontaine Amusement Park to play together!

One day tour in Fangte (4)

Because of my excellent academic performance this semester, my parents decided to take me to the world's second largest children's park - Fonta Happy World to play in the summer.

The happy summer vacation has finally arrived. Early in the morning on August 8, I was still sleeping late. My father came to me gently and said, "Baby, get up quickly and play in Fontaine!" I opened my eyes and got up. In less than three minutes, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed my hair. Then, our family took a taxi to Lujiang Bus Station, and then took a two-hour bus from Lujiang to Wuhu to Fangte. I slept in the car for a long time, and unknowingly arrived at the Fonte Amusement Park.

Wow! Fante Amusement Park is really big! When I walked into the gate, I saw that there were so many projects to play. I saw a huge number of people. I thought: they probably came here to admire their names. They really deserve to be the second largest children's paradise in the world.

Let's go to experience the hanging tackle, the Apple flying chair, the space flying car However, the staff said that only children with a height of more than 1.4 meters could play. I was only 1.2 meters, so I was not qualified. I was disappointed. My mother said, "Don't be discouraged, we can play other games." We came to Conch Bay and waited in line for a long time. Before our turn, I was anxious and hot, sweating heavily, and said to my mother, "It's really urgent. Let's go to other places to play!" My mother said earnestly: "My son, you should be patient when doing anything. You can't give up halfway. You have to queue up when going to other places." I had to wait patiently. At last, it was our turn. We walked into the four-dimensional animation studio, chose a good seat, sat down, and put on special glasses. The movie began. I felt that I had come to the underwater world. The little carp swam around me, spitting bubbles at me; Crabs burrow into my buttocks and itch all over my body. The film ended, and I reluctantly left Conch Bay. I'm so glad to listen to my mother. Otherwise, I won't be able to feast my eyes on her!

At noon, we had a delicious meal in Fangte Food City. In the afternoon, we visited Western Legend, Lost Empire and Water World. Finally, we went to the space world. Let's feel the limit first. We took off from the earth in a simulated plane and slowly came to the space. We saw stars twinkling, huge rocks towering, and deep streams stretching hundreds of feet. We passed through boulders and fell into deep streams, which made me cry out. Fortunately, we landed safely and returned to the earth. Then, we experienced interstellar flights. We took the interstellar flight, and the plane took off. The first stop came to the great capital Beijing, and the majestic Forbidden City opened before our eyes; Then, the Oriental Pearl - Shanghai Radio and Television Tower, the winding Great Wall, the American Statue of Liberty, the Egyptian Pyramid Ah! What a big world! How beautiful the world is! When I grow up, I will take my parents to travel around the world.

When Fangte is bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, I walk back home step by step. Fangte Happy World, you are called the second largest children's paradise in the world, which is worthy of the name. I will study hard and try to come again next time!

One day tour in Fangte (5)

"Sister, get up quickly, we are going to Fontaine!" My sister's tweeter was urging me to get up early in the morning.

"I know, I'll get up right away!" I said, feeling confused.

After packing up and getting on the bus, we arrived in Fonte after more than an hour's drive.

How big Fang Te looks! Entering the park, the most eye-catching building is the Shenzhou Tower, which looks so high! It seems that the sky is going to be pierced. It is magnificent and has a strong Chinese style. It is said that this is the highest building in the park! The Shenzhou Tower, in fact, is an indoor jumping machine. It looks like the ancient and mysterious Demon Suppressing God Tower, and the shrill screams of people inside can be heard outside the tower. Of course, I have to try the exciting project. The first project I played in Fangte was the Shenzhou Tower. Maybe it was too exciting. From morning to evening, almost no one played the Shenzhou Tower. Fasten the seat belt on your waist, press down something that can't be named on it, fasten the seat belt, fasten your shoes, put your mobile phone bag in the cabinet, and you are ready to "take off". It rises rapidly and stops suddenly at the top. In the thrill, it can also see the beautiful scenery of the whole garden. At the top, the window will suddenly close, and a snake will appear, and its mouth will keep "hissing, hissing, hissing". Because I am not afraid of snakes, he will certainly not scare me! When I was really proud of myself, I suddenly fell down. The sense of weightlessness made us scream so much that we finally became too frightened to cry out! People can't stand steadily when they come out! This project is absolutely exciting. Anyway, I dare not play it again!

Then I went to play the project that I wanted to play the most --- Flying over the Valley. Put on the raincoat, board the boat, and go on the slide with great expectation. The boat quickly rushed down, and the huge waves rose with the trend, flying towards the distant glass, as if to break the glass. In the hot summer, it was the best to play this game, and immediately, all the heat on the body was washed away, which was really enjoyable!

The spooky trip ---- indoor roller coaster, is simply a name trick, not scary at all. Nuwa mends the sky is similar to the fiery flame, which uses several film technologies to create a realistic effect.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was night. At the moment, Fangte became more beautiful. Under the light, buildings such as the Shenzhou Tower were more gorgeous and beautiful. We watched the show of the Battle of Jinshan Temple, which was based on the folk story "The Legend of White Snake". We took a boat to experience the tense scene of the White Lady's angry fight against Fahai. The last water flooded Jinshan Temple, which was especially shocking. The water seemed to overwhelm us, miraculously reappearing the scene of the surging flood. I could not help sighing: "Now the technology is really developed, it perfectly combines modern technology and folk stories, giving the audience a sense of immersive experience."

I went back with satisfaction after enjoying the splendid fireworks show!

One day tour in Fangte (6)

In the process of my growth, I have experienced many things that make me happy. For example, my parents took me and my sister to the Fantasy Kingdom for a one-day tour.

Because I haven't traveled for a long time, when my father proposed to go to Fangte to play, everyone agreed. We were very happy and prepared for a long time. On that day, my sister and I wanted to put our wings on. Finally, our family came to Shantou Fangte Dream Kingdom.

We played a lot of interesting projects: flying cars, snow world, and... The most frightening thing is "Lanruo Temple". This is a very big ghost house, and this is my first time to enter the ghost house. I'm afraid of ghosts! We all put on raincoats because there was water inside. We went in and saw a fortune telling skeleton sitting on a chair. We felt that it was gloomy here and we were afraid of it, so we could not help but retreat out and enter together when someone came. Suddenly, I saw a piece of paper on a pillar and said that there were tourists missing in it. My heart jumped when I saw it. Finally, I was brave enough to go in with the crowd. I was caught in the middle. The brother who took the lead shouted, "Go!" We rushed in. There were bones hanging from the ceiling, and everyone squatted, as if to hear the voice of "help me".

Suddenly, a tomb was lit by a lamp. "Ah -" Everyone was frightened by a skeleton climbing out of the tomb. Then we came to another tomb where many skeletons were meditating. Finally, when we walked across a bridge, it began to rain heavily and finally came out. My mother was frightened and cried. I hope I can grow up quickly and protect my mother! Eh? Where are the people behind us? It turns out that they are "missing". In the evening, we were ready to go home. Although my sister and I had not played enough, we had to leave the Fantasy Kingdom reluctantly.

I'm very happy with the one-day tour of Fontaine. Today is a very happy day. I hope I can come again next time.

One day tour in Fangte (7)

Today, my mother will take my sister and I on a one-day summer trip to the water park in Fangte that I have long dreamed of. Today, I can finally enjoy its happiness. How I wish I could fly to Fangte like a bird!

Because it was the first time we went, we were all excited and expectant. So we took a bus to Fangte early in the morning. The water park was all about water sports, and everyone had to wear swimsuits. My mother helped me get everything ready early. I put on my swimsuit, took swimming goggles, earplugs, nose plugs, and was fully armed.

We first toured around, with all kinds of rafting, high-altitude slides, water acrobatics

What struck me most was the big waves. Out of curiosity, I swam to the middle. When I was having fun, I suddenly heard a shriek. I looked up and saw that it was the big waves coming. The waves were so fierce that they wanted to eat us all. When I was preparing to swim back, the waves had washed my feet up, Dazzled, I felt as if I had fallen into the sea and could not get rid of it.

The most exciting thing to play is the high-altitude slide. This project has requirements for people's weight, which must reach 90 kg. I just reach the standard. The staff took me 15 meters above the ground. I looked down and was really afraid. I wanted to shrink back, but I was afraid of others' jokes. Boys should be brave. So I held my body tightly like a stick and began to slide down the pipe. It was dark and hot inside. My hair stood up, as if I had entered a cave. I was really afraid, After about 1 minute, I finally came out. This time, I defeated myself.

Time flies like an arrow. It is already five o'clock in the afternoon. We reluctantly left Venter. This time, I realized the joy of swimming!

One day tour in Fangte (8)

The summer vacation is coming to an end. My parents decided to take me and my sister to Zhengzhou Fangte Happy World for a day. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time.

We arrived in Zhengzhou one day ahead of schedule. The next morning, we came to the Funte Happy World with the group. When we came to the gate of Fonte Joy World, there were a lot of people and the queue was like a long dragon. We waited for half an hour before entering the park.

When I walked into the park, I first took a map and project introduction of Fangte Happy World. We first came to the Fonte Castle, alas! It's no fun. We turned left and came to the "Wave Tumbling" project. Mother said, "Just sit here!" So we formed a long queue. When I saw the tourists above turning their heads down, I was afraid to cry and didn't want to play. My mother forced me to have no way out, so I had to play hard. It took us more than an hour to get there. I went up with trepidation. The staff shall fasten the seat belt for each passenger. The machine began to move, rose very high, and then plummeted. When I fell, I felt itchy in my stomach. Then I began to roll. I felt so excited that I wanted to shout out. In this tumbling, I thought to myself: Come to an end! Fortunately, it was finally over when I could hardly hold on. After coming down, my father said that my sister almost cried!

One day tour in Fangte (9)

Today, my sister and I came to Wuhu Fangte Dream Kingdom. There are many people, like flowing water. Fangte opens at 9 o'clock. At 9 o'clock, my sister and I walked into the gate together, wow!

There is a big castle behind a huge fountain. We walked around the castle and came to the revolving coffee cup. There were flowers and plants on the roof, and cups stopped on the ground one by one. We walked into the cup, tied the protective lock, and fastened the seat belt. 3, 2, 1! The coffee cup began to rotate... We then went to the pirate ship. Although I was afraid of heights, I couldn't restrain my excitement and dragged my sister to the pirate ship. Fasten your seat belt. After a few seconds, the pirate ship started to move. The first two movements did not feel terrible. At the end, the pirate ship almost turned over and swung high. I screamed "ah", and of course, there were screams all around me.

When I came down the stairs, I was swaying and thinking, "I will never play this kind of project again." Then we went to the Golden Mountain, sat in a big boat, and went to see the story of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen again, and saw the scene of the battle between Fahai and Bai Suzhen. When Bai Suzhen turned into a snake and wanted to flood the Golden Mountain Temple, the eaves of the roof hung slightly. Suddenly, Wave after wave of water was lifted up and rushed towards us, splashing my legs with water. Later, we played a lot of things, such as Pansi Cave, Light of Life, Luxury Turning Horse, Light of Ancient Civilization, Adventures of Qinling Mausoleum, Cartoon Castle, Dolby Adventures

I have almost come to the dream world. I hope you can also experience the pleasure!

One day tour in Fangte (10)

Yesterday, my parents took me to the Fangte Water Park to play. As soon as I entered the park, I saw a variety of projects.

I couldn't wait to change my swimsuit. First, I went to Hurricane Bay, where there was no water at all. The staff told us that the equipment maintenance was not open today, so we had to go to the Bear Park. I climbed up the slide and slid down the water with my hands in front of my chest according to the prescribed posture. It felt like surfing. It was too fun. Then we came to the Rainbow Slide, which was like a colorful dragon, and I lay on the skateboard. My eyes closed tightly, and I felt like I would be rushed out of the slide. Finally, the skateboard rushed into the pool, and the stone in my heart was finally put down. At noon, we simply had something to eat and then went rafting in the glacier. We lay leisurely in the lifebuoy and floated down the river. We just passed the beautiful uninhabited island and floated into the ghost cave, which made us play a lot of projects later.

In the evening, we played until more than nine o'clock, and then went to sleep. Although I was very tired, I had a very happy time.

One day tour in Fangte (11)

Wuhu Fangte Happy World is a very interesting amusement park.

At seven o'clock in the morning, we started with the coach of the travel agency. Along the way, from the crowded Nanjing City to the border with Anhui, there is not only spacious, but also many unknown tall grass along the road, mixed with several small flowers, which is pleasing to the eyes.

Soon we arrived in Fonte. After entering the garden, we separated and played freely. There are a lot of exciting projects in it. The cross world makes my heart hang in my throat, and I think I'm going to fall. There is also the mysterious river valley. Although there are many pharaohs and mummies in it, I don't think I'm afraid at all. Maybe it's because there are many people. But in the end, the boat reached the top of the river valley, and then rushed down from a place more than 10 meters high. At that time, I only remember that my eyes were black, and my heart ran to my mouth. I didn't dare to scream, for fear that my heart would run out of my mouth. With a bang, the boat fell from a high place to the bottom of the valley, and everyone was splashed wet. Everyone shouted, "Safe, safe."

After that, we played Vesuvius again. The car went through the mountain and only heard people around screaming all the time, which was very dangerous.

After playing for a whole day, I felt very tired, but very happy. On the way back, I fell asleep in the car. When I got home, my mother woke me up. I hope I can play again in the future.

One day tour in Fangte (12)

Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket early to buy some snacks, because I was going to have a day of fun in Fangte.

My brother and I began to get excited when we arrived in Fonte, but I didn't dare to play in large-scale entertainment projects such as roller coasters, pirate boats, etc. A small one is like a merry go round, and a small plane is boring. So I had to go with my mother and them to see the performance, but Fontaine's performance really deserved its reputation and was very wonderful. We watched "Water Floods the Golden Mountain", "Love of Butterflies for Thousands of Years", "Nuwa Mends the Sky" and so on.

The most wonderful thing is Nuwa Mending the Sky. We got on the roller coaster and looked up to see the sky. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a big hole was broken in the sky. The beautiful and intelligent sister Nuwa appeared and told us that we could get the colorful stones in the sky to mend the sky, and then she took us to fly to the sky. When we were about to get the five colored stones, the ferocious Gonggong flew over and fought with Sister Nuwa. They hit each other fiercely with one punch and one kick. We were right beside them, and they were falling big stones. It seemed that they would really hit us. All the people on the bus shouted loudly. Fortunately, Nuwa helped us to block them back. At this time, Gonggong pushed our roller coaster hard, and the car quickly fell into the sky. Everyone shouted again, and the cry became louder and louder. It felt that we would really fall to the ground and be crushed. Fortunately, Sister Nuwa whipped our car to a big rock and we were safe again. Finally, Nuwa successfully got the Five Colored Stones. We restored the sky to its original state. What a spooky journey!

After coming out, we went to Little Bear Paradise to see the different customs of 56 ethnic groups. In the evening, when the sun went down, we went to the water park to play with water.

Today is really a happy day!

One day tour in Fangte (13)

··One day tour of Qingdao Fangte

Today, my parents and I came to the Fangte Dream Kingdom in Qingdao.

When we got there, we saw many castles; Small bridges. This is Fangte Venice Water City.

Further inside, we arrived at the ticket gate, where we bought tickets and embarked on a dream trip.

We first came to the game of "flying high". "Wow! There are so many people here. When can we play it?" I complained many times. Mom said, "Don't you want to come? If you complain again, we will go home." Finally, I put up with patience and continued to queue up. One wave, two waves, three waves... Yeah! It's our turn. My mother and I sit together, and my father sits in front. Oh, start it. We were slowly lifted into the air. Then we spun up and said, "Wow! It's so cool!" We sat on it, and the tiredness and stuffiness in the queue just now swept away, replaced by endless coolness and comfort.

After playing "Flying High", we played the beautiful merry go round and dizzy rotating cup. I didn't think it was exciting enough, so I went to play "Wave Rolling" and "Challenger Tour" again.

I first came to "Wave Tumbling", which is a game I think is very exciting. It is a game for people to sit on it and turn it over. People on it sometimes face down; Sometimes it inclines; Sometimes it will turn 90 °. Even the people watching are worried about the people sitting on it, let alone the people sitting on it. So I chose this game. When I got to my seat, I fastened my seat belt and sat down firmly, waiting for the bell to ring and the machine to start. "Ding Ling, Ding Ling, Ding Ling," the clear bell rang. When the machine started, we were first lifted up, and then turned over three times in a row. Some people's souls were scared away, but my heart was just beating a little fast. While we were thinking about it, we were tilted around twice... Finally, when we finished, people were dizzy, dizzy and scared. I feel dizzy too.

When we arrived at the "Challenger's Journey", after we played, my mother was a little dizzy, so instead of playing "Fire Meteor" with me, we had dinner together in the "Fire Meteor Noodle Restaurant".

Finally, we came to the magic castle, where we saw a 4d movie, which was a very scary movie, including a huge crocodile; Tall stone man; Finally, a magician saved us and got a lot of jewelry. At last, we saw the beautiful "Fly Over the Limits" and the knowledgeable "Light of Life" and returned to the hotel with this happy mood

One day tour in Fangte (14)

As soon as we got out of the car, we "killed" Fontree. At the beginning, my friends and I came to the big pendulum. When we saw the big pendulum that was dozens of meters high and the cries of people around it, I instantly remembered the way I cried on the big pendulum a few years ago. We were going back, but my friends encouraged me to play and said that I would overcome the shadow.

Sitting on the chair, the staff fastened our seat belts, and the "road of rotation" officially began. At the beginning, the chassis slowly rotated, and the ground plane fell down, making a comfortable "click click" sound. I was even more frightened when I heard the sound immersed in the shadow. When I was trying to comfort myself, the amplitude of the big pendulum became larger and larger, and soon reached the top.

At the top, you can see the whole Fangte, while the people around are screaming. In addition to the sudden change of air flow, I can't help crying on the big pendulum as I did a few years ago. When I was about to cry, a word suddenly appeared in my mind: actually these things are not terrible, the so-called terrible things are actually from the heart. Yes, these things are not terrible. As long as we overcome the fear in our hearts, how can we get the word "terrible"? Because of this sentence, I overcame my fear. The big pendulum stopped unconsciously.

After playing with the big pendulum, my friends and I ran to our second goal - to escape from the Dinosaur Island. We put on our raincoats and sat on the seats. The first two slopes were not interesting. My friends and I watched the scenery while waiting for the last slope. The train slowly went up, and the sound of "click" seemed to be a countdown. When we got close, the train suddenly rushed down quickly, and the strong wind made me blind. With a sound of "poof", the water all over the sky hit us. It was so comfortable in this sunny afternoon!

In a twinkling of an eye, it was time to gather. Looking at the door of Fangte, I said loudly in my heart: Fangte, goodbye, and I hope to meet you again next time.

One day tour in Fangte (15)

[Part 1: Tai'an Fangte One day Tour]

On Sunday, my family will travel to Tai'an Fangte. I was ecstatic when I heard the news.

I got on the bus, looked out of the window at the scenery, and thought about the exciting project of Fangte. My heart was filled with joy. Before I knew it, we successfully arrived at Fangte.

When I arrived at the gate of the Funte Happy World, I had not bought a ticket yet. I fell on my feet first. I could not care so much. I quickly grabbed my parents' hands and rushed to the ticket booth. After buying the ticket, I jumped into the park.

Wow! It really opened my eyes. Looking ahead, isn't that a castle? There is also a small waterfall in front of the castle. The waterfall pours down from the air, which is very spectacular. It really feels like "flying down three thousand feet". We continued to walk forward to watch Liaozhai, travel in space, Nubi adventure, the light of life, and 4D movies: Future Watch, I think the most interesting thing is to travel in space. We first queued up to sit on a "space shuttle", Then I "set out" to the space, especially at the moment of taking off, I felt too excited, which made me addicted to astronauts.

It's almost time to go home. I must come again next time!

[Part II: You Tai'an Fangte]

Dribs! half past four! Dribs! half past four! Ah! After getting up, the whole family began to make quick decisions about their morning affairs! After that, we all went downstairs with a "fly" full of food and drink to Tai'an Fangte.

At 9 o'clock, we successfully arrived in Fontaine and entered the garden. The first thing we played was the breathtaking "Fire Meteor"! Its orbit is crooked, and its speed is as fast as the meteorite from space falling on the earth! The first thing I felt when I sat there was that my insides would be thrown out. My face was also knocked about. My brother said that I was brave and didn't scream. In fact, I was just too scared to scream!

The next game we played was "Flying in the Air". I went there to have a look and was scared. The line was at the end. But I still couldn't resist the temptation of flying in the air, and I lined up in a long line. Of course, during the long queue, I saw that some of the people who came down from above blushed and had thick necks, and some vomited as soon as they came down... The most interesting thing was that a person's shoes were thrown out by the force of inertia when playing and almost hit people... I thought I could not be afraid of this if I had the experience of doing and sitting in the "fireball" before sitting down. But I don't feel so much after sitting down. I only feel that this project is the most dizzy one in the amusement park. But I don't regret sitting, because this is also very dangerous!

Next, we watched a live action version of "Liaozhai", a dreamlike love drama between ghost and human, which was written by Pu Songling and was combined with high technology. Citi is like a dream, but it is fleeting. Once we make a promise, we have to spend our whole life waiting for it. Liaozhai, a peerless love with ghosts, was vivid and vivid in the past, but in retrospect, it has been a hundred years. (Guide words) That's true after watching the play

Then we went to places like "Star Flight", "Light of Life" and "Conch Bay".

As the sun sets, we take the empty schoolbags and move back to Korea! I really hate it!

[Chapter 3: Composition of Tai'an Fangte One day Tour]

On Saturday, September 1, my father and mother joined the group to play in Tai'an Fangte Amusement Park.

When we arrived at the amusement park, we took a guide map. After reading it, my father said, "Go to experience flying over the limit first.". My family sits on the first floor. My mother said that it is better to sit in the middle. After sitting well, fasten your seat belt first, and then hold the black pillar to prevent falling. After the floor was pulled back, the big screen in front of us lit up, and our journey began: Fortunately, Dad explained next to me, and we saw places of interest in the United States, France, Egypt, and China. When we went down from Mount Everest to the Yangtze River, the height difference scared me to death, which was really exciting. I realized the advanced technology.

I went out to Conch Bay to watch Ocean Carnival. Wearing 4D glasses, I saw the huge screen in front of me, and there was one on the left and one on the right. The small animals in the movie were surprisingly large and dynamic, which scared many people to shake their heads.

Later, we went to Liaozhai again. The story told a story about a scholar and the peach blossom monster who died in order to save the scholar.

Then we went to many interesting places, such as Dinosaur Crisis, Star Aircraft Flight, Light of Life, Water World and so on. I think the most happy thing is that in the Water World, everyone used water guns to attack each other. Although they were wet, they still left the most happiness.

I haven't had enough fun yet. My father told me: "It's time to return to the group." Finally, we left the Tai'an Fangte Amusement Park, which makes people happy and nostalgic.

[Part 4: Tai'an Fangte One day Tour]

Tai'an Fangte World is located in Taishan District, Tai'an City, and Fangte is at the foot of Taishan Mountain.

With the bright sunshine, we came to Fangte. Through the gate, I came to the big pendulum. After all the preparations were made, the big pendulum shook and swung higher and higher, as if flying into the sky, like Monkey King, riding on the clouds. At the moment of falling, my hands were numb and I didn't feel at all. After playing the big pendulum, I came to the dinosaur crisis again. The dinosaur crisis is about the genetic variation of dinosaurs in the dinosaur laboratory in the future. Dinosaurs multiply in large numbers overnight and destroy the city. I sat in the middle of the train, put on my glasses, and the train started to leave. I saw the shadow of Tyrannosaurus Rex moving towards us first, and we were afraid. Just turning around, a board dragon ate a man as a leaf. Another time, we were scared. Finally, we escaped from the dinosaur laboratory.

We walked out of the dinosaur crisis and came to the interstellar flight. I sat on a chair, and suddenly, a man said, "Please pay attention, passengers, please fasten your seat belt! The interstellar flight is coming to Mars, and we will take you to and fro between the endless universe and comets." We followed the orbit of Mars, and in a blink of an eye, we came to the moon. Mars is not far from the moon, We had to pass the meteorite test first. The captain finally overcame the crisis, rushed out of the meteorite, and came to the aircraft base built by humans thousands of years ago. It was very beautiful. After some travel, we returned to the airport.

We came to the "small roller coaster", also known as the "Vesuvius Volcano", which circled in the Vesuvius Volcano, just like a giant dragon circling in the volcano. I sat on Mount Vesuvius with my mother and sister, and we screamed in the excitement of rapid fall, turning and tumbling.

The last two projects impressed me most. Today's protagonist flew over the limit and the mysterious valley. Let me talk about flying over the limit first. Flying over the limit is similar to the interstellar flight. Sitting on the seat, it's like actually getting on the plane. We came to the Loess Plateau, and then took off slowly. We saw the Egyptian pyramids, saw the Forbidden City, and flew up, I saw the Great Wall winding and circling among the mountains, and the plane flew higher and higher to the west, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, the Statue of Liberty in the United States, and finally the plane flew to the cold Mount Everest. So this trip is over!

Finally, I arrived at the mysterious river valley. I took a boat to the mysterious river valley. There were skeletons in it, and sometimes ghosts cried. Finally, I got to the top floor and flew out like a bullet. The "crash" was like a tsunami splashing three or four meters of water, which was really "exciting". The people on the boat were splashed with water, like "drowned chickens", but we were still very happy!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, we are full of happy returns.