Fish also use umbrellas (15 in total)
Meeting is fate
2024-01-09 00:57:01

Fish also use protective umbrella (1)

When the flowers have faded, they can bloom again; When people are scattered, they can reunite; But, smart you told me that the river was polluted, can it be restored?

I am Mimi, a small fish in Qingqing River. I have a smooth and beautiful sparkle, emitting dazzling light. I am the little princess of the fish family.

I am proud of our Qingqing River. Her "name is like a stream" is crystal clear, and we play happily in the stream. Children are also playing in the stream; The girls are washing their hair there, and the old people come to drink the water in the stream every day Sometimes we play with them and bite their toes mischievously. How happy we are! But these are already "old almanac". Now, the Qingqing River has stinked, and garbage mountains are slowly moving

That day, there was no cloud and the sun was bright. I was going to play with my friends. Who knows, when I just went out, I was hit by a colorful thing. When I stood up again in a daze, I found it was a piece of paper to promote products. I could not help shouting: "Who! How immoral! Throwing garbage, and hitting fish!" Angry turns angry, but the road still has to go, so I suddenly froze and continued to swim forward. Swimming, a pop can "fell from the sky" Fortunately, I flashed quickly, otherwise, The consequences are unimaginable! It seems that it's not easy to go out today. I'll wipe oil on the soles of my feet and get away!

Since then, when we go out, we are always hit by some garbage: when my father went out to buy toys for my sister, a teddy bear fell down, which is good, and we saved a lot of ocean dollars; My mother went shopping for household appliances and was polluted by a smelly shoe. How could she stand such "grievances", who always loved cleaning, when she came back, she took eight or nine baths at a time, and the fish would be washed away; Grandma went to the square dance and accidentally was "mercilessly" put on by a plastic bag. Luckily, it was really lucky. Grandma had a good relationship with fish. Several friends of her helped take down the bag when they saw it. Otherwise, she must be suffocated to death; My grandpa

Today, our fish's "temperament" has been greatly improved. We can forget everything when we go out, but we can't forget the bodyguard --- the umbrella. Although we have the umbrella, we don't know how long it can protect us? When they went out, they could not help laughing when they saw each other's embarrassed faces

Smile on the face, worry in the heart. Seeing that Qingqing River is so deep and muddy, we sigh every day and are deeply worried about food, water, oxygen and home in the future

Qingqing River, Qingqing River, you are so turbid and smelly that you have been "possessed" by countless garbage, so you can still be called Qingqing River? It's almost "muddy water"! Alas, human beings, please spare us! Give us a beautiful home! okay?

My Qingqing River, my home, was once so beautiful, but now it is ugly. Human's "littering" behavior makes you different from what you used to be. When can you recover?

Fish also use protective umbrella (2)

In a clear and beautiful river, there are many fish living happily there. There are colorful stones and green water plants in the river. The water grass dances happily, while the fish spits bubbles and sings happily. Little Snail and Crab are very hot. You come and I go. It's very lively.

On this day, Pangpang grass carp and goldfish played hide and seek in the river. Suddenly, Pangpang gave a terrible cry, and went to see what was going on with Haw. It turned out that a bone fell from the water and hit Pangpang's head heavily, knocking him unconscious. Lian Lian and Haw were trying to send him home when suddenly a jar fell on Haw, and then the broken shoes, wine bottles, waste paper bags and other garbage were smashed down from the water. In a flash, Haw was injured in many places. He looked up painfully, ah! It turns out that people who do not pay attention to environmental sanitation are throwing rubbish in the river! In this way, the beautiful river quickly turned into a mess of sewage.

Soon, Pangpang, who was hit by garbage, died, and Haw was also seriously injured. The whole river no longer had the happiness of the past.

Grandpa Tortoise called on everyone to find a way to deal with the "garbage rain"? Repeatedly said:

"If we had a hard shell like yours, we would be able to withstand the garbage." Grandpa Turtle sighed and said, "Silly boy, how can fish grow such a hard shell?" Fatty mother thought for a while and said, "We can take an umbrella out of the house, so we can guard against the garbage falling from the sky." He immediately asked, "What is an umbrella?" The clever Haw came up with a way: "You can weave an umbrella with water plants." So they pulled out water plants separately and made a top umbrella.

Since then, the fish in the river will not go out if they have nothing to do, and they will always wear protective umbrellas when they go out. The water grass in the river has also been reduced, and the singing of the fish spitting bubbles can no longer be heard. The river is as quiet as dead.

Finally one day, people found out what happened to the fish. They cleaned up the garbage in the river and put up a sign beside the river: "Protect the environment, start with me". When the fish saw it, they happily put away their umbrellas and kept them as souvenirs.

Fish also use protective umbrella (3)

I am a fish in the future world. Today, when the first ray of sunshine in the morning came into my hut - a box full of sores (because the environment was polluted, our fish had lost their breath of water and grass, and we had to use people's discarded boxes), I felt countless garbage like hail falling down. Alas - there is really everything: shoes with glue off. A doll with cotton leaking out, a broken bowl

Suddenly, a bucket buckled onto my head, and I suddenly felt dark and could not find the direction. I kept shaking my body, trying to get rid of the bucket.

After struggling, I was exhausted. On the right way, when I was going to sleep heavily, countless umbrellas flashed before my eyes. I thought: Why not use an umbrella as a protective umbrella? In this way, the snap tester is free from numerous garbage "attacks". Thinking of this, I swam to an umbrella at a speed of 100 meters faster than human sprint, and I was ready to talk like this to live from now on. Who would have thought that I could only hear the sound of "ping-pong" ringing through my "umbrella". At first, it felt like a symphony. However, I would rather not hear such a voice, because it is an angry voice, which is accusing the culprit who makes the river water more and more dirty, more and more disorderly, and more and more smelly; At the same time, it is crying for us, the fish living in the water, who can no longer swim and play freely. As a result, these have become noise, and I feel irritable!

Yes, it is not a long-term plan to use a protective umbrella. No matter how solid the umbrella is, it will be hollowed out by the constantly pouring garbage. At that time, we fish will still have no place to hide! Here, I can only shout loudly: please don't throw rubbish into the river! Not only for our fish, but also for your human beings, to save the immediate environment and benefit future generations!

Grade 5: 58545256

Fish also use protective umbrella (4)

One day, I happened to see many cans, cola bottles, plastic bags and other pollutants on the surface of the Pingyao River. Looking at this scene, I have a myriad of thoughts: before, the fish in the river must play hide and seek and games with some small fish friends in the clear river, happily swimming around, happy like a fairy all day, extremely happy. But now, in the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, people's lives are constantly improving. When the conditions are good, they throw some garbage into the river. That's how it is. The originally clear river water has become garbage. If this goes on, the fish in the river will be unbearable, and the great rivers and mountains of our ancestors will become dead again.

If we protect the environment, then we will live in an environment with fresh air and shady trees. Only when the air is good will flowers bloom more brightly and grass sprout, making the world green; Willow trees will grow up... In spring, it can prevent sandstorms. In summer, it can shade people. With more trees, it can also make the air fresh and make people feel better... Only when the air is better, the sky will be more blue; The clouds will be whiter, and the river will be clearer; Of course, the bird will regain its original beautiful home.

If we pay attention to hygiene, do not spit everywhere, do not litter paper, do not scribble, then our world will be clean, there is no paper scraps, garbage, people all pay attention to hygiene, then the motherland will be more beautiful.

As a cross century Young Pioneer, we should work together to protect the environment. We should start from ourselves, from small things, and from now on, and return the earth with clean water, blue sky and grass as soon as possible, so that the earth is full of vitality and laughter.

Fish also use protective umbrella (5)

I am a fish in the future world. Today, when the first ray of sunshine in the morning came into my hut - a box full of sores (because the environment was polluted, our fish had lost their breath of water and grass, and we had to use people's discarded boxes), I felt countless garbage like hail falling down. Alas - there is really everything: shoes with glue off. A doll with cotton leaking out, a broken bowl

Suddenly, a bucket buckled onto my head, and I suddenly felt dark and could not find the direction. I kept shaking my body, trying to get rid of the bucket.

After struggling, I was exhausted. On the right way, when I was going to sleep heavily, countless umbrellas flashed before my eyes. I thought: Why not use an umbrella as a protective umbrella? In this way, the snap tester is free from numerous garbage "attacks". Thinking of this, I swam to an umbrella at a speed of 100 meters faster than human sprint, and I was ready to talk like this to live from now on. Who would have thought that I could only hear the sound of "ping-pong" ringing through my "umbrella". At first, it felt like a symphony. However, I would rather not hear such a voice, because it is an angry voice, which is accusing the culprit who makes the river water more and more dirty, more and more disorderly, and more and more smelly; At the same time, it is crying for us, the fish living in the water, who can no longer swim and play freely. As a result, these have become noise, and I feel irritable!

Yes, it is not a long-term plan to use a protective umbrella. No matter how solid the umbrella is, it will be hollowed out by the constantly pouring garbage. At that time, we fish will still have no place to hide! Here, I can only shout loudly: please don't throw rubbish into the river! Not only for our fish, but also for your human beings, to save the immediate environment and benefit future generations!

Fish also use protective umbrella (6)

In a vast sea, there lived a group of lively fish. They were happy every day, but an accident happened, which broke the beauty of the fish in the past.

One day, a group of small fish were playing the game of "eagle catching chicken". Aunt Starfish and Grandpa Turtle also watched, sometimes laughing. While playing hard, a little fish named Jingjing shouted, "Oh, who is so wicked? Ouch, it hurts!" It turned out that Jingjing was hit by a book. The villagers in the sea also said. "Yes, I don't know which unknown person threw down a broken bowl and scratched my sister. I know that person, so I have to beat him up!" "The other day..."

In this way, the villagers are worried every day and dare not go out. Crab Village Head didn't have the heart to see his villagers like this, so he had a brainwave: he made seaweed into umbrellas and gave them to the villagers. The villagers can come out for activities. But the sea grass in the sea bottom is used to make umbrellas. There is more garbage, less sea grass and worse air. Although fish are not afraid of those things, the air will kill them.

Crab Village Head and villagers cried out: "Human beings, don't just care about your own convenience and destroy the fish's home. Return the fish's happy home. Protect the underwater environment!"

Grade 5: Peng Yixuan

Fish also use protective umbrella (7)

I gradually fell asleep under the dazzling starlight in the silent night.

When I opened my eyes, I turned into a small blue and white fish, living in a clear lake. I looked up at the blue sky and looked down at the pebbles at the bottom of the lake from time to time, feeling very comfortable.

At this time, my good friend, Little Goldfish, came to me and invited me to swim in a race. I readily agreed. So, we played in the encirclement of fish. I saw Rong Rong "first, and swam several meters at a time. I'm not willing to be outdone. Suddenly, I heard a cry. Follow the sound, it turns out that Rongrong's tail was hurt by a drink bottle. In my opinion, Rongrong was sent to the "First Fish Hospital in the Lake" regardless of the situation. As I sighed for Rongrong, I thought: This must be done by hateful human beings again. They really do all kinds of evil?? Throw all leftovers into the lake, making the lake a "natural garbage can". The sewage pipes of some factories are placed in lakes, and the dirty and smelly sewage flows out, which makes our bodies uncomfortable. I thought as I walked, and soon I was home.

Coincidentally, the "postman" red goldfish flower sent the "fish daily". The first news I read about the "Yuer Daily" was that "recently, the" First Lake Hospital "has treated many small fish due to food poisoning, drinking water poisoning or being injured by something. After investigation, it was confirmed that these things were done by human beings. Therefore, the" Free Umbrella Gift "activity is now held in Yuer Street. Please come and get it quickly. " After reading the full text carefully, I swam to the "Fish Street" with my fastest swim. As soon as I got there, I couldn't help exclaiming: Oh, my God! There are so many fish competing for "umbrella". See so many fish. I can only rampage. Finally, I got a "umbrella". But this will not change the harm of garbage to the lake.

So, a brave goldfish took a water bottle and wrote, "Man, you are so hateful. You threw the water bottle into the lake. I hope you can correct it as soon as possible and give us a comfortable living environment." After a while, maybe a person saw the water bottle. A few days later, someone came to clean the lake. It turned the dirty lake into a clear one again.

The fish resumed their peaceful life. A happy blue goldfish wrote a letter of praise to human beings. When people saw it, they danced happily.

Fish also use protective umbrella (8)

I have a tail, a emaciated body, and big watery eyes. People now know me as a fish. Will people know me after that? I was dreaming.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously. I don't know how long it took me to smell a self odor. It's strange, how can there be a bad smell in the good river? I was too timid to take risks alone, so I decided to take my good friends with me.

We tried to swim, and I suddenly lost my eyes! God, what's going on here? How can there be so much rubbish in the originally clean river! There are coke bottles, disposable tableware, many old toys, expired food, and... the clean river has turned into an open garbage can for human beings! I can't believe my eyes. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible! I cried out, denying everything in front of me again and again: this must be a dream! Must be dreaming! In order to verify whether I was in a dream, I turned to my friend Mimi, "Mimi! Hit me quickly, quickly!" Mimi gave me a heavy twist. I only felt a pain appeared from my body, and I cried out "pain". So all this is true! "Alas, how can you dump the garbage into our house? Is it difficult for us to hold an umbrella at home?" We thought about it for a long time, but we couldn't think of any good way. Alas, we only had to hold a protective umbrella. We opened the umbrella at the same time. At the same time, someone was carrying a bucket in his hand and dumping garbage into the river. The garbage fell on the umbrella, and my tears were in my eyes

Fish also use protective umbrella (9)

In a beautiful river, there are many happy fish. There are colorful stones and green water plants in the river. The water grass dances, the fish spit bubbles, sing songs, and the little snail and crab are warm. You come and I go, so lively.

But one day, the river changed. A lot of rubbish fell from the water. There were bones, cans, broken shoes, wine bottles, waste paper bags and other rubbish fell from the water one after another. A lot of small fish were injured. They looked up painfully, ah! It turns out that people who do not pay attention to environmental sanitation are throwing rubbish in the river! If this goes on, the beautiful river will become a garbage river! There was a clever little fish named Go Go. It made a protective umbrella for everyone, and everyone used it to block rubbish.

From then on, there was no more fish's laughter in the river.

Fish also use protective umbrella (10)

One beautiful spring day, the little goldfish living in the South China Sea went to her grandmother's house in the East China Sea. Before going out, her mother told her to be careful on the way. The little goldfish kept saying, "I know! I know!" Then she swam to Grandma's house with her beautiful tail swinging.

The little goldfish didn't swim far when suddenly an object fell from the sky and hit her head. She was so frightened that when she looked closely, it turned out to be a wine bottle with a smell of wine. The little goldfish endured the pain and went on her way, but she swam more slowly, and her tail seemed to be entangled by something. She pulled hard, and her tail was cut. On the way, the little goldfish was hurt a lot, either here or there. When she got home, the goldfish mother was very distressed when she saw her child covered in bruises. The mother asked, "Why do you have so many scars?" The little goldfish cried and told the story of the road.

Mother was very angry and said, "People throw everything at our house now. How can we live in the future?" Then the little goldfish said, "For our safety, let humans make us a protective umbrella!"

From then on, little fish went out with umbrellas and masks, which was really a helpless move!

Fish also use protective umbrella (11)

Hello, everyone. My name is Yu Qiang, and I am a member of the carp family that has lived in this river for generations. Originally, my parents, brothers and sisters and I lived here freely, but now I am left alone wandering in the river, barely fighting against death.

In fact, when I was very young, those uncivilized people began to litter and discharge sewage in this clear river. Gradually, the original clear water disappeared, the river was covered with white plastic garbage, and the water became black and smelly. Sometimes when I swim, my head will hit the floating plastic lunch box; When I sleep, I almost get hit in the head by a broken bottle, which breaks my heart. These dangers are everywhere. My relatives left me one by one because they were infected with the virus generated by garbage. In desperation, I had to take a "defense" umbrella with me to go out. Whenever I encountered "danger", I would open it in time to resist the "surprise" of garbage and sewage; You can also swim forward with an umbrella to protect yourself from being hit by broken bottles and lunch boxes. But this is not a long-term solution, because the environment in the river is getting worse and worse. Even if I hold an umbrella every day, I can't make the river return to its original purity. Humans, when you look at my carp with the an umbrella with the strange eyes, do you feel touched?

Now our common Earth Mother has been "scarred", but you are still "throwing salt on her wounds". Humans, don't you wake up soon? Don't let last drop of the water become your tears, or you will be ready to cry! Please stop littering and dumping sewage from now on, consciously protect the ecological environment, heal for Mother Earth, let my home recover its beautiful appearance as soon as possible, and let me throw away my protective umbrella as soon as possible.

Fish also use protective umbrella (12)

In a beautiful river, there are many fish living happily there. There are colorful stones and green water plants in the river. The water grass dances, the fish spit bubbles and sing songs, and the little snail and crab are very warm. You come and I go, so lively.

But one day, unexpected changes took place in the beautiful river. A bone fell from the water and hit Pangpang's head, which was playing grass carp, hard, knocking her unconscious. Silver carp, crucian carp and crucian carp came to see what was going on. Suddenly, a jar fell on the silver carp. Then the broken shoes, wine bottles, waste paper bags and other garbage fell down from the water one after another. At that moment, the silver carp had been injured in many places. He looked up painfully, ah! It turns out that people who do not pay attention to the protection of the environment are littering in the river. In this way, the beautiful river becomes a mess of sewage.

Soon, Pangpang, who was hit by garbage, died. Silver carp and silver carp were also seriously injured, and the whole river no longer had the joy of the past

The fish dare not go out any more. Everyone is afraid of being hit by garbage, but they always hide at home without food. What can we do?

Grandpa tortoise called on everyone to think of a way to deal with the "garbage rain"? The crucian carp said, "If we can have a hard shell like yours, we can withstand the garbage and Pangpang won't die." Grandpa tortoise sighed and said, "silly boy, how can fish grow out of this hard shell?" Pangpang's mother said, "We can go out with an umbrella to prevent the garbage from falling from the sky." The crucian carp immediately asked, "What are you going to use to make an umbrella?" The smart bubble eyes turned and came up with a good idea: "You can use water grass to weave a green umbrella and hit it on your head." So, everyone split up, pulled out the water grass and made a protective umbrella.

The water umbrellas in the river are fewer and fewer day by day, and the singing of the fish spitting bubbles can no longer be heard. The river is as silent as death.

Finally one day, people found what happened to the fish. They cleaned up the garbage in the river, and the fish were happy to collect their umbrellas as souvenirs.

Fish also use protective umbrella (13)

[Chapter 1]

In the Green Lake Park, there is a clear river called "Happiness River", where there are countless small fish. The cute little crab Dudu and the little shrimp dragon perform together "Lobster Hero"; The sound and sound of singing loudly attracted the fish to swim there to enjoy the wonderful singing; Mothers get together to go shopping and buy clothes; Tortoise eggs made a delicious "water grass cake" and was busy delivering goods. Everyone, come and go. It's so lively!

However, the good times are not long. One day, when the voice and sound were about to hold a concert, a soda can fell from the sky, smashing the voice and sound into a broken head, bruised nose and swollen face, and was immediately sent to the aquatic hospital by the octopus doctor and the jellyfish nurse. They also invited the international treatment expert Uncle Eel for treatment. One after another, the "garbage rain" was even more joyous, and the lobster uncle was so angry that he shouted: "How can you behave like a damned human? You don't even have any sense of environmental protection. What a shame!"

Mayor Tortoise immediately held a meeting, and when the fish arrived, he immediately said: "I have two ways, that is, we can practice a set of skills to avoid the" garbage rain ", such as the" carp leaping over the dragon gate "of the small carp, the" squid mother's "catch the ball by the tentacle" and so on, or find something to protect ourselves. Mayor Tortoise, I envy you that there is an unbreakable tortoise shell. When the garbage rains, you shrink into the shell. When the garbage rains, the shell doesn't break, but you break it. Your shell is really good! " Yin Yin looked at a broken umbrella in the garbage and had a brainwave. He said, "I have a way. Let's recycle the garbage. Find some hats, broken umbrellas, and umbrella handles made of water and grass. Then we can make a beautiful and hard umbrella! If it is not enough, let's try lotus leaves!" Everyone agreed.

The small river is polluted by garbage. It has changed from the clear Happiness River to a stinking garbage river. The fish never go out when they have nothing to do. They also wear protective umbrellas when they go out, so the whole river becomes very quiet.

Finally one day, people found the quiet of the river and immediately cleaned up the garbage. Happy River has become clear again, and Dudu and Longlong can perform together as "lobster heroes" again; The voice and sound can hold concert again; Mothers can get together again to go shopping and buy clothes; Tortoise eggs can also be used to make fragrant "water grass cake". We are busy delivering goods. Happy River has restored the happy and lively atmosphere of the past.

[Chapter 2]

One beautiful spring day, the little goldfish living in the South China Sea went to her grandmother's house in the East China Sea. Before going out, her mother told her to be careful on the way. The little goldfish kept saying, "I know! I know!" Then she swam to Grandma's house with her beautiful tail swinging.

The little goldfish didn't swim far when suddenly an object fell from the sky and hit her head. She was so frightened that when she looked closely, it turned out to be a wine bottle with a smell of wine. The little goldfish endured the pain and went on her way, but she swam more slowly, and her tail seemed to be entangled by something. She pulled hard, and her tail was cut. On the way, the little goldfish was hurt a lot, either here or there. When she got home, the goldfish mother was very distressed when she saw her child covered in bruises. The mother asked, "Why do you have so many scars?" The little goldfish cried and told the story of the road.

Mother was very angry and said, "People throw everything at our house now. How can we live in the future?" Then the little goldfish said, "For our safety, let humans make us a protective umbrella!"

From then on, little fish went out with umbrellas and masks, which was really a helpless move!

Fish also use protective umbrella (14)

Once, when I went to other places to play, I saw that people had damaged the environment and polluted the water resources.

I saw many people throwing rubbish into the river, and black water flowed out of the drainage pipe and into the river. The originally clear river turned into dirty sewage, and there were countless large and small garbage floating on the water. There are not many fish in the river. Most of them have escaped. Those who have not escaped are almost poisoned by the polluted water. The river is full of fish bodies. As long as people passing by here are far away, they continue to throw garbage into the river for fear of smelling bad smell. Over the years, more and more garbage has been accumulated. The fish must want to wear thick masks and hold up large umbrellas to block the sinking waste. At this time, people realized the seriousness of littering and stopped littering. They salvaged the waste and threw it into the dustbin

I plan to go to that city in a few days. I believe that by then, that river will have become a beautiful and famous scenic spot.

Human beings all over the world have no right to destroy the environment. If we are polluting water resources, we will lose many friends living in nature. At that time, each of us will lose happiness and be sad. You will find that the last drop of clean water on the earth will be our tears.

Fish also use protective umbrella (15)

In the Green Lake Park, there is a clear river called "Happiness River", where there are countless small fish. The cute little crab Dudu and the little shrimp dragon perform together "Lobster Hero"; The sound and sound of singing loudly attracted the fish to swim there to enjoy the wonderful singing; Mothers get together to go shopping and buy clothes; Tortoise eggs made a delicious "water grass cake" and was busy delivering goods. Everyone, come and go. It's so lively!

However, the good times are not long. One day, when the voice and sound were about to hold a concert, a soda can fell from the sky, smashing the voice and sound into a broken head, bruised nose and swollen face, and was immediately sent to the aquatic hospital by the octopus doctor and the jellyfish nurse. They also invited the international treatment expert Uncle Eel for treatment. One after another, the "garbage rain" was even more joyous, and the lobster uncle was so angry that he shouted: "You damn it. How can human beings behave? They have no sense of environmental protection. They really don't appreciate it, hum!"

Mayor Tortoise immediately held a meeting, and when the fish arrived, he immediately said: "I have two ways, that is, we can practice a set of skills to avoid the 'garbage rain', such as the 'carp leaping over the dragon gate' of the small carp, the 'tentacle catch' of the squid aunt, etc. Or we can find something to protect ourselves. Mayor Tortoise, I envy you that there is an unbreakable tortoise shell. When the garbage rains, you shrink into the shell. When the garbage rains, the shell doesn't break, but you break it. Your shell is really good! " Yin Yin looked at a broken umbrella in the garbage and had a brainwave. He said, "I have a way. Let's recycle the garbage. Find some hats, broken umbrellas, and umbrella handles made of water and grass. Then we can make a beautiful and hard umbrella! If it is not enough, let's try lotus leaves!" Everyone agreed.

The small river is polluted by garbage. It has changed from the clear Happiness River to a stinking garbage river. The fish never go out when they have nothing to do. They also wear protective umbrellas when they go out, so the whole river becomes very quiet.

Finally one day, people found the quiet of the river and immediately cleaned up the garbage. Happy River has become clear again, and Dudu and Longlong can perform together as "lobster heroes" again; The voice and sound can hold concert again; Mothers can get together again to go shopping and buy clothes; Tortoise eggs can also be used to make fragrant "water grass cake". We are busy delivering goods. Happy River has restored the happy and lively atmosphere of the past.