Departure as the topic (5 high-quality articles)
The most familiar stranger
2024-04-18 09:34:52

Departure (1)

My sister, who spent countless happy hours with me, is going to leave, but I don't know that she is still silly and happy every day.

Finally one day, my parents said to me hesitantly: "My child, your dear sister is leaving you to go to college." "What? Don't you want to stay here for another year?" My eyes widened in surprise. For a moment, my heart was burning with pain. It seemed that there were countless peppers in it.

Throughout the afternoon, I didn't want to do anything, and I always remembered the happy time with my sister. I remember that time, my sister and I were running happily. Suddenly, I fell down. My sister asked anxiously, "Are you all right?" My sister didn't listen to my answer. She immediately picked me up in a hurry and headed for the hospital. When we got there, the doctor said there was nothing wrong. My sister smiled and put down the big stone in her heart. (Original composition)

Another time, I walked into the house with my schoolbag on my back. My sister saw it and asked, "What's the matter?" I frowned and looked sad and said, "Today, my best friend is going to transfer to another school." "Oh, that's so. Let's go. My sister will take you to a place." My sister could not help but say, holding my hand like walking outside, "Look, this is my sister's alma mater. My sister's friends have also changed schools. My sister did not shrink back, but continued to move towards hope." "Hurry up." A voice interrupted my memory. It was time to see her off!

In the station, my sister reluctantly left my sight. As soon as I saw her off, I began to cry in a low voice. The sad look was indescribable.

It was my sister who taught me to be strong, and my sister who taught me to cherish. Sister, I will always hide you in the warmest place in my heart.

Departure (2)

The beautiful clouds were flying in the blue sky, as if they had never been bound. The yellow flowers withered and covered the earth. The west wind is whispering. Look at the geese in the north. They have flown to the south. By the pavilion and the ancient road, you look at each other with tears in your eyes. The cup of farewell makes a sound of "ding", your heart trembles, leaving bitterness and division. Even if you comfort yourself, the separation at this moment is only for a better future.

The mellow wine is colorless and transparent, just like the tears shed by Iraqis when their hearts are broken. Is silent, but the feelings have reached the depths. Don't know when your eyes have been blurred, but you have to give up; Don't leave, but leave. Love happiness, love pain, love helpless! Wine becomes sorrow. The spicy taste is still stuck in the throat. All words can only turn into reluctant eyes. Autumn wind bursts, withered grass, cold fog frost. Maple leaves, like fire and blood, fall to the ground one after another. The tears left behind make people rustle, but they hit a rotating maple leaf, making the red cluster more dazzling. This feeling may not be as obvious as the tears on all the blue shirts of Sima Jiangzhou, but it is more profound than the yearning of Yi An Jushi for her husband. Love at first sight is shy and reserved; All the hardships experienced are support and trust; Yesterday's marriage was happy and happy; Today's departure is to give up, is a memory. After leaving the Iraqi people, all the scenery has become bleak, which is "to talk with others, even though the atmosphere is various". All I left behind was the farewell picture beside the pavilion in my mind and in the maple forest, which was wordless but better than a thousand words. Blue sky, yellow flower ground, tight west wind, north geese heading south. Xiao Lai, drunk with frost, always leaves people with tears

Departure (3)

Only then did I know that the six years of primary school life had passed in a hurry, just like passing by. Looking back on the six years of primary school life, I think I have to leave other companions. I really don't know what to do or say. I am not a sentimental person, but when I think of these, I burst into tears.

On the 16th, we have a graduation exam. At that time, the teacher encouraged me. She said that she believed that I was strong, and I would be admitted to key middle schools. Hearing this sentence, my nervous heart could not calm down. But the teacher's silent support made me confident.

After the exam, I cried, very sad. Maths has been very good, because a word wrong, lost a point. As a teacher, she told me not to be sad. We will go to Hechuan for our holiday. Three days later, on the 21st, we will have a good cry. I cried more bitterly, but I tried to make myself happy instead of thinking about it.

Life in Hechuan is not as good as that in Chongqing. The next night, our sixth grade graduates held their graduation ceremony. I cried with my teacher in my arms. That was the saddest time I cried. The teacher cried and said to us, "Never forget our alma mater and Liyuan Primary School.

No, teacher! I must be admitted to the key middle school! I will live up to your expectations! believe me! teacher! Spring silkworms weave until they die, candles cry every night, and wicks disappear! teacher!

Students, when and when can we meet again? Who can comfort my injured young heart?

Departure (4)

Time is always so fast! Compared with Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang also has time to rest, while the elderly travel day and night.

It's time to go again. We should go back. But I still miss the boundless prairie and the herds of cattle, sheep, Mongolian horses. However, we must return to our hometown!

I was about to get on the bus when someone grabbed my hand. Ah! It turned out to be one of the cadres. He said, "Mr. Lao She, please stay longer! Let's stay with you again!" I said, "No, we need to go back." After that, I turned to go, but my hands were itchy. It was a horse licking my hand. I just rode a Mongolian horse! Although we have been together for a short time, we already have deep feelings!

At this moment, tears finally flowed out of my already wet eyes, making my determination to go home begin to waver, and even the idea of giving up going back flashed in my mind.

At this time, a white haired old man came to us and said, "Don't embarrass the guests. As the saying goes, there is no feast that never ends. What's more, if we want to see them, we can also go to see them!" After hearing this, I nodded repeatedly: "My compatriots, don't be sad. Parting is only temporary. I believe that one day, we will meet again. Also, don't forget that we are all Chinese and our hearts are always together! "

Everyone nodded, we got on the bus, and the owners took the bus to see us off. Brilliant clouds, green grass, their beauty and the enthusiasm of the host are the best gifts for us. As the car went farther and farther, the owner's voice came from our ears: "Don't forget the grassland, this is also your home, and the door of Mongolia is always open for you!"

Departure (5)

No matter how much we are reluctant and sad to part from our lover, he and she will move forward one by one. Even if we care about each other in the years to come, they will have to support their career, because it is not only to support themselves but also to support a large family; No matter how sad and sad the old couple may be, he and she are always a heaven and a world. Even if there is no company for each other in the years to come, since we miss each other, we can only bury this missing in the deepest heart forever. Because he (or she) is forever separated from her (or him), there is no future, and their yearning for each other is always elusive.

Even if we have thousands of words to tell you when we are about to leave, there will always be time. Even if there are too many reluctant and recollections, we will still be separated after all. The road ahead is too far and difficult. However, I firmly believe that we will meet to go through the final journey of life. Because we all have a belief (firm belief) in our hearts.

The learning career of junior high school is coming to an end. When I recall the little things we had together before, there was no jealousy or hatred, but some laughter and laughter, which will leave me the most precious memories. A student record cannot bear the words between us, nor the profound friendship we have built, but it will fetter us all our lives.

Once upon a time, I wanted to think that we would never be apart, but that thought made us so far away.

Don't cry, don't be sad, because we will meet again. Don't say goodbye! Never say GOOD,!