Composition of Abandonment (15 required)
Youth is used to waste
2023-09-27 06:44:58

Composition of Abandonment (1)

At that time in junior high school, my class had two or three head teachers in the second day of the junior high school. The "political situation" of the class was turbulent. In addition, everyone was young and mentally immature. Without a good head teacher, they began to be sloppy, which ultimately led to our class's average performance slipping from the first grade to the bottom of the grade in the second day of the junior high school. Of course, the class atmosphere was also very poor. At that time, the physical education teacher even said that our class was different from other classes and had evil tendencies. Fortunately, at the third day of the junior year, our class finally had a formal head! She is the capable and decisive teacher Xu.

Miss Xu's home is in the east of the city, while her school is in the south of the city. From her home to the school, it takes at least one class for the electric car to run at full speed. Even so, she insists on arriving at school on time every day. In late winter, if Miss Xu is not careful on her way to work, she will catch a cold. So when Mr. Xu taught the students with a strong nasal voice, I always had an unspeakable acerbity in my heart. When I asked her whether it was worthwhile to work so hard every day, she said lightly: "The students in the class are so good that they are willing to do anything!" I repeated what she had just said in my mind, as if there was warm sunshine flowing through my heart again and again.

Shortly after the beginning of the third day of junior high school, the school came to "understand the summer homework situation" (in short, it is an exam). Because my grades fell sharply in the second year of junior high school, and my summer homework from the second year of junior high school to the third year of junior high school was not completed seriously, of course, I could say that this exam was terrible, especially in English, which used to be at least the middle and upper level of the class, but this time it was just right. I thought this exam was just an accident, but I didn't expect that I would also wander on the pass line in the next research exam. I think I must accept this necessity. At that time, I was so helpless that I even had the heart to give up. That night, in line with my own responsible attitude, I finally summoned the courage to call Miss Xu for help. After explaining the situation, Miss Xu said nothing and asked me to take textbooks and notes to her home that weekend. At the moment when I hung up the phone, my voice finally choked, because I was a complete weak person at that time.

Miss Xu can always help her students in the most direct and effective way. No matter what happens, she can always make correct judgments and solutions. I think this is also her charm. Speaking of it, Miss Xu may be a bit serious, but in fact, she also likes to talk with us. Because I will go to Miss Xu's home to study every week, I will find that Miss Xu is totally different from her at home and at school when I have more contact with her. I remember that every time we finished our exercises, it was self-evident that the next ten minutes would be our time to talk about how a teacher in the school was ugly, how a leader was balding and combing his hair in the office, and even about the pig's head hanging on her balcony... At that time, she complained and laughed with us like a peer. Those days are really memorable. Dear Mr. Xu, do you occasionally think of several little monkeys who spent weekends with you? Will you also unconsciously remember the days when you worked hard with Class 24? I hope this is a precious memory in your heart - Class 24.

In fact, sometimes I admire Mr. Xu more or less. She is concerned about our study, as well as our family life, and even learned about the conflicts between us and our friends. She will notice that the girls have changed their hair styles, and the boys who have brought basketball will take the initiative to communicate with us, so that we all feel valued. Maybe in her eyes, we are all the devotees of the class, because our class's achievements have been recognized by all the teachers. In fact, the hardest thing is teacher Xu, because we all have the same goal, so we are proud even if we work hard!

Composition of Abandonment (2)

Everyone has a yearning destination in their heart, and that hometown is our best destination. My hometown is the most beautiful place in my heart.

My hometown is Yuhuan. Yuhuan is a beautiful island city surrounded by the sea on three sides, with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Our Yuhuan has the beautiful Xuanmenwan Wetland Park and the national famous fruit Yuhuan Wendan. The scenery of Xuanmenwan Wetland Park is extremely beautiful, and each season has different characteristics. In the park, a gust of wind blew across the lake, which made the lake glistening. The reeds on the bank floated in the breeze, as if they were a rough sea. Crowds of birds rise and fall on the water to drink water, wash their feathers, and catch small fish in the water from time to time. When the eyes turned, they saw a sea of flowers one after another. The butterflies and bees in the sea of flowers all came out and danced among the flowers. It made people feel that they were bathed in the sun and in the sea of flowers. The windmill in the distance was slowly turning. Everything was so harmonious and peaceful.

In the evening, the sun began to set slowly. The setting sun was reflected on the lake and clouds were floating in the sky. The setting sun made the lake and clouds golden yellow, red in the yellow, like a warm source flowing into my heart. When summer comes, the lotus leaves in the pond slowly turn green, and one after another lotus blooms. The lotus fragrance is very pleasant. This scene of the wetland park allows people to forget all their troubles and revel in the blue sky, white clouds, sea of flowers, lotus pond, Yuhuan Lake.

And the most delicious yuhuan wendan, which is a kind of pomelo fruit and one of the specialties of yuhuan, and only this magical yuhuan island can grow this unique flavor. The fruit has red, light yellow, and light fragrance. Peel off the skin of wendan, and each petal can make you sweet, Small pieces of fruit pulp inside look at you lovingly like small drops of water. Tear off a small piece and gently pinch it with your hand. The juice will come out. As long as you are not careful, you may be sprayed all over your body, which shows that this gentle water is sufficient. Wendan is not only delicious, sweet and sour, but also has very large fruits. If you want to taste this sweet Wendan, I welcome you to Yuhuan at any time. Come on! Come to visit our wetland park and taste our Yuhuan Wendan.

This is our hometown Yuhuan, where I was born and raised. Our Yuhuan is not only beautiful, but our people are hardworking and hospitable. These hardworking Yuhuan people have created one industrial park after another, becoming a very important manufacturing base in China, and attracting many foreigners to work and live in Yuhuan.

This is my hometown Yuhuan, and I love my hometown... No matter where I am, I can hardly give up this nostalgia!

Composition of Abandonment (3)

The wisp of concern about the composition that is hard to part with

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words through people's thinking and language organization. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a thread of concern about the composition that Xiao Biandun can't give up. I hope it can help everyone.

Maybe even I don't know, I miss her so deeply.

Little by little together

Remember, like a runaway wild horse, riding a bicycle on the wide road side by side, talking and laughing without interruption, at that time, 'How carefree we were, as if we never knew what farewell was; Remember, like a madman, running around on the road, playing and fighting, others do not understand, only we understand, this is our exclusive happiness; I still remember that we stayed together in the corner and talked about our amazing plan. It was really to study hard, make progress every day, practice our skills and win honor for our family; Do you still remember the two dolls who walked forward hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder?

Maybe you remember but forget, maybe you still have some impression, maybe you don't care about it at all, yes, who will remember the agreement of the doll, except I am sentimental.

The night before farewell

The short holiday didn't pull the gap between you and me apart, but it was even closer. It was a good saying: "It's better not to see". Did you see me for the first time after I lived on campus? That time I cried, and there was no reason to cry. The strength of disguise was no more than a strong kinship. When I went out for the first time, I felt lonely and confused, and I was always worried when I dreamed back at midnight. What are you doing now?

Not surprisingly, I gave up living on campus and went home. In the eyes of others, I was a child who could not bear hardships, but only I understood that I could not bear to part with you. You are about to go out to school, play with you, and joke with you, not because you hate you, but I hope you who are studying outside don't forget that you have a sister, a sister who impressed you deeply, a sister who is "extraordinary".

The first time you went out, I stubbornly refused to see you, but my heart was full of worries; Now, the second time you go out, I have insomnia. God knows how drowsy I am. Because you are sleepless, I am afraid of saying goodbye. Every time I think about it, tears will flow out unconsciously. My heart is very astringent. I know that you can't sleep at all, or why do you always have trouble sleeping?

Crying all night, lonely all night

The morning before leaving

You are the train ticket in the morning. I got up before dawn to pack. You know what? I woke up long ago, but I refused to open my eyes. I was afraid of seeing you and your back. When you were eating, I was lying alone crying, but the tears had already dried up. I was still crying alone. You could have left quietly. Why did you come and leave me again, My eyes are still sour again. I am not angry to say goodbye to you. God knows how I don't want to leave you and say goodbye to you.

Bless you who study abroad

After all, you are still gone. I can only turn my deep yearning into paper cranes to accompany you and bless you. You are not alone on the road ahead. You are very close to your dreams and are within reach. The more this time, the more we should work hard, and not slacken off. I wish you that "wind and fire rush into Jiuzhou". I am waiting for the good news of your success at home from afar.

The world is full of feasts. Since separation is inevitable, the only way is to accept

Composition of Abandonment (4)

Once upon a time

I really miss looking at the blackboard

Tears keep pouring down the past time

I really miss staring at the night sky

Tears blurred your eyes and your smile. Your 'beauty' filled my mind. I can't forget the laughter and laughter we had together, and the chase and fighting we had together, just because, once, I couldn't give up. You know what? The next hope to open the door and come in is that you unexpectedly stood at the door to greet me with a smile and a hug. "Friend, I'm back." But many times the hope was finally broken by the cruel reality, leaving only the cold, cold and cold like tears without warmth, just because, once, I could not give up, sometimes I was happy in the eyes of others because, With you and envy in their eyes, who knows that the common injury behind this in your heart and my heart is only because, once, I could not give up the fact that you said that my graduation certificate was not my own, and I remember that I will work hard because it is our common dream that carries our common dream!

Senior One of Rongcheng Middle School: 123Snow

Composition of Abandonment (5)

The beauty that is hard to part with

At that time in junior high school, my class had two or three head teachers in the second day of the junior high school. The "political situation" of the class was turbulent. In addition, everyone was young and mentally immature. Without a good head teacher, they began to be sloppy, which ultimately led to our class's average performance slipping from the first grade to the bottom of the grade in the second day of the junior high school. Of course, the class atmosphere was also very poor. At that time, the physical education teacher even said that our class was different from other classes and had evil tendencies. Fortunately, at the third day of the junior high school, our class finally had a formal leader! She is the capable and decisive teacher Xu.

Miss Xu's home is in the east of the city, while her school is in the south of the city. From her home to the school, it takes at least one class for the electric car to run at full speed. Even so, she insists on arriving at school on time every day. In late winter, if Miss Xu is not careful on her way to work, she will catch a cold. So when Mr. Xu taught the students with a strong nasal voice, I always had an unspeakable acerbity in my heart. When I asked her whether it was worthwhile to work so hard every day, she said lightly: "The students in the class are so good that they are willing to do anything!" I repeated what she had just said in my mind, as if there was warm sunshine flowing through my heart again and again.

Shortly after the beginning of the third day of junior high school, the school came to "understand the summer homework situation" (in short, it is an exam). Because my grades fell sharply in the second year of junior high school, and my summer homework from the second year of junior high school to the third year of junior high school was not completed seriously, of course, I could say that this exam was terrible, especially in English, which used to be at least the middle and upper level of the class, but this time it was just right. I thought this exam was just an accident, but I didn't expect that I would also wander on the pass line in the next research exam. I think I must accept this necessity. At that time, I was so helpless that I even had the heart to give up. That night, in line with my own responsible attitude, I finally summoned the courage to call Miss Xu for help. After explaining the situation, Miss Xu said nothing and asked me to take textbooks and notes to her home that weekend. At the moment when I hung up the phone, my voice finally choked, because I was a complete weak person at that time.

Miss Xu can always help her students in the most direct and effective way. No matter what happens, she can always make correct judgments and solutions. I think this is also her charm. Speaking of it, Miss Xu may be a bit serious, but in fact, she also likes to talk with us. Because I will go to Miss Xu's home to study every week, I will find that Miss Xu is totally different from her at home and at school when I have more contact with her. I remember that every time we finished our exercises, it was self-evident that the next ten minutes would be our time to talk about how a teacher in the school was ugly, how a leader was balding and combing his hair in the office, and even about the pig's head hanging on her balcony... At that time, she complained and laughed with us like a peer. Those days are really memorable. Dear Mr. Xu, do you occasionally think of several little monkeys who spent weekends with you? Will you also unconsciously remember the days when you worked hard with Class 24? I hope this is a precious memory in your heart - Class 24.

In fact, sometimes I admire Mr. Xu more or less. She is concerned about our study, as well as our family life, and even learned about the conflicts between us and our friends. She will notice that the girls have changed their hair styles, and the boys who have brought basketball will take the initiative to communicate with us, so that we all feel valued. Maybe in her eyes, we are all the devotees of the class, because our class's achievements have been recognized by all the teachers. In fact, the hardest thing is teacher Xu, because we all have the same goal, so we are proud even if we work hard!

Thanks for such a harmonious relationship between teachers and students to accompany me through the busy third day of junior high, I will also remember the beauty that is hard to part with.

Composition of Abandonment (6)

In real life or work and study, everyone must have been exposed to composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe many people will find it difficult to write compositions. Here are some excellent compositions collected by Xiao Bian that we can't give up. Welcome to share.

Summer vacation, in front of my cheek window, the plum rain in July, drips and drips. Tasting hot tea, I can't help catching a glimpse of the Happy Cake in March at hand. My thoughts have been pulled far away. I don't know when I have become so emotional, always entangled by some feelings

Looking at my mother's kind face, my happiness was born and I always loved to be charming in her arms; When I think of Miss Lan's sweet smile, my nose gets sour and I miss her; Remembering the funny story of whispering with roommates hiding in bed, I can't help but curl my lips!

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son"

Maternal love is the greatest and magical power, and it is the power of all life. At the time of success, when you bless me, you still remember to tell me: Don't be arrogant when you win, and don't be discouraged when you lose; When I failed, I still told me when I was given the strength to get back up: frustrations can not destroy the firm belief; When I fell, I would still tell me with stern eyes when wiping away my tears: I would climb up from where I fell, look at the distance and take every step again, and face all the mountains of life with a smile.

"The silks of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torch will be dried when it turns to ashes."

My dear teacher, you are the gardener who cultivates the flowers of the motherland diligently; Dear teacher, you are the bright light, illuminating our way to study. You are the embodiment of hope, lighting up the dream of flying hope for us; Dear teacher, you are pine and cypress, standing proudly in the storm, you are a strong incarnation, with a thin body to shield us from the wind and rain. You turned into wings, carrying us to swim in the crystal clear sea of books, to find the unknown answer. Teacher, what a great contributor you are!

"A bosom friend in the sea, a distant place like a neighbor"

"Friends go together all their lives, and those days no longer exist", a song "Friends" tells my heart. We have had so many good times, worked together in the sea of knowledge, and played heartily on the playground. The green leaves no longer wither in friendship; Friendship is always young in the green leaves; Sincere friendship needs no commitment, and eternal love needs no agreement.

Those feelings that we cannot part with are eternal and fleeting. We should cherish it, so that we can leave no regrets and live a happier life.

"Jingjing..." With a call, my mind drifted back.

Pick up the tea cup and take a sip. It's very sweet.

Composition of Abandonment (7)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written compositions, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. Still at a loss for composition? The following is the friendship arranged by Xiao Bian. I can't bear to give up my composition. For reference only, let's have a look.

I played a customer in your world, but your appearance is engraved in my heart. When the sky is no longer so blue, the heart is no longer open for you. When I look back, what I saw was just the moment when my heart was broken - we were still holding each other back.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, trees, roofs, and lawns, and finally reflects on a mirror on the glass in the classroom, vaguely, but the crystal clear tear is clearly reflected. The bright light in the classroom, looking up, becomes more and more soft, like melting in the bright, soft melt in the heart, but can not reach the corner hidden by the heart...... It melts in my eyes, the heart is dull and painful, tears can not help but flow into my heart, leaving only some scattered memories emerge in my mind.

"Let's break up!" I whispered, maybe only we can hear it. I walked away after saying that. The free and easy way of turning around brought me many heartbreaks. Looking back, she found that she was standing there foolishly. She felt that she was almost unable to stand, so she sat down suddenly and buried her head in tears. Eh? Why do I feel heartache? Do I regret it? No, it won't

When I got back to my seat, she sat next to me. I saw her swollen eyes inadvertently. My heart was more painful and my brain was more confused. But I just gave her a package of paper. She didn't want it. Did I make a mistake? However, I have reached the limit. This is a last resort. What else can I do? I can't hold back at all. Forget it. Long pain is better than short pain. I have to lie on the table.

The first lesson is art. When I saw that she was still crying, I couldn't help being annoyed. But the trouble was like a wisp of smoke drifting away with the wind. All that remained was to give up. I took a deep breath, and tears came to my eyes. I tried not to make a sound, but somehow, I couldn't help myself. What happened to me?

I regret

In this way, I cried with her for a class.

Unconsciously, the afternoon passed. I always felt that the matter was not handled properly, so I went to ask the teacher. An hour later, I felt much better. I made up with her when I studied at night. At that time, I always felt warm in my heart. Even the lights in the classroom melted into my heart.

After separation, the most beautiful thing is to meet. After noisy, we will still return to the original point. At this time, we looked at each other, and shed tears. Warm, we understood the true meaning of friendship. Tears at this time showed everything - flowers are still blooming naively, and we are still naive. Now let's stay together for ten years, when you don't come, I'm not old

Composition of Abandonment (8)

In the evening, I accompanied my cousin around and wanted to buy something for her. She didn't like this or that at the supermarket. After learning about it, she knew that what she liked most was books. It was transferred to the bookstore, but the bookstore was closed due to power failure. She had to change to another supermarket. Finally, she took a fancy to a schoolbag and bought some food for her. On the way back, we talked about the American math textbooks that I always remembered. But my cousin said that she never took the math books home. The math textbooks every year were taken back by the school and then transferred to the next year's younger brothers and sisters. When I saw my aunt, I mentioned it again. I asked her, "Can you get me a set of American math textbooks?" But her reply made me completely give up the idea. She said: "American textbooks are very expensive, and one textbook costs about $100." How expensive! It's strange that we have to let students take it home and pass it on year after year! Forget it. I'd better read more Chinese textbooks when I have time! Now the People's Education Edition, the Soviet Education Edition and the Beijing Normal University Edition are also dazzling.

The next day, my aunt, my little cousin and my cousin are going back to the United States. The luggage is two medium-sized suitcases, plus two oversized suitcases, which is about five or six times the size of the suitcase I usually use. When I lifted it from the second floor to the first floor of my aunt's house, my hand was deformed. My cousin looked at it, touched my hand and exclaimed, "Wow, it's so heavy!" I was really careful how my aunt transported it to the hotel when she arrived in Shanghai? Although her classmates helped, it was a long way from the hotel to the airport, so I could only wish them a smooth journey in my heart. The line of seeing off was very long. My aunt had two brothers, one brother, sisters in law, children, and my aunt's parents. My uncle also has two sisters and three brothers. Because his family is in the rural area of Fu'an, he did not come to see him off. He only sent me and another cousin in Fu'an as representatives. Although it is more convenient for the United States to return to China now, and they also return every three or four years, the time together is always very little. Before the car started to drive, I saw my aunt's mother caught tears in her eyes, and told her that she should pay attention to her health in the United States and always call home. My daughter is really the heart of my mother!

Kinship is the concern that cannot be abandoned! Children are always like kites flying. No matter how high and far they fly, they can't fly out of the thin thread twisted by their mother, full of melancholy and care.

Composition of Abandonment (9)

Whenever I hear music, I will beat with the music. Sometimes I am fascinated by it, and I will sing along. I remember when I was in the fourth grade of primary school, I went shopping with my mother once. When we entered the mall, there were a lot of people in the mall. It was very noisy. My mother and I managed to squeeze into the second floor. The people on the second floor seem to be much less than those on the first floor, and their voices are also very low. Everyone is choosing their favorite items in order. At this moment, the melodious music came from the loudspeaker in front of me, which was very beautiful. I could not help but beat to the music, and could not help humming, totally intoxicated in my own music world. Maybe my voice was loud, and several people around me looked at me in surprise. But I was still young at that time, and I didn't care about those people's eyes. I still hummed along with the music to amuse myself. Just as I was about to finish singing, my mother found me and stopped me in time. When I got home, my mother said to me, "Pay attention to public places and don't make any noise..." I nodded vaguely. My mother said, "Imagine what would happen in a shopping mall if everyone was like you and wanted to sing just because they liked it?"

Music brings me endless fun. Although I am now in junior high school and I am nervous about learning, I still keep this interest. In my spare time, I will still play erhu and listen to music, which is an interest I cannot give up.

Composition of Abandonment (10)

This white jujube tree has appeared in memory since childhood. The white jujube is also an essential snack in every midsummer.

That summer when I was a child, I accompanied my father to pick dates for the first time. The white dates, larger than their thumbs, lowered their branches and hid in the green leaves, some of them blushed. My father borrowed a ladder from his neighbor, tied a cloth bag with a large pocket on his waist, and climbed quickly to the middle of the ladder. Grandfather firmly held the two sides of the ladder with both hands and shouted several words of caution. His ears are bad, so his voice is loud, and his laughter is particularly hearty. I looked aside and saw that several white dates fell from the tree from time to time, which was really "pie in the sky" - is it white? So I ran happily from one end to the other. As soon as something fell, I immediately rushed to my basket and picked it up. After picking up a whole basket, I stopped happily. Father also picked a cloth bag and came down the ladder. Grandfather walked up to me, and when he saw the dates in the small basket, he couldn't help grinning and laughing. "Little girl, all the dates you picked up are ripe and rotten." Grandfather picked up a crumpled one and put it in front of me, pointing at the big and small cracks on it. I had to throw the white jujube under the tree. However, I squatted on the ground excitedly and looked at the ants.

"Little girl, what are you doing? There are stinging caterpillars on the tree. Don't be there. Come in and eat two dates!" I quickly stood up, ran into the room and washed my hands. Then I took the two white dates from my grandfather and couldn't wait to bite them down. Sweet, crispy, green and red dates taste great. Three times, five times and two times. In a little while, I solved two problems, and I extended my small hand to the basket full of dates. "This year's jujube is even sweeter than previous years - it's windy outside, so take a stool to the yard to enjoy the cool!" Father held the white jujube in one hand and called us outside. So he moved a small bench to the courtyard.

Summer evening is the most pleasant. The fragrance of tall camphor trees along the road is mixed with the cool evening wind, which makes people feel slightly drunk when it blows across their faces. The lush jujube trees swayed their shadows, and the orange sunset was scattered on the leaves. I was drunk in the evening wind, drunk in the sweet white jujube, drunk in the beautiful childhood

As the stars turn, time passes by.

When the hot summer sun poured down, my grandfather would send me a basket of white dates. The date pickers are different. Taste the sweetness of white dates again, and the feelings that are hard to part with spread in my heart. White jujube took me across the river of time to let go of the past, and then returned to the midsummer evening. My grandfather's hearty laughter, my father's gentle smile, as well as jujube trees, white jujube, evening wind... all things that are hard to part with come back to my heart again.

Composition of Abandonment (11)

A few weeks ago, our math teacher and old class left us to work elsewhere. In the farewell class, he calmly told us that we might be the last students he taught. In that class, there was silence in the class. No one spoke. The students had already sobbed, and even Xiao Ming, the strongest person at ordinary times, shed tears. The teacher comforted us and said, "I really hate you, but I must obey the leader's arrangement." Hum! Stop making excuses for yourself. Selfishness is selfishness, why look for so many magnificent reasons? I thought angrily, I hated his ruthlessness, and tears flooded my eyes. Why cry? Angry, or reluctant to part? I can't tell for myself.

As time went by, the hatred for the old Ben also degenerated, replaced by a deep love for him. When I saw him again, I realized how excited I was. During self-study last night, my deskmate asked me to give him a lecture. When he was in high spirits, he inadvertently looked up and saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the classroom. He! Our beloved old class! Wearing glasses, the eyes are so warm and kind. He stood for less than a minute and left quietly. I was stunned for a long time, and suddenly remembered the self-study that night after the monthly exam. The old class's expectations for me and their concern for us students were so heavy. For that heavy expectation and concern, I could repay him only if I achieved good results in the exam.

At that moment, I suddenly understood that he always regarded us as children, as his own children. Although we sometimes disappoint him, even though he is no longer our teacher, he still cares about us, just like our old class, we are his true feelings!

Composition of Abandonment (12)

In such a false world, I don't know who I can trust, who deserves my heart and lungs, and who deserves my tears for him.

I don't expect a friendship without impurities. What I want is simple companionship and greetings when I feel sad and frustrated. Is that too much? Why can't each of you do it? Why do you always make me sad?

I regard you as a good friend and treat you with my heart, but what about you?

When you scold me behind my back, have you ever thought about how good I am to you? When you laugh at me, have you ever thought about how I praise you in front of others? As a result, you never care about my feelings, and you never care about my thoughts. I am not your accessory, there is no reason to treat you unconditionally, there is no reason to bear your cold eyes and your ridicule. Have you ever thought that I would leave you one day. Really, you are not good at all, and even have many shortcomings. But why do I forgive you again and again? That's because I care about this friendship for more than ten years, and don't want to give up easily.

It is said that the person who laughs with you will spend the best time with you in your youth, but the person who cries with you is the one who never leaves you and walks into old age with you. My life is not long. I just want a person who can cry with me. When we get old, we can sit together, laugh and tell the stupid things we did when we were young, and then thank each other for being here all the time.

I hope I can walk into your heart and have your company in my life.

Composition of Abandonment (13)

This is the first time I have been away from home alone. Every time I traveled in the past, my parents accompanied me. With the care and guidance of my parents, I never felt afraid. They will always hold my hand and pull me over Huangshan Mountain, the Great Wall and the iron rope. Once I was so greedy for their protection, just like a bird attached to its mother's warm wings. But the dandelion does not know how to give up, how can it take root in the land of its dreams? So I proposed this first independent trip to my parents. In the early morning of that day, the moonlight was still dim in the street. I was sitting on the bus that started. My mother pulled my hand from the window and warned me carefully. My bloodshot eyes were full of reluctance and worry, and I even wanted to drive with her. I urgently stopped her. When the car started, I resolutely closed the window. I didn't dare to turn back. I was afraid I could not part with my mother's tears.

In fact, this is not the first time to give up. In the spring of the year when I was seven years old, rape flowers were shining all over the fields, but they could not hide the sadness of the grandparents and grandchildren at the bridgehead. I have followed my grandmother in the countryside since I was young. I am used to scooping chaff to feed chickens after getting up in the morning. I am used to working in the fields with my grandmother in the afternoon. I am used to planting rice seedlings and watching flowers. I am used to cooking and burning fires. I am used to waving melons and vines, and sitting on the shoulder pole as a bench... But everything is going to pass. My parents want to pick me up and go back to school in the city. I can't get along with my grandmother who has lived for seven years. I clenched my grandmother's sleeve tightly, and her big tears "crackled" down, but my grandmother hit me off with red eyes and handed me over to my father. I was allowed to cry and plead. Grandma just turned around and left. In the dim tears, I watched Grandma's white hair drift in the wind like smoke, disappearing in the bright cauliflower. This is the cutting point on my growth path, the first time I was forced to give up, let me give up my innocent and carefree days in that small village.

Abandonment has never disappeared on the way of growth. I still remember the day when I graduated three years ago, the dusk full of light parting feelings. I lingered in the campus for a long time, and the sudden change made my mind full of thoughts. The bloody sunset covered the quiet corridor of the sky, and I walked silently to the lilac in front of the office. They were still so beautiful, but clearly showed a little melancholy, and even the fragrance disappeared. If I looked into the office, I suddenly saw the smiling face that had warmed me for eight years. "If you know how to give up, you are qualified to succeed." Teacher Zhang said this to me and left in a hurry. I understood the teacher's heart, turned and waved goodbye, no longer sad.

People should always learn to grow up in giving up. Only by giving up caring can you put on your wings and sail to the distance of your dreams.

Carrying my pack, I walked deeper into Qinhuai River.

Composition of Abandonment (14)

This is my first time to leave my kind grandma. When I was young, I always played with her. She was like a child. We have the same topics, hobbies and ideas. But this time I really want to leave her and go to school in the city. I am used to doing farm work in the afternoon, and I am used to cooking with my grandmother... But these things are going to be the past. I hold my grandmother's hand tightly and don't want to leave. The big tears flow down, but my grandmother has the heart to push me away and hand me over to my father. No matter how I cried, Grandma turned and walked to the house. Her kind face also shed tears. This is the biggest parting on my growth path, and let me put my beautiful memories and childhood there.

Abandonment has never disappeared on the road of growth, and it is always in the process of abandonment. I still remember the day when I graduated from primary school two years ago, the dusk that I will never forget. The students lingered in the campus for a long time and were unwilling to leave. This change made many people nervous, like birds without a home. We walked around the school again and again, and finally got up the courage to come to the head teacher's office. Suddenly, we lost control of our emotions and cried. When the teacher saw us like this, he smiled and said to us:

"People will laugh at you for crying. Don't cry."

Although let us not cry, but still can not stop tears, keep the downward flow. Finally, after some comfort from the teacher, we restrained ourselves and calmed down slowly. The teacher finally said to us:

"You are qualified to succeed only if you know how to give up. There is still a long way to go in life, and there are still many ways to give up. Hold on, come on!"

Then the head teacher hurried to the meeting. This is the last time I saw the head teacher. This time, I understood the teacher's hard work. We dried our tears and left to meet another learning career - junior high school. This is also a major part of my life, and I also succeeded.

People always have to learn to grow up in giving up, and give up caring, so that you can go into battle light, put on wings and drive to the distance of dreams.

Composition of Abandonment (15)

Growing up also needs to abandon the sound of 800 words of light, shadow and oar. Alone on the ancient and prosperous Qinhuai River, I can't help sighing as I watch black covered boats sailing towards the end of the flickering lights. Why is this famous river across history so prosperous? Are you like me, giving up a lot?

This is the first time I have been away from home alone. Every time I traveled in the past, my parents accompanied me. With the care and guidance of my parents, I never felt afraid. They will always hold my hand and pull me over Huangshan Mountain, the Great Wall and the iron rope. Once I was so greedy for their protection, just like a bird attached to its mother's warm wings. But the dandelion does not know how to give up, how can it take root in the land of its dreams? So I proposed this first independent trip to my parents. In the early morning of that day, the moonlight was still dim in the street. I was sitting on the bus that started. My mother pulled my hand from the window and warned me carefully. My bloodshot eyes were full of reluctance and worry, and I even wanted to drive with her. I urgently stopped her. When the car started, I resolutely closed the window. I didn't dare to turn back. I was afraid I could not part with my mother's tears.

In fact, this is not the first time to give up. In the spring of the year when I was seven years old, rape flowers were shining all over the fields, but they could not hide the sadness of the grandparents and grandchildren at the bridgehead. Since childhood, I have followed my grandmother in the countryside. I am used to scooping chaff and feeding chickens after getting up in the morning. I am used to working in the fields with my grandmother in the afternoon. I am used to planting rice seedlings and watching flowers. I am used to cooking and cooking. I am used to waving melons and vines and sitting on the shoulder pole as a bench?? But everything will be in the past. My parents want to pick me up and go back to school in the city. I can't get along with my grandmother who has lived for seven years. I clenched my grandmother's sleeve tightly, and her big tears "crackled" down, but my grandmother hit me off with red eyes and handed me over to my father. I was allowed to cry and plead. Grandma just turned around and left. In the dim tears, I watched Grandma's white hair drift in the wind like smoke, disappearing in the bright cauliflower. This is the cutting point on my growth path, the first time I was forced to give up, let me give up my innocent and carefree days in that small village.

Abandonment has never disappeared on the way of growth. I still remember the day when I graduated three years ago, the dusk full of light parting feelings. I lingered in the campus for a long time, and the sudden change made my mind full of thoughts. The bloody sunset covered the quiet corridor of the sky, and I walked silently to the lilac in front of the office. They were still so beautiful, but clearly showed a little melancholy, and even the fragrance disappeared. If I looked into the office, I suddenly saw the smiling face that had warmed me for eight years. "If you know how to give up, you are qualified to succeed." Teacher Zhang said this to me and left in a hurry. I understood the teacher's heart, turned and waved goodbye, no longer sad.

People should always learn to grow up in giving up. Only by giving up caring can you put on your wings and sail to the distance of your dreams.

Carrying my pack, I walked deeper into Qinhuai River.