Meaningful Sunday (17 selected articles)
2024-01-14 07:00:18
Junior 1

Meaningful Sunday (1)

[Chapter 1]

It's another Sunday. It is said that Sunday is the most expected, the happiest and the most beautiful day. But I thought it was the most boring! Mom and Dad went to work. In addition to doing homework and playing every day, they just ate, drank, slept and slept. It was boring.

I don't think we can waste time like this. In such a beautiful day, we should do something meaningful. "Googoogoo", my stomach began to bark. Alas, I can cook food. It suddenly dawned on me. Cooking delicious food is not only a skill, but also an interesting way to fill your stomach. It's really killing three birds with one stone!

Without saying a word, after breakfast, I went online to search for a complete list of simple food practices, and all kinds of food immediately appeared on the computer screen! There are mashed potatoes, cherry sauce, pudding, squid rolls... look!

I was looking at all kinds of delicious food. Suddenly, I found that the pumpkin cake was very simple. It only needed three materials: pumpkin, glutinous rice flour, and white granulated sugar. I believe many people have eaten pumpkin pie, which can be said to be one of the special snacks in China. Snack shops, supermarkets and cake shops are all equipped with golden pumpkin cakes that are crisp outside but tender inside. Pumpkin cake is not only like the golden jade plate, but also like the shining sun in the sky. For the first time, it is natural to start from the simplest. Therefore, this time, pumpkin pie is the object of food.

I have prepared all the materials for pumpkin pie and started to make it. I followed the online production method, first peeled the pumpkin, then cut the pumpkin into pieces and put it in a microwave oven steamer, and steamed it at high heat for 10 minutes. Ding, OK. I carefully took the pumpkin out of the microwave oven, and the fragrance of the pumpkin immediately hit my face. Then I use a spoon to press the steamed pumpkin into pumpkin mud, and mix it with proper amount of sugar. The sweet taste immediately floats all over the kitchen. I put pumpkin paste and glutinous rice flour in a ratio of about 1:1, add glutinous rice flour little by little, and then add a little water until they are mixed into pumpkin dough without touching my hands. I will divide the dough into several small pieces, knead it round, and press the dough into various shapes, then the pot can start. Wash the pan, add a little oil, and fry the pumpkin cake until golden on both sides. But I accidentally put too much oil in the pancake, and burnt a few pieces in the pancake. Slowly, much better. Ok, It's ready to eat. I'll take a small piece and taste it first. Hmm, it's really good! I think such a good thing, how can I taste it alone? I immediately let my family taste it, and they all praised me! The delicious food made with your own hands has been recognized by everyone. What could be more interesting than this?

What a meaningful Sunday!

[Chapter 2]

Your family will go shopping, his family will go hiking, and his family will go picking. This is the Sunday arrangement of each family, and my family will "cook lunch for the whole family".

This day, Grandpa and his family will come to our house as guests. So, my father, mother and I planned to make a meal of dumplings to entertain grandpa and them.

I saw my father come home with a bag of meat in his left hand, a bag of fennel in his right hand, and a large bag of garlic on his wrist. I knew it was time to make dumplings. So I quickly ran to the kitchen, washed my hands, and said to my mother, "Mom, have you made dumplings?" My mother smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Do you want to send dumplings skin?" "Congratulations, if you answer correctly, add 10000 cents!" I said with a smile. "Well, I haven't met yet! You can play for a while first! I'll call you later." Then, my mother buried herself in her hard work again. After a while, my grandpa and them came. I immediately took the food and said, "Welcome, warm welcome! Dumplings will arrive in an hour." As soon as I finished skipping, everyone was amused. I quickly ran to the kitchen and shouted, "Are the dumplings ready?" My mother said jokingly, "You can help transport the dumpling skins." I quickly cleaned my hands, rolled up my sleeves, and waited for my first "parcel".

One, two, three... soon, there were six. I picked up the leather and sent the "parcel" to my father at a speed of 10000 meters. "Dad, the amount of postal parcels this time is not bad!" "Well, not bad, very good!" "Well, the next" postal parcel "will be ready soon. I will come when I go." Then I ran to the kitchen again.

It was repeated many times, and the dumplings were finally wrapped. I felt very sweet when I ate the fragrant dumplings.

This is really a meaningful Sunday!

Meaningful Sunday (2)

On TV, I saw the magnificent Guangyue Building in Liaocheng with beautiful scenery. I heard others say that when you climb to the top of the building, you can not only have a panoramic view of Liaocheng City, but also view Mount Tai from afar... How I wish I could visit it one day.

On Sunday, I took out the pocket money I usually saved, pestered my mother to ask for dozens of yuan, and set out. The scorching sun was in the sky, and I was so thirsty that my throat was smoking. My hand could not help reaching into my pocket, but I shrank back. I'd better bear it. It still costs a lot of money to buy tickets!

Guangyue Tower appeared in my view. Close, close, more magnificent and beautiful than I saw on TV. Tall buildings fly in the sky, towering and magnificent, with cornices and brackets, carved beams and painted towers, and extraordinary momentum. I think it's better to look at its appearance first.

When I was visiting around the building, I found a group of people around a little girl in the northwest corner of the building. The little girl lowered her head and hung a sign in front of her. I walked forward and heard from others that the girl's parents were bedridden due to a car accident, spent a lot of money to see a doctor, and owed a foreign debt. For the sake of their younger siblings' lives and their parents, they had to drop out of school and beg for help from everyone. "What a poor little girl!" I thought.

I reached out and felt the money in my pocket, but I thought again: this is what I usually save and what my mother wants. Besides, I have been longing for traveling to Guangyue Tower for a long time. I pulled back my hand and wanted to turn around and leave. At this time, a clear voice came: "Little sister, please accept this money. Although it is not enough, I have only this money. I will give it to you later when I have money." The little girl nodded her head and said, "Thank you..."

I think I'm too selfish, even a little friend of several years old. I lowered my head in shame. The bright red scarf pricked my eyes. I turned around and handed the money to the little girl.

The wind blew gently. Although I didn't visit Cheng Guangyue Building this time, I felt very comfortable.

Meaningful Sunday (3)

Today is Sunday. I don't want to go to the park or my friend's house. I just want to brush my beloved "little black shoes"

If there is a shoe that has been popular for many years and is still in the forefront of popularity, then this pair of shoes must be the legendary versatile artifact - small white shoes! As a universal white shoe, it has always been my favorite. But now it is almost beyond recognition and dirty.

I followed the steps my mother said. First, I cleaned the soles with a brush, and then soaked them in white vinegar water.

Ten minutes later, he took it out, sprinkled a layer of soap powder on the vamp, cleaned the floating ash with a shoe brush, and rinsed it with water. Then squeeze out the white toothpaste to evenly apply it on the slope.

Ten minutes later, I cleaned my shoes. I opened a bottle of beer and soaked the shoes face down in the beer.

Wait another ten minutes, rinse the shoes with water, wrap them with toilet paper layer by layer, and then put them in the shade of the yard.

In the afternoon, I carefully ripped open the toilet paper, and it finally showed its true colors. It looked like a new white shoe, but it was also the result of my own labor. I was so happy.

Meaningful Sunday (4)

It's another Sunday. It is said that Sunday is the most expected, the happiest and the most beautiful day. But I thought it was the most boring! Mom and Dad went to work. In addition to doing homework and playing every day, they just ate, drank, slept and slept. It was boring.

I don't think we can waste time like this. In such a beautiful day, we should do something meaningful. "Googoogoo", my stomach began to bark. Alas, I can cook food. It suddenly dawned on me. Cooking delicious food is not only a skill, but also an interesting way to fill your stomach. It's really killing three birds with one stone!

Without saying a word, after breakfast, I went online to search for a complete list of simple food practices, and all kinds of food immediately appeared on the computer screen! There are mashed potatoes, cherry sauce, pudding, squid rolls... look!

I was looking at all kinds of delicious food. Suddenly, I found that the pumpkin cake was very simple. It only needed three materials: pumpkin, glutinous rice flour, and white granulated sugar. I believe many people have eaten pumpkin pie, which can be said to be one of the special snacks in China. Snack shops, supermarkets and cake shops are all equipped with golden pumpkin cakes that are crisp outside but tender inside. Pumpkin cake is not only like the golden jade plate, but also like the shining sun in the sky. For the first time, it is natural to start from the simplest. Therefore, this time, pumpkin pie is the object of food.

I have prepared all the materials for pumpkin pie and started to make it. I followed the online production method, first peeled the pumpkin, then cut the pumpkin into pieces and put it in a microwave oven steamer, and steamed it at high heat for 10 minutes. Ding, OK. I carefully took the pumpkin out of the microwave oven, and the fragrance of the pumpkin immediately hit my face. Then I use a spoon to press the steamed pumpkin into pumpkin mud, and mix it with proper amount of sugar. The sweet taste immediately floats all over the kitchen. I put pumpkin paste and glutinous rice flour in a ratio of about 1:: 1. Add glutinous rice flour little by little, and then add a little water until they are mixed into pumpkin dough without touching my hands. I will divide the dough into several small pieces, knead it round, and press the dough into various shapes, then the pot can start. Wash the pan, add a little oil, and fry the pumpkin cake until golden on both sides. But I accidentally put too much oil in the pancake, and burnt a few pieces in the pancake. Slowly, much better. Ok, It's ready to eat. I'll take a small piece and taste it first. Hmm, it's really good! I think such a good thing, how can I taste it alone? I immediately let my family taste it, and they all praised me! The delicious food made with your own hands has been recognized by everyone. What could be more interesting than this?

What a meaningful Sunday!

Meaningful Sunday (5)

This week is simply a "devil week", because my mother is always nagging in my ear.

For example, when I came home at noon on Thursday, my mother "greeted" me at the door early, and said angrily, "Why did I come back so late? What did I do on the way? It was slow than a turtle..." "Alas, I just walked slowly." I thought to myself.

After dinner, I pushed the bowl and got up to slip away. My mother began to "get lucky" again. "It's the best policy to leave in the thirty-six plans", I said quickly: "I will study with my classmates." But my mother's "luck" was really fast: "Hey, you are a girl of eleven or twelve years old. Mom is busy, you can't help me. At least you should put the bowl in. You can't leave without eating. The working people are not industrious at all." Look, my mother's nagging started again. I had to clean the table obediently. Alas, I'm bored! My mother was afraid that I would do nothing in the future. I can't help it. She is also good for me.

When I finished my homework in the evening and wanted to play for a while, my mother said again: "Have you finished your homework? Have you read the Chinese book? Have you read English? Have you checked the math?" A series of questions made me unable to answer, so I had to put down the doll in my hand and pick up the book to look at it. Although I was reading, I was absent-minded. Mom looked at it and said, "You should concentrate and keep your mind in one."

On weekends, the computer at home always "seduced" me. I couldn't help asking my mother to do this, but she always said: "Have you done your homework? And your eyes are nearsighted, still playing?" I had to stop playing with computers, and said: "Don't play with computers, look at the head office of TV?" My mother said: "Do you only remember these two things? Look at the mess in your room, and don't clean it up properly... "Really, there is no" freedom "at all. It's better to go back to the room, and Mom will stop talking.

Although my mother nagged, I still loved her very much. My mother always wanted to be good for me. Every nagging had her reason, or something I lacked. Without her reminder, I might be a runaway wild horse, free and unruly. Therefore, this "Devil Week" is also an education week.

Meaningful Sunday (6)

On Sunday morning, I just opened my eyes and saw the sunshine outside the window. I got up and said excitedly to my father and mother, "It's a nice day today. Shall we go for a spring outing?" After listening to this, my father and mother looked at each other and said with one voice, "Good idea, let's go for a spring outing!" Ding Lingling... Then the phone rang. As soon as I picked it up, it was my grandfather who called. He asked if we would go to his house today. "No, Grandpa, we are going to have a spring outing today!" I replied excitedly. When I put down the phone, I seemed to hear Grandpa sighing. Yes, my grandpa is over seventy years old, and my grandma died again. How lonely he is! We should go to accompany him in such a good spring. Thinking of this, I said to my father and mother, "Let's go to accompany grandpa." After hearing this, my mother touched my head and said, "Zhang Chikun has grown up and is a good and sensible child!"

So, my father and mother accompanied my grandfather to walk in the campus of the teachers college. As for me, I am like a happy bird running around them, with the warm spring wind blowing our faces. Rows of willows on both sides of the corridor, soft as silk branches, swayed gently in the spring wind, and looked like puffs of smoke blowing in the wind from afar. Grandfather could not help but blurt out the lines of "Singing of the Willows": "Jasper is made up to be a tree high, and ten thousand pieces of green silk tapers hang down. I wonder who cut thin leaves? The spring breeze in February is scissors." At the end of the corridor, there are two peach trees. Pink peach flowers are all over the branches, and some of the five petals are in full bloom; Some are half open and half closed; Some of them are still blossoming, but they are so full that they are about to burst. We look at them, and our hearts are drunk

Unconsciously, we came to the playground. There are so many people on the playground! Some are playing basketball, some are playing football, some are running, and some... There is an empty table where table tennis is played. So my father and I played a game, and my grandfather was the referee. I used to be a loser under my father, but today I have to beat him in front of my grandfather. I only saw my left and right attacks, and the balls flew straight to my father like arrows off the string. He could only parry but could not fight back. In the end, I won my father by 3-0. Grandfather said happily, "It's really better than blue!"

The sun slowly went down the mountain, and the sunset set off Grandpa's smiling face. I think this Sunday was very meaningful!

Meaningful Sunday (7)

This Sunday was really interesting, because I learned a profound truth in doing things.

That day, I was helping my mother do housework within my power. I was tired and sweated when sweeping the floor here and washing dishes there. Finally, the only thing left was the glass. I thought to myself: the glass should be easy to clean! So he took a basin of clean water, a towel and wiped it hard. However, there was a small black spot on the glass that could not be wiped off. I was upset and shouted, "Mom, there is a small black spot on the glass that can't be wiped off." Mom came over and looked at the glass. Smiling, she replied, "There are some things that need to be done by yourself, not by others alone." Then she turned to buy food. I couldn't get the answer, so I had to sit in a chair and think hard. Thinking about it, suddenly, the light bulb on my head came on - I knew what to do. So I quickly took a bottle of vinegar from the kitchen, poured it on the glass, and gently wiped it with a towel. The glass was immediately clean like a mirror. Sure enough, it's the same trick I used to read from books - if there is a black stain on the glass that can't be wiped off, just wipe it with vinegar. Looking at the clean glass, I felt happy.

I've learned that no matter what you do, you must think carefully, and then you can solve it. Of course, you need to read more books and accumulate knowledge, so that you can use it freely in life!

Meaningful Sunday (8)

On Sunday, my sister, Weng Tingting and I went to Xie Najun's house to play.

When we arrived near her home, Weng Tingting pointed to the yellow five storey building in front of us and told us that it was her home.

She said hello to her family, and we followed her through the door with our heads down. First, Weng Tingting showed us her living room, dining room and bedroom. Generally speaking, it is very clean. The furniture is neatly placed and neatly arranged. It can be seen that her mother is a capable person. When I came to her study, hundreds of books were neatly arranged in the whole bookcase, such as "One Hundred Thousand Whys", "Five Thousand Years Up and Down", "The King of Stories", "Three Hundred Tang Poems"... It can be seen from here that Weng Tingting is a person who has developed a good reading habit since childhood, and no one knows anything at all times and in all countries. No wonder her performance has been so good.

Then she took out a "Bubugao" reread machine and gave us our respective performances. Weng Tingting performed singing, I performed a cross talk, and my sister did not want to be outdone by reciting ancient poems. All these programs were recorded by Weng Tingting, and then we slowly enjoyed them again and again.

The most interesting thing is playing computer. After startup, we open the Kingsoft Painter program, and a drawing board appears on the screen. There are many function keys on the left side of the drawing board, such as eraser glue, pencil, brush, rectangular box

I drew a pig with a pencil, then painted it black, and it became a little mud pig. Then my sister couldn't wait, so she grabbed the mouse and drew a blue river and a colorful swimming circle. I said, "Give the swimming circle to the little mud pig and let him go to the river to wash it." My sister said, "I won't." Weng Tingting first selected the "pointer" from the left toolbar, and then clicked the left mouse button to hold the swimming circle and dragged it to the pig's back. My sister jumped up happily.

Weng Tingting said, "We also surf! The scenery there is more beautiful.". There are fairy sticks, background pictures, various animals... a lot of things. We selected a picture of rural scenery as the background color, and then selected the beautiful small beetle car, carefree white clouds, free bubbles, balloons, flowers, and several lovely animals. Finally, use function keys to arrange them reasonably on the picture, such as zooming animals, moving direction, rotation angle, etc. Finally, spray some stones, flowers, butterflies, shells, etc. with a fairy stick as the picture frame.

The big alarm clock in the living room rang six times in a row, and I realized that it was getting dark and we should go home. I really hope that time will solidify here so that I can leave a better memory here.

Meaningful Sunday (9)

It's another Sunday. It is said that Sunday is the most expected, the happiest and the most beautiful day. But I thought it was the most boring! Mom and Dad went to work. In addition to doing homework and playing every day, they just ate, drank, slept and slept. It was boring.

I don't think we can waste time like this. In such a beautiful day, we should do something meaningful. "Googoogoo", my stomach began to bark. Alas, I can cook food. It suddenly dawned on me. Cooking delicious food is not only a skill, but also an interesting way to fill your stomach. It's really killing three birds with one stone!

Without saying a word, after breakfast, I went online to search for a complete list of simple food practices, and all kinds of food immediately appeared on the computer screen! There are mashed potatoes, cherry sauce, pudding, squid rolls... look!

I was looking at the methods of various delicacies. Suddenly, I found that the method of pumpkin cake was very simple. It only needed three materials: pumpkin, glutinous rice flour, and white granulated sugar. I believe many people have eaten pumpkin pie, which can be said to be one of the special snacks in China. Snack shops, supermarkets and cake shops are all equipped with golden pumpkin cakes that are crisp outside but tender inside. Pumpkin cake is not only like the golden jade plate, but also like the shining sun in the sky. For the first time, it is natural to start from the simplest. Therefore, this time, pumpkin pie is the object of food.

I have prepared all the materials for pumpkin pie and started to make it. I followed the online production method, first peeled the pumpkin, then cut the pumpkin into pieces and put it in a microwave oven steamer, and steamed it at high heat for 10 minutes. Ding, OK. I carefully took the pumpkin out of the microwave oven, and the fragrance of the pumpkin immediately hit my face. Then I use a spoon to press the steamed pumpkin into pumpkin mud, and mix it with proper amount of sugar. The sweet taste immediately floats all over the kitchen. I put pumpkin paste and glutinous rice flour in a ratio of about 1:: 1, add glutinous rice flour little by little, and then add a little water until they are mixed into pumpkin dough without touching my hands. I will divide the dough into several small pieces, knead it round, and press the dough into various shapes, then the pot can start. Wash the pan, add a little oil, and fry the pumpkin cake until golden on both sides. But I accidentally put too much oil in the pancake, and burnt a few pieces in the pancake. Slowly, much better. Ok, It's ready to eat. I'll take a small piece and taste it first. Hmm, it's really good! I think such a good thing, how can I taste it alone? I immediately let my family taste it, and they all praised me! The delicious food made with your own hands has been recognized by everyone. What could be more interesting than this?

What a meaningful Sunday!

Meaningful Sunday (10)

Last Sunday morning, I got up early as an exception. Because today I will go to the market with my parents to sell small department stores.

We arrived at the market by car, and began to sell after placing the department store stalls. After a while, an old woman who was over sixty came to the stall. She had to choose a set of "household equipment" and a fitness band after a long time. The old lady asked me how much I wanted, and I said to her, "These things are two yuan in total." The old lady listened and walked slowly away.

Just after the old woman left, another middle-aged woman came. The woman also took a fancy to the "home equipment" and the gym, and asked me how much it cost. I asked for two yuan, but she only offered me one yuan and fifty cents. I didn't answer, and said to her, "Auntie, the things here are absolutely good and cheap, and there is no second house in the whole street. You can rest assured that the price of two yuan is very affordable!"

The aunt happily paid me two yuan. My father praised me: "Zhengxia, you are really good!"

As soon as Dad finished speaking, several more customers came, and we went to receive them. After listening to my introduction, they all bought their favorite products. We were busy from 7 o'clock in the morning to more than 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and a family dragged their exhausted bodies to the car and went home.

Although I am hungry and tired, I am very happy. Because I learned to do business and know that it is not easy to do anything. Only by working hard and working hard can I do things well.

Through selling small department stores, I also realized the difficulty of parents' painstaking efforts to bring us up for our study. You see, didn't they let me spend a meaningful Sunday again? We must help our parents do what we can, be more considerate of their parents, be a good student of good character and learning at school, and be a good child who respects their parents at home.

Meaningful Sunday (11)

On Sunday, I'm going to sleep in. Who knows, my father told me early in the morning that there would be a family meeting. I hurried to the "conference room". When I arrived at the "conference room", my parents said to me seriously, "Today you are the master." "I am the master?" I was stunned, and then I danced with joy. My father handed me a hundred yuan, saying it was the cost of today. My little heart was full of happiness.

I went out to buy vegetables. When I first came to the snack bar, my slander power came up. When I was about to go to the snack bar to buy snacks, a strong sense of responsibility put slander down. I went to the shop with the money. When I got to the vegetable shop, I bought some tomatoes, a jin of milk and some cucumbers, and I was going to take them home to make my best cheesecake. When I got home, I was just about to make breakfast. My mother came into the kitchen to help me. I smiled and said to her, "Today I am in charge. At noon, I thought of my parents' reluctance to go to a restaurant to eat, so I ordered some good dishes and invited them to have a meal. When I had to pay for my meal, I found that there was not enough money, so I had to put it on credit for the time being. Of course, I can only be hungry at night.

Through this homemaking, I learned from the hard work of my parents and the hard won money of my parents. We should cherish the fruits of their labor.

Meaningful Sunday (12)

On Sunday, the Youth League Committee of the school organized the Youth League members to take a spring outing to x x, and determined to leave the school at 7:30 a.m. on time. At 7 o'clock, I took my things with me and walked to school cheerfully.

Suddenly, there was a cry in my ear: "Children, can you help me push it?" I followed my reputation and found a cart full of fruit parked on the side of the road, pulled by an old grandfather who was nearly 60 years old. The old man was opening his chest and fanning with his straw hat. Sweat slowly flowed down his pale cheeks. He was looking at me eagerly.

I hesitated. I should have helped, but I had to get to school at 7:30, otherwise the spring outing would be in vain again. how? I raised my head, looked at his expectant eyes, tired face, and gray hair, and felt anxious to catch up with the morning market, so I walked over involuntarily.

I pushed the car with a heavy heart. My contradictory psychology was always unbalanced. My head was low, and the road slowly moved back from my feet. At this time, how I wish someone would replace me! Suddenly, the car swayed a few times and stopped. I pushed it without moving. I don't know how many long roads the car has to go. I want to take advantage of his turning around to check the wheels and get away. But just when I was dreaming, the car moved forward again. With a red face, I pushed the cart and deeply blamed the "little" in my heart. I was also glad that I didn't slip away, otherwise I would hate for life.

The sun is rising. I don't know when several middle school students helped me push the cart. At this time, Grandpa was very energetic, and the cart ran on the road. Finally, he arrived at the market at 8 o'clock in time, which made Grandpa sell at a good price. In the voice of grandpa's thanks, we left happily.

This Sunday, although I could not go to the spring outing, it was still very meaningful. I really want to hear the voice of the grandfather once: "Children, can you give me a push?"

Meaningful Sunday (13)

Ah! It's another Sunday. Sunday is a good thing and a bad thing for me. The good thing is that I can play again, while the bad thing is that I don't know what to play and how to play.

On this day, when I was feeling bored, my brother came. I was so surprised that I hurried forward to greet him. After I went out, I found my brother was holding a square object. After a closer look, it turned out to be Go. This chess was originally for my father, but "Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway" - I was robbed by him. After I got the hand, I insisted on my brother to play chess with me. After many requests from me, my brother finally agreed. At first, I could not win my brother in any way. Later, after thinking about everything, I finally mastered the secret of playing chess. So I played chess according to my secret. As a result, I turned the tables and won my brother.

Ah! No more boring on Sunday!

Meaningful Sunday (14)

I like Sundays. My parents are all at home, chatting together, watching TV, surfing the Internet or going to the movies, going to the bookstore, and playing in the park. It's really exciting! But today, it is different

This afternoon, my father said to me, "Today, we are going to race with Uncle Yan and his son to ride bicycles. It can not only improve our cycling skills, but also strengthen our physical fitness. It is also a kind of exercise for our mental quality. Why not? You see, I have strengthened our" Baoqi "for a while!" Dad pointed at the two "treasure horses" at the door. Without delay, let's go quickly

My father and I soon arrived at the place where we met Uncle Yan. Five minutes later, the two father and son arrived as expected. We set the rule: divide into two groups, and see which group rides to the designated end point - the fishhole first, who wins. My father and I have a group called "Sheep Group". Uncle Yan and his son have a group called "Salt Group".

3、 Two, one, the game begins! First of all, our sheep group took the lead and rushed ahead. Suddenly, the two members of the Salt Group quietly passed by us, and the "snickering" sound of the Salt Group was still caught in the roaring wind. It was really disgusting! I tried my best to pedal the pedal of my bike quickly and forcefully. The bike also cooperated with me very well, like a golden lion, trying to tear the wind of ridicule. After a while, I rode this "lion" to catch up with the salt group, which was so frightened that the salt group "looked pale" and slowed down a lot. My father, who was left behind by me, caught up with me in a sweat and surpassed the salt group with me. Near the end, we stopped to have a rest. Facing the beautiful river, the gentle wind blew wantonly. We were very comfortable!

After a while, we continued to play. At the end of the race, our two groups were still in a tight race. But it doesn't matter. The purpose of the competition is to strengthen the body, not to beat me, and finally lose both sides.

This is really a meaningful Sunday!

Meaningful Sunday (15)

I want to help my mother do housework. What can I do? Well, I'm inexperienced in other jobs. I dragged the floor when I was on duty at school. Let's do it!

As soon as I said it was dry, I washed the mop first. When I saw it was wet, it was too wet to mop the floor, so I put it in the dewatering bucket and looked around. It was not so wet soon.

I took the mop and began to drag the floor. When encountering "obstacles", I would first drag the side clean, then move the "obstacles" over and drag them back. After a while, they were all finished, and I went to wash the mop.

After washing, I can't wait to see the results of my work. Huh? Why is there still a layer of ash in some places? It turned out that I dragged it unevenly. I dragged it until I skipped it. Look again, how come there are so many footprints? It turns out that mopping the floor at home is different from that at school. I have to drag the floor from inside to outside at home. I'm in the reverse order. No wonder there are so many footprints! However, I had to postpone it again. It's much better now.

Looking at the easy things, it's not so important to do them. I believe I can do better next time. Only by accumulating time and time can I have rich experience. Practice makes perfect!

Meaningful Sunday (16)

Meaningful Sunday Grade Three Composition

In our daily study, work or life, the most unseen thing is composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a meaningful composition of grade three on Sunday for everyone, just for reference. Let's have a look.

I want to help my mother do housework. What can I do? Well, I'm inexperienced in other jobs. I dragged the floor when I was on duty at school. Let's do it!

Let's just do it. I washed the mop first. It was wet. It was too wet to mop the floor, so I put it in the dewatering bucket. It won't be so wet soon.

I took the mop and began to drag the floor. When I met "obstacles", I would first drag the side clean, then move the "obstacles" over and drag them back. Soon, all the mops were finished, and I went to wash the mop.

After washing, I can't wait to see the results of my work. Huh? Why are some places still covered with ash? It turned out that I dragged it unevenly, and I dragged it to that place and skipped it. Look again, how come there are so many footprints? It turns out that mopping the floor at home is different from that at school. I have to drag the floor from inside to outside at home. I'm in the reverse order. No wonder there are so many footprints! However, I had to postpone it again. It's much better now.

It's not so important to look at Yi's work. I believe I can postpone it better next time. Only

Accumulate time and time again, then you can have rich experience. Practice makes perfect!

Meaningful Sunday (17)

It's another Sunday. It is said that Sunday is the most expected, the happiest and the most beautiful day. But I thought it was the most boring! Mom and Dad went to work. In addition to doing homework and playing every day, they just ate, drank, slept and slept. It was boring.

I don't think we can waste time like this. In such a beautiful day, we should do something meaningful. "Googoogoo", my stomach began to bark. Alas, I can cook food. It suddenly dawned on me. Cooking delicious food is not only a skill, but also an interesting way to fill your stomach. It's really killing three birds with one stone!

Without saying a word, after breakfast, I went online to search for a complete list of simple food practices, and all kinds of food immediately appeared on the computer screen! There are mashed potatoes, cherry sauce, pudding, squid rolls... look!

I was looking at the methods of various delicacies. Suddenly, I found that the method of pumpkin cake was very simple. It only needed three materials: pumpkin, glutinous rice flour, and white granulated sugar. I believe many people have eaten pumpkin pie, which can be said to be one of the special snacks in China. Snack shops, supermarkets and cake shops are all equipped with golden pumpkin cakes that are crisp outside but tender inside. Pumpkin cake is not only like the golden jade plate, but also like the shining sun in the sky. For the first time, it is natural to start from the simplest. Therefore, this time, pumpkin pie is the object of food.

I have prepared all the materials for pumpkin pie and started to make it. I followed the online production method, first peeled the pumpkin, then cut the pumpkin into pieces and put it in a microwave oven steamer, and steamed it at high heat for 10 minutes. Ding, OK. I carefully took the pumpkin out of the microwave oven, and the fragrance of the pumpkin immediately hit my face. Then I use a spoon to press the steamed pumpkin into pumpkin mud, and mix it with proper amount of sugar. The sweet taste immediately floats all over the kitchen. I put pumpkin paste and glutinous rice flour in a ratio of about 1:1, add glutinous rice flour little by little, and then add a little water until they are mixed into pumpkin dough without touching my hands. I will divide the dough into several small pieces, knead it round, and press the dough into various shapes, then the pot can start. Wash the pan, add a little oil, and fry the pumpkin cake until golden on both sides. But I accidentally put too much oil in the pancake, and burnt a few pieces in the pancake. Slowly, much better. Ok, It's ready to eat. I'll take a small piece and taste it first. Hmm, it's really good! I think such a good thing, how can I taste it alone? I immediately let my family taste it, and they all praised me! The delicious food made with your own hands has been recognized by everyone. What could be more interesting than this?

What a meaningful Sunday!