Composition in Autumn (16 Collections)
Liangcheng Old Man
2024-05-26 05:59:48
describe the scenery

Composition in Autumn (1)

Where is autumn? Come and look for autumn with me.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the garden. There are colorful chrysanthemums in the garden, some like a ball, some like my mother's curly hair, and some like a loving family crowded together. In the garden, there are sweet scented osmanthus, golden osmanthus, shining in the sunlight, like pieces of gold, and some small gems, shiny.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the fields. There are lots of soybeans in the fields. When the wind blows, it makes a "clattering" laugh. There are also tall and straight sorghum in the field, raising a dark red face, like singing happily.

Where is autumn? In autumn, there are red apples in the orchard, like children playing together. Golden oranges hang on the tree like little lanterns. And yellow bananas like a crescent moon

The original autumn in many places, I really want it to stay with us.

Composition in Autumn (2)

I love this warm spring, I love this hot summer, I love this icy winter, but in my mind, I love this fruitful 'autumn'.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the garden with the fragrance of osmanthus. There are Begonia, Sunflower, Chrysanthemum and Osmanthus in the garden in autumn... But I like chrysanthemum best. Some are as red as fire, some are as yellow as gold, some are as white as snow, and some are as pink as rosy clouds. The fragrance of osmanthus is refreshing. How can we not be relaxed and happy!

Where is autumn? In autumn, there are grapes, apples, persimmons and pomegranates in the orchard with rich fruits... I walked into the purple vineyard and found that the grapes were clustered one by one, and no one would let anyone. I went into the pomegranate garden again, and the crystal seeds looked out to inform people of the good news of maturity.

Where is autumn? In autumn, white clouds are changing in the blue sky. Some are like white rabbits, some are like gems, some are like cars.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the children's eyes. Where is autumn? Autumn is in the hearts of children!

Composition in Autumn (3)

Autumn is coming, let's look for the breath of autumn.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the orchard. The fruit on the tree is pushed and touched, and people are urged to pick it. The apple showed a small red face. Orange trees are covered with yellow oranges. Persimmons are like red lanterns crowded among the green leaves.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the woods. The autumn rain began to fall in the woods, and the rain hit the leaves, making a rustling sound. Red, yellow and green leaves nodded frequently in the rain.

When the weather cleared up, the little magpie took branches to build a house, the little squirrel used pinecones as food, and the little frog was digging holes to get ready to sleep comfortably. Pine and cypress put on their thick, shiny clothes, and the leaves of poplar and willow floated to the feet of the mother tree. Everyone was preparing for winter.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in that field. Golden rice is like a golden ocean. The sorghum held up a red torch. Maize grows a small braid, like a little girl standing there.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the children's eyes. What a beautiful autumn!

Composition in Autumn (4)

After Uncle Xia left, Miss Qiu put on a coat and walked lightly to the world. As soon as she took office, she added beautiful scenery to many places. Let's find out where the beauty of autumn is.

We searched and found it! Found it! In the beautiful rice fields in autumn. You see, the sea like rice was still growing vigorously yesterday. Only one day, with the arrival of the autumn girl, they suddenly became golden yellow, shining like gold, and bowed their heads, bent their waist, and fell into meditation like philosophers. As soon as Sister Qiufeng came over, they leaned forward and swayed to their hearts' content. They also laughed. Is that Sister Qiufeng laughing? Are you laughing at their childishness? Are you laughing at their foolishness when they were young? Or did they think of some truth and laugh because they couldn't help it? Who knows?

We searched and found it! Yes, the beauty of autumn is in the garden. The chrysanthemum can be regarded as 20 cents beautiful under the cultivation of Miss Qiu. You see, the petals of the chrysanthemum are like purple Ruyi. They are arranged in an orderly manner around the stamens. The stamens are covered with small golden pompons and emit a pleasant fragrance from time to time. You see, there are so many autumn chrysanthemums. The yellow ones are shining with golden light, the red ones are not inferior to the flames, the white ones are crystal like snow, and the pink ones are gorgeous like flowing clouds. Wow! You see, the whole garden is full of blooming autumn chrysanthemums. Who said that only spring is colorful, so is autumn.

We searched and found it! Yes, the beauty of autumn is in the orchard. The tall pomegranate tree is full of fruit, round and big, which is really attractive. The big fruit is bright and bright. The side exposed to the sun is dark red, and the back side is green. Against the dense green leaves, the pomegranate is better than the flowers in June. The pomegranate is sour and sweet, which is charming, sour and sour. The citrus is also mature. The orange trees are yellow and golden, full of heavy oranges, bending the branches. The autumn wind blows, and a burst of orange fragrance is intoxicating.

There are many beautiful things in autumn. Let's find them together!

Composition in Autumn (5)

Children, do you know where autumn is? If you don't know, follow me to find it!

Autumn is in the fields. If you don't believe it, look: the rice is ripe in the endless farmland, and the golden ears of wheat bend the thin straw; With the gentle encouragement of the autumn girl, the white cotton also broke its hard shell and began to peep at the harvest scene of the whole field; Even the usually silent corn is now lively, secretly stripping off the yellow coat and beginning to greet people. The hardworking farmer uncle came to the field and smiled happily when he saw this harvest scene.

Autumn is in the orchard. Don't believe it, you see, the grapes that were still green a few weeks ago have become purple agates one by one, hanging heavily on the vines; At this time, the green and bitter persimmons also wore yellow, orange and orange coats, and hung on the branches smiling and nodding to people

If the harvest fields and orchards are not enough to touch your heart, then follow me to the garden to look for autumn! The garden in autumn is very lively. Some colorful chrysanthemums are in bud, some are smiling, and some are flowers! Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance came. I followed the fragrance to find it. It turned out that it was the darling of autumn - osmanthus blossoms.

Children, now you know where autumn is!

Composition in Autumn (6)

People often ask: "Where is spring?" But as time changes, "Where is spring?" has become obsolete, and now it has been changed to "Where does autumn come from?".

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the trees. With the footsteps of Qiu, the green leaves on the tree gradually changed their clothes. The original green summer clothes have been changed into sacred golden suits. They are dressed so sacred, as if they are going to participate in the sacred and meaningful farewell ceremony.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in the countryside. With the dancing of Miss Qiu's fingers, the green rice became golden and yellow, and they bent down, as if they were thanking Mother Earth, or farmers for their watering.

Where is autumn? Autumn is on the smiling face of the farmer uncle. With the arrival of Miss Qiu, the crops have harvested well, which can be seen on the face of the farmer uncle. When the fields have harvested well, his mood will naturally improve.

Where is autumn? Autumn is on children's clothes. With the footsteps of the girl Qiu, the weather gradually turns cold. The children used to wear short sleeved shorts, but now the children's clothes have changed into autumn clothes and trousers to keep warm.

Where is autumn? Autumn is on children's hats. With the footsteps of Qiu, the sun visors turned into cotton hats.

Where is autumn? Autumn is in that weather. With the footsteps of the autumn girl, the fierce summer rain turned into continuous autumn rain.

Where is autumn? Autumn is on the glass outside the classroom. With the footsteps of Miss Qiu, the glass is no longer clean, and has become a breath. This is a prank of Miss Qiu!

Where is autumn? Autumn is around us.

Composition in Autumn (7)

"Where is autumn? Where is autumn? Autumn is in the children's eyes! There are fruits! There are fallen leaves..." At this moment, we are looking for autumn in Binjiang Community!

Autumn is a beautiful picture. You see, the leaves of cherry trees fall like butterflies dancing. The leaves of fragrant bubble trees are green, and they bear fruit. Each fruit is like a lantern hanging on the tree. Look! There is also a ginkgo tree, whose leaves are yellow, like small fans, which can take away the summer heat. There are also osmanthus trees, whose flowers float down and usher in bursts of fragrance.

Autumn, also played a song of joy. I came to the pond with the song and found that the pond was irregular. There were water lilies in the pond and willows beside it. There were many drops of water on the "braids" of willows. When a gust of wind blew, the drops fell on the trees and made a sound "tick by tick" on the pond. The lake water was sparkling in circles, like waves caused by playing the piano. Another student was playing with an eraser in his hand near the pond. He accidentally fell into the pond and made a sound of "ding dong", just like a naughty elf who couldn't wait to explore the bottom of the pond

Autumn is a picture and a song. Fruits, flowers and fallen leaves are all smiling, and they are inviting us to show us the unique charm of autumn!

Composition in Autumn (8)

I have been floating outside for several years, and the most wandering season in every year is autumn.

When the autumn wind blows, the leaves are yellow. There was nothing to do. On the way, there was a yellow, withered and curled leaf that floated past. At that moment, I wanted to cry inexplicably. Maybe it's because the life of this leaf is over, or it's because the leaf left the branch that made it young, or it's because of the thought of love in life. Once it's gone, where can we find it? If I think too much, my sight is as vague as my mind.

Autumn is the long pavilion of departure. Although it is silent, it is the last time to see your lover through this life. Autumn is my mother's dim eyes. Without seeing it, I was in love with tears. Autumn is the shadow of my father's aging. When the sun sets, we find that love is deep in our hearts.

Autumn, like a silkworm, weaves a homesickness net on the hearts of wandering people in the late night of the month after the spring and summer, tying each of us to the knot. Autumn is also a cup of turbid wine. You can get drunk after tasting it. If you get drunk, you don't know where your hometown is. Autumn is even more desolate when people are in a foreign land, leaving relatives and visiting friends.

Maybe autumn is Ah Bing's erhu, accompanied by a crescent moon and a small bridge in the south of the Yangtze River. In anticipation and waiting, he is disappointed to see a Wupeng boat fade away in the sound of rolling.

Sometimes, after making a cup of old tea and looking at the wild geese far away, I would think of my home in the north and regret not paying attention to the letters on the feet of the wild geese. Maybe my mother is eager to see through, maybe my lover caresses the railing, or maybe it's just for the grass beside the fence, the story that gradually withers and yellows.

On the south bank of the river, in the west wind. Year after year, like the maid in the palace of Emperor Xuanzong, on the moonlit night with cold dew on the windowsill, she could not calculate the return date of picking up her luggage, but looked bored at the full moon. Day after day, yellow leaves are flying all over the land, and I'm getting confused. Although the world is vast, my heart is longing for a way back.

Autumn, at a glance, can cross thousands of mountains and rivers. Autumn, think about it, tears will flow. Autumn, written on paper, is lovesickness.

How can one wander along the small garden path? Write Qiu in a letter and send it away, so that someone in the autumn wind will know your whereabouts; When drunk, someone will know your tears; Sleepless at night, stroking all over the railings, someone will accompany you to watch the waning moon sink.

And the autumn in the letter, even the fallen leaves, is also a dance. Think about the autumn sent away. The ripples in my heart are just like a smile in my sleep.

Autumn in the letter will be beautiful.

Composition in Autumn (9)

I always love autumn best. How can others understand? The beauty, implication and wealth of autumn all make us feel surprised, warm and fascinated

I always love autumn, which is unspeakably beautiful. Looking out of the empty bright window, I could see the whole house was golden. The dark brown trunk looks like an old man who has been sleeping for thousands of years. The leaves are turning and lying on the ground. Having green and gilt edged; Having yellowish brown color; There are also green, staring at them, you will find hope, the vast brown, little golden, faint yellow. It's beautiful, I thought in my heart

I always love autumn, which is unspeakable. There is no spring that leaps into the eyes of the thick green; There is no bright sunshine in summer that can't open my eyes; There is no desolate white in winter. Autumn, it contains the hope of spring, the enthusiasm of summer, the vastness of winter, in short, it is implicit, I thought.

I have always loved autumn best, and I am so rich. The smiling faces of apples are blooming on the branches, the fragrance under the orange tree, the big white flowers in the tea basket, and the wheat in the field. I grew up under the fallen leaves and played hide and seek in the woods. I extended my arms to embrace autumn. Qiu, it is rich, and I am sure that

I always love autumn best. Although spring is bright, it is too charming; Summer is bold but too hot, winter is holy but too cold. Only autumn is beautiful, implicit and rich.

I have always loved autumn best. It has quietly come to me and nurtured hope and blessings around me.

Composition in Autumn (10)

Where is autumn? Autumn is a changeable season.

Look, it has become a painter and is painting in the field! It painted large tracts of rice yellow; It lights the mature sorghum red... Look, it has become a magician, performing magic in the park! It turned into a plump ginkgo baby under the ginkgo leaves; It made us even more "crazy" and ran to the grass to catch grasshoppers

Look, it has become a gourmet again, and is commenting on vegetables in the vegetable market! It put the frost beaten vegetables into the basket; Put the purple red water chestnut into the shopping bag... Look, it has also become a comedian, performing sketches in the orchard! Bananas bent over with laughter; Pomegranate was so amused that it opened its mouth and even burst its belly

Look, it has also become a conductor, conducting the animal chorus on the road! It makes crickets sing in a low tone; Let wild geese sing loudly and let grasshoppers accompany... Look, it has also become a money cat, and is paying "wages" to people who work hard! It sends rice to farmers and fish and shrimp to fishermen

Composition in Autumn (11)

Gradually, gradually, the autumn wind comes, and the steps of autumn are near. The leaves are red, the rice is ripe, and the fruit is fragrant... Everywhere you go, there are so many beautiful scenery that people can't see enough and love enough.

The fallen leaves are all kinds. They fall from the trees one after another and spin like beautiful butterflies flying in the air. When they are thick, they are like carpets. It's very comfortable to step on them.

The cool autumn wind seems to take me into another world. I feel the sky is higher, wider and bluer. The blue sky, washed by a continuous autumn rain, is a bit bluer than the blue sea. There is no dust in the air. Take a deep breath. It's really cool and pleasant. The willow trees by the river have yellow leaves, and the willow branches hang on the river like the old man's beard. A gust of autumn wind blows, and those willow leaves who have only a trace of concern with willow branches dance in the wind and fall into the water like Tiannv scattered flowers, becoming a charming scenery in autumn.

How poetic the autumn rain is! Just a few bursts of autumn wind, followed by continuous autumn rain. The autumn rain is as thin as feathers, as soft as silk, and as smooth as silk. The "intermittent" rain sound is not boring at all, but rather so beautiful. When I walked on the path, the autumn rain fell on my face, hair and clothes, and the clothes were blossoming with "small osmanthus", as if autumn rain was dressing me up.

The fruit is also ripe! The air is filled with sweet smell. Small lanterns are hung on the orange tree and persimmon tree. The ripe ones are yellow and red. They are more colorful and attractive in the green leaves. There are also some green fruits, but you won't let me, I won't let you, making it send out attractive aroma. It can be said that "you must remember the good scenery of the year, when it is orange and green".

Ah, autumn, even thousands of words can not tell your beauty, I love your every scenery!

Composition in Autumn (12)

With the rustling autumn wind, chrysanthemums become the best among the flowers. When I walked into the chrysanthemum garden, I couldn't help being dazzled and dazzled. Look, chrysanthemums are red, yellow, white, purple, pink, blue, red in black, yellow in white... They are all different and colorful. The posture of chrysanthemums is more beautiful - some are polite, some are domineering, some are shy, some are holding their heads high, some are hanging upside down, some are alone, some are in groups, and some are admiring themselves alone... It's really a thousand different ways!

The autumn wind always gently touches every leaf, not the geniality of spring, nor the bleakness of winter. Therefore, the leaves were moved, leaving the branches in a hurry and starting a new journey.

The autumn clouds are also very beautiful. In the blue, its white, its pure, its rise, its illusion, always makes people think: Is that thick cloud the quilt of angels, and that thin cloud the wave in the Milky Way? Pieces of beauty, magically changing the mood.

The continuous autumn rain seems to never end, bringing a chill. After the rain, it was sunny and sunny, and the sky was high and the clouds were light. I felt that this was the beginning of autumn. The golden withered leaves fell all over the ground, like a wet yellow carpet.

Comparing spring with autumn, spring is the season of sowing and autumn is the season of harvesting. Spring is the growing season, and autumn is the picking season. That's why there are such sentences as Chunhua Qiushi.

I like autumn. I always think autumn is a perfect word. The season of fire is not under, but in autumn. But autumn has become more dignified and mature. I can't imagine the joy of harvest. Perhaps, with the precipitation of the next layer of autumn leaves, yellow is a year's harvest. So, I picked up a leaf that knows the autumn and put it in the book. It will be a good memory for 365 days.

Therefore, love in late autumn.

Composition in Autumn (13)

"Withered vines, old trees, dim crows, small bridges, flowing water and people's houses, old roads, westerly winds, thin horses, sunset, heartbroken people in the end of the world..." inadvertently, leaves are scattered, thin as Zen, harvest fruits, all of which imply the arrival of autumn

Autumn is a season of joy, leisure and harvest.

The autumn wind caressed the rice fields, the fruit trees and people's hearts. The golden waves in the rice fields spread one after another, and the rice fragrance spread to the distance. Which fruit tree in the orchard is not heavy? Fruity and rice aromas brew in the air, emitting a faint fragrance. At this time, the long dusty sickle was put to use, and they were all excited. I hope people will take themselves to cut the golden wheat. "Dida - Dida -" The water drops into the soil. Oh, it turned out that it was the sweat of the farmer's uncle, "Who knows that every meal is hard". The sweat water is full of the joy of the old farmer for autumn.

The autumn rain falls in the streams, lakes and people's hearts, moistening their hearts. The boat in the lake swayed and swayed, looking so leisurely. The fishermen are also happy. The fry have grown up in autumn, and it's time for them to harvest. As a result, the fishing net here has just been put into the water, and then it has been put away. Which fishing net is not full? The whole lake was filled with hearty laughter.

The autumn fog obscures the plants, the creatures and the eyes of the shepherdess. When the sound of the flute on the back of the cow sounded, where did the distant echo come from? In one part of the mountain, the melodious sound of the piano slowly reverberates, like a shy girl who wants to refuse to return. "Autumn dreams in the eyes of shepherdesses". Like joy or shame, does the soft sound of the piano symbolize the innocent and hazy love of young boys and girls?

Autumn has no spring revival of everything, no summer cicadas, no winter snow and ice, but it has its independent and more gorgeous side - people's melancholy, like shyness, after summer's clean, distant and cool

Composition in Autumn (14)

Autumn is coming. My father takes our family to trample on autumn.

When our family came to the small garden, a fragrant smell came to us. The smell of honey was unbelievable. We walked along the fragrance and it was the osmanthus tree that bloomed. Let's move on, look! The leaves of the plane tree slowly turned yellow. A gust of wind blew past, and the leaves danced like butterflies. The grass also withered and yellowed, and only the pine and cypress trees were green. The exercisers put on their autumn clothes and looked up at the white clouds in the sky, which became more white against the blue sky. A group of wild geese formed a straight line and hurried to the warm south, afraid of being frozen in the cold winter in the north.

Ah! Qiu, I love you! Just like mice love rice!

Composition in Autumn (15)

Some people like spring when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, some people like summer when the sun is scorching, and some people like winter when snow is white. But I like autumn when the wind is cool.

Autumn is the harvest season. You see, there are many fruits in the colorful orchard. The persimmon tree was hung with little persimmons like lanterns. The pomegranate smiled and opened its mouth, as if to say, "Autumn is coming, autumn is coming!" The pear was yellow and orange, and the grape trellis was full of shiny grapes.

In the fields, large pieces of golden rice covered the fields. When the wind blows, the rice rises one after another, like golden waves. In the thick golden yellow, there is also the joy of harvest and the sweat of busy harvesting.

In the garden, colorful chrysanthemums are in full bloom, white, red, yellow...... Beautiful hibiscus flowers are very beautiful, white or pink, and become dark red at night.

I like the harvest season, the fruitful season, the colorful season, this is the harvest of autumn!

Composition in Autumn (16)

I have always loved autumn - how did others ever understand that the beauty and wealth of autumn all surprised, warmed and fascinated me

Love autumn - that unspeakable beauty. Through the empty window lattice, a stretch of golden in front of the house. The dark brown branches, like the ancient tung trees that have been sleeping for thousands of years, have a faint green luster. The leaves are turning, leaning, leaning and dragging. Gaze at it, you can find hope, touch it, you can find sustenance. The vast 'dark brown, little golden yellow, faint dark green. It is beautiful. I slowly daub it on the painting, quietly watch in my eyes, and deeply treasure it in my heart... Only at this time, those who do not understand autumn understand autumn, and those who do not understand me understand me

Love autumn - that unspeakable implication. There is no thick green in spring, no dazzling sunshine in summer, and no desolate desolation in winter. It contains the hope of spring, the enthusiasm of summer, the vastness of winter, and... It is implicit. I pursue it on people's happy faces, stare at it on the silent grassland, and stretch out my arms to autumn on the top of the mountain rocks... Only at this time, those who do not understand autumn understand autumn, and those who do not understand me understand me

Love autumn - that inexhaustible wealth. The smiling face of apple blossoms among the branches, the delicate fragrance of citrus spreads among the leaves, and the honest sorghum stands in the field. Qiu is rich. I sleep soundly on the battlements, cheer on the fallen leaves, and play hide and seek in the woods... Only then can those who don't understand Qiu understand Qiu, and those who don't understand me understand me

When autumn approaches quietly and passes away in a hurry, it has already sprinkled blessings on my side unconsciously, and is also slowly pregnant with new hope!