About vision (10 articles are preferred)
Northern Girl
2024-04-18 09:38:38

About Vision (1)

That day, I went back to my hometown with my parents. We went to the third aunt's house. It was already afternoon and we needed to beg for a meal there.

As soon as we entered Sanyi's house, a drizzle began to fall outside. The field in the mountain is quite quiet, and now, the quiet atmosphere is more intense. Breathing the fresh and pure air of the countryside, my heart seems very calm.

We sat in the living room and set up a dragon's gate array. Everyone was very happy. Suddenly I heard a yell: "You rotten dog, you bite the chicken again, and I shot you!" This yell broke all the peace. We looked for reputation. It was my uncle's second brother who was scolding the dog. My third aunt heard this and rushed out. My third aunt also shouted, "I killed you and you want to bite the chicken. His second father took a gun to kill it." My second brother asked, "Really So my uncle's second brother really took the gun.

He took the gun and kept drumming there. We still sat together in the Dragon's Gate Array. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the heartbeat suddenly accelerated. The eardrum felt uncomfortable under the strong impact.

We rushed out to see. There was blood flowing out of the dog's head, but we couldn't see where it was hit. The dog stood weakly and seemed to be looking at us with sad eyes. At this time, none of us had the intention to save it, but only looked at it with poor eyes.

Then, Aunt Sanyi called someone to kill the dog, because we would never "dissect" its body in person. The people who received the call came with a knife when they heard that they were eating dog meat. When they came, the dog was still struggling, and they were shot again, so they died, and there was no more strength and opportunity to struggle. Then they hang the dog with an iron chain, quickly dissect and clean the dog, and their hands and feet are very sharp.

Finally, the third aunt cooked the dog meat, and everyone sat around and ate happily. The dog meat in the pot is still boiling. The smell of dog meat is floating in the countryside, breaking the pure air in the countryside. You can smell a trace of blood when you smell it carefully.

The dog, because it has lost its housekeeping skills and damaged the interests of its owner, has caused the disaster of killing animals. The dog has served people all his life and worked hard all his life, but at the end of the day, it lost its use value and ushered in its last value: to use its flesh and blood to dispel slander.

Now people look at everything in a realistic way, and will destroy it if they have no use value for him or damage his interests. This dog is also an example. The profit oriented vision makes the relationship between people and between people and animals become just interest, pure interest, and no feelings. Besides, feelings are fragile, and small interests break it and defeat it.

How I hope that people, people and animals, people and nature can get along in a friendly way. The relationship between them is not interest but love.

About Vision (2)

The eye is the medium of communication between the world and ourselves. The way we look at the world determines what attitude and behavior we will use to treat the world.

The vision of comfort and indifference is the longing for a leisurely and comfortable life. Tao Yuanming gazed at the wonderful nature with such eyes. His eyes could not hold case letters and other things, so he returned to a peaceful pastoral life, and thus obtained inner peace. Thoreau appreciated the scenery of Walden Lake with such eyes. He abandoned the noisy industrial civilization, built his own house by the lake, walked in the forest and meditated. His peaceful and indifferent vision enables him to live a free life, and also leaves us the immortal masterpiece of Walden Lake.

Bold and confident vision is a vision of a better future. Du Fu, who was in his twenties, climbed Mount Tai and recited with youthful vigour the poem "I will be the top of the mountain and see all the mountains are small". Li Bai also "laughed up to the sky and went out", proudly declaring that "our generation is not Penghao people". This is the vision of youth only. The Sage of Poetry and the Immortal of Poetry look around the world with such eyes, hoping to show their talents. Although their experiences in the future make them write about the joys and sorrows of the world and place their feelings in the famous mountains and rivers, their pride in youth still inspires countless Chinese youth to move forward.

The sad and helpless vision is the sad feeling of the failure of the country and the death of the family. We can imagine that Yue Fei looked back at the fallen mountains and rivers in the north with such eyes and sighed, "There are few bosom friends, and who can listen to the broken strings". Wen Tianxiang looked at the vast ocean with such eyes. Whether military officers or literati, the hatred of national subjugation, especially the hatred of national subjugation closely related to the ups and downs of their own destiny, is the most incisive pain.

Joyful eyes are the natural expression of feelings when encountering pleasure. After the surrender of Japan in 1945, Chongqing residents went to the streets to revel all night. Du Fu changed his gloomy style after learning that Jibei had been recovered, and wrote the sentence "Singing in the daytime must be indulged in alcohol, and returning home with youth". Joyful vision is the most infectious, and it is the expression of people's confidence in the future and their willingness to face life optimistically.

The natural and unrestrained vision is a disdain for worldly fame and wealth. After being demoted to Huangzhou, Su Shi overcame the unhappiness caused by demotion with his free and easy manner of "letting go of his life without a hitch". Han Yu wandered around the landscape and felt "why be so cramped and restrained when life is so self defeating". Their natural and unrestrained eyes reflect their attitude towards life.

When we are narrow-minded, we worry about trivial things. When we are broad-minded, we notice so many things that should be noticed but are ignored. Our vision of the world determines what kind of life we want to go on.

About Vision (3)

In the rapidly changing world, I see such eyes in the dilated or narrowed pupils. Panic twines with pure curiosity, warmth flows with clear and beautiful eyes, and calm overlaps with thoughtless eyes. That is everyone's vision with growth imprint.

I also saw their eyes, which shocked us in our growth. Different eyes are the embodiment of different pursuits.

He is a pilgrim. Crawling, straight forward, body fitting to the earth, holding the prayer roller in hand, chanting the sutra in his mouth, lightly touching his forehead to draw a mark, raising his head, looking into the distance, with eyes full of determination on his pilgrimage road. Get up again, walk to the mark and crawl again. The starting point of the next day is the last place of the previous day's kowtow, so it starts again and again, step by step approaching the Holy Land. No matter how hard the journey is, he always gazes at the distance and perseveres to move forward.

Firm vision is looking up to faith.

He is a navigator. Looking forward to the mysterious East, Columbus embarked on the voyage. He stood on the deck and watched the sun rise and set again and again from the sea level. Time passed by day by day. The ship sailed westward, seemingly endless, facing the blue sea. In an unknown area, he was not afraid, but firmly believed in the circle of the earth he believed in, and only firmly believed that his eyes could find a new route to the East. The day of sailing was really boring. The sea was not as calm as it seemed. After many stormy waves, it finally reached the other side. When he took the first step on this continent, it also became an important step in human history. He not only found a new route, but also found a new continent.

The vision of discovery is the persistence of science and brave adventure.

He is the soul of the nation. Lu Xun was originally a medical student. In a movie, he saw a scene like this: many Chinese people who were "strong and look numb" were quietly watching their compatriots who were killed as Russian detectives. Deeply aware that mental numbness is more terrible than physical weakness, his vision sees the long-term future. If Chinese people have been indifferent and numb, they will really, as the Japanese said, be about to perish, and resolutely chose to abandon medicine and follow literature. He took up the pen as a weapon, and the words he wrote were bitter and ironic, like a dagger, stabbed the numb soul of the people, and made a loud cry, which made people dare to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood.

Long term vision is the unswerving pursuit of life.

Our growth requires firm vision, crossing mountains and looking for spiritual pursuit; It is necessary to have a vision of discovery and explore the practice of theory in the face of fierce storms; You need to have a long-term vision, against secular prejudice, and follow the obsession in your heart.

We should make our eyes glow with more brilliant brilliance and write our colorful growth path.

About Vision (4)

"Why do my eyes often contain tears? Because I love this land deeply."

Lost, disappointed, where is the direction

This is a land of sighs.

Your eyes fall with you in Honduras. This is mysterious Central America. A tourist bus called "Qingniao" is the messenger connecting Indian culture and modern civilization. It symbolizes good luck and happiness. But somehow, what you went to was "a place where blue birds can't reach". It was the ruins of Maya and a gathering place of poverty. The ancient stone columns and stone walls seem to have souls. In the mysterious and quiet moss covered rainforest, ghosts are flickering.

Hongguo's sorrow and bitterness resonate in your heart - Sanmao, you can't forget the heaven's Hosi, and you shed tears on a foreign night. After reading "Traveling through Thousands of Rivers and Mountains", my eyes will converge with you and my tears will flow with you.

Fall in love with this book, this land, it let me know, eyes should have affection.

Love long, floating yellow, recalling time

This is a land of guilt.

With your eyes, they float down in Afghanistan. At one time, colorful kites were flying in the sky, while friendship was running on the ground. Hassan once chased the kite and said to you, "For you, thousands of times." But everything has changed. War destroyed everything. You abandoned Hassan and fled to the United States. Years later, fear and guilt finally occupied you. You flew back to Afghanistan to look for Hassan. The words in your heart were: "For you, thousands of times."

Hassan is dead. You, Amir, sit on the bench in the park with Hassan's son, and the last ray of the sunset shines into your eyes. The hope reflected in your eyes bloomed in my heart through the book The Kite Runner.

I fell in love with this book and this land, which made me understand that friendship should be kept in my eyes.

Early in the morning, late in the afternoon, looking for a home

This is a well deserved place.

With your eyes, they fall into the Temple of Earth in Beijing. You roll your wheelchair and drive to the Ditan. God suddenly disabled your legs when you lived to the most arrogant age. The Temple of Earth seems to have prepared everything for you, making it easier for a soul lost person to "see the time and see his own figure." In fact, the Temple of Earth is also down and out. For more than four hundred years, the glaze has been eroded, the vermilion has faded, the old trees have been dark, and the weeds are open. Once you had no idea where you were going, once you wanted to give up your life, but you finally settled down in the Ditan, picked up your pen and looked far away.

You, Shi Tiesheng, understand that "death is an inevitable festival", and you decide to live well in the sunrise. The wind of the Ditan blows through your eyes, leaving traces of life and death in the book "I and the Ditan", and the light of life shines in your eyes.

Infatuated with this book, this land, it makes me understand that the vision needs to be strong.

A book is a world of its own. My eyes shuttle back and forth in this world, capturing the wonderful, moving, leaving love and infatuation.

About Vision (5)

In the third year of senior high school, we will leave our parents and fly in a few months. Now everything is hard to part with. What I miss most is not my mother's delicious food, nor the messy and warm nest, but my father's sharp and complex vision.

On the flowing street, I sat on the back seat of my bicycle, happily swinging my feet and enjoying the fun of childhood.

"Ah" With my shriek, a piercing pain came to my heart.

"What's the matter?" The father on the bike also felt a little wrong. He braked sharply, stopped and turned to ask me.

"Nothing... nothing." I was too young to admit what had happened because I was afraid.

My father's sharp eyes swept my face, obviously feeling something wrong, and he said again, "What's the matter?" I stammered, "My foot was caught by the car..."

"Ah!" The father was slightly shocked, and his eyes were full of shock, apology and pity.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I came home with more than I wanted. I found my father was sitting in the living room with a stiff face instead of reading in the study as usual. The mother's face on one side seemed to be covered with frost.

"Can... can't be found!"

Mother broke the silence, "Where did you go this afternoon?"

I forced myself to calm down: "I went to class..."

My father didn't speak, and his sharp eyes scanned my face like a searchlight. I dare not look at my father's eyes directly, like an ant on a hot pot, and I feel uneasy.

"Give you another chance. Where did you go this afternoon?"

"I went to class." I was so guilty that I planned to make a final sophistry.

"You still lie!" Father suddenly jumped up. "Your mother and I will pick you up in the afternoon, but there is no one there. It is clear that there is no class in the afternoon."

"Ah." My face was burning when my lie was exposed. He looked up slightly and glanced at his father. His eyes showed anger, regret and sadness.

Looking at the sea of people in front, I am calm on my face, but my heart is rippling. My father stood behind me, quietly accompanying me, speechless for a long time.

Looking at my watch, there were still thirty minutes left. It seemed that I was going to the battlefield. I gripped the stationery in my hands and walked forward.

My father patted me gently in the back: "It's nothing if I didn't get the 4A in the college entrance examination. Don't be too nervous, just treat it with equanimity."

I said "Hmm" gently, but I didn't dare to look back at my father's aging figure and graying hair.

But I clearly felt that my father's eyes were full of confidence, comfort and expectation.

In a few months, maybe we will leave our parents' attention. For me, my father's sharp and complex vision may be the line that I can't part with all my life. Although it is thin, it is deeply buried in my heart, connecting me, my father and my warm home.

About Vision (6)

I admit that I am inferiority complex. My grades are average, my appearance is average, and my family is average. I am the kind of person who can not be found even when I am left in the crowd. The teacher often forgets my name, and sometimes points to me and shouts out others' names. In his impression, there may never be such a person, let alone be able to call my name.

Because ordinary, I am often ignored by my classmates. They can reasonably ignore my existence without considering whether I will be angry. After a long time, I got used to it, because I knew that all complaints were futile. Only by working hard to become excellent, can others pay attention to me.

Since I entered senior three, I have remained inconspicuous. I study hard. If I can, I would like to spend 24 hours a day studying. Maybe God saw my efforts, and I was the third in my class in an exam. The teacher looked at me and looked down at the results. Maybe he didn't think that the girl who could not even name herself could make such great progress standing in front of him. I saw the surprise in his eyes, and in a twinkling of an eye it became a compliment. A smile came out of his eyes, which I had never seen before. He patiently analyzed for me what was still insufficient in various subjects, and what subjects needed more effort... I never dared to think about this before.

It seems that the top three students in the class are always the focus of attention of teachers and students. Since that exam, many students have taken the initiative to get close to me. They will ask me questions they can't do, and I will tell them what I can do, and even someone will call me "Shifu"! I can't accept such a name. I'm still very poor. How can I be called "Shifu" by others! I told her not to call me Shifu, but she kept on calling me Shifu. I asked her to change her mind. She smiled and said, "I can't change it. I'm used to it." Although she pretended to be angry, she was still happy.

Since then, I have never been ignored by my classmates around me. I used my efforts to gain their recognition and integrate into their "small group". In their eyes, I am no longer an ugly duckling, but a swan with gradually plump wings. And the teacher can also call my name accurately, although sometimes he will think for a while.

Sometimes, it is worthwhile to make efforts. Just like me, a girl who could be ignored for granted has now become a person who is valued by teachers and liked by classmates. All of this is due to the exam in which I tried my best to get high scores. Only then did I gain different views from teachers and classmates.

About Vision (7)

"Seen horizontally as a peak on the side of the ridge, the distance is different from the height." Different results can be seen from different angles. Every thing has a variety of properties. Therefore, in our daily life, we should have a different perspective. From another angle, maybe you will find a better

Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once had a unique opinion that "since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than spring". It was this unique vision of sweeping away the sadness of autumn that made him achieve his ideal of life. Throughout history, there are several people who can achieve his general broadness.

Today, with the highly developed market economy, material materials have long been far from meeting people's needs, and people gradually attach importance to spiritual civilization and cultural literacy. Every holiday, people will follow the tour group to visit places of interest and cultural sites everywhere. It seems to be a high-level attitude towards life, but it has brought many problems. Some passengers lack awareness of environmental protection, resulting in environmental damage and waste of resources. Holiday travel will also bring many traffic problems. Some people have different views. On holidays, they will choose to rest at home, participate in community activities, and do some physical exercises. This will not only save money, but also meet their spiritual needs. Why not. In life, we need different eyes.

Correspondence education has become the focus of much attention. Twelve years of cold window, just for the college entrance examination, "a paper for life", has triggered many disputes, but over the years have not made any changes. In this context, students, teachers and parents suffer most. Learn as much as you can in order to achieve your goals. However, too much attention is paid to knowledge, but the cultivation of practical ability is ignored. As a result, some students are at a loss when they move towards society. Why can't we give more time and more opportunities? It seems unreasonable that one test paper can determine one's destiny. But in such a social environment as China, can we find a more suitable way to select talents? Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It's better to change your perspective. Since you can't change the environment, you should adapt to it. Although this educational model has certain drawbacks, it has cultivated our spirit of hard work, which is also a kind of harvest. In the face of educational problems, we need a different perspective.

Interpersonal relationship is very important in daily life. However, as senior three students, we should be cautious. At this final stage, we can be said to be time wasteful, as if learning occupies all our time. We ignore our friends, and we don't have time to talk and laugh together at ordinary times. We go to enjoy the weekend together. Since this is the case, why not think about it from another angle and encourage each other to move forward together, meet each other for the college entrance examination, and achieve your dreams! That friendship will not be diluted, but will be more profound. In dealing with interpersonal relationships, we need a different perspective.

Life and learning are closely related to us. For setbacks and difficulties, we need to learn to challenge and overcome them. At the same time, we need a different vision, which will help us move forward more smoothly and make the front more beautiful and less cloudy!

About Vision (8)

Lao Li, your vision is really good. The prospect of this building is immeasurable at a glance. Yes, Lao Li. When can you give us a set

When Li heard his colleagues' praise of the place, he couldn't help feeling elated. Two months ago, because the advertisement of the real estate company was too attractive, I didn't listen to my wife's dissuasion, and my head was hot, so I bought this house in the urban area. After buying, I found that the surrounding configuration here is really good. Large shopping centers, hospitals, food markets, schools, and living environments really have everything. As soon as he thought of his later life, he could spend it in this paradise on earth. He was very happy

Three years to the east and three years to the west, the pace of urban construction is endless. Lao Li has not lived for several years, the municipal government changed its mind and decided to build in another direction of the city, leaving Lao Li's area cold. As the tall buildings in the east of the city rise like bamboo shoots after the rain, the west of the city is gradually becoming desolate. Before long, the large shopping centers around Lao Li's house and other stores were closed because of poor business, which lasted for three years. Lao Li's daily life is extremely inconvenient. He has to go to the city center to buy vegetables every day. Even the fastest subway takes at least half an hour.

Look at you. You had to be crazy to buy the house here. It's all right now. Maybe this place will be demolished soon! It is you who are short-sighted! Lao Li's wife scolded Lao Li severely. He didn't speak either, but he was smoking alone.

Lao Li, you'd better sell your house as soon as possible. Maybe you can earn some money while it is still valuable. Yes, Lao Li, if you don't sell it quickly, it will be too late. Lao Li suddenly slapped the table and shouted angrily, saying that if someone asks me to sell the house again, get out of here! Colleagues were stunned and began to persuade, Lao Li, why be so stubborn? People can't hang themselves from a tree. Shut up! Lao Li's eyes stared. You don't believe my eyes, do you? OK, I'll prove it to you! He left without looking back.

Since then, Lao Li has lived alone here without complaints. Even if life was inconvenient, he would never leave the house.

Ten years later, due to the original overcrowding of the city center, the development potential of the east of the city has been exhausted, and the west of the city has gradually entered people's vision. The surrounding area of Lao Li's family is also showing signs of prosperity.

Lao Li, your vision is really long-term and accurate. Listening to the praise from colleagues, Lao Li just smiled and thought: People should believe in their own vision.

About Vision (9)

In the daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a composition about vision organized by Xiao Bian for everyone, hoping to help everyone.

The same scenery, some people feel beautiful, others feel dull; The same thing, some people see the opportunity, others turn a blind eye; In the same life, some people live a calm life, while others live a miserable life?? In the face of the same world, why are everyone's gains and feelings so different? This is because everyone has a different vision. The world will give back to you what you look at the world with. If you want the world to give you a wonderful life, you must look at the world with wisdom.

To see the world with wisdom is to find beauty with appreciation. Rhodan once said: "The world is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty." We are always busy with the world affairs and hurry to the road, and the hurried eyes cannot see these beautiful scenery. It seems that everything is taken for granted. The flowers should be so bright, the grass should be so green, and the human nature should be so kind. Therefore, the touch and sensitivity in the heart are lost with the hurried eyes.

As a result, there is a sigh that life is boring. Helen Keller is blind, but she is not short of appreciation. She finds that the scenery of the four seasons is like an extremely moving and endless drama. This is because she loves the world deeply in her heart. It can be seen that appreciation needs love as the foundation. Let's look at the world with the eyes of appreciating beauty, be happy to find a flower blooming, be happy to see the first ray of sunshine in the morning, be intoxicated by looking at the blue sky, and be moved by witnessing a small act of kindness. In this way, we will find how beautiful the world is and fill our hearts with sunshine.

To see the world with wisdom is to seize opportunities with development. After the end of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall between East Germany and West Germany was also pulled down.

Those ruins and rubble left after being pulled down are seen by others as a pile of waste and useless. But a young man saw its value, because these relics are the witness of history, and their value in the future is extraordinary. So the young people bought them. After processing, these waste materials changed into souvenirs after the fall of the Berlin Wall. People buy souvenirs in order to remember this period of history. Those useless things made the young man rich. It was because that young man had a keen and unique vision for development that he found and seized the opportunity that no one else could seize. Let us pay attention to the life around us and the world of life with the vision of development. In this way, we will find the value of things, seize the opportunity of life and create brilliance in life.

To see the world with a wise eye is to treat life with a calm eye. Deng Xiaoping suffered three ups and downs. He was not discouraged or killed lightly. It is precisely because he can look at life calmly that China's reform and opening up and economic take-off have taken place. Feng Jicai was sent down to work and lived in poverty. He didn't give up his pursuit of art. He planted flat bean curd in his yard and painted everyday. It is because he can look at life calmly that he does not lose his way.

Gymnast Sang Lan, a disaster from heaven, changed from a flexible girl to a patient who could not move overnight. In the face of disaster, she did not retreat, but lived more brilliantly, which is also because she can look at life with calm eyes. It can be seen that when encountering difficulties and setbacks in the journey of life, we must look at them with calm eyes. Only in this way can we feel relieved and live a more wonderful life.

In short, when you look at the world with what eyes, the world will also give you something. If you want to have happiness, health and success, and have a rich and wonderful life, then look at the world with wisdom!

About Vision (10)

The air overlord eagle looks down at the earth with its sharp eyes. The king lion of the jungle waits to sit in the forest with its calm wisdom. Even the gecko, who is powerless, knows how to survive by cutting its tail. We humans are more familiar with this principle, which leads to the story of fish and rod.

A full basket of fish can certainly fill a temporary hunger, but it lacks the ability to catch fish, which is tantamount to sitting on the mountain and eating the empty air. We should learn to stand on the present and look into the future. Those who only look at the feet of the present will never make great achievements.

Long term vision opens the door to wealth. Alibaba, which has always been talked about by people, is now the largest empire in global e-commerce. Twelve people were poor and depressed in those days. Today's team with abundant funds finds out the loopholes in the market and complies with the development of society. Their ideas were judged as garbage at that time. Today, no one knows Jack Ma! Ma Yunlei, a small man with a long-term vision, was qualified to be "looked up". With a long-term vision, Ma Yun was listed on the wealth list. Long term vision has brought him a lot of money and demonstrated his personal ability.

Take a long-term view and extend the river of history. There were many torn wounds, but he did not loosen his clenched teeth; No matter how many times he whipped hard, he didn't see his hope of giving up his heart: how much pain he suffered from the palace execution at night, he didn't see his pen put down! It was he, Sima Qian, who suffered a lot but was full of hope, leaving an immortal treasure for future generations - The Records of the Historian. Sima Qian never forgot his responsibility for the sake of the present. If he had no long-term vision, he would have ended himself in all kinds of pain. How could he be famous today? Perhaps as a result, history will become incomplete. With a long-term perspective, we can let future generations go upstream and know about the millennium.

Dare to ask the world, which entrepreneur is short-sighted? Which wise leader only cares about the immediate development? Who hasn't thought about the future? Everyone has a vision, but only focusing on the immediate interests is called as dazzling, while looking into the future is called as dazzling. It is self-evident which is beneficial and which is harmful.

Having a long-term vision and giving up the fish while getting the rod is called wisdom. Even children know this truth, knowing that the great way lies in the heart. Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty, who was short-sighted, gave up great rivers and mountains and cut his throat by the river; Han Xin, willing to accept the humiliation from his crotch, finally won the general's wind and chased the Central Plains. Long term vision makes people rise to the top, long term vision makes people famous in history, and long term vision makes people proud of others.

Learn to take a long-term view and touch the bright future.