Nature Inspiration Composition (18 practical)
Free Fishing Scenery
2023-11-07 02:30:54
junior middle school

Nature Inspiration Composition (1)

When the autumn wind blows, bundles of flowers wither, leaves fall, and animals return to their homes. My loneliness means the coming of winter. About in winter, the bleakness and loneliness of winter all mean the wind blowing in winter, and the snow alone, with thousands of floating catkins, is a natural part of winter.

The action of "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pears blossom" means the sending off of the wind. At this time, all creatures in nature should have a rest. Like

Bear, a huge animal, an animal that people have been afraid of when they mention it, should also rest. Yes, no matter how big an animal is, no matter how powerful a creature is, it must rest, hibernate like a bear. This is the inspiration I get from nature.

In the same way, busy people have to rest, even if you have strong willpower. Willpower is a kind of strong energy, but if you don't have physical strength, you will accomplish nothing.

I am a senior high school student, and the heavy burden of learning makes me breathless. Even if I find the right way to learn, even if I have strong willpower. As a result, after the exam, efforts and returns can not be compared. When I calmed down, I realized that I had made a mistake, a fatal mistake, and I forgot to store energy. I always thought that I could succeed only if I continued to work hard, so I thought that if I slept, I would lose time to study. Then I sacrificed the time I should have slept to study. But I thought that I always dozed off in class, which led to poor listening. When I came down to study, I spent twice as much time to understand the fur. This ultimately led to hard work but no results.

Now, I understand that I should also "hibernate" like a bear. When I save a certain amount of energy, with a little more effort, I will get more because of good efficiency. Therefore, from now on, you, my friend, should also work and rest. When you work overtime, you might as well think that after a break, you will spend twice as much time to finish these tasks. Stop! Drink some water! Take a break! You will get different results.

In winter, he is waiting for the loneliness of the ball, waiting for the falling snow, and more importantly, he is waiting for the arrival of spring. Remember, waiting is to find another suitable opportunity for himself.

So, friends, you will grow up in winter! This is the inspiration from nature.

Nature Inspiration Composition (2)

There are many kinds of animals in the world, different animals, different varieties, all have their own unique skills, people also get a lot of inspiration and inspiration, and invented a lot of things.

For example, bats can use ultrasonic waves to judge the direction and position to ensure that they will not hit obstacles. We invented radar according to this principle. Once the radar can send radio waves to find the target, the radio waves will reflect back, so that we can determine the orientation of the object. Some radars can determine the shape and size of the object according to the time when the radio waves return; The ultrasonic wave of dolphins can judge the distance from the bottom. We invented sonar according to this principle. The sonar can judge the distance from the water surface and avoid hitting the bottom of the sea; The streamlined body of the whale has little resistance in the water, so we changed the submarine into a water drop shape to reduce the resistance of water to the ship, so as to improve the speed of the ship... We have received many inspirations and inspirations from animals, which promote our science and technology to a developed era and promote the development of society. It can be seen that nature has made great contributions to us.

We should not destroy the nature beyond recognition. The nature is pushed to our scientific development. We should respect him, not destroy it, and we should also protect it. If our homes are destroyed, we have nowhere else to go. To say the least, even if we find our homes, they will also be destroyed by our hands like the earth. So what we think now is not how to find new homes, but how to protect the existing homes. We should protect the existing homes while looking for new homes, In order to cope with the destruction of our homes, there are countermeasures. Some people who have made contributions to the environment deserve to die. Nature promotes our scientific development, and everyone has the responsibility to love it.

Nature is sacred and holy. This sentence is not false at all.

Nature Inspiration Composition (3)

Life is short. In this lifetime, we should go close to nature and explore it. It is said that where there is effort, there is return, and where there is exploration, there is gain. Explore the nature, explore the true meaning of life, and explore the essence of life. The reason why the mountain rises into the sky is that it does not refuse every grain of sand and stone; The reason why the sky is so vast and fascinating is that it can accommodate every cloud; The reason why the sea is spectacular is that it can absorb every river. The same is true of life. If you want to become a mountain, sky or sea, you should be good at accumulation and be willing to accumulate. To accumulate some useful knowledge and experience is the beginning of our successful life. The picturesque rocks on the mountain originate from the erosion of wind and rain; The pines on the cliff are tall and straight, and are pregnant with the baptism of wind and frost. Therefore, a wonderful life cannot be separated from great setbacks. A real warrior must be tempered. Training oneself is a necessary condition for a successful life. Only by honing yourself in life can you grow up.

The purpose of cocooning green insects is to become beautiful butterflies and fly among flowers; Haiyan bravely greets the storm in order to have a plump wing after overcoming the storm. Yeah! As long as the brave challenge test, can turn the black and white life into color; As long as you have the courage to try, you can make your boring life colorful. The reason why the weak ants have survived to the present is that they support each other. Unity is very important. Unity is strength. This strength is iron. This strength is the strength of steel unity, which is proved in nature. When the dandelion grows up, it will leave its parents, fly in the air, fall to the ground, and create its own land; When the little eagle grows up, he wants to leave his home, spread his tough wings, fly high, and have his own piece of blue sky. The same is true for us. When we grow up, we should learn to be independent, learn to be independent, and create our own beautiful new life

nature! This profound and incomparable conception gives us enlightenment. Let us understand the true meaning of life, let us know the goodness and accumulation, dare to temper, dare to challenge, unite and love, be independent and self strengthening, etc. What does nature give us in return? Is it people's deforestation, people's capture of wild animals, people's air pollution or something? I hereby appeal to people: treat nature well, and destroying nature is equal to human chronic suicide.

Nature Inspiration Composition (4)

Nature has many inspirations for us. Today I will tell you my discovery and the story about ecological balance. People often reclaim land for grazing and cut down trees, which causes great soil erosion. I was inspired that human beings should not reclaim wasteland, if not, and there is no water in the river. Nature has both punishment and gift for human beings.

One day, when people saw the birds in the sky, they thought they could fly. From then on, people got many inspirations from animals: for example, they developed radar by using the ears and mouths of bats; The volt battery "pig nose" is developed on the luminous fish, and the antivirus is developed; Mask; " Saw grass to develop a saw; The dragonfly eye developed a compound eye camera; Jellyfish developed storm tests ^ These are all my discoveries, that is, human research. After my discovery, it's time to tell the story of ecological balance. Once upon a time, there was a village. There was a big forest in the village. People cut down trees to build houses every day. One day, a sudden flood came to the village. There was no shelter from trees. The flood washed away the crops and houses in the village. My analysis is that because people cut down too many trees, it has been shown that when the flood came, there was no shelter to wash away everything. My feeling is: don't cut down so many trees, or the flood will come and there will be no shelter. It will not be worth destroying everything in the house.

Once upon a time, when people were drying grain, there were always groups of sparrows stealing grain to eat. Later, people tried to eliminate the sparrows, which reduced the yield of millet. My feeling is that all things in nature are connected with each other. Anything you violate will be against you. We learn to get along with them.

Nature Inspiration Composition (5)

There are many mysteries in nature. For example, a very strange small gas analyzer has been successfully imitated by an annoying fly. It has been installed in the cabin of the spaceship to detect the composition of the gas in the cabin. From fireflies to artificial cool light; The following ear of jellyfish is modeled on the structure and function of jellyfish ear, and a jellyfish ear storm predictor is designed. It can predict storms 15 hours in advance, which is of great significance to the safety of navigation and fishery. And

Flies are notorious scavengers. They can be found wherever there is a stench. The sense of smell of flies is particularly sensitive, and the 'smell' can also be smelled thousands of meters away. But flies do not have a "nose". If a smell enters the "nostrils", these nerves immediately turn the smell stimulus into nerve electrical pulses and send them to the brain. According to the structure and function of the fly olfactory apparatus, a small gas analyzer was invented.

The light emitted by fireflies on summer nights is different from the sunlight and various electric lights. Because fireflies rely on solar nuclear fusion to give off light, people call them thermal light sources. The light emitted by fireflies is caused by a series of special chemical reactions in the body. Because it can change energy into light energy 100% without generating heat, people call it cold light source.

Nature Inspiration Composition (6)

"The grass will wither and flourish every year when you leave the original place. The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote such a poem to praise the tenacious vitality of the grass.

Spring has just come, everything has recovered, and the earth is full of vitality. Each grass wakes up from the sweet dream. They twist their slender bodies, sing the songs of life, break through the pressure of the earth, drill out from the ground, and all of a sudden spread the mountains. Grass, seemingly weak but actually tough, has tenacious vitality. It is not like delicate flowers, which need people to work hard to water. Whether it is scorched by the heat waves or damaged by the frost and snow, it is not sad or discouraged. Instead, it tightly embraces the soil, accumulates strength, and looks forward to "spring breeze".

Climb up high and look far. The lush green grass is smoke and green. With the continuous rise and fall of the terrain, it reaches the sky, like a flawless carpet, lightly jumping onto the paper.

The vitality of grass is strong, and the will of grass is even stronger! In the snow covered snow, you are also growing tenaciously, facing the cold wind and resisting the extreme cold. When the spring wind blows the snow gently, you sprout a few green shoots

The grass is growing round and round and indomitably. Say you are small? no The vast mountains and fields are enough to make people feel the vastness of the world; Do you make people look bad? No, your strong will can inspire and strengthen people.

Ah! The grass in nature, you are so weak, but you are not afraid of being scorched by the hot waves, not afraid of being destroyed by the frost and snow. However, I met a little difficulty and asked my parents to help me solve it. Compared with you, I'm far from it. Thank you, Xiao Cao. Your spirit is worth learning. You are my best teacher.

Nature Inspiration Composition (7)

We live in harmony with nature every day. Its magic and beauty leave us infinite reverie. Many scientists have gained inspiration and inspiration from it. They have invented something and created something, which has greatly improved our life.

The eyes of frogs are very special. They are very keen to see moving things, but they are very slow to see the still east. People took advantage of this feature of frog eyes and invented the "electronic frog eyes", which means that people in the airport can accurately command the landing of aircraft.

The leaves of plantain are arranged in a spiral shape, which can get enough sunlight. Once, the architect built the house according to this shape so that each room could enjoy warm sunshine.

It can be seen that there are many wonders in the world. As long as we carefully observe and dare to explore, even a small grass will know its wonders, and we will also find many mysteries while enjoying nature, and make rational use of it to provide more convenience for people and make people's lives better.

Nature Inspiration Composition (8)

The oranges and daffodils just bought at the beginning of the new year this year have dried up since the 7th of the year, and the color has faded a lot. For example, the youth of the same person has gone forever, and the passage of time makes people more intelligent. I went to play chess with my grandfather in the morning, and I surrendered within ten steps. My grandfather said that my chess skills had not improved much, and I said that my grandfather played chess too well, The passage of time is like the withering of flowers, but the fallen petals turn into spring mud to protect the flowers. His care for the elders has continued to our generation.

The inspiration of nature lies in its constant changes, which bring new breath and new scenes to all Vientiane. This different enlightenment is to let us explore and discover, observe things around us attentively, so that we can learn more and more from nature, just like an airplane is like a bird in nature, a submarine is the embodiment of whales, and a motorcycle is a galloping horse, Many creative designs are based on nature. For example, the structure of some buildings is derived from the structure of ants or honeycombs, the web is derived from the web of spiders, and the rope that imitates spider silk and spiders is even more "critical". People have to marvel at nature's miraculous workmanship and ingenious workmanship. Everyone says that our people love to imitate, but in fact, foreign friends also like to imitate, Don't these ingenious and exquisite natural designs come from nature? As long as we observe carefully, we can also get inspiration and creative power from nature. There are many inspirations from nature, such as the origin of fire, which started from our ancestors' discovery of flint. So everything we need comes from nature. We should coexist with her, love her, cherish and protect her.

Sw Senior Three: hhzhuixing

Nature Inspiration Composition (9)

The magical nature has given us a lot of inspiration.

For example, dropping water wears away stone, teaching us perseverance

A drop of water wears a stone. Literally speaking, it is a small drop of water that passes through the polishing of time and penetrates a rock. It is also one of the natural scenes. The truth is in front of us. It is full of certain philosophies. As long as we persevere in working towards our goals, our dreams will come true one day. As long as you identify the goals, Keep striving, and the world will make way for you.

Perseverance - the fragrance of natural blooming.

The escape of ants teaches us courage and cooperation

In human history, there is an army that is brave and not afraid of sacrifice. In natural history, there are a group of small ants that are brave and not afraid of death. The coming of a fire is a disaster for the ants and an opportunity for the light of nature to shine. A group of ants are wrapped in a big ball that rolls out of the fire, sacrificing part of it and surviving part of it, The part of sacrifice is undoubtedly the most beautiful because they are brave and not afraid of sacrifice.

The development of the world needs cooperation, and naturally it is also a part of it. Before the rain, the ants first knew, prepared, and were also the busiest. I don't need to say the posture of the ants. Although the furniture is too small for us, it is not true for the ants. They united several or even dozens of ants to move something together. Their spirit of cooperation, Let us admire.

The revelation of nature impressed me and moved me.

Nature Inspiration Composition (10)

·····Enlightenment of Nature 3

·It turned out that as long as the ants were moving, it would rain.

·Since then, this revelation of nature has always been in my mind.

Nature Inspiration Composition (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Look now! Our beautiful home - what has become of the earth? We need to start saving the earth. If we don't hurry up, the beautiful home will become a smelly home.

We should start planting trees, beautiful flowers and lovely grass. If not, it will easily cause floods, and then the floods will wash away everything. We also need to build a beautiful big forest to let fresh air stay in our home.

We must stop the war, not let the war come to our beautiful earth, we must drive it away. According to my statistics, the First World War caused 10 million deaths and 30 million injuries. Look, how terrible war is! We want harmony to come to this beautiful earth.

After reading my composition, you should act quickly to save our earth!

Grade 4: Zheng Zexi

Nature Inspiration Composition (12)

Maybe you don't know, in fact, many things in nature will give people inspiration. You see, when I observe ants, I find ants are persistent, which also gives me an inspiration.

One day, I sat leisurely on the stone bench in the community and enjoyed the beautiful scenery in the morning. Just as I inadvertently bowed my head, I suddenly found a piece of white things moving slowly. I came closer and saw that it was several ants carrying a small piece of bread crumb. I thought: there must be ant nests nearby, otherwise, why do ants carry food? Driven by curiosity, I found it all around. After a while, I found the ant nest hidden under the flowers.

I continued to observe the movement of ants. The ants were carrying a piece of bread crumb and they were still climbing fast. They really called ants "Hercules"! After a while, a small ant ran out from under the crumbs and hurried into the nest. Then, a large and strong ant followed the small ant and climbed out. It seems that this little ant is looking for help.

With the help of big ants, the speed of small ants was much faster. I guess they must have shouted "One Two One, One Two One", just like we did in our recess activities. After a while, the ants came to the hardest stage - climbing the small earth slope! On the small soil slope is the ant nest. I saw that the ants still didn't give up and tried to move up step by step. One or two of them would take turns to run to the back of the team to support them. Oh, what a spiritual guy! I watched ants work so hard that my love burst out! I used a small branch to push the ants upward. In the blink of an eye, the ants arrived at the nest! Finally, after everyone's concerted efforts, the ants finally transported the bread crumbs to the ant nest.

Ants have given me the inspiration of nature: unity is strength. I admire it!

Nature Inspiration Composition (13)

Nature is a treasure house of knowledge. As long as we are good at observation and serious thinking, we will make some inventions. Nature, the teacher of human beings, can always bring us many inspirations.

On Sunday, my parents and I went to the Culture Square. We walked to the lotus pond, and some of them were plump, as if they were about to break; Some bowed their heads to shy girls; Some of the yellow lotus seedpods are like a soft bed; Some are like dancing girls... pink, light yellow, white... colorful, fragrant and beautiful! Suddenly, I found that on the green lotus leaves, there were many glistening dewdrops, while on other leaves, there were few water drops? This question puzzles me.

When I got home, I immediately took out "One Hundred Thousand Whys" to search for information. It turned out that there were many small protuberances on the surface of the lotus leaf. These protuberances were not only covered with fine hairs, but also covered with a layer of wax crystals. Wax crystals are hydrophobic and nonabsorbent. When rain or dew drops fall on the lotus leaf, water droplets cannot diffuse and penetrate on this layer of wax fuzz due to surface tension, so water droplets either roll off or gather into water droplets, without wetting the whole lotus leaf surface.

Nature is amazing! It has brought many inspirations to human beings, making them invent and create something. As long as we think carefully and are good at observation, we will also gain something.

Nature Inspiration Composition (14)

"Boys and girls, nature is the teacher of human beings, which has given us many useful inspirations: it tells people that excessive cutting down of trees will damage the living environment of human beings and will eventually be punished by nature; fish can rise and fall freely in the water, which inspired people to invent submarines. In fact, there are many other things in nature that can serve as human 'teachers'. Clever children, if they want to see what's going on, pay close attention everywhere. " What Mr. Liang said attracted my attention.

In this way, I have a strong interest in everything around me.

Once, I followed my father to water the flowers on the roof of the building, and I played with sand piles in a small open space. After playing for a while, I stood up and stretched. Suddenly, I found clouds like galloping horses in the sky. I pointed to it and shouted, "Dad, look! Why are there some clouds like horses in the sky, I sat on the chair and thought about what my father said all the time. Is it true? Is there a cloud like a horse that will rain tomorrow? I'll wait and see if Dad is right.

The next day I got up very early. The weather was very good, but at noon, with the sound of water dripping, the heavy rain came down. So I pestered my father to understand.

At the weekend, I went camping on the island. It was summer and I couldn't wait to jump into the sea. We swam happily and enjoyed the cool sea water. An hour later, I was a little tired. I climbed into my mother's floating bed and looked up at the sky. "Mom, look, this kind of white clouds like cotton balls are cumulus clouds," I said proudly, pointing to the clouds in the sky. "Son, you know so much!". Before long, I found that the sky was getting darker and darker as Naive was joking with me. "Mom, it seems that our camping will be rescheduled!" We hurried back to the shore from the sea, washed and changed our clothes. At this moment, I found that dark clouds filled the sky. In an instant, thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and a torrential rain broke out. oh dear! Bad weather, why do you want to do this? I can't swim.

In addition to clouds, it can help us identify the weather and predict weather changes. In our life, nature is indeed our teacher, giving us help. For example, the direction of the Big Dipper always points to the north, and the direction can also be judged according to the position of the sun. Ants will move once before the heavy rain. As long as we have a pair of eyes for discovery, we can find every bit of life.

Nature Inspiration Composition (15)

Human survival depends on nature, and human development is based on the inspiration of nature. Without the inspiration of nature, there would be no such development of human beings. Nature is a beautiful nature, and we should protect nature. We cannot throw garbage, spit food, or cut down trees

Human inventions - inspired by animals - boats and submarines come from people's imitation of fish and dolphins. Scientists made the world's first gas masks according to the unique ability of fire boar's nose to detect poison. The rocket takes advantage of the recoil principle of jellyfish and cuttlefish. Researchers have developed many military camouflage equipment for the army by studying the chameleon's ability to change color. Scientists studied frog eyes and invented electronic frog eyes. The US Air Force has developed a miniature thermal sensor through the "hot eye" function of poisonous snakes. Humans also designed a frog rammer based on the principle of leaping frog. Humans imitate the high sensitive smell of police dogs to make "electronic police dogs" for detection.

Bionic and high-tech modern radar, a radio positioning and ranging device: scientists have found that Bat Devil does not rely on eyes, but on the echo positioning system composed of mouth, throat and ears. Because the bat demon sends out ultrasonic waves when flying, and can detect the ultrasonic waves reflected by obstacles. According to this, scientists have designed a modern radar - a radio positioning and ranging device... Scientists have invented artificial dolphin skin that can improve the speed of a torpedo through the research on the small swimming resistance of dolphins; And a wheeled car (jumping machine) that imitates the movement of kangaroos in the desert. Inspired by the Penguin King, scientists from the Institute of Zoology of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences designed a new type of vehicle - the "Penguin King" brand polar off-road vehicle. The wide bottom of this kind of car is directly attached to the snow surface and is pushed forward by the wheel scoops. The driving speed can reach 50 km/h. Scientists made space robots by imitating insects. A research team from Australian National University has developed a small navigation and flight control device through the research on several insects. This device can be used to equip small aircraft for Mars exploration.

According to the vision principle of frog eye, people have successfully developed an electronic frog eye. This kind of electronic frog eye can accurately identify objects with specific shapes, just like the real frog eye. After the electronic frog eye is installed into the radar system, the radar anti-interference ability is greatly improved. This radar system can quickly and accurately identify aircraft, ships and missiles with specific shapes. In particular, it is able to distinguish between genuine and fake missiles, so as to prevent the false from confusing the real.

The electronic frog eye is also widely used in airports and traffic arteries. At the airport, it can monitor the takeoff and landing of the aircraft, and give an alarm in time if it finds that the aircraft is about to collide. In the main traffic lane, it can direct the driving of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of vehicle collision accidents.

People have successfully designed an accurate "jellyfish ear" instrument by simulating the organs of jellyfish that sense infrasound waves. It consists of a horn, a resonator that receives infrasound waves, a converter that converts this vibration into electrical pulses, and an indicator. Install this instrument on the front deck of the ship, and rotate the horn 360 °. When it receives the infrasound waves of 8 Hz - 13 Hz, the rotation stops automatically. The direction indicated by the horn is the direction of the coming storm. The indicator can also tell people the strength of the storm. This instrument can forecast storms about 15 hours in advance.

The compound eyes on both sides affect the behavior of limulus. After being irradiated by the light beam, the compound eye produces pulses. One eye is irradiated by light beam, and the other eye produces main pulse; When two eyes are irradiated by the light beam at the same time, both eyes produce pulses at the same time, but the frequency of the pulses is slightly lower than when the light beam irradiates one eye. Inspired by it, human beings have successfully developed an electronic simulation device, which can solve the network equation composed of 10 elements. The television camera made by this principle can provide TV images with high definition under the laser.

Without nature, there would be no beautiful earth. Let's protect nature and the earth hand in hand

Nature Inspiration Composition (16)

The mature ears of wheat bow their heads, which is to teach us modesty; Busy bees are passing through the flowers, which is teaching us hard work; Gentle drops of water can drip through rocks, which is teaching us tenacity; The blooming epiphyllum blooms at night, which is to teach us not to publicize. In fact, the beautiful nature also contains many inspirations, which need us to observe and think carefully to find.

Camera One is in a very, very deep valley in a very far mountain. The valley is overgrown with weeds and there is no sunlight. There is a thin plant growing in the weeds. It says that it will grow into a beautiful flower, but only merciless ridicule and irony respond to it. Countless times the rain hit its seedlings, and the cold wind blew through it. But it still persevered. It sprouted in the cold weather and pulled out new branches under the shadow of haze. Finally, it has grown into a beautiful flower, which is the noble lily. "You just miss the narcissus blooming in the water, but you don't know that in the lonely valley, wild lilies also have spring." The beautiful lily has taught me to be strong and unyielding.

Scene 2: "I hate it. It's raining again." It's hard to find someone who doesn't hate the rain. Indeed, people love flowers, because these colorful flowers bring colorful colors to life; People love green grass, because it adds a lot of green elements to life. However, behind the flowers and grass, the rain is selfless. Even if people forget it, or hate it. It still does not divide into seasons. It pays for the plants that need it day and night, and silently contributes to nature. The pure rain taught me to offer silently.

I didn't do well in the third midterm exam, and a leaf of sadness, loss and sadness fell on my head. This fallen leaf has withered and yellowed, but its veins can still be seen. It is also young. In the face of the dying leaves, I couldn't help feeling sorry. But must we be sad when the leaves fall? No, life, old age, disease and death are the invariable laws of nature. Only when the withered leaves fall can new leaves grow out. At this moment, I am suddenly enlightened. In the face of failure, I will pack up my mood and start again! The withered and yellow leaves taught me to laugh at the frustrations.

The fourth lens is a butterfly. It tirelessly weaves the sweaty silk. The shiny silk spits out from its mouth and slowly wraps itself. The spinning is very tiring, but it does not hesitate, just to one day pupate into a butterfly and fly towards the sky. However, when it emerged from the chrysalis, it found its wings were so yellow and ugly. It was surprised that the silkworm became a moth? Butterfly is a dream! Its soul floated to the sky, and his heart became a butterfly. Persistent silkworm taught me to pursue unremittingly. We live in the beautiful and magical nature. Let's put down our work and homework, stay away from the secular world, and experience the enlightenment of nature with heart!

Nature Inspiration Composition (17)

Nature has many inspirations for us. Scientists study the structure and function of some biological organs, get inspiration from them, imitate them, and develop new instruments. For example, scientists invented the electronic frog eye in imitation of the frog eye.

The electronic frog eye has many functions. For example, with the help of the electronic frog eye, the airport commander can more accurately command the landing of the aircraft; The electronic frog eye can also track the artificial satellite, and can monitor whether the artificial satellite operates normally at any time.

Putting the electronic frog eye into the radar system can greatly improve the anti-jamming capability of the radar system, so that the radar system can accurately identify specific aircraft or missiles

The scientists also equipped the aircraft with radar, mimicking the principle that bats can emit ultrasonic waves. The antenna of radar is like a bat's mouth, the fluorescent screen of radar is like a bat's ear, the radio waves emitted by radar are like a bat's mouth, the fluorescent screen of radar is like a bat's ear, and the radio waves emitted by radar are like ultrasonic waves emitted by bats.

Inspired by the Penguin King, scientists from the Institute of Zoology of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences designed a new type of vehicle - the "Penguin King" brand polar off-road vehicle. The wide bottom of this kind of car is directly attached to the snow surface, and it moves forward with scoops and wheels, and the driving speed can reach 50km/h

Nature is really a good teacher for human beings! People have learned a lot from nature to benefit people. We should protect nature and the ecological environment!

Nature Inspiration Composition (18)

Man invented the boat, which can walk on water, but what is the underwater world like? So people thought that they could invent a boat that could dive, but there was still one problem to be solved. When the submarine tested the water, the experimental submarine sank with "Gudong" and "Gudong" twice, and could not float. Therefore, a scientist dissected the fish and found that there was a "small bag" filled with air in the belly of the fish - the swim bladder. When the fish floated to the surface, Fill the "bag" with air, and generate huge buoyancy like a swimming circle. When a fish dives, it shrinks its swim bladder to expel air and sinks. Human beings solved the problem by installing a floating chamber for the submarine based on the principle of "swim bladder". Look! This is why human beings should learn from nature.

We all know that the plane invented at the beginning cannot stop in the air. Human beings invented the helicopter by learning from the hummingbird.

Human beings have learned a lot from nature, such as researching frogs and inventing "electronic frog eyes", and being inspired by bats and inventing "radar"... There are countless examples.

The nature is really diverse and full of wonders, which is worth learning!

Nature has brought many inspirations to people. If you don't believe it, I will tell you a few stories.

Once upon a time, there was a skilled craftsman named Lu Ban. Once, Lu Ban went up the mountain to cut firewood. When he reached the top of the mountain, he could not help but cut down the mountain with an axe. Halfway up the mountain, Lu Ban suddenly slipped and grabbed the big grass around him. Then he stood firm. He felt a sharp pain in his palm and opened his hand to see, It was the grass that cut the palm. Lu Ban thought, since the grass can cut the palm, if you zoom in, can you cut the trees? Lu Ban made a saw according to the shape of grass, so Lu Ban went up the mountain to try it, and sure enough, he cut the tree.

Another time, Lu Ban saw the weather. It was going to rain, so he hid in a pavilion. But Lu Ban thought it was too troublesome. If only he could make something he could carry with him. A few days later, Lu Ban was walking in the street, thinking and thinking. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it was raining heavily. Lu Ban was about to go somewhere to take shelter from the rain. Several children came up from the water. They were about to go swimming. When it rained, everyone picked a lotus leaf in the water and held it above his head to block the rain. Lu Ban had a brainwave. Since the lotus leaf could block the rain, I would do as the lotus leaf looked. When I returned home, Luban found bamboo and sheepskin, made the bamboo into the shape of lotus leaves, and then spread the sheepskin on it. This was the original umbrella.

The inspiration of nature to us is really memorable. So we need to read more books to understand so much knowledge!