It's good to have you as a composition student (5 required)
Not Romantic Charges
2024-01-14 07:45:19

It's good to have you, composition classmate (1)

"Crash!" Another rainstorm. Whether it was the birch in front of the door or the students in the classroom, they all craned their necks, shivered and prayed that the rain would stop, but I felt a warm current surging through my heart. The man, the umbrella and the rain reappeared before my eyes, and I could not help saying, "It's good to have you."

"Boom!" In a trance, the blue sky suddenly darkened and sank, and one after another plump black clouds occupied the whole sky, slowly pressed over. I looked at the riffle board, but did not find the lovely, light blue raincoat figure. I turned over the book bag again like asking for help, but still did not. My heart was half cold, and the sweat was thick on my forehead. "Wow!" The pouring rain washed down, forming a thick rain curtain, and my heart became ice with the cool rain.

"Ding Dong," the crisp school bell now becomes hoarse and harsh, like a curse read by a witch. As I slowly moved, it seemed that there were countless mocking eyes coming, but immediately, even the eyes were gone, and the busy campus was empty in an instant. Anxiety came with rain drops.

Suddenly, a big umbrella appeared on my head, one hand on my shoulder, and a familiar word came out: "Shall we go together?" I immediately agreed.

Along the way, we talked and laughed. Soon, we were going to leave. I reluctantly took a step forward, only to find that there was a tube in my hand, and a black figure disappeared in the distance. "Give me back my umbrella in the afternoon!"

"It's good to have you," I said, and the handle of the umbrella in my hand was warm.

It's good to have you, composition classmate (2)

I'm very timid, but I don't like crying. You can call me a coward, but you can't call me a crybaby. I am very lucky because I met you, my dear classmate Liu Shurui. Because of your presence, I got out of the difficulties again and again.

If you meet a person who cares and loves others, it should be a lucky thing. If I didn't meet you, I might never feel true friendship. Maybe I didn't have friends. Maybe I would walk on the dark road alone.

I remember that in the physical education class, my classmates ran together. I didn't know who accidentally pushed me behind me. I fell down on the concrete runway, my knee was bruised and bleeding, and my eyes were filled with tears of instant pain. At that time, my classmates were all around me. They didn't help me. At this time, I couldn't even stand up. The students thought I was joking, and they all ran away. I want to stand up by myself, but I can't stand up at all

Ding Lingling rang the bell after class. At this time, I felt very disappointed. Tears flowed down like broken beads. When I tried to get up, Liu Shurui ran to me and slowly helped me up. We walked to the team step by step. The students said he was stupid, but he said it didn't matter. It was a small matter to help the students.

I thank you, my dear classmate. It's good to have you.

It's good to have you, composition classmate (3)

Speaking of the person I know best, that is my classmate Wang Jiehuan. Now let me introduce her to you!

She has dark hair and looks beautiful in the sun. Her ears are big, her eyebrows are long, curved, like a crescent moon, her big eyes have a high nose, and the most enviable thing is that she has a cherry mouth.

She is a person who likes dancing. When I had a rest, I wanted to go out and play with her. When I came to her house, I saw her dancing seriously alone. She didn't even notice when I walked by. It was noon at that time. I had already had lunch, but she hadn't eaten yet. Looking at the serious look, I walked over to her and said quietly: "I have eaten, aren't you hungry?" She looked at me and said: "I'm not hungry, you go to eat first." Then she went on to dance. Seeing her studying so hard, I was afraid to disturb her. I walked out of the room quietly, came to the door, looked back, and she was still practicing conscientiously, not affected by me at all. I thought to myself: What a dancing classmate!

She is also very active in school. Every time there is a dance contest in school, she is the first to sign up, so she won a good place in school, which must be inseparable from her usual practice.

This is my classmate - x, a girl who loves dancing.

It's good to have you, composition classmate (4)

There is a softball pitching king in our class. she is x.

Zhou Guo is a small person in our class. She is only 1.3 meters. Her deskmate Zou Qifeng is a whole head taller than her. Her hair is black, with a ponytail, and a short row of Liuhai on her forehead. An oval face has a pair of small eyes. When it smiles, it narrows into a slit, almost invisible. Her skin was a little dark, and both sides of her cheeks were red at any time, as if she had made up.

Although she is thin and small, she takes part in every softball game and wins every game. Once, she took part in the softball event of the school's track and field meet. On the day of the competition, she stood at the starting line with a relaxed appearance, as if she could win the championship easily. She spread her legs apart, leaned back, raised her right hand backward, and held the softball in her hand. All the preparations were in order. Zhou Guo used all his strength to throw the softball out of his hand. The softball was like an arrow off the string, and quickly drew a beautiful arc in the sky. In this way, Zhou Guo won the championship again.

Zhou Guo deserves to be the softball king of our class.

It's good to have you, composition classmate (5)

On my growth path, there are many people who make me feel warm. There are parents who take care of me meticulously in life, teachers who earnestly teach me, and even strangers who only meet once... But when I saw the sentence "It's so good to have you", a figure came into my mind involuntarily.

A pair of black pupils always have a naughty sense, and with long curled eyelashes and raised corners of the eyes, it looks full of charm. The bright red lips lifted up, and two slender eyebrows slanted there, drawing two clear diagonal lines on the skin as white as magnolia. Her hair is her biggest feature. Throughout the year, her hair is always messy and broken, because every time class is over, she is always running.

Her appearance is not only distinctive, but also her daily behavior is audacious and bold. Her performance is very good, but she is not a "good girl" in the eyes of teachers and parents. Sometimes she makes some trivial mistakes, which makes teachers love and hate her and can't laugh or cry. One day, she came to the class wearing a home-made ghost face mask, which really scared us. During the break, she still wore a mask and chased her classmates everywhere in the corridor. The students were frightened and shouted by her. Excited, she didn't take off her mask in class. Many teachers were shocked and gaped. As a result, everyone will know that she gave a lot of criticism, but she laughed it off.

She is such a wanton girl. She is also a famous "woman man" in the grade. Even the teachers who don't take her classes know her. She is careless, but also careful.

Once when I was running in PE class, my stomach suddenly hurt badly and my pace slowed down. At this time, she noticed that she accompanied me down the track and told me to rest. I just sat down, but she didn't know where she had gone. After a while, a glass of steaming boiled water appeared in front of me. She smiled and leaned close to me, saying, "Drink quickly, or it will hurt my stomach if it gets cold!" The heat rose in front of me, and my heart warmed, and I smiled and said, "OK!" In the dense heat, tears were already in my eyes.

She is not only a good partner in my life, but also a rival in my study. Every exam seems to be our competition. This time, she has two points more than me. Next time, I will catch up with her by one point; This time her article was published, and next time my painting won a prize, we would like her to catch up with me and make progress together.

I am very lucky to meet such an excellent student in primary school - Zhang Run. Here, I want to sincerely say to her: "It's good to have you!"