Failure is not terrible 600 words composition (12 articles in general)
2023-08-31 06:47:35
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Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (1)

Failure Is Not Terrible Composition 600 Word Narrative (1)


We are all grown up, sensible and mature after being corrected for mistakes. But in life, keeping some mistakes can create a better life

As the father of a working farmer, he bragged in front of his children that his English was excellent when he was reading, and the children were not convinced. When the father said those English letters, the children giggled. The father's mistake became a way to amuse the children. Isn't this another way to express love?

The child prepared a big red apple for himself one day, but when the father saw it, he "made himself sentimental" and said, "Is this apple for my father? It's really sensible!" And the child said clearly with the child's most innocent smile: "Yes, Dad, you can eat!" This is another mistake, but it is a beautiful mistake. This mistake has forged a beautiful and sincere relationship. Who can say that this mistake needs to be corrected? I believe that in the future, children will not only think of themselves

Sometimes, mistakes are also a special signpost for happiness and beauty. Keep some traces of mistakes, which is another kind of beauty!

Error is also a classification of beauty

A student was called to the General Office by a teacher for being late, which seems to be the most common thing in education, but in my opinion, it is not the best way to solve the problem. People who win the hearts of the people get education. Children in their youth have strong rebellious psychology. As teachers, they need to be guided by snobbery and be good at persuading students to find their own mistakes, Then we will correct our mistakes. If we blindly emphasize the authority of teachers, then I think what we get is not the students' sincere conviction, but more is the empty promises made by students with different minds In fact, mistakes are also a kind of beauty, and the key lies in the attitude of the people involved to face it. Everyone knows the story of Edison's invention of the electric light. While I praise Edison's success, I also appreciate his mistakes again and again in the process of invention. Because of these countless mistakes, the light Edison finally brought to mankind is more dazzling. The sea has tides, How can life be without ups and downs? I now think that mistakes in life can be forgiven, and sometimes they are very cute. Because of them, life will not become dull and completely "correct"

"People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times." Su Shi of the Northern Song Dynasty made such discoveries about life hundreds of years ago. Why should we strive for perfection like a dream today? Give others more tolerance, the world will be more beautiful; Give more appreciation to mistakes, and the world will be more

Thank you for the mistake

The curtain of the story of life is woven with the brocade of life, and the weaving and dismantling are endless. On every thread of the curtain, there are our tears and our smiles

Error and truth live side by side.

Fools fear mistakes and strive for a smooth life. They closed the door, prayed to God, and kept the peace. They don't even have the courage to face mistakes. They are selfish and narrow-minded and think that he can scoop all the water of the sea into his own pond. Once they wake up from their mistakes, they abandon themselves and become decadent.

Wise people know how to use every mistake to seek the truth of life. The more frustrated they are, the more brave they are. They never flinch. They know that mistakes only temporarily suffocate the truth, but they rush to revive it in the pain of repentance; Mistakes are just misty dawns that make people temporarily blind. Then, when the first ray of dawn rises in the morning, it will guide the strong children to harvest the fruits of truth.

Everyone is bound to make mistakes, and we should adjust our attitude, not to be discouraged, but how to turn the negative and negative factors in "making mistakes" into favorable, positive and reasonable factors, and explore the truth from "mistakes".

I heard such a small story: one day, a Chinese student visited her American teacher's house, and saw the teacher's child, who was less than three years old, holding a key and clumsily inserting it into the lock, trying to open the bedroom door, but could not open it. So the student took the initiative to help him, but the teacher stopped him. The American teacher said, "Let him make some mistakes first, and think that he will always open the door later, so that he will never forget how the door was opened.". Sure enough, the child finally opened the door after struggling for a long time, and he clapped his hands happily.

In fact, people's constant mistakes are the process of people's constant correction and self-improvement. Error and truth are dialectical unity, which are two sides of the same thing. Therefore, mistakes are the mother of success, and truth is brewed from mistakes. There is no truth without error.

Failure Is Not Terrible Composition 600 Word Narrative (II)

Frustration is also beautiful 600 words composition

>Frustration is also beautiful 600 words composition (1)

Some people say that setbacks are painful; Some people say that setbacks are cruel; Others say that setbacks are failures. However, I would like to say that setbacks are beautiful!

On the road of life, it is impossible to be smooth. Human life is like climbing a mountain. You never know what is on the other side of the mountain. You can only hold a little illusion in your heart to conquer those mountains and strive for your ideal. However, in the process of climbing a mountain, we will fall down and cry, but we still stand up. Why?

It is impossible to achieve everything in one's life forever. At the beginning of our life, someone fell down and was left behind, but it was more likely that he would be the one who ran to the end. Why?

A person's life is like a game of chess. As the saying goes, "One step is wrong, one step is wrong." But the person who loses the first step in this game of chess may be the one who laughs to the end and wins the final victory. Why is that?

When we fall down and cry, setbacks will make us have the mentality of not giving up, so we stand up and choose to continue to move forward, even if the road is hard.

When we fail at the beginning, setbacks will become our motivation, so we catch up with those who are far ahead but never fail, and persevere to the end.

When we make a wrong move, setbacks will make us learn to think, so we won the final victory.

Frustration is both failure and success; Frustration is both hard work and happiness; Frustration is pain and joy!

Learn to appreciate setbacks, it is it that gives us a new starting point; Learn to appreciate setbacks, it is it that makes us have a colorful life; Learn to listen to setbacks, because it is the most wonderful and beautiful movement in life!

Setbacks let us have success, and setbacks are also beautiful!

Frustration is also beautiful composition 600 words (2)

Frustration is a stone, breaking your imagination; Frustration is fire, burning your heart; Frustration is water, washing your mind.

The grass is stronger because of setbacks; Xiaohua becomes more charming due to setbacks; The bird is more free because of setbacks; The small tree is more upright because of setbacks.

There is no water and no soil in the crevice, a small seedling has grown up, and the frustration it has experienced is to fight against this harsh environment. It is indomitable and struggles with setbacks every day. Finally, in the face of setbacks, instead of lowering its head, it raised its head higher. Rooted deeper and grew into a towering tree.

Frustration makes it strong!

In the cold winter, with heavy snow, only Namei still stands proudly. Another setback is attacking it - Snow White. It didn't fall down, but fought against the setback again! Finally, the snow stopped, and under the background of all things, Mei became more beautiful. In its essence, tenacity triumphs over frustration.

Frustration makes it charming!

Life is like a long road. There are smooth roads, rugged paths, beautiful flowers, and thorny traps. In this way, when you fall, don't expect others to lift you up; If you lose, don't expect others to help you find it; Only when you keep forging ahead in frustration can you make life more beautiful.

Life is like a waterfall. Without cliffs, it cannot be magnificent.

Life is like the sea. Without reefs, you can't stimulate beautiful waves.

Therefore, setbacks are also beautiful.

Frustration is also beautiful 600 words composition (3)

God is fair. When he closes one door for you, he will open another window for you.

Life is like a flowing river, in which we ripple and quietly feel the true meaning of life. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. It is inevitable to encounter various setbacks on the road of life. They are the embellishments of our colorful life. It is because of them that life becomes beautiful.

Just imagine, if you can't face yourself squarely and frankly in the face of setbacks, you will belittle yourself. "Life in this world is not satisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty will spread the boat," then we will never move forward, and it is difficult to overcome the immediate failure. If we firmly believe that "there will be times when the wind breaks the waves, and we will sail straight to the sea," then our path of life may be colorful, fragrant and clear.

Beethoven's frustration is deaf ears, lost love, and she went on the road with loneliness, but he was not defeated by setbacks, still firmly believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. Along the way, he recorded the excitement of the Symphony of Destiny, and his life was beautiful because of setbacks.

Zhang Haidi's frustration is the pain brought by his body, but it is his motivation to sublimate into an inspiring force. He uses his deeds to inspire the world, and frustration has written a brilliant chapter of his life. His life is beautiful because of setbacks.

Shi Tiesheng once said: "The suffering of life is an inevitable festival." But if we face it squarely, everything will become so simple.

The frustration of actress Tai Lihua was that she was deprived of her hearing and voice by God, but she did not give up. She said, "The fate is in everyone's hands, and no one can defeat us." We should firmly believe that frustration is just a kind of experience in our life, and we should dare to face it. Like her, her life is beautiful because of setbacks.


Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (2)

Whether in study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to composition. According to different genres, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a 600 word composition that is not terrible after the failure of the minor editing. It is only for reference. Let's have a look.

My mother taught me from an early age: "Where you fall, you stand up. Failure is not terrible." This sentence has greatly inspired me on the road of life.

That day, the mid-term exam was finally over. I am happy on my way home. As soon as I got home, I slowly opened my schoolbag. The scene in front of me scared me half to death - the mid-term exam paper was "lying" in my schoolbag, and I didn't give it to the teacher! I ran out like a cheetah and told my mother what had happened. Mother was also a little worried, and her face sank. She picked up my test paper and said seriously to me, "What happened? The test paper was not handed in? Look! Isn't it all your fault? Come on, let's go to school to hand in the test paper!" When we got on the bus, we were very upset and almost cried.

When I got to school, my footsteps were heavy and I slowly went upstairs. Who calls our Chinese teacher a "ferocious teacher"! Each of her strong and powerful words can shock her classmates to the side of the Milky Way. When I entered the office, I found no one, and my heart was slightly relieved. Unexpectedly, Miss Zhang told her mother on the phone that she could not get a score in the exam.

When I got home, I sat on the bed and cried: "Why should I score 0 for late payment? Didn't I also pay it?" My mother sternly said to me: "Not only did I do wrong, I didn't know to reflect, but I also tried to reason things out here." I retorted again: "It's obviously that my classmates confiscate their papers. Is it useful to blame me? It's also unfair." Mother's harsh words contained a kind of comfort, Speak softly; "My child, I know you are sad, and my mother is also sad for you. My mother hopes you can find the reason from yourself first when facing things. It doesn't matter if you do something wrong. The important thing is to correct your mistakes, which may be a good thing!" "Why?" I asked in confusion. Mother replied, "That way we can learn from education and correct our mistakes. There will be no such mistakes in the final exam and entrance exam in the future. Isn't that a good thing?"

I thought for a long time when I got the exam paper without scoring on Monday. Mom and the teacher are right. "Where you fall, you stand up. Failure is not terrible." This sentence made me feel deeply.

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (3)

I have been discouraged, complained, and miserable, but I have also been strong, tried, and successful, and so I have experienced that life is like this. Life is full of ups and downs. I must learn to face such a life, such an experience, because this is what I cannot choose, right?

In the face of other people's strange eyes, I shrunk; Face praise from others; I was proud; In the face of my own failure, I have evaded; Facing my own life, I was also disappointed. People can't always survive in failure. We should know that others can't help you live. No matter how many disappointments we have in life, we should all survive. Where we should fall, we should rise. Isn't that brave?

One exam, I was very dissatisfied with my own results, but I didn't feel that life was like a year, because it was not the end of the world. Is a smooth life a life? Ask yourself, you will feel that you are not losing money, why? Because I have had one more failure experience, so I can work harder and realize the true meaning of life. Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the cowardice of your own heart. We should turn the failure at this moment into motivation, bravely bear it, and release its energy, which is effective. But I also firmly believe that one day, I will lead the rainbow to the blue sky.

This failure is over, shouldn't I summarize the hidden "motivation" of failure in the failure and dig the source of failure? But I don't advocate excessive accountability. If you fail

Everyone has different views on things, so people dare not face them, dare not accept them, and only blame themselves too much. Why not spend this time summarizing the reasons for failure? Think about what to do next and how to improve efficiency? You will only think that everything you try to bring about such a cruel result, and you never ask why?

Face the reality bravely! Let failure become history with the passage of time. It is just a small setback in our life. It only plays a negligible role in our life, and I believe we will overcome failure.

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (4)

Failure is the mother of success. Without failure, there is no success? One's life is not plain sailing. It is impossible to have success without failure. The important thing is that you should not be discouraged after failure. You should step out of failure. Perseverant efforts will lead to success!

In the first semester of the fourth grade, our six schools held an art festival. There was a rope skipping competition. The teacher asked us to practice rope skipping. Oh, I've never practiced rope skipping. What can I do? But I am not discouraged and practice every day. I can't remember how many times I fell down. I finally learned how to jump rope. Moreover, I won a prize in the rope skipping competition held by the school!

I remember last Sunday, my father bought a bike for my brother and me, but we were so happy that we didn't sleep all night. At daybreak, I woke up my mother and asked her to teach me how to ride a bike. I pushed my bike to the open space in front of my house happily. My mother said, "First sit on the bike, and I will hold the bike behind me, and then slowly ride forward." I jumped on the bike and did as my mother said, but it was easy to say, but it was really difficult to do. I started to ride. But he fell down after only a few rides. I got up and rode on. But the faucet of this bicycle seems to be against me. I want to open it straight, but it turns to the right, which makes me fall with my bike again.

I was so angry that I didn't want to learn anymore, so I threw it aside and sat on the ground sulking. Mom seems to know what I'm thinking. Why didn't you want to learn at the beginning? You are already in the fourth grade. Can't you stand such a little injury? As the saying goes, "Is failure the mother of success?" I thought for a moment and said: "For failure is the mother of success, I must stand up. If I fail this time, I will succeed after several more practices.

One time, two times, two times, three times, three times, four times, five times...... In this way, I am more proficient in riding. My mother said, "See? As long as I work hard, there is nothing I can't learn well. After a while, I rode my bike far away, and I thought my mother still had the back to support me. Who knows, my mother stood on the spot and shouted to me," Xinggang, you have succeeded. "I listened to my mother's words and smiled happily.

No matter what you do, you should not be conceited about winning or discouraged about losing. Failure is the mother of success! As long as we can get out of failure, we will succeed!

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (5)

Failure is like a dark cloud on the horizon, jumbled and gloomy. Failure is like withered branches and leaves in winter, decadent and sad. Failure is like the forest after the storm, melancholy and bewildered. But sometimes failure can also be a rainbow, a sunrise, a spring breeze, sending a little comfort.

One day, a girl told you: "Failure is also a kind of success." Would you laugh at her silly?

But if you have never failed at all, you will feel: "Failure is also a kind of success."

This summer is particularly hot, and the light from the sun is wantonly dividing the sky. The sky is also full of clouds. The sun shines on my desk, and there are mottled lights and shadows on the desk. White light came into the gap of the curtain that was not tightened, and everything around highlighted the white fuzzy outline.

Today, very ordinary, very special. The class committee reelection meeting will be held today.

With the ringing of the class bell, the re-election meeting began. I wanted to have a job and a half. But since I was a child, I was timid. I just thought about everything and didn't dare to do it. I was afraid that I would be ridiculed by my classmates. At that time, I would lose more than gain. I lost my wife and lost my army. I was whispering.

Look at the students around with confident smiles and brisk steps, walk up to the platform, and use the posture of the whole universe at his feet, saying, after saying, a smile will always appear on the corners of the mouth. There was a trace of pride mixed with anger.

I saw it, more leg soft. An empty breeze came and sank in my heart. There may be something different between them and me besides courage. With the teacher's voice: "Next". I looked at the girl who was splashing saliva on the platform. The upper lip can't touch the lower lip. The speed is fast enough. If you blink your eyes a few times, people will finish talking.

The boys sitting next to me, who are usually very skinny, look puzzled and want to wash her, but they don't know where to start.

Another sound: "Next." The teacher's clear voice sounded in his ear. Slowly moving her steps, she walked onto the stage. She always spoke incoherently, and the students under the stage were all talking about it. Some people even said to her, "You are not finished, you should hurry up." Her face was getting red, her voice was getting smaller and smaller, and she was still trembling. I could clearly see her nails embedded in the flesh, and her fists were tight, The knuckles of her fingers were more prominent and white, but she didn't stop talking. Although almost the whole class was looking at her with a disdainful look, she did not stop despite the boys' sneering at her. Until the end.

She walked off the stage and sat in her own position, without any expression or sound, but her tears pattered down on the table and fell on the speech that had been revised for many times. She fainted. Then it penetrates and spreads in circles. Silent, sad little by little to expand.

It seems that my heart is also irritable. Fortunately, I didn't go. I can't tell if I'm worse than her. I thought to myself. But I admire her a little. At least she has more courage than me.

I turned around and saw her crying. I patted her on the head and handed her a piece of paper.

"Don't cry, will you? It's no big deal." I said with a high sounding voice, but who knows, if it was me who went up today, I would surely cry myself out.

She cried for a while and dried her tears. Her eyes were red like a rabbit. Say to me: "Thank you." I should answer: "It doesn't matter, you're welcome. Why did you go up?"

She said: "I think failure is also a kind of success, at least I defeated myself."

I heard that the sadness in my heart was like a river flowing. It turned out that it was not her but me that was pathetic.

Only then did I understand that failure is also a kind of success.

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (6)

Growth needs encouragement, affection, courage, and failure.

Life is like climbing stairs. The higher you stand on the first floor, the farther you can see; Otherwise, you can only stand still.

Maybe you have seen silkworm pupae. Many people don't understand why silkworms bind themselves. As we all know, only the silkworm that breaks out of the cocoon can turn into a butterfly. Cocoon is the failure set by heaven on the silkworm. It rushes over and transforms itself into a beautiful butterfly; Unable to rush through, only to get stuck in the cocoon and end one's life sadly.

Someone once did an experiment: to break several cocoons that are about to be broken by silkworms, so that the cocoons can "get something without work". It was originally thought that the butterfly from the "broken" cocoon would dance. Who knows, the so-called "butterfly" had a pair of beautiful wings, but could only drag the beautiful "baggage" slowly. Why? It turns out that when the butterfly breaks out of the cocoon, its wings bleed through the extrusion of the cocoon, awakening the sleeping nerve cells, and the butterfly can dance. Isn't that the same with life? Only after being baptized by failure to the soul can we temper our mind more tenaciously and truly grow up.

If you have been to the prairie, you may be lucky to see eagles flying in the blue sky. Don't be busy admiring them first. It is the so-called "without wind and rain, there is no rainbow". Do you know that behind the soaring eagle, it is a test of life and death again and again.

When the baby eagle is strong enough to accept the test, the mother eagle will pick up the baby eagle and fly to a height of 10000 meters. Once the mouth is loosened, the baby eagle will fall down like a meteor. Perhaps it is an instinctive reaction, the eagle will desperately spread its wings, making them harden and congest rapidly, and learn to fly in the fight against death. When it comprehends the flying skills, it will wave its wings and soar to the sky. This is the same as that of the silkworm. It is failure that casts the eagle's tenacity; It is failure that inspires the inner potential of Xiaoying; It is failure that makes the young eagle grow rapidly and become a real eagle.

Perhaps, now your road is smooth; everything is going smoothly; The future is bright. But don't forget: growth requires failure.

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (7)

Growth needs failure, face failure with a smile.

When failure occurs in life. When you fail, give yourself a smile! Because it can give you face difficulties. The courage to fail.

I have failed: the previous week, there was a big grade exam which was extremely important! I want to be famous in the grade. I'm always proud of myself, and I certainly don't want to lose face in such an important exam. However, God didn't follow people's wishes. Alas, in the examination room, I was trapped by several interesting questions, and I was determined to solve them. I finally got some achievements (solved the problem) after some hard work, but time is running out. There are still 15 minutes left. How can I finish it?

I had to leave the examination room with regret. A few days later, the results were announced. How efficient this time! Alas, it's no use complaining. It's 66 points, which is expected! Mother's nagging is unavoidable. When I got home, I didn't expect to scold. She blamed her and said kindly, "My child, don't be defeated by a temporary failure. Give yourself a smile of encouragement. What about the next time, even if you are discouraged?" I answered with a dull "Yes". I slowly walked back to the room and saw my face pulled down in the dressing mirror, with an expression of "strangers are not near, and the consequences are self assured". No, you can't be such yourself! Thinking of my mother's words, I squeezed out a smile of encouragement, clenched my fists, and tried harder next time!

Motivation brought by failure: Soon, the final exam came, I tried to review and adjust the way of doing the questions, and achieved excellent results in the final exam. Teachers and students were happy for me, congratulated me, and looked at the sincere smiling faces, I thought of my mother's words. But the difference is that this time I should give myself a happy smile after defeating.

Work harder! When I returned home, I told my mother my results, and my mother was also happy for me: "Children, remember my mother's words, growth needs failure, and only by smiling at the failure in life can I live happily!".

Because I think: smile like sunny day, can drive away life. Rainy day!

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (8)

It is impossible for everyone to reach the end of the journey smoothly. We will always encounter various failures. As long as we don't give up and continue to work hard, we will succeed.

When I was six years old, I saw many children wearing skates in the community. I was so envious that I asked my mother to buy a pair of skates for me. I can't wait to put on my skates and try to stand up. However, as soon as I stood up, my whole body fell forward and fell on all fours. Fortunately, I wore skating knee pads, otherwise I would have broken my skin.

At this time, I thought: How can I learn to slip even when standing. Looking at the round wheel, I felt a little upset, but on second thoughts, I would like to buy it or learn it! After my time consumption, I finally got over standing, and then I had to learn to slip. I remembered that when I watched others skate, they would quickly move forward with their right foot raised. I tried to learn. First, I bent down to prevent falling, and slowly raised my right foot. Unexpectedly, as soon as my right foot was stretched out, my left foot could not be controlled, and I fell again.

When I was angry, my mother reminded me to bend down all the time, or I would fall. I took my mother's words to heart and challenged skates again. This time, I was much more cautious. After analyzing the last mistake, I understood that after the right foot was lifted out, the left foot should slip forward quickly, or the body would fall to one side because of the imbalance between the two feet. Time after time, I finally learned how to run away.

Next, my mother told me that when skating, the swing of the hands and the extension and retraction of the feet should be combined, and coordination is beautiful enough. I nodded, trying to stretch out my left foot and pull it back. But because I was not skilled and my speed was not fast enough, I threw myself into the air and fell on all fours. This time it hurt me. I was so angry that I shouted, "What's this broken skate that is so difficult to skate? I won't learn it anymore."

My mother said to me, "How can you give up halfway? People always fail on their journey. Only when they fall down, stand up and continue to work hard can they succeed!" After listening to my mother's advice, I regretted my behavior of giving up easily, so I stood up again and began to learn skating... Finally, I can fly like a swallow in the community.

People always suffer failure in their life. The reason why we fail is that we lack the courage to bear failure. I believe that we can succeed as long as we don't give up.

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (9)

If you shed tears when you lose the sun, you will also lose the stars.

When I hung up the receiver, my mother's words echoed in my ears. In my opinion, the words were still so harsh, as if a stone was thrown into a deep well, which made my heart unable to calm down for a long time

In the morning, nervousness spread in the room, and the results of the Chinese final exam will be announced soon. The phone rang, and I ran to it quickly. It was my mother's voice: "The Chinese teacher had just informed me that the final result was excellent." Then the phone hung up. The sound of "Du......, Du......" came from the other end of the phone, leaving no room for me to think.

I sat on the chair, gently biting my lips, and my brain still seemed blank. After a few minutes, I came to my senses: "Although my Chinese score was excellent, I should not have this exam score! What about the agreed goal of 95? Why is there a score gap?"

At this time, my mood seems to be covered with a thick taste. This smell is inexpressible bitter and sour, as if accusing myself of not doing my best and not being admitted to the top three of the class.

I looked out of the window with tears in my eyes. The original clear tall building seemed to be covered with a veil, which was not so real. A pot of orchids on the windowsill stood proudly after swaying and struggling in the cold north wind. Lan Aolan, even though the environment before you is so bad and unsatisfactory, it seems that you will be forced to a desperate situation. You are not discouraged at all, but still face it with your head held high.

I can't help but raise the corner of my mouth slightly. Those disappointments on the road of life are just the past, the road you have walked. The road is long and endless. Only when we keep moving forward can we see the future and the bright sun of the next day. When the sun shines on the earth, there is a scene of vitality. These scenes will replace the dead old vines and make your eyes fresh.

Maybe that's the taste of failure. Don't be discouraged by the failure in front of you; Maybe tomorrow will be better

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (10)

Tears and hate intertwined, pain and despair coexist, is this the taste of failure?

Life is like a picture, even if the strokes are skilled, it is impossible to be perfect; Life is like a poem. No matter how meaningful the words are, they can't hide the decadent mood. 'Life is like a song, no matter how beautiful and charming it is, it can't guarantee that every note is sonorous and mellow. Living in the world is like sailing in the sea. How can we not withstand the wind and waves? There will always be failures in life.

The sky outside the window is gray, as if a storm is coming. There is no closed window, and the wind howls, which makes me nervous and upset. Looking at the falling leaves in front of the window, they whirled in the wind and left the world to which they were attached in great pain. My palm kept sweating, and I failed to soak my report card little by little.

Sitting alone in front of the window, my heart can't calm down all the time. Why do I fail? Am I not careful enough? Am I not hard enough? Am I proud? A flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky. I realized the reason for my failure: too proud, too arrogant. Tears welled up, and I regretted that I hated myself. I thought that I was too childish, and no one would be smooth, but I was crazy about the illusion that I would always succeed. Pain, despair, self blame, hit my heart together. The rain kept falling, tears kept flowing, and the twelve o'clock bell rang. I fell asleep.

Self study in the morning is Chinese. I can't help thinking of Wang Bo when I see that there are many friends in the world. His life is full of ups and downs, but he also wrote a masterpiece? It was also difficult to travel by Li Bai. I was inspired by the fact that there would be times when the wind and waves would break through and the clouds would sail straight to help the sea. The young Li Bai was arrogant and arrogant, and he was arrogant and arrogant. However, he still remained arrogant after being frustrated in the officialdom. In a moment, I realized that I had to be self strengthening, self respecting and independent. Because I can make another great achievement, I cannot give up, I must persevere. The first beam of sunshine from the sun shines in the eastern sky with white fish bellies. It's warm, very comfortable, very comfortable.

The taste of failure is not only pain, despair, remorse, helplessness, but also more encouragement and comfort to oneself. It is like a cup of coffee, which will be remembered forever!

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (11)

I deeply remember that time, I was going home after school, but Chen stopped me and said, "Yu, this painting competition is up to you, I will cheer you on!" After hearing Chen's words, I was full of infinite power, and seemed to be determined to win the first prize. I hurriedly said to Chen, "No problem, I won't let you down." When I got home and finished my homework, I carefully drew a picture. The sound of the pencil "Si Si" was particularly clear in the quiet room. It seems that I don't want to make any mistakes with my dedicated expression, and I always want to paint it flawlessly.

When I finished drawing that piece of paper, I visited it carefully again. Even if it is handed over to the teacher, he is careful. When my class is full of expectations for me. The winning list of the competition came out, and I was the first to rush up, but when I came out of the crowd, my face was full of despair, which was indescribable. At this time, Chen came up to me and said, "Yu, although you won the third place this time, it's not what you want, but your contribution to our class is very great, and I'm proud of you!" I ignored Chen and ran to the track and field to be dazed, thinking all the time: I failed, I failed! How could this be possible? Tears could not help bursting into my eyes. The dissatisfaction with the facts made me not want to pick up the brush again!

However, when I was about to give up painting, it suddenly occurred to me that the head teacher said to me: failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that you have no courage to bear it. This sentence made me suddenly realize that I did not care about the rank of painting, but to pave the way for my future life. Failure is not terrible!

Failure is not terrible composition 600 words (12)

600 word junior high school composition material I with the topic of failure is not terrible

There will be many experiences in our life. The experience may be painful and difficult, but after the painful experience, let us face success.

After that experience of learning swimming, I learned that only when facing difficulties, don't be discouraged, and face it bravely, can we move towards the door of success.

It was one afternoon in midsummer, and my aunt said she would teach me how to swim. So, we went to the swimming pool together. After we put on our swimsuits, we went into the water together. As soon as I touched the water, I felt a chill all over. Before learning, I was overwhelmed by difficulties. My aunt said, "Don't be afraid. The water is nothing. As long as you exercise more, you will not be cold. Come on, my aunt will first teach you the basic skill of swimming - breathing." So while doing a demonstration, my aunt said, "First take a deep breath, then sink into the water, hold your breath, and see how long you can hold it." I followed my aunt's steps and took a deep breath first, He sank into the water. As I was just learning, I sank into the water without holding my breath, and the water filled my nose. I dare to show that my aunt realized my difficulty and said, "Don't worry, take your time, take a rest first." After a rest, I won't choke my nose. At this time, my aunt swam again and said to me with a smile: "Well, after the rest, I have to practice again. If you want to learn to swim, you must pass this level first. My aunt believes you must do it." Looking at my aunt's confident eyes, I also secretly encouraged myself: Yes, I must learn to swim! Not once, try again. So I took a deep breath and sank into the water. Because of the first lesson, I held my breath and stayed in the water for five seconds. When I raised my head to the surface, my aunt clapped her hands and said, "Yes, I have made progress, keep working hard!" "Hmm. Come on!" I breathed again and again, and I gradually mastered my skills and skills, making progress every time. Then my aunt taught me how to swim next, telling me how to climb my feet and how to stroke my hands... Under my aunt's guidance, I learned how to swim. The effort pays off. After a long period of practice, I finally learned the breaststroke swimming project. But I understand that it is the result of my perseverance in the face of difficulties.

After going through this swim, I understand that failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you can't face failure bravely and never recover from it. This reminds me of the lyrics of a song: How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain!

600 word junior high school composition material 2 with the topic of failure is not terrible

With nervousness and a little excitement, I came to Taizhou Daily to participate in the last "battle" of the selection of "Taizhou's First Top Ten Young Journalists". After a few moments, I came to the "No. sub area" to draw my ranking on the stage. I was extremely nervous. I was afraid to draw the first few numbers. After filling in my name, I closed my eyes, drew the bottom one of the box, slowly opened it a little bit, and read "2-8 -" softly. I secretly wished I was lucky. Now let's watch my performance.

The program in front of my number seems to have passed before my eyes in the blink of an eye like flowing water. In the second half of the break, I almost became a "wooden man". All I could think about was the scenes of the small journalists voting for election, which played back in my mind like a movie. My heart beat fast, a big stone suddenly hung in my heart. My mother came to me and said, "The success or failure of this time is not important. The important thing is that you have already made sweat and effort. I will not investigate your results, but only ask you to have a good process, and I will be satisfied." This sentence seemed to give me a reassurance. When it was my turn to play, I ended my speech with a normal attitude. It's time to ask questions. I listened attentively: "This is a sports topic: what is China's national football?" Ah? This topic --- I was thinking quickly: basketball, volleyball, football --- ping-pong --- ping-pong! by the way! "It's table tennis" I said out loud, "Are you sure?" The host asked me jokingly. "Sure!" I answered confidently, "Right!"

I started to publish the list of "Top Ten Young Journalists". I listened nervously, but what I heard was that "Top Ten Young Journalists" ranked 11th, just playing a sidekick. I went back home dejected, and I kept complaining to myself: "I worked so hard, but why is it so close? I'm so close!" Mother came to me and said, "The past is over. This time, I can't do it. Next time, I will try my best. Failure is a common thing. Failure is not terrible. What is really terrible is your fear. Where you fall, you will get up. In this way, failure is not the shadow of your heart, but the motivation for you to succeed!" I smiled and wiped away tears, Stand up.

Yes, failure is not terrible!

600 word junior high school composition material 3 with the topic of failure is not terrible

Time passed quickly, half a semester passed in a flash. The learning results of this half semester are shown on the long examination paper one by one

I was so nervous during the exam that I was afraid I would not do well. After the exam, I waited for the exam results with confidence and anxiety. When it was time to distribute the test paper, I held my breath and waited. My heart was pounding like a dozen rabbits. Finally, the results of the three courses have been reported! After several weeks of hard work, my grades are not so bad at all, but I am also very dissatisfied because my Chinese and scientific achievements have not reached my ideal goals.

In my ideal, my Chinese and science scores should be above 97 points, but I got 95 points. All the questions on the exam paper were wrong, which should be reflected. In summary, I think I am too careless. My attitude towards learning in class is not correct enough and I don't work hard enough at ordinary times. In the face of this exam, I would like to warn myself and encourage myself. In a word, only after failure can we have the confidence and motivation to get up, so that we can work hard, face failure again, stand up, and pay more in the next two months. Keep working hard! Be fully prepared for the upcoming final exam. Stay away from your bad habits and work hard for your goals. There is a good saying: failure is the mother of success.

Not only that, but also I need to learn from others' strengths: Ye Yangyang's composition is well written, and Liping's handwriting is well written... Only by learning from others' strengths can I make up for my own weaknesses, which can be perfect.

After this midterm exam, I realized my own shortcomings, but I know that failure is not terrible. After we learn the lessons of failure, we can defeat failure and achieve success.