600 words of empathy in composition (11 required articles)
Endless rain
2023-11-15 02:51:11

600 words for transposition in composition (1)

We are all too easy to be self-centered in life, thinking only about our own feelings, but forgetting to consider the thoughts of others. It was such a rainy day that I understood that I could not impose my own ideas on others. Too much wishful thinking would only hurt others.

It was an early autumn afternoon, and I had an appointment with my good friend to go shopping. When we came out of the mall, it was drizzling in the sky. I like this cool and slightly romantic rainy day very much. It reminds me of a movie called Song in the Rain. When it came to life, I suggested walking in the rain to the station two blocks away from us. Quiet eyes flashed and said softly: "Go and buy an umbrella, or we can wait until the rain stops."

I thought that she just hesitated to experience the feeling of walking in the rain, so she tried to "encourage" her to experience the scenery in the rain. At my insistence, she agreed to my request, but I didn't see the reluctance in her eyes at that time.

After getting on the bus home, her face became worse and worse, her hands were pressed on her stomach, and a hum hum groan came from her throat. I was worried and hugged her, but she seemed to feel more and more uncomfortable. She kept rubbing her abdomen with both hands, and the pain was unbearable. Xiaoyan secretly prayed that the car would drive faster, but he didn't expect that it would rain and get stuck in traffic. He drove slowly, his face turned white to blue, his cold sweat seeped out, and his eyebrows twisted together.

Finally, when the bus arrived, Jing whispered to me: "My stomach is very uncomfortable, can you accompany me back? I'm going to collapse in pain." I helped her out of the car and back home. He lay down on the bed and pressed his hands on his stomach. I kept asking, only to find out that she had a stomachache since she was a child. I was afraid that I was worried that Jing had not said it all the time. Today, when the rain hit her, she immediately became very serious. I was so distressed that I kept rubbing her stomach and said that I would never walk in the rain again. Jing was embarrassed and said, "I've wronged you."

From then on, I understand that when you encounter something, you should consider other people's feelings more.

600 words for transposition in composition (2)

Put yourself in the other's shoes and experience 600 words of life composition

In the light daily life, everyone has written a composition. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is Xiaobian's transposition thinking, 600 words of life experience composition. Welcome to read it, and I hope you can enjoy it.

Put yourself in the other's shoes and experience life composition 600 words1

The resident students of the school need to get up at 6:30 every morning and start running morning exercises at 6:50. As the weather gets colder and colder, the resident students tend to be lazy in bed until 6:45, then get up at an amazing speed and rush to the playground before ringing the bell. The resident students like the weather when it's snowing or drizzling best, so they can be lazy in bed without being frozen.

With the cold weather, the demand for hot water in schools is increasing. The school has about 600 resident students. So, every day, you can almost see the dozens of faucets in the hot water pool. Every time the hot water supply time comes, students line up to receive hot water in the Hermit Sea. At night, there will be more people in line. It often happens that someone cannot get hot water. Those who can't get hot water will be abused; Those who seek perfection have it. The targets are all water workers without exception.

It is reasonable to say that the water boiling workers have more than ten years of work experience, and they get up at more than five o'clock every morning, never slack off. Why is there always not enough hot water? Isn't it true that the water boiler workers are lazy like the students think?

Through observation, I found that the time for students to receive hot water was almost the same: getting up in the morning, after the second class and after self-study in the evening, which caused a temporary shortage of hot water. The rest of the time, because the water was boiling and full, the water workers had no choice but to rest. In addition, it was very cold. Many students filled their cups with hot water and put them in their hands to keep warm. When the water was slightly cooler, they poured it out and replaced it with hot water, which caused great extravagance. When there is hot water, we don't know how to cherish it at all. When there is no hot water, we complain again. After discovering these, I suddenly felt a little unspeakable guilt in my heart.

The water boil workers get up at 5:00 every morning, and then prepare the hot water that 600 people need, regardless of the cold wind, rain and snow, without intermission. But hard work does not earn praise, but complaints, accusations, and even abuse. But they never forget their responsibilities, because they know that the weather is very cold, know that hot water is important to everyone, and understand the mood of students who can't get hot water. I'm glad that the water workers did not strike because of this. Imagine that if the water workers went on strike for one day, we would have no hot water to drink, no hot water to wash our faces and brush our teeth. At night, we would not even have hot water to wash our feet, let alone some hot water for other purposes. So how should we spend this day?

Thinking from a different perspective, everyone has his own difficulties. Imagine, if you were a water boiler, what would you do in the face of such things? We always think about our own convenience instead of thinking about whether it will bring inconvenience to others. It's really wrong to go back and complain about others. In addition, don't only think about your own unhappiness, but also think about others occasionally. You will find that your heart will be much more peaceful.

Put yourself in the other's shoes and experience the 600 word composition of life

Sometimes life forces you to change roles. Do you feel peaceful? You will find it meaningful to do so. When we face what life gives with such a common mind, and feel it with a humble position, we can always get some unexpected new feelings and experiences. Our mentality makes our sharp heart understand life better. Live in a happy mood.

However, not all people in life can understand this truth. In reality, there are always people who think highly of themselves and are used to looking at the flowers and medals they wear on their chest with a magnifying glass. They are complacent when they recall their glory and pride. Once the flowers wither, the medals are dim, the glory of the past is no longer there, and the upper hand is gone, they are at a loss, and they seem to have lost their soul all day long. My neighbor, who used to be an official in charge of personnel in a government agency, just stepped down from his post a few days ago. In the past, when he was bossing around, others saw that he was only willing to make promises. His family was full of friends and dignitaries, but now his family is empty and desolate, Even the peddler who sells vegetables doesn't take him seriously when he goes out (people always treat him as a member of ordinary customers, but he doesn't feel it), so he feels unbearable. So all day long sighing, this is the "sunset is infinitely good" happy time, but in the voice of the sigh to spend, this in the end why?

I think that when something like this happens, you might as well take it easy, do some transposition thinking, and face the changes in life with an ordinary heart, and you will have an unexpected harvest. The ancients said, "Honest people are frank, while villains are always worried". If we are open-minded and magnanimous, we will feel broad and broad, see everything through, and naturally be optimistic and cheerful. The so-called "open" is not the kind of worldly wisdom, the kind of transcendental hermit's approach, but a kind of understanding of life, with a broad mind to accept all the things in life, and to face the world with the magnanimity to accept all the things in life. If so, will we still have those unprovoked troubles?

Transposition thinking is not to make you belittle yourself, not to make you distrust your ability, not to make you look down on yourself. On the contrary, it is to let you have an accurate and objective understanding of yourself, so that you can better believe in yourself, so that you can challenge yourself, pursue excellence and dreams in the process of life, and usher in new glories.

Learn to put yourself in the other's shoes and treat life with ordinary heart. The reality must learn to adapt so that you will be happy every day!

600 words for transposition in composition (3)

In life, many times we need to change our position to consider problems. Transposition thinking can make us understand more and misunderstand less; More reason, less blindness... Whenever we treat people and do things, we should think about whether it is correct to do so.

Once, in my class, there was a very introverted girl. Because she is not very healthy and often gets sick, she seems to have closed herself up. She is afraid to talk to others and usually lives in silence. In our class, she almost no longer exists, because some people in our class will laugh at her, unwilling to talk to her, unwilling to approach her and make friends with her. In the past, I also had such behavior, but now I regret it. I really want to say sorry to her. Because now, I deeply understand what empathy is. It is to try to see things from the perspective of others. If you are like this, what will happen to you when others laugh at you and stop being friends with you. I will feel inferior and sad in my heart! Do you think so when you laugh at individuals? No, otherwise, I won't do these things! In the text I learned recently, "Lao Wang", I deeply felt that Lao Wang was a very poor ordinary person, and his life experience was very unfortunate, but the author did not look down on him like other people and would not help him. It is to help him, because he has the idea of treating others equally in his heart. If you are so unlucky, you will want to get some sincere help from others. Therefore, we should always put ourselves in the other's shoes, so that it is fair to ourselves and others.

In our real life, there are many similar problems that need us to think in terms of position. For example, some sellers cheat people by all means in order to gain benefits. What will happen to those selfish sellers if you are cheated? Also, each of us is not perfect. There will always be disabled people with physical defects in society, but some people will reject them and reject them. What if you are so unlucky to become disabled? How would you feel

In short, in a word, put yourself in the other's shoes. If each of us would do it, I believe that the world would be a better place.

600 words for transposition in composition (4)

In my life, my mother taught me a lot of things, including empathy.

One day after school, the math teacher and his mother talked while walking. I heard the teacher say to my mother: "Your son's math test is the most sloppy." So I thought: Mom will be tortured again. I decided not to go home for lunch. In the afternoon, my mother dragged me to the office and scolded me. When I came home from school in the evening, my mother asked me loudly, "Why don't you go home for lunch this afternoon?" I said, "Because my math test score is too low, I dare not come back." She said angrily: Do you want to avoid this? "She then said," Can you hide for a while, for a lifetime? "I didn't dare to raise my head. I cried and said," No, I can't. "When Grandma heard the curse, she asked her mother to calm down. Her mother said in a soft voice," Do you know? After your father died, your mother became both father and mother all day long. She turned like a wheel of a car. The wheel would also age after turning for a long time, not to mention people? The burden on my mother's shoulders is too heavy. So hard work means that I hope to see your continuous progress and future prospects. If we don't work hard now and science and technology develop so fast, it will be of no use to the country in the future. "As I said this, my mother wept sadly. I thought about it and cried, too. Every day, my mother would bring me water to take a bath. But today, my mother was angry and asked me to do it myself. I sobbed and took great pains to pump two buckets of water to the second floor. After taking a bath, it was already dark. I went to evening classes, and my grandfather sent me to school. As he walked, he said:" You should learn to think in terms of your mother. Your father is no longer here. If you don't win, there will be no way out. "

I think about it: Yes! If you don't work hard now, you will become worthless when you grow up. I can't let my mother down. I want her to see the harvest. Besides, if I were a mother and my son didn't win, I would also be angry. No matter what I do in the future, I will think twice before I act. When I do something wrong, I will put myself in the other's shoes and never run away.

600 words for transposition in composition (5)

This morning, I went to take a bus. Just getting on the bus, I heard everyone talking. I turned off the music on my mobile phone to hear what they were saying. It turned out that they were talking about an old man, saying that he was dirty and had to get on the bus, and there was a bad smell on him.

I think the old man may be sitting on the bus, but he dare not speak. He should also know their meaning and want to get off. However, he never thought that there was nothing wrong with him.

Indeed, the old man was not wrong. It was those who criticized him who did wrong. However, I have seen the truth of life from this matter. Nowadays, people can only judge the right or wrong of things on the surface, but will not learn to think about things from the perspective of others and analyze things from a deeper level.

Let's put it this way. It's normal for an old man to have such a situation in the countryside. Why should he just stare at it. Perhaps, if the old man has some hidden trouble at home and can't change his own situation, he may not take the bus in the future.

I thought of a lonely old woman who lived in my family before. She had no children and no one to take care of her. She just stayed in a simple house every day. Occasionally when I come out, I talk to her, and she doesn't respond to me. At that time, I was very embarrassed and angry, thinking that she should not ignore me. But later, after experiencing the vicissitudes of human relations, I gradually understood a truth: people should learn to think in terms of others when they are alive.

It sounds easy to think in terms of position, but few people can do this. After all, you have not experienced what that person has experienced, and of course you do not understand how painful it is. Therefore, it is precisely because it is rare that we should promote this spirit.

In this world, it is normal and cruel for someone to be in the ditch when they are high. People just say that they want to change their own destiny, but who knows that it is not life that can be easily changed. Some people suffer all their lives, and they just want a plain life. What's wrong with that? I only wish that they would be treated tenderly by life all their lives.

600 words for transposition in composition (6)

Not everything in life can be fair to everyone and beneficial to everyone, which requires us to learn to think in terms of empathy.

The same thing may become completely different after transpositional thinking, just like two small wooden barrels in the material, they are doing the same thing, but their views, moods, understanding and feelings are different. This is the magic of transpositional thinking. The second small wooden barrel just carries out transpositional thinking, thus has a different understanding from other wooden barrels. In my life, I really feel the importance of empathy.

It was an upgrade exam. I can't remember the grades clearly. I only remember that I was the third from the bottom of the class. I didn't think it was a big deal, but I was very angry when I came home and showed my mother the report card. I beat me violently. I cried out of breath and naturally hated my mother. Since then, I vowed never to talk to my mother again and never pay attention to my mother again. In the next few days, I really didn't talk to my mother anymore. I stayed at home all day and read extracurricular books in bed. One day my father came into my room and I was just reading a book. He came and sat beside my bed, gently picked up the book and put it on the bedside table, smiled and said to me, "Daughter, don't blame your mother. Your mother is all for you. She wants you to have a good career. If you keep this score, how can you get a good high school and a good university in the future? Your mother and I are busy working all day to earn money to support you, so you have to win... "Dad is still saying, but I have already fallen into deep thinking. Maybe I am really wrong. I think about my mother from another perspective, so that I can have a good future. I feel guilty when I want to come here

Finally, I apologized to my mother and promised her that I would try my best to study hard. This is my example of solving problems through empathy!

So, please let us learn to think in terms of empathy!

600 words for transposition in composition (7)

Everyone should learn to think from the perspective of others, not just about themselves. What they think is not necessarily what others want.

Every time, in the math class, the math teacher uses simple and understandable methods to speak math problems. In fact, she can speak in her own way, but she thinks from our point of view, considering our poor foundation, teaching according to materials, and teaching according to our specific conditions, This has greatly improved the students' enthusiasm for learning mathematics, which is a good result of empathy.

Another time, I couldn't write the topic, so I went to ask other students. She told me in her way. She told me again and again, but I couldn't understand it. Later, she changed her way and found a breakthrough point from my feedback. Now, I understand it!

As Confucius said, "Do not impose on others what you do not want." Do not impose on others what we do not want. If you only care about yourself and don't think from the perspective of others, you will never succeed.

For example, when talking with others, we should also consider their feelings. Will this sentence hurt others? Will it make others unhappy? We need to think about these things. Sometimes if you want to say this sentence, don't say it if you feel bad, or say it in a more euphemistic way. In short, we should think from the perspective of others, so as to ensure a healthy communication.

Therefore, whether in study or in life, we should think more from the perspective of others, rather than blindly follow our own. Maybe what you think is actually not what other people want.

Just like the frog in the material, it did not consider that the crab walked sideways, but it was meant to be good, but it was understood by the crab to be malicious. If it could think from the perspective of the crab, the outcome would be different.

So, from now on, let's learn to think from the perspective of others. I believe that as long as we learn to think in terms of empathy, we will be able to benefit from both learning and life!

600 words for transposition in composition (8)

This Wednesday, we continued to watch Dr. Yu Shiwei's The Charm of Managers. This time, we talked about the fifth leader's character?? Dr. Yu proposed that magnanimity is shown by tolerance, patience, humility, generosity and sharing. He talked about the overlord Qi Huangong in the Spring and Autumn Period, the world-famous design master I.M. Pei, and the current Vice Premier Wu Yi. They all have this excellent quality.

In my opinion, generosity is tolerance. The psychological quality of deep understanding and great trust, tolerance and magnanimity can make people proud and active.

I once read a story about a female entrepreneur who found that an assistant took 20xx yuan in private, but instead of angrily accusing the assistant, she gently asked, "How is the family's economic situation recently? Are there any difficulties?" Later, she took out 3000 yuan and asked the assistant to send it back to her hometown or keep it as a backup. The assistant was moved to tears, took the initiative to take out the money that should not be taken, and explained why. Later, she was loyal to her boss and made many contributions.

When an individual accidentally commits a mistake or mistake, he will know something and regret it. At this moment, what he needs most is understanding and trust. If others can give them understanding and trust, they will not let them go, but will encourage people to correct their mistakes and make up for their mistakes. This is the power of emotion and tolerance.

There are often many problems around me, such as my son's unconsciousness in learning, so and so students dragging their homework, being half hearted in class, and chasing and fighting during the break... If they are given "severe torture" every time they encounter a situation, they will feel too tired, and the mental burden is too heavy. Moreover, the sky of the children will always be gray and not shiny, It's better to calm down, squat down and communicate with them, and give children the opportunity to correct their mistakes. In fact, people are all the same. Adults also want to be understood and trusted by others. Even if there are some problems in work, they also want to be forgiven, especially the understanding of leaders, even if it is just a smile of trust, a word of concern

We should be like the sea, embracing all rivers. Because only in this way can there be the most magnificent vastness and boldness in the world! Be tolerant like the sea, it is not helpless, but strength! Let's learn tolerance and empathy.

600 words for transposition in composition (9)

As time went by, I looked at the light in the dormitory from time to time. It still gave out soft light, without any intention of resting. I was so worried that I stamped my feet: it's time for class, why doesn't she come?

It was a long wait. A gust of wind blew me into a cold war. I stood in the cold wind for more than ten minutes. My hands were already cold, and my heart gradually lost its warmth. Just when I was impatient to wait for her, the light in the dormitory suddenly went out, and a sudden sound of footsteps shook the sensor lights in the building to light up in unison. As she ran, she waved to me. When I came up to her, she gasped, "Sorry! I stopped when my head was half washed. Do you think I can't stand a bubble? Hehe!"

Looking at her untidy and dripping hair and her apologetic smile, I couldn't help thinking of that

I looked for the admission notice in piles of books, and she cried anxiously downstairs: "Li Luyao, hurry up, you will be late!" I did not know how long it took, but the notice still disappeared, Without expected scolding and complaining, she smiled and said, "Ma Daha, let me help you!" Isn't she angry? I was puzzled. When she saw me staring at her all the time, she was a little strange: "What's wrong? Find it quickly!"

"Yao, you are angry!" Her voice pulled me back from my memory. Looking at her smile, I asked myself: When you are complaining about others' shortcomings, change your position and think about it. What would you think if she looked at you like this? When you are angry about a little mistake of others, think about it from another angle. If you are the one who made the mistake, what will others do to you?

Give others a chance, and also give yourself a chance, change your position, and look at the problem from a different angle. You will find more beauty and gain more happiness.

600 words for transposition in composition (10)

People are not 100% right when they do something, but everyone should immediately reflect on and correct after doing something wrong, so as to make continuous progress.

Once, my sister was looking at her mobile phone, and I wanted to teach her to write numbers on a whim. To my surprise, my sister was immersed in the cartoon "Bears Appear" and was fascinated. No matter how I shouted, she would not listen. I was so worried that I grabbed my mobile phone and turned off the cartoon.

My sister was caught off guard and was frightened by me. "Wow!" she cried, and her voice became louder and louder. She said, "I hate my sister, and I will never make friends with her sister again!" I thought to myself: How ungrateful! She likes learning, but she is the one who doesn't know numbers anyway!

Mother heard her sister crying all the time and ran to give her a comforting hug. When I saw my sister's sad appearance, I was very sad, because I like my sister, she is so cute. I began to reflect on my own problems. If I hadn't grabbed the phone so rudely, I would have patiently told my sister that we would be happy to write numbers together. I can do this

I walked over gently, hugged my sister and teased her; "Look, like a little spotted cat, my nose is rubbing against me." My sister broke through her tears and smiled, happily playing with me.

Taking advantage of her good mood, I took my sister to the study and said, "Let's play a game, I'll write, and you can learn. OK?" My sister nodded happily. Each of us has a pen and a piece of paper. I first wrote the number 1 and asked my sister to imitate it. At first, my sister couldn't hold a pen. I taught her patiently over and over, holding her hand to teach her how to write. My sister is very serious, learns quickly, and writes as well as possible. Now she can write from 1 to 9.

Through this incident, I know that people should correct their mistakes in time, and choose the right method to get twice the result with half the effort. At the same time, you should be patient enough and learn to think in terms of position, so that others will listen to what you say and do as you say.

600 words for transposition in composition (11)

I remember that it was a summer night when the rain hit the leaves and made a sound of "tick, tick", as if telling me the sad past that it had seen.

My friend gave me a hand and said, "Jiang Haoyuan, come and play hide and seek!" I always had bad luck when playing this game. I often used to catch them as a cat. I started to catch people after tens of seconds. I first found Jiazhi. He ran away when he saw me. I kept chasing after him. I was sweating and exhausted, and he was gasping for breath. I burst out with the power of flood and famine. When I finally touched it, I was very excited: "I met you!" "Unfortunately, you didn't catch me. "Not counting!" "Why not counting!" The more we quarreled, the more intense we became. We couldn't help but start to work, which attracted the teacher. We were both scolded.

I came home sadly and looked out of the window blankly. While watching the endless stream of vehicles being modest to each other and passing normally, I thought about the contradiction just now. I felt that I did meet him, but he did not keep his promise and violated the rules. But there was another possibility, that is, it was possible that I only met some part of his clothes, while he had no consciousness, so we stuck to each other's words and only stood on our own point of view, There was no opportunity to explain to the other party, which led to a quarrel, which eventually turned into a fist fight. We both made mistakes in this end.

The next day he was still weird to me, and I saw that he was not comfortable. As the saying goes, "Take a step back and expand the horizon." So I took the initiative to apologize to him. After repeated communication, we made up as before. Looking up at the sky, the clouds in the sky are more elegant; Looking down at the ground, the flowers on the ground are more bright