Hot Spring Fish (Collection of 3)
Birds in the sky
2024-03-24 00:43:42
junior middle school

Hot Spring Fish (1)

During the winter vacation, I, my mother, aunt and She Dingchen came to Hainan Island and experienced a wonderful trip - soaking in Xiaoyu Hot Spring.

The hot spring is open. The pool is in the shape of a lotus. The hot air keeps jumping out of the water and running into the air. When they came to the pool, they carefully put their feet into the water for fear that the water would burn. As soon as their feet entered the water, everyone shouted excitedly, "It's not hot at all. It's so comfortable!" It seemed that they had been cheated. What's strange about that? What's more wonderful is yet to come. What's the reaction of your feet when you sit on the edge of the pool with your arms outstretched? Itchy? yes! That's the unique skill of the hot spring fish

Performance. The water is clear, and you can see the busy figures of the small fish: sometimes they act alone, sometimes they work together, or they arch with their mouths, or wipe with their fins, or sweep with their tails. The methods are varied and the movements are sophisticated. It's amazing how fish can massage you. Just when I itch, I can't help laughing. I'm embarrassed in front of so many tourists. But I never want to get out of the water. It's no fun. If you have, it's better to use your hands instead of your feet to make close contact with fish.

My hands were in the water. The little fish might not have seen this strange thing before. They were very curious. Some of them might have used their hands as ice lollies in the water. They came to Zaba with their mouths open. My hands itched and shook. The little fish reacted quickly and ran away quickly. I wanted to play a joke with the fish, so I pulled my hands out of the water. The fish relaxed their vigilance and swam to me again. My hands went into the water like lightning and stopped in front of the fish to see if they would hit the soft wall of meat. Unexpectedly, the fish dodged as fast as the speed of light. No, it should be the Milky Way supercomputer. It ran away like a loach and ignored me no longer.

I was having a good time. "Ouch" drew my eyes away. She Dingchen slipped, leaned forward, fell and chewed the fish. The fish could not stand such a powerful massage. Her clothes were soaked, like a fish falling into the water; Everyone laughed, and the fish also swam happily. Let's be amused by this funny scene.

When time becomes happy, it goes fast. Farewell, lovely little fish! Farewell, interesting Little Fish Hot Spring. I took away my beautiful memories, but Xiaoyu Hot Spring will still create endless happiness for tourists from all over the world.

Hot Spring Fish (2)

When I was traveling in Hainan, I was lucky enough to have a wonderful little fish hot spring.

That night, two tall coconut trees beside Xiaoyu Hot Spring cast beautiful silhouettes in the bright moonlight, such as the moonlight of water and the sparkling water. The only difference is that there are a group of black elves rushing around in the water. That is today's "pig feet" - "kiss fish" who are "skin cleaners".

Everyone sat down around the pool in twos and threes and put their legs into the pool. Immediately, with a "boom", the little fish scattered and jumped on the feet in groups. It's strange how they feel like Amazon piranha?) "Forget yourself" and "kiss" those feet. As soon as I put my feet in the pool, a group of fish rushed over and kissed my feet. Ouch, it's so itchy. It's like N fingers are crunching the soles of my feet. Immediately, the little fish were lucky to hear my screams wider than Pavarotti's range! I pulled my feet out of the water at once, and the frightened little fish "clattered" for a while, and all escaped. What should we do now? Put it down? That's too itchy; No? It's a waste of money again, not to mention a chance of health care. After careful consideration, I finally got up the courage to put my foot down——

With a sound of "crash", my brave little feet rushed into the water bottom, and immediately attracted a group of small fish to "dinner"! The instep, soles and soles of my feet are all full of fish. Some small fish can't compete with those strong ones. They kiss my calves. It's so itchy! But I had learned the lesson before, so I didn't want to let the "war fish" I had earned go. So I tried to hold back the itch, clenched my teeth, and sat on the edge of the pool like a wood carved villain. The little fish got more and more together. At last, they could not see their feet! Ha ha

I was elated when I suddenly found that the good times were not long, and the little fish began to swim away in twos and threes, and went to other people's places. At last, only a few of them were left in the toes. Hey, what's going on? Are my feet clean? (It is estimated that there is only one time in my life that I hope my feet are dirty.) I am not reconciled to seeing my mother begin to "fight fish brilliantly". My prestige has not diminished since my old days!

As the night went on, the little fish had a good meal and swam to the center of the pool. Everyone came out of the water one after another, sighing at the comfort and contentment of the future, and reluctantly left.

Hot Spring Fish (3)

Tonight, we go to enjoy Xiaoyu Hot Spring.

When I came to Hot Spring Villa, I looked around. Wow! The whole hillside is dotted with hot springs of all sizes. There are mud bath, salt bath, Chinese herbal medicine bath, etc. But where is Xiaoyu Hot Spring? Suddenly, I heard a burst of laughter coming out not far away. Could it be the voice of people in Xiaoyu Hot Spring? I came there with laughter, and saw a small football field size pond, groups of small fish swimming around. Many people lie or sit with their eyes closed and enjoy it. Some people can't help laughing. It's really Xiaoyu Hot Spring.

I jumped into the water and splashed out. Ah! The water is hot, no wonder it is called "hot spring"! Mom and Dad are leaning on each other. Rely on a big stone and enjoy fish therapy. I got there, found a suitable position, and picked up my feet. After a while, many small fish swam over, but they did not come to bite me, but to bite my parents. My father and mother were full of small fish. My mother told me that these small fish came to kill skin. Dad was so tickled by the fish that he couldn't help giggling. I asked my mother, "Why didn't the little fish come to peck me?" My mother smiled and said, "This is because you have been moving, and the little fish dare not approach you." So I controlled myself and stopped moving. Sure enough, many small fish came to bite me. There is a dead skin on my heel. The little fish found it. He aimed at the dead skin and pecked it hard. Alas, it tickles me! My feet shrunk, and all the little fish swam away. I was very regretful and thought to myself: if I didn't move, the fish would not swim away... Thinking about it, my feet began to itch again, as if the chickens were pecking at the bottom of my feet. Could it be the fish that pecked me again? I looked at my feet and it was really a small fish. I learned the lesson from last time, quickly suppressed the itch, and began to count small fish, one, two, three. There were more and more small fish, and I could hardly count them. Some of them hook my feet like suction cups, some like woodpeckers, peck me with their sharp beaks, some see there is no place near their feet, and they come to my thighs, others peck around me with their tails up and down, as if looking for something precious... I can't help but laugh, which is good, and the fish have scattered. In this way, a quiet, small fish will come; When you move, the fish will leave. It's interesting!

Later, I took a dip in every Chinese herbal medicine bath. I really enjoyed it! How wonderful it would be if I could soak in hot springs every day!