Compositions on My Secret (17 in total)
smile drily
2023-10-16 05:32:04
Junior three

Composition on My Secret (1)

I have a secret, this time, I tell you, you can not tell others yo!

One day, I had a dream that I was in a beautiful big city! There are several large gardens, and the road is lined with luxuriant trees.

I played for a while, and suddenly I wanted to pee. What a coincidence! There was a Toilet beside me. I was impatient. I had to queue up again when I walked in. Finally, it was my turn. I urinated. Ah! It was so cool! I came out to play again.

"Hanhan, Hanhan, get up!"

I was awakened by the sound. It was my mother!

I thought: It's time to get up. I moved, huh? Why are your pants wet? I thought again, no! I dreamed that I wetted the bed!

I hesitated to tell my mother about it. She smiled and said, "Son, pay attention later!" So she went to work.

Hey hey, it's funny to think of this secret.

Composition on My Secret (2)

I have a secret, now I will tell you secretly!

That was when I was 6 years old. At noon that day, I took a nap with my parents. Unable to sleep, I got up and came to the kitchen gently. Seeing that the bowl left after lunch at noon was soaked in the sink without being brushed, I thought: If I clean the bowl, my mother will praise me, maybe she will reward me?

I turned on the tap and dripped a few drops of detergent. I brushed like my mother, but the plate was slippery and I didn't hold it. With a bang, the plate fell to the ground and broke. Alas, I'm so careless. My mother will scold me when she knows. Fortunately, my mother didn't find it. I quickly brought a broom and dustpan, cleaned up the broken dishes on the ground, and poured them into the garbage can.

Having learned the lesson of the last time, I dare not be careless again this time. I carefully put the plates one by one and picked them up one by one to brush. Put the brush aside, and then rinse it again with water. At this time, my mother woke up and came to the kitchen. My heart was in turmoil because I had broken the plate. When I saw that I had washed the dishes, my mother smiled and praised me and rewarded me with a toy that day.

Later, I took the initiative to confess everything to my mother. Not only was my mother not angry, she said to me, "If you know your mistakes and can change them, you will be a good child!"

Composition on My Secret (3)

Everyone has a secret, and I am no exception. This secret has been buried in my mind, and I can never forget it.

I have a beautiful diary, which records every bit of my life and study. I regard it as indispensable in my life. It has become a part of my life.

One day after school, the teacher left me behind to teach me how to send homework to the students' parents. I was afraid I would forget all about it, so I wrote it down in my diary. Who would have thought that when I was reading at night, I accidentally knocked the water over on that page, but I didn't know it. The next day, I saw that the page was illegible and thought it was useless, so I tore the page. Later, when I was looking for it, I found that I had torn the page.

When I got to school, I got up the courage to explain this to my teacher in detail. But not only did the teacher not blame me, but also taught me again. This time, I must keep it in my heart like a mark on a bone, and promise that I will never forget it again. The teacher didn't tell the secret.

This is a secret shared by my teacher and me.

Composition on My Secret (4)

You must have a secret, just like I also have a secret of my own. If you don't believe me, just listen to the following story!

Not long ago, I had a friend named Wang Yalan. When he invited me to her home to play, he saw a comic book that I liked very much - Laughing at Campus. I asked her to borrow a copy and go home to read it, but soon my sister accidentally drew it and tore a page. I saw it and thought: What should I do? If I admit it, I will definitely be scolded. If I don't say it, I will feel uneasy again. But I finally chose not to admit it.

The next day after school, she urged me to return the book to her, and I slowly handed it to her. Unexpectedly, she threw it on the bed without looking at it.

But after a long time, he still didn't say anything to me. I felt like an ant on a hot pot. "What if she told me something, what would I do?" I was very worried.

Now that she has transferred to her hometown to study, I have come to realize that I really regret that

I don't know how to see Wang Yalan, tell the secret in my heart, and put down this heavy burden!

Composition on My Secret (5)

Recently, I read a book called "Lanxin's Secret". It said that Lanxin's parents always disagree with him. With the help of the fairy, Lanxin successfully turned his parents into dwarfs.

One day, with the help of the fairy, I turned my parents into dwarfs. They would do whatever I asked them to do, and would continue to grow smaller if they did not listen to instructions. I'm very happy, because I can command my parents, so I don't have to listen to them anymore.

I got up late in the morning without their cries, and dressed like a war. Ah, where is breakfast? No one burned it, so I had to go to school hungry. Come to the car, why nobody drives? It turns out that both parents are villains and can't drive. I ran to school hungry, but I was late.

When cleaning the room at night, I saw two dolls in rags, so I threw them into the garbage can. I only heard "We are parents, how did we throw us away?" We made them smaller, so I was late for school without food, and now we still throw them away. Thinking of this, I cried loudly.

"Baby, baby, what's wrong?" Mom woke me up. It was a dream!

Composition on My Secret (6)

On the eve of New Year's Day, we held a get-together in Class 2 of Senior One. Singing, guessing, drumming and passing flowers... The whole classroom is full of warm and happy atmosphere. After the small program, the entertainment committee announced the last program: group dance. Suddenly the classroom became quiet. The cheerful and rhythmic music played for a long time, and the boys and girls stood there in a pile. The monitor in charge of the meeting was worried and finally mobilized several male students to come to us. A male classmate who usually likes to play jokes made a funny action to me mischievously: "Please jump!" Then he reached out his hand.

Immediately, my face was hot and my heart was pounding, and I gritted my teeth and stretched out my hand. But when I first touched it, it was like an electric shock, and my hand slowly retracted. In this way, I always keep a certain distance from this male classmate. Looking around, most of the female students and some of the male students are also making rigid gestures. The monitor kept mobilizing: "Be generous, don't dare to pull your hand, how can you call dancing!" But some female students refused to stretch out their hands. "No more dancing!" The monitor angrily left the dance circle, and everyone stopped.

It was a lively get-together, but it ended in discord, which really disappointed people.

Composition on My Secret (7)

Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. Let's expose our secrets, get rid of mold dust and take every step in the future—— inscription

"I have some small secrets buried in my heart, and I want to tell you..." Everyone has his own small secrets, and I am no exception. The reason why secrets are called "secrets" is that they cannot be told without being known by others. Therefore, I can only take this opportunity to write, quietly confide, and express my deep regret to my mother!

"Under the blue sky, we grow up together! Students, today is the day to show love to Huining students. Please help Huining students who are poor and hardworking..." The big horn of the school's Little Green Leaf Radio rang. I can't help feeling sad when I think of those children in the West who are about our age, but can't afford to go to school because they can't pay their tuition fees and can only work in the fields with their families.

At night, I went home to finish my homework and tossed and turned in bed. Although this donation activity is voluntary, I must participate! "Well, I must participate! However, I have used up all my pocket money this month. What should I do?" I got up, searched the living room with my eyes, and suddenly found ten yuan on the table. I am secretly happy. It really means "you can get it all without much effort"! "But if I find it, I'll be finished. I'd better not take it. Where's the donation? Let's take it. But if my mother asks? Don't take it..." I started a "war of words" between these two in my mind. Neither take nor take. After a long time, the "battle" ended, and the bad one finally gained the upper hand. I decided to steal the ten yuan to meet my urgent needs.

I waited patiently. I waited until midnight. I walked out of the room carefully to listen to the door of my parents' bedroom. "Oh, it's good that nothing happened. I must have fallen asleep!" I put down my suspended heart. I walked carefully to the table for fear of waking my parents. Then I quickly put the money into my pocket. I crept back to the room and closed the door. Along the way, my heart was pounding. Lying in bed, I felt that my conscience was constantly blaming me and criticizing me, which made me feel uneasy. Finally, I fell asleep with my conscience condemned

The next morning, "Chen Er, get up!" My mother woke me up with the stolen ten yuan in her hand. From brushing my teeth and washing my face to going to school, I didn't dare to face my mother, let alone look at her bright smile and caring eyes. I feel very guilty about my mother.

When I arrived at the school, I quickly handed over ten yuan to the teacher. I didn't listen to the class that day. I was thinking about it last night. Ding finished his studies and finally finished the day. When I got home, I hurried back to my room to do my homework. At dinner, I mustered the courage to say to my mother, "Mom, I have run out of pocket money. Can I advance my pocket money for next week?" "No problem." Without saying a word, my mother took out ten yuan from her purse. "Here, but take your time." "Well, thank you, Mom!"

After dinner, mother went to wash the dishes, and father went back to the room. I took this opportunity to put my money on the table and go back to my room to do my homework. It just passed quietly, no one knows! But I keep this secret in my heart.

"There is a little secret buried in my heart, and I want to tell you..." Mom, I'm sorry! I stole your money without telling you. I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me! I will repay you with better results in the future!

Composition on My Secret (8)

Memoirs is the most valuable text in life, which records my childhood. In the memory full of fairy tales, there is a little secret hidden.

In the fifth grade, all the students in the class were enthusiastic about watching Harry Potter. My mother also bought me a full set of Harry Potter. I was fascinated by it. I wanted to watch it after class, after school, after dinner, even when I was sleeping.

I remember that it was a week after I bought the book. I couldn't resist the temptation of the story, wanted to feel the world in the book, and was ready to take the book to the bed to read. So I began to plan secretly. When it was time to go to bed, I took advantage of my mother's working overtime in the room to tuck a Harry Potter book into the quilt and brush my teeth as if nothing had happened. After brushing my teeth, on the one hand, I was extremely excited, on the other hand, I was afraid of being discovered by my mother. When I went to bed and was ready to open the book, I suddenly heard: "Do you have any dirty clothes on your bed? I will take them to wash for you". It was my mother's voice.

finished! This is over! I think so. I quickly shouted: "Mom, no, thank you.". While answering, I hurriedly stuffed the book into the air conditioner quilt, and even the pages were pressed so wrinkly that I could not attend to it. I muttered to myself, "Oh, my mother will definitely come in. If I find that I am reading in bed, and I have to work hard to teach me the importance of protecting my eyesight, I will inevitably be criticized.". After a while, my mother came in while pushing the door and said, "I seem to see a coat." I quickly prevaricated: "No clothes! Really not!" My mother seemed to believe me and gently closed the door for me, telling me to go to bed quickly.

That night, I read a full 40 minutes of books, extremely satisfied. But the "guilt" of deceiving my mother spread all over my body, making me unable to let go for a long time.

This is my little secret, a little secret full of "evil".

Composition on My Secret (9)

Dear friends, today I want to tell you a secret that has been buried in my heart for a long time.

One night, my sister brought me a magazine called Arabian Star Travels, and I was fascinated. After reading it, I looked at the vast night sky and said to myself, "The Arab flying carpet! How I want to see you!" God, a light spot appeared in the night sky, flying towards me, and flew to me.

Curiosity lured me. I stepped on the flying carpet, which soared into the air. I was swept into the cabin by the flying carpet, and I was a bit scared. Suddenly, a voice came out from the bulkhead: "Dear little earth man, I am the 'wise man' of the Arabian star, code number 009." Just after the voice fell, an iron door opened, and a robot with 009 printed on its chest came out.

In less than 10 minutes, the flying carpet landed, and 009 took me to visit their city. Their buildings are very strange, and they are inverted pyramids. 009 told me that this is because it can occupy less ground space, and the roof can also park flying carpet, which is very convenient.

Then he took me to the beach and saw their water was clear to the bottom. He said that this was because they did not pollute and people did not litter. Although there was no police monitoring, they had computer monitoring, and people were also very conscious.

Finally, 009 took me to the campus again and walked into the classroom. I saw a student who was raised high by the chair. I always felt very puzzled. Later, I learned that the computer chair lifted the student up because he was not careful in class, which made him take a warning.

Later, I came to his house to play chess with him.

Before returning to the earth, 009 told me that if I want to come again, just shout to the sky: flying carpet, flying carpet, I want to see you. But don't tell anyone else, or you'll never come again

Composition on My Secret (10)

The day before yesterday, my mother bought me a pot of mimosa.

The Mimosa pudica has a very unique appearance. Its leaves are like the feathers of birds, which are regularly arranged on both sides of the stem. The stem is as thick as a ballpoint pen core, with almost small thorns on it, which seems to be a weapon for self-defence. It is so weak, but it is so wonderful. Whether you touch it or shake it, whether you are intentional or unintentional, it will quickly close the leaves. The original smooth "feather" has changed into "pea". With his head down, he looks like a child who has done something wrong is understanding the criticism of his parents. You said it was wonderful!

But why does it produce this situation? This puzzled me. I've looked through the encyclopedia, but I can't reach a conclusion. Finally, I finally understood after searching on Baidu! Previously, this characteristic of Mimosa pudica was a normal physiological activity, which was called "nervous movement" by biologists, and was caused by the expansion of its leaves. There is a parenchyma cell at the base of the petiole of Mimosa pudica, called "leaf pillow", which is full of water. It is sensitive to external stimuli. When you touch Mimosa pudica, the leaves shake, and the water in the cells at the lower part of the pillow flows to the upper and both sides immediately. As a result, the lower part collapsed like a deflated ball. Originally, its shyness was to protect its own safety.

That day, I finally solved a small secret of mimosa.

Composition on My Secret (11)

On Sunday, my mother and I went to the flower and bird market and bought a pot of mimosa.

Mimosa pudica is 20cm tall, with thin stems, many small, soft spines, branches on the stems, and small leaves evenly arranged on both sides of the petiole, like peacock feathers. The leaves are green and thin, with purple halos on the top of the back. Autumn is the season for mimosa to bloom. The flowers are lilac, shaped like little pompons, and the top of the leaves is decorated with a little gold. It is very beautiful!

I have heard that mimosa is very shy. If someone touched it, it would immediately close its leaves and droop its head. Curious, I reached out my finger and touched the mimosa. As expected, its leaves closed and drooped in pairs, and its petiole hung its head, like a shy girl. A few minutes later, its leaves slowly spread out, green. The petiole also straightened up and looked extremely impressive! It seems more vibrant.

Why do the leaves of mimosa close when you touch them? Is it really shy like a person? There must be many mysteries in it! I opened the computer and found out the secret of mimosa. Previously, there was a relatively enlarged tissue at the base of the petiole of Mimosa pudica, called "leaf pillow". The leaf pillow was full of water, often swollen, and kept under great pressure, and the pressure in the lower part was greater than that in the upper part. When a finger touches Mimosa pudica, the leaves are shocked, and the water in the cells at the lower part of the leaf pillow will immediately flow to the upper sides, so the lower part of the leaf pillow will sink like an deflated balloon, and the upper part will bulge like a fully inflated leather ball. In this way, the petiole closes. After a while, the pillow is full of water again, and the leaves open again to restore their original appearance. In fact, Mimosa will not only close and droop when people touch it, but also close and droop when the wind and rain are heavy to protect themselves from injury.

I put the shy grass on the balcony. In the future, I often care about it. Although it is the same as the data, its leaves will close and droop when the wind is stronger and the rain is stronger, and then will stretch again after a while. Sometimes when I touch it with force, it closes faster. When I touch it gently, it closes slower. I understand that it is the power of mimosa to be shy.

What a magic mimosa! I found the mystery of nature!

Composition on My Secret (12)

My mother bought a pot of mimosa from the flower market that day. She grew luxuriantly. I wanted to understand how shy it was. I gently touched its leaves with my hands, and the leaves immediately closed. I was curious and touched other leaves with my hands. The same situation happened. I walked aside and stopped touching it. After a while, Unexpectedly, its leaves slowly spread out again. Moreover, I also found that its leaves would close in rainy days and strong winds.

"Why does Mimosa close?" "Is it really shy like people?" I asked my mother with a question, and her mother said, "Go find the answer yourself!" I checked many materials and finally found the mystery. Originally, there was a lot of water in the leaves and petioles of Mimosa. When you touch it with your hand, the water on the leaves will flow to other places, so the leaves will curl up, On the contrary, when the petiole is touched by hand, the water flowing below will make the whole leaf droop. This is the way Mimosa protects itself from being broken by the storm. Then I suddenly realized that Mimosa was not really shy! I felt very excited at this time. I caught a small fish in the sea of knowledge.

There are still many natural mysteries waiting for us to uncover. We should study hard and explore more mysteries of nature when we grow up.

Composition on My Secret (13)

There are many secrets in nature, such as the secrets of plants and animals. On this day, I found the secret of mimosa.

In the evening, my father brought me a pot of "natural plants" - mimosa from other places. This makes me overjoyed. The next morning, my parents said they would visit my grandparents. They immediately looked back and asked me to stay at home and do my homework carefully. I had no choice but to go into the room and do my homework. Suddenly, the idea of going to see mimosa rose in my heart. Wow! The mimosa's branches are very thin, and the leaves are also very thin. The veins of the leaves are clear. These leaves stand on the branches like silver needles. I touched the leaf with curiosity. Suddenly, the leaf shrank into a listless "little old man". I thought to myself: Oh, this plant can't be dead. How fragile its vitality is! I touched it gently. How did it wither. If parents come back and ask, it will be a tragedy. I was in a state of uneasiness and daydreaming.

The doorbell rang. I began to panic, afraid that they would understand. But I calmly opened the door. I hesitated to confess. After that, I figured out that I had to admit this mistake and perhaps commute my sentence! I confessed to my mother. Mother smiled and said: "Silly child, this plant is not dead, but shy, otherwise, how can it be called mimosa?"

At this time, it dawned on me. I ran to see the pot of mimosa again. It was full of vitality and restored to its original state.

Composition on My Secret (14)

During the summer vacation, Uncle Liu sent me a pot of mimosa, which I put on the balcony. Look, how stretched the green leaves of mimosa are! The sun shone on the leaves, glittering with gold.

One day, when my mother was away, I felt very lonely and bored at home alone. So I went to see mimosa. Its branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the leaves are very strange. A very thin stem has some thin things like small needles on both sides. When the flowers of mimosa are in full bloom, the oval petals are purple and red, like little pompons. Although it is small and inconspicuous, you will find it beautiful and lovely when you look carefully.

I accidentally touched the leaves of Mimosa pudica. What makes people wonder is that once I touched it, the leaves of Mimosa pudica quickly closed, as if they were ticklish. So, I ran into the study, picked up "The Great Mystery of Plants" and kept turning it up. I searched carefully, and soon got the answer: it was because I touched its leaves, the water on the leaves quickly flowed to the tip, and the leaves could not keep balance, so they hung down. I thought mimosa was to protect myself from harm!

There are many mysteries hidden in the magical plant world. As long as we watch carefully, there must be many unexpected discoveries!

Composition on My Secret (15)

This afternoon, I saw a snail crawl slowly through the corner. After that, I saw a shiny line left where it passed. I felt it curiously with my hands. The line was smooth and sticky. "Why does the snail leave a long line where it passes?" I decided to solve the mystery.

I caught a snail and put it on a high place. When its head reached out of the shell, I would catch its head. But before my hand touched the snail, its head retracted. How timid this snail is! I've tried several times without success. I'm really a little discouraged. Suddenly, a method flashed through my mind. "Yes, yes!" I excitedly found a pair of tweezers, carefully broke the snail shell, pulled out the body of the snail, touched it with my hand, and felt sticky. I think this is the mucus that can make it leave a line when walking. I turned it over again and looked carefully. I found that there was a granular thing under the snail. What was it? I ran to the Internet to check the information, and finally understood that the granular thing was the snail's foot, and that the sticky mucus was its secretion, which could help the snail crawl.

I have gained a lot from this experiment.

Composition on My Secret (16)

In the summer vacation, my uncle took me to the seaside to play. I stepped on the soft beach and watched the ships on the sea with my uncle in the soft sea breeze. There were so many ships, just like leaves on the river falling with the tide and rising with the waves. Suddenly, a huge cargo ship named "Lucky Harbor" attracted my eyes. I thought to myself: such a big ship weighs at least hundreds of tons, It can float on the sea. I told my uncle this discovery in detail. My uncle raised his glasses and said to me, "I don't know, but I know the sea water is salty.". "Is it salty?" I was surprised, so I touched some seawater with my finger and licked it. "Wow" it's really salty, and I complained that I shouldn't lick the seawater. But why does the sea water lift such a heavy ship? This question has always been lingering in my mind.

When I got home, I took out my Encyclopedia and searched for information. "Ah" finally found the relevant answer on page 109: sea water contains a lot of salt, which can hold heavy things. For example, some Dead Sea has a lot of salt, and people will not be drowned if they jump down. The Dead Sea holds you. Even if you want to drown in the Dead Sea, it is an Arabian Nights.

Oh, the sea water has buoyancy! I solved the mystery and did an experiment: put an egg into a cup, poured water into the cup and put some salt in it. After a few minutes, a miracle appeared, and the egg suddenly floated! succeed!

I solved the secret of the sea. I was very excited. I didn't think of it. I knew it when I tried!

Composition on My Secret (17)

Composition 1 on my father's secret

In the past, Dad used to be like a "standard clock" every morning. He always went out at five o'clock to exercise, buy vegetables, buy breakfast, and go home at six o'clock. But recently, the "standard clock" didn't work. He always had to go home after 6:30, which made the family very nervous for breakfast. One day, I couldn't help asking my father, "Why are you late?" My father refused to tell me, but smiled and said, "It's a secret."

I really don't know what medicine my father sells in the gourd, so I decided to follow my father the next day to find out what he is doing every day.

Early in the morning, I heard the sound of gently closing the door from my father's room, so I immediately

Get dressed as fast as possible and catch up with Dad. However, I could not find my father. I had to walk back dejectedly, and suddenly found my father running in the garden of the community in the morning! I think it's strange: don't you just exercise for a while? Will you come home so late? But I was wrong. Dad ran one lap, another lap, another lap, another lap... He ran for 10 laps and then walked to the market breathlessly. I suddenly understood that Dad came back late because he had increased his exercise time! But why does Dad increase his exercise time for no reason? At this time, the newspaper of "adult health care" caught my eye: morning running for middle-aged and elderly people is conducive to lowering blood pressure in the body. Ah, the original father is to have a healthy body ah!

My father's secret was revealed, and I was educated from it. In the future, I will not sleep any more. I will get up early every day to be my father's "little tail".

Composition 2 on my father's secret

"I found it! I found it! I found my father's' vault '." I whispered to my sister.

"You brag, you can't find it, because my father's money is all kept by my mother, and my father has no money to hide." My sister said.

"I saw it with my own eyes," I continued.

"Tell me." My sister looked at me with unbelieving eyes and squeezed these words out of her mouth.

I cleared my throat and said, "At six o'clock this morning, when I got up to pee, I found my father sneaking around the living room. I squatted down and hid behind the sofa to watch. I saw my father put a 100 yuan bill into the gap behind the TV, and then went to bed again. I sneaked to see that there was really money in the gap. I didn't move, and went to bed again."

After hearing this, my sister ran to see it. If so, she smiled happily.

At seven o'clock, my father got up, and I hurried to ask him. My father didn't let me tell my mother. I promised my father. Because I know that my father's money is always in my mother's charge, and my mother requires my father's money to be "justified", while my father's asking for money from my mother is like a "loan", which not only requires repayment, but also "interest". Dad had no choice but to hide his money. I asked my sister to keep a secret for my father, and she agreed.

Alas! Mom! You are too strict with Dad. When I make money in the future, I will send money to Dad every month to make him look smart.

Composition 3 on my father's secret

Everyone has secrets, but my father's "secret" is extraordinary. Do you know what it is? After telling my father's appearance, the "secret" will be revealed immediately. My father is a prosecutor. He is 1.85 meters tall, not fat or thin, and wears a pair of glasses. His biggest feature is that his father's head is bald. Mother said: "This is called a smart head does not grow hair." This is a symbol of smart yo!

Well, the most striking thing is not his appearance. Dad's biggest secret is - "book"! The books in the library are like "Nanshan", and the books in my father's study are like "Taishan"! Now you know, it can be described as "sea of books" in two words. There are three groups of bookcases on the east and west sides of Dad's study, which are filled with all kinds of books. Even Dad's desk is full, and there are also full boxes of books under the desk. There are also many books in Dad's office! Our family can open a bookstore; Our family books are mostly because some people love reading. Do you know who loves reading? Yes, it's my father! Once, my mother bought new clothes for my father. My father said, "Return the clothes quickly. You can buy many books with this money!"

If you disturb my father when he is reading, he will be furious. I advise you not to disturb him. My father often says to me, "Books are the sea of knowledge. Only by reading more can you know more". And whenever I have a question, my father always gives me a very detailed answer. I think my father is great, great and knowledgeable, so I called my father "Professor Dad"! My father will go to the bookstore every month to buy some books. Our family's books are increasing every month. Every time my father takes me out, he will go to the bookstore or book store. Even a small bookstore father will not let go, and he can always pick up several books! My father also bought me a lot of masterpieces, such as: The Water Margin, A Dream of Red Mansions, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Green's Fairy Tales, 100000 Why and other children's editions.

Influenced by my father, I also love reading, because reading brings me a lot of fun, and reading is also a kind of enjoyment for me. ha-ha! I have become a real "little bookworm". Now you know my father's secret.