Frustration Dream (7 selected articles)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2024-03-24 07:40:20
Junior 1

Frustration Dream (1)

I know that my future is not a dream. I seriously live every minute, my future is not a dream, my heart is moving with hope


Dream, everyone has, or big or small, and dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel! Like Jack? London, Jack? London was from a poor family when he was young, and he designed a great career as a writer for himself, hoping to change the world with a pen pole. After one year of making up lessons as a writer in middle school, he was admitted to the University of California, but he was unable to pay the tuition due to economic difficulties, and eventually dropped out of school. His dropout from school did not shake his dream of becoming a writer. He began to write and submit articles continuously, but eventually he was rejected. So he imitated the works of famous writers because of livelihood problems. He had no time in the day and had to squeeze time to write at night. He learned to write by imitating the works of famous artists. He searched for talent and wrote cards every day, only to create good articles, and finally "the effort pays off". Jack? London published his maiden work "To the Hunter" in 1989, and later became a great writer with many famous works. So, where can I dream without hard work?

Emerson said: "A great soul will strengthen thought and life." In the United States, you may not know the President, but you must know Michael? Jackson - "King of Pop Music", "King of World Dance".

Michael? Jackson was born in a black family and was often beaten and scolded, but this did not stop his dream of becoming a singer from taking root. He trained very hard. When he got inspiration, he would work day and night. If he was not satisfied, he would keep thinking and practicing repeatedly. Every time, he would practice until his throat was dry and his whole body was sore. He sings to his dream, he is so hard! He also pushed the black music in the subculture to the mainstream and opened up a bright road for future generations of black artists. How much effort did he really pay for this?

Dream, perhaps is a path full of thorns, muddy and difficult to walk; The dream may be a wide asphalt road, flat, and the dream road may experience violent wind and rain, but only through this wind and rain can we see the rainbow, and only through setbacks can we achieve the dream!

So I said: frustration - achieving dreams.

Frustration Dream (2)

”The children came back early from school, and they were busy releasing paper kites in the east wind. "This is a poem we are familiar with. Now, the spring breeze has driven away a little chill, and it is another spring. However, this year, kite flying is no longer an illusion outside the window, because on Thursday, we will fly our own unique kite.

The Kite Festival began. I stretched my neck, looked up, and turned like a sunflower looking for the sun. My eyes were busy looking for the most beautiful kites. Suddenly, a "red fish" came into my eyes. It was bright red all over the body, and the big smart eyes on the head of the fish were like black pearls, shining with excited light and towering over the others. Its body is covered with scales drawn by black lines. The quiet and mysterious black color is particularly prominent in the warm and happy red color. It is curved, like a small boat, sailing to the other side of the dream. It is surrounded by the blue sky, and the fish are swinging and dancing happily. At this moment, the blue sky seems to have become a vast sea, and a stage has been set up for it. The sea helps the fish, and the fish helps the sea. The students also found this "egotistical" big fish, whose eyes were like magnets and were suddenly attracted by it. "Wow! Look at the fish! Ah! What a beautiful fish! The biology teacher put it so high! Special effects!

Frustration has also found this big fish that is "dazzling". " Whoop whoop whoop whoop "A sudden gust of wind roared up, and the trees around began to bow to it at a standard 90 degree bow. Look, their hair was in a mess. Under the pressure of the wind, some other kites fell down one after another, becoming its prisoners." At the beginning, Big Fish "casually swung his body. The wind was furious and increased its power. As a defeated general under a strong wind, will I still see the familiar figure?

While sighing, the next student suddenly shouted, "Look! Big fish! Big fish Ah! The big fish flew up again! "I looked up. It was the big fish! It was still looking at us excitedly, but now it seemed more stable and fearless." Hoo hoo "The wind launched a new round of attack, but the big fish ignored it and still danced happily there. Yes, what's so terrible about setbacks? Why would you be willing to be its defeated?

”"Big Fish" is still flying steadily. I stared at it and asked myself: Why should we give up because of setbacks? Setbacks are temporary for us. I believe that if we persist and fly our dreams, setbacks will run away!

Frustration Dream (3)

Frustration is sweat under the scorching sun, while dream is a continuous spring; Frustration is the stepping stone of life, while dream is the beacon of progress; Frustration is the material basis of life; And dreams are spiritual buildings.

An old song goes like this: "In the wind and rain, what's the pain? Wipe your tears, don't be afraid. After all, we still have dreams..."

The more frustrated, the more brave, because dreams light up their wonderful life.

Once, Deng Yaping, an ordinary girl, was regarded as a person who could not create talents, and was rejected by others. Outside the national gate, her dream was to join the national team. With her perseverance, her strong interest, her unyielding spirit, her unremitting efforts, and finally, With outstanding skills, "Heaven pays the piper" has successfully realized her dream, successfully entered the national team and became a well-known national table tennis player. Since then, she has also made her mark in the world table tennis events and won one honor after another for our country.

A person must always have a dream. Maybe he has been running all his life to realize this dream. However, the road of running is not smooth. Even if you expect to live a peaceful life, sometimes you will fall down and get hurt. Maybe, you will get hurt - this is frustration. Adversity is painful, but suffering setbacks and failures can increase the "wealth" of life, and at the same time, it is also tempering. A life without setbacks is a life that seems lucky but is actually poor. When setbacks come, the key is how we deal with them. As the saying goes, setbacks are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong. Is it face up to, or escape? Is it to overcome bravely or sink senselessly?

Go beyond suffering and light up your wonderful life with dreams.

Once upon a time, Shi Tiesheng, you still actively face life after fighting against disease. With the motto of "career is illness, amateur is writing" to encourage themselves to survive, but because of the power of dreams, let themselves survive. A piece of "I and the Carpet" inspired many people who were lost in official career to walk out of the predicament, shocked their hearts, actively and optimistically face life's hardships, take it calmly, and move towards Kangzheng Avenue.

Throughout the history, it is hard for history to move with great ambition, to be discouraged by torture, to choose a life after great humiliation, and finally to become a silent Li Sao, which is admired by all the later generations; Think of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, as a painstaking man, who lives up to the promise of heaven, and who sleeps on the brushwood and tastes the gall. Three thousand Yuejia people can swallow Wu. In the end, revenge and revenge will remain forever; Helen Keller, who is blind and deaf, makes life bright with dreams; Beethoven, who was deaf, wrote music with dreams. At present, Professor Li Guohao, an expert in mechanics and bridges in China, was in prison during the "Cultural Revolution", without paper or data. The white edge and middle seam of the newspaper became the world of his calculation. His wife's hairpin and children's table tennis net became his experimental tools. He was often interrogated and checked during his "isolation". In such a harsh environment, he withstood the pressure from all aspects and finally completed his dream - the 100000 word monograph Truss Torsion Theory, which filled a gap in bridge architecture in the world.

Life without setbacks is like a pool of stagnant water; A life without dreams is a life without light

In the midst of setbacks, we have a more detailed dream. We yearn for the dawn of tomorrow's ascent and fly the kite of youth. In the face of setbacks, those who strive for self-improvement will eventually know that this is a stumbling block that must be removed on the road of life, and they can experience the happiness of overcoming difficulties and transcending themselves.

Frustration, because of the power of dreams.

Frustration, the more frustrated the dream, the more brave the tenacity.

Frustration is lit up by dreams.

Frustration Dream (4)

"Children come back early from school, so they are busy releasing paper kites in the east wind." This is a poem we are familiar with. Now, the spring breeze is blowing, driving away a little chill. It's another spring. However, this year, kite flying is no longer an illusion outside the window, because on Thursday, we will fly our own unique kite.

The Kite Festival began. I stretched my neck, looked up and turned like a sunflower looking for the sun. My eyes were "tired" looking for the most beautiful kite. Suddenly, a "big red fish" came into my eyes. It is bright red all over. The big smart eyes on the head of the fish are like black pearls, shining with excited light, and it stands out from all the others. Its body is covered with scales drawn by black lines. The quiet and mysterious black color is particularly prominent in the warm and happy red color. It is curved, like a small boat, sailing to the other side of the dream. It is surrounded by the blue sky, and the fish are swinging and dancing happily. At this moment, the blue sky seems to have become a vast sea, and a stage has been set up for it. The sea helps the fish, and the fish helps the sea. The students also found this "egotistical" fish, whose eyes were like magnets and were suddenly attracted by it. "Wow! Look at the fish!" "Ah! What a beautiful fish!" "The biology teacher put it" "How high! The stunt!"

Frustration also found this big fish that was "dazzling". "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuo" A sudden gust of wind roared, and the trees around began to bow to it at a standard 90 degrees. Look, their hair was in a mess. Under the pressure of the wind, some other kites fell down one after another, becoming its prisoners. The "Big Fish" swayed carelessly at first. The wind became angry and increased its power. "Hoohoo hoo" The kite swayed from side to side and dodged everywhere. It rolled and struggled, but finally was unable to parry and fell down. "Oh," we sighed at once. Will it fly into the sky again? I asked myself. As a defeated general under a strong wind, will I still see the familiar figure?

Just sighing, the next student suddenly shouted: "Look! Big fish! Big fish!..." "Ah! Big fish is flying again!" I looked up, it was the big fish! It is still looking at us excitedly, but now it seems more stable and fearless. "Hoo hoo" Feng launched a new attack, but "Big Fish" ignored it and still danced happily there. Yes, what's so terrible about setbacks? Why would you be willing to be its defeated general?

"Big Fish" was still flying steadily. I stared at it and asked myself: Why should we give up because of setbacks? The setback is temporary for us. I believe that if we persist and let go of our dreams, setbacks will surely lead us to flee!

Frustration Dream (5)

Flying dreams, overcoming setbacks

In the normal study, work or life, everyone has written a composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, college composition (thesis). So how do you write a general composition? The following is the composition of Xiaobian's dream of flying and overcoming setbacks. Welcome to read and treasure it.

Everyone has dreams, but dreams need to overcome setbacks and have healthy bodies. Use time to try to close the gap between you and your dreams. Be brave to pursue dreams and try.

No one can achieve success without working hard at birth. Success is your own effort and ability. You are more excited than anyone at the moment of success, but the process of pursuing dreams will be deeply engraved in your heart all your life. But chasing dreams is not something you can succeed if you do it today, or if you don't do it tomorrow. As the American inventor Edison said, "Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success. Only when I know the way to do everything badly, can I know the way to do a good job.". Maybe difficult problems are a serious teacher in our life. But only in suffering can we become familiar with ourselves. When we feel that the most difficult time is when we are not far from success. Only by experiencing pain and hardship can we realize the happiness of life!

Let's fly our dreams, overcome setbacks, be brave and brave. Go to pursue dreams! We should also remember that if there are no obstacles on the way of life, what can people do. Completing your dream is the greatest affirmation of yourself, the biggest harvest and achievement of your life.

This is the value of human life.

Frustration Dream (6)

Frustration Achieves Dream Composition

In daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are not familiar with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by themselves through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a carefully edited composition of frustration and achievement dreams. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Those who have never been to hell will not enter heaven either—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Bacon once said: "The most precious spice can only emit the strongest fragrance in the fire." Yes! Frustrations and setbacks are an indispensable part of life. Only after experiencing setbacks can we go further from our dreams.

The ancients had many successful examples in frustration. Su Qin finally became a famous strategist by "hanging the beam on his head and piercing the bone with a cone"; Gou Jian, King of Yue, spent many years on hardships, and finally defeated Fuchai, King of Wu; Despite severe punishment, Sima Qian finally wrote the millennium masterpiece Historical Records.

In contemporary times, there are also many examples of people's achievements in frustration that inspire us. Helen and Kaiqin braved physical disability and resolutely finished college; Murray, the most beautiful American girl, spent two years finishing college and entering Harvard. She changed from a ragged little girl to a knowledgeable doctor.

Through the ages, so many successful people have told us that if you persist in frustration, you will succeed.

Now, we are in the hardest third grade of junior high school, and there are heavy homework waiting for us to finish every day. At home, we have to wander in the sea of books during class, during recess, on the way to and from school.

Many students, because they can't bear the boredom and depression of learning, avoid learning, do not listen in class, do not really complete their homework, and indulge in Internet cafes and game halls all day long, unwilling to make progress and willing to fall. However, I want to know that everyone knows the truth that bitter comes before sweet! We are now studying hard and entering high school and university, so that we can live better and have a better job in the future.

From childhood to adulthood, we all have many dreams: to be an astronaut, an engineer, an entrepreneur... These dreams encourage us even more. Now we should work hard and study harder.

Let's be strong, overcome setbacks, rush out of setbacks, and fight hard in every minute of the five months from the high school entrance exam. Everyone has hope.

Remember, life will be more beautiful after experiencing frustration. Let's achieve our dreams in frustration!

Frustration Dream (7)

Long enough to hold our minds

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So we think that

Dreams are meaningless if they are not realized.

If a setback is not defeated, it is a disgrace.


Dream makes us tired, because it must be realized.

Setbacks make us miserable, because we must overcome them.

But who knows.

When the dream comes to an end, will we miss the happiness of the dream.

When the setback ends because of victory, will we miss the strength in the setback.

So, isn't it

There should always be some unrealized dreams, because we need imagination and happiness.

There should always be some insurmountable setbacks, because we need truth and strength.

Or, should

In the frustrations that are difficult to overcome, pursue dreams that have nothing to do with the realization.

In the irrefutable truth, look for the strength that has nothing to do with reality.