400 words of composition for grade four (20 practical articles)
where ignorance is bliss , ti 's folly to be wise
2024-05-26 03:36:52
fourth grade

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (1)

One day, I made an interesting experiment with several friends - can celery drink water? So we immediately prepared the following materials: some celery, a knife, a cup with red ink. We cut the celery stem into an oblique section with a knife, and then put them into a water cup. The celery just put into the cup is yellow and tender, and the stem feels soft and bent, like a weeping willow standing by the water, or an old man in his seventies or eighties bent, his head almost touching the ground, without spirit.

After a while, we saw that the stem of celery was slightly red, and the petiole and vein became red, like a red spotted tree. We stared at celery without blinking for fear of missing a little new discovery. After about twenty minutes, I saw the "back" of celery straightened a little, which seemed more energetic than before, like an old man suddenly recovered to his youth, and its curved back straightened immediately. And I found that there were red colors and red spots on the leaves, just like a little girl dressed in red with green. The celery looks very beautiful. About half an hour later, the "back" of the celery became straighter and redder. At first, it was light red, then water red, then vermilion, and now it is dark red. The color is really different. We were curious, so we cut a cross section of the celery stem and found a circle of small red spots.

We started cutting vertically again and found long red lines. For these two reasons, celery can really drink water! It's so unbelievable! We immediately began to check the data, only to find that celery has a catheter. Like us humans, the catheter absorbs water and then transports it to the whole body, so that celery will not die. After the experiment, I know that there are secrets everywhere. As long as you watch carefully, you will uncover the secret!

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (2)

I like the spring when birds sing and flowers smell, and I love the autumn when there are many fruits. Every late autumn, nature will paint a beautiful landscape. Look, the late autumn sky is as bright and clean as a sapphire washed by spring water. A few white clouds occasionally float across the blue sky, which is particularly beautiful under the background of the blue sky. But what I like most is the messenger of autumn --- autumn leaves. Look, Sister Qiu is dancing in the air with colorful leaves in her hands. Every leaf is a letter from Miss Qiu, telling people that Qiu is coming. When the autumn leaves cover the whole world silently, they are colorful and intoxicating. Maple leaves are the most striking among autumn leaves. Look, the red leaves all over the mountain are as red as fire, so beautiful and dazzling.

If you take off a red leaf and put it in your hand, you may find that the maple leaf is so beautiful! Her bright red veins are so clear and prominent; The five fingers on the "palm" of maple leaf are evenly distributed! The small and delicate zigzag line on the edge of the maple leaf is also so simple and generous! Ginkgo leaves, like countless small fans, danced happily in the air and refused to land. Even if some leaves fall on the ground, they will not feel lonely. The sun shining on the fallen leaves is like putting a golden coat on the earth.

The falling autumn leaves not only decorate autumn, but also make the land more colorful; Their thick mesophyll has also become a rich nutrient for the earth in the coming year. "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers". The spirit of the leaves is amazing, and the selfless spirit will never be forgotten! Ah! I love this poetic autumn, but also the colorful autumn leaves!

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (3)

A blue feathered bird flew into Grandma's backyard. I crept to the bird for fear of disturbing it. But the bird was very clever. When I was three or four meters away from it, it spread its wings and flew. I was so disappointed that I lay on the ground and looked at the sky.

At this time, a bird flew over and stopped right on the tip of my nose. I was overjoyed. I closed my hands to catch the bird. When it was late, it was fast. As soon as the bird felt that I was moving, it flew away from the tip of my nose and landed on the open ground several meters away. I got up and thought to myself: You don't want to be soft, I will be hard! After thinking about it, my cat got up, put his hands forward, bent his legs, and jumped at it. The bird's shadow flashed before my eyes and disappeared. I made an empty dive and fell on the ground.

At this time, a flash of light flashed in my mind like a meteor out of the sky: catching small animals in TV is not a small basket, supported by branches, spread some favorite food of small animals under the basket, and tie the branches with a rope. As soon as the animals enter the bottom of the basket, pull the rope to catch it. I was so happy that I ran into the house, took out Grandma's bamboo basket, found a long hemp rope, took some corn, and ran out of the house. I broke a branch, tied it with a rope, supported the bamboo basket, scattered some corn grains under the bamboo basket, and took the hemp rope to hide in the house. After a while, a sparrow flew over and ran towards the corn kernels. It ran up, raised its head and looked around with pearl sized eyes. Seeing no one, it began to eat. When I took the opportunity to pull the rope, the bamboo basket fell down and covered the sparrow. I heard the sparrow beating in the bamboo basket, and I liked it very much.

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (4)

The beautiful autumn girl has come to the world, but the leaves blown off by the autumn girl are more beautiful because of the arrival of autumn.

You know what? Maple leaf is the best expression of the beauty of falling leaves. Her fiery red color is just like that of Miss Qiu who accidentally knocked over the red paint pot, and the paint dripped on her and dyed her red. Her beautiful color reminds me of Du Mu's poem "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February" in "Mountain Walk". The shape of the maple leaf is like the palm of a newborn baby, which is particularly beautiful and lovely. But the surface of the maple leaf is not very smooth. When you smell it, it tastes very light, a bit like a grapefruit.

Although maple leaves are beautiful, camphor leaves are not inferior. Cinnamomum camphora leaves are oval in shape, with a sharp tip, and the shape is very common. The veins of camphor leaves are clearly visible, unlike maple leaves, which are indistinct. Her "green clothes" were given to her by Miss Chun, probably because she thought the clothes given by Miss Qiu were not beautiful, so she refused to take off the "green clothes" and change into the "gold clothes" for a long time.

I like camphor leaves very much, but I also like magnolia leaves. Magnolia grandiflora is the city tree of Hefei. Therefore, her tall and straight figure can be seen everywhere. Magnolia grandiflora leaves are green, oval in shape and different in size. Her front is very smooth, as if the cleaner had waxed her. It doesn't smell like anything. I think: maybe it is because that layer of "wax" has covered her taste! The reverse side of Magnolia grandiflora leaves is completely different from the front side. Its color is light brown, and the surface feels rough, which is not very comfortable.

The autumn scenery is beautiful, but I think the autumn leaves are more beautiful!

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (5)

Autumn, a lively and happy season, is as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

There was a box of magic elixir in autumn. You can see that he gave the "Happiness Pill" to the squirrel. The squirrel became happy after eating it. He jumped onto the pine tree and hugged the pineapple, and then jumped onto the pine tree at that moment. He picked a pineapple and put it in the tree hole. Soon the tree hole was full. He gave the "Find the Hole Pill" to the bear. After eating it, Little Bear immediately turned around in the forest to look for the hole. He found one and found another, which he didn't like. He felt too confused... He saw it and felt very strange. I only let Little Bear eat the "Find the Hole Pill", didn't I? Why did he start to pick holes? Suddenly he remembered that he had a bottle of "Tiaodongsha", so he hurriedly took it out to see it. Eh? Why is there so much less? He remembered that he had brought the "pick hole sand" and "find hole pill" together. He originally wanted to give it to Aunt Xia, but was thrown into the bottle of "find hole pill" by the naughty brother Feng; Make other "find hole pills" useless. He had no choice but to do it again. When he finished, he gave the "golden sand" to the field. The field became golden immediately after eating. He also gave the "harvest joy pill" to the farmer uncle. The farmer uncle received the "harvest joy pill" and came to the field to harvest rice. They bundled the rice first and then put it on the car to transport it home, In a short time, the rice has built small houses in each family's yard. It's a good harvest scene, and he put

How beautiful autumn is! I love beautiful autumn!

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (6)

Every autumn, Grandma's yard becomes more colorful! Look! Beautiful evergreens, withering roses and fragrant osmanthus are still competing for beauty.

At this time, Changchun flowers are blooming more brightly. Their stamens are light blue, the periphery is red, the petals are pink, and the back is white; The flower handle is light green, like an umbrella, very beautiful! Some are still flower buds, with petals wrapped layer by layer, like a small brush head. The leaves of Catharanthus roseus are still very bright, with clearly visible veins, like a feather of a bird. The seed pods of Catharanthus roseus grow on the back of the leaf stem. Two slender seed pods are closely together, like a green tweezer. It's very strange!

Rose can't compare with Changchun flower. Some of her petals have been curled and withered, some of them have been bitten by insects, and some of them have even been bitten to the point that only a few leaf stems remain. The pink petals have also become somewhat yellow. A little touch of flowers, petals will fall one after another, like a shower of petals, very beautiful!

In the golden autumn of October, the sweet scented osmanthus has withered, and now it has bloomed for the second time. But they are still buds. These flower buds are golden. When they smell, a burst of fragrance makes people relaxed and happy. The leaves of osmanthus are lush and green from afar. Come in and look, this leaf

The water in the yard became very clear. There were leaves in the water, and some turtles in the water lay motionless in the corner, so they went into hibernation ahead of time. Some are still floating on the water surface, swimming slowly, looking powerless. I love the courtyard in autumn, because there are beautiful ivy, petal rain under rose flowers, fragrant osmanthus flowers, cute little turtles

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (7)

Today, it began to rain outside. After a while, the rain stopped. The dust on the trees was washed clean by the rain.

I have to go to school today, because today is Friday. The cold wind was blowing outside, and it seemed to cut my face with a knife. I was about to go to school when I saw an old lady picking up bottles to sell to support her family. Being so old, coupled with such cold weather, it is obviously worse than ever. I was going to be late, so I didn't care about the old lady. Later, I didn't see the old lady for several days. I thought: Is the old lady sick? Then he thought: I don't know him, why should I care about her?

My heart is very soft. When I see people in need, I want to help them. This time I decided to help the old man who was wearing thin clothes and had to pick up bottles to sell money to support his family in such cold weather.

I just want to help the old lady collect some bottles instead of giving him money. Because the family didn't know that I was helping the old lady. If I asked for money, they would ask me why I wanted money. So I can only help the old lady collect bottles and hide them secretly. Once my father found the bottles and asked me what they were for. I said that the teacher asked us to protect the earth. I lied. It's a white lie.

Finally one day, I saw the old lady again. She picked up a few bottles today, and there was no smile on her face, which made people feel very sad. Later, I gave the old lady a bag of bottles, and she showed a bright smile. Suddenly I saw my father in the distance. Before I could talk to the old lady, I left in a hurry. At night, I thought my father would scold me and blame me for lying. Unexpectedly, my father praised me and I was very happy.

To help others is to help yourself and make your life meaningful.

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (8)

Hope, hope, after the heat, the cool autumn is coming.

Nature is like an oil painting, yellow and green. The ground looks like a golden carpet, shining against the sky. The children were very happy. In the fields, they watched the beautiful sky, the swaying maple trees, the scattered houses, and the colorful flowers.

The arrogant, glorious little gingko, yellow, orange, like fans, on the high branches, swaying with the wind, from time to time playing a string of fragrant beautiful music, like a butterfly dancing. Suddenly, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and butterflies flew down into the arms of the earth.

The autumn wind is so gentle and cool, like a kind old man, touching you kindly. The autumn wind gently blows, it blows across the fields, bending the waist of rice and wheat; It blew through the woods, blowing red maple leaves; It blew across the river and dried the flowing home; It blew across the campus and laughed at the children's faces. The autumn wind is blowing gently, and the fragrance of fruits in the fields is blowing in the wind, which is satisfying.

In the rainy season of autumn, naughty rain can be seen from time to time, sometimes fine, sometimes sparse, sometimes fierce, sometimes tender. When tender, like cloth, it is woven obliquely; When it was fierce, the weather beaten grass and trees could not lift their heads. The big raindrops are always shining and unique in autumn.

Autumn is a colorful season. Nature has unparalleled beauty. It is waiting for us to feel, discover and explore.

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (9)

Every Chinese New Year, every family has to make dumplings to eat. My family is no exception.

Early in the morning, Grandma bought the dumpling skin. I knew at first sight that Grandma would make dumplings today. My hands itch at the thought of making dumplings, so I clamoured to Grandma and said, I want to make dumplings too. Grandma said, "You are still young. When you grow up, I will teach you how to make dumplings." I said, "No, no, I just want to learn how to make dumplings." Grandma could not twist me and said, "OK! OK!" So I happily ran to wash my hands.

Grandma pinched the skin with her left hand and reshaped her right hand. I think: It's really easy to make dumplings. I'm sure I can do it. I immediately learned to make the first dumpling. It's so ugly. When my sister saw the dumplings I made, she said, "What kind of dumplings do you make? It's like a pimple. The dumplings made here are much better than those made at the beginning. Grandma encouraged me to continue my efforts.

With the help of my grandmother, the dumplings I made looked better and better. Finally, I made the same dumplings as my grandmother. I was very happy. But when I wrapped the 15th one, my hand was a little out of order, and my sister was eating chocolate with relish beside me. I felt uncomfortable at this time. I really want to quit. Grandma looked at me and said, "We should start and finish everything."

I got up the courage to finish the dumplings with my grandma, and looked at the dumplings that were packed like a small guard, standing in a neat row on the plate. I looked at my grandma, and she stroked my head and said, "My grandson has grown up and is sensible." After listening to her praise, I smiled heartily.

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (10)

Autumn is coming, and its steps are getting closer and closer to us.

Look! The sun in the sky shines warmly on our hearts. The golden sunshine is like golden wildflowers. White clouds in the sky like white snowflakes, forming layers of white wildflowers in the sky. With a bunch of sunshine and layers of white clouds in the blue sky, it seems that there is a smile, and the blue sky becomes brighter. Small animals in the sky all want to spend winter. Whenever I look up at the geese in the sky, I can always see rows of geese flying to the south for winter. On the tree tops in the morning, I can always see migrant birds singing in the branches. On the eve of the previous night, birds went south with the birds for winter.

How beautiful is the sky in autumn? What about the earth in autumn? The land in autumn is so lively that hibernating animals are looking for food. For example, Brother Bear and Little Frog are preparing for winter. Why is it that the hair on the body of a dog that does not hibernate becomes denser? Because the dog is also afraid of the cold, so the hair on his body becomes denser. The plants in autumn have also undergone great changes. The flowers have withered, and they have not bloomed. The grass has also changed, as if people are destroying them every day. The leaves of the small trees have fallen to the ground. The small trees are cold and runny. A burst of autumn wind blows, and the small flowers, grass, and trees shake with the wind, as if they were drunk.

In autumn, people are busy, they are busy buying autumn vegetables and autumn coolness, and they are ready for winter. Look! In autumn, people, trees and animals are preparing for winter. Listen! The birds are singing in the branches. How beautiful the sound is!

Autumn is a harvest season. Listen! The earth is praising autumn, and there is joy everywhere.

Composition of grade four: 400 words (11)

Although autumn is not as vibrant as spring when flowers are in full bloom, nor as vibrant as summer when trees are in full bloom, it attracts me with attractive scenery.

The sky in autumn is so high and blue. Various white clouds float in the air, some like a group of gentle sheep, some like towering mountains, some like layers of thin gauze...... Crowds of geese form a "human" line and fly to the warm, far south.

In the fields, the soybeans are ripe and the pods are bulging. When the pods are opened, several golden beans roll out, which look golden in the sunlight, like sparkling pearls. When the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, the corn is ripe. Just peel off two or three layers of "coats", you can see rows of neat corn kernels, just like jewels, very dazzling.

By the roadside, chrysanthemums against the wind and against the frost are in full bloom, competing in splendor against the golden autumn sun. There are red, white, yellow, blue... colorful, flying like dragons, flying like phoenix, emitting strands of fragrance in the breeze, intoxicating.

As autumn draws to a close, the leaves on the trees gradually wither and yellow, and some begin to fall in large areas, which makes people feel somewhat desolate. But I don't think so - if there are no autumn leaves, how can there be the bright colors of the next spring? If there is no fallen leaves in autumn, how can there be flowers blooming in the next spring? Similarly, isn't life the same? If there is no hard work, how can there be the joy of success? Without hard work, how can there be fruitful results?

Ah, autumn! It's golden and busy. I like the gorgeous autumn scenery, and I like the rich fruits even more!

Composition of grade four: 400 words (12)

The moon is round and the osmanthus is fragrant. This year's osmanthus is particularly fragrant and beautiful!

Autumn is coming, and the mother of the sweet scented osmanthus tree wakes up the sweet scented osmanthus babies: "Wake up, sweet scented osmanthus babies, the autumn sun comes out." The sweet scented osmanthus babies stretched out and said: "Wow, autumn is coming, we can compete to open it!" Look! How happy the sweet scented osmanthus babies are!

From a distance, the mothers of osmanthus trees swaying in the autumn wind stood by the road with straight waist, and small yellow flowers as big as grains of rice gathered together, as if to say, "Look, how lively we are together, like stars in the night sky!", Those sweet scented osmanthus flowers seemed to be shy little girls, hidden in the green leaves of the tree mother. How kind they were!

The sweet smell of osmanthus was sent far, far away by the gentle breeze... When the osmanthus fell, people collected it and made it into osmanthus cake, osmanthus wine and other food. The baby osmanthus seemed to say proudly, "Ha, we have many uses. We are not only nutritious and fragrant, but also can strengthen our health after eating it."

I stood under the sweet scented osmanthus tree, and the breeze blew in a gust. I looked up, and the sweet scented osmanthus babies fell on my mother's face, hair, body and feet. I stretched out my arms, and I exclaimed, "Osmanthus fragrans rain, mother, this is Osmanthus fragrans rain." Osmanthus fragrans babies, gently and softly, fell on my face, their fragrance, spread all over the world, spread all over thousands of families, brought us into heaven on earth, and soaked its fragrance into people's hearts... That night, my dream was full of those lovely Beautiful sweet scented osmanthus babies!

Composition of grade four: 400 words (13)

It's autumn. My father and I go out to play. My father said, "Let's go to the woods and play for a while!" I said, "OK." So we came to the woods. When I first got to the woods, my eyes were all golden yellow. I looked at those leaves as gold bars, so I jumped on them. Ouch, it hurt! My father was laughing beside me. I saw that it was leaves!

We came to the fruit forest again. Just as I arrived there, a fresh fragrance came to me, including orange, pineapple, strawberry, apple, banana, etc.

First, we came to the banana tree. I picked a banana and ate it. Wow! It was sweet and delicious. It was delicious. I asked my father, "Dad, can you pick one and give it to my mother?" My father said, "OK, but it is reasonable to say that if you don't pay for it, you will be caught. If you don't catch it, you will be lucky!" I said, "OK, I will do it strictly." So I picked a banana. Suddenly, An uncle ran up and said, "Did you take the bananas without paying?" I honestly said, "Yes." The uncle said, "Bring the bananas." I had to give them to my uncle reluctantly.

We came to the orange tree again. I picked an orange and ate it. Ah, it's so sour! "Puchi", all vomited out, vomited his father's face, he was "angry", hit me, and I giggled.

We went to many places, such as apple orchard, balsam pear orchard, pepper orchard

This time, I think there are many flavors in autumn, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy. Boys and girls, do you think there are many flavors in autumn?

Composition of grade four: 400 words (14)

In autumn, the season of rich fruits, even the leaves falling with the wind are so beautiful.

When I came to the ginkgo tree, I really got dressed up by the girl Qiu. The ginkgo tree was golden, which was different from summer. From afar, what a golden ocean. Pick up a piece of ginkgo leaf that fell on the ground and look carefully. It is a small and exquisite fan; On the contrary, ah, it is like a cute little broom and a delicate dress. The ginkgo leaves lying on the ground are like wild flowers growing in the grass.

And came to the maple trees. Seen from a distance, maple leaves are the flames burning in the sky, which redden half of the sky; Close up, the maple leaves are small claws, trying to catch this beautiful scene and make it permanent. At this time, a gust of autumn wind blew in the face, and the lovely maple leaf danced beautifully against the wind. Several naughty baby maple leaves broke free from the tree mother's arms, made several turns in the air, and then slowly fell. Pick up a fallen leaf and look carefully. The bottom of the fiery red leaf is slightly green, and the roots and veins radiate to the center of the leaf, giving a feeling of vigorous and upward. Looking at the red maple leaves, I couldn't help thinking of a poem: "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February“

Other leaves are no inferior. There are a few unknown leaves. With the autumn wind blowing around, I started my exciting adventure trip. It really feels like "you can see a boat and wander in the storm". Look at the leaves of Magnolia grandiflora on the ground, and it's very interesting to step on them.

Autumn is not only full of fruits, but also beautiful leaves. How beautiful autumn is!

Composition of grade four: 400 words (15)

Open, kite; Indifferent, I. autumn.

The back in the sunshine is immortal. When the sun sets in the west, the heartbroken people from a foreign country who are thin horses on the ancient road see that the water on the small bridge turns golden, and my home is full of water music. In autumn, the golden expectation is gradually approaching. In the golden sunshine, it gently ripples in the high sky. South flying geese fly towards the warmth, leaving people waiting for another rain and snow.

A shallow autumn wind, a shallow autumn maple. Lonely people! This season, how many eyes look through the thousands of miles of autumn clouds, looking forward to the black bricks and black tiles, rising in the fragrance of the wisps of smoke. In this season of melancholy, all trees are in autumn, and the mountains and mountains are in sunset. Wandering people walking through the crowd, looking at the full autumn scenery, they must be worried about everything in autumn, or worried about the autumn wind and rain. Alas for autumn, too sad and desolate. How about the beauty and charm? It's just the late spring China, rustling with character. The graceful body is also weak like Liu Fufeng. The air is like orchid, slender and soft. What kind of vitality is there? Even if it is a great country, it is just a sad scene in the bleak.

The intensity of autumn may only be reflected in orange. Although the harvest is gratifying, the next day is the next expectation. When I think of the brilliance under the east fence, the autumn wind intentionally dyes yellow flowers. What is more representative of yellow flowers than chrysanthemums? Although there will be a day of thanking, how many gentlemen still have such integrity and elegance in this bleak autumn wind? It is better to die with incense on the branches than to be blown down by the north wind. This is Qiu's persistence, her naive persistence in maturity, her spirit, and her brilliant heart in her awe inspiring autumn spirit. Autumn is melancholy. The sea in autumn is as cool as the autumn wind; The eyes of autumn are as empty and lonely as autumn.

It's a cool autumn day!

Moonlight Mid Autumn Festival, the palace in the sky.

Composition of grade four: 400 words (16)

I often like to climb mountains with my mother. On the surface, I want to accompany my mother to lose weight. In fact, I want to walk on that path and enjoy the scenery in the mountains.

I began to explore the deep mountain full of infinite mysteries. Just after stepping into the old forest, a drum of fragrant fragrance with dew came to my face. I stopped to look around and looked up. The sun was shining a bit dazzling. I raised my hand and gently put it on my forehead. I found that the fog penetrated by the sun was particularly hazy and beautiful; Looking down, one side of the path is a stream upstream, and the other side is a wild path covered with tapestries. I could not help sighing: as soon as I set foot on the path, I smelled the fragrance and lifted my eyes to shoot a light smoke. Wawa River tapestry, only by mountains and rivers!

I walked up the stream. Birds in the forest are singing in the treetops. I wanted to say hello to them, but I only heard a few plops and watched them fly away.

The breeze brushed my face around the tree, and I said hello to nature: Hello, soft sunshine! Your passionate body shines on the earth; Hello, Trickle! Your crystal clear new clothes are really beautiful. Hello, lovely flower, your confident smile is bright; Hello, facing the wind, your flowing hands are like mother's touch, so comfortable!

Along the stream, along the flowers, accompanied by fragrance, this adventure has ended. I want to say goodbye to the forest!

Composition of Grade 4: 400 words (17)

Today we go to Maofeng Mountain to play. I came to the foot of the mountain and looked up. Ah! Maofeng Mountain is so high. Then I walked up the mountain. I see a stream. I stood by the stream, feeling the water. Wow! It's cold. Then, continue to climb, because my mother likes to walk along the rock, so I climb along the rock, not the path up the mountain. We got lost while climbing.

When we came to the bushes, a lot of grass pushed towards us. My father found me a stick and asked me to poke the grass beside it, and then walked on. However, I couldn't find my way, so I began to cry. Dad said, be strong at the critical moment! At that time, my father said to my mother that we were going backwards. If we go again, we will go to Houshan. We should follow the sound of the stream to avoid getting lost.

Dad said he would lead the way, so we took a break and set out. Suddenly, I saw my father beating a big tree pole with a stick. When I looked carefully, it turned out to be the home of red ants. I think if they disturb the life of these ants, they will crawl everywhere and climb onto me. How terrible! Then I said we should go down the mountain, so my father found the way down the mountain. On the way down the mountain, I slipped and felt stabbed. Looking back, I found several black thorns on the blade. It's really strange! What about poison? When I was thinking about this problem, a path appeared in front of me, and I was particularly surprised. We will follow the path we found. After a while, I saw the familiar stone road again.

Today's climb taught me that only perseverance can win.

Composition of grade four: 400 words (18)

In recent weeks, the Chinese teacher went out to study and changed many classes. The Chinese teacher reprinted a curriculum.

It was Monday, and the timetable said that this class was computer. Everyone took the shoe covers and ran to the computer room. But I think the computer teacher in this class should be able to let everyone study by themselves in the classroom. After a while, the computer teacher did not come, so I went to the computer room. Just a few steps away, the students came back. I grabbed a student and asked, "What's the situation? Why run down to the computer class? The teacher is not in the computer room?" Out of breath, she replied, "The computer teacher is not on the top, so everyone runs down. Everyone says that the last person to come to the classroom is a pig!" After listening to this sentence, I quickly ran to the classroom without much thought.

Come to the classroom, the teacher is not there. The classroom immediately became a mess, with people talking, eating snacks, playing games, doing homework, reading books, and scribbling on the blackboard. The students in the classroom are really lawless. Fortunately, a teacher passed by. Seeing this scene, they immediately came in and said: "This class is for self-study. Don't talk. I found that I copied the school rules ten times. You can write homework, read books, draw pictures, and don't leave your seats!" When the students heard that they want to copy the school rules ten times, they immediately calmed down and did as the teacher said. Before, some students copied the school rules. One copy would be very tired. Who wants to copy ten times.

The class was almost over when the computer teacher came and said to everyone, "Sorry, I forgot!"

This teacher is really, but also very good, I hate computer classes, the teacher really played an unexpected "missing"!

Composition of grade four: 400 words (19)

The accident is like a tiger lying in the dark, staring at the prey in front of it, suddenly jumping out when the prey is most relaxed, and firmly biting the neck of the prey with sharp teeth.

She tilted the milk tea slightly and took a sip of milk tea. Maybe it's too hot, and when you open the lid, a special smell of milk tea fills the classroom.

She took out something that looked like a glasses box. Is there another "Harry Potter"? I lowered my head and continued to roam in the sea of questions. When I was struggling with the exercises, I heard this dialogue:

"What are these? Blue light proof glasses?" "No, no, you can try them on." "How can they shrink?" And such things? I subconsciously raised my head. It's a red rimmed glasses, which is different from ordinary glasses in that the lenses are yellow. The owner of glasses - she took a sip of milk tea on the table.

Maybe the conversation just now aroused the interest of the person at her next table. The person asked him, "Can I try it?" "OK." She stood up slightly, carefully put on her glasses, and then sat down.

"Be careful -" I blurted out, but before I finished, the cup of "sweet and delicious" milk tea on her desk was accidentally touched by her when she sat down, and now it is "strange".

The brown and coffee colored liquid spurted from the completely collapsed cup and filled my taste buds. The glittering coconut reflects dazzling light under some dazzling lights, just like the pearl in the shell that never sees the sun. The shell is suddenly opened, and the beautiful pearl is displayed in front of people

The whole audience was in an uproar

It licked its bloodstained lips and stood up. It was going to look for the next prey

Composition of grade four: 400 words (20)

October 14, that day, is my birthday, remember, it was a very cold night, but in my memory, it is so warm

That day, I went home by car and was reading a copy of Girl Diary that my mother gave me. When I got home, the sun had set. When I got home, I found that there was no one at home. It was quiet, only quiet furniture, accompanied me. I blame my parents in my heart: why don't you come back? Do you forget that today is my birthday?

I was about to go to the kitchen to get something to fill my hunger, when suddenly a music sounded, in which my mother, father and sister said in unison, "Happy birthday, baby, we will always love you! LOVO, LOVO... "Hearing this, my tears couldn't help falling down. Mom, Dad and Sister jumped out of different places in this second. I rushed to my sister's arms and said, "I don't think you remember today is my birthday! "Foolish child, how can we forget? You are our darling! "My mother said with a smile, and nodded my forehead with her hand.

Time could not stop. In a twinkling of an eye, I was eleven years old. Although this matter had passed, it was deeply engraved in my mind, and the memory was still fresh.