Description of Azalea (16 in general)
Persimmon blossoms
2024-05-08 02:19:06

Description of Azalea (1)

After dinner, my mother and I went to the Great Buddha Temple for a walk. We talked and laughed while walking. Soon I came to the Prajna Valley, and suddenly I saw a large area of beautiful azaleas in front of me. There were rose red azaleas, white azaleas, and white azaleas in pink. The three colors of azaleas interlaced together, which seemed to form the words "Welcome" from a distance.

I asked my mother, "Can you run to see the azalea on the opposite side?" My mother said, "Yes, go to see it!" So I ran to the azalea and saw a match like stamen growing in the middle of each petal. I looked at the leaves again. They were all green. The red flowers and green leaves were so beautiful together. I thought to myself: why do azaleas love stinking beauty so much. The azalea seems to be talking to me: "We are so beautiful, and I also want to make people like us more, so that you can be happy every day!" After hearing the words of the azalea, I quickly said: "Sorry, we will never say that again."

After enjoying the beautiful azaleas, I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, the scenery here is very beautiful. You should always take me to see it later." My mother said, "OK." Then my mother and I went home hand in hand singing songs.

Description of Azalea (2)

Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers. The spring wind has greened the south bank of the Yangtze River. Spring girl puts on colorful clothes for everything, grass puts on green clothes, flowers put on colorful clothes, and azaleas put on red and pink clothes. Look how bright it is! Like a burning flame, like a spray of rosy clouds, it is a feast for the eyes. Sister Chunyu doesn't let the cuckoo show her beauty, nor does she appreciate the drizzle. Do you think cuckoo will be unhappy because of this? You are wrong. It takes the spring rain as bath water and is bathing comfortably! From time to time, the stamens move twice and wave to me.

Even I can't stand Brother Xia's fiery temper - he bakes the earth with his fiery temper every day, and the earth is like a big steam oven. At this time, the flowers and trees were no longer competing for beauty, and everyone went to the summer resort. Only pomegranate and cuckoo stick to their posts. The cuckoo blooms more brightly. It is not easy for Brother Xia's fiery temper. It stands upright under Brother Xia's eyes and shakes the branches comfortably. Ha! It uses Brother Xia's anger as a hair dryer to dry his wet clothes! After drying his clothes, he seemed to thank Brother Xia. His face turned red. When there was a slight breeze, he bowed his head and saluted. How polite! Brother Xia was half angry and half moved by it.

After a while, Auntie Qiu came back with her golden dress. Suddenly, the streets, paths and rivers were covered with golden leaves. Look how capable the maple aunt is, turning her own leaves into red. It's said that she is called "Red Maple Leaf"! The cuckoo did not show any weakness. She gathered her children and grandchildren and asked Auntie Qiufeng to send them to distant places. Huh? Cuckoo abandoned her children and grandchildren so much! No, it deeply understands the truth that "falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers". I am moved by its long-term vision.

Grandpa Winter came here with a sledge, and the whole world was quiet, with snowflakes flying all over the sky. Despite cuckoo's delicate appearance, she can take care of herself without worry. She took the roaring north wind as a lullaby and fell asleep sweetly. But when she went to bed, she did not forget to give people her enthusiasm for the past year. So when you see cuckoo in winter, your heart must be warm

Winter has gone and spring has come. Year after year, cuckoo's optimism and enthusiasm have been educating me, inspiring me, and making me firmly move towards success

Description of Azalea (3)

1. The azaleas are colorful and dazzling. It is as red as fire, as pink as rosy clouds, and as white as snow. It adds many charming colors to the courtyard. A breeze blew, and the faint fragrance of flowers floated all over the yard. It also attracted countless bees and butterflies, and I couldn't help coming to smell it, ah! A faint fragrance is refreshing.

2. Although the vitality of rhododendron is not so tenacious, it is precisely because of its tenderness and loveliness that people linger on. The soft and beautiful spring fragrance makes people intoxicated, forever intoxicated with the beauty and fragrance of azaleas

3. The petals of rhododendron are pink, magenta, orange yellow, lavender, yellow with red, red with white, white with green. They are ever-changing. The shape of the petals is oval. Some azaleas are in full bloom and some are in bud. It seems that they will explode soon. When you smell it carefully, a faint fragrance wafts into your heart, making you intoxicated.

4. The spring wind blows on the south bank of the Green River. Spring girl puts on colorful clothes for all things, grass puts on green clothes, flowers put on colorful clothes, and azaleas put on red and pink clothes. Look how bright it is! Like a burning flame, like a spray of rosy clouds, it is a feast for the eyes.

5. Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron. She is dressed in red. Some petals are fully unfolded. The stamens come out from the middle; Some just spread two or three petals; Some are budding, like a graceful young lady, no wonder people call her "beauty in flowers". The whole rhododendron is full of red flowers, which look like a burning flame from a distance.

6. Rhododendron is called Yingshanhong by the people in the mountains. It is beautiful because of its luxuriant flowers and leaves. It reds the mountains and green water because of its red like fire. I spent my childhood in the blooming and falling of Yingshanhong. In my memory, Yingshanhong in the mountain is the most beautiful red and the most beautiful flower in the world.

7. The branches of the cuckoo are rough to the touch, and the color of the branches is light green. The leaf surface is dark green, very smooth to the touch, without a hair, very comfortable and soft. The green leaves lined with red flowers are very beautiful and charming against the sunshine. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flowers are made of red paper. They look very bright. The rosy clouds are very attractive. Walking on the bluestone path, the breeze blows, watching the fire like azaleas beating together, I feel very happy. At this time, I will think of a lyric and a scene: "If you want to look forward to it, the Red Army will come and drive all over the mountains..." The mighty Red Army troops are coming

8. The branches of cuckoo are rough to the touch. The color of its branches is not the same as that of other flowers. The color of the branches of other flowers is coffee, while the color of its branches is light green. The leaves of azaleas are oblong. The leaf surface is dark green and feels very smooth.

9. In the flowering season, the lush branches and leaves are full of red flowers. From a distance, they are three in a cluster, five in a cluster, like a flame burning and jumping heartily. From a close look, some flowers are in bud, some are half open and half closed, and some are fully open. The blooming petals are as beautiful as silk, and the petals are curved like the skirt of a fairy. The flower is composed of five petals. The petals are surrounded by several yellow stamens. The little yellow flowers are dotted with red petals. How beautiful! Some naughty flowers hide under the leaves, as if playing hide and seek with me.

10. When the spring breeze blows past, the flowers will sway with the wind; When the sun shines on it, it looks like a shy little girl looking at the outside world; When the spring rain is falling, the azalea sucks the rain and dew, as if it were a baby.

11. The azalea is not very tall, not even knee high. From a distance, it looks like a burning flame, almost no leaves can be seen, and it looks like a group of children in red clothes squatting there. When we got closer, we could see its small pointed leaves with small hairs on them, which was very cute. When you look at the flowers, they look like small trumpets, with several stamens in the middle. They are very beautiful, like a beautiful lady showing her face to the world... When you look at these, you can't help feeling intoxicated.

12. The azalea's colorful petals are stacked one after another, rippling out a circle of waves, revealing a happy smile. The oval leaves were green in the sun. There are countless flowers and bones in the flourishing branches and leaves, like red dates put into the plate.

13. The azalea has grown tender leaves and several small flowers. The blooming azalea is like a fairy in a colorful skirt, dancing in the sun, beautiful and lovely. I was surprised to find that the number of stamens in azalea is different, including one, two, three, four

14. In spring, azaleas bloom all over the mountains and ridges. Azaleas run wildly with us on the mountains. The azaleas on the cliffs are particularly dazzling. We "went through all kinds of hardships and dangers" to climb up and pick up the azaleas, put them in a bottle and piled them by the head of the bed. You give me, I send you. A handful of safflower is friendship, and a bunch of cuckoo is affection. In our happiness, we held the azalea in our hands and shouted loudly: We have azaleas! This is my cuckoo!

15. When I sit on the fast train and occasionally see the rhododendron in the mountains, I feel gratified. It was my grandmother's Yingshanhong, and the red butterflies in my childhood fell on the branches. Seeing Yingshanhong grow taller and its flowers grow bigger, they moved to a big vat. When the wind blew and the rain beat, my grandmother's house became larger. Later, the Yingshanhong tree disappeared from my sight and was replaced by patches of red. The red wine is blown by the wind. If the red cap is lifted, the stored wine is hidden.

16. The azalea has 5 petals, which are purplish red. There are also some mottled patterns inside. The petals are very smooth. It has 11 stamens in total, and one of them has an orange top, which is sticky to the touch. This is the pistil. The other 10 are the black stamens on the top. The leaves of rhododendron are rough and have some beautiful lines. The old leaves are dark green, and the new leaves just pulled out are tender green, with many white hairs. It looks very comfortable. Sepals are also tender green and have white hairs. There are 5 sepals. Don't underestimate them. When the azalea is not in bloom, sepals will protect the bracts from damage. What a flower guard!

17. Azalea is just like that. I always feel like a red butterfly, especially the core in the middle is like the tentacles of a butterfly. The red color embellishes the green leaves, which is full of enthusiasm and exuberance.

18. Rhododendron is my favorite flower, not only because it is warm, unrestrained, not competitive, not delicate, but also because it is amazing that rhododendron does not have high requirements for the living environment. As long as it reaches a certain altitude, no matter the soil is fertile or barren, with or without human fertilization and weeding, it can thrive and bloom in full bloom in the face of the cold, and the mountain is red all over, bright like rosy clouds, gorgeous and moving.

19. For a long time, I learned that azaleas are also called azaleas. It is the flower on the mountain, which can be imagined. The mountain is purple and red. Pieces of red, take away the green. How beautiful! The green leaves as the background color are military blankets, and the red mixed with the shaking becomes embroidered and naturally carved quilts. Against the sun, it looks like a butterfly flying and collecting nectar. It is not the blooming of mountain peonies, but it is also the appearance of brocade weaving.

20. Water, clear; Mountains are green; The sky is blue; The cloud is white. On the edge of the field, in front of the house and behind the house, on the hillside and on the ditch embankment, you can see azaleas in full bloom everywhere, as gorgeous as the sunrise. The air is filled with the faint fragrance of mountain flowers, grass and pine resin, which makes people relaxed and happy. Half way up the mountain, beside the brook, and beside the bamboo forest, the houses with green tiles and white walls are quiet and comfortable. It was my first time to southern Anhui. I was deeply intoxicated by the beautiful scenery and quiet environment.

Description of Azalea (4)

1. Last night, there was a heavy rain. When I came to the flowerpot with azaleas, I saw many drops of water falling on the petals and leaves. When the spring wind blew, the drops looked like bright pearls, rolling on the leaves of the petals, even the stems and roots looked fresh, just like a bath. However, once washed in this way, the fragrance from the flowers will disappear.

2. Such beautiful scenery forms a beautiful scenery in our school. After the spring rain, our campus is more vibrant. Every morning when we come to school and see those azaleas outside the window, we will become energetic. Every day, we insist on watering the azaleas. Seeing that the azaleas are becoming more and more beautiful, we are also moved beyond words.

3. The azalea seeds are in an exquisite flowerpot, and the flowerpot is carved with neat lines of words, like telling us that this azalea has a beautiful story. The height of azalea is about 10 cm, with brown branches and some bends. The green leaves and flowers are like small fans. When the breeze blows, the green leaves and flowers gently shake in the breeze, as if they are dancing happily. The petals of the azalea are hidden in the leaves, red and green, like a beautiful girl. Some flowers have just opened two or three pieces, some flowers have all their petals in full bloom, and some are still flower bones, showing pink tips, which are extremely beautiful.

4. Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, refers to various red azaleas. In fact, azaleas are not only red. Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Just as the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote a poem very well: "If you hold two branches in your hand when you are idle, it doesn't look like there is one on earth. This thing in the flower is like a beauty, and the lotus and peony are all like mothers." "Looking back, the peach season is colorless, and the lotus is not a flower."

5. Pink azaleas are scattered in the "emerald" forest. The petals are usually 5-11, and the flowers are stained with purple red, like purple insects crawling. There are also several thin, watery strips in the flower, with a small black spot on it, which looks like the antenna of an ant. The dense "leaf forest" sets off the flowers more beautifully.

6. The flowers are very beautiful and charming under the sun's shirt. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of red butterflies dancing in the air. The flower is also made of red paper, which looks very bright. But when you touch it, it is not as smooth as its leaves. It is a bit wrinkled, as if you touch a flannelette.

7. There are many colors of azaleas, which are very beautiful! There are red, white, and red and white. Rhododendron has a faint fragrance. You can't smell it unless you smell it carefully.

8. There are many colors of azaleas, which are colorful: bright red, golden, crystal blue, with spots, spots, stripes, blocks, pink, magenta, orange yellow, lavender, yellow with red, red with white, white with green, which is really changeable. Some are heavily made up, some are lightly striped, some have red lips and white teeth, and some are fragrant and refreshing. They really have their own styles and appearances. The azaleas in the classroom are bright red like fire.

9. Most of the azaleas in the flower bed have blossomed. The azaleas are in full bloom, so they are particularly eye-catching. These already blossoming azaleas are big and beautiful, and one peony can equal several peach flowers. The azalea has five petals, which are trumpet shaped. The blooming flowers are purplish red, and there are also filaments of thin and long stamens inside. It's beautiful, but there are also some flower bone flowers. Don't underestimate these bone flowers. They are oval, sharp on the head, and look fresh and tender.

10. There are also three pots of purple azaleas, most of which are the same as pink azaleas, but the purple azaleas are very bright. At a distance, people can see that the purple and red azaleas and green leaves are "packaged" very carefully. Under the green leaf packaging, the purple rhododendron "shows off" its appearance of "national beauty and heavenly fragrance".

11. Look, the piles of azaleas in the distance are curling in the smoke and clouds, wearing ivory gauze. Dear azaleas, are you singing and dancing in the ethereal fairyland? You are like a rainbow, weaving colorful ribbons into the earth's ribbons. Noble purple, lovely pink, passionate red, pure white, simple yellow, and... like a colorful dream, it grows and sprouts in spring.

12. The green leaves lined with red flowers are very beautiful and charming against the sunshine. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flowers are made of red paper. They look very bright. The rosy clouds are very attractive. Walking on the bluestone path, the breeze blows, watching the fire like azaleas beating together, I feel very happy. At this time, I will think of a lyric and a scene: "If you want to look forward to it, the Red Army will come and drive all over the mountains..." The mighty Red Army troops are coming

13. There are a lot of azaleas, and there are three or five flowers in one plant. Swimming has already opened up with the spring breeze, and some are just flowers. The open flowers are like a band holding a "trumpet", which is holding a spring concert.

14. I love cuckoo because it has dark gray feathers, and its tail is decorated with thick and delicate spots to make it more beautiful. I love azaleas. The first month of this year is colder than the December, but azaleas are still full of flowers. Although they grow in greenhouses, they dare to make themselves known and to be in full bloom. Who can compete with them!

15. I love azalea because it is adjacent to pines and cypresses and friends with cold plums. Although azalea does not have the branches of pines and cypresses or the tender branches of cold plums, it is brave to fight and struggle. The quality of daring to publicize can definitely bring her the glory she deserves.

16. The breeze gently blows, lifting the skirt of azalea. The petite petals circled in the air and gently threw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth. The ground is covered with a "carpet" made of azaleas. Wrapping up the whole mountain, it looks very bright.

17. The teacher said that the flowering date of azaleas varies according to the climate and terrain. The low mountain warm and hot areas mostly open in March, the middle mountain warm and cool areas mostly open in April June, and the high mountain cold and cool areas mostly open in July August. They are various and widely distributed. The ecological environment is complex and diverse. They are the most common. They can be found wherever there are green mountains! I love azalea, its tenacious vitality and its unknown spirit of giving.

18. The azaleas in the mountains are free to bloom and fall freely. They are scattered in the bushes and flourish along the ridges and rivers. The cool wind in the mountains gives them charming charm. The water and soil in the mountains nourish them with unique charm. The azaleas in the mountains are graceful, some branches and leaves are luxuriant, and some branches are dry; Some are lush, handsome and straight, and some are as vigorous and elegant as dragons. If you hold it in your hand, your heart will be bright.

19. People praise the orchid, saying that it is placed in the valley alone, not into the world of mortals, more beautiful peonies, and has a unique sentiment. But I said it was abandoned by all things in the world; Some people praise pomegranate, saying that it dares not to be afraid of the scorching sun. It is the heart of summer. But I think it is too exaggerated, and it will give its life to win a good reputation. Look at the azalea, and report the beauty of spring to the diligent people in advance. The beauty of flowers lies in their blooming, and the meaning of life lies in their publicity. Isn't that unique to azaleas?

20. Looking at the azalea silently, the vigorous branches are engraved with the wind and rain along the way; The dark green leaves, permeated the suffering of the azalea; The soft petals played the victory movement of the bitter journey. Every time the azalea blooms, it shows the miracle of life.

Description of Azalea (5)

[Chapter 1]

Every time I look at the small rhododendron with luxuriant flowers today, I will think of the old rhododendron with withered branches and withered leaves.

It seems that spring is better than autumn. I can't remember it clearly. It's a pot of lovely cuckoo with lush branches and leaves. Seeing such an amazing gift, I can't describe it in words. It has tender green leaves, white and red petals, and golden stamens. It feels very smooth, and there is a pungent fragrance coming from afar, which makes people relaxed and happy.

Under my careful cultivation, it grows very fast. Its plump branches and leaves make it like a fluffy ball. In the hot summer, this "green fairy" looks refreshing.

A few days later, it is no longer a green fairy! In the twinkling of an eye, a lot of tender and plump buds grew up, one by one as shy and charming as a little girl.

After a while, it was not a "green fairy" at all! But the "peach powder fairy" standing proudly. The "Queen of Rhododendron" can compare with the West Lake in beauty. Its smell seduces the world. The beauty of its stamens, petals and green leaves is beyond description. Beauty is twice the result with half the effort. Beautiful, graceful, peerless beauty, and fragrant, all flowers are eclipsed by it, and its beauty is unparalleled. There are also crystal dewdrops on the petals, revealing dazzling seven colors of light under the sunlight.

The cuckoo withered because it had not been cared for for a long time, leaving many seeds representing the hope of life. Now, the seeds have grown into strong young cuckoos. Seeing them rise up, they are not as beautiful as the old cuckoos, but also beautiful.

[Chapter 2]

There are several clusters of azaleas downstairs at my home. I go to see them every day.

When Spring Girl wakes up the earth, azaleas will bloom beautiful flowers, just like little girls, wearing beautiful dance skirts, as if performing dance! They compete with each other for beauty and beauty. One after another, they emerge from the green leaves, looking so warm and gorgeous.

Azaleas are colorful. Look, the dark red ones are like fire, the pink ones are like clouds of rosy clouds, and the white ones are like piles of snow

I couldn't help saying to the azalea, "You are so beautiful! Are you the messenger of Spring Girl?" The azalea smiled brightly and nodded frequently in the breeze. I asked again: "You must have something happy when you are smiling so brightly. Tell me quickly!"

The azalea replied, "This spring girl came very early, the spring thunder woke us up, the spring rain moistened us, the sun father-in-law dressed us in colorful clothes, and we are so happy to see you again!"

I stand in front of the azaleas, and I don't want to leave for a long time

Description of Azalea (6)

Azalea in front of my house

There is a azalea in front of my house. Maybe you will ask why azalea is said to be a tree rather than a plant? That's because the azalea in front of my house is a strong tree.

The small tree is strong and straight, like a sentry standing guard. The leaves of rhododendron are divided into two different colors, one is newly grown, the other is grown. The newly grown leaves are tender green. They look green and feel hairy. The grown leaves are larger and pink. Seen from afar, clusters are like bunches of small flowers. A breeze blew, and the leaves rustled along with the azaleas, like layers of colorful ripples, like a singer singing, like a girl clapping and dancing, after a thunderstorm. The newly grown leaves appear more tender green, and the grown leaves appear more pink. Layers of bright green leaves are stacked with layers of pink flowers, as if it were a colorful picture.

You see, the graceful azaleas are always so proud. It will always stay upright and sway in the wind, colorful!

Description of Azalea (7)

Beautiful Le Rhododendron

Today, during the Chinese class, Miss Li led our class to see Le Dujuan at the corner of the campus.

These rhododendrons grow in a corner of the campus playground. The color is pink, which is about three times as tall as me. Le cuckoo looks beautiful. From a distance, Le cuckoo is like groups of pink butterflies gathering there for a meeting. Closer up, I found that some birds and animals often come to Le Rhododendron to suck nectar. When the breeze blows, the branches of Le azalea will swing gently with the breeze, just like a little girl in a pink skirt dancing. The children in the class all like this bunch of cuckoo. Most of the trees in the school are green. This bunch of rhododendrons makes the school more beautiful and cheerful, and fills the school with laughter.

I also saw many withered azaleas and some petals on the ground.

When the bell rang, everyone went back to the classroom, picked up their bags and prepared to go home from school.

Description of Azalea (8)

Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, usually blooms in March to May when it is cultivated in the open field. Whenever spring comes back, the azalea, known as the "beauty of flowers", is full of spring, and blooms in parks or gardens where tourists gather, making people happy and relaxed.

The branches of cuckoo are rough to the touch. The color of its branches is not the same as that of other flowers. The color of the branches of other flowers is coffee, while the color of its branches is light green.

The branches and leaves of cuckoo are lush, and there are tiny hairs on the green branches and leaves, as if they have put a hairy coat on the green leaves.

Rhododendron has several colors. My favorite is red. The whole rhododendron is full of red flowers, like a burning flame. Some petals are fully unfolded, and stamens emerge from the middle; Some just spread two or three petals; Some are budding, like a graceful young lady. From a distance, the azaleas are like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flowers are very beautiful and charming under the sun's shirt. No wonder people call her "beauty in flowers".

There is also a beautiful legend about the azalea. It is said that Du Yu, the emperor of Shu in ancient times, was still reluctant to leave his people after his death. His soul turned into a bird, called "the azalea bird", and often called "better to go home! Better to go home!" He cried so loudly that his mouth spat blood. When the blood dropped on a tree, it produced a blood red flower. Later generations called this flower "the azalea flower" in memory of Du Yu.

Description of Azalea (9)

Rhododendron: also known as "Yingshanhong", also known as "Shanke", and "Five Sisters of Potted Flowers" with camellia, cyclamen, carnauba, and Chinese flowering crabapple. Azaleaceae, native to southern China. The leaves of rhododendron are poisonous, and salivation, nausea, vomiting and skin tingling may occur after ingestion. Rhododendron represents the joy of love. It is said that people who like it are innocent. Whenever we see azaleas blooming all over the mountain, it is the time when the god of love comes.

In spring, it grows fresh and tender leaves, which are as delicate as a newborn baby. The flower bud has just grown out, and at this time it looks like a shy "mimosa". In early summer, the flower buds become bigger and bigger. After a few days, three or four petals also appeared. Later, the flower buds became bigger and bigger, just like a flower fairy walking through the leaves of the forest. The shape of azaleas in the bud is strange. Some are long, like a beautiful lady, and some are round, like a fat doll. They are very cute. The bud ready to bloom, red with green, like a shy little girl. The blooming azaleas are like children's smiling faces, tender and lovely. The flowers are red, white and pink. The color is so bright: red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds. Just like gems inlaid on the green carpet. In the twinkling of an eye, it is autumn again. The flowers slowly fade, and the withered and yellow flowers quietly fall on the soil.

Finally, it came to the most difficult winter to resist. It withstood the test of the severe winter... In spring, it had vitality again and grew new branches and buds. The azalea has dedicated its beautiful scenery to people and itself, and its dedication is worth learning.

Description of Azalea (10)

This Spring Festival, my family welcomed a magical guest - azaleas.

Seeing the azaleas on my balcony, I immediately fell in love with it. It is about 20 cm tall and small. The dark green leaves are oval, and the newly grown leaves are tender green. The leaves are covered with layers of velvet. The bright red flowers are crowded, one by one, and they compete to bloom like a fair. The petals are put up layer by layer, forming bright azaleas. The petals are surrounded by some stamens. If a breeze blows, the flowers will dance. These flowers come out of the leaves and look like a burning flame at first glance.

I love my azalea, which adds a lot of life to us.

Description of Azalea (11)

We went back to our hometown of Sanmen for the Spring Festival. One evening, my mother and I went for a walk on the dam.

When I came to the dam, I saw a river in front of the dam and a continuous mountain behind it.

At this time, I suddenly saw a cluster of bright red azaleas blooming on the barren wall of the mountain. I said to my mother, "Mom, look there, azaleas are blooming!"

Mother also said excitedly, "The azaleas are blooming? It's early! Look at that cluster of azaleas growing on the barren wall. The wall is full of rocks, and it can also grow out. It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes!" I danced with excitement.

My mother said, "Every Tomb Sweeping Day, the azaleas on the mountain will be in full bloom, all over the mountains and plains." I was attracted by my mother's words, and imagined those azaleas nodding to me in the breeze; Fantasized that I was killed

Surrounded by azaleas, they greet me with beautiful dancing; Fantasizing that they would shake their bodies, a shower of petals would immediately fall in the sky; Fantasy ≮ ≮

Ah, the azaleas are in bloom!

Description of Azalea (12)

It has long been said that the azalea, one of the top ten famous flowers, is extremely beautiful. In his poem, Yang Wanli exclaimed: "Every day, the Jinjiang River looks like brocade, and the Qingxi River reflects the mountain red.". Indeed, the true name of azalea flowers and fruits is true.

Teacher Li brought us a pot of azaleas today. The students quickly gathered around the flowers, and all of a sudden the flowers were crowded. Everyone is pointing fingers and making comments!

From a distance, the azalea looks like a flame burning, so beautiful!

A closer look makes it more eye-catching. The brown trunk seems to be coated with a layer of green "paint". There are many branches on the trunk, and the branches are rough. The leaves on the branches are deep and shallow, and there are some small thorns on the body, like wearing a furry clothes. Its leaves are oval, like raindrops, pearls and jewels. There are many small flowers emerging from the lush leaves, some of which are in bud, like red dates with honey juice; Some half opened and half closed, like shy little girls; Some are in full bloom, and the blooming flowers are like pink silk. There are many beautiful flowers in the flourishing branches and leaves, just like red dates put into the plate. The petals are stacked like waves, showing a happy smile. Looking at the colorful azaleas, I seem to be in the sea of flowers, as if I have become a small flower. Students are azaleas, and the classroom is a sea of flowers.

The teacher told us that in addition to appreciation, some azaleas can also be used as medicine or extract aromatic oil, some flowers can be eaten, the skin and leaves can be extracted with baking glue, and wood can be made into handicrafts. Rhododendron can reduce blood fat, cholesterol, heat and detoxification, beauty and hair care and other effects.

I love azaleas! It is not only beautiful in appearance, but also simple, enthusiastic and brave in fighting. Just like the flowers of our generation running on the starting line, it keeps working hard, constantly fighting and growing. Ah! Azalea, you are the most beautiful flower in my eyes!

Description of Azalea (13)

The sunshine in spring is so bright, and the campus in spring is so beautiful. But among the plants on campus, what fascinated me most was the clusters of delicate and lovely azaleas!

There are many delicate azaleas on the corridor of the teaching building in our school. They are so bright and beautiful.

The colorful petals of azaleas overlap, rippling in a circle of waves, showing a happy smile. The oval leaves are fat and shining with glossy glossy ganoderma in the dazzling sunlight. In the flourishing branches and leaves, there are countless flowers and bones, like powder pearls put into the plate.

A few days later, I came again to observe these lovely azaleas, look! These flowers slowly opened. Just like a shy girl in pink clothes, she is budding, pink and pink, how lovely! Look! These flowers are crowded. You push me and I push you. How shy!

These beautiful scenes form a beautiful landscape for our school. After the spring rain, these azaleas are even more vigorous. Every day when we come to school early and see these azaleas, we will become a hundred times more energetic. Every day, the uncle of the flower grower insists on watering and fertilizing the azaleas. When we see these azaleas growing more and more beautiful, I am moved beyond words.

Now, azaleas have become an indispensable part of everyone's learning. Now, azaleas have also added a lot of luster to our beautiful campus.

We all look forward to the azaleas blooming and becoming more beautiful. I love the azaleas in the school, and I love our beautiful campus even more!

Description of Azalea (14)

The stem of a cuckoo is like a small pillar. It has long branches, leaves and flowers on the branches. From bottom to top, it stands on the ground like a cute umbrella. There are thin branches on the brown stems, and several soft buds of different sizes are often hung on the branches. Some are hidden behind the green leaves, and some are hidden at the foot of the blooming petals... They are shy and lovely like shy girls. Then look at the azaleas that are open in different sizes, more like small trumpets, all of which open their mouths in unison, as if eager to compete with the sun, as if admiring the blue sky

Closely, the stamen of the flower is as thin as a needle. There are some pollen in the flower. The fragrance of the flower is very vague and indistinct. If you smell it carefully, you can only smell a little faint fragrance. The new green and dark green spoon like leaves spread out their arms like little guards around the flowers day and night, caring for the fragrant and beautiful flowers and delivering them the sweetest nutrients. Let the flowers absorb enough nutrition, and open more beautiful and longer.

Azalea can not only be placed on the balcony for people to watch, but also relieve fatigue and make people feel comfortable. Its leaves can also release oxygen, so that people live in a more fresh air!

I like the beauty of azalea, and I like its spirit of silently contributing to the beautification of human beings.

Description of Azalea (15)

At the end of April, cuckoos were in full bloom. Walking beside a cluster of cuckoos, you will always smell a delicate fragrance, which is both restrained and unrestrained with the spring breeze. In the warm air, people always feel a little hot and dry. Take a deep breath, let the aroma of cuckoo penetrate your nose, and you may feel refreshed.

The cuckoo is in full bloom, but it is not publicized. It is just in ordinary bloom. They are always wandering in the green leaves, trying to play a supporting role in spring. But they are so beautiful that they have to let those who want to be the protagonist of the flower reluctantly let go, and she was shy to become the protagonist. This cluster of rhododendrons with red in the pink and purple in the red set off against the green leaves. How elegant!

Its petals are like a wrinkled skirt, or the purple red, shrunken banana fan. When the breeze blows, a few petals fall off, and I catch one as a bookmark for spring. Its stamens are thin and short, standing in the center of the flower. Orange red pollen is scattered on the stamens. The attractive color attracts industrious bees, who greedily suck the nectar. The honey must be sweet, sweet to everyone's heart. Its leaves are tea green, and the back of the leaves is covered with small hairs, which is smooth and rough to the touch. The green leaves are invincible all the year round. They are full of vitality and liveliness. They set off the cuckoo and make it full of vitality.

A cluster of azaleas is in full bloom, full of vitality, beautiful but ordinary.

I love the beautiful figure of cuckoo, but also its ordinary temperament and its exuberant vitality!

Description of Azalea (16)

In the garden next to my home, there are azaleas, orchids, morning glory, etc., which are competing for beauty and colorful. After the care of Grandpa Sun and sister Chunyu, they grow up happily. But in my opinion, only the delicate azalea is the most beautiful. If you compare it with any other flower, it will be eclipsed. Therefore, I call it "flower fairy".

Rhododendron is not only beautiful, but also attractive. Look! The brown backbone, bending and stretching upward, looks up at the branches. The slender branches are like the hands of the flowers, and the hat on the head is like the "house pillar" of the flowers. When you look up carefully, the dark green oval leaves also have hairy thorns, like a hedgehog protecting itself, and shyly says, "Don't close to me, I'm shy!", Like a small green umbrella, when you look closely at it, you will find that some leaves will hang their heads and greet you with a smile, some will hold their heads high, like a dignified soldier, some will lie flat... There are some stems on the leaves, like the veins of the leaves. Looking up, the bright flowers stood in front of me, crowded and crowded, as if to say proudly to me: "My little master, do you think I am beautiful?" Some of them showed their bright red cheeks, smiled at me, and looked carefully at the petals. They were sharp on both sides, round in the middle, like a boat, connected into several pieces, and the stamens inside were with hairy thorns, like its beard. When the breeze blows, it is like a butterfly, dancing and flapping its wings, which makes people dizzy. From afar, it is like a little girl in a red skirt who is performing a wonderful dance for me. From near to near, it is like a little girl's fluffy hair on her shoulders... If you smell the fragrance of it with your nose, it will be refreshing, It is unforgettable and refreshing

Rhododendron is not only popular, but also can stop coughing, dissipate phlegm, and treat chronic bronchitis, so I like you - Rhododendron!