Allocation time (14 compilations)
A lover fails to return
2024-03-11 06:21:28

Allocation time (1)

In the past, I was very slow in doing my homework, so I didn't know how to hurry up and fight with my classmates after class; When the teacher left us time to do our homework, I talked with my classmates before and after. I didn't want to do my homework when I came home at noon. I didn't write it until I felt my mother was about to arrive home. But I had to change a few words just like this. I was so confused at noon, and it was the same at home at night. I would read extracurricular books later and eat snacks later, I always have to wait until my mother repeatedly urges me to go back to the writing desk. I often have a few unfinished questions after 10 o'clock at night. I not only sleep late but also get scolded by my mother, so I'm not worried. After the winter vacation, I made up my mind to get rid of this bad habit.

On the first night of the holiday, I went into my room and wrote an inspirational inscription, "Where there is a will, there is a way", and pasted it in front of my bed. My mother followed me in, laughing and appreciating the words, saying, "Well, the words are good, but I don't know whether I can do it." I confidently said, "Mom, you can see my actions behind me." After I pushed my mother out of the room, I thought about it for a while. Well, the big talk has been released. I can't break my promise. Before making a plan, I will arrange a plan tomorrow, and then I will act according to the plan. This ensures the efficient operation of the day, and I slowly think that I have entered a sweet dream... The next day when the alarm clock rings, I get up with all my strength. I usually ask my mother to shout several times. While I am secretly proud, I quickly brush my teeth, wash my face, drink water, and eat. While my mother combs my hair, I read and recite English words along with the recorder. After combing my hair, I immediately sat at my desk and began the day's homework. Before I started writing, I tried to figure out how to write. I used to write without thinking. When I thought about what to write, I picked up the correction solution and altered it. The homework book was full of spots, which was not beautiful and wasted time. When I was writing, I first looked at the homework to be completed today, If you feel that you have a good grasp of the topic, you should finish it first for the topic that is relatively easy to grasp, and consider it slowly at the end for the difficult topic.

After finishing the homework as planned, I was a little tired. I played a piece of zither "Fishing Boat Sings in the Evening" in the bright afternoon sun. I not only practiced the zither playing technique, but also let my mind drift slowly with the wind in the melodious zither music. I felt a little tired and also slowly dissipated. It was my happiest time in the evening, and the homework of the day was also completed, At this time, my mother will come back from work soon. Usually, this time is the most stressful time for me. Why? Because I am busy with my homework at this time. My mother needs to check when she comes home. I have been dragging her feet. I haven't finished writing many things at the end of the day. Today, I feel more relieved. While playing with children, I look at the end of the road and see her figure from afar, I ran to her and smiled to show my gratitude to her mother“

Mom, I finished my homework very quickly today. "Mom's surprised expression made me feel happy. In the sunset, two figures, one long and one short, walked slowly. I was like a lark with a smart mouth, chirping about what I had done one day. Night fell. After dinner, I began to preview the contents to be learned at the beginning of school, and at the same time, I was doing extracurricular exercises, Use the acquired knowledge to carry out some expanding exercises. The day soon ended. I lay in bed and thought for a while. Today, I basically finished as scheduled, and I will try to finish better tomorrow.

A holiday has passed. Under my effective plan, I made reasonable use of my time to complete my holiday homework as soon as possible. At the same time, I also learned about what to learn after school. Some hobbies also declined. When I was free, I also searched for information online under my mother's guidance, updated my blog, and some of my feelings The experience was also published on the blog

After the beginning of school, I didn't dare to relax. At the end of class, my classmates got together without me; When my classmates came to me in self-study class, I ignored her; When I got home at noon, I lay in front of my desk. In the evening, I reviewed the preview, read the extra-curricular books, and did exercises. Mom and grandma praised me that I know how to cherish time.

So students, if you want to finish your homework in advance, you should know how to cherish all your time. In the end, you will have a lot of time at your disposal and be praised by your parents and teachers. Who doesn't want this? I hope that the students will seize their time and allocate their spare time reasonably, just like me.

Allocation time (2)

The time of the national exam is 2.5 hours, with a total of 300 minutes (physics 110, chemistry 100, biology 90). The exam can be said to be tight in time and heavy in task, so the time allocation skills of the national exam are particularly important. How should the time of the national exam be allocated? Now I would like to share some information about the time allocation for science examinations. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Time Allocation Skills for National Comprehensive Examination

Three subjects of comprehensive science are integrated into one, and distributed according to the score. The time for multiple choice questions should be about 45 minutes, and the time for non multiple choice questions should be about 105 minutes.

When doing comprehensive science questions, we should strive to get all the basic questions right, and lose less or no points on mid-range questions. The score of middle and low grade questions usually accounts for more than 80% of the whole volume. If you can win the middle and low grade questions of various disciplines, you can get high scores. And with the psychological advantage of being the bottom of the high score, you will have confidence to overcome the problems again.

Answering sequence of national science comprehensive examination

1. The questions of the national comprehensive examination of science are done from beginning to end in order

Advantages: It can avoid missing questions and save time

Disadvantages: Sometimes, when encountering a seemingly simple but actually difficult problem, I often get lost in love, until I find myself stuck in a dilemma, which has wasted a lot of valuable time, leaving many middle and low grade questions that can get points behind without time to do.

If you encounter a problem and still can't figure out the way to solve it after thinking for 3-5 minutes, it should be regarded as a problem that can be given up temporarily. Even if the score of the problem is high, you should bear to give up. Never lose a watermelon because you have picked sesame seeds.

2. Easy before difficult, calmly answer questions

In general, each subject of the comprehensive science examination is easy before difficult. If you encounter a problem, you can skip over temporarily and do the easy questions of the following subjects first - after finishing the relatively easy scoring questions of each subject, you can go back and do the difficult questions in front.

The principle of the National Comprehensive Examination of Science and Technology: If you can get the score, you should first hold it - if you have a score, you should not panic, and then go back to the problem. You can do as much as you can. If you score less, you should not regret. If you score more, you will earn!

3. Do your own advantageous subjects first, and then do other subjects

For the comprehensive science examination, we should first do the advantageous subjects, so that we can get more confident scores, have a good attitude when doing the questions, and also leave enough time for the non advantageous subjects. Avoid the phenomenon that encountering problems at the beginning makes you depressed and confused.

In a word, for most examinees, if they want to get higher scores in a limited time, they should learn to give up on their own initiative, temporarily give up the time-consuming and laborious problems, and spare more time for easy questions to get more scores

1. Overall situation and reasonable arrangement

After getting the test paper, do not rush to answer the questions. First, see the requirements of the test question description, such as some constant values stated at the beginning, atomic mass of elements, etc. It is also necessary to see how many questions there are, how many big questions, how many small questions, and whether there are any questions on the reverse side. On the one hand, it can prevent missing questions due to nervousness; on the other hand, it is easy to plan specific answer time. Pay attention to whether there is missing page, and if there is, the invigilator should immediately.

The time arrangement of each subject in the college entrance examination is slightly different from that in the simulation examination. Generally, the corresponding distribution is made according to the score ratio, and every two points occupy one minute. About 55 minutes for physics and chemistry, and about 40 minutes for biology are reasonable. Of course, if a subject is difficult or the score ratio of a subject is a little bit longer, it should also be a little longer. At the same time, the time can be appropriately reduced for the advantageous disciplines and increased for the inferior disciplines.

2. Carefully examine and answer questions

"Sharpening the knife will not delay the woodcutter". If you get a question, you must spend the necessary time (about 10%) to see the question and understand its meaning. First of all, we should fully and correctly understand the meaning of the question, clarify the question requirements and the scope of the answer, such as reserving several significant figures for the results, taking 9.8m/s2 or 10m/s2 as the gravitational acceleration g, and then, according to the requirements, we should focus on the key points and answer carefully, so that we can not answer the questions inappropriately. Careless examination of the question will also result in a lot of points lost. For example, if the rope between O and B required in question 30 of the 2002 comprehensive science review is burned, it will be regarded as burning the rope between A and B, and no point will be given, which will cause lifelong regret.

When examining the questions, we should pay special attention to the key words in the questions, such as static, uniform speed, uniform acceleration, zero initial speed, free fall, certain, possible, correct, etc. in the physics questions, and pay special attention to the key words in the reverse questions, such as incorrect, wrong, impossible, etc.

3. Deeply understand and describe the scene

In the comprehensive science test, the words may describe a complex movement process, which can be divided into several different stages. In each stage, there may be known quantities given in the question, or quantities hidden in the question or the scene can be described by drawing.

For the problem with unclear mind, we can analyze the force on the object and distinguish the movement process by making an auxiliary diagram, so as to obtain more information, which is conducive to finding an effective way to solve the problem, helping us correctly establish the relationship between the unknown quantity and the known quantity. It can be said that the correct drawing analysis is half of the success of solving the problem.

4. Easy before difficult, easy to answer

There is a big difference between the comprehensive science examination and the single subject examination in the college entrance examination. Volume I is generally arranged in the order of biology, chemistry and physics, and Volume II is arranged in the order of physics, chemistry and biology. In each subject, it is generally easy before difficult. Sometimes, when encountering problems, it is difficult to solve them at the moment. You can skip the problems temporarily and do the easy problems later.

If you avoid the easy, it will be difficult. If you stick to the difficult problems, it will even affect the answer to the easy questions when you only pay the dues, and it may also cause a nervous state of mind and disrupt the train of thought and steps. In the past, some examinees suffered from this. When they finished the examination paper, they failed to solve the chemical problems in front and the easy physics problems in the back. This is a lesson that should be remembered.

Generally speaking, if you can't figure out the way to solve a problem after thinking for 3-5 minutes, it should be regarded as a problem that can be given up temporarily. Even though the score of this problem is high, you should bear the pain and give up, and focus on solving easy problems and mid-range problems, so as to save time and come back to overcome the problem when you have time. You should know whether the arrangement of time in the college entrance examination is reasonable or not is crucial to your success or failure.

Time allocation for science examinations:

Allocation time (3)

In fact, we all have some skills when answering the college entrance examination science comprehensive test paper. How should we allocate the time for answering the college entrance examination science comprehensive test paper? Let's share some information about the time allocation for the science examination. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

How to Allocate Time Reasonably in Comprehensive Science Examination (I)

According to the score and difficulty, allocate the time for each subject. The simplest biology accounts for the least score, which takes about 25 minutes to complete; Chemistry is 100 points, the difficulty is in the middle of the three subjects, and it takes about 50 minutes to complete; The most difficult score of physics is also the highest, which takes one hour. The remaining 15 minutes are to check personal information and answer cards to see if there are any missed questions, and then do the unfinished questions (which will not fall down before).

Some students are not used to doing each subject separately, so please arrange the approximate time for each question according to this time allocation and your own habit of doing questions.

How to Allocate Time Reasonably in the Comprehensive Science Examination (II)

Generally, when you do questions, you always do them from the beginning to the end. When you do questions, you should pay attention to them, carefully examine them, and simply do the right thing at one time. If it's difficult (you can't read the questions or know where to start), you should put them first. When you do other questions, you should not waste time on one question. If you can't do it, you can waste time and attack yourself.

Do not exceed 3 minutes for multiple choice questions and 5 minutes for calculation questions. If the answer is complex and the amount of calculation is large, the answer can be omitted. The final answer to the calculation question is 1 point.

How to Allocate Time Reasonably in Comprehensive Science Examination (3)

After the test paper is handed out and personal information is filled in, don't rush to do the test before the bell rings. First, browse the test paper and separate the three subjects (roughly note or mark). If each subject is done separately when doing the test, it will be clearer.

It's better to start from scratch, first do all the simple questions, then do the difficult but thoughtful questions, and finally write the relevant formula or concept according to the question stem. One point is better than zero.

The comprehensive science exam will take 150 minutes to do 300 points of questions. According to the score, the multiple choice questions should be completed in about 45 minutes, and the non multiple choice questions should be completed in about 105 minutes, leaving time for examination.

Allocation of comprehensive management time: 9:00-9:50—— 10: 30 Physical completion—— 11: 05 Chemistry completed—— Biology completion (Note: when answering biology subjective questions, you must first complete 40 selected questions<Elective 3>, and then complete 29~32 required questions in turn).

The comprehensive management time is 150 minutes, and the total score is 300 minutes. Therefore, the basic time allocation principle is that every 2 minutes takes 1 minute. The time for theoretical subjects should be 55 minutes for physics, 50 minutes for chemistry and 45 minutes for biology.

The questions of the National Comprehensive Examination of Science are done from beginning to end in order. If you encounter a problem and still can't figure out the way to solve it after thinking for 3-5 minutes, it should be regarded as a problem that can be given up temporarily. Even if the score of the problem is high, you should bear to give up. Never lose a watermelon because you have picked sesame seeds.

The speed of making multiple choice questions should not be too fast, and the uncertain questions should be marked at any time for future review. Examine the questions carefully, determine whether the options are based or not, make full use of the characteristics of single choice, and use the exclusion method and reasoning method well.

1. The average time for the big questions of biology and chemistry in the comprehensive science examination is 10 minutes. Some questions are larger, and it can take 15 minutes. If it takes longer, it is recommended to finish the later questions before dealing with this matter.

2. The two physics problems of comprehensive science and technology take a lot of time and are difficult, so it is easy to have strange problems, so even top students are not recommended to do it at once, so first finish what they can do, and then deal with it later. This part of time is 25-30 minutes.

3. After finishing all the things you can do in the comprehensive science exam, you will have 10 to 30 minutes left. At this time, you can solve the unfinished big physics problem and other unsolved problems. It is estimated that your time will be just right.

The examination time allocation method of science is related to:

Allocation time (4)

High school geography should first answer by points, with clear and logical answers. The answers directly extracted from the background data are put at the front. Now let's share some information about the time allocation and precautions for the geographical answer of the college entrance examination. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Five ways to skillfully use geographical multiple choice questions:

First, the exclusion method: if there are multiple topics under a given condition, you can first find out the objects that meet this condition according to a certain condition of the topic, and then eliminate the rest to narrow the scope; Then, according to other conditions of the topic, gradually eliminate it from the narrow range, and finally select the correct option that meets the requirements of the topic. If you are sure that one is right, you can exclude those without this option.

The second is the method of disproof: the correctness of the proposition is obtained by proving that the converse proposition is wrong.

The third is the information conversion method: convert the information in the topic into the familiar content or the form easy to understand, so as to achieve the goal of turning difficult into easy and fast solutions.

The fourth is graphical method: the solution is assisted by drawing. In terms of geographical distribution, movement law, spatial imagination, etc., graphs can be drawn according to the conditions provided by the question stem, that is, the requirements of the question stem can be reproduced with graphs, and the interpretation of the text with graphs is helpful to analysis, so as to find the correct answer.

The fifth is data comparison method: the essential characteristics of some geographical things need quantitative analysis, and the change trend of some related quantities and quantities can be compared to obtain the correct answer.

2. Skills for solving subjective problems in geography:

Physical geography answer - find the key point to solve the problem. For example, in the "sunshine map", the key is to find the "three points" according to the information in the map, that is, the direct sunlight point, the tangent point of the twilight line and the latitude line, and the intersection point of the twilight line and the equator. Once the intersection point is found, the time of the longitude line where the intersection point is located and the length of day and night are known. The problem is solved immediately.

Answering questions on human geography - easy to lose the "points of sampling", introduce several skills:

First, be careful and brief: try to be specific and detailed, but if you are not sure, you can answer it moderately vague.

The second is to write more appropriately: what to ask and what to answer, but if you are not sure, you should answer more questions for fear of missing out on knowledge points.

Third, answer the main points first: try to focus on the main aspects of knowledge. If you are not sure about it, you should focus on the primary and secondary aspects together, but pay attention to putting the most exciting and important "points of sampling" in front as much as possible.

Fourth, score and sampling point: the principle of finding approximate number is adopted. If the question is 6 points, you usually need to answer 2 points, 3 points or 6 points.

Fifth, number the key points. The scoring of college entrance examination papers is usually "picking points to give points", which divides each knowledge point of a small topic into key points according to the requirements of the topic. All the key points should be numbered, which is conducive to improving the orderliness and clarity of the answers.

Finally, I remind you that you must maintain a good psychological state and overcome the "fear" of liberal arts. We should fully realize that learning difficulties and pressures are the problems that every candidate must face. We believe that as long as we study hard and work hard, we will achieve ideal results in the college entrance examination.


1. Before entering the examination room, you'd better not huddle with your classmates to avoid the spread of nervousness. You can stay alone for a while, and if allowed, enter the examination room 15-20 minutes in advance to look around the examination room and get familiar with the environment. If you know any classmates, you can greet them to relax.

2. Sit in the seat and enter the role as soon as possible; No longer consider success or failure, gain or loss; Put the stationery in place, take off your glasses and wipe them. Use these actions as the "soul" to stabilize your mood before the exam, and remind yourself to keep calm, enhance confidence, concentrate on the questions, and be careful in the exam.

3. It is generally not allowed to answer questions within 5 minutes after getting the test paper. You can observe the test paper as a whole to see whether the name of the test paper is correct, how many pages are in total, whether the page number sequence is wrong, and whether each page is clear and complete. At the same time, listen to the requirements of the invigilator (sometimes the old invigilator will read out and correct the wrong test questions).

4. In the examination room, sometimes when you clearly know the answer to the question, you can't remember it for a moment because of nervousness, but you can't think about it later, and the answer will also "arise spontaneously". This phenomenon is called "tip of the tongue phenomenon" in psychology. When encountering "tip of the tongue phenomenon", it is better to put aside the memory to solve the problem. After the past is suppressed, the knowledge needed will often naturally appear. During the exam, if you can't remember the answer to a certain question, you can pause your memory, shift your attention, and solve other questions first. After a certain period of time, you may recall the answer you need.

1. Answer template

① Topographic characteristics=topographic type and its distribution+topographic relief, altitude+special landform (such as wide distribution of deserts, zigzag coastline, etc.).

② Climate characteristics=temperature (high and low temperature, daily range and annual range)+precipitation (total amount, seasonal or interannual variation)+water and heat combination (such as the same period of rain and heat).

③ Hydrological characteristics=water level discharge+flood season+sediment concentration+icing period (ice flood)+fall+velocity.

④ Water system characteristics=flow direction+flow+drainage area+number of tributaries+river network density+depth of river channel (curved, narrow)+water system shape.

⑤ Surface environmental characteristics=landform+climate (wet, hot, cold and dry)+vegetation conditions+water system (number of rivers and lakes and their prominent characteristics).

2. Answering skills

① Grasp the direction and angle of description. Clearly describe the direction, that is, where and what the described object is. The second is to determine the perspective of description, that is, from what aspects to summarize, to ensure that the key points are comprehensive without omission. ② Look at the picture and talk, read the table and sum up. Get useful information from charts, and combine text with chart materials to obtain complete geographical feature information. Summarize the chart information, make necessary choices based on the problems, and ensure that the priorities are clear and the key points are prominent.

③ Correctly express and describe specifications. The key words should be accurate when expressed in standard geographical terms. When organizing the answers, the key points should be complete, the words should be short, the first priority should be followed by the second, and the level should be clear.

1. Answer template

① Topographic cause=internal force action+external force action.

Internal force is mainly analyzed from the perspective of crustal movement plate collision or tension fracture, geological structure (fold, fault); The type of external force (water, wind, wave, glacier, etc.) should be judged according to the regional characteristics, and then the corresponding forms of external force (erosion, transportation, sedimentation, etc.) should be found.

② Climate type causes=solar radiation (latitude position)+atmospheric circulation (pressure zone, wind zone and monsoon circulation)+underlying surface (terrain, land and sea, ocean current).

The solar radiation and atmospheric circulation determined by latitude position and land sea position are the decisive factors of temperature and precipitation characteristics. The change of temperature and precipitation in local areas is the result of the influence of underlying surface factors such as land sea distribution, topography, ocean current, etc.

③ Cause of formation of "water environment"=climate+terrain+vegetation.

The topography affects the river flow direction, drainage area and water system shape; The climate determines the river flow and its seasonal changes, the length of the flood season, whether there is icing period and the length of the icing period; The vegetation condition in the basin affects the sediment concentration of the river and the seasonal variation of runoff regulation.

④ Causes of ecological environment problems=natural causes (topography, climate, soil, hydrology and vegetation)+human causes (focusing on the impact of human activities on the environment).

⑤ Causes of natural disasters=days (weather, climate, common weather system)+ground (topography, geology, landform, vegetation, etc.)+people (unreasonable human activities).

2. Answering skills

① Clarify the direction of investigation: whether to analyze natural causes or human causes. Natural causes focus on terrain, climate, hydrology and other factors, while human causes should highlight the impact of human activities on the environment.

② Clarify the causal relationship: it is necessary to understand the constituent factors of important geographical elements and the relationship between these factors and relevant geographical elements.

③ Multi angle comprehensive analysis: relying on the macro or micro regional map, the "geographical environment integrity" and "man land relationship" are used for multi angle comprehensive analysis to highlight the influence of leading factors.

④ Describe carefully from the cause: first, make clear the internal relationship between the known information in the question and the question set, and build the thinking clue from the cause; Finally, from cause to effect, positive synthesis forms the answer.

Allocation time (5)

In daily life or work and study, everyone inevitably comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So have you learned about composition? The following is an English composition about time allocation collected by my editor for you. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Maybe you always ask "How can I get more and more time? " Now, I can tell you a story.Once upon a time, there were many people in a village which named "gold time". And there was an old man in the village.Villagers called him "time man". Because he could "move"time to a lot of places.

Sometimes he "moved" it to the top of the desk. Sometimes he "moved" it to the playground. There were many people on the playground. Some did exercises. Some played football. And he "moved" it to people‘s home. They were having a birthday party. And the other people were cooking.In spite of this, many people still said, "I haven‘t got enough time! Time man, give me enough time! " Time man was very

angry. He couldn‘t bear it. Then, he killed himself. It was 12:00 p.m. So now we have 24 hours a day.If you think time is not enough. You must hurry up to do every thing quickly. And don‘t waste time. If you can do every thing well, I think you must be best.Do you know? Mr. Lu said, "we only can get 24 hours one day. It brings somebody gold. And it also gives somebody lazy and unhappy.I only want tell you,"Don‘t waste time. "

Allocation time (6)

Are the scores of the small composition and the big composition the same

Both IELTS and big compositions need to be scored separately, and their scoring standards are not completely the same. The score of the big composition is often higher than that of the small composition, that is, the big composition accounts for 2/3 of the total score, while the small composition only accounts for 1/3. In other words, the score of the big composition is actually twice that of the small composition.

The final score of the writing part still needs the average score of the two parts. As for how to score those decimal points that appear in the average score, today we will not talk about it. The scores after that will definitely appear as total scores, and the scores of major compositions and minor compositions will not be displayed on your exam transcript.

What is the time allocation of the two compositions

The answer time for the essay is only 20 minutes, and the required number of words is at least 150 words; The editor of Global Education found that the answer time for the big composition was more than 40 minutes, and the required number of words was at least 250 words. Since the IELTS test is still a paper and pencil test, the examinees can see two questions together after getting the test paper. Some students often allocate their time for two topics, but this is not recommended.

Because if you can describe the problem clearly and write enough words, the time spent on these two topics should be consistent with the specified time. And if you have spent more than 20 minutes in writing a small composition, it is likely to affect the answer to the big composition later. Of course, you must write fast enough. If you exceed the required number of words, you can raise your hand and ask the invigilator for an additional answer card.

In addition, it is not recommended to skip back and forth between the two major topics for the IELTS composition and small composition. When practicing at ordinary times, you must pay attention to answering questions within the specified time as much as possible. You can choose which of the two topics you want to write first. It depends on your mood and habits.

Allocation time (7)

Writing skills of IELTS composition 1. Raising figures

Sentence pattern:

As is reported/ investigated/ researched, …

It is reported that …

A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that…

The writing method of listing data is more convincing than reasonable, but it requires us to do more accumulation in our daily life to deal with some relevant figures of various topics in the exam.

In fact, the data in the IELTS test can be divided into two categories. One is scientifically based and clearly recorded data, such as some news events, Sichuan disasters, the number of deaths or injuries caused by spontaneous combustion of buses, etc. These are all inquiries. If the examinee has no real grasp of these data, it is unnecessary to list them. The other type refers to the data of some survey reports, such as how much time college students spend on self-study in an average day, how much time junior high school students spend on playing computer games in an average day, etc. There is no evidence for such data. Candidates can give data according to the argumentation content, but it must conform to logic. Let's use the IELTS writing method of column data through an example:

retired people tend to offer service for the benefits of the family and the

To expand the column data of such a topic sentence, we first need to find the data points that can be listed. There are two points in this question, one is the age of retired people, and the other is the time spent. Combined with the above sentence patterns, the demonstration process is as follows:

As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per

IELTS composition writing skills 2. contrast&comparison

In the writing of the IELTS composition, candidates can compare the same or opposite things. The same relationship is called comparison, and the opposite relationship is called contrast. In this kind of argument, we focus on the following conjunctions:

In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas

Likewise, similarly

Writing Skills of IELTS Writing 3. Quotation

In the process of writing and argumentation of the IELTS composition, when expressing some opinions, it is more convincing to use famous people's quotes to demonstrate, which shows that the views of a celebrity and yours are in agreement and form a resonance. However, the quotation requires examinees to have considerable accumulation. Due to the tight time for preparing for the examination, such arguments can be used less. In addition, experts remind examinees to remember that quoting famous people's quotes means quoting other people's opinions, so only two or three sentences can be quoted to prove their own opinions. The more you quote, the better.

Writing Skills of IELTS Composition 4. Making Compromise

The argument of concession is a concept unfamiliar to Chinese examinees. In fact, when learning adverbial clauses, we learned the relationship of concession. We first step back to admit a fact that is contrary to our own views, then turn to give our own views and deny the former. The sentence pattern is as follows:

Although/ though/ in spite of the fact that …

As is granted/ Admittedly, …

Opponents would argue that …

For example, if a boy confesses to a girl and she is rejected by the girl, she will tactfully express her ideas with a concession argument. She will first admit some of the advantages of the boy, and then turn to say that she does not like him. In this way, you can express your own views without hurting the other party. The advantage of this method of concession is that it can look at a problem more comprehensively and refute it more purposefully. Specific examples are as follows:

People don not believe that saving money is a good idea in modern

This topic sentence is very clear. Saving money is not a good idea in contemporary society. Obviously, if we use concession argument, we should first admit the advantages of saving money, and then refute it according to the points listed.

As is granted, saving money offers people a sense of security in case of However, people tend to believe that wise investment can get more

Allocation time (8)

One point deduction for IELTS writing, inconsistent

The so-called inconsistency not only refers to the inconsistency of subject and predicate, but also includes the inconsistency of number, tense and pronoun. For example, when one has money, he can do what he want

Analysis: one is the third person singular, so the sentence "have" should be changed to "has"; Want should be changed to wants. This sentence is typical of subject verb inconsistency.

It is changed to: When one has money, he can do what he wants (to do)

Two points for deduction of IELTS writing, misplacement of modifier

English is different from Chinese in that the same modifier is placed in different positions in the sentence, and the meaning of the sentence may cause changes. The examinees often do not pay enough attention to this point, which leads to unnecessary misunderstanding. For example: I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the

Analysis: better is in the wrong position and should be placed at the end of the sentence.

Three points will be deducted for IELTS writing. Sentences are incomplete

In spoken language, both parties can use gestures, mood, context, etc. Incomplete sentences can be understood completely. However, written language is different. Incomplete sentence structure will make the meaning unclear. This often happens when the author wants to add some supplementary explanations after the main sentence is written. For example: There are many ways to know the For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so

Analysis: "For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so" in the second half of this sentence is not a complete sentence, but only some incoherent words, which cannot be separated into sentences.

There are many ways to know society, for example, by TV, radio, and

IELTS writing point four, dangling modifier

The so-called dangling modifier refers to the confusion of the logical relationship between the phrase at the beginning of the sentence and the following sentence. For example, "at the age of ten" in the sentence "at the age of ten" does not indicate that "who" at the age of ten cannot be my grandfather according to general reasoning. If we change the dangling modifier to be more specific, readers or examiners will not misunderstand when reading the sentence.

Change to: When I was ten, my grandfather

Five points will be deducted for IELTS writing. Misuse of part of speech

"Misuse of part of speech" is often manifested as: prepositions are used as verbs; Adjectives are used as adverbs; Nouns are used as verbs, etc. For example: None can negative the importance of

Analysis: Negative is an adjective, which is mistakenly used as a verb.

Change to: None can deny the importance of

Six points will be deducted for IELTS writing. The reference is unclear

Ambiguous pronouns mainly refer to the unclear relationship between pronouns and the person or thing referred to, or the inconsistent pronouns used successively. For example, Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her

After reading the above sentence, the reader cannot clearly judge which of the two girls will marry and who will be the bridesmaid. If we clarify the object of the pronoun that is easy to cause misunderstanding, the meaning will be clear at a glance. Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her

IELTS writing deduction point seven, uninterrupted sentences

This error is greatly influenced by the Chinese consciousness. Many examinees lack effective connecting elements between sentences when writing sentences. Even, some sentences are written in Chinese style. For example: There are many ways we get to know the outside

Analysis: This sentence contains two complete meanings: "there are many ways" and "we get to know the outside world". It is inappropriate to simply connect them together.

Change to: There are many ways for us to learn about the outside or: There are many ways through which we can become squared with the outside

The score of IELTS writing is deducted by eight points. The wording is faulty

The students did not form the habit of thinking carefully about the words in the sentences in writing. Most of the examinees are free to use whatever they want, so mistakes of inappropriate words can be seen everywhere in their compositions. For example: The increasing use of chemical objects in agriculture also makes

Analysis: Obviously, the examinee mistook "obstacles" and "obstacles" for "substance". In addition, "the increasing use" should be changed to "abusive use".

The abnormal use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to

Nine points will be deducted for IELTS writing

There is no superfluous word in writing sentences; Write a paragraph without an unnecessary sentence. Unused phrases that can use words; Can use phrases without clauses or sentences. For example: In spot of the fact that he is lazy, I like

"The fact that he is lazy" in this sentence is the same predicate clause. We can change it into: In spot of his laziness, I like

For example: For the people who are Diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they

The whole sentence can be greatly simplified into: Diligent people use money only to buy what they

Ten points will be deducted for IELTS writing. Incoherence

Incoherence refers to the incoherence of a sentence's preface or its structure, which is also a common problem of examinees. For example: The fresh water, it is the most important things of the

Analysis: the fresh water is inconsistent with the it after the comma, and it is inconsistent with things in number.

Allocation time (9)

Generally speaking, the writing of the opening paragraph can be divided into two steps:

The first step is to use simple and clear sentences to synonymously replace the meaning of the original topic;

The second step is to put forward your own views.

These two steps can be summarized in four sentences:

In the first sentence, the meaning of the original topic is changed by means of synonymous replacement, which is of course "the spirit of transformation remains unchanged";

The second sentence explains the meaning of the topic

The third sentence, put forward their own views;

The fourth sentence summarizes the reasons for my opinion, causing the following.

Now I will explain the specific application of the "two big steps, four sentences" with some problems that customers often make.

Case 1: Misunderstanding the original meaning

Do you agree or disagree: Because people are busy with doing so many things, they can do few things well?


Some people may hold the view that they are able to do things well even if they are busy with doing so many things simultaneously or during a given Although plausible at the first glance, I disagree with the Depending on my own personal experience and personality, I firmly maintain that people can do few things well when they are busy with doing so many My arguments of this opinion are listed as


The first sentence of the article does not explain the meaning of the original topic, but adopts the opposite approach to the original meaning; The second sentence expresses one's views on the misunderstood topic; The third sentence further explains his own point of view; The fourth sentence is a transitional sentence. The content of the opening part is well arranged, but the author made a mistake in understanding the meaning of the original topic, which led to the futility of the whole text.

After modification:

When people are engaged in a large extent of work simultaneously, they will not be able to perform all of them Just imagine how terrible it will be: too many jobs need to be done by the same person in a given Once such a picture appears in my mind, I feel To me, it is impossible to do everything well with the limited energy and many others factors .Therefore , I agree with the statement too many things to be done at the same time cause few to be well done . The reasons are as


The first sentence explains the meaning of the original topic well; The second and third sentences further explain the original topic; The fourth sentence puts forward his own point of view; The transitional sentence of the fifth sentence causes the following.

Case 2: wordy language, giving your own opinions in a roundabout way, wasting time

Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your


With the development of science and technology, people’s living standard has been improving day by According to the family plan, one couple could have only one So child becomes the center of the whole Some of them are even Therefore, I think it is better if the young adult could live independent from their parents as soon as


There seems to be no problem at the beginning, but a careful analysis will reveal many problems. First of all, the author made a big detour to give his own opinion. Secondly, the idea is to copy the original topic, with relatively few changes. Finally, the opening part lacks transitional sentences that lead to the following. The bigger mistake is that this beginning is more like a sub argument of the main point of the full text.


As we all know, some young adults have the sense of independence in a special period so that they want to choose to live apart from their family, while others still choose to stay with parents in the Family can provide young adults a warm bay where he or she could turn to whenever any problems However, considering the sound development of the young adult both mentally and physically, I think to live independently the earlier, the Independence is a lesson that each of us must face one The detailed reasons are listed


The first sentence interprets the meaning of the original topic; The second sentence further explains the first sentence; The third sentence puts forward his own point of view; The fourth sentence explains his point of view and leads to the following.

Allocation time (10)

A fringe of a small part

Amount to climb


Be derived from

Be held as

Be known as

Be not rivaled

Built in

Develop a hit list of our main worries



Do more harm than good

Dub confers the title of

Enjoy an unparalled popularity

Far from


Fully blended

Have superiority/inferiority to

In vast numbers


It will matter/work

Launch Start

Make sth possible/make it possible that


Pose a devastating problem

Prior to

Reach the overwhelming consensus

Ely on/rest on depends on

Result from

Serve... purpose

tap into=understand

The impetus/drive of

to put it another way, In other words

Trigger causes

Viewed from this angle

Allocation time (11)

Tired of the triteness of asking questions and repeating questions at the beginning? Committed to achieving better results in ISSUE writing? Is there no way to start or rush things? It is believed that many students will encounter this kind of problem when writing ISSUE after going through the initial stage. Due to differences in language backgrounds, ISSUE, which is closer to ordinary writing, lacks a routine standard and can not be standardized in writing like ARGUMENT. Therefore, it has long been a big problem for Chinese GRE examinees who are good at mathematics based on known conditional equations. In addition to the special training of New Oriental, it quantifies such unquantifiable articles, resulting in a lack of novelty, Even because the fixed routine can't match the topic, it is far away from the topic, or it is judged to be the same because of laziness. The blood lesson tells us that ISSUE writing cannot be limited to templates, classic structures, and classic examples. As the cornerstone of the readers' first impression of the full text, the beginning plays an important role in it. As the saying goes, a good beginning is half the success. An accurate beginning can help you avoid going off the topic in writing and help you sort out your ideas, while a personalized beginning can make your article shine and make an impression in advance. In the words of Master Dai Yun, "As soon as you appear, everything changes, and he (the marking officer) is cool (gives you high marks), so are you." Based on the above reasons, I just want to write this post. I hope this article can cause everyone to think about the ISSUE routine writing, more independent thinking in writing, training their thinking ability, so as to write more personalized and powerful articles.

First of all, what is the most accurate ISSUE beginning? Well, "I agree with the speaker that". The question is, besides "I agree", is there any information at this beginning?

Similar beginnings include "Is it? I" "Who? I think it's" "The topic has been widely I think it's part of the topic", etc

This kind of beginning accounts for about 20% of the compositions I have revised. It is the simplest way of beginning. It is popular because it is easy to use and has no difficulty.

In addition, about 30% of ISSUEs are of this type of development type, usually followed by "Hower, under again", which becomes a classic concession structure, or directly negates the topic view, and uses Hower as a switch to discuss special situations later. This kind of topic is used more frequently in topics with absolute topic descriptions, such as "Only _x can make _x".

The disadvantage of the first type of beginning is obvious - there is no information. In fact, it is written as "I don't agree with the". This kind of beginning is suitable for ISSUE with simple topic content, and the time saved can be used in BODY. However, due to the lack of information, it is easy to cause the impact of the author's lack of direction in the development of subsequent arguments, which often leads to the problem of overlapping sub arguments and talking back and forth between wheel and wheel.

The beginning of the second type is slightly better than that of the first type. At least, the concession paragraph and the subjective point paragraph will not overlap. But first, the premise of the "case by case discussion" such as "certain conditions/specific" has no information, which is nonsense in the final analysis. Second, because the concession conditions are unknown, such articles are often contradictory or off topic.

These two kinds of beginnings can at least ensure a clear point of view. If BODY writes well, it can get even 5 points. However, it may be that the beginning is too stereotyped, or not satisfied with the beginning, and I wrote some variations, which results in the loss of the only advantage of the beginning - that is, a clear point of view. Please remember that ISSUE must have a main argument in order to make an argument. This main argument can be neutral, but it must be clear, so that the subsequent BODY can effectively serve the argument.

Look at a composition of suet (I randomly selected it from ISSUE on the first page, thanks to RayTong)

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and "

The issue that the technologies' effects on our society has been widely Somebody assert that technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics while others argue that technologies can not determine our custom and However, I have my special opinion that technologies indeed have great affected all aspect of our lives even traditional customs and ethics, but in contract, it is determined by our customs and

To begin with, as the developing of the technologies, the conditions of our lives have changed grandly from the old ……

Moreover, the change of our daily lives bring by technologies exert a subtle influence on social customs and ……

However, technologies cannot determine social customs and ethics all the time, and in contrary, it is determined by the social customs and

... Here I cut off the beginning and each topic sentence. Structurally speaking, this beginning belongs to the second type (statement+transition), but the content is the first type (restating the topic statement). The content before Hower is not the author's point of view, but just repeats the topic's point of view. After Hower is the author's point of view. Essentially, this beginning is the same as I don't agree with the speaker.

Next, look at the three topic sentences. What's the problem? The first and the second are about Somebody, and the third is about I have -- the author expanded the content of the first view according to the second view. He did not say that he agreed with the statement of Somebody (from the perspective of howeve, it is against), but spent two paragraphs to demonstrate the statement of Somebody. At this time, the orientation at the beginning is not clear, which leads to the unclear direction of the article.

Let's look at a more standard beginning of the second category (or randomly selected, thanks to the suet dg336688)

TOPIC: ISSUE12 - "People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal "

According to some common experiences, some people assert that "people's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic". I think this kind of statement is rather assertive and lack of comprehensive understanding about the relationship between people's attitudes and its causing Merely from its literal statement, I think the most majority of people probably can hardly accept this kind of opinion as well as Certainly, immediate situation or surroundings shall make a great influences on people's attitudes , but internal characteristic of people can also make a We get to have all-round and insightful thoughts to think it

On one hand , undeniably, people's attitudes are sometimes greatly influenced by outside

On another hand, to some extent, sometimes our attitudes are also affected by internal

This is a typical digression caused by the opening mode of the second type. When discussing the limiting conditions of individual cases, the author did not give specific limiting conditions, so there was no comparison between the two sides in the process of argument. This aspect, how, which aspect, how, and finally, how, two aspects. Note that the description of the title is "more", that is, the author does not say which aspect is not certain, but a comparative title. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the conditions of the two situations, so at the beginning, you need to show your attitude, at least say "Since the situations vary so diverse, We cannot make an absolute conclusion that is more than ".

This error leads to the solution of concessional beginning - what kind of concessional beginning can avoid digression/ambiguity?

First of all, let's talk about the starting point of the concession view, that is, dialectics. Everything is a double-edged sword, and its influence has two sides of the unity of opposites. To put forward the concession view is to make one's own view comprehensive, thus sealing the loopholes under attack, and also not to say nothing when dealing with some difficult problems. Therefore, because "opposites" are more intuitive than "unity", many people tend to ignore "unity" when writing, thus contradicting themselves.

In fact, it is not difficult to reach a consensus, as long as there is a clear attitude in the opinion and an unambiguous solution. Let's see how Fan Wen did it:


"In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad "

In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and

Very short beginning, a clause gives the background, and then gives the opinion: call for a balance. The same topic refers to more. The author uses a very direct means to point out the position and balance. There is nothing more than more, and no one more. Then the following article will elaborate on this issue from two aspects. Some people may say that there is still no point here? Yes, the author did not make a choice between the two choices, but his position is very clear: I just don't choose because I have these reasons

In the same way, when encountering the absolute narration of the topic, we can use the balance point of view to say, we cannot or I don't in some. At the beginning of this time, under the premise of the existence of two different situations, we can reach a consensus for the two to form a central sentence, which can effectively guide the full text.

The above two kinds of beginning can be said to be the most concise and effective. It usually can be done in less than half a minute, which is very practical for students with limited time. However, it should be noted that this kind of beginning not only destroys the impression of the marking officer on you, but also makes the article unable to be effectively organized due to the lack of hints on the following content. We know that KEY WORDS and ABSTRACT will appear before writing PAPER to introduce the structure and content of this article to readers. GRE AW certainly cannot do this, but the beginning can play the same role. With the hint to the following text, the reader will follow your ideas more effectively in the process. At the same time, this writing method also forces the author to plan the full text at the beginning of the article, avoiding the problem of confusing score arguments while thinking.

Or look at the sample text:


"It is unfortunate that today's educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to It is the educator's duty to determine the curriculum and the students' duty to study what is presented to "

As an elementary educator, I believe this stance is Educators and the public must come to a middle The high road and the low road are intimated in this I believe the high road on this topic (from whence should curriculum come) represents a nouveau Ask the students what they want to learn and study for the year; then meander, research and branch off of their The low road on this topic (directly endorsed by this statement) is old fashioned and The assumptions behind this view include a magical ability by teachers to infuse reams of information, data and knowledge into students' brains that then become internalized and applied by the

The author has a long beginning, which is not recommended, but he effectively summarized the views of the full text into two aspects, that is, one side is not good, and the other side is not good. Essentially, this beginning is very similar to the beginning of the previous model article, but he put forward a sub argument and explained the reasons, which can be well reflected in later writing. Of course, this beginning is really a bit heavy and tedious. I suggest you summarize it when you write, just use one or two keywords to indicate the starting point of your sub argument.

Let's look at the 5-point model article:


"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace "

I can agree with the statement above that, "The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace " The statement is an accurate description of how many people form great ideas from ordinary things in Sports are all great ideas that are made from commonplace What makes sports some of the best ideas is not what they began as but what they evolved

Very familiar at the beginning, "I can agree to copy the title", but then the author introduced the general meaning of the article in three sentences, saying how sports can prove this point of view, so as to refine a big topic and facilitate the later development. Of course, the starting point of this article is not very good, and it is only limited to one field. In the comments, it is also considered that this is the reason why this article cannot get full marks.

In a word, the structure of the simple beginning is simple, and the corresponding ones are easy to grasp. The shortcomings are also obvious. You can make up for them by increasing the amount of information. I hope you can choose according to your own situation.

OK Next, we will discuss more commonly, especially the beginning that is preferred by experienced writers with certain training. The background leads to the topic type beginning, or complex beginning.

Usually, academic papers will introduce the relevant background of the topic they put forward at the beginning of the paper, so as to lead out their own topic. This kind of beginning seems to have sources and knowledge, and the background can also be used in the later argumentation. Therefore, it is a good choice to start ISSUE writing when time allows. However, due to the relatively complex structure, sometimes the introduction background has nothing to do with the article, and the sentence structure is sloppy. How to make the background introduction play the greatest role has become a problem that must be discussed.

The background introduction is also divided into several types. The more common one is the social background introduction, that is, "With the development of society/technology/information" and "Modern world is coming". This kind of content is extensive and easy to write. Generally, it can cover most questions. However, because this concept is very general, it is easy to get out of touch with the views, which leads to unclear logic at the beginning of the article, and the background introduction becomes nonsense.

Let's take a look at the composition of suet (again, random sampling, thanks to strokes7)

150"Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never As a result, tourism will soon become "

Evolving with the development of technology, television and computer on internet supply human beings more and more information of the great world, such as pictures and literal introductions of many Should the information on television and computer take place of tourism? I do not think Even our visions are broadened by the information, television and computer would not prevent people from traveling, but stimulate people to do

Red is the background introduction and blue is the theme sentence.

Can the first sentence be linked to the second sentence? Yes, but not directly. Is there any inevitable relationship between supply more information and replacing tourism? There is no connection between the turning point of the red and blue characters. During this period, a link was missing, that is, the problem: as more and more information is brought by computer television, many places can be known without going, so some people think that tourism is outdated. Then ask questions.

Therefore, the important point of the background style beginning is that the background provided is smooth transition with the ideas proposed, which has an inevitable logical connection. In this way, the beginning of the article will appear more powerful, and the later article can also effectively use the background introduced as the basis for argument. When writing the beginning of the background style, consider how the starting sentence leads to an idea, and how to use the background is the key. Do not write the background for the sake of the background.

Here are some other background writing modes, hoping to help you develop your ideas.

Quoted. At the beginning, famous sentences are quoted. The most common one is the "a coin has two sides" that Zhai Shaocheng always scolds. This kind of beginning is very difficult, and it is also difficult to use it well. Without knowing the title, no one can directly find a sentence that corresponds well to the title and can be used to elicit opinions, so it is only applicable to articles that have been written. If you are lucky enough to find the topic of the sentence, it will undoubtedly be cheaper to use this beginning.

Questions. The question type here is not to write the question once and answer it by yourself, but to ask some questions related to the topic to cause thinking, so as to elicit the article's point of view. In a sense, it is to repeat the topic indirectly, and then connect the logical points in the middle with a narrative way, so as to elicit the theme. For example, the Issue150 mentioned above begins with "Every wanted to go somewhere far in universe? Every competed about efficiency of money which keeps you from dream place? Now with the development of internet and telecommunications, such problems can be easy“

Narrative. This kind of beginning is very common in long article news, and seems to be a kind of beginning that Americans prefer. At least half of the articles I have read in magazines are written in this way. However, because narrative requires more space and is not easy to master, it is not commonly used in ISSUE practice. Issue150 is an example. "I sit down in front of my PC, turn on internet and login in a cyber Myriad images appear, as if I have got into the opposite side of the How convenient it is! So you may wonder, is tourism in need any more? "If you have time, please try.

No matter what form of the beginning, it is the most important to provide support for the argument. This background can be beneficial to the negative view, to lead to a turning point, or it can be beneficial to the positive view, directly lead to a point of view, or introduce the topic background, so as to analyze the focus of the topic.

See the application of the official model text to the beginning background:


"The best ideas come from a passive interest in common place".

Although it is very long, the content of this paragraph is very concise, and every sentence is indispensable, and it is integrated with other content. See comments for details

Even the most brilliant thinkers, from Socrates to Satre, live lives in, Many of the great thinkers we establish in our Western culture lived some what unobserved, what provided the grist for their work? (Grist of work) One might say that they were brilliant and this alone was sufficient to distinguish their lives from the; There must be a basis and that basis is most common, if not always, observation of the common, of the, They may point to, is the real basis for their, these pursuits merely refine and hone an ability each and every person has, the ability to study human Where best to study human nature than in the day to day routine each one of us can witness in him or herself or those around

Let's not mention the language of NB first, but the structure of this paragraph is amazing. The background - "question -" two answers - "the author's answer is closely connected layer by layer, without any nonsense. All sentences have their own reasons for existence. Here, the background is just a topic for discussion, and the point of view naturally becomes the focus of the paragraph, so that the article has a clear attitude, On the one hand, the negative views of the two others make it excessively smooth, on the other hand, they also deny the possible refutation, thus making the author's views better and stronger. Of course, it seems a little heavy here. I think that one other's point of view is enough.

Back to the beginning, background writing can make the article more personalized because it provides more possibilities. A good background can make the article more glorious at the beginning, and it is also more comfortable to draw out ideas. Therefore, when choosing the background you want to discuss, you also need to consider. Even the most popular development of needs to use details to make it correspond to your topic, Avoid the occurrence of vague background, which not only can not accurately play a role, but also can not highlight personality.

Allocation time (12)

1、 Deductive reasoning

Apply a specific case to a general principle to draw a conclusion.

Argument: Demand for this product wii go up.

Argument: The price of the product is

Reasoning basis: Which prices of a product go down, demand for it

(Note: The argument "Demand for this product will go up" is derived from the argument "the price of the product is slipping". Whether this process is effective depends on whether the reasoning basis "when prices of a product go down, demand for it risks" is tenable. This is true for each of the following demonstration methods)

2、 Definitional method

Define the key connotation of a concept; Or we can conclude that something conforms to a certain definition. For example:

Argument: Radical experts are not good

Argument: Radical experts Lack family

Reasoning basis: Family values characterize the good

3、 Causality demonstration method

Put a judgment into a causal relationship and point out that it is either the cause or the result. For example:

Argument: The internet may be causing

Argument: When a group of people increased their use of the Internet, they felt

There are no other reasons for the group's

4、 Inductive reasoning

The general conclusion of generality is deduced from several specific cases. For example:

Argument: Everyone likes the

Argument: I know three people who like the

Reasoning basis: Three examples are

5、 Enumerative characteristic demonstration method

Indicate the signs or signs of something happening or existing. For example:

Argument: The child has

Argument: The child has red

These spots are signs of

6、 Analogy

Use what we know, what we know, and what we don't know. Compare unfamiliar things, and explain the situation of the person with the situation of the former. It can be divided into three types: vertical analogy (analogy between past things and present things and things of the same kind), horizontal analogy (analogy between the same period and things of the same kind), and figurative analogy (analogy between things of different kinds). For example:

Historical analogy

Argument: Many people will die of

Argument: Many people did of the Black

Reasoning basis: SARS and Black Death are

Horizontal analogy

Argument: China should have its fighter

Argument: A neighboring country has a powerful carrier

The two countries are similar enough to draw such a

Metaphorical analogy

Argument: Reading a difficulty book should take

Argument: Digesting a large metal takes

Reasoning basis: Reading and eating are effectively like to be

7、 Quote authoritative argumentation

Quote recognized authority, or demonstrate that you are an authority to demonstrate your own point of view. For example:

Argument: China's economy will grow 8 percent this

Argument: Professioners and scientists say

The experts are

8、 Resort to trial and error

Use people's common sense [including: universal values, people's universal motivation, and common sense of life] to demonstrate. For example:

Appeal to universal values.

Argument: The university current should be

Argument: A multiple current will contribute to equality and

Reasoning basis: You value equality and

Appeal to universal motives

Argument: You should support this candidate

Argument: The candidate can help you get job security and safety

Reasoning basis: You want job security and safety

Appeal to common sense

Argument: She was very kind to

Argument: She treated me with the best tea she

Reasoning basis: A treatment with the best tea is an expression of

9、 Counterevidence method

Assume that a point of view is correct, and then deduce absurd conclusions. For example:

Argument: An industrious man must also be

Argument: With only industry but without thrift, the person will end uo

Reasoning basis: An industrial person ending up bankrupt sounds

10、 Statistical data demonstration method

Provide data for demonstration. For example:

Argument: We should end the current priority

Argument: It costs $45 million per

Reasoning basis: This is too much; it proves we should end

It's just a detailed structural analysis. In specific application, we often put the reasoning basis and argument together, but as long as it is reasonable. Arguments can be made up by oneself, or they can be examples of the public. The key is how to build a bridge between arguments and arguments. Maybe we only use one or several of the above skills, but we must know at least one.

Allocation time (13)

Sometimes he "moved" it to the top of the desk. Sometimes he "moved" it to the playground. There were many people on the playground. Some did exercises. Some played football. And he "moved" it to people‘s home. They were having a birthday party. And the other people were cooking.In spite of this, many people still said, "I haven‘t got enough time! Time man, give me enough time! " Time man was very

angry. He couldn‘t bear it. Then, he killed himself. It was 12:00 p.m. So now we have 24 hours a day.If you think time is not enough. You must hurry up to do every thing quickly. And don‘t waste time. If you can do every thing well, I think you must be best.Do you know? Mr. Lu said, "we only can get 24 hours one day. It brings somebody gold. And it also gives somebody lazy and unhappy.I only want tell you,"Don‘t waste time. "

Allocation time (14)

In the college entrance examination

Pay special attention to time allocation

■ Candidates should enter the examination room 25 minutes before the opening of each subject (30 minutes before the opening of Chinese and foreign language subjects). When candidates enter the site, the invigilator will use a metal detector to check whether the candidates have any prohibited items. After the inspection, the examinees shall take their seats according to their number with their admission cards, and put their admission cards and resident identity cards on the side of the examination table near the aisle for verification.

■ After receiving the answer card and test paper, the examinee shall fill in the name, admission card number and other columns accurately and clearly at the designated location and within the specified time. After the invigilator has pasted the bar code, the examinee must check whether the information on the bar code is consistent with his/her examination permit number and name, and the answer cards such as A and B cards, the examinee must also check whether the A or B card obtained is consistent with the card he/she should hold.

■ You can start to answer questions only after the test opening signal is sent.

■ 15 minutes after the start of the exam (15 minutes before the start of the foreign language exam), candidates are not allowed to enter; The examination paper can be handed in 30 minutes before the end of the examination. After the examination paper is handed in and handed out, no further entry is allowed, nor is it allowed to stay or talk near the examination room.

■ Only 0.5 mm black ink signature pen can be used to answer non multiple-choice questions in the area specified in the answer sheet. All multiple-choice questions shall be blacked and filled with the answers at the positions specified in the answer sheet with 2B pencil according to the filling examples. When drawing, it must be clearly drawn and written with 2B pencil, and the lines and symbols must be blacked and bold. It is not allowed to answer questions with pens other than those specified and in areas other than those specified in the answer sheet. It is not allowed to make any marks on the answer sheet, otherwise the answer will be invalid. Answers on test paper and draft paper are invalid.

■ After the end of the exam signal is sent, stop writing immediately and do not answer questions overtime. Exit the examination room in turn according to the instructions of the invigilator, and you are not allowed to stay in the examination room.